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Essays in empirical macroeconomics with application to monetary policy in a data-rich environmentAhmadi, Pooyan Amir 05 July 2010 (has links)
Diese Dissertation besteht aus vier eigenständigen Aufsätzen. Das erste Kapitel liefert eine Einleitung uns einen Literaturüberblick. Im zweiten Kapitel schätzen wir die Effekte eines geldpolitischen Schocks in einer Bayesianischen faktorerweiterten Vektorautoregression. Als ein Identifikationsschema schlagen wir theoretisch fundierte Vorzeichenrestriktionen vor, welche auf die angemessenen Impuls-Antwortfolgen auferlegt werden können. Der Vorteil der faktorbasierten Vorzeichenrestriktion liegt in der Möglichkeit sehr viele theoretische fundierte Restriktionen zu setzen um so exakter zu identifizieren. Im dritten Kapitel untersuchen wir die Rolle der Geldpolitik während der Weltwirtschaftskrise in den USA. Die besondere Rolle der Geldpolitik gilt seit Friedman and Schwartz [1963] als gängige Meinung. In diesem Papier versuchen wir die entscheidenden Dynamiken der Zwischenkriegszeit mit dem BFAVAR Modell abzubilden und die Effekte geldpolitischer Schocks zu analysieren. Weiterhin schauen wir uns die Effekte der systematischen Komponente der Geldpolitik an. Wir finden heraus, dass der Anteil der Geldpolitik insgesamt zwar präsent allerdings recht gemäßigt vorhanden. Im vierten Kapitel werden die makroökonomischen Dynamiken innerhalb des Euroraumes untersucht. Hierbei schlage ich einen neuen Ansatz vor um die vielen relevanten Interrelationen effizient und sparsam zu vereinbaren. Ein faktorbasiertes DSGE Modell wird gemeinsam mit einem dynamischen Faktormodell geschätzt. Hierbei wird explizit ökonomische Theorie zur Datenanalyse verwendet. Zur Identifikation makroökonomischer Schocks verwende ich sowohl Vorzeichenrestriktionen wie auch die DSGE Rotation. / This thesis consists of four self-contained chapters. The first chapter provides an introduction with a literature overview. In Chapter 2 we estimate the effects of monetary policy shocks in a Bayesian Factor- Augmented vector autoregression (BFAVAR). We propose to employ as an identification strategy sign restrictions on the impulse response function of pertinent variables according to conventional wisdom. The key strength of our factor based approach is that sign restrictions can be imposed on many variables in order to pin down the impact of monetary policy shocks. Thus an exact identification of shocks can be approximated and monitored. In chapter 3 the role of monetary policy during the interwar Great Depression is analyzed. The prominent role of monetary policy in the U.S. interwar depression has been conventional wisdom since Friedman and Schwartz [1963]. This paper attempts to capture the pertinent dynamics through a BFAVAR methodology of the previous chapter. We find the effects of monetary policy shocks and the systematic component to have been moderate. Our results caution against a predominantly monetary interpretation of the Great Depression. This final chapter 4 analyzes macroeconomic dynamics within the Euro area. To tackle the questions at hand I propose a novel approach to jointly estimate a factor-based DSGE model and a structural dynamic factor model that simultaneously captures the rich interrelations in a parsimonious way and explicitly involves economic theory in the estimation procedure. To identify shocks I employ both sign restrictions derived from the estimated DSGE model and the implied restrictions from the DSGE model rotation. I find a high degree of comovement across the member countries, homogeneity in the monetary transmission mechanism and heterogeneity in transmission of technology shocks. The suggested approach results in a factor generalization of the DSGE-VAR methodology of Del Negro and Schorfheide [2004].
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Vidareutveckling av serveringskanna i plast avsedd för varm dryckFäldt, Robert, Åkesson, Jennie January 2017 (has links)
ABSTRACT This thesis work consists of a case study, where August Lund AB assigned the further development of an ergonomically designed plastic serving pitcher. The purpose of the assignment was to further develop the serving pitcher, to adapt it for hot beverages and the manufacturing method injection molding, and to serve as a basis for decision making regarding how further investments in the previously produced ergonomic design solution was to be made. To achieve this, the following thesis question was formulated: Which are the leading factors that dictates the product development of plastic products that will be injection molded? To be able to answer the thesis question and complete the development of the pitcher a literature study about plastic design was conducted, that formed the foundation of the theoretical framework. Secondary data was collected using academic literature consisting of books and scientific papers. A product development process was formed for the case study, that was a derivative of the generic product development processes presented in the literature used. To complete the theoretical framework for the case study primary data was collected by conducting laboratory testing, simulations, tests and interviews. The main part of the work conducted in the case study consisted of finding a satisfactory insulation solution, that would prevent the user of the pitcher from getting burned by the heat from the hot beverage. This resulted in that the product development never reached beyond the conceptual phase. Two different methods of insulation were explored. The first method consisted of a thermoplastic elastomer overmolding that was located at the gripping area. It was concluded from the conducted laboratory testing and the simulations that the thickness of the grip had to be at least 10 mm. The thickness necessary was regarded as to thick because of the associated manufacturing costs and the proposed method was rejected. The second method explored was a pitcher containing an inner pitcher that formed an insulating air gap. The simulation result indicated that a 3.5 mm air gap was necessary to obtain adequate insulation. An insulation method using an air gap in combination with the ergonomic design solution brings several unsolved problems, that need further investigation to be solved if the combination is to be used. The employer had the request of investigating if a thermos effect could be achieved. The result showed that an air gap would insulate the pitcher so that a 10°C higher beverage temperature would be achieved during the 45 minutes than if an uninsulated pitcher was to be used. To attain a better thermos effect, the air gap could be filled with a foam to reduce the convective heat transfer in the air gap. Reaction Injection Molding could potentially be used to produce the insulating foam. It was concluded based upon the case study and the theoretical framework that the leading factors that dictates the product development of plastic products that will be injection molded was the structural constraints and the design guidelines of plastic design. Also, the cost of manufacturing in relation to the product performance, the products potential selling price and the production volume. In another word, to be able to asses which changes of the design that leads to increased manufacturing cost and if the increase is justifiable in relation to the obtained product performance. DFM turned out to be essential and have a central role in the product development of plastic products that will be injection molded. / SAMMANFATTNING Det här examensarbetet utgörs av en fallstudie, där på uppdrag av August Lundh AB en ergonomiskt designad serveringskanna i plast skulle vidareutvecklas. Arbetet syftade till att vidareutveckla kannan så att den anpassades för varm dryck och tillverkningsmetoden formsprutning, för att sedan utgöra ett underlag för huruvida företaget skulle vidareinvestera i den tidigare framtagna ergonomiska designlösningen. För att vidareutveckla kannan krävdes kunskaper om tillverkningsmetoden och vilka designmöjligheter som metoden medger. Därför formulerades följande frågeställning: Vilka är de styrande faktorerna vid produktutveckling av plastprodukter som ska formsprutas? För att kunna svara på frågeställningen och utföra uppdraget utfördes en litteraturstudie om plasttillverkning som utgjorde grunden för den teoretiska referensramen som arbetet utgick ifrån. Sekundärdata insamlades genom akademisk litteratur i form av böcker och vetenskapliga artiklar. En produktutvecklingsprocess som var anpassad för fallstudien togs fram, som var ett derivat av de generiska produktutvecklingsprocesserna som den använda litteraturen presenterade. I fallstudien insamlades primärdata genom laborationer, tester, simuleringar och intervjuer för att komplettera den teoretiska referensramen. Större delen utav arbetet i fallstudien utgjordes av att finna en tillfredsställande isoleringslösning, för att förhindra att användaren av kannan ska bränna sig på grund av värmen från den varma drycken. Detta medförde att arbetet aldrig passerade konceptstadiet i produktutvecklingsprocessen. Två olika isoleringslösningar undersöktes. Den första isoleringslösning utgjordes av en pågjutning av en termoplastisk elast på greppytan. Laborationer och simuleringar visade att tjockleken som skulle krävas för att uppnå tillräcklig isolering behövde vara minst 10 mm, vilket ansågs vara för tjockt på grund av tillverkningsekonomiska aspekter och förslaget förkastades. Den andra isoleringslösningen som utreddes utgjordes av en kanna innehållandes en innerkanna, för att på så sätt skapa en isolerande luftspalt. Simuleringsresultaten indikerade att en 3,5 mm luftspalt var nödvändig för att erhålla en tillräckligt god isolering. En luftspaltsisolering i kombination med den ergonomiska designlösningen medför en rad olösta problem, som kräver vidare utredning om kombinationen ska användas. En önskan från uppdragsgivaren var att utreda om en termoseffekt kunde uppnås. Resultatet visade att en luftspalt skulle bibehålla dryckens värme cirka 10°C högre under 45 minuter, än en kanna utan isolering. För att uppnå en bättre termoseffekt skulle luftspalten kunna fyllas med ett skummaterial, för att på så sätt reducera den konvektiva värmeledningen i luftspalten. En tillverkningsmetod som eventuellt skulle kunna användas för att producera en skumisolering är reaktionsformsprutning. Fallstudien och den teoretiska referensramen visade att de styrande faktorerna vid produktutveckling av plastprodukter som ska formsprutas var de konstruktionsmässiga begränsningarna och de design-riktlinjer som finns för plastdesign. Samt tillverkningskostnaden i relation till produktens prestanda, potentiella försäljningspris och tillverkningsvolym, det vill säga att avgöra vilken designändring som medför en ökad tillverkningskostnad och huruvida den är försvarbar eller inte, i relation till vilken ökad produktprestanda som fås. Att arbeta med DFM visade sig vara nödvändigt och vara en central del av produktutveckling av plastprodukter som ska formsprutas.
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Konceptutveckling av kabelmaskin för träning med resistans och viktsimuleringHaddad, Robert, Azizi, Aram January 2021 (has links)
På samtliga gymplatser finns alltför många maskiner och redskap idag. De flesta nybörjare har svårt att komma igång med träning, speciellt om dem tränar ensamma. Nybörjare har större chans att överge gymmet än de erfarna. Antalet maskiner och redskap ökar varje år då flera individer börjar hoppa på den nya trenden (fitnessindustrin). Professionella atleter kräver mer än det utbud som finns idag. Resistansträning reducerar skador och assisterar atlet eller nybörjare till att använda muskelgrupper som stärker kroppen utöver träning med vikt Detta examensarbete utgår från att designa en estetisk och funktionell design för en gymprodukt. Dagens samhälle är mer inriktad mot träning jämfört med tidigare. Då teknologi som avanceras blir människan latare. Sedan start av pandemin år 2019 har antalet privatpersoner med ett hemmagym ökat. Produkten som Företag A tillverkar inriktar sig mot företagsgym, privatpersoner samtprofessionella atleter. Examensarbetets primära fokus är att tillsammans med Företag A utveckla en produkt vars syfte är att underlätta träning för marknaden samt öka tillgänglighet och förståelse för träning. Innan projektet påbörjade skrevs ett konfidentiellt avtal som samtliga parter signerat. Tillsammansmed konfidentiella avtalet skrevs de kravspecifikationer som var viktiga för produkten och dess funktion. Följande frågeställningar ställs för projektet: Q1: Är den slutliga designen estetisk tilltalande från perspektivet av Företag A? Q2: Hur kan krav för funktioner och estetik kombineras på det mest effektiva sätt? Q3: Hur ska kravspecifikationerna tillämpas för koncepten och delsystemen? Q4: Hur kan koncepten kombineras för det teoretiskt mest effektiva sätt? Med hjälp av litteraturen Produktutveckling, samt hjälp av handledaren underlättades arbetet. Projektet undergick ett par olika faser från att generera koncept, välja ut de viktiga koncepten till att vidareutveckla på dem valda koncepten för ett färdigt resulterande slutkoncept. Detta slutkoncept blir då designen för den färdiga produkten. Slutprodukten resulterade i en sammanfogning av olika koncept för att effektivt integrera design med funktion. Då Företag A ansåg slutdesignen som estetisk tilltalande design så slutfördes arbetet på ett successivt sätt, där alla kravspecifikationer (inom räckvidd) erhölls. Samtliga kravspecifikationer som projektet inte täckte, blir svarade under tillverkningsprocessen som är bortom studenternas uppgifter.Det slutliga konceptet resulterade i en total vikt på 4,731kg, och en preliminär tillverkningskostnad på12 313kr. Resultatet av dessa faktorer överträffade de krav och idealvärden satta för produkten. Den framtida utvecklingen av projektet kräver vidaretestning av funktioner, geometri och sammansättning av komponenter då detta projekt endast framhäver en hypotetisk fungerande produkt. / There are far too many gym machines and equipment’s these days. The majority of the new gym members find it hard to train regularly, especially if they train alone. New members also tend to skip the gym more frequently than that of the experienced and established members. The number of machines and equipment’s used for training purposes increases every year because of the fitness industry increasing in popularity. Professional athletes demand more advanced products because of the increase in competition. Resistance training is the most popular training method because more people look to building muscles rather than functional training. The benefits of resistance training includereduced injuries, builds, and strengthens the muscles. The purpose of this theses is to design a functional and aesthetically pleasing gym product. Today’s generation is more invested in fitness than the past generations. The more technology advances, the lazier humans have become. When the COVID pandemic hit in 2019, the amount of home gym owners reached an all-time high. The product that Company A wants to manufacture is targeted for professional athletes, commercial gyms and for private use. This thesis primary focus is to develop a product with the purpose of facilitate training for the fitness industry, increase availability and build a better understanding for training. This project had a confidential agreement that every participant signed before start. Together with the confidential agreement, the product requirements were written and accepted by all participants. The product requirements include the functional capabilities of the finished product. The following research questions were used to determine the success of the project: Q1: Is the finished product design esthetically pleasing for Company A? Q2: How can the functional requirements combine with an esthetic design in an effective manner? Q3: How can the product requirements apply for the concept and its part subsystem? Q4: How can the concepts combine in the most effective manner theoretically? This project used most of the help from the supervisor(s) and the “Produktutveckling” literature. The project underwent a few phases as explained in the literature, to generate and select the most useful concept. The chosen concepts were then further developed for a resulting design concept. The developed concept was then chosen as the finished design, by an agreement of the participants. The finished product design resulted in a combination of the different concepts generated in the earlier phases. The reason behind the combination was to include the pros and exclude the cons of each design concept. The project was a success, since Company A approved the design and considered the finished concept as aesthetically pleasing. All of the product requirements that was set were unchanged and included in the finished product. The remaining product requirements that were left unanswered could only be determined by manufacturing and further testing, which is beyond the students signed agreements.
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Mise en place d'une nouvelle méthode de conception orientée DFMRemy, Laurent 13 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La première partie du manuscrit présente un état de l'art des différentes visions du DFM au sein du processus de conception industriel. Une nouvelle méthode de conception orientée DFM baptisée le DFM² est définie, se basant principalement sur l'intensification des interactions entre la conception et la fabrication. L'étape de conception de cellules se place au coeur de ces interactions afin d'appliquer les améliorations DFM en amont de la conception du circuit. La suite de l'étude présente des résultats visant à s'affranchir de la variabilité observée lors de la fabrication, concernant des domaines comme la planéité ou la lithographie à la fois pour le FEOL et le BEOL. Une étude statistique sur l'étape de métallisation est ensuite proposée, visant à modéliser l'impact de la géométrie du motif des dispositifs de remplissage métalliques sur les performances électriques des circuits. Les résultats permettent de définir de nouvelles conditions de simulation afin de prendre en compte cet effet dès la conception des cellules. Enfin, un outil d'aide à la conception de cellules (DUTY) est proposé. Son objectif est en premier lieu d'accompagner les concepteurs dans la mise en place du DFM² en leur proposant des améliorations DFM basées principalement sur les résultats obtenus précédemment. De plus, son but à long terme est de corréler les modifications DFM réalisées avec les améliorations de rendement attendues.
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A Retrieval Method (DFM Framework) for Automated Retrieval of Design for Additive Manufacturing ProblemsYim, Sungshik 08 March 2007 (has links)
Problem: The process planning task for a given design problem in additive manufacturing can be greatly enhanced by referencing previously developed process plans. However, identifying appropriate process plans for the given design problem requires appropriate mapping between the design domain and the process planning domain. Hence, the objective of this research is to establish mathematical mapping between the design domain and the process planning domain such that the previously developed appropriate process plans can be identified for the given design task. Further more, identification of an appropriate mathematical theory that enables computational mapping between the two domains is of interest. Through such computational mapping, previously developed process plans are expected to be shared in a distributed environment using an open repository.
Approach: The design requirements and process plans are discretized using empirical models that compute exact values of process variables for the given design requirements. Through this discretization, subsumption relations among the discretized design requirements and process plans are identified. Appropriate process plans for a given design requirement are identified by subsumption relations in the design requirements. Also, the design requirements that can be satisfied by the given process plans are identified by subsumption relations among the process plans. To computationally realize such mapping, a description logic (ALE) is identified and justified to represent and compute subsumption relation. Based on this investigation, a retrieval method (DFM framework) is realized that enables storage and retrieval of process plans.
Validation: Theoretical and empirical validations are performed using the validation square method. For the theoretical validation, an appropriate description logic (ALE) is identified and justified. Also, subsumption utilization in mapping two domains and realizing the DFM framework is justified. For the empirical validation, the storing and retrieval performance of the DFM framework is tested to demonstrate its theoretical validity.
Contribution: In this research, two areas of contributions are
identified: DFM and engineering information management. In DFM, the retrieval method that relates the design problem to appropriate process plans through mathematical mapping between design and process planning domain is the major contribution. In engineering information management, the major contributions are the development of information models and the identification of their characteristics. Based on this investigation, an appropriate description logic (ALE) is selected and justified. Also, corresponding computational feasibility (non deterministic polynomial time) of subsumption is identified.
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Design-for-manufacturability (DFM) for system-in-package (SiP) applicationsDoppalapudi, Ranjeeth 19 November 2008 (has links)
Microelectronic systems packaging involves layout dimensions of the order of microns. During manufacturing, process variations will cause parameters to deviate from their nominal values. As a result, the manufactured circuit may no longer meet the specifications it is designed to satisfy. When producing high volume of electronics, assembly yield becomes very important. This is where tolerance margins of the design parameters play an important role. This means that the performance specifications should be satisfied if the process variations are within the given tolerance margin of design parameters.
Research has been done on circuit level design for manufacturability methods. The main objective of the research is to study the layout level DFM methods for signal integrity issues and embedded Rf passive components and use design centering methodology to improve the output yield value. In this dissertation, emphasis is also laid on taking care of the regression error while calculating the yield value. With the developed method, the number of design iteration cycles to maximize yield is significantly reduced.
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Incorporating High Dimensional Data Vectors into Structural Macroeconomic ModelsGelfer, Sacha 27 October 2016 (has links)
In this dissertation I incorporate high dimensional data vectors in estimated Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models, evaluating the labor market dynamics incorporated inside such data vectors, out-of-sample forecasting performance of many models estimated with such data vectors and analytically examining the reduction of macroeconomic volatility that can occur when such data vectors are used in the formation of expectations about the future.
The second chapter investigates the extent to which modern DSGE models can produce labor market dynamics in response to a financial crisis that are consistent with the experience of the Great Recession. I estimate two New-Keynesian models, one with and one without financial frictions, in a data-rich environment. I find that negative financial shocks are associated with longer recoveries in real investment, capital-intensive sectors of the labor market and average unemployment duration. I also find the model with a financial accelerator is equipped with better tools to identify the dynamics associated with the Great Recession and its recovery in regard to many labor and financial metrics.
The third chapter compares the out-of-sample forecasting performance of the two DSGE models of Chapter II when they are estimated both out of and in a data-rich environment. This chapter finds that many financial time series variance decomposition are significantly better explained using the structural set-up of the New-Keynesian model with financial frictions. DSGE models estimated with high dimensional data vectors significantly out forecast their regularly estimated counterpart in regard to output, investment and consumption growth. Lastly, the use of real-time optimal pool model weighting significantly out-forecasts traditional macroeconomic models as well as an equally weighted weighting scheme in terms of many macroeconomic variables.
The fourth chapter examines the role forecasts derived by high dimensional data vectors can have on lowering macroeconomic volatility. Bounded rational agents are introduced into the Chapter II DSGE model with financial frictions and are given the option to use or ignore professionally generated forecasts from a dynamic factor model in their perceived forecasting model. In simulations, I find that professionally generated forecasts can significantly lower the volatility of many macroeconomic variables including inflation and hours worked.
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Utilizando folding no projeto de portas lógicas robustas à variabilidade de processo / Using folding to design logic gates robust to process variabilityGuex, Jerson Paulo January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho visa explorar técnicas de projeto de células que possibilitem a minimização dos efeitos da variabilidade de processo sobre o comportamento elétrico dos circuitos integrados. Para este trabalho foram abordados aspectos de regularidade, principalmente na camada de polisilício. A técnica de folding foi explorada em conjunto com a regularidade como possível metodologia de projeto voltada para a minimização dos efeitos da variabilidade de processo. Leiautes de portas lógicas complexas e básicas foram criadas utilizando tecnologia em 65nm. Os netlists dos leiautes extraídos foram simulados utilizando modelos que refletiam os efeitos da variabilidade sobre os parâmetros tecnológicos mais afetados pela variabilidade de processo. Os parâmetros selecionados para este experimento foram a largura (W) e comprimento (L) do canal do transistor, espessura do óxido de porta (Tox) e a mobilidade (μ0) das cargas. Os dados referentes ao pior caso envolvendo atraso e potência consumida de cada porta foram utilizados como métricas de comparação. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que a utilização da técnica de folding juntamente com aspectos de regularidade tornaram os experimentos menos sensíveis às variações do processos de manufatura de circuitos integrados. Essas reduções de sensibilidade chegaram em algumas situações à 33.22% para as portas básicas e de 28.96% para as portas complexas. A adição de folding e regularidade da camada de polisilício, trazem desvantagens significativas em área e potência consumida de cada porta. Pelos experimentos realizados é possível verificar aumento superior a 100% em área de algumas portas e de até 20.54% de aumento em potência. A união destas duas técnicas pode ser utilizada para tornar, por exemplo, o caminho crítico de um circuito integrado mais robusto quanto as variações de temporização e de potência. / This paper aims to explore for design techniques that allow the minimization of the effects of process variability on the electrical behavior of integrated circuits. To this work were discussed aspects of regularity, especially in poly-silicon layer. The technique of it folding was explored in conjunction with the regularity as possible design methodology aimed to minimizing the effects of process variability. Complex and basic layouts logic gates were built using 65nm technology. The it netlists extracted from layouts of the gates were simulated using models that reflected the effects of variability on the main technological parameters such as W, L, Tx, mu0 of the charges. The worst delay of each port and power consumption parameters were used for comparison in this work. The results show that using the it folding with regularity aspects of the experiments turns the layout gates less sensitive to process variations. These sensitivity reductions reached in some situations to 33.22 % for the basic gates and 28.96 % for the complex gates created. This techniques brings significant disadvantages in size and power consumption. For the experiments you can check increase of over 100% in area and up than 20,54% increase in power. These techniques should be used with discretion, especially on projects where there are area or consumption restrictions.
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Utilizando folding no projeto de portas lógicas robustas à variabilidade de processo / Using folding to design logic gates robust to process variabilityGuex, Jerson Paulo January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho visa explorar técnicas de projeto de células que possibilitem a minimização dos efeitos da variabilidade de processo sobre o comportamento elétrico dos circuitos integrados. Para este trabalho foram abordados aspectos de regularidade, principalmente na camada de polisilício. A técnica de folding foi explorada em conjunto com a regularidade como possível metodologia de projeto voltada para a minimização dos efeitos da variabilidade de processo. Leiautes de portas lógicas complexas e básicas foram criadas utilizando tecnologia em 65nm. Os netlists dos leiautes extraídos foram simulados utilizando modelos que refletiam os efeitos da variabilidade sobre os parâmetros tecnológicos mais afetados pela variabilidade de processo. Os parâmetros selecionados para este experimento foram a largura (W) e comprimento (L) do canal do transistor, espessura do óxido de porta (Tox) e a mobilidade (μ0) das cargas. Os dados referentes ao pior caso envolvendo atraso e potência consumida de cada porta foram utilizados como métricas de comparação. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que a utilização da técnica de folding juntamente com aspectos de regularidade tornaram os experimentos menos sensíveis às variações do processos de manufatura de circuitos integrados. Essas reduções de sensibilidade chegaram em algumas situações à 33.22% para as portas básicas e de 28.96% para as portas complexas. A adição de folding e regularidade da camada de polisilício, trazem desvantagens significativas em área e potência consumida de cada porta. Pelos experimentos realizados é possível verificar aumento superior a 100% em área de algumas portas e de até 20.54% de aumento em potência. A união destas duas técnicas pode ser utilizada para tornar, por exemplo, o caminho crítico de um circuito integrado mais robusto quanto as variações de temporização e de potência. / This paper aims to explore for design techniques that allow the minimization of the effects of process variability on the electrical behavior of integrated circuits. To this work were discussed aspects of regularity, especially in poly-silicon layer. The technique of it folding was explored in conjunction with the regularity as possible design methodology aimed to minimizing the effects of process variability. Complex and basic layouts logic gates were built using 65nm technology. The it netlists extracted from layouts of the gates were simulated using models that reflected the effects of variability on the main technological parameters such as W, L, Tx, mu0 of the charges. The worst delay of each port and power consumption parameters were used for comparison in this work. The results show that using the it folding with regularity aspects of the experiments turns the layout gates less sensitive to process variations. These sensitivity reductions reached in some situations to 33.22 % for the basic gates and 28.96 % for the complex gates created. This techniques brings significant disadvantages in size and power consumption. For the experiments you can check increase of over 100% in area and up than 20,54% increase in power. These techniques should be used with discretion, especially on projects where there are area or consumption restrictions.
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Utilizando folding no projeto de portas lógicas robustas à variabilidade de processo / Using folding to design logic gates robust to process variabilityGuex, Jerson Paulo January 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho visa explorar técnicas de projeto de células que possibilitem a minimização dos efeitos da variabilidade de processo sobre o comportamento elétrico dos circuitos integrados. Para este trabalho foram abordados aspectos de regularidade, principalmente na camada de polisilício. A técnica de folding foi explorada em conjunto com a regularidade como possível metodologia de projeto voltada para a minimização dos efeitos da variabilidade de processo. Leiautes de portas lógicas complexas e básicas foram criadas utilizando tecnologia em 65nm. Os netlists dos leiautes extraídos foram simulados utilizando modelos que refletiam os efeitos da variabilidade sobre os parâmetros tecnológicos mais afetados pela variabilidade de processo. Os parâmetros selecionados para este experimento foram a largura (W) e comprimento (L) do canal do transistor, espessura do óxido de porta (Tox) e a mobilidade (μ0) das cargas. Os dados referentes ao pior caso envolvendo atraso e potência consumida de cada porta foram utilizados como métricas de comparação. Os resultados encontrados demonstram que a utilização da técnica de folding juntamente com aspectos de regularidade tornaram os experimentos menos sensíveis às variações do processos de manufatura de circuitos integrados. Essas reduções de sensibilidade chegaram em algumas situações à 33.22% para as portas básicas e de 28.96% para as portas complexas. A adição de folding e regularidade da camada de polisilício, trazem desvantagens significativas em área e potência consumida de cada porta. Pelos experimentos realizados é possível verificar aumento superior a 100% em área de algumas portas e de até 20.54% de aumento em potência. A união destas duas técnicas pode ser utilizada para tornar, por exemplo, o caminho crítico de um circuito integrado mais robusto quanto as variações de temporização e de potência. / This paper aims to explore for design techniques that allow the minimization of the effects of process variability on the electrical behavior of integrated circuits. To this work were discussed aspects of regularity, especially in poly-silicon layer. The technique of it folding was explored in conjunction with the regularity as possible design methodology aimed to minimizing the effects of process variability. Complex and basic layouts logic gates were built using 65nm technology. The it netlists extracted from layouts of the gates were simulated using models that reflected the effects of variability on the main technological parameters such as W, L, Tx, mu0 of the charges. The worst delay of each port and power consumption parameters were used for comparison in this work. The results show that using the it folding with regularity aspects of the experiments turns the layout gates less sensitive to process variations. These sensitivity reductions reached in some situations to 33.22 % for the basic gates and 28.96 % for the complex gates created. This techniques brings significant disadvantages in size and power consumption. For the experiments you can check increase of over 100% in area and up than 20,54% increase in power. These techniques should be used with discretion, especially on projects where there are area or consumption restrictions.
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