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Etude de l'interface milieu granulaire : paroi rugueuse par approches expérimentale et numérique : application aux bétons / Experimental and numerical studies of granular medium : Rough wall interface : application to concreteEl Cheikh, Khadija 24 March 2015 (has links)
Lors de la mise en oeuvre du béton dans les coffrages ou lors du pompage du béton, une couche, appelée couche limite, constituée d’eau et de fines, se forme près de l’interface. Diverses études ont montré que le frottement à l’interface béton-paroi dépend essentiellement des propriétés rhéologiques de la couche limite, de sa composition et de la rugosité de la paroi. L’objectif principal de cette étude est de comprendre les phénomènes se produisant à l’interface à l’échelle des grains. Toutefois, compte tenu de la complexité de deux corps en contact : couche limite et paroi, le système étudié est simplifié. La complexité du matériau béton a ainsi été simplifiée, en considérant que ce milieu est constitué de grains sphériques monodisperses et sans cohésion. Par ailleurs, la rugosité de la paroi formée en réalité par des aspérités irrégulières, est représentée par des géométries simples. L’étude repose sur l’utilisation de deux modèles, un modèle analogique et un modèle numérique.L’approche analogique est constituée d’un dispositif expérimental monté sur le tribomètre. Le cisaillement s’effectue en déplaçant, une baguette crénelée placée sous un empilement de billes confiné par une masse. Trois baguettes représentant trois rugosités différentes sont utilisées. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que les conditions à l’interface (vitesse, rugosité, pression) influent sur le frottement et sur les mécanismes à l’interface.L’approche numérique est basée sur la méthode des éléments distincts. La rugosité de la paroi est modélisée par un assemblage de sphères collées sur un plan mobile. Les résultats obtenus montrent une bonne concordance entre les approches numérique et expérimentale. De même, l’étude numérique réalisée en conditions périodiques et pour différentes rugosités montre que les conditions à l’interface influent sur le frottement et sur le comportement du milieu près de l’interface (profils de vitesses, épaisseur de la couche cisaillée, etc.). / When fresh concrete is placed into formworks or during concrete pumping, a layer, called boundary layer, consisting of water and fines, is formed at the interface. Various studies have shown that the friction between the concrete and the wall (form or pipe) is closely linked to the rheological properties of the boundary layer, its composition and the wall roughness. This study aims at understanding the wall-concrete interface phenomena at a grain scale. However, due to the complex nature of the two bodies in contact: boundary layer and wall, a simplified system has been considered. The concrete has been simplified by assuming that it consists of monodispersed spherical grains and without cohesion. Moreover, the irregular asperities of the wall roughness are represented by simple geometries. The study is based on the use of two models, an analog model and a numerical model.The analog approach consists of an experimental device fitted on the tribometer. The test consists in moving rough plates under stacks of confined monodispersed beads. The roughness of the plate is represented by crenels. Three plates representing different roughnesses are used. The experimental results show that the friction and the interface mechanisms are affected by the interface conditions (velocity, roughness, pressure).The numerical approach is based on the Discrete Element Method (DEM). The wall roughness is modeled by an assembly of spheres fixed on a moving plane. The results obtained by numerical simulations compared with those of the analog model show a good confrontation. As well, the numerical study carried out with periodic boundary conditions and for different roughnesses shows that the interface conditions affect the friction and the behavior of the medium near the interface (velocities profiles, thickness of the shear layer, etc.).
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Matériaux bioinspirés : Optimisation du comportement mécanique en utilisant la méthode des éléments discrets / Bioinspired materials : Optimization of the mechanical behavior using Discrete Element MethodRadi, Kaoutar 12 November 2019 (has links)
Les matériaux naturels tels que l'os et la nacre d’ormeau sont constitués de blocs de construction relativement faibles et présentent pourtant souvent des combinaisons remarquables de rigidité, de résistance à la rupture et de ténacité. Ces performances sont dues en grande partie à leurs architectures de brique et de mortier. De nombreux efforts sont consacrés à la duplication de ces principes dans les matériaux synthétiques. Toutefois, les progrès sont en grande partie basés sur des approches empiriques, qui prennent beaucoup de temps et ne garantissent pas la réalisation optimale.La modélisation est une alternative attrayante pour guider la conception et les voies de traitement de ces matériaux. Dans ce travail, nous développons un modèle numérique basé sur la méthode des éléments discrets (DEM) pour comprendre les mécanismes de renforcement et optimiser les propriétés mécaniques des matériaux de type nacre en fonction de leurs paramètres microstructurales. Le modèle suit l’évolution de la fissure, prend en compte de différents mécanismes de renforcement et évalue quantitativement la rigidité, la résistance à la rupture et la ténacité. Une approche intéressante, basée sur l'imagerie EBSD, est présentée pour modéliser le matériau réel et ses différentes variations microstructurales. Les résultats sont ensuite combinés pour fournir des directives de conception pour les composites synthétiques de type brique et mortier comprenant uniquement des constituants fragiles. / Natural materials such as bone and the nacre of some seashells are made of relatively weak building blocks and yet often exhibit remarkable combinations of stiffness, strength, and toughness. Such performances are due in large part to their brick and mortar architectures. Many efforts are devoted to translate these design principles into synthetic materials. However, much of the progress is based on trial-and-error approaches, which are time consuming and do not guarantee that an optimum is achieved.Modeling is an appealing alternative to guide the design and processing routes of such materials. In this work, we develop a numerical model based on Discrete Element Method (DEM) to understand the reinforcement mechanisms and optimize the mechanical properties of nacre-like materials based on their microstructural parameters. The model follows the crack propagation, accounts for different reinforcement mechanisms, and quantitatively assess stiffness, strength, and toughness. An interesting approach, based on EBSD imaging, is presented to model the real material and its different microstructural variations. Results are then combined to provide design guidelines for synthetic brick-and-mortar composites comprising with only brittle constituents.
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Utvärdering av digitala höjdmodeller som underlag vid hydrologisk modellering : Jämförelse mellan nationella höjdmodellen och DEM skapad från UAS och fotogrammetriStrömberg, Sophie, Thelin, Stina January 2019 (has links)
I området Ren i Bollnäs kommun ska exploatering av ett nytt bostadsområde ske utifrån detaljplan Ren 30:1. Vanligtvis genomförs hydrologisk modellering med nationella höjdmodellen (NH) som underlag inför exploatering. Med hjälp av metoder som skyfallskartering kan risken för översvämning och dess eventuella konsekvenser förutses. NH tillhandahålls av Lantmäteriet och finns tillgänglig som punktmoln och 2 m raster och kan användas som underlag för hydrologiska modelleringar. NH lämpar sig bäst för nationell och regional planering som ska göras översiktligt på grund av punkttätheten som är förhållandevis låg. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka olika underlag för hydrologisk modellering genom att jämföra NH mot digitala höjdmodeller från data insamlat med unmanned aerial system (UAS) på flyghöjderna 80 och 120 m. UAS-flygningarna utfördes med en drönare av modellen DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 som samlade in höjddata fotogrammetriskt. Bearbetning, georeferering och skapande av höjdmodell utfördes i programvarorna Agisoft Photoscan och ESRI ArcGIS. GNSS med nätverks-RTK användes för inmätning av flygsignaler och kontrollprofiler. Hydrologisk modellering genomfördes med beräkningar av flödesriktning och flödesackumulation på underlag från NH och flygdata insamlat med UAS i ArcGIS. På alla underlag genomfördes skyfallskarteringar i Caesar Lisflood-FP. Eftersom Caesar Lisflood-FP hade en begränsning för hur stora mängder data som kunde hanteras ändrades cellstorleken på rastren till 1 m istället för 0,5 m, NH utvärderades i originalstorleken 2 m.Med UAS erhölls en högre punkttäthet och utifrån det kunde ett mer högupplöst raster på 0,5 m skapas jämfört med NH med en rasterstorlek på 2 m. Kontroll av höjddata från 120 m och 80 m visade att den lägre flyghöjden genererade en höjdmodell med högre noggrannhet. Utvärdering av överlapp vid skyfallskartering och vattendjup visade att data insamlat med UAS från 120 m och 80 m överensstämde med 96,7 % för vattenutbredning och största vattendjupen var 0,51 m och 0,48 m. Mellan NH och UAS-data fanns större skillnader i både vattendjup och utbredning. Slutsatsen i den här studien blev att olika underlag påverkar den hydrologisk modelleringen genom att t.ex. flödesriktning, vattendjup och utbredning avviker beroende på vilket underlag som används (UAS eller NH) men även upplösning och flyghöjd. / In the area Ren in Bollnäs municipality, development of a new residential area shall take place based on detailed development plan Ren 30: 1. Hydrological modeling with the national height model (NH) is usually carried out as a basis for development. Using methods such as mapping rainfall, the risk of flooding and its possible consequences can be predicted. NH is available at Lantmäteriet as point cloud and 2 m grid and can be used as a basis for hydrological modeling. NH is best suited for national and regional planning to be done briefly, because of the point density that is relatively low. The purpose of this study was to investigate different data sources for hydrological modeling by comparing NH against digital height models collected with unmanned aerial system (UAS) at flight heights of 80 and 120 m. The UAS flights were performed using the model DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 which collected height data photogrammetric. Processing, geo-referencing and creation of height model were performed in the Agisoft Photoscan and ESRI ArcGIS software. GNSS with network RTK was used for surveying flight signals and control profiles. Hydrological modeling was carried out with calculations of flow direction and flow accumulation based on NH and UAS data in ArcGIS. Rainfall modeling were carried out in Caesar Lisflood-FP. Since Caesar Lisflood-FP had a limit on how large amounts of data could be handled, the cell size of the raster was changed to 1 m instead of 0.5 m, NH was evaluated in the original size 2 m. A higher point density was obtained with UAS and due to that, a higher resolution grid of 0.5 m could be created compared to NH with a grid size of 2 m. Control of height data from 120 m and 80 m showed that the lower flight height generated a height model with higher accuracy. The evaluation of rainfall mapping and water depth showed that data collected with UAS from 120 m and 80 m corresponded to 96.7% in water extent, and the largest water depths were 0.51 and 0.48 m. Between NH and the two UAS data, there were greater differences in both water depth and extent. The conclusion in this study was that different basis affect the hydrological modeling by for example flow direction, water depth and water spread differ depending on the data source (UAS or NH) as well on the resolution used, and the flight height.
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Methods for assessing the consistency of the New National Height Model / Metoder för att bedöma konsistensen i den nya nationella höjdmodellenRangelova, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are a simple representation of the Earth’s surface. DEMs play an important role in the field of remote sensing and GIS and are used as basis for mapping and analysis for a vest majority of scientific applications. There are many ways of producing DEMs, however the direct geo-referencing technology has made Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) a preferred technology for the acquisition of accurate surface models over broad areas. ALS uses LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) which uses light in a form of pulsed laser to measure distances. Before the introduction of the DEM called Ny Nationell Höjdmodell (NNH), the highest level of height data over Sweden was the GSD-altitude data (Geographical Sweden Data). The NNH was a project by Lantmäteriet, where between 2009-2019 the entire Sweden was laser scanned. The product was a new height model called Laser Data NH with positional accuracy of 0,1 m in height and relative accuracy of 0,15 m. This project focuses on testing few methods for consistency assessment between the overlapping strips using linear features. Linear features are extracted for each overlapping area, based on intersection between planar patches extracted from gable rooftops. The first method of this study computes the distance between the overlapping areas without linear features, using two approaches: cloud-to-cloud distance and mesh-to-cloud distance. The second method computes the transformation shifts and rotations needed for the linear features to align by registering the strips with both levelled and not levelled registration. In the third method, distances and angles are measured between the lines, to further analyze how well the strips fit together. The distances are measured as distance between a mid-point of one line in the first LiDAR strip and the line on the second LiDAR strip, for all linear features. The distances were measures both as 3D distances and separately as horizontal and vertical distances. As a final step a hypothesis testing was performed to determine whether the distances and angles between the lines are significant or whether any systematic error is present in the point cloud. Based on the results obtained from the first method, significant distance between the point clouds was obtained. The results from the mesh-to-cloud distance yielded better result with higher uncertainty. According to the second method significant distances between the linear features were obtained based on the registration. The mean absolute error of the registrations showed an error at a dm level, with a minimal rotation in the vertical plane for the coalignment for the levelled registration. The third method showed a mean distance between the linear features of 20 cm. Moreover, this method showed a significant inconsistence between the linear features in the vertical plane based on the high standard uncertainty. / Digitala höjdmodeller (DEM) är en enkel representation av jordens yta. DEM spelar en viktig roll inom fjärranalys och GIS och används som grund för kartläggning och analys för en majoritet av vetenskapliga tillämpningar. Det finns många sätt att producera DEM, men den direkta georefereringstekniken har gjort Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) till en föredragen teknik för förvärv av exakta ytmodeller över breda områden. ALS använder LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) som använder ljus i form av pulserande laser för att mäta avstånd. Före introduktionen av Ny Nationell Höjdmodell (NNH) var den högsta nivån av höjddata över Sverige GSD-höjddata (Geographical Sweden Data). NNH var ett projekt av Lantmäteriet, där mellan 2009-2019 laserscannades hela Sverige. Produkten var en ny höjdmodell som heter Laserdata NH med positionsnoggrannhet på 0,1 m i höjd och relativ noggrannhet på 0,15 m. Detta projekt fokuserar på att testa få metoder för konsekvensbedömning mellan de överlappande remsorna med hjälp av linjära funktioner. Linjära funktioner extraheras för varje överlappande område, baserat på skärningspunkten mellan plana fläckar extraherade från gaveltak. Den första metoden för denna studie beräknar avståndet mellan de överlappande områdena utan linjära funktioner, med två metoder: moln-till-moln-avstånd och nät-till-moln-avstånd. Den andra metoden beräknar de transformationsförskjutningar och rotationer som behövs för att de linjära särdragen ska kola genom att registrera remsorna med både nivellerad och inte nivellerad registrering. I den tredje metoden mäts avstånd och vinklar mellan linjerna, för att ytterligare analysera hur bra remsorna passar ihop. Avstånden mäts som avstånd mellan en mittpunkt på en linje i den första LiDAR-remsan och linjen på den andra LiDAR-remsan, för alla linjära funktioner. Avstånden var mått både som 3D -avstånd och separat som horisontella och vertikala avstånd. Som ett sista steg utfördes en hypotesprovning för att avgöra om avstånden och vinklarna mellan linjerna är signifikanta eller om det finns något systematiskt fel i punktmolnet. Baserat på resultaten från den första metoden erhölls ett betydande avstånd mellan punktmolnen. Resultaten från mask-till-moln-avståndet gav bättre resultat med högre osäkerhet. Enligt den andra metoden erhölls betydande avstånd mellan de linjära särdragen baserat på registreringen. Det genomsnittliga absoluta felet för registreringarna visade ett fel på en dm -nivå, med en minimal rotation i det vertikala planet för samlinjering för den jämnade registreringen. Den tredje metoden visade ett medelavstånd mellan de linjära särdragen på 20 cm. Dessutom visade denna metod en signifikant inkonsekvens mellan de linjära särdragen i det vertikala planet baserat på hög standardosäkerhet.
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Calibration and Validation of a High-Fidelity Discrete Element Method (DEM) based Soil Model using Physical Terramechanical ExperimentsGhike, Omkar Ravindra 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / A procedure for calibrating a discrete element (DE) computational soil model for various moisture contents using a conventional Asperity-Spring friction modeling technique is
presented in this thesis. The procedure is based on the outcomes of two physical soil experiments: (1) Compression and (2) unconfined shear strength at various levels of normal stress and normal pre-stress. The Compression test is used to calibrate the DE soil plastic strain and elastic strain as a function of Compressive stress. To calibrate the DE inter-particle friction coefficient and adhesion stress as a function of soil plastic strain, the unconfined shear test is used. This thesis describes the experimental test devices and test procedures used to perform the physical terramechanical experiments. The calibration procedure for the DE soil model is demonstrated in this thesis using two types of soil: sand-silt (2NS Sand) and silt-clay(Fine Grain Soil) over 5 different moisture contents: 0%, 4%, 8%, 12%, and 16%. The DE based models response are then validated by comparing them to experimental pressure-sinkage results for circular disks and cones for those two types of soil over 5 different moisture contents. The Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) during the compression calibration was 26.9% whereas during the unconfined shear calibration, the MAPE was calculated to be 11.38%. Hence, the overall MAPE was calculated to be 19.34% for the entire calibration phase.
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Investigation of landslide-induced debris flows by the DEM and CFDZhao, Tao January 2014 (has links)
In recent years, the increasing impacts of landslide hazards on human lives and lifeline facilities worldwide has advanced the necessity to find out both economically acceptable and useful techniques to predict the occurrence and destructive power of landslides. Though many projects exist to attain this goal, the current investigation set out to establish an understanding of the initiation and propagation mechanisms of landslides via numerical simulations, so that mitigation strategies to reduce the long-term losses from landslide hazards can be made. In this research, the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) have been used to investigate the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of granular materials involved in landslides. The main challenge is to provide rational analyses of large scale landslides via small scale numerical simulations. To solve this problem, dimensional analyses have been performed on a simple granular column collapse model. The influence of governing dimensionless groups on the debris runout distance and deposit height has been studied for the terrestrial and submerged granular flows. 3D DEM investigations of granular flows in plane strain conditions have been performed in this research. The input parameters of the DEM model have been calibrated by the numerical triaxial tests, based on which, the relationships between the microscopic variables and the macroscopic soil strength properties are analysed. Using the simple granular column collapse model, the influences of column aspect ratio, characteristic strain, model size ratio and material internal friction angle on the runout distance and deposit height of granular materials have been examined. Additionally, the deformation and energy evolution of dry granular materials are also discussed. The DEM-CFD coupling model has been employed to study the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of highly mobilized terrestrial / submarine landslides. This model has been validated via numerical simulations of fluid flow through a porous soil sample and grain batch sedimentations. The simulations of granular flows in the submerged environment have led to some meaningful insights into the flow mechanisms, such as the mobilization of sediments, the generation and dissipation of excess pore water pressures and the evolution of effective stresses. Overall, this study shows that the proposed numerical tools are capable of modelling the mechanical and hydraulic behaviour of terrestrial and submarine landslides.
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Mechanical behavior of rock joints : influence of joint roughness on its closure and shear behavior / Comportement mécanique de joint rocheux : influence de leur rugosité dans le comportement de fermeture et cisaillement / Comportamiento mecánico de juntas rocosas : influencia de la rugosidad en los fenómenos de cierre y cizalladuraVarela Valdez, Alberto 17 September 2015 (has links)
Le comportement mécanique en cisaillement sous contrainte normale constante de joints rocheux est étudié en utilisant une approche numérique par éléments discrets (DEM Discrete Element Model). Les influences respectives de la rugosité des surfaces des joints, de l'élasticité des épontes, de la rupture des aspérités de surface et du niveau de contrainte de compression sur les comportements en fermeture et cisaillement des joints rocheux sont particulièrement analysées. Pour la première fois la rugosité des joints considérée comme auto-affine est utilisée avec DEM pour étudier le frottement des joints rocheux. Cette rugosité est décrite par l’intermédiaire de trois paramètres :exposant de rugosité auto-affine, longueur de corrélation auto-affine et variance des fluctuations de hauteur. Sur la base d’un algorithme fondé sur la méthode spectrale, huit surfaces auto-affines isotropes correspondant à différentes rugosités ont été générées. Ces surfaces numériques sont utilisées comme moules permettant de générer les surfaces composées d’éléments discrets utilisées dans la suite de l’étude. La modélisation par éléments discrets s’appuie sur une calibration des propriétés élastiques effectuée à partir d’un volume élémentaire représentatif suivie de l’implémentation d’un critère elliptique de contraintes de rupture (au niveau des lois d’union entre éléments) permettant de simuler les grandes lignes du comportement quasi-fragile d’un mortier(utilisé lors d’expérimentations antérieures). Sur cette base et une fois les surfaces rugueuses implémentées dans les modèles DEM, les essais de fermeture (test de compression) des huit joints sont effectués sous deux niveaux de contrainte de compression : 14 MPa et 21 MPa. Par la suite, les joints sont cisaillés selon deux directions perpendiculaires. Pour chaque direction de cisaillement et chaque niveau de contrainte de compression, les joints sont testés en utilisant trois modèles mécaniques différents : 1) modèle rigide dans lequel, à l’exception des surfaces de joint en contact,les épontes ne peuvent pas se déformer, 2) modèle élastique dans lequel les épontes peuvent se déformer dans leur volume et 3) modèle élastique-fracture dans lequel les épontes peuvent se déformer dans leur volume et les liens entre les particules peuvent rompre selon le critère elliptique de contrainte. L'utilisation de ces trois modèles mécaniques différents permet d'étudier de façon systématique l'influence de la rugosité seule (modèle rigide), l'influence de l'élasticité et de la rugosité (modèle élastique) et enfin, l'effet combiné de la rugosité, de l'élasticité et de la rupture(modèle élastique-fracture). L’étude des résultats obtenus lors des simulations DEM est accompagnée d’une analyse énergétique permettant d’estimer l’évolution de l’énergie élastique stockée dans le système, de l’énergie de friction, du travail associé à la dilatance du joint et de l’énergie dissipée au cours de l’essai de cisaillement. / The shear behavior of rock joints under constant normal stress is studied using Discrete Element Method (DEM). The respective influences of joint surface roughness, elasticity of medium, fracture of surface asperities, and level of compression load on the closure and shear behaviors of rock joints are particularly analyzed. For the first time the roughness of the joints considered as self-affine is use dwith DEM to study the friction of rock joints, the roughness is described through three parameters:self-affine roughness exponent, self-affine correlation length and height variance. Using a numerical algorithm based on spectral method, eight isotropic self-affine surfaces corresponding to different roughness are generated. Latter, numerical surfaces are used as molds to generate the discrete elements surfaces. The discrete element modeling is premised on a preliminary calibration of the elastic properties performed on a representative elementary volume and on the implementation of the fracture properties (elliptic fracture criterion expressed in stress) describing with a reasonable accuracy the quasi-brittle fracture behavior of mortar (used in previous experimental tests). On this basis and once the roughness surfaces implemented in DEM, the simulations of the compression/closure test are performed on the eight joints and this for two compression stress levels: 14 MPa and 21 MPa. Then, the eight DEM joints are sheared along two perpendicular directions. For each shear direction and each level of compression stress, the joints are tested through three different mechanical models: 1) rigid model in which the medium cannot deform excepted at the contact surface of joints, 2) elastic model in which the medium can deform in its volume and 3) elastic-fracture model in which the medium can deform in its volume and the bondsbetween discrete elements can failed according to the elliptic fracture criterion. The use of these three mechanical models allows studying systematically the influence of the roughness alone (rigidmodel), the influence of elasticity and roughness (elastic model) and finally, the combined effect ofthe joint roughness, of the elasticity and of the fracture (elastic-fracture model). The study of the results obtained from the DEM simulations is followed by an energetic analysis allowing theestimation of the evolutions, as a function of the shear displacement, of the elastic energy stored inthe system, of the friction energy, of the work related to the joint dilatancy and of the energy dissipated by internal damping of the DEM. / En esta tesis se estudia la fricción en juntas rocosas utilizando el Método de Elementos Discretos (DEM). En particular, se estudia la influencia de la rugosidad de las superficies de la junta, la elasticidad, la fractura, y el nivel de carga de compresión sobre el comportamiento de cierre y de cizalla de las juntas rocosas. Por primera vez la rugosidad de las juntas considerada como auto-afín esutilizada para estudiar la fricción de juntas rocosas, la rugosidad se describe mediante tres parámetros: el exponente de rugosidad, la longitud de correlación auto-afín y la varianza de alturas. Mediante un algoritmo de computadora basado en métodos espectrales, ocho superficies autoafines isotrópicas con diferente rugosidad fueron creadas. Posteriormente, las ocho superficies fueron utilizadas como moldes para generar las juntas utilizando elementos discretos. Antes de realizar las simulaciones de compresión y cizallaura, se calibraron las propiedades elásticas y defractura (criterio de fractura elíptico basado en esfuerzos) de las juntas numéricas a los datos experimentales (obtenidos previamente) de unas muestras de mortero mediante la utilización de un volumen elemental representativo (REV). Una vez que las propiedades mecánicas de las juntas se obtuvieron mediante la calibración del REV, se realizaron las pruebas de cierre (prueba de compresión) de las ocho juntas DEM. Se utilizaron dos niveles de esfuerzo de compresión para laspruebas de cierre: 14 MPa y 21 MPa. Después, las ocho juntas DEM fueron cizalladas en dos direcciones mutuamente perpendiculares. Para cada dirección de cizalla y cada nivel de esfuerzo decompresión (14 y 21 MPa), las juntas fueron cizalladas usando uno de los tres modelos mecánicos siguientes: 1) un modelo rígido, en el que las juntas no se pueden deformar, excepto en su superficie,2) un modelo puramente elástico, en el que las juntas se pueden deformar en todo su volumen y 3)un modelo elástico con fractura en el que las juntas se pueden deformar en su volumen y, si elesfuerzo sobre las uniones entre partículas excede cierto nivel de esfuerzo máximo, las uniones se rompen de una manera irreversible. El uso de estos tres modelos mecánicos nos permitirá estudiar de manera sistemática: la influencia de la rugosidad (modelo rígido), la influencia de la elasticidad y rugosidad (modelo puramente elástico) y, finalmente, el efecto combinado de la rugosidad de las juntas, la elasticidad y la fractura (modelo elástico con fractura). El estudio de los resultados obtenidos de las simulaciones DEM es seguido por una análisis energético el cual permite estudiar la evolución de los diferentes tipos de energía en función del desplazamiento de cizalla: energía elástica almacenada en el sistema, energía de fricción entre elementos discretos, el trabajo relacionado conla dilatación de la junta y la energía disipada por el amortiguamiento interno del DEM.
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SIMULACIJA PROCESA KRETANJA ČESTICA PRI TRANSPORTU U STATIČKIM MEŠALICAMA I MODIFIKOVANIM PUŽNIM TRANSPORTERIMA PRIMENOM METODE DISKRETNIH ELEMENATA / The simulation of the particles movement during transport in the static mixer and modified screw conveyor using discrete element methodJovanović Aca 29 September 2015 (has links)
<p>Kvalitetno mešanje praškastih materijala, čestica ili granula je od izuzetnog inženjerskog, energetskog, ekonomskog i ekološkog značaja u raznim granama industrije: prehrambenoj, procesnoj, hemijskoj, farmaceutskoj industriji. Efikasnost mešanja, dizajn opreme i parametri procesa mešanja imaju značajan uticaj na kvalitet i cenu poluproizvoda ili finalnog proizvoda.<br />U ovoj tezi, prikazana je upotreba metode diskretnih elemenata (DEM) na modelovanje mešanja granula i/ili praškastih materijala (granulisani zeolit ili kukuruzna prekrupa) u različitim konfiguracijama statičkih mešača Komax i Ross, kao i za modifikovane pužne transportere / predmešalice. Primenjen je i metod računske dinamike fluida (CFD) za modelovanje protoka fluida u Ojlerovom višefaznom modelu, za predviđanje ponašanja čestica unutar različitih konfiguracija statičkih mešalica.<br />Ispitivano je petnaest horizontalnih pužnih transportera sa nepromenljivog koraka, sa modifikovanom geometrijom, različitih dužina pužnice, sa dodatnim elementima na pužnoj spirali, radi istraživanja mogućnosti mešanja granulisanog materijala, tokom transporta materijala (granulisani zeolit).<br />Rezultati matematičkog modeliranja i numeričke simulacije su upoređeni sa odgovarajućim eksperimentalnim rezultatima na osnovu stepena pomešanosti mešavine, primenom kriterijuma relativne standardne devijacije (RSD). Zahvaljujući ovde postavljenim modelima moguće je uraditi optimizaciju geometrije i parametara sistema mešanja uzimajući u obzir kvalitet procesa mešanja i cenu finalnog proizvoda.</p> / <p>The quality mixing of powders, particles and/or granules obtain an engineering, energetic, economic and ecological importance of various technologies, food industry, pharmaceutical and chemical industry. The mixing efficiency, the design of equipment and mixing parameters exert a strong impact on quality and the price of intermediate or final product. In this thesis, the use of Discrete Element Method (DEM) is shown for modeling of granular and/or powder flow in various multiple Komax and Ross mixing applications, as well as for the modified screw conveyors premixers . Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) method was used for modeling of fluid flow through Eulerian multiphase model, for the prediction of particle displacement within the various static mixers configurations. Fifteen horizontal screw conveyors with invariant pitch, with modified geometry and different screw length , with some additional elements welded on the helix were tested for the possibility of granular material mixing during the material transport (granulated zeolite).<br />The results of the numerical simulation are compared with appropriate experimental results, according to relative standard deviation criterion (RSD). Application of this model provide the optimization of the geometry and parameters of mixing systems taking into account the quality of the mixing process and the cost of the final product.</p>
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Étude expérimentale et simulation de la ségrégation mécanique et thermique de billes millimétriques dans un séchoir de type tambour tournant / Experimental study and modeling of mechanical and thermal segregation of millimetric beads in a rotary drum dryerMesnier, Aline 27 March 2019 (has links)
La problématique de l’homogénéité de traitement mécanique et thermique d’un lit particulaire bi-disperse en tailles ou en densités dans un tambour tournant horizontal a été abordée. Dans la première partie, le mélange des billes sphériques millimétriques dans un tambour de type ‘tranche’ a été observé expérimentalement à l’aide des maquettes originales et simulé numériquement à l’aide d’un code commercial de type DEM. En ajustant le coefficient de frottement entre les billes, un accord satisfaisant a été obtenu entre les résultats des simulations et des expériences. Le lit a été globalement caractérisé par l’indice de ségrégation radial, la répartition des billes dans la couche frontale et l’angle de talus dynamique. Des phénomènes importants de ségrégation radiale et axiale ont été mis en évidence. Une réduction très significative de l’indice de ségrégation radiale a été obtenue dans le cas des ailettes multiples et longues par rapport au cas avec peu d’ailettes courtes ou pas d’ailettes. Dans la deuxième partie, le chauffage des billes par contact avec la paroi périphérique du tambour a été simulé par la méthode DEM. Des lits mono-disperse, bi-disperse (comme dans la partie 1), et à dispersion gaussienne ont été considérés. Les indices de ségrégation mécanique et thermique ont été comparés pour les différents types de lits et différentes configurations d’ailettes. L’intensité de la ségrégation thermique a été renforcée, dans l’ensemble, par la ségrégation mécanique et a été la plus forte pour le lit bi-disperses en densités. L’augmentation de la hauteur et du nombre des ailettes a considérablement amélioré l’homogénéité thermique du lit et la vitesse globale de chauffage / Product homogeneity issue during mechanical and thermal processing of a bi-dispersed bed with two particles’ sizes or two particles’ densities in a horizontal rotary drum was considered. In the first part, the mixing of milli-metric size spherical beads in a two-dimensional drum was simulated by means of a commercial discrete element software and optically observed in a specially designed laboratory scale device. The spatial distribution of the particles in the front bed section, the radial mechanical segregation index and the dynamic slope angle were analyzed. After adjusting the friction coefficient, the simulation results were close to the experimental ones. Important phenomena of radial and axial segregation have been highlighted. The radial segregation index was found to be significantly decreased by applying an important number of long baffles, while using few short baffles had practically no influence on segregation intensity. In the second part, the heating of the bed of spherical beads in a 2D drum with hot peripheral wall was simulated by means of the discrete element software. Mono-dispersed, gaussian-dispersed and bi-dispersed beds (same as in part 1) were considered. The mechanical segregation and the thermal segregation indexes were calculated for the different types of bed and for different baffles configurations. The thermal segregation was found to be generally enhanced by the mechanical segregation and reached its highest values for the bi-density bed. Increasing the number and the length of the baffles considerably improved the overall heating rate and the thermal homogeneity of the considered beds
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Skyfallskartering – En jämförelse mellan nationella höjdmodellen och flyginsamlad laserdata : Tillämpning över område i Fagersta kommunBack, Matilda, Karlsson, David January 2021 (has links)
Hydrologiska analyser blir ett allt vanligare tillvägagångssätt för att kunna planera inför eventuella översvämningar. Då naturkatastrofer som dessa kommer öka i framtiden i takt med att temperaturen höjs och nederbörden ökar så har Fagerstakommun påbörjat framtagning av skyfallskartering. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur resultatet av skyfallskartering och hydrologisk modellering påverkas av dataunderlagetsupplösning. Ytterligare ett mål med arbetet är att undersöka om den nationella höjdmodellen (NH) lämpar sig att användas som underlag vid framtida skyfallskarteringar.Området som berörs av studien ligger beläget i Fagerstas centrala stadskärna och delades uppi ett område nordväst om Bergslagssjukhuset och ett i stadsdelen Västanfors. Fagersta kommun har genomfört en laserskanning som ligger till grund för dataunderlagen i analyserna. Laserpunkterna harförarbetats i Cyclone 3DRochberäknatsi FME Workbenchgenom TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) och sedan har digitala höjdmodeller (eng. digital elevation model, DEM) skapats i upplösningarna 0,5 m, 1 m, 2 m, 5 m, 10 m, 25 m och 50 m. Även den nyligen framställda NH användes som ett underlag. Denna består av en DEM i upplösning 1 m. Skyfallskartering genomfördes i ArcMap 10.8 medmetoden att lokalisera lågpunkter som riskerar att svämmas över. Hydrologisk modellering tillämpades i syfte att framställa flödesvägar som visar var vattnet rinner vid översvämning. Resultaten jämfördes med hjälp av feature agreement statisticssom visade hur bra dataunderlagen överensstämde mot referensupplösningen på 0,5 m. Ytterligare valideringar gjordes mot en skyfallskartering som tillhandahölls av Fagersta kommun. Denna genomfördes år 2017 av SMHI på uppdrag av Länsstyrelsen och jämfördes mot 0,5 m, 1 m och NH 1 m.Resultat från skyfallskarteringen visade att NH överensstämmer väl med Fagerstas egna skyfallskartering. Det visade att utbredningen generellt ökar och fill-up värdet minskar vid en lägre upplösning. Tvärsnitt från lågpunkterna visade attdetta även generaliserar djupet. De hydrologiska modelleringarna styrker att lägre upplösning generaliserar området. En slutsats kan dras att upplösningarna på 10 m och uppåt inte böranvändas vid en mer noggrann analys. Däremot kan de vara tillräckliga som underlag vid översiktlig kartering. Ytterligare slutsats drogsatt NH lämpar sig som underlag vid skyfallskartering för de flesta ändamålen. Ett underlag med tätare punkttäthet bör dockanvändas vid analyser som kräver ett mer detaljerat resultat. / Hydrological analyses are becoming a more common tool for being able to prepare for eventual floods. As natural disasters such as these will increase in the future as higher temperatures and increased precipitation Fagersta municipality has begun producing cloudburst maps. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects that resolution has on hydrological modelling and cloudburst mapping. Another goal of the study is to examine if the Swedish national height model (NH) is suitable for use in forthcoming cloudburst analyses.The study area is located in the city center of Fagersta and is divided into two areas, one northwest of the hospital named Bergslagssjukhuset and the other over the district Västanfors. Fagersta municipality has carried out a laserscanning which is used to create the different data sets in the analyses. The measured points have been preworked in Cyclone 3DR and calculated in FME Workbench as a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network). Digital elevation models (DEM) were later on created with the following resolutions;0,5 m, 1 m, 2 m, 5 m, 10 m, 25 m and 50 m. The recently produced NH was also used as a data set. It consists of a DEM with a resolution of 1 m. The cloudburst mapping was implemented in ArcMap 10.8 with the method to locate blue spots that run the risk of being flooded. Hydrological modelling was applied with the aim of producing stream networks which presents where water will flow in case of a flood. The results were compared by using feature agreement statistics which showed how comparable the data sets were to the reference resolution of 0,5 m. Additional validations were made by using Fagersta municipality's own cloudburst map which was carried out in 2017 by SMHI on behalf of Länsstyrelsen. The datawas compared to 0,5 m, 1 m and NH 1 m.Results from the cloudburst mapping showed that NH compares well with Fagerstas data set. It also showed that the spread of blue spots generally increases and the fill-up valuedecreases at a lower resolution. Cross sections from the blue spots showed that this also generalizes depth. The hydrological modellings strengthens that lower resolutions generalizes areas. A conclusion can be drawn that the resolutions of 10 m and up should not be used in a precise analysis. They can however be used for easy-reference mapping. Another conclusion was drawn that NH is suitable for use as a data set in cloudburst mapping for most purposes. A data set with a better point density should however be used in analyses which require a more detailed result.
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