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Cycle de vie sémantique de conception de systèmes de stockage et manipulation de données / Semantic lifecycle desing for data storage and manioulation systemsKhouri, Selma 12 October 2013 (has links)
Les ED deviennent des composants incontournables dans les entreprises et les organisations.Le thème de conception des ED a fait l’objet de recherches actives ces dernières années. Laprincipale limitation des approches proposées est le manque d’une vision globale s’inscrivantdans le cadre du cycle de conception des ED, même si la communauté reconnait toutes lesphases de ce cycle. Nos principales contributions dans cette thèse portent sur la proposition d’uneméthode de conception adaptée aux récentes évolutions qu’a connu le cycle de conception, etenglobant l’ensemble de ses phases. Le cycle de conception a connu une diversification importantedes modèles de stockage de données et des architectures de déploiement possibles offrant deschoix de conception variés. Ce cycle reconnait l’importance des besoins des utilisateurs dansle processus de conception, et l’importance d’accès et de représentation de la sémantique desdonnées. Notre première proposition présente une méthode de conception suivant une approcheà base d’ontologies de domaine, permettant de valoriser les besoins des utilisateurs en leur offrantune vue persistante au sein de l’ED. Cette vue permet d’anticiper diverses tâches de conceptionet de simuler les différents choix de conception. Notre deuxième proposition revisite le cycle deconception en exécutant la phase ETL (extraction-transformation-chargement des données) dèsla phase conceptuelle. Cette proposition permet de fournir un moyen de déploiement multiplesur différentes plateformes disponibles. / Data Warehouses (DWs) become essential components for companies and organizations.DWdesign field has been actively researched in recent years. The main limitation of the proposedapproaches is the lack of an overall vision covering the DW design cycle. Our main contributionin this thesis is to propose a method adapted to recent evolutions of the DW design cycle,and covering all its phases. These evolutions have given rise to new data storage models andnew deployment architectures, which offers different design choices for designers and administrators.DW literature recognizes the importance of user requirements in the design process, andthe importance of accessing and representing data semantics. We propose an ontology drivendesign method that valorizes users’ requirements by providing them a persistent view in theDW structure. This view allows anticipating diverse design tasks and simulating different designchoices. Our second proposal revisits the design cycle by executing the ETL phase (extractiontransformation-loading of data) in the conceptual stage. This proposal allows a deployment à lacarte of the DW using the different deployment platforms available.
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Produktplanering av lyftanordning för ånggeneratorrörLindström, Stefan January 2016 (has links)
En produktplanering utfördes på en lyftanordning kallad Häxan som används i rörverk 2012 på Sandvik AB i Sandviken. Denna lyftanordning lyfter rör för ånggeneratorer till kärnkraftverk, rören har därmed hårda toleranskrav. Produktplaneringen behövdes därför att problem med lyftanordningens funktioner under en längre tid hade påtalats. Konstruktionen var en utveckling av ett tidigare lyftverktyg som använts i rörverk 68 med samma syfte. Produktionen upplevde den nya konstruktionen som tung och svårarbetad. Målet var att upprätta en specifikation för nykonstruktion, omkonstruktion eller förbättring av befintlig konstruktion. Detta skedde genom metoden kundcentrerad planering eller QFD (eng. Quality Function Deployment) och intervjuer genomfördes för att samla in information och önskemål gällande konstruktionen. Nya villkor för konstruktion fastställdes med en halverad bärförmåga på ett ton mot tidigare två. Nya ytterdimensioner fastställdes och önskemålen att förenkla funktionerna kallade kam-krokar och L-krokar identifierades. Ett kvalitetshus upprättades där de tekniska egenskaperna bärförmåga, justeringskraft och antalet funktioner identifierades som de av störst vikt. Ett funktionselement föreslogs och analyserades med finita elementmetoden för att validera dess möjlighet till vidareutveckling. Slutligen utfördes en beslutsanalys med hjälp av beslutsträd för att ge ett underlag att välja inriktning på fortsatt arbete. Analysen tydde på att en förbättring av befintlig konstruktion med nytillverkning av tvärbommar med separerade glidskenor för de olika kroktyperna var att föredra. Det identifierades också några problem i omgivningen där främst en omkonstruktion av ett mellanlager ansågs som en bra åtgärd. Förbättringen av nuvarande koncept bedömdes ligga i linje med de kundönskemål som identifierats under arbetet och en frågeställning angående konstruktionens materialval diskuterades. / A product planning was performed on a lifting device called Häxan used at Sandvik AB in Sandviken. This lifting device lifts tubes for steam generators for nuclear power plants. As part of a nuclear power plant, the tubes got tough tolerance requirements. The product planning was needed due to problems with the lifting device. The design was a development of an earlier lifting device used in pipe mill 68, serving the same purpose. The production line experienced the new design as heavy and difficult to handle. The goal was to establish a specification for a new design, for remodeling or improvement of the existing design. The product planning was performed by quality function deployment (QFD) and interviews were conducted to collect information and requests concerning the construction. New conditions for the design were determined by which reducing the carrying capacity to one thousand kilograms compared to the previous two thousand was made possible. New external dimensions and the need for simplifying the functions called comb-hooks and L-hooks were identified. A house of quality was established in which the technical characteristics of greatest importance were the following: Required force for adjustment, carrying capacity and number of functions. A function element was proposed and analyzed by finite element method to validate its potential for further development. Finally a decision analysis using decision trees were performed to provide a basis for choice of action. The analysis indicated that an improvement of the existing design with manufacturing of new cross bars with separate skids for the different hook types were preferred. Some problems in the environment were also identified and the redesign of an interim storage was considered a good measure. The improvement of the present concept is deemed to be in line with the customer requirements identified during the work, an issue concerning the construction materials is discussed.
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Reference modeling for high value added mobile servicesZheng, X. (Xiaosong) 04 September 2007 (has links)
The era of mobile communications and mobile services has begun. The ongoing mobile revolution has dramatically and fundamentally changed our daily lifestyles, and it will continue to do so in a foreseeable future. For the next generation, mobile service end users have more demands for such services. This thesis examines the challenging user perspectives in designing and developing high value added mobile services. The aim of this research is to develop reference models and elicit user requirements for 3G and beyond mobile services in order to improve the quality of mobile services.
This thesis first examines the existing architectures and models for high value added mobile services, followed by the contributions of the thesis. In this thesis, a Cyberworld model, which is a contribution to the WWRF reference modeling initiative and a specification of the WSI reference model, was developed and it serves as a basis for 3G and beyond mobile services design and development. A series of definitions of the Cyberworld model and a roadmap of the enabling technologies were also built up. The emphasis of this part is on how to describe and model user participation in mobile services. For this purpose, a model of the communication element to represent the components of the wireless world was created. Both static and dynamic reference modeling steps were established to better describe and understand user participation in mobile services. The validation was achieved through the CyPhone navigation mobile service. In order to enhance mobile service mobility, personalisation, and security, an ontology based model was developed to extend the Cyberworld model functionalities. The innovative ontology based mobile system will greatly increase service mobility, personalisation and security, thus improving the quality of mobile services. The ontology based model was illustrated and validated using a healthcare mobile service.
A Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach was adopted in this research in order to elicit, weigh and prioritise actual user requirements and link them to technical design requirements of mobile services. Traditionally QFD is employed in manufacturing industry. This approach is now extended to the mobile service industry for the first time. In this thesis, a detailed step by step QFD approach was proposed for designing high value added mobile services. As a result, the developed mobile services will better meet users' wants and needs which also means that the quality of mobile services will be significantly improved. The QFD approach was validated through a mobile e-learning service and another dedicated healthcare service for senior citizens.
Through development of reference models and examination of user requirements for 3G and beyond mobile services from user perspectives, this thesis contributes to the design and development of high value added mobile services.
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Déploiement d'applications d'assistance dans un environnement d'aide au handicap / Deployment of support services in disability support environmentSeguin, Cédric 30 April 2015 (has links)
À notre époque, la problématique de la prise en charge des personnes en situation de handicap est d'une importance majeure. Nombreuses sont les études qui prouvent qu'économiquement et socialement le handicap impacte fortement la société moderne. La dépendance, résultat des situations de handicap, est l'incapacité de réaliser seul les tâches de la vie courante. Une aide spécialisée, voire l'hospitalisation dans les cas les plus avancés, peut devenir nécessaire. Les politiques ne se sont pas trompés en faisant de cet enjeu une priorité, notamment en France où le gouvernement a débloqué d'importantes sommes d'argent. L'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, dans sa dernière définition du handicap, explique que le handicap est situationnel et qu'un environnement adapté peut compenser l'incapacité et supprimer la dépendance. Nous pouvons nous demander dans quelle mesure la technologie peut apporter, dans la vie de tous les jours, un certain degré de confort et une autonomie aux personnes dépendantes. La technologie apporte, aujourd'hui par l'intermédiaire des habitats intelligents, des systèmes pervasifs et de la domotique, les moyens nécessaires aux personnes pour gagner en autonomie et vivre plus longtemps à domicile. Ces solutions s'appuient sur des services d'assistance spécialisés, adaptés à la singularité de la pathologie du patient. Ainsi, un patient en situation de handicap physique se verra proposer une solution de contrôle d’environnement tandis qu’un patient souffrant de trouble cognitif pourra compenser son handicap grâce aux solutions d’analyse du comportement. Nous proposons une solution d’assistance unifiant les deux champs d’action, pour compenser les situations de polyhandicaps. Pour assurer autonomie, confort de vie, sécurité, surveillance et assistance à domicile des personnes dépendantes, les algorithmes d’assistance requièrent beaucoup de ressources de traitement et le manque de ces dernières peut ralentir voire bloquer le déploiement des différentes tâches et remettre en question considérablement l'expérience utilisateur et par conséquent l'acceptation de la solution. Négliger l'impact des ressources sur le déploiement peut mener à des situations de fonctionnement gênantes, voire dangereuses, dans le cas d'une urgence vitale. Peut-on vraiment proposer le meilleur service d'assistance possible si notre infrastructure ne permet pas sa réalisation ? Pour répondre à cette problématique, les concepteurs surdimensionnent la solution. Autrement dit, des équipements supplémentaires, spécialisés et couteux, sont installés. Toutefois, cette attitude très répandue dans l'industrie ne respecte pas les recommandations de l'aide au handicap, qui cherchent à réduire les critères de couts et d'intrusivité, notamment. Les habitudes de vie moderne impliquent que la maison d'aujourd'hui, sans modifications particulières, regorge déjà d'équipements domotiques et électroniques aux capacités inexploitées. Nous proposons une approche de modélisation des ressources pour mettre en évidence leurs capacités. Cependant, avoir conscience de ces capacités ne suffit pas, il faut aussi les connaître et savoir les gérer pour faciliter le déploiement des services d’assistance. En effet, si l’exploitation des capacités au niveau d’une ressource est correctement maitrisée, l’optimisation conjointe des capacités de plusieurs ressources est quant à elle moins développée. Nous avons mis en place un flot de déploiement contextuel qui grâce à la connaissance de son environnement et des ressources qui le composent peut déployer un service sur n'importe quel équipement capable de le réaliser. Une répartition de la charge de traitement de manière uniforme permet de garantir une sureté de fonctionnement en évitant un engorgement des ressources et une surcharge globale du système. / Nowadays, the problem of care for people with disabilities is a major concern. Many studies prove that handicaps strongly impact modern society, economically and socially. Dependence, resulting in disability situations, is the inability to perform alone the tasks of daily living. A specialized assistance or even hospitalization, in the most advanced cases, may become necessary. Politicians were not deceived by making this issue a priority, particularly in France where the government has provided large sums of money. The World Health Organization, in its latest definition of disability says that disability is situational and that a suitable environment can compensate for the inability and correct the dependency. We can wonder, to what degree, can technology bring in the life of every day, a certain degree of comfort and independence for disabled people? Today, technology brings through intelligent houses, pervasive systems and home automation, the necessary resources for people to gain autonomy and stay longer at home. These solutions are based on specialized support services adapted to the uniqueness of the patient's pathology. Thus, a patient with physical disabilities could have an environment control solution while a patient with cognitive impairment may compensate for his disability through behavior analysis solutions. We offer a healthcare solution combining the two fields of action, to compensate for situations of multiple handicaps. To ensure independence, living comfort, security, health surveillance and home care for disabled people, algorithms require a lot of processing resources. The lack of processing devices can slow or even block the deployment of different assistive tasks and question considerably the user experience and therefore the acceptance of the solution. Neglecting the impact of resources for deploying can lead to inconvenient situations, even dangerous in the case of vital emergency. Can we really offer the best possible assistance service if our infrastructure does not allow its achievement? To address this problem, designers oversize the solution. In other words, extra dedicated and expensive equipments are installed in the person's environment. This attitude, although widely used in the industry, does not respect the recommendations of ambient assisted living, which aim to reduce the cost criteria and intrusiveness. Modern lifestyles imply that today's home, without any particular modifications, is already full of home-automation and electronic devices with unused capacities. We offer a resource modeling approach to highlight their abilities. However, be aware of these capabilities is not enough, the system also need to know how to manage them to facilitate the deployment of assistive services. Indeed, if the system can properly manage the utilization of the capabilities of one resource, the joint optimization of several resources, at the same, time is not enough controlled. We have set up a contextual deployment flow which, thanks to the knowledge of the environment and resources, can deploy a service on any devices capable of carrying out the operation. A distribution of the processing load, uniformly, helps to ensure dependability of our solution, by avoiding resource bottlenecks and overall system overload.
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Coping with deployment during peace keeping operations : a narrative perspective by caregivers in the SANDFNeethling, Wilhelmus Gottlieb Francois 07 December 2011 (has links)
Since the democratic changes in South Africa in 1994, there have been great expectations of the role that South Africa can play in promoting peace and stability in Africa. South Africa cannot prosper in isolation on a continent which is not at peace with itself. It is in the country‘s national interest to play a role in the prevention of conflict. During my deployment to the Antarctic and in Africa, I asked why some people are better able to cope with deployment and isolation than others. Deployed chaplains provided spiritual, emotional and pastoral support. In their efforts to provide care, they are supported by Social Workers, Healthcare Professionals and Psychologists. For the purpose of this research, they are all referred to as Professional Caregivers. Under the term Caregivers I understand professionally trained people focusing on caring for other people as part of their work. “How do caregivers cope with deployment?” was the question answered by my Co-researchers. In obtaining this data the narrative research paradigm was used. Within the context of Peacekeeping Missions, aspects ranging from military discipline, alcohol misuse, how soldiers cope with the deployment stages, the role of Social Constructionism and how we create our own reality, is considered. Narrative research strives to listen to people‘s stories of how they explain their own understanding of how they coped with deployment. The aim of narrative research is not to bring about change, but to understand their stories. I was interested in learning about the caregivers‘ personal experiences through their own stories. These stories would be documented as part of personal interviews as shared by the caregivers in looking back at their deployment experiences. The term Co-researchers were used in the research process to explain the role and inputs made by the caregivers who shared their stories of coping. The role of faith combined with the knowledge gained from interdisciplinary inputs in coping with deployment is addressed. Caregivers expressed their opinions regarding the lack of support from management as well as possible solutions. Alternative interpretations and outcomes were made by the Co-researchers to explain how they were able to cope. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Practical Theology / unrestricted
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DevOps adoption and implementation in software development practice:concept, practices, benefits and challengesLwakatare, L. E. (Lucy Ellen) 17 November 2017 (has links)
In the last decade, the software industry has been marked by a growing trend of software companies’ ability to deploy new software features fast and frequently in short release cycle times. The companies’ software release cycles have been shortened to hours and minutes rather than months. To enable the transformation towards short release cycle times, companies have adopted several different strategies, including the DevOps approach. DevOps in the software industry emerged to represent a professional movement emphasising the collaboration between software development and operations. In practice, DevOps affects the company culture, processes, products, associated technologies and organisational structures used in software development and operations processes. The multifaceted nature of DevOps makes the concept ambiguous and difficult for software companies to adopt as there are many different paths to its adoption.
The purpose of the thesis is to provide detailed description of the adoption and implementation of DevOps in software development comprehending the DevOps concept definition, and its practices, benefits and challenges. The research was performed by systematically reviewing the literature, multi-vocal documents and making qualitative inquiries among software practitioners; and based on that the consolidated body of knowledge of DevOps was constructed.
The key finding of the research is that the DevOps approach includes an automated software deployment mechanism focusing on the rapid and repeatable release of software changes and automated management of operational infrastructure. The adoption and implementation of DevOps practices are prominent in software companies that use cloud computing technology, while its adoption is challenging in the embedded system domain. DevOps is not a silver bullet; challenges pertaining to the management of infrastructures due to legacy technologies still persist. The key lesson learned in the adoption and implementation of DevOps is that the software operational infrastructure is no longer considered separate from the development of software features; and this is achieved by having software development and operations teams jointly working together. / Tiivistelmä
Viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana ohjelmistoteollisuudessa on ollut kasvavana trendinä ohjelmistotalojen lisääntyvä kyky toimittaa ohjelmistomuutoksia nopeasti ja usein toistuvina päivityksinä. Yritysten ohjelmistotoimitus- ja päivitysjaksot ovat lyhentyneet kuukausista tunneiksi ja jopa minuuteiksi. Yritykset ovat ottaneet käyttöön useita erilaisia toimintatapoja kyetäkseen muuttamaan toimintaansa lyhyen aikavälin ohjelmistopäivityksiin kykeneväksi, joista yksi viimeisimmistä on DevOps (saumaton ohjelmiston kehittäminen ja käyttö). Ohjelmistotuotannossa DevOps syntyi ohjelmistoteollisuudessa ammattilaisten alkaessa painottaa ohjelmistojen kehittämisen ja käytön yhteistyön tärkeyttä. Käytännössä DevOpsilla on vaikutusta ohjelmisto-organisaation toimintakulttuuriin, prosesseihin, tuotteisiin, sekä teknologioihin ja organisaatiorakenteisiin, joita käytetään ohjelmistokehityksessä ja käyttöönottoprosessissa. DevOpsin käsitteen moniulotteisuudesta johtuen käsitteen sisältö jää usein epäselväksi ja samalla sen mukainen toiminta vaikeasti käyttöön otettavaksi ohjelmistoyrityksissä, koska toteutus on mahdollista tehdä monella eri tavalla.
Tämän väitöksen tarkoituksena on antaa selkeä kuvaus DevOpsista ja sen toteutuksesta ohjelmistokehityksessä niin, että sen käsite, ja käytännöt, sekä sen tarjoamat edut ja haasteet tulevat ymmärretyiksi. Tutkimuksessa suoritettiin systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus tieteellisiin julkaisuihin ja muihin lähinnä käytännön kokemuksiin pohjautuviin lähteisiin, suoritettiin kvalitatiiviset kyselytutkimukset, joiden kohteena olivat ohjelmistoammattilaiset, sekä muodostettiin näiden pohjalta saumattoman ohjelmistokehityksen ja käytön yhtenäinen tietämyskanta.
Tutkimuksen keskeinen tulos on, että DevOps-lähestymistapa sisältää automaattisen ohjelmiston käyttöönottomekanismin, joka keskittyy nopeiden ja toistettavien ohjelmistomuutosten käyttöönottoon ja sitä tukevan operatiivisen infrastruktuurin hallintaan. DevOpsin omaksuminen ja käyttöönotto ovat näkyvästi esillä pilvipalvelinteknologiaa käyttävissä ohjelmistoyrityksissä, kun taas sen käyttöönotto on haastavaa sulautettujen järjestelmien alueella. DevOps ei ole mikään ’hopealuoti’, vaan sisältää erityisesti infrastruktuurien hallintaan liittyviä haasteita, jotka johtuvat edelleen käytössä olevista vanhoista tekniikoista. Keskeisin oppima DevOpsin omaksumisesta ja soveltamisesta käytäntöön on, että ohjelmistojen käyttöinfrastruktuuria ei enää tarkastella erillään ohjelmistojen kehittämisestä, vaan ne toimivat saumattomassa yhteistyössä keskenään.
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Nasazení mobilních zařízení v podniku / Deployment of mobile devices in a companyŠimůnek, David January 2015 (has links)
This thesis provides methodological instructions enabling companies to deploy mobile technologies in an enterprise in such a way that all the necessary areas like technology vendors, platform or issue of governance and security are taken into consideration. The key principle of the methodology is to minimize costs and focus on achieving business goals. The thesis is built on usage of theoretical approaches combined with an experience of companies which have already deployed mobile technologies.
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Automation of the deployment of PHP applications / Automatizace nasazení PHP aplikacíBauer, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the delivery of software products to end users and automation of related processes. After the initial introduction to the issue of deployment, as it is defined by one of the widely used software engineering methodology RUP (Rational Unified Process), the thesis devotes to practices as Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment which are directly oriented to the delivery of a software product based on automated processes. The second part depicts the design and the implementation of the solution for automation of the deployment of web applications in PHP within the specific developer company. The design part itself covers the analysis of the current state of the manual deploying process of business applications along with possible ways of automation its parts (updating the source code and database schema, application configuration, etc.), the definition of essential requirements for the solution and analysis of available tools which is the base for the selection of the most suitable tools for each component forming the resulting solution. The thesis also depicts interesting or nontrivial parts of implementation of each component, the practical case of usage of the system, the subsequent evaluation of the resulting solution along with estimated benefits and suggestions for the future expansion of its functionality.
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Obecní fórum - návrh a nasazení webové aplikace / Obecní fórum - design and deployment of web applicationHamouz, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
Thesis is focused on design and implementation of web application called Obecní fórum. The goal is to create a business case for this project, application design and to implement the entire application and place it on a public webhosting with on-site configuration for life publishing. Application design is based on a structure of MMDIS methodology, created by the Department of Information Technologies at the University of Economics, Prague. Implementation is based on web technologies, such as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Ajax.
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Sistematização do processo de desenvolvimento e planejamento da qualidade em serviços WEBScherer, Eduardo January 2013 (has links)
Diversos modelos foram criados para representar o processo de desenvolvimento de produto nos últimos anos. Entretanto, a adaptação destes modelos ao desenvolvimento de serviços na era web ainda é incipiente. Nesta área, a sistematização do processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços necessita de maior fundamentação teórica e prática, principalmente pelo alto crescimento do setor de serviços web. Essa dissertação propõe uma sistematização do processo de gestão do desenvolvimento de novos serviços e-serviços fornecidos exclusivamente pela web, denominados nesse estudo de serviços web. Como forma de atingir este objetivo são propostos nesse trabalho um modelo padronizado de gestão do desenvolvimento para novos serviços web e um método de planejamento da qualidade com base no QFD (Desdobramento da Função Qualidade), considerando indicadores de qualidade e custos para a definição de prioridade de demandas e melhorias aplicado em um portal de jogos casuais. Por fim, apresenta-se uma demonstração de aplicação do modelo de gestão do desenvolvimento e do método de planejamento da qualidade, orientando os gestores no processo de desenvolvimento de novos serviços web para o desenvolvimento de um serviço de classificados online. / In recent years, several models representing the product development process have been created. However, the adaptation of such models to Web services development is yet to grow. In this regard, systematization of the development process for new services requires further practical and theoretical substantiation, particularly because of the significant growth of the Web services sector. This study proposes a systematization of the development management process for new e-services provided exclusively on the Web, hereafter referred to as Web services. Consequently, this study proposes a standardized model to manage the development of new web services and a quality planning method based on Quality Function Deployment, by considering cost and quality indicators as a way to set improvement and demand priorities applied to a casual gaming portal. Finally, the application of the development management model and the quality planning method are demonstrated with regard to development of an online classifieds service, and guidance presented for managers involved in such development processes.
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