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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representationer av etniciteter i storfilmer, då och nu. : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ analys. / Representations of ethnicities in blockbusters, then and now. : A qualitative and quantitative analysis

Arhusen, Richard, Olsson, Fredrik January 2024 (has links)
This essay analyzes and puts research into the representation of ethnicities in successful films of the years 2001 and 2021, according to Box Office. The goal with this essay is to put additional knowledge about this subject and to shed additional light on how ethnicities are represented in films. With the increase in discussion about who gets casted in films and what ethnicity should get casted, as with the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite and #HollywoodSoWhite. The results in this study show that there is a minor increase in representation of non-white ethnicities, when comparing financially successful films from 2001 and 2021. Even if there is a minor increase, the large majority is still of white ethnicity. The analysis is using a mixed method of quantitative and qualitative analysis in its collection of data. This study is also based on previous research by Arhusen, R and Olsson, F. A study that analyzed diversity in films produced by Netflix during the year 2016 and the year 2023.

Att klä förändring och förändra kläder : En analys av Myrornas marknadsföring / Clothing change and changing clothing : An analysis of Myrornas marketing

Rosenlöf, Jonna January 2022 (has links)
This essay explores how the secondhand company Myrorna positions itself in relation to discussions surrounding sustainability and consumerism. Five of Myrornas marketing campaigns from 2010 to 2022 are individually examined through a visual semiotic analysis. Findings are then deepened through a discourse analysis where the five campaigns are discussed together. Consumer culture theory and Bourdieus theory on capital are used to deepen the discussion and to correlate findings to discourses surrounding sustainability and consumption. The results show that Myrornas marketing heavily relies on arguments around sustainability and creates a discourse of secondhand shopping as the correct consumer choice. Despite this, there is no critique of consumerism and overconsumption. Instead Myrorna position secondhand clothing as just as fashion forward and trendy as fast-fashion and use the same selling points we are used to seeing in fast-fashion marketing.

Influencer marketing i ett modeföretag : En studie om rollen av influencer marketing i ett modeföretags varumärkeskommunikation utifrån ett företags- och konsumentperspektiv

Lindgren, Ida, Magnusson, Linnea January 2019 (has links)
The use of the social media platform Instagram has increased the fastest and has given the opportunity for the phenomenon of influencer marketing to grow in the fashion industry. The increase of influencer marketing has led marketers to understand that a change of focus is needed. Much of the previous research done in the field has focused on what distinguishes or does not distinguish effective use of influencer marketing for a company. Therefore, it is interesting to study the actual role of influencers in a fashion company’s brand communication and this by studying the fashion companies’ choice of influencers and the way consumers perceive the role of influencers in a fashion company. To operationalize the study, a semiotic analysis has been applied where images have been analyzed to answer the purpose of the study from a business perspective. The results from this are the basis for the design of a qualitative method which is then followed up by a quantitative method for answering the purpose from a consumer perspective. The data was collected through the themes formulated with the support of previous research and theories. These were consumption, the consumer’s approach to influencers and belonging to a group and identity. Within the framework of these themes, the study’s findings showed that influencer marketing is beneficial to use for a company in some areas and in others not. The semiotic analysis showed with certain deficits in the match that the companies choose influencers based on the respondents’ preferences and wishes. / Användningen av det sociala mediet Instagram är den plattform som idag ökar snabbast och har gett möjlighet för fenomenet influencer marketing att växa fram främst inom modebranschen. Ökningen av influencer marketing har lett marknadsförare till att förstå att det behövs ett fokusskifte. Mycket av den tidigare forskning som gjorts inom området har fokuserat på vad som utmärker eller inte utmärker effektiv användning av influencer marketing för ett företag. Därför är det intressant att studera den faktiska rollen av influencers i ett modeföretags varumärkeskommunikation och detta genom att studera modeföretags val av influencers och på vilket sätt konsumenter uppfattar rollen av influencers i ett modeföretag. För att operationalisera studien har en semiotisk analys tillämpats där bilder analyserats för att besvara studiens syfte utifrån ett företagsperspektiv. Resultaten från denna ligger som grund för utformningen av en kvalitativ metod som sedan följs upp av en kvantitativ metod för att besvara syftet utifrån ett konsumentperspektiv. Datan samlades in genom de teman som formulerats med stöd av tidigare forskning och teorier. Dessa var konsumtion, konsumentens förhållningssätt till influencers samt grupptillhörighet och identitet. Inom ramen för dessa teman visade studiens resultat att influencer marketing är gynnsamt att använda för ett företag i vissa avseenden och i andra inte. Bildanalysen visade med vissa brister i matchningen att företagen väljer influencers utifrån respondenternas preferenser och önskemål.

SLOW FASHION : Ett genomtänkt och planerat köp som kräver större uppoffring? / SLOW FASHION : A well thought out and planned purchase that requires more sacrifice?

Hedenör, Amadeus, Rotting, Victor January 2019 (has links)
I kontrast till fast fashion, som tampas med snabbt mode och massproduktion med korta ledtider har slow fashion-rörelsen kommit och anammats av flera aktörer på modescenen. Med hjälp av slow fashion vill man således inspirera till en hållbar och tidlös garderob som är genomtänkt och står stark mot modevärldens snabba svängar och därpå, bidra till att konsumtionen inte ökar i kvantitet utan i kvalitet. Problemet i hållbar konsumtion är att konsumenter ofta väljer att inte handla utifrån ett hållbart perspektiv trots att deras intention säger det. Forskning visar att det uppstår ett gap mellan vad konsumenter tänker göra och vad de faktiskt gör, ett attityds-beteende-gap. Studiens syfte är att fastställa egenskaper och undersöka kundbeteenden i samband med att handla slow fashion. Samtida forskning har presenterat gapet och dess existens, i vår studie vill vi bygga vidare på tidigare forskning och ta in teorin till slow fashion och kundbeteendet bakom ett sådant köp. Vad får en konsument att välja slow fashion produkter och vad profilerar en slow fashion konsument? För att förstå och tolka det empiriska materialet utformades en teoretisk referensram kring tre olika teorier, Attityd-beteende-gapet, Consumer culture theory och teorin kring behovsidentifikation. Studiens resultat visar att faktorer såsom identifikation, pris, tidlöshet och hög produktkvalitet påverkar konsumenten till att handla slow fashion-produkter. Vidare presenteras hur dessa faktorer prioriteras och planeras i köpprocessen. Planeringen är genomgående hos studiens alla respondenter och insikten diskuteras djupare. Slow fashion konsumeras således med ett stort engagemang och en hög pris-acceptans. / In contrast to fast fashion, which is tussled with mass production and with short lead times, the slow fashion movement has arrived and been adopted by several actors on the fashion scene. Slow fashion wants to inspire with a sustainable and timeless wardrobe that is well thought out and stands strong against the fashion world's quick turns and then, contribute so the consumption is not increasing in quantity but in quality. The problem in sustainable consumption is that consumers often choose not to act on the basis of a sustainable perspective even though their intention says it. Research show that there is a gap between what consumers intend to do and what they actually do, so called attitude-behavior gap. The aim of this study is to determine characteristics and examine customer behavior in connection with shopping slow fashion. Contemporary research has provided support for the gap and its existence, in our study we want to develop that result into further analysis. We want to investigate the theory about the attitude-behavior gap in contrast to slow fashion and its customer behavior and the reasons behind a purchase.Why does a consumer choose to buy slow fashion products and what is the profile of a slow fashion consumer? To understand and interpret the empirical material from this study, a theoretical framework was designed around three different theories, the Attitude-behavior gap, the Consumer culture theory and the theory of needs identification.The result of this study shows that reasons such as identification, price, timelessness and high product quality affect the consumer to buy slow fashion products. Further, it shows how these reasons will get prioritized and planned in a consumer journey within the buying process. The planning itself is through all stages by every respondent and the insights will be discussed further. Slow fashion are therefore consumed with engagement and a strong price acceptance. The study will continue in Swedish

Une approche socio-anthropologique de la consommation collaborative : focus sur les nouveaux rapports à la propriété / A socio-anthropological perspective on collaborative consumption : New representations of ownership

Dabadie, Isabelle 04 December 2017 (has links)
La consommation collaborative désigne un ensemble de pratiques très variées – parmi lesquelles la location, le prêt, le don, le troc ou le partage entre consommateurs –, qui remettent en question la primauté accordée à la propriété individuelle. Ce phénomène en plein essor fait l’objet de nombreuses recherches tentant de définir, de cartographier ou d’expliquer le phénomène, en identifiant ses déterminants ou en évaluant ses impacts. Peu de travaux se sont penchés sur l’arrière-plan culturel de ce mouvement. C’est l’objet de ce travail, qui étudie la consommation collaborative dans une perspective anthropologique, autour de la question, centrale, du rapport à la propriété. Cette recherche, ancrée dans la Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), adopte une approche phénoménologique centrée sur le sens des expériences vécues par les consommateurs. Elle s’appuie au plan empirique sur une ethnographie menée sur trois terrains reflétant la diversité des pratiques collaboratives – l’habitat participatif, la plaisance collaborative et les bibliothèques de vêtements. Et elle a pour première assise théorique la mobilisation d’un cadre d’analyse original – l’infrastructure cosmologique –, inspiré des travaux de Stoczkowski (2008), qui permet de révéler les traits saillants d’une vision du monde. Les résultats mettent en lumière l’émergence, au sein d’un mouvement qui reste largement consumériste, d’une contre-culture, proche de la simplicité volontaire, caractérisée par un rapport nouveau à la propriété, dans laquelle celle-ci n’est pas simplement remplacée par l’usage mais se charge d’un sens différent. Nous l’avons nommée « cosmologie de l’alter-possession ». Cette recherche permet de mieux comprendre les comportements de consommateurs qui entretiennent un rapport ambivalent aux possessions, entre détachement et recherche de liens durables, et aspirent à des formes de propriété plus ouvertes et plus collectives en réponse aux enjeux sociaux et environnementaux d’un monde aux ressources finies. / Collaborative consumption refers to a highly varied range of practices – including rentals, loans, gifts, bartering and sharing between consumers – that challenge the primacy of individual ownership. This rapidly growing phenomenon has been the subject of many research studies that have attempted to define, map or explain it by identifying its determinants or evaluating its impact. Few researchers have focused on the cultural background to this movement. That is the focus of this study, which studies collaborative consumption from an anthropological perspective, looking at the central question of our relationship with ownership. This research, rooted in Consumer Culture Theory (CCT), adopts a phenomenological approach centred on the meaning of consumer experiences. In empirical terms, it uses an ethnographic study conducted in three different fields that reflect the diversity of collaborative practices: co-housing, collaborative pleasure boating and clothes libraries. Its main theoretical foundation is the use of an original analytical framework – cosmological infrastructure, inspired by the work of Stosczkowski (2008) – which highlights the salient traits of a particular worldview. The results reveal the emergence, within a movement that remains largely consumeristic, of a counterculture that is comparable to voluntary simplicity and characterised by a new relationship with ownership, which, for proponents of this counterculture, is not only replaced by the notion of usage but is also charged with different meaning. We call this the “cosmology of alter-possession”. This research provides a better understanding of the behaviour of consumers who maintain an ambivalent relationship with possessions, somewhere between detachment and the search for lasting links, and aspire to more open and collective forms of ownership in response to the social and environmental challenges in a world with finite resources.


SILVIA LUZ EIRAS 01 July 2021 (has links)
[pt] Dentre as diversas vertentes do turismo, o Dark Tourism (ou turismo sombrio, macabro, ou tanaturismo) é voltado para a visitação a atrações ligadas a tragédias, como antigos campos de batalha, prisões, campos de concentração e cemitérios. Apesar de ser um tema abrangente, os estudos sobre esta área do conhecimento carecem um maior aprofundamento, pois somente o positivismo não seria suficiente para proporcionar resultados satisfatórios, uma vez que a compreensão do significado por trás deste tipo de exploração pode ser mais bem entendido por meio de investigações de cunho interpretativo. Para cumprir este objetivo, a Consumer Culture Theory pode representar uma alternativa válida, pois engloba temas como a compreensão dos estilos de vida, formação de identidade, valores e significados culturais. Assim sendo, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar o significado simbólico por trás do consumo de atrações classificadas no espectro do dark tourism. Para isso, foi feito um estudo interpretativista, com coleta de dados a partir de entrevistas em profundidade. / [en] Among the various strands of tourism, Dark Tourism (or macabre, or thanatourism) is aimed at visiting attractions linked to tragedies, such as old battlefields, prisons, concentration camps, and cemeteries. Despite being a comprehensive theme, studies on this area of knowledge need further studies, as positivism alone would not be sufficient to provide satisfactory results, since understanding the meaning behind this type of exploration can be better comprehended through interpretive investigations. To fulfill this goal, Consumer Culture Theory can represent a valid alternative, as it encompasses topics such as the understanding of lifestyles, identity formation, values and cultural meanings. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to analyze the symbolic meaning behind the consumption of attractions classified in the spectrum of dark tourism. For this, an interpretive study was carried out, with data collection from in-depth interviews.

Relating to the other : paradigm interplay for cross-cultural management research

Romani, Laurence January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Examination of the Influence of Same-Race Occupational Role Models and Occupational Stereotypes on Elementary-Aged Black Students' School Engagement.

Moore, Karlen Brook 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Oppositional Culture Theory and Social Cognitive Career Theory propositions were explored via employment of social cognitive career theory mechanisms. The effects of observed same-race occupational role models and occupational stereotypes and their indirect effects on school engagement through occupational expectations and future aspirations were explored in elementary-aged Blacks. Occupational expectations and future aspirations of Black youth were not significantly affected by occupational prestige of jobs held by observed same-race occupational role models. However, it was found that future aspirations of Black youth significantly impacted their school engagement. Future aspirations and school engagement were not significantly affected directly or indirectly by occupational stereotypes. Other noteworthy findings were that educational expectations and future aspirations were negatively correlated with grade. Future studies should be done to further explore relevant contextual factors which can affect school engagement in elementary-aged Blacks, they should also explore declining educational expectations and aspirations with grade.

Three essays on how sharing and consuming support home place reconnection in contemporary liquid times

Rojas Gaviria, Pilar 18 December 2012 (has links)
The notion of deterritorialization occupies a central role in contemporary interpretations of immigrants’ home-related consumption engagements. Through their work on home maintenance, consumer researchers have unveiled a remarkable set of insights related to consumption patterns immigrants develop with the purpose of maintaining previous home-ties. Consumer researchers have for instance demonstrated how immigrants transform and get transformed by the home-related consumption goods available in host countries. The notion of home maintenance has been largely applied with the meaning of immigrants “keeping up” with a past life context they can no longer enjoy in contemporary home places. Yet, less attention has been devoted to migrants’ willingness to preserve existential connections with places of origin and/or childhood. <p>Drawing on the stories of 14 Latin American migrants living in Belgium, this doctoral research relativizes this deterritorialized perspective through the means of the philosophical notion of narrative identity. This philosophical point of view puts forward the open link that exists between current life stories and past experiences. Individuals reconfigure their own personal narratives by integrating both past and present experiences. Accordingly, there is a continuity of narrative that contrasts with frequent disruptions in life, implying a perpetual interpretation <p>and re-interpretation of one’s life. This exercise is not a self-reflecting process of an individual that is distinct from his or her cultural references. The construction of a personal narrative identity is also a dialogue with many others and their past and future stories. In the case of migrants, even many years after “successful” experiences of migration, they can experience recurring tendencies to return, homecoming tendencies. These tendencies, which are not necessarily aimed at a final and long term return, reflect the notion that preserving affiliations to one’s place of origin or childhood is not only a matter of consuming resources available in receiving contexts, but also of consuming and sharing with many others in places of origin. While Home maintenance relies heavily on migrant’s willingness and or capacity to remember home places as they were before they migrated. The homecoming tendencies notion, here proposed, is oriented towards migrants’ eagerness to constantly re-discover home places in their contemporary situations and towards their active goal for avoiding disappearing from view back home. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Manifestace diskursivních hierarchií ve spotřebě a jejich proměna v kontextu finanční krize / Manifestation of Discursive Hierarchies in Consumption in the Context of Financial Crisis

Šrám, Kristián January 2015 (has links)
This thesis seeks to analyze how social position is negotiated by particular consumption practices. Thesis is theoretically based upon social-constructivist claims that reality is a social construct that comprises of continuously negotiated meanings. That implies that observed phenomena, such as among others consumption and social position, are seen as constituted by the cultural and symbolic dimensions of society. Methodological basis of the thesis is qualitative research. In the context of consumer behavior research I follow the research stream of consumer culture theory. Key findings of the study are that discourses on consumption are partially determined by social position while higher classes are comparatively more reflexive in their interpretations of consumption. However, social boundaries are not strictly given which creates a space for negotiating one`s social position. That might be accomplished by reinterpretation of social position. Prominent strategies of such reinterpretations were defined by discourses of neoliberalism and egalitarism. Another option consists of transgressing the economic boundaries by utilizing cultural capital. However, in the Czech society there has not yet been developed a clear consensus on what cultural capital consists of - that creates even more potential for negotiating one`s own social position.

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