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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexuell perversion eller moralisk progresion? : En idéhistorisk studie i hur 1960-talets sexualpolitiska debatt manifesterade de sexuella avvikarnas beskaffenheter, och hur dessa perspektiv sedan avspeglade sig i SOU 1976:9.

Rydström, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
<p>The main purpose with this essay is to evaluate how the characters of the sexually deviated was discussed during the sexual political debate in the 1960s, and if those apprehensions were reflected in SOU 1976:9 concerning sexual abuse. Furthermore, my prime intention will be to compare the reconstructed historical context, alias the sexual political debate, with the analyzed document, with the purpose to explicate why the anticipated political action weren’t sanctioned and implemented by the parliament. The analysis is carried out through a methodology that retrieves its primal premises from Quentin Skinners theories regarding the history of ideas. My most essential conclusions would be that there in fact existed an equivalence regarding the ideological framework between the radical axioms that was conceived during the sexual political debate and the stipulations that was formulated in the document. Thus, the comparison indicate that SOU 1976:9 was published in a ideological milieu that were in fact contrasting with the ontological premises that supposedly guided the committees intentions.</p>

Från skilda världar till "Valet är ditt! Inte maktens!" : En analys av Aftonbladets debatt- och insändarsidor 1999 till 2005

von Lochow, Ulla January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Purpose/Aim: To investigate how the positions between the paper, the public and the elite in society have changed on Aftonbladets Op-Eds and Letter to the editor-pages between 1999 to 2005. In a wider context this means Aftonbladets potential to contribute to the role of the press as a forum of public debate.</p><p>Material/Method: The study focuses on one week during 1999, 2002 and 2005. Here a quantitative contents analyse with inspiration from conversation (dialogue) analyse has been used.</p><p>Main results: The study shows that the paper has strengthened its position over this period of time. Mainly by taking a more active role in forming and encouraging the debate. The public was given more space in 2002, then in 1999 and 2005. But on the other hand, in 2005 the public got, through the papers more active role, a stronger role themselves and by that, they strengthened their position too. Aftonbladet also broaden the debate to the Internet, whereby enlarging the papers own role as a forum of public debate. The elite temporarily was weakened in 2002 but regained its volume in 2005. However with more restraints put on it by the paper and the public.</p><p>Keywords: Aftonbladet, Public debate, Newspaper, Press, Op-Ed, Letter to the editor, Quantitative contents analyse, Conversation (dialogue) analyse</p>

Stupade soldater i Afghanistan omdebatterade / Fallen soldiers in Afghanistan is debateted

Johansson, Stina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Att med militära medel försvara vårt rike då det föreligger ett hot mot vår direkta existens kräver ingen större motivering. Inte heller att soldater stupar i samband med detta. Men med en ny försvarspolitik lämnar vi det fokus som legat på det nationella försvaret. Nu är vi med andra premisser och försvara något som inte akut berör vår egen existens och därav är det inte lika självklart med förluster. I samband med deltagandet i internationell tjänst har Sverige lidit förluster och nu senast i Afghanistan. Till följd av svenska förluster i internationell tjänst har naturligt följt en debatt. I denna uppsats tittar jag på den debatt som följt efter att svenska soldater vid två olika tillfällen stupat i Afghanistan, år 2005 och år 2010. Syftet med denna uppsats är att jämföra de debatter som uppstått till följd av att svenska soldater stupat i internationell tjänst i Afghanistan, detta för att undersöka om skillnader i debatterna kan påvisas och vad dessa kan bero på. Resultatet visar att en skillnad i debatterna föreligger och att den huvudsakliga orsaken till detta är den försämrade säkerhetssituationen i Afghanistan.</p> / <p>By military means to defend our realm where there is a direct threat tor our existence requires no more justification. Neither the soldiers killed in this context. But with a new defence policy, we leave the total focus that has been on national defence. Now we are with other premises and defend something that in not urgent concerns our own existence and hence it is not as obvious with losses. In connection with its participation in international service, Sweden has suffered losses and, most recently in Afghanistan. As a result of losses in the Swedish international service has naturally followed a debate. In this essay I look over the debate which followed after the Swedish soldiers at two different times was killed in Afghanistan in 2005 and 2010. The purpose of this study is to compare the debates that have arisen as a result of Swedish soldiers were killed in international service in Afghanistan, in order to investigate if a difference in the debates can be shown and what they can depend on. The results show that a difference exists in the debates and that the main reason for this is the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.</p>

Human Terrain System : En kartläggning av debatten kring vetenskapsetik / Human Terrain System : A survey of the debate on science ehtics

Engkvist, Dennis January 2010 (has links)
<p>Antropologer anställs idag av amerikanska försvarsmakten inom Human Terrain System. Denna enhet skall med sin expertiskunskap leverera socio-kulturell data till militära beslutsfattare på högre nivåer. Detta har i USA vållat stor debatt, främst vad gäller den vetenskapsetiska aspekten av projektet. Kritiker till HTS menar att det strider emot vetenskapsetiska riktlinjer och god vetenskaplig sed att bedriva forskning på människor där risk föreligger att de kan komma till skada. Syftet bakom uppsatsen är att kartlägga debatten för att se hur denna har förts mellan debattörerna.</p><p>Debatten har analyserats utifrån artiklar, internetmaterial, samt litterära källor. En pro et contra analys har genomförts och därefter förs en diskussion kring debatten och vilken karaktär argumenten har.</p><p>Uppsatsen visar på att debatten utifrån valt material, håller god kvalité vad gäller saklighet, hållbarhet och relevans. Den visar även att en god ton hålls mellan debattörerna debatten igenom.</p> / <p>Anthropologists are currently being employed by U.S. armed forces in the Human Terrain System. This unit is able to deliver expertise knowledge regarding socio-cultural data in combat theatres to military decision-makers at the battalion-division level. This has caused much debate in the U.S, particularly regarding the ethical aspects of science projects. Critics of the HTS believes that it is against science ethical guidelines and good scientific practice to conduct research on humans in which there is a risk that they may be harmed. The purpose behind this paper is to identify the debate to see how the debate has taken place between the opinion-makers in this debate.The debate has been analyzed on the basis of articles, Internet materials, and literary sources.</p><p>A pro et contra analysis has been carried out and followed by a discussion of the debate regarding the nature and character of the debate and the arguments.</p><p>This paper shows that the debate based on selected materials, good workmanship is of fairness, sustainability and relevance. It also demonstrates that a high professional level is being held between the debaters throughout the debate.</p>

Vom Sprechen und Schweigen / About speech and silence

Lötzsch, Gesine January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Stupade soldater i Afghanistan omdebatterade / Fallen soldiers in Afghanistan is debateted

Johansson, Stina January 2010 (has links)
Att med militära medel försvara vårt rike då det föreligger ett hot mot vår direkta existens kräver ingen större motivering. Inte heller att soldater stupar i samband med detta. Men med en ny försvarspolitik lämnar vi det fokus som legat på det nationella försvaret. Nu är vi med andra premisser och försvara något som inte akut berör vår egen existens och därav är det inte lika självklart med förluster. I samband med deltagandet i internationell tjänst har Sverige lidit förluster och nu senast i Afghanistan. Till följd av svenska förluster i internationell tjänst har naturligt följt en debatt. I denna uppsats tittar jag på den debatt som följt efter att svenska soldater vid två olika tillfällen stupat i Afghanistan, år 2005 och år 2010. Syftet med denna uppsats är att jämföra de debatter som uppstått till följd av att svenska soldater stupat i internationell tjänst i Afghanistan, detta för att undersöka om skillnader i debatterna kan påvisas och vad dessa kan bero på. Resultatet visar att en skillnad i debatterna föreligger och att den huvudsakliga orsaken till detta är den försämrade säkerhetssituationen i Afghanistan. / By military means to defend our realm where there is a direct threat tor our existence requires no more justification. Neither the soldiers killed in this context. But with a new defence policy, we leave the total focus that has been on national defence. Now we are with other premises and defend something that in not urgent concerns our own existence and hence it is not as obvious with losses. In connection with its participation in international service, Sweden has suffered losses and, most recently in Afghanistan. As a result of losses in the Swedish international service has naturally followed a debate. In this essay I look over the debate which followed after the Swedish soldiers at two different times was killed in Afghanistan in 2005 and 2010. The purpose of this study is to compare the debates that have arisen as a result of Swedish soldiers were killed in international service in Afghanistan, in order to investigate if a difference in the debates can be shown and what they can depend on. The results show that a difference exists in the debates and that the main reason for this is the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.

Human Terrain System : En kartläggning av debatten kring vetenskapsetik / Human Terrain System : A survey of the debate on science ehtics

Engkvist, Dennis January 2010 (has links)
Antropologer anställs idag av amerikanska försvarsmakten inom Human Terrain System. Denna enhet skall med sin expertiskunskap leverera socio-kulturell data till militära beslutsfattare på högre nivåer. Detta har i USA vållat stor debatt, främst vad gäller den vetenskapsetiska aspekten av projektet. Kritiker till HTS menar att det strider emot vetenskapsetiska riktlinjer och god vetenskaplig sed att bedriva forskning på människor där risk föreligger att de kan komma till skada. Syftet bakom uppsatsen är att kartlägga debatten för att se hur denna har förts mellan debattörerna. Debatten har analyserats utifrån artiklar, internetmaterial, samt litterära källor. En pro et contra analys har genomförts och därefter förs en diskussion kring debatten och vilken karaktär argumenten har. Uppsatsen visar på att debatten utifrån valt material, håller god kvalité vad gäller saklighet, hållbarhet och relevans. Den visar även att en god ton hålls mellan debattörerna debatten igenom. / Anthropologists are currently being employed by U.S. armed forces in the Human Terrain System. This unit is able to deliver expertise knowledge regarding socio-cultural data in combat theatres to military decision-makers at the battalion-division level. This has caused much debate in the U.S, particularly regarding the ethical aspects of science projects. Critics of the HTS believes that it is against science ethical guidelines and good scientific practice to conduct research on humans in which there is a risk that they may be harmed. The purpose behind this paper is to identify the debate to see how the debate has taken place between the opinion-makers in this debate.The debate has been analyzed on the basis of articles, Internet materials, and literary sources. A pro et contra analysis has been carried out and followed by a discussion of the debate regarding the nature and character of the debate and the arguments. This paper shows that the debate based on selected materials, good workmanship is of fairness, sustainability and relevance. It also demonstrates that a high professional level is being held between the debaters throughout the debate.

Etisk Shopping : En studie av unga mäns tankar kring etiska dimensioner av klädkonsumtion

Lindblad, Emma January 2007 (has links)
In contemporary public debate there is currently a great deal of focus attached to environmental problems and social responsibility. This trend is noticeable within the clothing industry, where it has become increasingly popular for new brands to market themselves with an environmental and ethical profile. An anthropological approach has been used to investigate how individuals understand ethical dimensions of clothing, and relates to the consumers’ ideals that are pronounced by clothing companies with an environmental and ethical profile. Interviews have been conducted with young men, a group often absent in accounts of ethical consumption. From these conversations, it is possible to discuss wider processes going on in society at large. Contemporary discourse on ethical shopping appears to rest on the assumption that the individual is able to freely choose among merchandise available on the market, and is placed in a central position of responsibility towards human and non-human others. There is a need for research that challenges this view. From the material it became visible that there existed a strong boundary from the informants´ point of view of what was mentioned as social problems or global issues, and of what they considered reasonable of themselves to bear responsibility for. Distrust was expressed against ongoing public debate that was considered to be too one-sided. Barely any references existed of ecological and fair made fashion, suggesting a generational gap in experiences of this kind of clothing. The study is considered to stimulate for further research in the area of ethical shopping of clothes.

Från skilda världar till "Valet är ditt! Inte maktens!" : En analys av Aftonbladets debatt- och insändarsidor 1999 till 2005

von Lochow, Ulla January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Purpose/Aim: To investigate how the positions between the paper, the public and the elite in society have changed on Aftonbladets Op-Eds and Letter to the editor-pages between 1999 to 2005. In a wider context this means Aftonbladets potential to contribute to the role of the press as a forum of public debate. Material/Method: The study focuses on one week during 1999, 2002 and 2005. Here a quantitative contents analyse with inspiration from conversation (dialogue) analyse has been used. Main results: The study shows that the paper has strengthened its position over this period of time. Mainly by taking a more active role in forming and encouraging the debate. The public was given more space in 2002, then in 1999 and 2005. But on the other hand, in 2005 the public got, through the papers more active role, a stronger role themselves and by that, they strengthened their position too. Aftonbladet also broaden the debate to the Internet, whereby enlarging the papers own role as a forum of public debate. The elite temporarily was weakened in 2002 but regained its volume in 2005. However with more restraints put on it by the paper and the public. Keywords: Aftonbladet, Public debate, Newspaper, Press, Op-Ed, Letter to the editor, Quantitative contents analyse, Conversation (dialogue) analyse

Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum-seeking children residence permits?

Björck, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum- seeking children permanent residence permits? This thesis analyses our moral duty to offer 410 severely ill asylum-seeking children permanent residence permits. During 2004 an emotionally charged debate started in Sweden. The debate concerned the deportation of 410 severely ill asylum- seeking children and their families. For this and other reasons Sweden was criticized by the United Nations commission along with human rights organizations for being too restrictive in its migration and asylum politics. My thesis outlines the migration and asylum debate and the refugee situation in the world at present together with facts about how the asylum procedure takes place in Sweden. Further I draw upon medical research connected to the asylum procedure along with how the Swedish Government and Save the Children respond to the migration and asylum debate. I also explore which rights, in terms of legal implications and ethical principles, these children have. Additional I outline theories in political philosophy from the utilitarian and communitarian tradition. The two philosophers I refer to are Michael Walzer and Peter Singer to apply their views to my primary question. Finally, I reach a critical analysis where I summarize and discuss my research. In the end I offer my final reflections in order to further debate on migration and asylum issues.

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