Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cymbal"" "subject:"tymbal""
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Trumma tyst! : En studie om nya tekniska och musikaliska möjligheter genom volymsvag övningAronsson, Ludwig January 2019 (has links)
Under hösten 2018 och våren 2019 har jag jobbat med volymsvag övning på trummor för att utforska nya tekniska och musikaliska möjligheter i mitt spel. Det var trummisen Ziv Ravitz som inspirerade mig till att öva på volymsvagt spel. Jag började under studien utforska olika tekniker i händer och fötter och uppmärksammade tidigt att jag behövde mer sofistikerad fingerteknik för att kunna forska i volymsvagt spel. En stor del av studien spenderades därför på att bearbeta fingerteknik i mitt spel. Jag jobbade främst ensam men spelade även in i studio med ensemble för att redogöra för mina slutsatser. I studien jobbade jag utifrån två genrer, bebop och modern jazz. Jag kunde genom den här studien upptäcka nya tekniska och musikaliska möjligheter i och med den volymsvaga metoden. Studien har lett till att jag fått en djupare förståelse för dynamik som musikaliskt medel och dess påverkan på olika områden av mitt musicerande. Mitt fokus i övningen var huvudsakligen på högerhanden samt högerfoten och kommer därför vara det även i rapporten. Eftersom jag spelar på ett högerhänt trumset skriver jag i rapporten utifrån det perspektivet. Spelar man på ett vänsterhänt trumset eller med open hand-teknik får man tänka rapporten utifrån det perspektiv som är lämpligt för en själv.
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Energy harvesting from walking using piezoelectric cymbal and diaphragm type structuresPalosaari, J. (Jaakko) 01 December 2017 (has links)
Many electrical devices already surround us in our everyday life. Some devices monitor car performance and traffic while others exist in handheld devices used by the general public. Electrical devices also control manufacturing processes and protect workers from exposure to hazardous working environment. All these devices require electricity to operate. This exponential growth of low power electronic devices in industry, healthcare, military, transportation and in portable personal devices has led to an urgent need for system integrated energy sources.
Many energy harvesting technologies have been developed to serve as a power source in close proximity to the electrical device itself. Solar and magnetic energy harvesters are the most common solutions when conditions are suitable. A more recent technique, called piezoelectric energy harvesting, has raised significant interest among scientists and in industry. Through piezoelectric (ceramic) material mechanical energy can be harvested and converted to electrical energy. This method requires accurate analysis of the kinetic energy experienced by the piezoelectric material so that the mechanics can be suitably designed. At the same time the mechanical design has to protect the piezoelectric material from intense forces that might cause cracks, while still transmitting the kinetic energy efficiently. These requirements usually mean a specific energy harvest design for each ambient energy source at hand.
This thesis is focused on energy harvesting from low frequency compressions using piezoelectric ceramic materials. The objective was to manufacture, measure and implement structures that could sustain the forces experienced under the heel of a foot and maximize the harvested energy amount and efficiency. Two different construction designs were developed and optimised with an iterative process. The kinetic energy impulse under the heel part of the foot was studied by measuring the electrical output of the harvester during walking and then analysed with modelling software. The results were used to create a walking profile for a computer controlled piston to study the input energy phase, speed and force influence on the amount of the harvested energy and the efficiency of the harvesting process. Finally, the functionality of the concept was tested in a real environment with an energy harvester inserted inside a running shoe. The developed harvester showed the highest energy density reported in this frequency region. / Tiivistelmä
Monet elektroniset laitteet ympäröivät meitä jokapäiväisessä elämässä. Ne tarkkailevat auton toimintaa tai liikennettä ja toiset toimivat aina mukana kulkevissa kannettavissa laitteissa. Töissä ne valvovat valmistusprosesseja tai varoittavat työntekijöitä vaarallisista työolosuhteista. Kaikki nämä laitteet tarvitsevat sähköä toimiakseen. Pienitehoisten elektronisten laitteiden eksponentiaalinen kasvu teollisuudessa, terveyssektorilla, puolustusteollisuudessa, kulkuneuvoissa sekä kannettavassa kulutuselektroniikassa on johtanut suureen tarpeeseen kehittää järjestelmiin integroituja energialähteitä.
Monia energiankeräystekniikoita on kehitetty toimimaan elektronisten laitteiden läheisyydessä. Aurinkopaneelit ja magneettiset energiankeräysmenetelmät ovat yleisimpiä ratkaisuja, jos olosuhteet antavat siihen mahdollisuuden. Pietsosähköinen energiankeräys on uudempi tekniikka, joka on herättänyt kasvavaa huomiota tutkimusyhteisössä sekä teollisuudessa. Pietsosähköisen materiaalin avulla mekaaninen energia voidaan muuntaa suoraan sähköiseksi energiaksi. Tässä tekniikassa kineettinen energia tulee analysoida tarkasti mekaniikka suunnittelua varten, jotta se saadaan kohdistettua tehokkaasti pietsosähköiseen materiaaliin. Lisäksi mekaniikan tulee suojata materiaalia voimilta, jotka voivat johtaa murtumiin. Näistä vaatimuksista johtuen jokainen ulkoinen energialähde vaatii yleensä yksilöllisen energiankeräysrakenteen.
Tämä väitöstyö keskittyy pietsosähköisten keraamien hyödyntämiseen energiankeräyksessä matalataajuisista mekaanisista voimista. Tarkoituksena oli suunnitella, valmistaa, mitata ja asentaa rakenteita, jotka kestävät kantapäähän kohdistuvia voimia kävelyn ja juoksun aikana sekä maksimoida talteen saatava energia ja hyötysuhde. Kaksi erilaista rakennetta suunniteltiin, valmistettiin ja optimoitiin energiankeräystä varten. Kantapäähän kohdistuva kineettinen energia analysoitiin mallinnusohjelmistolla ja mittaamalla sähköinen vaste energiakeräys rakenteesta. Tuloksien avulla suunniteltiin kävelyprofiilia imitoiva mekaaninen männän liike, jonka avulla tutkittiin kohdistettavan voiman nopeuden, vaiheen ja suuruuden vaikutusta energiankeräyksen hyötysuhteeseen ja saatavaan tehoon. Viimeisenä energiankeräysrakenteen toimivuutta testattiin oikeassa ympäristössä asentamalla se juoksukenkään. Kehitetyllä pietsosähköisellä energiakeräimellä saavutettiin korkeimmat raportoidut energiatiheydet käytetyllä taajuusalueella.
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The Evolution of the Ride Cymbal Pattern from 1917 to 1941: An Historical and Critical AnalysisClark, Colleen (Musician) 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to provide a historiographical and musical analysis examining the jazz ride cymbal pattern, from its inception on woodblock, small accessory cymbals, hand cymbal mechanisms and brushes through what becomes known as the modern-day ride cymbal pattern. This research examines a wide array of drummers and bandleaders, with the objective of identifying the earliest recordings of this important addition to jazz drumming, and popular music history while analyzing the ride cymbal pattern's evolution through definitive recordings. The study begins with the earliest known recordings that clearly display the pattern as it is played on any of the instruments mentioned above. The research concludes with the jam sessions of the early 1940s at Minton's Playhouse, where the pioneer of bebop drumming, Kenny Clarke, experimented with altering the pattern. At this point, the pattern reach its final level of maturity and has since experienced no subsequent major modification. The historical and geographical analysis uses relevant literature from the field of jazz history in order to interpret and evaluate the impact of the the overall trajectory of the music and players. By surveying newspaper and magazine articles, archival interviews, and photographic sources, combined with audio and film analysis, it is clear that drummers navigated a path to the maturation of the pattern.
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The Semantics of the Recorded Drum Kit and its ProcessingEvans, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
This study investigated the terms used by drummers and audio engineers to describe the recorded drum kit and the processing applied to it. The main method consisted of semi-structured interviews with six professionals in the fields of drumming and audio engineering. The participants were asked to describe five musical samples of different drum kit mixes containing kick, snare and hi-hat sounds. Their descriptions along with explanations of their communication tactics were compared, resulting in explanations of fourteen semantic descriptors. The comparison of their use of the terms in the context of the samples revealed some differences depending on their professional backgrounds. The results suggested that, while audio engineers have a larger semantic lexicon in regards to the recorded drum kit, the differences in the definitions of terms had a larger degree of variation between individuals than between the respective professions.
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Acoustic cymbal transducers-design, hydrostatic pressure compensation, and acoustic performanceJenne, Kirk E. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Continuing U.S. Navy interest in the development of light-weight, low-volume, broadband, underwater acoustic projectors and receivers is the principal motivation for this research topic. Acoustic cymbal transducers, so named for their geometric similarity to the percussion instruments, are miniature "class V" flextensional transducers that consist of a piezoelectric ceramic drive element bonded to two opposing cymbal-shaped metal shells. Operating as mechanical transformers, the two metal shells convert the naturally large generative force of a piezoelectric ceramic in the radial mode into increased volume displacement at the metal shell surface to obtain usable source levels and sensitivities in a broad frequency range. The magnified displacement makes the acoustic cymbal element a potential alternative to acoustic transduction technologies presently used to generate and receive Navy sonar frequencies. Potential benefits to utilizing this technology are generating or receiving broadband sound, at sonar frequencies in a thin, low volume, conformable package. Applications of this technology have been limited because air-backed acoustic cymbal elements undergo degradation in performance when exposed to elevated hydrostatic pressure (i.e., deep ocean and extreme littoral water applications). This research shows that consistent and reliable acoustic performance can be achieved with cymbal-based transducers at hydrostatic pressures of interest to the Navy. / Civilian, United States Navy
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