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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évolution des systèmes quantiques ouverts : décohérence et informatique quantique

Landon-Cardinal, Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de maîtrise a mené à la rédaction d'un article (Physical Review A 80, 062319 (2009)). / L'informatique quantique, brièvement introduite au chapitre 1, exploite les corrélations quantiques et en particulier l'intrication. Ces corrélations sont difficiles à maintenir car un système quantique n'est habituellement pas fermé, mais en interaction avec son environnement. Le traitement formel d'un système quantique ouvert requiert des outils spécifiques, introduits au chapitre 2. En utilisant ces notions, nous montrerons au chapitre 3 que l'interaction entre le système et son environnement aura pour effet de privilégier certains états, qualifiés de quasi-classiques, suggérant ainsi l'émergence d'un monde classique à partir d'un monde quantique. De plus, l'intrication qui se crée entre le système et son environnement détruira la cohérence d'une superposition d'états quasi-classiques. Il s'agit du phénomène de décohérence dont les mécanismes seront mis en évidence dans notre étude originale d'un gyroscope quantique au chapitre 4. Nous montrerons qu'une particule de grand spin servant à mesurer le moment angulaire d'électrons perd sa cohérence en un temps très court par rapport au temps caractéristique de relaxation. Afin de protéger la cohérence d'un système, essentielle pour l'informatique quantique, plusieurs techniques de protection ont été développées. Nous les rappelerons brièvement en début de chapitre 5, avant d'introduire une approche originale qui consiste à préparer l'environnement. Notre étude nous permet de caractériser l'existence d'états initiaux de l'environnement permettant une évolution sans décohérence du système dans une gamme de modèles où le système interagit avec un environnement présentant une dynamique propre. / Quantum information processing, briefly introduced in Chapter 1, relies on quantum correlations, namely on entanglement. Those correlations are difficult to maintain since a typical quantum system is not closed, but interacting with its environment. The analysis of an open quantum system requires specific tools which we introduce in Chapter 2. Using these concepts, we show in Chapter 3 that the interaction between the system and its environment will distinguish certain quasi-classical states, suggesting the emergence of a classical world from a quantum one. Furthermore, the entanglement created between the system and its environment will destroy the coherence of a superposition of such quasi-classical states. This phenomenon of decoherence exhibits mechanisms which we highlight in our original study of a quantum gyroscope in chapter 4. We demonstrate that a particle with large spin, used to measure the angular momentum of electrons, loses its coherence on a timescale much shorter than the characteristic timescale of relaxation. To protect the coherence of a system, essential to quantum information processing, several techniques have been developed. We briefly review them at the beginning of Chapter 5, before introducing a novel approach based on the preparation of the environment. Our analysis characterizes the existence of initial states of the environment allowing for decoherence-free evolution of the system in a large class of models in which the system interacts with a dynamical environment.

Mesures QND en electrodynamique quantique en cavite : production et decoherence d'etats de Fock ; effet Zenon quantique

Bernu, Julien 23 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons realise une mesure Quantiques Non Destructives du nombre de photons d'un champ piege dans une cavite de temps d'amortissement T=0,13s. Nous envoyons des atomes de Rydberg circulaires a travers la cavite ou une interaction dispersive deplace leur frequence propre proportionnellement au nombre de photons. Ce deplacement lumineux est detecte par interferometrie atomique de Ramsey. Le temps d'amortissement du champ est suffisamment long pour permettre d'observer les sauts quantiques du nombre de photons dus a la relaxation. L'analyse statistique des differentes trajectoires permet de realiser une tomographie partielle de ce processus responsable de la decoherence des etats de Fock |n> en un temps T/n. La projection d'un champ initialement coherent sur un etat de Fock lors de la mesure s'accompagne d'une dispersion totale de sa phase. Cette action en retour est utilisee pour geler la croissance coherente du champ par effet Zenon quantique.

Open Quantum Systems : Effects in Interferometry, Quantum Computation, and Adiabatic Evolution

Åberg, Johan January 2005 (has links)
<p>The effects of open system evolution on single particle interferometry, quantum computation, and the adiabatic approximation are investigated.</p><p>Single particle interferometry: Three concepts concerning completely positive maps (CPMs) and trace preserving CPMs (channels), named subspace preserving (SP) CPMs, subspace local channels, and gluing of CPMs, are introduced. SP channels preserve probability weights on given orthogonal sum decompositions of the Hilbert space of a quantum system. Subspace locality determines what channels act locally with respect to such decompositions. Gluings are the possible total channels obtainable if two evolution devices, characterized by channels, act jointly on a superposition of a particle in their inputs. It is shown that gluings are not uniquely determined by the two channels. We determine all possible interference patterns in single particle interferometry for given channels acting in the interferometer paths. It is shown that the standard interferometric setup cannot distinguish all gluings, but a generalized setup can.</p><p>Quantum computing: The robustness of local and global adiabatic quantum search subject to decoherence in the instantaneous eigenbasis of the search Hamiltonian, is examined. In both the global and local search case the asymptotic time-complexity of the ideal closed case is preserved, as long as the Hamiltonian dynamics is present. In the case of pure decoherence, where the environment monitors the search Hamiltonian, it is shown that the local adiabatic quantum search performs as the classical search with scaling N, and that the global search scales like N<sup>3/2</sup> , where N is the list length. We consider success probabilities p<1 and prove bounds on the run-time with the same scaling as in the conditions for the p → 1 limit.</p><p>Adiabatic evolution: We generalize the adiabatic approximation to the case of open quantum systems in the joint limit of slow change and weak open system disturbances. </p>

Open Quantum Systems : Effects in Interferometry, Quantum Computation, and Adiabatic Evolution

Åberg, Johan January 2005 (has links)
The effects of open system evolution on single particle interferometry, quantum computation, and the adiabatic approximation are investigated. Single particle interferometry: Three concepts concerning completely positive maps (CPMs) and trace preserving CPMs (channels), named subspace preserving (SP) CPMs, subspace local channels, and gluing of CPMs, are introduced. SP channels preserve probability weights on given orthogonal sum decompositions of the Hilbert space of a quantum system. Subspace locality determines what channels act locally with respect to such decompositions. Gluings are the possible total channels obtainable if two evolution devices, characterized by channels, act jointly on a superposition of a particle in their inputs. It is shown that gluings are not uniquely determined by the two channels. We determine all possible interference patterns in single particle interferometry for given channels acting in the interferometer paths. It is shown that the standard interferometric setup cannot distinguish all gluings, but a generalized setup can. Quantum computing: The robustness of local and global adiabatic quantum search subject to decoherence in the instantaneous eigenbasis of the search Hamiltonian, is examined. In both the global and local search case the asymptotic time-complexity of the ideal closed case is preserved, as long as the Hamiltonian dynamics is present. In the case of pure decoherence, where the environment monitors the search Hamiltonian, it is shown that the local adiabatic quantum search performs as the classical search with scaling N, and that the global search scales like N3/2 , where N is the list length. We consider success probabilities p&lt;1 and prove bounds on the run-time with the same scaling as in the conditions for the p → 1 limit. Adiabatic evolution: We generalize the adiabatic approximation to the case of open quantum systems in the joint limit of slow change and weak open system disturbances.

The role of system-environment correlations in the dynamics of open quantum systems

Pernice, Ansgar 25 June 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In the present thesis the dynamics of the correlations between an open quantum system and its environment is investigated. This becomes feasible by means of a very useful representation of the total system-environment state. General conditions for separability and entanglement of the latter are derived, and investigated in the framework of an open quantum two-level system, which is coupled to a dissipative and a dephasing environment.

Off-Axis Elektronenholographie elastisch und unelastisch gestreuter Elektronen / Off-axis electron holography of elastically and inelastically scattered electrons

Röder, Falk 02 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Die Off-Axis-Elektronenholographie ist eine interferometrische Methode zur experimentellen Bestimmung von relativen Phasenschiebungen einer Elektronenwelle. Der Zugang zu diesen Phasenschiebungen ermöglicht z.B. die Bestimmung von intrinsischen elektrischen und magnetischen Feldern eines Objektes im Nanometerbereich. Für eine quantitative Interpretation der Resultate ist die Kenntnis des Rauschens der holographisch rekonstruierten Größen von hoher Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit wird ein allgemeiner Formalismus abgeleitet, der den Rauschtransfer vom detektierten Hologramm in die rekonstruierten Amplituden- und Phasenbilder beschreibt. Anhand zielgerichteter Experimente wird dieser Formalismus unter Berücksichtigung von gemessenen Rauscheigenschaften des Detektors verifiziert. Im Zuge dessen wird eine experimentelle Methode entwickelt, die es erlaubt, durch Serienaufnahmen und Mittelungsprozeduren das Signal-zu-Rauschverhältnis in den holographischen Resultaten bei gleichbleibender Ortsauflösung erheblich zu verbessern. Daran knüpft sich eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen an, welche in dieser Arbeit in Auszügen aufgeführt werden. Die Grundlage für all diese Experimente besteht in den Welleneigenschaften des Elektrons, welche in der Interferenzfähigkeit (Kohärenz) des Elektrons zum Ausdruck kommen. Elektronen, welche unelastisch an einem Objekt streuen, verlieren diese Eigenschaft und es stellt sich die Frage, ob aus diesem Verlust zusätzliche Informationen über den Streuprozess bzw. über das Objekt selbst gewonnen werden können. Eine Größe, die neben der Intensität auch die Kohärenz der Elektronen beschreibt, ist die reduzierte Dichtematrix. Das motiviert, die Methode der Off-Axis-Elektronenholographie in der Sprache der Dichtematrizen zu formulieren und eine allgemeine Übertragungstheorie für ein holographiefähiges Transmissionselektronenmikroskop abzuleiten. Diese Theorie umfasst alle bisher bekannten Phänomene im Rahmen der Elektronenholographie und bietet darüber hinaus neue instrumentelle Ansätze zur Optimierung des Signal-zu-Rausch-Verhältnisses und zur Überwindung auflösungsbegrenzender Aberrationen. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird weiterhin die Kohärenz von Elektronen mittels energiegefilterter Off-Axis-Elektronenholographie untersucht, welche unelastisch an Siliziumoberflächen streuen und charakteristische Oberflächenplasmonen anregen. Für die Interpretation der Resultate werden zwei Modelle für die Dekohärenz des Elektrons infolge der Wechselwirkung mit einer Objektoberfläche entwickelt und unter Berücksichtigung der Aberrationen des Energiefilters mit dem Experiment verglichen. / Off-axis electron holography provides access to the relative phase shift of an electron wave and allows the experimental determination of intrinsic electric and magnetic fields within an object at nanometre scale. A quantitative interpretation of the results requires the knowledge about the noise in the reconstructed data. In this work, a general formalism is derived describing the transfer of noise from an experimental hologram into reconstructed amplitude and phase images. Concerted experiments verify this formalism under consideration of measured noise properties of the detector. In this frame, a method based on series acquisition and averaging is developed to improve significantly the signal-to-noise ratio of the reconstructed amplitude and phase images at constant spatial resolution. The usefulnes of this method is demonstrated by selected experimental examples from the materials sciences. The capability to show interference, i.e. to be coherent, is a consequence of the electron's wave nature and provides the fundament for all applications of electron holography. By inelastic interaction with the object, the electron loses coherence and the question comes up, whether this loss mechanism contains additional information about the scattering process or even about the object itself. The reduced density matrix is introduced as a suitable quantity describing both intensity and coherence of scattered electrons. That motivates to formulate off-axis electron holography in the language of density matrices and to derive a general transfer theory for this quantity in a holography-dedicated transmission electron microscope. This theory reproduces all known phenomena related to off-axis electron holography and provides new instrumental approaches to improve the signal-to-noise ratio and to overcome resolution limiting aberrations. In this context, the coherence of electrons, which are inelastically scattered by silicon surfaces and have excited characteristic surface plasmons, is investigated by energy-filtered electron holography. For the interpretation of the experimental results, two models are developed for the decoherence of the electron by interaction with an object surface and are compared to the experiment under consideration of the aberrations of the energy-filter.

Évolution des systèmes quantiques ouverts : décohérence et informatique quantique

Landon-Cardinal, Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
L'informatique quantique, brièvement introduite au chapitre 1, exploite les corrélations quantiques et en particulier l'intrication. Ces corrélations sont difficiles à maintenir car un système quantique n'est habituellement pas fermé, mais en interaction avec son environnement. Le traitement formel d'un système quantique ouvert requiert des outils spécifiques, introduits au chapitre 2. En utilisant ces notions, nous montrerons au chapitre 3 que l'interaction entre le système et son environnement aura pour effet de privilégier certains états, qualifiés de quasi-classiques, suggérant ainsi l'émergence d'un monde classique à partir d'un monde quantique. De plus, l'intrication qui se crée entre le système et son environnement détruira la cohérence d'une superposition d'états quasi-classiques. Il s'agit du phénomène de décohérence dont les mécanismes seront mis en évidence dans notre étude originale d'un gyroscope quantique au chapitre 4. Nous montrerons qu'une particule de grand spin servant à mesurer le moment angulaire d'électrons perd sa cohérence en un temps très court par rapport au temps caractéristique de relaxation. Afin de protéger la cohérence d'un système, essentielle pour l'informatique quantique, plusieurs techniques de protection ont été développées. Nous les rappelerons brièvement en début de chapitre 5, avant d'introduire une approche originale qui consiste à préparer l'environnement. Notre étude nous permet de caractériser l'existence d'états initiaux de l'environnement permettant une évolution sans décohérence du système dans une gamme de modèles où le système interagit avec un environnement présentant une dynamique propre. / Quantum information processing, briefly introduced in Chapter 1, relies on quantum correlations, namely on entanglement. Those correlations are difficult to maintain since a typical quantum system is not closed, but interacting with its environment. The analysis of an open quantum system requires specific tools which we introduce in Chapter 2. Using these concepts, we show in Chapter 3 that the interaction between the system and its environment will distinguish certain quasi-classical states, suggesting the emergence of a classical world from a quantum one. Furthermore, the entanglement created between the system and its environment will destroy the coherence of a superposition of such quasi-classical states. This phenomenon of decoherence exhibits mechanisms which we highlight in our original study of a quantum gyroscope in chapter 4. We demonstrate that a particle with large spin, used to measure the angular momentum of electrons, loses its coherence on a timescale much shorter than the characteristic timescale of relaxation. To protect the coherence of a system, essential to quantum information processing, several techniques have been developed. We briefly review them at the beginning of Chapter 5, before introducing a novel approach based on the preparation of the environment. Our analysis characterizes the existence of initial states of the environment allowing for decoherence-free evolution of the system in a large class of models in which the system interacts with a dynamical environment. / Ce travail de maîtrise a mené à la rédaction d'un article (Physical Review A 80, 062319 (2009)).

Termalização e correlações quânticas nos contextos de sistemas quânticos abertos e cadeias de spins

Oliveira, Thiago Werlang de 11 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:15:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4780.pdf: 9997745 bytes, checksum: 24a1f1c6cc3ce4ef4b6ac0cc5009255c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-11 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / In this thesis, we study the behavior of Quantum Discord in the contexts of open quantum systems and spin chains. Furthermore, we investigate the thermalization process of a spin chain due to interaction with the environment. First, we present a review on the concept of quantum correlation, beginning with the first ideas on non-locality, and leading to the measure of quantum correlations called Quantum Discord. Afterwards, we study the dynamics of the quantum correlations between two non-interacting qubits coupled to Markovian and non- Markovian thermal reservoirs. In the context of spin chains, we investigate the behavior of quantum correlations at finite temperatures, starting with a system composed of two interacting spins, described by XYZ model, in order to generalize this study to the case of infinite unidimensional spin chains, described by XY and XXZ models. In this context, we investigate the relationship between quantum correlations and quantum phase transitions present in these two models. We conclude this thesis with a study of the thermalization process of two interacting spins weakly coupled to independent bosonic thermal reservoirs, or to a single collective reservoir, besides presenting some results for larger systems, composed of an arbitrary number of spins. / Nesta tese estudamos o comportamento da Discórdia Quântica nos contextos de sistemas quânticos abertos e cadeias de spins. Além disso, investigamos também o processo de termalização de uma cadeia de spins sujeita a interação com o meio-ambiente. Primeiramente, apresentamos uma revisão do conceito de correlação quântica, partindo das ideias iniciais sobre não-localidade e tendo como ponto final a medida de correlações quânticas denominada Discórdia Quântica. Posteriormente, estudamos a dinâmica das correlações quânticas entre dois qubits não-interagentes acoplados a reservatórios térmicos markovianos e não-markovianos. No contexto de cadeias de spins, investigamos o comportamento das correlações quânticas a temperaturas finitas, começando com um sistema formado por dois spins interagentes, descrito pelo modelo XYZ para, em seguida, generalizar este estudo para o caso de cadeias de spins unidimensionais infinitas, descritas pelos modelos XY e XXZ. Neste contexto, investigamos a relação entre as correlações quânticas e as transições de fase quânticas presentes nestes dois modelos. Finalizamos esta tese com um estudo sobre o processo de termalização de dois spins interagentes fracamente acoplados a reservatórios térmicos bosônicos independentes ou um único reservatório coletivo, além de apresentar alguns resultados referentes a sistemas maiores, formados por um número arbitrário de spins.

Dissipação, termalização e descoerência via acoplamento caótico / Dissipation, thermalization and decoherence through chaotic coupling

Bonança, Marcus Vinicius Segantini, 1977- 06 August 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-06T21:05:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bonanca_MarcusViniciusSegantini_D.pdf: 10284922 bytes, checksum: 28ea976c05e0eadcda732211e40afb25 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Neste trabalho, estudamos de que maneira e sob que condições um sistema caótico com apenas dois graus de liberdade produz efeitos irreversíveis como dissipação, termalização e, do ponto de vista quântico, perda de coerência em um sistema simples a ele acoplado. Na formulação clássica do problema, descrevemos analiticamente o comportamento do fluxo de energia em Resposta Linear e apontamos o ingrediente talvez principal que um sistema caótico possui para causar irreversibilidade: correlações que decaem exponencialmente. Mostramos que é possível descrever o equilíbrio assintótico inclusive com uma temperatura, o que é não-intuitivo em se tratando de sistemas pequenos. Esse último resultado completa o paralelo entre o movimento Browniano usual e o modelo proposto. Formulamos o problema do ponto de vista quântico via o formalismo de Funcionais de Influência. Mostramos que este formalismo é mesmo adequado pois a influência do sistema caótico é descrita pelas contrapartidas quânticas das mesmas funções que encontramos na Resposta Linear clássica. Calculamos semiclassicamente essas funções e mostramos que os termos em mais baixa ordem da aproximação semiclássica evoluem conforme a dinâmica clássica caótica. As escalas de tempo da análise clássica se mostram fundamentais para a resolução dos cálculos assim como a análise semiclássica das funções de correlação. Mostramos que efeitos de dissipação e perda de coerência, no contexto quântico, são possíveis devido ao caráter caótico do sistema / Abstract: We study here how and under which conditions a chaotic system with only two degrees of freedom can produce irreversible phenomena such as dissipation, thermalization and, from the quantum point of view, decoherence in a simple system coupled to it. In the classical formulation of the problem, we describe analytically the behavior of the energy ux in Linear Response regime and we point the main ingredient for a chaotic system to produce irreversible effects: correlations with exponential decay. We show that it is possible to describe the asymptotic equilibrium even with a temperature, which seems to be a counter intuitive result for systems with few degrees of freedom. We formulate the problem from the quantum point of view using In uence Functionals approach. We show the formalism is very adequate since the chaotic system in uence is described by quantum analogues of the same functions we obtain in the Linear Response approach to the classical problem. We calculate those functions semiclassically and we show the lowest order terms of the semiclassical approximation evolve as given by classical chaotic dynamics. The time scales of the classical analysis are shown to be very important for the resolution of the quantum problem as well as the semiclassical analysis of the correlation functions. We show that dissipative and decoherence effects, in the quantum regime, are possible due to the chaotic dynamics of the system / Doutorado / Física Estatistica e Termodinamica / Doutor em Ciências

Inter-theory relations in physics : case studies from quantum mechanics and quantum field theory

Rosaler, Joshua S. January 2013 (has links)
I defend three general claims concerning inter-theoretic reduction in physics. First, the popular notion that a superseded theory in physics is generally a simple limit of the theory that supersedes it paints an oversimplified picture of reductive relations in physics. Second, where reduction specifically between two dynamical systems models of a single system is concerned, reduction requires the existence of a particular sort of function from the state space of the low-level (purportedly more accurate and encompassing) model to that of the high-level (purportedly less accurate and encompassing) model that approximately commutes, in a specific sense, with the rules of dynamical evolution prescribed by the models. The third point addresses a tension between, on the one hand, the frequent need to take into account system-specific details in providing a full derivation of the high-level theory’s success in a particular context, and, on the other hand, a desire to understand the general mechanisms and results that under- write reduction between two theories across a wide and disparate range of different systems; I suggest a reconciliation based on the use of partial proofs of reduction, designed to reveal these general mechanisms of reduction at work across a range of systems, while leaving certain gaps to be filled in on the basis of system-specific details. After discussing these points of general methodology, I go on to demonstrate their application to a number of particular inter-theory reductions in physics involving quantum theory. I consider three reductions: first, connecting classical mechanics and non-relativistic quantum mechanics; second,connecting classical electrodynamics and quantum electrodynamics; and third, connecting non-relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics. I approach these reductions from a realist perspective, and for this reason consider two realist interpretations of quantum theory - the Everett and Bohm theories - as potential bases for these reductions. Nevertheless, many of the technical results concerning these reductions pertain also more generally to the bare, uninterpreted formalism of quantum theory. Throughout my analysis, I make the application of the general methodological claims of the thesis explicit, so as to provide concrete illustration of their validity.

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