Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cross border"" "subject:"cross corder""
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Le tiers secteur du logement dans la région métropolitaine Vienne-Bratislava. Recompositions d’une offre de logement abordable et fabrique métropolitaine / The third housing sector in the metropolitan region Vienna-Bratislava. Renewal of an affordable housing suppl y and metropolitan fabricMeyfroidt, Aurore 07 December 2016 (has links)
Le tiers secteur du logement, segment hybride entre le logement social et le logement privé, héritier des coopératives d'habitat de la fin du XIXème siècle, est redécouvert en sa qualité d'alternative potentielle : il renverrait à une offre de logement abordable, qui viserait à loger décemment l'ensemble de la population, dans des contextes spatiaux très divers, mais majoritairement dans des métropoles toujours plus sous pression démographique, foncière et socio-spatiale . Le périmètre métropolitain est novateur pour analyser les effets spatiaux de ce segment qui paraît indissociable du cadre national. La région métropolitaine Vienne-Bratislava est souvent étudiée sous l'angle de la coopération transfrontalière, « par le haut », où le poids des divergences nationales, en termes socio-économiques et de politiques publiques, demeure important, questionnant alors l'intégration de la reg1on métropolitaine. Cependant, la partie autrichienne, tout comme la partie slovaque de cette région transfrontalière font face à des défis similaires, qu'il s'agisse de périurbanisation (y compris un phénomène de périurbanisation transfrontalière), d'attractivité métropolitaine ou encore de maintien de la cohésion socio-spatiale. Une entrée par le tiers secteur du logement, segment du logement présent dans les deux contextes nationaux sous des formes et avec une part dans le stock et la construction très variées, permet de questionner l'intégration silencieuse de la région métropolitaine, par l'évolution du tissu métropolitain (à travers la production au concret du tiers secteur), les stratégies des acteurs et l'évolution des politiques publiques, à l'interface entre viabilité économique et mission d'intérêt général. / The third housing sector, as a hybrid segment linking social housing and private-driven housing, is being rediscovered as an alternative form of housing, due to the legacy of housing cooperatives from the end of the 19th century: it could lead to an affordable housing supply so as to offer decent accommodation to a broader part of the population, in various spatial contexts but mainly in metropolitan areas which face ever-increasing demographie, land and socio-spatial pressure. The choice of a metropolitan perimeter provides an added dimension to this housing segment which seems to inextricably echo the national scale. The metropolitan region Vienna-Bratislava is often analyzed with a focus on cross-border cooperation, with a top-down approach . However national divergences in terms of socio-economic development and public policy orientations remain significant, and thus question the true extent of the integration of this metropolitan cross-border region. Nevertheless both Austrian and Slovak part of this region face similar issues such as suburbanization (including a rising cross-border suburbanization process), attractiveness of metropolises, and socio-spatial cohesion. Through the scope of the third housing sector which exists in both contexts under various forms (in terms of both housing stock and construction) I will question the silent integration of this metropolitan region by monitoring the evolution of the metropolitan fabric (through the concrete housing production in the third housing sector), strategies of stakeholders and the evolution of housing policies, caught between economie viability and general interest tasks.
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Títulos e valores mobiliários escriturais: aspectos decorrentes de sua internacionalização / International aspects of book entry securitiesPereira Filho, Valdir Carlos 06 June 2012 (has links)
A liquidação das operações internacionais com valores mobiliários suscita questões de grande relevância em decorrência das diferenças entre os sistemas jurídicos envolvidos e a pluralidade de participantes. O objetivo desta tese é analisar as normas jurídicas brasileiras em relação às estrangeiras relevantes, por força de operações transfronteiriças que tenham por objeto valores mobiliários escriturais, notadamente operações de compra e venda de ações, para verificar a situação do sistema jurídico brasileiro e sua estrutura de pós-negociação em relação a outros países. Haverá descrição e análise da estrutura de liquidação de operações domésticas e da estrutura envolvida em operação com componente estrangeiro. Como aspectos necessários para a compreensão do tema, abordam-se as consequências jurídicas decorrentes da imobilização e desmaterialização dos valores mobiliários e da interposição de intermediários entre o investidor final e o emissor dos valores mobiliários usual nas operações transfronteiriças. Todo o trabalho considera as tendências e esforços de harmonização das normas aplicáveis que vem ocorrendo no plano internacional, podendo-se verificar que as normas e estruturas brasileiras para liquidação de operações com valores mobiliários são sólidas, adequadas e precisam apenas de aprimoramentos pontuais para atingir os melhores padrões internacionais. / The settlement of international securities transactions raises important issues due to the differences among legal systems and the pluralism of participants involved. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze Brazilian legal rules in relation to relevant foreign rules by virtue of cross border transactions involving book entry securities, mainly purchase and sale of shares, in order to assess the situation of the Brazilian post trading system and structure compared to other countries. There will be a description and analysis of domestic settlement structure and cross border structures involved in transactions with foreign elements. Other relevant topics are the legal consequences arising from securities immobilization and dematerialization and from the existence of intermediaries between the final investor and the issuer, frequent in cross-border transactions. The whole thesis considers the existing trends and efforts to harmonize legal rules, and the conclusion is that Brazilian rules and structure for securities settlement are sound, appropriate and meet the best international standards, although minor adjustments may be implemented.
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Indigenous invention, M&A, and international collaboration : essays on China's rise to innovation / Invention autochtone, fusions et acquisitions transfrontalières, et collaboration internationale : essais sur l'émergence de la Chine dans le domaine de l'innovationWorack, Stephan 17 December 2018 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse de doctorat s’articule autour de l’analyse des politiques de la Chine, des investissements directs étrangers, et de la collaboration internationale en matière d’innovation. Le premier chapitre, co-écrit avec Ilja Rudyk, explore la montée des inventions chinoises en Europe, ainsi que le développement des politiques d’innovation de la Chine. Notre étude évalue les effets de ces politiques sur la propriété nationale dans les technologies stratégiques en utilisant des données sur les brevets européens. De plus, notre méthodologie permet d’évaluer les effets de ces politiques sur les caractéristiques des brevets, réémettant la qualité de ces derniers. Le second chapitre est un travail conjoint avec Anthony Howell et Jia Lin qui examine les effets des fusions et acquisitions transfrontalières sur les innovations chinoises et sur la performance financière des entreprises qui réalisent ces investissements directs étrangers. Le troisième chapitre traite de la relation entre la collaboration internationale et la qualité des brevets en analysant les demandes de brevet chinois en Europe. Il examine la structure des co-inventions internationales chinoises en Europe et analyse le rôle que joue les co-inventions transfrontalières sur la qualité des demandes de brevet chinoises à l’étranger. Ce chapitre contribue ainsi à la compréhension de l’internationalisation et du rattrapage technologique de la Chine. / The subject of this doctoral thesis revolves around the analysis of China’s policies, foreign direct investment, and international collaboration with regard to innovation. Chapter one, co-written with Ilja Rudyk, explores the rise of Chinese inventions in Europe, China’s innovation policies, and assesses their effect with regard to domestic ownership in strategic technologies through the lens of European patent data. Further, our methodology allows for an assessment of effects of the policies on characteristics of the patents, reflecting their quality. Chapter two, joint work with Anthony Howell and Jia Lin, investigates the effects of Chinese cross-border mergers and acquisitions on the domestic innovation activities and financial performance of the firms engaging in such foreign direct investment. The third chapter addresses the relationship between international collaboration and patent quality through an analysis of Chinese patent applications in Europe. It investigates the pattern of Chinese international co-inventions in Europe and scrutinizes the role cross-border co-invention play for the quality of Chinese overseas patent applications. It thereby contributes to the understanding of China’s internationalization and technological catch-up.
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Právní dopady fúzí akciových společností / Legal Impacts of Mergers of Joint-stock CompaniesVečeřová, Stanislava January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze various legal aspects related to mergers of public limited liability companies. The thesis begins with a summary of relevant legislation from Czech and European jurisdiction regulating domestic and cross-border mergers. It continues with the procedure of merger and the overview of necessary documentation and requirements. Broad part of the work is related to the impact on diverse areas, such as the impact on shareholders, employees or bookkeeping. The system of merger control is defined within the scope of the chapter dealing with effects on competition law. The legal aspects are illustrated on a practical case in the end of the thesis.
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Principles and Insights for Design for the Developing WorldWood, Amy Eleanor 01 April 2017 (has links)
This dissertation collects principles and insights from various sources related to design for the developing world. These principles and insights form part of the foundation that can guide other engineers working in this area. The sources are the published literature, practitioners, non-governmental organizations, and our own field studies. From the engineering literature, we identified nine principles to guide engineers as they design poverty alleviating products for developing communities. Each principle is articulated, supporting literature is described, an in-depth example from the literature is given, followed by suggestions for how the principle can be applied to day-to-day engineering activities. Next, the work from engineering practitioners is studied. Information from various field reports was analyzed, a list of seven common pitfalls was derived, and the Design for the Developing World Canvas is introduced. This tool is similar to a Business Model Canvas, but it focuses on the product development process rather than the development of a business model. The Design for the Developing World Canvas can be used by design teams to facilitate discussions and make decisions that will allowthem to avoid the common pitfalls identified. A case study is then shared from a non-governmental organization called WHOlives.org about their experience with the Village Drill, a human-powered machine that digs boreholes for water wells. The case study outlines the development of the drill, a timeline of its implementation in 15 countries across three continents, specific values related to cashflows of the organization, and a conservative estimate of their impact in developing communities. A study of our original research conducting field studies using a technique called ethnography is then shared. This study was conducted in four countries on four continents and shows the impact of various conditions on the ability of the design team to collect information that is useful for making product development decisions. The conditions in this study include cultural familiarity, language fluency, gender and age of the respondent, information source type, use of prototypes, and others. The results can guide design teams as they make decisions about who to include on the design team, which projects to pursue, and how to conduct their own field studies. Lastly, conclusions related to design for the developing world are made based on the work presented and potential areas of future work are outlined.
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Determinantes Cross-Country das Fusões e Aquisições Internacionais e dos Investimentos GreenfieldsRodrigues, Paula Cristina da Silva Ferreira Neto 30 October 2009 (has links)
Ciências Empresariais / Nos últimos anos, talvez nenhum assunto na área da Gestão Internacional tenha recebido o mesmo nível de atenção como a escolha do modo de entrada de IDE, em particular, a decisão entre adquirir uma empresa estrangeira já existente ou estabelecer uma nova filial no exterior. Todavia, os resultados, longe de serem consensuais, têm sido fornecidos por estudos ao nível da empresa. Uma questão interessante, e ainda não explorada, é a evidência empírica acerca da existência de factores macroeconómicos específicos a cada modo de entrada. Uma outra problemática que carece igualmente de investigação diz respeito aos efeitos potenciais que as F&A internacionais e os investimentos de raiz (IR) exercem no crescimento económico dos países recipientes. Estas constituem as duas questões centrais deste trabalho.
Ao nível da primeira questão, estendemos o trabalho de Globerman e Shapiro (2005) com vista a investigar, não só os determinantes macroeconómicos específicos das F&A internacionais, mas também os dos IR, adoptando um painel de 53 países, ao longo do período 1996-2006. Encontramos evidência que nos permite concluir que, apesar da existência de um conjunto de variáveis que são comuns a todos os modos de IDE (como a dimensão da economia, o grau de abertura ao exterior, o índice de governação e o índice de desenvolvimento humano), existem outras variáveis que parecem ser específicas do modo de entrada. Entre estas, o grau de protecção ao investidor e as variáveis associadas ao contexto cultural parecem desempenhar um papel importante na explicação das F&A internacionais e dos IR, respectivamente. Além disso, não encontramos diferenças significativas entre os países desenvolvidos e os países em desenvolvimento, no que respeita aos determinantes específicos do modo de entrada
Na segunda questão foi conduzida uma análise inovadora para estudar a relação entre o IDE e o crescimento económico, distinguindo entre os efeitos das F&A internacionais e os dos IR. A evidência sugere a existência de uma relação causal bidireccional entre o IDE / as F&A e o crescimento económico. Constatamos ainda que o crescimento económico causa os IR, mas o inverso não é verdadeiro. Adicionalmente, com base na estimação de um modelo estrutural de crescimento, os resultados indicam uma relação positiva entre o IDE de raiz e o crescimento económico, em ambos os grupos de países. Ao invés, as F&A internacionais tendem a exercer um impacto negativo no crescimento económico dos países em desenvolvimento e não significativo, no caso dos países desenvolvidos. / In the last years there were few subjects in International Management that have received so much level of attention as the FDI entry mode choice, in particular, the decision between acquiring an already existing foreign firm or establishing a new firm in a foreign country. However, the results, far from being consensual, have been supplied by firm-level studies. An interesting question, not yet explored, is the empirical evidence related to the existence of macroeconomic mode-specific determinants. Another issue which requires investigation is related to the potential effects that cross border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and greenfield investments cause on host countries economic growth. These are the two central questions of the present study.
In what concerns the first question, we extended the work by Globerman and Shapiro (2005) in order to investigate, not only the macroeconomic specific determinants of cross border M&A, but also those of greenfield investments. We adopted a panel data set of 53 countries, over the period 1996-2006. We have found evidence that allow us to conclude that, despite the existence of a group of mode-encompassing variables (such as economy s size, openness, governance and human development index) there are others that seem to be mode-specific variables. Among these, the degree of investor protection and cultural context variables seem to play an important role in the explanation of cross border M&A and greenfield investments, respectively. In addition, we did not found significant differences between developed and developing countries, with respect to entry mode-specific determinants.
In the second question a new approach was introduced to study the relationship between FDI and economic growth, while distinguishing the effects of cross border M&A and the ones of greenfield investments. The evidence suggests that there is bidirectional causality between FDI / M&A and economic growth. We have also concluded that economic growth causes greenfields, but the reverse is not true. Moreover, based on the estimation of a structural growth model, the results indicate a positive relationship between greenfield investments and economic growth, in both groups of countries. Instead, cross border M&A seem to exert a negative effect on the economic growth of developing countries and insignificant on developed countries.
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Culture, institutions and power:institutionalisation of cross-border co-operation as a development strategy in Northern FinlandJakola, F. (Fredriika) 25 October 2019 (has links)
A predominant academic question is how and why the development paths of municipalities and regions take certain forms. In recent decades, geographers and economists in particular have investigated the dynamics of how local institutional conditions and their local mobilisation can affect development outcomes and how development is determined by “structural” forces such as state- and EU-based regulations and globalisation of the economy. Thus, the notion that historical sensitiveness and context-dependency are essential factors in local and regional development and growth has gained credence. Then again, municipalities and regions are not “islands” of development but integral parts of complex socio-spatial relations and processes. From this viewpoint, border municipalities and regions are eminently interesting research contexts as they are sites where different scalar political interests, institutional structures, and development discourses are continuously manifested, materialised and contested in the daily practices of local and regional actors.
Nevertheless, this thesis argues that the existing mainstream studies investigating the development paths and prospects of border regions and municipalities are, firstly, overly EU-centric and, secondly, have an overly limited perspective on the institutional environment and legacy in which local and regional actors operate. The main attention in this regard has often been on the institutional differences between states and nationalities. In order to understand the development prospects of border areas and the preconditions of transnational regionalisation, municipal planning of border areas needs to be approached not only from the perspective of EU-driven cross-border co-operation and building of “transnational” scale, but more comprehensively. Accordingly, the present research on the Finnish-Swedish border area, which is an internal border area of the EU, takes a more historically and contextually sensitive institutional approach in this regard. Investigating the structural and discursive dynamics related to the institutionalisation of cross-border co-operation as a development strategy in the context of municipal planning enables not only identification of the conflicts and intersections between state-, EU- and local/regional-level development interests and institutional structures, but also provides room for recognising the diversity of the existing interests, strategies and motivations of local and regional actors and different interest groups involved in these institutionalisation processes.
This thesis suggests that the concept of policy transfer and problematisation of the dynamics of how and why certain development strategies, policies and discourses become selected, implemented and sustained at the border municipalities offers a fruitful theoretical and political framework for examining the abovementioned issues. Accordingly, the thesis studies the intertwined relationship between local agency and the mobilisation of scalar institutional structures in regional planning and policy transfer processes by applying the Cultural Political Economy approach and strategic-relational theory on institutions (see Jessop & Sum 2013) as theoretical-methodological lenses. The thesis consists of three original research articles that form a scalar and temporal continuum. The empirical research is based on interviews conducted with key municipal and regional actors (i.e. planners, politicians, project managers and entrepreneurs), historical document material reaching back to the 1930s, as well as supplementary policy documents produced at various governmental levels. Both critical discourse analysis and content analysis are used as analysis methods. As the dynamics of municipal planning are reflected primarily against the formal institutional planning system in Finland, the study focuses on the Finnish side of the border — the Finnish Tornio Valley and the Kemi-Tornio sub-region.
The results underline that the institutionalisation of cross-border co-operation as a key development strategy has been a long path-dependent process in which policy transfer processes and local mobilisation have become intertwined. While the “large-scale” development follows the Finnish national development — the transition from state-led, topdown politics to a more bottom-up, region-based development model — the investigation of these policy transfer processes also shows that the border location and the mobilisation of both the “border region identity” and the EU’s cross-border co-operation policy discourse have had a marked impact on the development path. Accordingly, they have furthered the development towards cross-border regionalisation. Moreover, border municipalities are challenging the state’s authority and the subordinated municipality-state relation by invoking this development. This development, however, is regionally contested and exemplifies the power relations both between municipalities with/without state border as well as between public and private sector actors. In the end, which development strategies become dominant or discarded in a particular context depends on how different actors and interest groups mobilise their privileged positions in relation to surrounding formal and informal institutional structures, such as municipal autonomy, EU cross-border cooperation funding schemes, trust relations, regional identity, and prevailing norms and customs. This research stands as an illustrative example that it is crucial not to consider these context-specific “soft” matters as somehow secondary to “rational” economic reasoning when investigating courses of action and economic development paths. / Original papers
The original publications are not included in the electronic version of the dissertation.
Jakola, F. (2016). Borders, planning and policy transfer: historical transformation of development discourses in the Finnish Torne Valley. European Planning Studies, 24(10), 1806–1824. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2016.1194808
Jakola, F. (2018). Local responses to state-led municipal reform in the Finnish-Swedish border region: conflicting development discourses, culture and institutions. Fennia - International Journal of Geography, 196(2), 137–153. https://doi.org/10.11143/fennia.69890
Jakola, F., & Prokkola, E.-K. (2017). Trust Building or Vested Interest? Social Capital Processes of Cross-Border Co-Operation in the Border Towns of Tornio and Haparanda. Tijdschrift Voor Economische En Sociale Geografie, 109(2), 224–238. https://doi.org/10.1111/tesg.12279
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Determinants of Outbound Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions by Emerging Asian AcquirersPunurai, Somrat 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation identifies key determinants of outbound cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) by emerging Asian acquirers during 2001-2012. Using a zero-inflated model that takes into account different mechanisms governing country pairs that never engage in cross-border M&As and country pairs that actively participate in cross-border M&As, I uncover unique patterns for emerging Asian acquirers. Emerging Asian acquirers originate from countries with lower corporate tax rates than those countries where their targets are located. Furthermore, the negative impact of an international double tax burden is significantly larger than that found in previous studies. While country governance differences and geographical and cultural differences are important determinants of international M&As, relative valuation effects are muted. Coefficients of these determinants vary substantially, depending on whether targets are located in developing or advanced nations. Also, determinants differ considerably between active and non-active players in cross-border M&As. Moreover, comparisons of empirical models illustrate that estimating a non-linear model and taking into account both the bounded nature and non-normal distributions of fractional response variables lead to different inferences from those drawn from a linear model estimated by the ordinary least squares method. Overall, emerging Asian acquirers approach the deals differently from patterns documented in developed markets. So, when evaluating foreign business combinations or devising policies, managers or policymakers should consider these differences.
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開發中國家企業進行跨國購併對公司股東價值影響之實證研究薛伊琇 Unknown Date (has links)
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Fackförening i internationalisering. En studie av sex fackklubbars gränsöverskridande. / Trade-unions in cross-bordering. A study of six swedish local trade unions.Andersson, Ragnar January 2001 (has links)
<p>This rapport examines six Swedish workplace unions, in manufacturing internationalised companies, degree of internationalised trade union work. The report is based on interviews with local shop stewards. All local workplace unions were in some form internationalised. They were placed in three different groups of strategies: Passive, Tactical and Strategic. The Passive union only tried to get information; the Tactical unions were reactive against initiative from company management and used the channels provided of Industrial Relation laws. The Strategic unions where acting from an analysis that demanded collaboration with foreign trade unions and were active in trying to build contacts.In discussing why a local workplace trade union become internationalised three explaining factors was constructed: A relation to the company which gave the union more information and resources than the minimum level of required legislation. Second; a strategic analysis involving a threat against the employees. And third; a belief that the trade union could make a difference.</p>
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