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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da decoerência e da dissipação quântica durante a evolução temporal de dois qubits ditadas por operações unitárias controladas / Study of quantum decoherence and dissipation, during a two qubits temporal evolution controlled by unitary operations

Fanchini, Felipe Fernandes 23 August 2004 (has links)
Nessa dissertação, abordamos o problema de dois qubits interagindo com campos externos e entre si controladamente, de acordo com um Hamiltoniano considerado realista para implementação da porta lógica quântica XOR. Introduzimos acoplamentos entre as observáveis do sistema de dois qubits e um banho de osciladores harmônicos a fim de tratarmos o problema da dissipação e da decoerência. Primeiramente nós consideramos o limite no qual a decoerência é mais rápida que qualquer processo gerado pelo Hamiltoniano do sistema. Prosseguimos então, através do método numérico conhecido como Integrador Unitário, com o estudo da matriz densidade do sistema durante a operação da porta lógica quântica sem incluir, inicialmente, o acoplamento com o banho de osciladores harmônicos. Finalmente, implementamos o método numérico conhecido como Propagador quase adiabático para estudar a decoerência e a dissipação durante a operação da porta lógica quântica XOR, a fim de analisarmos os aspectos perturbativos do sistema quântico de dois qubits. / In this dissertation, we approach the problem of two qubits interading with themselves and with externa1 fields in a controlled way, according to a Hamiltonian considered realistic to implement the XOR quantum gate. We introduce couplings between the observables of the two-qubits system and of a bath of harmonic oscillators, to treat the problems of dissipation and decoherence. Preliminarly, we consider the limit in which decoherence is faster than any process dictated by the Hamiltonian evolution of the system. Then, through a unitary-integrator numerical method, we proceed with the study of the evolution of the density matrix of the system during the operation of the logical quantum gate, initially, without the coupling with the bath of harmonic oscillators. Finally, we use the quasiadiabatic path integral method to study the dissipation and decoherence during the logical operation, through the inclusion of the bath.

Computação quântica baseada em medidas projetivas em sistemas quânticos abertos / Measurement-based quantum computation in open quantum systems

Luiz Gustavo Esmenard Arruda 20 June 2011 (has links)
Usamos um modelo exatamente solúvel para calcular a dinâmica da fidelidade de uma computação baseada em medidas projetivas cujo sistema interage com um meio ambiente comum que insere erros de fase. Mostramos que a fidelidade do estado de Cluster canônico oscila como função do tempo e, como consequência, a computação quântica baseada em medidas projetivas pode apresentar melhores resultados computacionais mesmo para um conjunto sequencial de medidas lentas. Além disso, apresentamos uma condição necessária para que a dinâmica da fidelidade de um estado quântico geral apresente um comportamento não-monotônico. / We use an exact solvable model to calculate the gate fidelity dynamics of a measurement-based quantum computation that interacts with a common dephasing environment. We show that the fidelity of the canonical cluster state oscillates as a function of time and, as a consequence, the measurement-based quantum computer can give better computational results even for a set of slow measurement sequences. Furthermore, we present a necessary condition to the fidelity dynamics of a general quantum state presents a non-monotonical shape.

Eléments de théorie de l'information quantique, décohérence et codes correcteurs quantiques.

Ollivier, Harold 23 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis 20 ans, l'information quantique a profondément changé notre façon d'appréhender la physique atomique, ainsi que la nature des ressources utiles au calcul. Cette thèse aborde trois aspects relatifs à l'information quantique: - Le phénomène de décohérence -- responsable de la transition quantique-classique -- est décrit quantitativement grâce à l'analyse de l'information mutuelle entre deux systèmes quantiques ; - Une nouvelle classe de codes correcteurs d'erreurs quantiques -- les codes convolutifs -- est introduite en detail et il est montré qu'elle partage les propriétés des codes convolutifs classiques (codage et décodage en ligne, algorithme efficace d'estimation d'erreurs au maximum de vraisemblance, existence de condition nécessaire et suffisante pour l'absence d'erreur catastrophique, etc.) ; - Quelques propositions expérimentales de manipulation d'information quantique sont décrites (porte de Toffoli et clonage universel pour l'électrodynamique quantique en cavité).

Decoherence υπό την επίδραση εξωτερικού θορύβου

Τζέμος, Αθανάσιος 29 September 2010 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετάται το φαινόμενο της Κβαντικής Αποσυνοχής (Decoherence) υπό την επίδραση εξωτερικού θορύβου. Στο πρώτο μέρος της εργασίας γίνεται ανασκόπηση των βασικών εννοιών της Κβαντικής Πληροφορικής, της Θεωρίας Αποσυνοχής και του Στοχαστικού Λογισμού. Στο δεύτερο-ερευνητικό μέρος μελετάται η Decoherence δύο qubits, τα οποία ανήκουν στην Αλυσίδα XY του Heisenberg. Τα qubits αυτά μελετώνται τόσο εντός ομογενούς μαγνητικού πεδίου όσο και εντός μαγνητικού πεδίου στοχαστικού χαρακτήρα. Επίσης, παρουσιάζονται και κάποια αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα στην περίπτωση που έχουμε θόρυβο στο μαγνητικό πεδίο και στη σταθερά συζεύξεως Jx. Στις δύο τελευταίες περιπτώσεις (όπου έχουμε θόρυβο) ευρίσκουμε Decoherence Free Subspaces. Τέλος, προτείνεται τρόπος ανάκτησης της Entanglement στην περίπτωση μικτής αρχικής κατάστασης του συστήματος των qubits. / In the current Master Thesis, the phenomenon of the Quantum Decoherence under the influence of external noise is examined. The first part is a review of the basic elements of Quantum Information Theory, Decoherence Theory, and Stochastic Calculus. In the second part, the Decoherence of two qubits that belong to the XY Heisenberg Chain is studied. The first case is where these qubits are placed in a constant magnetic field, while the second one is where the magnetic field has stochastic behavior. Furthermore, some arithmetic results, in the case of external noise in both the magnetic field and the coupling constant Jx are presented. In the last two cases (where we have noise), we find Decoherence Free Subspaces. Finally, we propose a way to rebound the Entanglement of these two qubits, if they are prepared in a mixed initial state.

Classical vs. Quantum Decoherence

Helm, Julius 12 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Based on the superposition principle, any two states of a quantum system may be coherently superposed to yield a novel state. Such a simple construction is at the heart of genuinely quantum phenomena such as interference of massive particles or quantum entanglement. Yet, these superpositions are susceptible to environmental influences, eventually leading to a complete disappearance of the system's quantum character. In principle, two distinct mechanisms responsible for this process of decoherence may be identified. In a classical decoherence setting, on the one hand, stochastic fluctuations of classical, ambient fields are the relevant source. This approach leads to a formulation in terms of stochastic Hamiltonians; the dynamics is unitary, yet stochastic. In a quantum decoherence scenario, on the other hand, the system is described in the language of open quantum systems. Here, the environmental degrees of freedom are to be treated quantum mechanically, too. The loss of coherence is then a direct consequence of growing correlations between system and environment. The purpose of the present thesis is to clarify the distinction between classical and quantum decoherence. It is known that there exist decoherence processes that are not reconcilable with the classical approach. We deem it desirable to have a simple, feasible model at hand of which it is known that it cannot be understood in terms of fluctuating fields. Indeed, we find such an example of true quantum decoherence. The calculation of the norm distance to the convex set of classical dynamics allows for a quantitative assessment of the results. In order to incorporate genuine irreversibility, we extend the original toy model by an additional bath. Here, the fragility of the true quantum nature of the dynamics under increasing coupling strength is evident. The geometric character of our findings offers remarkable insights into the geometry of the set of non-classical decoherence maps. We give a very intuitive geometrical measure---a volume---for the quantumness of dynamics. This enables us to identify the decoherence process of maximum quantumness, that is, having maximal distance to the convex set of dynamics consistent with the stochastic, classical approach. In addition, we observe a distinct correlation between the decoherence potential of a given dynamics and its achievable quantumness. In a last step, we study the notion of quantum decoherence in the context of a bipartite system which couples locally to the subsystems' respective environments. A simple argument shows that in the case of a separable environment the resulting dynamics is of classical nature. Based on a realistic experiment, we analyze the impact of entanglement between the local environments on the nature of the dynamics. Interestingly, despite the variety of entangled environmental states scrutinized, no single instance of true quantum decoherence is encountered. In part, the identification of the classical nature relies on numerical schemes. However, for a large class of dynamics, we are able to exclude analytically the true quantum nature.

Semiclassical hybrid dynamics for open quantum systems

Goletz, Christoph-Marian 20 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this work the semiclassical hybrid dynamics is extended in order to be capable of treating open quantum systems considering finite baths. The corresponding phenomena, i.e. decoherence and dissipation, are investigated for various scenarios.

Teorie relaxace a přenosu energie v otevřených kvantových systémech / Theory of Relaxation and Energy Transfer in Open Quantum Systems

Olšina, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The work summarizes basic theory of relaxation, energy transfer and decoher- ence in photosynthetic molecular aggregates described as open quantum systems and basic theory of third order coherent non-linear spectroscopy. The work presents two methods for calculation of photo-induced dynamics of molecular aggregates. The methods relax certain approximations of the theories commonly used to model the relaxation and energy transfer in the molecular systems on the sub-picosecond time scale. The first theory derived in the formalism of para- metric projection operators accounts for correlations in a second-order non-linear response-function that are usually neglected in the formalism of master equations. The second theory represents stochastic model of exact dynamics via the cumulant expansion. The work also presents an analysis of importance of the secular and the Markov approximations in the description of dynamics derived in the second-order perturbation theory in the system-bath coupling with emphasis on the excitonic coherence lifetime.

Redes de osciladores dissipativos : o modelo duplicado de Caldeira-Leggett, transferência quase-perfeita de estados e recoerência

Cacheffo, Alexandre 25 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:15:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2851.pdf: 5105672 bytes, checksum: 2958cef30f5756dd1655364f76753c01 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-25 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / In this work we treat firstly what we call the double Caldeira-Leggett model, which consists on the approach to the dynamics of two dissipative harmonic oscillators via Feynman-Vernon theory. We derived and solved the associated master equations in two different situations where i) each oscillator is coupled to its own reservoir and ii) both oscillators are coupled to the same reservoir. Finally we analyzed the decoherence process of entangled states prepared in both oscillators. Next, we treat the problem of quasi-perfect state transfer (QPST) in networks of dissipative harmonic oscillators. In this context, we have presented two different protocols for QPST: the first based in the detuning between the frequencies of the emitter and receiver oscillators regarding that of the transmitter oscillators and the second consisting in the use of what we call a decoherence quasi-free subspace (DQFS). To this end, we derived the regime of parameters enabling the emergence of DQFS. In both protocols we verified that QPST processes occur by means of a mechanism, similar to the tunneling effect, i. e., the excitations of the state to be transferred populate only virtually the transmission channel. Finally, regarding quantum open systems, we present the phenomenon that we call spontaneous recoherence of states. Through this phenomenon, we verified that the reservoir only shuffle the information of the system, instead of erasing it. The password to retrieve the original information consists of the knowledge of the initial state itself and its associated pure basis / Neste trabalho tratamos primeiramente o que denominamos modelo duplicado de Caldeira-Leggett, que consiste no tratamento da dinâmica de dois osciladores harmônicos quânticos dissipativos acoplados, via teoria de Feynman-Vernon. Obtivemos e resolvemos as equações mestras associadas em duas diferentes situações, nas quais i) cada oscilador encontra-se acoplado a seu próprio reservatório ou ii) ambos os osciladores acoplam-se ao mesmo reservatório. Por fim, analisamos o processo de decoerência de estados emaranhados preparados nos osciladores. Tratamos, em seguida, do problema da transferência quase-perfeita de estados (TQPE) em redes de osciladores quânticos dissipativos. Apresentamos, neste contexto, dois diferentes protocolos para a TQPE: o primeiro baseado na dessintonia entre as freqüências dos osciladores emissor e receptor com relação àquelas dos osciladores transmissores; o segundo baseado na utilização do que denominamos subespaços quase-livres de decoerência (SQLD). Verificamos que em ambos os protocolos apresentados, o processo de transferência de estados se dá por um mecanismo similar ao efeito túnel, de forma que a excitação do estado a ser transferido ocupa apenas virtualmente o canal de transmissão. Por fim, apresentamos o fenômeno que denominamos recoerência espontânea de estados. Através deste fenômeno, verificamos que o reservatório térmico não apaga a informação do sistema, isto é, seu estado inicial; ele apenas embaralha esta informação. A senha para a recuperação da informação original consiste no conhecimento do estado inicial do sistema e da base pura a ele associada.

Ruídos e processos quânticos fundamentais em íons aprisionados e ondas propagantes.

Serra, Roberto Menezes 22 July 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:15:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseRMS.pdf: 6509479 bytes, checksum: 46f0b62dec23c8e8c6a7f264f8418bdc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002-07-22 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / In this work we present a proposal protocol for engineering arbitrary motional states of trapped ions.Our scheme is based on both techniques of quantum state sculpture and projection synthesis. Next, we investigate the decoherence process in ion traps due to the polarization of the residual background gas. Our results are compared with experimental data round in the literature. We also introduce a scheme for probing the tunneling mechanism os a single ion trapped in a double-well electromagnetic potential. The tunneling process is characterized through the probability for a fluorescence measurement of electronic ground state of trapped ion. Finally in the running wave domain, we present a protocol for the teleportation of an entangled of zero- and one- photon states of the running wave field. We consider the process of photoabsorption in the linear and nonlinear optical elements required to achieve 100% of probability of sucess in the ideal case. / Neste trabalho apresentamos um protocolo para a engenharia de estados vibracionais arbitrários de íons aprisionados que combina as técnicas de escultura de estados e síntese da projeção. Este protocolo é desenvolvido tratando-se situação realista em que flutuações na intensidade dos feixes laser estão presentes. Em seguida, uma investigação do processo de decoerência em armadilhas iônicas, devido a polarização do gás residual da armadilha é detalhadamente descrito. Novos resultados são comparados com os dados experimentais apresentados na literatura. Apresentamos também um esquema para a sondagem do processo de tunelamento de um único íon em um potencial do tipo poço duplo. Esta sondagem é realizada por meio da medida fluorescente do estado eletrônico fundamental do íon. Por fim, no contexto de ondas propagantes apresentamos um protocolo para o transporte de estados emaranhados de zero e um fóton do campo de radiação. Consideramos a ocorrência de fotoabsorção nos elementos ópticos lineares e não lineares requeridos para alcançar 100% de probabilidade de sucesso no caso ideal.

Estudo do modelo de Rabi no contexto de sistemas quânticos abertos

Oliveira, Thiago Werlang de 27 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:16:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2271.pdf: 3231782 bytes, checksum: aa777d28ed50189d9815f239428f38f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-27 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The Rabi Hamiltonian describes the interaction between a two-level atom and a single mode of the quantized electromagnetic field. In this work we study numerically and analytically the dynamics of the Rabi hamiltonian subjected to damping and dephasing reservoirs, included via the usual Lindblad superoperators in the master equation. When the system is subjected to the Markovian atomic dephasing reservoir, the anti-rotating term in the Rabi hamiltonian leads to a linear photon generation from the vacuum. In the case where the dissipation effects are present, the asymptotic mean photon number attains a value higher than the thermal photon number, expected in the absence of the anti-rotating term. We reveal the origins of the phenomenon and estimate its importance in realistic situations. Still, we evaluate approximately the photon creation rate in the pure dephasing case and the asymptotic mean photon number and the atomic population inversion in the general case. / O hamiltoniano de Rabi descreve a interação entre um átomo de dois níveis e um único modo de um campo eletromagnético quantizado. Neste trabalho estudamos numericamente e analiticamente a dinâmica do hamiltoniano de Rabi sujeita aos reservatórios de fase e decaimento, introduzidos na equação mestra através dos operadores de Lindblad usuais. Quando o sistema está sujeito a um reservatório de fase atômico markoviano, os termos contra-girantes no hamiltoniano de Rabi induzem uma criação de fótons a partir do vácuo a uma taxa linear. No caso em que há efeitos dissipativos, o número médio de fótons atinge um valor assint´otico maior que o número médio de fótons térmicos, esperado na ausência dos termos contra-girantes. Revelamos a origem do fenômeno e estimamos a sua importância em situações realistas. Ainda, calculamos aproximadamente a taxa de criação de fótons quando há apenas defasagem e os valores estacionários do número médio de fótons e da inversão atômica no caso geral.

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