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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Publicidade dirigida à criança : a necessidade de uma regulamentação específica

Valois, Bertha Lilia e Silva 24 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:18:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 bertha_lilia_silva_valois.pdf: 1384093 bytes, checksum: 2e3b27d5b07ea5e25cedf3dd43182120 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-24 / Questo studio si propone di verificare la necessità di norme specifiche in materia di pubblicità rivolta ai bambini. Per entrambi gli studi è innalzato indicando come questo meccanismo dei mass media, che ha come unico scopo il profitto, induce il bambino a rapporto di consumi, andando oltre valori e principi etici, legali e sociali, trascurando la condizione naturale Bambino come in uno stato di formazione biopsicosociale, vale a dire hipervulnerável. Saranno presenti anche i dati, ricerche, documenti di grafica e, al fine di verificare che le norme in vigore in Brasile è sufficiente per un efficace controllo dei messaggi pubblicitari rivolti alle piccole. Per quanto riguarda le procedure tecniche, la ricerca coinvolgerà una letteratura, che consiste in primo luogo l'analisi di libri, articoli di riviste e materiale disponibile su Internet; documentario, con l'analisi della legislazione brasiliana, e in altri paesi, per la pubblicità e la protezione il bambino. Il metodo applicato è l'induttivo, che si basa sul rispetto per i fatti di realtà particolari e note il verificarsi del fenomeno così diffuso. Il risultato della ricerca ha portato a confermare la necessità di un meccanismo con forza di legge, al fine di diventare più efficace ed efficiente il controllo di questo fenomeno di marketing che prende un ampio ruolo nella nostra società. / O presente estudo tem por objetivo verificar a necessidade de uma regulamentação específica no que diz respeito à publicidade dirigida à criança. Para tanto serão levantados estudos apontando de que maneira esse mecanismo de comunicação social de massa, que tem como finalidade única o lucro, induz a criança à relação de consumo, passando por cima de valores e princípios éticos, legais e sociais, desconsiderando a condição natural da criança, como ser em estado de formação biopsicossocial, isto é, hipervulnerável. Serão ainda apresentados dados, pesquisas, gráficos e documentos com o objetivo de verificar se a regulamentação existente no Brasil é suficiente para o efetivo controle das mensagens publicitárias voltadas às crianças. No tocante aos procedimentos técnicos, a pesquisa envolverá um levantamento bibliográfico, constituída, fundamentalmente da análise de livros, artigos de periódicos e material disponibilizados na Internet; documental, com a análise da legislação brasileira, e de outros países, acerca da publicidade e da proteção da criança. O método aplicado será o indutivo, que se fundamenta na observância dos fatos de realidades particulares, e constata a ocorrência do fenômeno de forma generalizada. O resultado da pesquisa tem o azo de corroborar a necessidade de um mecanismo com força de lei, de modo a tornar mais efetivo e eficiente o controle sobre esse fenômeno mercadológico que assume um papel de grande alcance em nossa sociedade.

Impatto ambientale del latte destinato al consumo diretto o alla trasformazione in formaggi DOP in sistemi produttivi del Nord Italia / THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF MILK FOR DIRECT CONSUMPTION OR PROCESSING INTO PDO CHEESE IN NORTH ITALY PRODUCTION SYSTEM

FROLDI, FEDERICO 27 April 2021 (has links)
Le produzioni zootecniche italiane giocano un ruolo importante nel settore agroalimentare, spaziando dagli aspetti sociali a quelli economici ed ambientali. L'Italia è leader nella produzione di latte vaccino di qualità per il consumo diretto ed è il principale paese europeo produttore di formaggi DOP. Tuttavia, la produzione di latte ha impatti sull'ambiente in quanto l'allevamento contribuisce ai gas serra presenti, principalmente dal processo digestivo degli animali, gestione degli effluenti e acquisto di alimenti, oltre alla potenziale immissione di sostanze inquinanti in acqua e suolo. L’analisi del ciclo di vita (Life Cycle Assessment, LCA) applicata in un’ottica di obiettivo di sviluppo agricolo ed agroalimentare sostenibile, permette di individuare le principali criticità legate al settore lattiero-caseario, e di predisporre azioni di mitigazione ambientale. A tal proposito, la Commissione Europea (CE) ha sviluppato la metodologia Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) e specifiche Category Rules (PEFCR) per armonizzare le scelte metodologiche di LCA e fornire criteri oggettivi di confronto dell'eco-compatibilità di prodotti. Il progetto LIFE TTGG (The Tough Get Going) applica la relativa PEFCR per il calcolo delle prestazioni ambientali nelle filiere Grana Padano e Comté DOP, ponendo le basi per trasformare le problematiche ambientali che scaturiscono dalle attività dei singoli produttori, in opportunità di miglioramento, nell’ottica della transizione ecologica del Paese. / The livestock breeding in Italy plays an important role in the agri-food sector, spanning from social to economic and to environmental aspects. Italy is a leader in the production of quality milk for direct consumption and is the main European country producing PDO cheeses. However, milk production carries impacts on the environment, as livestock farming contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, mainly resulting from animals’ digestion system, manure management and feed purchase, as well as pollutants. With the aim of a sustainable agricultural and agri-food development, it is important to identify, through Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), main criticalities related to the dairy sector, in order to adopt environmental mitigation actions. In this regard, the EC has developed the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology and specific Category Rules (PEFCR), harmonizing the methodological choices of LCA and providing objective criteria to compare the eco-compatibility of products. The LIFE TTGG (The Tough Get Going) project applies the PEFCR, calculating the environmental performance of the Grana Padano and Comté PDO supply chains and laying the bases for transforming the environmental problems arising from the activities of individual producers into opportunities for improvement, with a view to the Country's ecological transition.

Molekularbiologische Analyse der Diguanylatzyklase DgcE sowie weiterer biofilmrelevanter Proteine und Signale in Escherichia coli

Pfiffer, Vanessa 02 July 2019 (has links)
Für die E. coli K12 Biofilmbildung ist die Expression des Masterregulators CsgD essentiell. Dies erfordert das Signalmolekül c-di-GMP, dessen Auf- und Abbau durch 12 Diguanylatzyklasen (DGCs mit GGDEF-Domänen) und 13 Phosphodiesterasen (PDEs mit EAL-Domänen) erfolgt. DgcE ist mit einer MASE1-umfassenden Transmembranregion (TM), drei PAS-, einer GGDEF- und einer degenerierten EAL-Domäne die strukturell komplexeste DGC und notwendig für die Biofilmbildung. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die Aktivität von DgcE einer hoch komplexen Regulation unterliegt. Einzelnen DgcE-Domänen konnten aktivierende bzw. inhibierende Rollen hinsichtlich der Biofilmmatrixsynthese zugeordnet werden. Die Biofilmbildung hängt von DgcE-produziertem c-di-GMP ab, wobei die DgcE-Dimerisierung v.a. durch die PAS-Region vermittelt wird. Die EAL-Domäne wirkt einer aktiven DgcE-Form entgegen. Für die DgcE-vermittelte Matrixproduktion sind die GTPase YjdA und sein Partnerprotein YjcZ nötig. Über Interaktionen mit YjcZ und der TM von DgcE vermittelt YjdA eine Komplexbildung. Die Interaktion von YjdA und DgcE sowie die Matrixproduktion hängen von der GTPase-Aktivität von YjdA ab. GTP wird daher als intrazelluläres Signal vorgeschlagen, das die Aktivierung von DgcE durch YjdA/YjcZ reguliert. Die MASE1-umfassende TM agiert als Zentrale der Signalintegration. Einerseits ist sie nötig für die DgcE-Aktivität und andererseits ist sie an einem massiven Abbau von DgcE beteiligt. Zudem wurden neu identifizierte Curli-regulierende Gene (rbsK, rbsR, ydcI, yieP, puuR) untersucht, wobei keines über das PdeR/DgcM/MlrA-Modul in die c-di-GMP-vermittelte CsgD-Expression eingreift. Flagellare Verknotungen in der unteren Schicht von E. coli Makrokolonien tragen zur Morphogenese dieser Makrokolonien bei. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass Flagellenverknotungen zu einer verminderten Expression der Master-PDE PdeH beitragen, wodurch vermutlich die zelluläre c-di-GMP-Konzentration steigt und somit die Biofilmbildung begünstigt wird. / Biofilm formation of E. coli K12 requires the expression of the biofilm master regulator CsgD. This process depends on the signaling molecule c-di-GMP, which is synthesized by 12 diguanylate cyclases (DGCs with GGDEF domains) and degraded by 13 phosphodiesterases (PDEs with EAL domains). DgcE is the most complex DGC with a MASE1-containing transmembrane region (TM), three PAS, a GGDEF and a degenerate EAL domain, and it is essential for biofilm formation. This work shows that the regulation of the DgcE activity is highly complex. It was possible to assign activating and inhibitory roles to single domains of DgcE with regard to the expression of biofilm matrix components. C-di-GMP produced by DgcE is necessary for biofilm matrix production. The dimerization of DgcE is mainly mediated by the PAS region, whereas the EAL domain counteracts an active form of DgcE. DgcE-mediated matrix synthesis requires the activating signal input of the GTPase YjdA and its partner protein YjcZ. DgcE, YjdA and YjcZ form a protein complex in which YjdA directly interacts with YjcZ and the TM of DgcE. The interaction between DgcE and YjdA as well as the matrix expression depend on the GTPase activity of YjdA. Thus, it is proposed that GTP serves as an intracellular signal regulating the activation of DgcE by YjdA/YjcZ. The MASE1-containing TM proved to be a central hub for signal integration. It is both required for DgcE activity and for a massive degradation of DgcE. Furthermore, newly discovered curli-regulating genes (rbsK, rbsR, ydcI, yieP, puuR) have been analyzed. None of those gene products act on CsgD expression via the PdeR/DgcM/MlrA module. Flagellar entangling within the bottom layer of E. coli macrocolonies determines morphogenesis of macrocolonies. The data presented here suggest that the master PDE PdeH is somehow down-regulated by flagellar entangling, which probably results in a higher cellular c-di-GMP concentration, thereby promoting biofilm formation.

Cyclic di-adenosine monophosphate metabolism and functions in Streptomyces venezuelae

Latoscha, Andreas 07 May 2021 (has links)
Lebewesen nutzen nukleotid-basierte sekundäre Botenstoffe um extra- und intrazelluläre Signale zur Induktion einer entsprechenden Zellantwort weiterzuleiten. Das zyklische Dinukleotid c-di-AMP steuert verschiedene physiologische Prozesse und ist für viele Bakterien unter bestimmten Bedingungen essentiell. Dieses Signalmolekül muss präzise reguliert werden, da seine Akkumulation oft toxisch ist. Diadenylatzyklasen mit einer DAC-Domäne synthetisieren c-di-AMP, welches von Phosphodiesterasen (PDE) mit DHH/DHHA1- oder HD-Domänen abgebaut wird. Streptomyceten sind im Boden lebende, Gram-positive Actinobakterien mit einem komplexen Lebenszyklus, während welchem sie vielzählige sekundäre Metabolite, inklusive Antibiotika, produzieren. Die Regulierung des zellulären c-di-AMP und seine Bedeutung in der Streptomyceten-Biologie waren zu Beginn dieser Studie weitgehend unbekannt. Zur c-di-AMP-Synthese nutzen Streptomyces die DAC DisA, besitzen aber keine der typischen PDEs sowie die meisten der bekannten c-di-AMP-bindenden Effektoren. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass DisA die wichtigste c-di-AMP-Synthetase in Streptomyces venezuelae ist. AtaC wurde als eine PDE identifiziert, welche eine neue Klasse von c-di-AMP PDEs begründet. Während eine ataC-Deletion zu Störungen in Differenzierung und Wachstum in S. Venezuelae führt, führt die Inaktivierung von disA zur Sensitivität gegenüber erhöhten Konzentrationen von monovalenten Kationen im Medium. CpeA und CpeD wurden als erste c-di-AMP-bindende Proteine im Streptomyces Signalnetzwerk charakterisiert. Die entsprechenden Gene sind in Operons mit putativen Kation/Proton-Antiportern cpeB bzw. cpeE kodiert und die jeweiligen Genprodukte interagieren c-di-AMP-abhängig in vivo. Obwohl Deletion von cpe und Überexpression von cpeABC in S. venezuelae keine Phänotypen zeigten, verbesserte die CpeABC-Expression in Escherichia coli das Wachstum in Kalium-supplementierten Medien, was auf eine Funktion von cpe in der Regulation von Kalium hindeutet. / Nucleotide second messengers are used by all forms of life to transduce extra and intracellular signals and translate them into a physiological cell response. The cyclic dinucleotide c-di-AMP is a signaling molecule involved in diverse functions in bacterial physiology and is essential for many bacteria under certain growth conditions. However, this second messenger has to be tightly regulated since increased levels of c-di-AMP can be toxic. In many bacteria diadenylate cyclases with a conserved DAC domain synthesize c-di-AMP and phosphodiesterases (PDEs) with a DHH/DHHA1 or HD domain degrade it. Streptomyces spp. are soil-inhabiting gram-positive Actinobacteria characterized by a sophisticated developmental life cycle during which they produce various secondary metabolites, including antibiotics. The regulation and role of c-di-AMP is not well understood in Streptomyces biology. For c-di-AMP synthesis, streptomycetes utilize the DAC DisA but do not encode any canonical PDE and most of the known effector proteins for c-di-AMP signal transduction are absent. In this work, I demonstrated that DisA is the primary c-di-AMP synthetase in Streptomyces venezuelae and characterized AtaC as the founding member of a novel class of c-di-AMP-specific PDEs. In S. venezuelae, deletion of ataC interferes with development and growth, whereas disA inactivation affects bacterial survival under high ion osmotic stress conditions. Further, I identified CpeA and CpeD as the first c-di-AMP-binding proteins in Streptomyces. The respective genes are encoded in operons with the predicted cation/proton antiporters cpeB and cpeE, respectively, and the gene products interact in vivo in a c-di-AMP-dependent manner. Although neither cpe deletion nor overexpression of cpeABC produced a phenotype in S. venezuelae, expression of cpeABC in Escherichia coli improved growth in liquid media supplemented with potassium, suggesting that Cpe transporters are involved in potassium homeostasis.

Analysis of CdgC as the major diguanylate cyclase in S. venezuelae

Neumann, Sara Alina 23 August 2021 (has links)
Die Entwicklung des grampositiven Bodenbakteriums Streptomyces ist in einem komplexen Lebenszyklus koordiniert, bestehend aus drei Stufen: vegetativem Hyphenwachstum, Luftmycelbildung und Sporulation. C-di-GMP kontrolliert die Enwicklung über zwei Effektorproteine: dem Masterregulator BldD und dem Anti-Sigmafaktor RsiG. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass das membranständige GGDEF-EAL Protein CdgC eine wichtige aktive Diguanylatzyklase (DGC) in S. venezuelae ist. Chromosomale Deletion von cdgC führte zu einer flachen, gräulichen Koloniemorphologie mit radialen Stegen und hydrophiler Oberfläche sowie zu frühzeitiger Sporulation ohne Lufthyphenbildung. Phänotypische Analysen zeigten, dass die DGC-Aktivität von CdgC essentiell ist für dessen biologische Rolle und deuten auf einen zusätzlichen Protein-spezifischen morphologischen Effekt von CdgC hin. CdgC-FLAG akkumuliert im Laufe des Lebenszyklus und scheint BldD-abhängig über eine c-di-GMP vermittelte Feedbackschleife reguliert zu werden. Frühere RNA-seq Daten, verifiziert für repräsentative Gene mittels qRT-PCR, deuten eine differentielle Expression der Bestandteile des hydrophoben Mantels als Ursache der Lufthyphendefizienz an. Konfokalmikroskopische Aufnahmen des bakteriellen Tubulin-Homologons FtsZ deuten einen c-di-GMP-sensitiven Einfluss von CdgC auf die Koordination der Zellteilung an. Zudem konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass CdgC mit sich selbst sowie drei potentiellen Membranproteinen interagiert. Demnach trägt CdgC zur Koordination von Zellteilungs- und hydrophoben Zelloberflächenproteinen bei und beeinflusst damit c-di-GMP-abhängig den Zeitpunkt der Sporenbildung. Insgesamt führt diese Studie CdgC als GGDEF-EAL-Tandemprotein mit spezifischem Knockout- Phänotyp ein, der von seiner DGC-Aktivität sowie seinem Membrananker bestimmt wird. Zudem ist CdgC, als Reaktion auf eine noch unbekannte Signalübertragungskaskade, an der Koordinierung von Zeitpunkt und Verlauf der Sporulation ausschlaggebend beteiligt. / The proliferation of Gram-positive soil bacteria Streptomyces is temporally and genetically coordinated with a complex developmental life cycle, including three main stages of differentiation: vegetative hyphal growth, formation of aerial mycelium and sporulation. The key factor of Streptomyces developmental control is c-di-GMP with to-date two identified effector proteins: the master regulator BldD and the anti-sigma factor RsiG. In this thesis, the membrane-associated GGDEF-EAL protein CdgC, was identified as a major active diguanylate cyclase (DGC) in S. venezuelae. Deletion of cdgC results in the unique flat gray colony morphology with radial wrinkles and a hydrophilic surface, that shows enhanced sporulation without forming aerial hyphae. Phenotypic analyses suggest, that the DGC activity is essential for its biological role, but hint to an additional protein specific role. The protein levels of CdgC-FLAG were found to accumulate during the life cycle of S. venezuelae. Further investigation of CdgC-FLAG in a strain carrying a DNA-binding deficient BldD_D116A allele indicated, that BldD represses the expression of CdgC in a regulatory feedback loop along with the DGCs CdgA, CdgB and CdgE. RNA‐sequencing data indicated that reduced expression levels of the major compounds of the hydrophobic sheath result in the initiation of sporulation out of the vegetative mycelium and were verified for representative examples via qRT-PCR. Confocal microscopic imaging of the bacterial tubulin homolog FtsZ indicated a contribution of CdgC via its DGC activity in coordination of the cell division. In addition, BTH screenings revealed self-interaction and identified three membrane associated interaction partners. In conclusion, this study introduces the GGDEF-EAL tandem protein CdgC, whose specific knockout phenotype is governed by its DGC activity and membrane association. CdgC seems to drive timing and mode of sporulation in response to an unknown signal to a major extend.

Identifizierung eines lokal wirkenden Proteinnetzwerks bei der c-di-GMP-vermittelten Kontrolle der Biofilmbildung in Escherichia coli

Sarenko, Olga 08 January 2018 (has links)
Переход от подвижного и планктонообразного образа жизни к формированию биоплёнок является важной и интересной особенностью различных микроорганизмов. Кишечная палочка (Escherichia coli) представляет собой удобный модельный организм для изучения подобных трансформаций. У этой грамотрицательной бактерии образование биоплёнки обусловлено внутриклеточной аккумуляцией циклического дигуанилата (цикло-диГМФ). Известно, что активность ферментов, синтезирующих (дигуанилатциклазы/ДГЦ) и разлагающих (диэстеразы/ДЭ) эти сигнальные молекулы, меняется в ответ на стрессовые и субоптимальные раздражители. Кишечная палочка имеет 12 ДГЦ, 13 ДЭ и четыре дегенерированных протеина. Цель данной работы – изучить специфический, важный при формировании биоплёнки интерактом и выяснить, способны ли другие ДГЦ/ДЭ образовывать дополнительные ДГЦ/ДЕ модули и вносить свой вклад в формирование биоплёнки. В работе были изучены молекулярные взаимодействия, ответственные за формирование биоплёнок у кишечной палочки. Так, было доказано отсутствие в интерактоме дополнительных локальных ДГЦ/ДЕ модулей, участвующих при каскадных процессах регуляции роста биоплёнки. Установлено, что процесс формирования биоплёнки в большей степени контролируется основной группой ферментов, которые имеют множественные взаимодействия между собой и с другими ДГЦ/ДЭ. Вероятнее всего, такие взаимодействия способны модулировать работу основных ферментов при определенных условиях культивирования. Динамика подобной сети взаимодействий позволяет микроорганизмам целесообразно использовать свои клеточные ресурсы при образовании биоплёнок и вносит свой вклад в её сложную архитектуру, повышая тем самым приспособляемость бактерий и созданных ими сложных биоплёночных структур к внешним условиям. В целом, в данной работе предложена новая модель локальной регуляции образования биоплёнки с помощью сигнальной молекулы цикло-диГМФ и заложен фундамент для дальнейших исследований механизмов действия отдельных ДГЦ/ДЭ. / Bei den meisten Bakterien wird die Biofilmbildung durch das Botenmolekül c-di-GMP stimuliert. Durch die enzymatische Aktivität von c-di-GMP-synthetisierenden Diguanylatzyklasen/DGC und c-di-GMP-abbauenden Phosphodiesterasen/PDE wird der c-di-GMP-Gehalt als eine Antwort auf diverse Stress- und suboptimale Umweltbedingungen reguliert. Vor allem Gram-negative Bakterien haben multiple DGC/PDE. So besitzt Escherichia coli K-12 29 solche Proteine, darunter 12 DGC, 13 PDE sowie 4 degenerierte Proteine ohne enzymatische Funktion. Dieses komplexe c-di-GMP-Kontrollsystem reguliert die Produktion der extrazellulären Biofilmmatrix, die in E. coli während des Übergangs in die stationäre Wachstumsphase stattfindet. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob die 29 DGC/PDE von E. coli ein spezifisches Interaktom bilden, das DGC/PDE-Pärchen enthält. Durch umfangreiche Two-Hybrid-Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass es ein solches Interaktom in der Biofilmregulationskaskade tatsächlich gibt, das allerdings nicht in Pärchen organisiert ist. Vielmehr wird die Biofilmbildung von einer Kerngruppe von Enzymen, welche multiple Interaktionen untereinander und mit anderen DGC/PDE aufweisen, kontrolliert. Die Funktionsweise der Kerngruppe von Enzymen könnte jedoch möglicherweise unter bestimmten Wachstumsbedingungen durch Interaktionen mit weiteren Proteinen moduliert werden. Die Dynamik des Interaktionsnetzwerks ermöglicht vermutlich eine rationelle Ressourcenverwaltung in den verschiedenen Zonen des Biofilms, was zum Aufbau der komplexen Matrixarchitektur beitragen könnte, und eine hohe Anpassungsfähigkeit der Bakterien und der von ihnen aufgebauten Biofilmstrukturen gewährleisten könnte. Insgesamt führt diese Arbeit aus einer systemischen Perspektive zu einem neuen Modell der lokalen Biofilmbildungsregulation durch den Botenstoff c-di-GMP und legt die Basis für weitere Untersuchungen der daran beteiligten Mechanismen einzelner GGDEF/EAL-Domäne-haltiger Proteine in E. coli. / The messenger molecule c-di-GMP stimulates the formation biofilms in most bacteria species. The enzymatic activities of the diguanylate cyclases/DGC and the phosphodiesterases/PDE adjust the c-di-GMP content in response to diverse stress and suboptimal environmental conditions. Above all, Gram-negative bacteria have multiple GGDEF/EAL domain proteins. Escherichia coli K-12 possesses 29 of such proteins: 12 DGCs, 13 PDEs and 4 so called degenerate proteins without any enzymatical function. Mainly, this complex c-di-GMP control system regulates the production of the extracellular biofilm matrix, which in E. coli takes place during the switch into the stationary growth phase. The main compounds of the matrix are amyloid curli-fibers and exoplysaccaride cellulose. The goal of this work was to investigate, whether the 29 DGC/PDE from E. coli develop a specific interactome containing additional DGC/PDE pairs. In a comprehensive two-hybrid study, it could be demonstrated that there is indeed a specific interactome in the biofilm formation cascade. However, this interactome does not contain additional DGC/PDE pairs. Mainly, the core group of enzymes, which have multiple interactions among each other and with other DGC/PDE, controls biofilm formation. Under certain growth conditions the mode of action of the core enzymes might be adjusted through the interaction with other proteins. Presumably, the dynamics of the interaction network allows managing the resources in the different biofilm zones efficiently, which could conribute to the complex organisation of the matrix architecture. Therefore, the rapid adaptation of bacteria and the formed biofilm structures could be better organized. Altogether, this work provides a new model for the local regulation of the biofilm formation by the secondary messenger c-di-GMP guided from a systemical perspective. Hereby, the basis for further investigations on regulation mechanisms of individual DGC/PDE was set.

Epoxidation and di-hydroxylation of camelina sativa oil

Kim, Namhoon January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Grain Science and Industry / Xiuzhi Susan Sun / Plant oil-based raw materials have become more attractive alternatives in polymer industry as fossil resources depletion and environmental concerns continue to arise. Camelina (camelina sativa L.) seed contains about 45% of oil and about 90% of the oil is unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, α-linolenic acid, and erucic acids. It also provides the advantages of low cost and low fertilizer demand. Functionalized oils such as epoxidized camelina oil (ECO) and di-hydroxyl camelina oil (DCO) can be used for resins, adhesives, coatings, etc. The objectives of this work were to synthesize and characterize ECO and DCO from camelina oil. The epoxidation reaction of camelina oil was completed with formic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Catalyst ratio, reaction time, and temperature effects on the epoxidation reaction were studied. The optimum epoxy content of 7.52 wt% with a conversion rate of 76.34% was obtained from camelina oil using excess hydrogen peroxide and a molar ratio of formic acid of less than 1 for 5 hours in 50 °C. Camelina oil yields higher epoxy content (7.52 wt%) than soybean oil (6.53 wt%); however, soybean oil had a higher conversion rate of 80.16% compared to camelina oil because of uniform fatty acids distribution. In this study, we found that epoxidation efficiency is significantly affected by fatty acids composition, structure, and distribution. DCO was synthesized from ECO with different reaction parameters. The ring opening of ECO was performed with water, perchloric acid, and THF as proton donor, catalyst, and solvent respectively. Hydroxyl value of DCO was measured, and the maximal hydroxyl value was 369.24 mg KOH/g. physical properties of DCO were characterized by acid value and moisture content; thermal properties of DCO were obtained using different scanning calorimeter (DSC), thermalgravimetric analysis (TGA). Amount of solvent and acid catalyst addition affected the hydroxyl value and residual acid in DCO. Heat capacity, phase transition temperatures, and thermal stability of DCO were obtained and showed higher values than ECO’s. The DCO showed higher peel adhesion when it was formulated with epoxidized soybean oils through UV curing because camelina oil allows higher epoxy content, which results in higher hydroxyl values.

Di-(2-Ethylhexyl)-Phthalate (DEHP) Causes Impaired Adipocyte Function and Alters Serum Metabolites

Klöting, Nora, Hesselbarth, Nico, Gericke, Martin, Kunath, Anne, Biemann, Ronald, Chakaroun, Rima, Kosacka, Joanna, Kovacs, Peter, Kern, Matthias, Stumvoll, Michael, Fischer, Bernd, Rolle-Kampczyk, Ulrike, Feltens, Ralph, Otto, Wolfgang, Wissenbach, Dirk K., von Bergen, Martin, Blüher, Matthias 18 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate (DEHP), an ubiquitous environmental contaminant, has been shown to cause adverse effects on glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity in epidemiological studies, but the underlying mechanisms are still unknown. We therefore tested the hypothesis that chronic DEHP exposure causes impaired insulin sensitivity, affects body weight, adipose tissue (AT) function and circulating metabolic parameters of obesity resistant 129S6 mice in vivo. An obesity-resistant mouse model was chosen to reduce a potential obesity bias of DEHP effects on metabolic parameters and AT function. The metabolic effects of 10-weeks exposure to DEHP were tested by insulin tolerance tests and quantitative assessment of 183 metabolites in mice. Furthermore, 3T3-L1 cells were cultured with DEHP for two days, differentiated into mature adipocytes in which the effects on insulin stimulated glucose and palmitate uptake, lipid content as well as on mRNA/protein expression of key adipocyte genes were investigated.We observed in female mice that DEHP treatment causes enhanced weight gain, fat mass, impaired insulin tolerance, changes in circulating adiponectin and adipose tissue Pparg, adiponectin and estrogen expression. Serum metabolomics indicated a general increase in phospholipid and carnitine concentrations. In vitro, DEHP treatment increases the proliferation rate and alters glucose uptake in adipocytes. Taken together, DEHP has significant effects on adipose tissue (AT) function and alters specific serum metabolites. Although, DEHP treatment led to significantly impaired insulin tolerance, it did not affect glucose tolerance, HOMA-IR, fasting glucose, insulin or triglyceride serum concentrations. This may suggest that DEHP treatment does not cause impaired glucose metabolism at the whole body level.

Régulation du c-di-GMP et rôle de ce messager secondaire dans la formation de pili de type IV chez Clostridium difficile.

Bordeleau, Éric January 2014 (has links)
Malgré la découverte du c-di-GMP en 1987, ce n’est que durant la dernière décennie que l’importance de ce messager secondaire dans la régulation des phénotypes bactériens a été exposée. Synthétisé par des diguanylate cyclases (DGC) et dégradé par des phosphodiestérases spécifiques (PDE), le c-di-GMP est prédit pour être un messager secondaire très répandu chez les bactéries et pratiquement exclusif à celles-ci. Le c-di-GMP est particulièrement reconnu pour son rôle dans la transition des bactéries motiles et planctoniques vers la formation de biofilm chez les bactéries à Gram négatif telles qu’Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa et Vibrio cholerae. De plus, le c-di-GMP est impliqué dans la régulation de l’expression de certains facteurs de virulence chez certaines bactéries. Ainsi, il est possible de révéler les mécanismes de régulation de certains phénotypes importants par l’étude de la signalisation à c-di-GMP dans une bactérie donnée. Clostridium difficile est une bactérie pathogène causant des diarrhées nosocomiales, des colites et pouvant causer des décès chez l’Homme. Les phénotypes impliqués dans la pathogenèse de C. difficile et leur régulation demeurent en grande partie méconnus. Le génome de C. difficile 630 était prédit être capable de coder pour 37 DGC et PDE putatives, un nombre en apparence élevé pour une bactérie à Gram positif. L’objectif global de mon doctorat était de déterminer si la signalisation à c-di-GMP était fonctionnelle chez C. difficile puis de déterminer le rôle du c-di-GMP chez cette bactérie. Dans un premier projet, mes travaux de doctorat ont permis de démontrer que la majorité des 37 DCG et PDE putatives chez C. difficile 630 sont fonctionnelles. Les 31 DCG et PDE les plus conservées dans les différentes souches de C. difficile ont été exprimées dans V. cholerae afin d’évaluer indirectement leur capacité de synthèse et de dégradation du c-di-GMP en mesurant leur impact sur motilité et la formation de biofilm de V. cholerae. La surexpression d’une DGC chez V. cholerae réduit la motilité par flagelle et augmente la formation de biofilm, alors que l’inverse est observé lors de la surexpression d’une PDE. De plus, l’activité d’une DCG, CD1420 (renommée DccA, CD630_14200), et une PDE, CD0757 (renommée CD630_07570) a été démontrée plus explicitement par des essais enzymatiques in vitro. Ainsi, ce projet a exposé l’important potentiel de la signalisation à c-di-GMP chez C. difficile, jusqu’alors étudiée presque exclusivement chez les bactéries à Gram négatif. Dans un deuxième projet, mes travaux de doctorat ont permis de démontrer le rôle des pili de type IV (T4P) dans l’agrégation de C. difficile et la régulation de leur expression par un riborégulateur à c-di-GMP. Les riborégulateurs sont des structures ARN situées dans la région 5’UTR des gènes capables de réguler l’expression des gènes en aval en fonction de la liaison d’un métabolite spécifique. Parmi les 16 riborégulateurs à c-di-GMP prédits dans le génome de C. difficile 630, le riborégulateur c-di-GMP-II Cdi2_4 est situé en amont du locus principal de synthèse de T4P. Mes travaux ont permis de montrer que l’augmentation de la concentration de c-di-GMP intracellulaire se traduit par une augmentation de l’expression des gènes de T4P, la formation de T4P à la surface des cellules et l’agrégation dépendante des T4P. De plus, le mécanisme de régulation du riborégulateur Cdi2_4 a été démontré in vitro. La liaison du c-di-GMP au riborégulateur Cdi2_4 prévient la formation d’un terminateur transcriptionnel et favorise ainsi la transcription des gènes de T4P en aval. Depuis la mise en évidence de la signalisation à c-di-GMP chez C. difficile dans la première partie de mon doctorat, un certain nombre de phénotypes régulés par c-di-GMP chez cette bactérie ont pu être déterminés ou prédits. Notamment, le c-di-GMP inhibe la transcription des gènes des flagelles en se liant au riborégulateur c-di-GMP-I Cd1 en amont et inhibe indirectement la production des toxines TcdA et TcdB. La démonstration de l’effet positif du c-di-GMP sur l’agrégation des cellules via les T4P, dans la deuxième partie de mon doctorat, contribue à notre compréhension de la signalisation à c-di-GMP chez C. difficile. Il apparait que le c-di-GMP inhibe la motilité et favorise la formation de structures pluricellulaires chez C. difficile à l’instar de plusieurs bactéries, néanmoins par des mécanismes de régulation distincts.

Angels in Islam : a commentary with selected translations of Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī’s Al-Ḥabā’ik fī akhbār almalā’ik (The Arrangement of the Traditions about Angels)

Burge, Stephen Russell January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents a commentary with selected translations of Jalāl al-Dīn cAbd al- Raḥmān al-Suyūṭī’s Al-Ḥabā’ik fī akhbār al-malā’ik (The Arrangement of the Traditions about Angels). The work is a collection of around 750 ḥadīth about angels, followed by a postscript (khātima) that discusses theological questions regarding their status in Islam. The first section of this thesis looks at the state of the study of angels in Islam, which has tended to focus on specific issues or narratives. However, there has been little study of the angels in Islamic tradition outside studies of angels in the Qur’an and eschatological literature. This thesis hopes to present some of this more general material about angels. The following two sections of the thesis present an analysis of the whole work. The first of these two sections looks at the origin of Muslim beliefs about angels, focusing on angelic nomenclature and angelic iconography. The second attempts to understand the message of al-Suyūṭī’s collection and the work’s purpose, through a consideration of the roles of angels in everyday life and ritual. The translation and annotated commentary that follow focus on angels mentioned in the Qur’ān itself: Gabriel, Michael, Isrāfīl, the Angel of Death, the Bearers of the Throne, the Spirit, Riḍwān, Mālik, the Guardians of Heaven and Hell, al-Sijill, Hārūt, Mārūt and the Sakīna. The aim of the thesis is to open up the study of the angelic world of the ḥadīth, beyond the eschatological material and to show the vitality of Muslim beliefs about angels in Islamic tradition.

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