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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização do gene CDK10 putativo e análise de sua possível atuação nos endociclos de Rhynchosciara americana. / Putative CDK10 gene characterization and analyses of its possible participation at the endocycles of Rhynchosciara americana.

André Vieira Peixoto Dávila 20 April 2011 (has links)
Rhynchosciara americana é estudada desde a década de 50 quando foi evidenciada a amplificação gênica em regiões de seus cromossomos politênicos. Os fenômenos de amplificação e a formação destes cromossomos gigantes se dão por meio da ocorrência de endociclos, regulados pela oscilação na atividade do complexo ciclinaE/CDK2. Nas glândulas salivares de nosso modelo, durante o desenvolvimento, há ocorrência de cromossomos politênicos. Foi seqüenciada uma mensagem de uma quinase dependente de ciclina (CDK10) que não apresenta qualquer ligação com os endociclos, descrita na literatura. Este transcrito teve sua sequencia revelada por experimentos de 5\'RACE. A sequência genômica foi parcialmente determinada. O perfil de expressão deste gene foi determinado nos ovários, glândulas salivares e corpo gorduroso. A presença da proteína CDK10 foi determinada por experimentos de western blot em glândulas salivares. A localização celular foi determinada nos ovários. Resultados sugerem a existência de duas isoformas deste gene nos tecidos analisados. / Rhynchosciara americana is studied since the 50s decade when gene amplifications was discovered in some regions of its polytene chromosomes. The phenomena of amplification and the formation of these giant chromosomes happens through the endocycles, regulated by an activity oscillation of the complex CyclinE/CDK2. It is known that, in the salivary glands of our model, during it is development, there is the occurrence of these polytene chromosomes, formed since the beginning of the larval life. It was sequenced a message of CDK10, a cyclin depended kinase that shows no participation with the endocycles, as described at the literature. This transcript was fully sequenced by 5\'RACE experiments. Its genomic sequence was partially determined. The relative expression pattern was determined for ovaries, salivary glands and fat body. The CDK10 protein was observed by western blot experiments in the salivary glands. Its cellular location was determined at the ovaries. Results suggest the existence of two isoforms of the RaCDK10 gene at the tissues analyzed.

Efeito da desregulação da via UPR sobre a expressão da ciclina A1 em linfócitos B humanos. / Effect of the deregulation of the UPR pathway in the expression of cyclin A1 in human B lymphocytes.

Camila Bonin Pinto 11 October 2012 (has links)
A via Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) é uma via de sinalização ativada pelo estresse do Retículo endoplasmático (ER). Anteriormente descrevemos um Paciente com Imunodeficiência Comum Variável (CVID) que apresenta um atraso na ativação da via UPR associado com o acumulo de imunoglobulinas dentro do ER e uma taxa de proliferação diminuída. Nossos resultados demonstram que a ativação crônica da UPR interrompe o ciclo celular de EBV-B através da quebra da natureza cíclica da ciclina A1. Essa parada é depende da linhagem EBV-B estudada e da droga utilizada. Além disso, a ativação crônica da UPR aumenta a apoptose através da ativação do braço da PERK da via UPR. Células ex-vivo e EBV-B do Paciente P apresentaram uma taxa metabólica muito baixa e numero aumentado de células em apoptose. A deficiência da resposta do paciente P frente a ativação da via UPR parece ser somente no reconhecimento de proteínas não dobradas. Nossos resultados sugerem que a proliferação deficiente observada em diversos paciente com CVID pode ser resultado de uma ativação deficiente da via UPR. / The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a signaling pathway activated by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Previously we described a patient (Patient P) with Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) whose delayed activation of the UPR associates with accumulation of immunoglobulins and slower rate of proliferation. Our results showed that chronic UPR stress interrupted cell cycling of EBV-B cells through dysruption of the cyclic nature of cyclin A1. This interrption is depend of the cell type and drug. Furthermore, chronic ER stress triggered early apoptosis through activation of the PERK branch of the UPR. EBV-B and ex vivo cells from patient presented low metabolic rate and a high apoptosis rate even in the absence of ER stressors.. We noted that the deficiency of UPR pathway activation by Patient P apears to be on the recognition of unfolded proteins. Our results support the hypothesis that deficient proliferation observed in some CVID patients might be the result of deficient UPR activation.

Stability regulation of Gcn4p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Stabilitätsregulation von Gcn4p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Bömeke, Katrin 10 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The Regulation of nNOS During Neuronal Differentiation and the Effect of Nitric Oxide on Hdm2-p53 Binding: a Dissertation

Schonhoff, Christopher M. 18 December 2000 (has links)
Nitric oxide is a ubiquitous signaling molecule with both physiological and pathological functions in biological systems. Formed by the enzymatic conversion of arginine to citrulline, NO, has known roles in circulatory, immune and nervous tissues. In the nervous system nitric oxide has been implicated in long-term potentiation, neurotransmitter release, channel function, neuronal protection and neuronal degeneration. Much of our work has focused on yet another role for nitric oxide in cells, namely, neuronal differentiation. During development, neuronal differentiation is closely coupled with cessation of proliferation. We use nerve growth factor (NGF)-induced differentiation of PC12 pheochromocytoma cells as a model and find a novel signal transduction pathway that blocks cell proliferation. Treatment of PC12 cells with NGF leads to induction of nitric oxide synthase (NOS). The resulting nitric oxide (NO) acts as a second messenger, activating the p21(WAF1) promoter and inducing expression of p21(WAF1) cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. NO activates the p21(WAF1) promoter by p53-dependent and p53-independent mechanisms. Blocking production of NO with an inhibitor of NOS reduces accumulation of p53, activation of the p21(WAF1) promoter, expression of neuronal markers, and neurite extension. To deternine whether p21(WAF1) is required for neurite extension, we prepared a PC12 line with an inducible p21(WAF1) expression vector. Blocking NOS with an inhibitor decreases neurite extension, but induction of p21(WAF1) with isopropyl-1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranoside restored this response. Levels of p21(WAF1) induced by isopropyl-1-thio-beta-D-galactopyranoside were similar to those induced by NGF. Therefore, we have identified a signal transduction pathway that is activated by NGF; proceeds through NOS, p53 and p21(WAF1) to block cell proliferation; and is required for neuronal differentiation by PC12 cells. In further studies of this pathway, we have examined the role of MAP kinase pathways in neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) induction during the differentiation of PC12 cells. In NGF-treated PC12 cells, we find that nNOS is induced at RNA and protein levels, resulting in increased NOS activity. We note that neither nNOS mRNA, nNOS protein nor NOS activity is induced by NGF treatment in cells that have been infected with a dominant negative Ras adenovirus. We have also used drugs that block MAP kinase pathways and assessed their ability to inhibit nNOS induction. Even though U0126 and PD98059 are both MEK inhibitors, we find that U0126, but not PD98059, blocks nNOS induction and NOS activity in NGF-treated PC12 cells. Also, the p38 kinase inhibitor, SB 203580, does not block nNOS induction in our clone of PC12 cells. Since the JNK pathway is not activated in NGF-treated PC12 cells, we determine that the Ras-ERK pathway and not the p38 or JNK pathway is required for nNOS induction in NGF-treated PC12 cells. We find that U0l26 is much more effective than PD98059 in blocking the Ras-ERK pathway, thereby explaining the discrepancy in nNOS inhibition. We conclude that the Ras-ERK pathway is required for nNOS induction. The activation of soluble guanylate cyclase and the production of cyclic GMP is one of the best characterized modes of NO action. Having shown that inhibition of NOS blocks PC12 cell differentiation we tested whether nitric oxide acts through soluble guanylate cyclase to lead to cell cycle arrest and neuronal differentiation. Unlike NOS inhibition, the inhibition of soluble guanylate cylcase does not block the induction of neuronal markers. Moreover, treatment of NGF-treated, NOS-inhibited PC12 cells with a soluble analog of cyclic GMP was unable to restore differentiation of those cells. Hence, cGMP is not a component of this pathway and we had to consider other mechanisms of NO action. It has become increasingly evident that another manner by which NO may exert its effects is by S-nitrosylation of cysteine residues. We tested, in vitro whether nitric oxide may control p53 by S-nitrosylation and inactivation of the p53 negative regulator, Hdm2. Treatment of Hdm2 with a nitric oxide donor inhibits Hdm2-p53 binding, the first step in Hdm2 regulation of p53. The presence of cysteine or DTT blocks this inhibition of binding. Moreover, nitric oxide inhibition of Hdm2-p53 binding was found to be reversible. Sulfhydryl-sensitivity and reversibility are consistent with nitrosylation. Finally, we have identified a critical cysteine residue that nitric oxide modifies in order to disrupt Hdm2-p53 binding. Mutation of this residue from a cysteine to an alanine does not interfere with binding but rather eliminates the sensitivity of Hdm2 to nitric oxide inactivation.

Réévaluation de la régulation de l'activité de la CDK4, kinase dépendante des cyclines D, clé de l'engagement dans le cycle cellulaire: rôle de l'inhibiteur p27 / Impact de la liaison de la p27 aux complexes cycline D3-CDK4

Bockstaele, Laurence 15 December 2006 (has links)
La progression à travers le cycle cellulaire est assurée par l’activation séquentielle d’une série de complexes cycline-CDK. Les complexes cycline D-CDK4 assurent la progression au cours de la phase G1 du cycle cellulaire en phosphorylant les protéines « antioncogéniques » de la famille Rb. L’activation de la CDK4 nécessite son association à une cycline D et sa phosphorylation sur Thr172 par la CAK nucléaire (CDK activating kinase). Le rôle essentiel des protéines de la famille Cip/Kip dans la régulation de l’activité de ces complexes reste controversé. Les protéines de cette famille (comprenant p27 et p21) ont initialement été identifiées comme des inhibiteurs puissants des complexes cycline-CDK et comme les intermédiaires de l’action antimitogénique de différents signaux intra ou extra-cellulaires. Il a été proposé que la liaison de la p27 ou de la p21 aux complexes cycline D-CDK4 empêche leur phosphorylation activatrice par la CAK et leur activité pRb kinase. Cependant, l’observation que des complexes cycline D-CDK4 associés à p21/p27 possèdent une activité pRb kinase a donné naissance à une seconde hypothèse sur la régulation de ces complexes par la p27 ou la p21. Ces « inhibiteurs » ont été paradoxalement proposés comme facteurs nécessaires et suffisants d’assemblage et de localisation nucléaire des complexes cycline D-CDK4. Dans le modèle physiologiquement relevant des thyrocytes de chien en culture primaire, la mitogénèse dépendante de l’AMPc activée par la TSH diffère des cascades des facteurs de croissance puisqu’elle n’induit pas les cyclines D mais au contraire augmente l’accumulation de l’«inhibiteur» de CDK p27. L’AMPc stimule l’assemblage des complexes cycline D3-CDK4, leur translocation nucléaire et leur association à p27. Dans ce modèle, le TGF&61538; inhibe la mitogénèse dépendante de l’AMPc en inhibant la translocation nucléaire des complexes cycline D3-CDK4 et leur association à la p27.<p><p>Nous avons étudié l’activité catalytique et l’activation des complexes cycline D3-CDK4-p27 issus des thyrocytes de chien en culture primaire ou produits en cellules d’eucaryotes supérieurs (CHO et Sf9). Nous avons pu montrer que les complexes cycline D3-CDK4-p27 issus des thyrocytes de chien stimulés par la TSH présentent une activité pRb-kinase qui est inhibée par le TGF&61538; En outre, la production des complexes cycline D3-CDK4-p27 en cellules CHO ou Sf9 nous a permis de montrer que l’impact de la p27 sur l’activité catalytique des complexes cycline D3-CDK4 dépend de sa stoechiométrie de liaison à ces complexes. L’analyse du profil de séparation par électrophorèse bidimensionnelle de la CDK4 issue de ces trois systèmes montre que la p27 n’empêche pas la phosphorylation activatrice de la CDK4, même aux concentrations de p27 qui empêchent l’activité pRb kinase du complexe cycline D3-CDK4. Nous avons également montré dans les cellules CHO que la p27 détermine la localisation nucléaire des complexes cycline D3-CDK4, ceux-ci étant relocalisés dans le cytoplasme par la transfection d’un mutant de la p27 dépourvu de son signal de localisation nucléaire. Ces résultats valident les observations réalisées par immunofluorescence dans les thyrocytes de chien dans lesquels nous avons mis en évidence une étroite corrélation au niveau des cellules individuelles stimulées par la TSH entre la translocation nucléaire de la CDK4 et l’apparition de la p27 nucléaire. Cette colocalisation est partiellement inhibée par le TGF&61538; Ces observations renforcent l’hypothèse d’un rôle de la p27 dans l’ancrage nucléaire des complexes cycline D3-CDK4. <p><p>Alors que la localisation de la CAK est considérée comme exclusivement nucléaire et son activité catalytique constitutive, nous avons pu montrer que la phosphorylation activatrice de la CDK4 associée à la cycline D3 n’est pas affectée par sa localisation sub-cellulaire et qu’elle est régulée par le TGF&61538; dans les thyrocytes de chien et par le sérum dans les cellules T98G indépendamment de l’association de la CDK4 à la p27. De plus, la phosphorylation de la CDK4 sur Thr172 dans les cellules T98G est stimulée par le sérum, alors que la phosphorylation activatrice de la CDK6, son homologue fonctionnel, ne l’est pas. La comparaison de la séquence de ces deux CDKs à proximité des Thr phosphorylées (Thr177 pour la CDK6) révèle, outre une forte similarité de séquence, une différence au niveau de l’acide aminé situé en aval de la thréonine :il s’agit d’une proline dans la CDK4 et d’une sérine dans la CDK6. La mutation P173S de la CDK4 abolit la phosphorylation sur Thr172 et l’activité de la CDK4 associée à la cycline D3 dans les cellules CHO, mais n’affecte pas la phosphorylation et l’activation de la CDK4 par la CAK recombinante in vitro. L’ensemble de ces résultats suggère que la/les CAKs régulée(s) responsables de l’activation de la CDK4 n’ont pas encore été identifiées et que la proline située en aval de la Thr172 de la CDK4 est essentielle pour sa phosphorylation activatrice et son activité pRb kinase.<p> / Doctorat en sciences biomédicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Différents mécanismes d'activation de la CDK4 par l'AMP cyclique et les facteurs de croissance dans les cellules épithéliales thyroïdiennes / Different mechanisms of CDK4 activation by cyclic AMP and growth factors in thyroid epithelial cells

Paternot, Sabine 21 April 2006 (has links)
La progression dans le cycle cellulaire est gouvernée par l’activation séquentielle d’une série de complexes cycline/CDK. La CDK4 initie le passage du point de restriction (point R, à partir duquel l’achèvement du cycle cellulaire devient indépendant des facteurs extracellulaires) en phosphorylant les protéines « antioncogéniques » de la famille pRb. Dans les thyrocytes de chien en culture primaire, l’AMPc (TSH ou forskoline) induit la prolifération et la différenciation alors que la voie mitogénique des facteurs de croissance (l’EGF, par exemple) est associée à une dédifférenciation. Dans ce modèle physiologiquement relevant, la stimulation mitogénique par l’AMPc diffère des cascades des facteurs de croissance puisqu'elle n’induit pas les cyclines D mais au contraire augmente l’accumulation de l’inhibiteur de CDK p27 kip1. Le contrôle positif du cycle cellulaire par l’AMPc requiert néanmoins l’activité de la CDK4. L’AMPc stimule l’assemblage des complexes cycline D3-CDK4 ainsi que leur translocation nucléaire associée à leur liaison à p27. Notre but était d’élucider les différents mécanismes menant au passage du point de restriction dans les cellules épithéliales thyroïdiennes stimulées par l’AMPc ou les facteurs de croissance. <p>Dans ce travail, nous montrons que l’arrêt de la stimulation des thyrocytes de chien par l’AMPc entraîne une diminution rapide de la phosphorylation de pRb et de l’activité de la CDK4 sans affecter la formation des complexes cycline D3-CDK4-p27. Par une approche utilisant le haut pouvoir de résolution de l’électrophorèse bidimensionnelle, nous avons identifié la phosphorylation activatrice de la CDK4 comme cible du contrôle par l’AMPc du passage du point de restriction. Ceci constitue un premier exemple d’une régulation de la phosphorylation et de l’activité de la CDK4 indépendante de son association avec une cycline ou un inhibiteur de CDK. Ces résultats contrastent avec l’absence de modulation d’expression, de localisation subcellulaire et d’assemblage des complexes cycline H-CDK7-Mat1, la CAK considérée comme responsable de la phosphorylation activatrice de la CDK4. Ceci suggère que les CAKs régulées activant la CDK4 n’ont pas encore été identifiées.<p>D’autre part, alors que la TSH induit une accumulation de p27, nous montrons à présent que l’expression de la p21 apparentée est augmentée par l’EGF + sérum et réprimée par la TSH. En réponse à l’EGF + sérum ou à la TSH, respectivement, la p21 ou la p27 supportent la localisation nucléaire, la phosphorylation et l’activité de la CDK4. Les « inhibiteurs » de CDK p21 et p27 pourraient donc être utilisés différentiellement comme régulateurs positifs de la CDK4 lors des stimulations des cellules épithéliales thyroïdiennes de chien par la TSH (p27) ou par l’EGF + sérum (p21). <p>Nous avons également montré que les complexes cycline D1-CDK4 et cycline D3-CDK4 phosphorylent pRb sur des sites partiellement différents. Cette nouvelle observation a été reproduite pour des complexes cycline D-CDK4 surexprimés en cellules CHO ainsi que pour des complexes exprimés de manière endogène dans différents types cellulaires. Cette différence de spécificité de substrat entre la cycline D1 et la cycline D3 conduit à différents profils de phosphorylation de pRb dans les thyrocytes de chien stimulés par la TSH ou les facteurs de croissance, ce qui est dû à l’utilisation préférentielle de la cycline D3 dans les thyrocytes stimulés par la TSH alors que les facteurs de croissance induisent surtout la cycline D1. Comme différentes fonctions de pRb sont régulées par phosphorylation sur différents résidus, ce résultat indique que les complexes cycline D1-CDK et cycline D3-CDK pourraient affecter de manière partiellement différente la fonction de cette protéine. <p>Enfin, nous avons comparé les stimulations mitogéniques par la TSH ou l’EGF + sérum dans les thyrocytes humains normaux en culture primaire. En accord avec leurs modulations différentes, la cycline D3 et la cycline D1 sont utilisées différentiellement dans les voies mitogéniques stimulées par la TSH ou l’EGF + sérum respectivement. De plus, ce système nous a permis de confirmer la régulation de l’activité de la CDK4 au niveau de sa phosphorylation activatrice comme mécanisme déterminant de la réponse mitogénique.<p><p> / Doctorat en sciences biomédicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Regulation of CDK1 Activity during the G1/S Transition in S. cerevisiae through Specific Cyclin-Substrate Docking: A Dissertation

Bhaduri, Samyabrata 21 October 2014 (has links)
Several cell cycle events require specific forms of the cyclin-CDK complexes. It has been known for some time that cyclins not only contribute by activating the CDK but also by choosing substrates and/or specifying the location of the CDK holoenzyme. There are several examples of B-type cyclins identifying certain peptide motifs in their specific substrates through a conserved region in their structure. Such interactions were not known for the G1 class of cyclins, which are instrumental in helping the cell decide whether or not to commit to a new cell cycle, a function that is non-redundant with B-type cylins in budding yeast. In this dissertation, I have presented evidence that some G1 cyclins in budding yeast, Cln1/2, specifically identify substrates by interacting with a leucine-proline rich sequence different from the ones used by B-type cyclins. These “LP” type docking motifs determine cyclin specificity, promote phosphorylation of suboptimal CDK sites and multi-site phosphorylation of substrates both in vivo and in vitro. Subsequently, we have discovered the substrate-binding region in Cln2 and further showed that this region is highly conserved amongst a variety of fungal G1 cyclins from budding yeasts to molds and mushrooms, thus suggesting a conserved function across fungal evolution. Interestingly, this region is close to but not same as the one implicated in B-type cyclins to binding substrates. We discovered that the main effect of obliterating this interaction is to delay cell cycle entry in budding yeast, such that cells begin DNA replication and budding only at a larger than normal cell size, possibly resulting from incomplete multi-site phosphorylation of several key substrates. The docking-deficient Cln2 was also defective in promoting polarized bud morphogenesis. Quite interestingly, we found that a CDK inhibitor, Far1, could regulate the Cln2-CDK1 activity partly by inhibiting the Cln2-substrate interaction, thus demonstrating that docking interactions can be targets of regulation. Finally, by studying many fungal cyclins exogenously expressed in budding yeast, we discovered that some have the ability to make the CDK hyper-potent, which suggests that these cyclins confer special properties to the CDK. My work provides mechanistic clues for cyclinspecific events during the cell cycle, demonstrates the usefulness of synthetic strategies in problem solving and also possibly resolves long-standing uncertainties regarding functions of some cell cycle proteins.

Papel de ciclina D1 na interação entre FGF-2, ACTH e outros peptídeos na sinalização em células adrenocorticais Y-1 / Role of cyclin D1 in the interaction between FGF-2, ACTH and other peptides in Y-1 adrenocortical cell signaling

Schwindt, Telma Tiemi 20 November 2001 (has links)
O principal controle do ciclo celular de mamíferos, que é dividido em G0/G1/S/G2/M, ocorre na transição G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S. Nesta tese mostramos que a proteína ciclina D1 desempenha um papel fundamental nos circuitos de transdução de sinais que regulam a transição G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S na linhagem Y-1 de células adrenocorticais de camundongo. Esta conclusão não é surpreendente, uma vez que, ao longo dos últimos anos, muitos laboratórios contribuíram para estabelecer a noção de que a atividade das diversas formas do complexo ciclina/CDK é essencial para a transição G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S, e também para outras etapas do ciclo celular. Em células Y-1, FGF-2 induz tardiamente (5-6h) a expressão do gene e da proteína ciclina D 1, através de um processo dependente de síntese de proteínas. Peptídeos hipofisários não identificados e vasopressina bloqueiam a indução de ciclina DI, antagonizando FGF-2. Por este mecanismo, vasopressina exerce um efeito anti-mitótico, bloqueando a transição G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S promovida por FGF-2. ACTH, que também exibe um forte efeito anti-mitótico sobre FGF-2 não afeta a indução de ciclina D1. A transfecção dupla de uma forma induzível de c-Myc (MycER) e constitutiva do cDNA de ciclina D1, em presença de ACTH mimetiza a ação mitogênica de FGF-2 em células Y-1 no estado G0. Estes resultados mostram que, em células adrenocorticais, c-Fos, c-Jun, c-Myc e ciclina D1 agem de forma independente e complementar, sendo necessários para a transição G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S do ciclo celular. / The main control of mammalian cell cycle, which is divided in G0/G1/S/G2/M, occurs in G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S transition. In this work we show that cyclin D1 protein plays a key role in signal transduction circuits underlying the G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S transition of mouse Y-1 adrenocortical cell line. This conclusion is not surprising, once in the last years, many laboratories have contributed to establish the notion that the activity of the distinct forms of cyclin/CDK complexes is essential for the G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S transition, and also for other phases transition of cell cycle. In Y-1 cells, FGF-2 causes a delayed (5-6h) induction of cyclin D1 gene and protein, through a process dependent on protein synthesis. Hypophisary peptides, not identified, as well as vasopressin, block cyclin D1 induction, antagonizing FGF-2. By this mechanism, vasopressin exert an antimitotic effect, blocking G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S transition promoted by FGF-2. ACTH, which also exhibit a strong anti-mitotic effect upon FGF-2, does not affect cyclin D1 induction. Double transfection of inducible c-Myc (MycER) and constitutive cyclin D1 cDNA, in the presence of ACTH, mimics the mitogenic action of FGF-2 in G0 Y-1 cells. Altogether, these results show that, in adrenocortical cells, c-Fos, c-Jun, c-Myc and cyclin D1 act in an independent and complementary manner, being necessary for the G0&#8594;G1&#8594;S transition of cell cycle.

The role of Pcl5p and Pcl7p in the Gcn4p stability regulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Die Rolle von Pcl5p und Pcl7p bei der Stabilitätsregulation von Gcn4p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Schulze, Florian 27 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Reconstruction of Cellular Signal Transduction Networks Using Perturbation Assays and Linear Programming

Knapp, Bettina, Kaderali, Lars 22 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Perturbation experiments for example using RNA interference (RNAi) offer an attractive way to elucidate gene function in a high throughput fashion. The placement of hit genes in their functional context and the inference of underlying networks from such data, however, are challenging tasks. One of the problems in network inference is the exponential number of possible network topologies for a given number of genes. Here, we introduce a novel mathematical approach to address this question. We formulate network inference as a linear optimization problem, which can be solved efficiently even for large-scale systems. We use simulated data to evaluate our approach, and show improved performance in particular on larger networks over state-of-the art methods. We achieve increased sensitivity and specificity, as well as a significant reduction in computing time. Furthermore, we show superior performance on noisy data. We then apply our approach to study the intracellular signaling of human primary nave CD4+ T-cells, as well as ErbB signaling in trastuzumab resistant breast cancer cells. In both cases, our approach recovers known interactions and points to additional relevant processes. In ErbB signaling, our results predict an important role of negative and positive feedback in controlling the cell cycle progression.

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