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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extra??o supercr?tica de Lycopodium Clavatum L.

Silva, Graciane Fabiela da 10 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:59:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 453266.pdf: 4427206 bytes, checksum: 875df6097aa0d8c0eb37b5aefb426750 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-10 / The Lycopodium genus plants contain secondary metabolites that make them a potential source of pharmacologically active compounds. The extract of the specie Lycopodium clavatum L. presents anticholinesterase, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activities. The supercritical fluid extraction has several advantages compared to traditional extraction techniques. Therefore, this study aimed metabolites Lycopodium clavatum L. extraction thru supercritical CO2 process. The supercritical fluid pressure and temperature as well the pretreatment time (soaking the plant in basic solution) influences in lycopodine alkaloid content in the extract were evaluated by an incomplete factorial design with three factors and three levels (Box-Behnken) and response surface methodology. The extract was subjected to Stas-Otto acid-base process and then analyzed by mass spectrometry coupled gas chromatography. The content of lycopodine was defined by normalizing peak areas of the chromatogram. The pressure was evaluated between 200 and 300 bar, the temperature between 40 to 60?C and the immersion time was zero to two hours. Oniy pressure and temperature were statistically significant, for this reason they are ideal parameters for extraction: 300 bar, 40?C, without immersion of the plant in the alkaline solution. Under these conditions we obtained a content of 20.19% of lycopodine the final extract was raised and the yield curve as a function of extraction time. This curve was modeled mathematically, with good fit, for models of Crank (1975), Sovov? (1994) and Reverchon (1996). Thus parameters related the mass transfer were estimated such as difusion coefficient and mass transfer coefficient, which are important for scale-.up and process simulation. In this study, the extraction with supercritical CO2 was found toe technically feasible to obtain lycopodine, since it is more selective and with higher yields compared to the ethanol extraction case. / Plantas do g?nero Lycopodium cont?m metab?litos secund?rios que as tornam uma potencial fonte de compostos farmacologicamente ativos. O extrato da esp?cie Lycopodium clavatum L. apresenta atividade anticolinester?sica, anti-inflamat?ria, antibacteriana, antiviral e antif?ngica. A extra??o com fluido supercr?tico, frente a t?cnicas tradicionais de extra??o, apresenta diversas vantagens quando aplicada a diferentes esp?cies vegetais. Assim, o presente estudo teve por objetivo a aplica??o do processo com CO2 supercr?tico para a extra??o de metab?litos da Lycopodium clavatum L. Foram avaliadas, atrav?s de um planejamento fatorial incompleto com tr?s fatores e tr?s n?veis (Box-Behnken) e da metodologia de superf?cie de resposta, as influ?ncias da press?o e temperatura do fluido supercr?tico e do tempo de pr?-tratamento (imers?o da planta em solu??o b?sica) no teor do alcal?ide licopodina no extrato. O extrato era purificado pelo processo ?cido-base de Stas-Otto e ent?o analisado por cromatografia gasosa acoplada ? espectrometria de massas, sendo o teor de licopodina definido pela normaliza??o das ?reas dos picos do cromatograma. A press?o foi avaliada entre 200 e 300 bar, a temperatura entre 40 a 60?C e o tempo de imers?o foi de zero a duas horas. Apenas press?o e temperatura foram estatisticamente significativas, sendo ent?o par?metros ideais para a extra??o: 300 bar, 40?C, sem a imers?o da planta na solu??o alcalina. Nessas condi??es, obteve-se um teor de 20,29% de licopodina no extrato final e foi levantada a curva de rendimento da extra??o em fun??o tempo. A curva foi modelada matematicamente, com bom ajuste, pelos modelos de Crank (1975), Sovov? (1994) e Reverchon (1996). Assim, foram estimados par?metros relacionados ? transfer?ncia de massa, importantes para simula??o e scale-up do processo, tais como o coeficiente de difus?o e coeficientes de transfer?ncia de massa. Nesse estudo, a extra??o com CO2 supercr?tico mostrou-se tecnicamente vi?vel para a obten??o de licopodina, sendo mais seletiva em rela??o ao processo de extra??o com etanol.

Estudo do comportamento da rocha reservat?rio em presen?a de co2 e solu??o salina para fins de armazenamento geol?gico

Pires Neto, Diker Lima 31 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:59:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 459624.pdf: 4081568 bytes, checksum: deb8ee15216a9002e8e304b1daaae1b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / High consumption of fossil fuels, relentless pursuit for economic development has generated excessive increase of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), particularly of carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon capture and geological storage is an alternative to mitigate CO2 emissions at industrial scale. This work aims to study the influence of salinity aqueous phase using CO2 in supercritical state on change of physical, chemical, and mineralogical parameters of sandstone reservoir rock, representative of the Furnas Formation in Paran? (PR) State, Brazil, in conditions of geological storage. Experiments were performed about 15 days in stainless steel batch reactors AISI 304 subjected to pressure and constant temperature (120 bar and 75 oC), similar to those found in geological formations. In parallel, PHREEQCv3.0 code was used to simulate the geological interactions Rock-CO2-Saline solution equilibrium. Characterization of solid was performed with Microscopy in Binocular Loupe, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and, the aqueous phase was by ICP-OES, for analysis of cations and Ion Chomatography (IC) for analysis of anions. Those techniques converged to the same results where quartz, kaolinite and illite were found as primary mineral in abundance of mineralogical composition of the Furnas rock. Globally, the Furnas sample is not so reactive in the presence of CO2, milli-Q water and saline solution in geological storage conditions. However, partial dissolution of illite and reprecipitation of kaolinite and silica were identified at the lab scale. These results were confirmed by numerical simulations. / Consumo desenfreado de combust?veis f?sseis, busca incessante pelo desenvolvimento econ?mico tem gerado excessivo aumento das emiss?es antr?picas de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), principalmente de di?xido de carbono (CO2). A captura e o armazenamento geol?gico de carbono ? uma alternativa para mitigar as emiss?es de CO2 na escala industrial. Esse trabalho visa estudar a influ?ncia da salinidade da fase aquosa utilizando CO2 em estado supercr?tico na altera??o dos par?metros f?sicos, qu?micos, e mineral?gicos da rocha de arenito de reservat?rio, representativa da Forma??o Furnas no Estado do Paran? (PR), Brasil, em condi??es de armazenamento geol?gico. Realizou-se os experimentos durante 15 dias em reatores em batelada de a?o inoxid?vel AISI 304 submetidos ? press?o e temperatura constantes (120 bar e 75 oC), id?nticas ?s encontradas nas forma??es geol?gicas. Em paralelo, o c?digo PHREEQC-v3.0 foi utilizado para simular as intera??es geoqu?micas Rocha-CO2-Solu??o salina ao equil?brio. Uma caracteriza??o do s?lido foi realizada por Microscopia em Lupa Binocular, Difra??o de Raios-X (DRX), Microscopia Eletr?nica de Varredura (MEV) com espectroscopia de energia dispersiva (EDS) e, da fase aquosa foi por ICP-OES, para an?lise de c?tions, e cromatografia i?nica, para an?lise de ?nions. Estas t?cnicas convergiram para os mesmos resultados, onde quartzo, caulinita e ilita foram encontrados como minerais prim?rios em abund?ncia na composi??o mineral?gica da rocha Furnas. Em geral, a rocha Furnas mostrou-se pouco reativa em presen?a de CO2, ?gua Milli- Q ou solu??o salina para fins de armazenamento geol?gico. Por?m, se identificou a dissolu??o parcial de ilita e a (re)precipita??o de s?lica e caulinita, em escala laboratorial. Esses resultados foram confirmados pela modelagem num?rica.

Imobiliza??o de l?quidos i?nicos formados pelo c?tion 1-metil-3-(3-trimetoxissililpropil) imidaz?lio em MCM-41 por ancoragem e em xerogel para uso em captura e convers?o de CO2

Aquino, Aline Scaramuzza 30 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:59:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 461415.pdf: 6198256 bytes, checksum: 6cdd5f041ea076372230494bb7dfd45b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-30 / The study to new materials for CO2 capture indicates as an option, the use of ionic liquids as solvents for absorption, because they are compounds in which CO2 has a preferential solubility. Ionic liquids immobilized in mesoporous materials may present an advantageous combination in selective capture. Thus, the objective of the doctoral thesis is to synthesize and characterize structures of ionic liquids supported on mesoporous materials, checking the capacity of CO2 adsorption on these materials and the application of these materials as heterogeneous catalysts in the synthesis of propylene carbonate via cycloaddition with CO2. Ionics liquids were formed by the cation 1-methyl-3-(3-trimethoxysylilpropyl) imidazolium and supported with differents concentrations of IL via grafting in mesoporous material type MCM-41 and sol-gel process, change of the anion was performed only after the immobilization [Cl]- to [BF4]-, [PF6]- and [Tf2N]-. The characterization of materials was performed by infrared spectroscopy, solid state NMR, thermal analysis (TGA), scanning electronic microscopy, X-ray diffraction (DRX) and N2 adsorption. Lastly, assessment of CO2 adsorption was done through microbalance thermogravimetric (PTGA) trials. Results of the CO2 adsorption from the IL immobilized on MCM-41, shows that LICLM50 has the better adsorbent ability, 0.11 g CO2/ g adsorbent, and xerogel, LICLX20 gave 0.35 g CO2/ g adsorbent at 10 bar. As for the use in heterogeneous catalysis with supported ILs, maximum conversion obtained was 67 % with 82 % of selectivity for LICLM50. These materials have shown good ability to adsorb CO2 and, when used as catalysts for conversion of CO2 in cycloaddition reactions, they are well behaved and therefore favorable to employment in catalysis. / O estudo de novos materiais para a captura de CO2 aponta como uma op??o, o uso de l?quidos i?nicos como solventes para absor??o, pois s?o compostos nos quais o CO2 apresenta uma solubilidade preferencial. Imobilizar l?quidos i?nicos em materiais mesoporosos pode ser uma combina??o mais vantajosa na captura seletiva. Desta maneira, o objetivo desta tese de doutorado consiste em sintetizar e caracterizar estruturas de l?quidos i?nicos suportados em materiais mesoporosos, verificar a capacidade de adsor??o de CO2 nestes materiais, bem como aplicar estes materiais como catalisadores heterog?neos na s?ntese de carbonato de propileno via cicloadi??o com CO2. Os l?quidos i?nicos foram formados pelo c?tion 1-metil-3-(3-trimetoxissililpropil) imidaz?lio e suportados com concentra??es diferentes de LI via ancoragem em material mesoporoso tipo MCM-41 e via sol-gel, somente ap?s a imobiliza??o foi realizada a troca do ?nion [Cl]- para [BF4]-, [PF6]- e [Tf2N]-. A caracteriza??o dos materiais foi feita por t?cnicas de FTIR, RMN de estado s?lido, an?lises t?rmicas (TGA), microscopia eletr?nica de varredura, difra??o de raios-X (DRX) e adsor??o de N2 (BET). Por ?ltimo, foi feita a avalia??o quanto ? adsor??o de CO2 atrav?s de ensaios em microbalan?a termogravim?trica (PTGA). Os resultados de adsor??o de CO2 entre os imobilizados em MCM-41, LICLM50 apresenta melhor capacidade 0,11 g CO2/g adsorvente e, em xerogel, LICLX20 0,35 g CO2/g adsorvente, a 10 bar. Quanto ao uso em cat?lise heterog?nea com LIs suportados a convers?o m?xima obtida foi de 67 % e a seletividade de 82 % com LICLM50. Estes materiais apresentaram boa capacidade em adsorver o CO2 e, quando utilizados como catalisadores em rea??es de cicloadi??o para convers?o do CO2, tamb?m se portaram favor?veis ao emprego em cat?lise.

Compara??o entre duas t?cnicas de higieniza??o das m?os em pacientes de di?lise peritoneal

Siqueira, Soraia Lemos de 29 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-02T13:38:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_SORAIA_LEMOS_DE_SIQUEIRA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1770308 bytes, checksum: 4220afcfa71b4f29b7880a79649bc375 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-02T13:38:32Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_SORAIA_LEMOS_DE_SIQUEIRA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1770308 bytes, checksum: 4220afcfa71b4f29b7880a79649bc375 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-02T13:39:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_SORAIA_LEMOS_DE_SIQUEIRA_COMPLETO.pdf: 1770308 bytes, checksum: 4220afcfa71b4f29b7880a79649bc375 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-29 / Hand hygiene is an important procedure in preventing peritoneal dialysis-related infections. OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of two distinct techniques for hand hygiene in reducing the number of colony-forming units in patients on peritoneal dialysis. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Observational study. Twenty-two patients underwent two collections of microbiological flora from the hands in two different instances: after hand washing with non-antimicrobial soap and water followed by rubbing with 70% ethyl alcohol, gel presentation, after application of 70% ethyl alcohol, presentation gel. Cultures were obtained by applying the fingers surface directly on agar-blood plates. RESULTS: The comparison between groups showed a significant difference (p <0.01) in colony-forming units in the right hands and left hands, mean 59.6 ? 43.1 in the group not antimicrobial soap and water, proved higher than in group 70% ethyl alcohol, presentation gel (31.8 ? 39.9). This difference is characterized by the presence of colonies of Staphylococcus coagulase-negative, and this was predominant in the seed crops. CONCLUSION: Hand rubbing with gel-alcohol was more effective in reducing the number of colonies recovered than the other methods. / INTRODU??O: A higieniza??o das m?os ? um importante procedimento para a preven??o de infec??es relacionadas a di?lise peritoneal. OBJETIVO: comparar a efic?cia de duas t?cnicas de higieniza??o das m?os, na redu??o do n?mero de unidades formadoras de col?nia em pacientes em programa de di?lise peritoneal. MATERIAIS E M?TODO: Estudo observacional, transversal. Vinte e dois indiv?duos submetidos a duas coletas da flora microbiol?gica das m?os, em dois momentos distintos: ap?s higieniza??o das m?os com ?gua e sab?o n?o antimicrobiano seguida de fric??o com ?lcool et?lico 70%, apresenta??o gel; ap?s aplica??o de ?lcool et?lico 70%, apresenta??o gel. Culturas obtidas da superf?cie dos dedos das m?os, diretamente em placas de Agar Sangue de Carneiro. RESULTADOS: A compara??o entre grupos mostrou uma diferen?a significativa (p<0,01), nas unidades formadoras de col?nia nas m?os direitas e m?os esquerdas, a m?dia 59,6?43,1 do grupo ?gua e sab?o n?o antimicrobiano; mostrou-se mais elevada que no grupo ?lcool et?lico 70%, apresenta??o gel (31,8?39,9). Esta diferen?a ? caracterizada pela presen?a de col?nias de Staphyloccocus coagulasenegativa, sendo que este foi o germe prevalente nas culturas. CONCLUS?O: A higieniza??o com ?lcool et?lico 70%, apresenta??o gel produziu maior redu??o no n?mero de unidades formadoras de col?nia.

Perfil de enfrentamento (COPING) e qualidade de vida dos pacientes em lista de espera de transplante renal

Siqueira, Diego Silveira 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Medicina e Ci?ncias da Sa?de (medicina-pg@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-24T12:28:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIEGO_SILVEIRA_SIQUEIRA_DIS.pdf: 1193582 bytes, checksum: cad7014fa8412a61994647486edc8e93 (MD5) / Rejected by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br), reason: Devolvido devido ? falta de capa institucional. on 2017-08-25T17:56:57Z (GMT) / Submitted by PPG Medicina e Ci?ncias da Sa?de (medicina-pg@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-30T11:26:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIEGO_SILVEIRA_SIQUEIRA_DIS.pdf: 1121335 bytes, checksum: f6f699bc9f8c699563be863b36e27d98 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcelo Texeira (marcelo.texeira@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-30T13:18:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DIEGO_SILVEIRA_SIQUEIRA_DIS.pdf: 1121335 bytes, checksum: f6f699bc9f8c699563be863b36e27d98 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-30T13:19:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIEGO_SILVEIRA_SIQUEIRA_DIS.pdf: 1121335 bytes, checksum: f6f699bc9f8c699563be863b36e27d98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / Introduction: chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by structural changes or kidney function present for more than three months with health implications. Faced with these changes and complications, the patients undergo stressors capable of influencing their coping with the disease and treatment perspectives. Objective: to characterize the coping profile of patients on the waiting list for renal transplantation based on the Jalowiec Coping Scale (CJD) and to evaluate quality of life using SF-36. Method: a cross-sectional quantitative study that took place at the hemodialysis unit of Hospital S?o Lucas PUCRS, patients on the waiting list for renal transplantation, who are over 18 years of age and literate were included. Data was collected through a questionnaire with patient socio demographic information, CJD and SF36. Results: 58 patients were included, 51.7% (n = 30 males, mean age of 44.6 (? 15.2) years, 12.3% (n = 7) were above 65 years of age, more than half, 57.9% (n = 33) had elementary education. Thirty-one (54.4%) patients were married, (n = 31); 37.5% (n = 21) had one children and were of the catholic religion 62,5% (n = 35). In relation to CJD, the predominant profile was self - confident (0.455) and optimistic (0.404) 42 and 6 patients, respectively, of which 54 were focused on emotion. The dimensions evaluated with the best quality of life were: pain (67.2), social aspects (66.6) and mental health (65.4). There was a weak significant negative correlation, (r <0.333), between palliative style and vitality (r = -0.288, p = 0.028) and palliative and social aspects (r = -0.283; p = 0.031). There was a moderate negative correlation between general well being and emotive style (R = -0.424, p = 0.025) and palliative (r = -0.524, p = 0.004), as well as between Vitality and Palliative style (r = -0.530; P = 0.004). In males, there was a significant, negative moderate correlation result with a (0.300 <r?0.600) beteween Pain dimension with the Confrontive style (r = -0.413; p = 0.023) and Emotive (r = -0.370). Conclusion: the coping profile of patients on hemodialysis and in waiting list for tranplant was mostly self-confident and optimistic. The best domains in the quality of life were Pain, Social Aspects and Mental Health, and the worst physical and emotional aspects. / Introdu??o: a doen?a renal cr?nica (DRC) ? caracterizada por altera??es estruturais ou da fun??o dos rins presentes por mais de tr?s meses com implica??es para a sa?de. Diante dessas altera??es e complica??es os pacientes sofrem a??o de estressores capazes de influenciar no seu enfrentamento em rela??o ? doen?a e perspectivas de tratamento. Objetivo: caracterizar o perfil de enfrentamento dos pacientes em lista de espera de transplante renal baseado na Escala de Jalowiec Coping Scale (ECJ) e avaliar a qualidade de vida SF-36. M?todo: trata-se de um estudo transversal de abordagem quantitativa desenvolvida na unidade de hemodi?lise do Hospital S?o Lucas da PUCRS, em pacientes em lista de espera para transplante renal, com mais de 18 anos de idade e alfabetizados. Os dados foram coletados por meio de question?rio com informa??es s?cio demogr?ficas sobre o paciente, ECJ e SF36. Resultados: foram inclu?dos 58 pacientes com preval?ncia do sexo masculino 51,7% (n=30), m?dia de idade de 44,6 ?15,2 anos, 12,3% (n=7 ) acima de 65 anos e mais da metade da amostra, 57,9% (n=33) apresentou o ensino fundamental. Trinta e um (54,4%) pacientes eram casados (n=31); com um filho, 37,5% (n=21) e de religi?o cat?lica 62,5% (n=35). Em rela??o ? ECJ, o perfil predominante foi o Autoconfiante (0,455) e Otimista (0,404) 42 e 6 pacientes, respectivamente, sendo que 54 focados na emo??o . As dimens?es avaliadas com a melhor qualidade de vida foram: a dor (67,2), aspectos sociais (66,6) e sa?de mental (65,4). Houve correla??o significativa, fraca e negativa( r<0,333), entre o estilo paliativo e vitalidade (r=- 0,288; p=0,028) e paliativo e aspectos sociais (r=-0,283; p=0,031) . houve correla??o significativa, negativa classificada como moderada entre o Estado Geral de Sa?de e os estilos Emotivo (r=-0,424; p=0,025) e Paliativo (r=-0,524; p=0,004), bem como, entre a Vitalidade e o estilo Paliativo (r=-0,530; p=0,004). No sexo masculino, ocorreu resultado significativo, negativo com grau moderado (0,300<r?0,600) na compara??o da dimens?o Dor com os estilos Confrontivo (r=-0,413; p=0,023) e Emotivo (r=-0,370; ;p=0,044). Conclus?o: o perfil de enfrentamento dos pacientes em hemodi?lise e em lista de espera de transplante renal, foi em sua maioria autoconfiante e otimista. Os melhores dom?nios na qualidade de de vida foram Dor, Aspectos sociais e Sa?de mental, e os piores aspectos os f?sicos e os emocionais.

Compara??o de t?cnicas de desinfec??o do tubo de entrada de medicamento da bolsa de di?lise peritoneal

Conti, Adriana 20 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Medicina e Ci?ncias da Sa?de (medicina-pg@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-24T12:57:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA_CONTI_DIS.pdf: 1862760 bytes, checksum: d04417c4b0e9dd7ce859909035772034 (MD5) / Rejected by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br), reason: Devolvido devido ? falta de capa institucional no arquivo PDF. on 2017-08-25T18:09:08Z (GMT) / Submitted by PPG Medicina e Ci?ncias da Sa?de (medicina-pg@pucrs.br) on 2017-08-29T11:31:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA_CONTI_DIS.pdf: 1902344 bytes, checksum: 5866bfc2071b034ae6ff6dedc003d26f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-09-08T17:28:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA_CONTI_DIS.pdf: 1902344 bytes, checksum: 5866bfc2071b034ae6ff6dedc003d26f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-11T11:26:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA_CONTI_DIS.pdf: 1902344 bytes, checksum: 5866bfc2071b034ae6ff6dedc003d26f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-20 / Introduction: Peritonitis remains a major complication in peritoneal dialysis patients, with the predominant infectious agent being coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS). Intraperitoneal administration of antibiotics is the required treatment, however, no consensus exists on the appropriate disinfection of the medication port (MP). Objective: To compare different disinfection techniques for the peritoneal dialysis bag MP. Methods: An experimental study was conducted testing different cleaning agents (70% alcohol vs 2% chlorhexidine) and time periods (5, 10 and 60seconds) for disinfection of the MP. Four microorganisms (S. aureus, E.coli, A. baumannii and C.parapsilosis) were prepared for use as contaminants of the MP. MP were incubated in Tryptic soybroth at 36?C for 24 h, after which, they were seeded on a Biom?rieux? blood agar plate and incubated for 24 h at 36?C. Results: A total of 240 PD bags were contaminated with four different microorganisms. Two positive cultures (E. coli and S. aureus) were identified, both after disinfection with alcohol after 5 and 10 seconds of friction, and none in the chlorhexidine group. Conclusion: although there was no statistical difference between the antiseptics used and the cleaning time, the use of chlorhexidine for 1 minute was the only one in which there was no bacterial growth, therefore we considered this recommendation. / Introdu??o: A Di?lise Peritoneal utiliza a membrana peritoneal para realizar trocas entre o sangue e a solu??o de di?lise. Peritonite ? a maior complica??o, e o germe predominante ? o Staphylococcus coagulase negativa (SCN). O tratamento para peritonite ? realizado com a administra??o de antibi?tico intraperitoneal. Durante o treinamento, o paciente e/ou familiar s?o capacitados a administrar antibi?tico via intraperitoneal, se necess?rio. No entanto, n?o existe consenso quanto ? maneira mais apropriada para a desinfec??o do tubo entrada de medica??o (TEM). Empresas que comercializam o material de DP recomendam que, para a administra??o de antibi?ticos e outros medicamentos, o TEM deve ser limpo durante cinco minutos com ?lcool a 70%, iodo povidine alc?olico ou clorexidina alco?lica. Objetivo: Comparar a efic?cia das t?cnicas e produtos de desinfec??o do TEM da bolsa de di?lise peritoneal. M?todo: Foi realizado um estudo experimental com diferentes agentes de limpeza (?lcool x clorexidina 2%) e per?odos de tempo (5, 10, 60 segundos) para a desinfec??o do TEM. Foram preparados quatro micro-organismos (S. aureus, E. coli, A. baumanni e C. parapsilosis) para utiliza??o como contaminantes e foram incubados em Caldo de Soja Tripticase?na a 36? C durante 24 horas, ap?s foram semeados por deple??o em placas de ?gar sangue (AS) e incubados durante 24 horas a 36? C. Resultados: No total, 240 bolsas PD foram contaminadas com quatro micro-organismos diferentes. Foram identificadas duas culturas positivas (E. coli e S. aureus), ambas ap?s desinfec??o com ?lcool 70% com o tempo de 5 e 10 segundos de atrito. Conclus?o: Embora sem diferen?a estat?stica entre os antiss?pticos utilizados e o tempo de limpeza, o uso de clorexidine por 1 minuto foi o ?nico em que n?o houve crescimento bacteriano, portanto achamos pertinente esta recomenda??o.

Design de novos materiais polim?ricos para captura de CO2 / Design of new polymeric materials for CO2 capture

Bernard, Franciele Longaray 14 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2018-03-20T12:48:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_FRANCIELE_LONGARAY_BERNARD_COMPLETO.pdf: 17333180 bytes, checksum: 6f6ae39e41d9b7401e67b5584c39ee93 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2018-03-20T12:58:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_FRANCIELE_LONGARAY_BERNARD_COMPLETO.pdf: 17333180 bytes, checksum: 6f6ae39e41d9b7401e67b5584c39ee93 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-20T12:59:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TES_FRANCIELE_LONGARAY_BERNARD_COMPLETO.pdf: 17333180 bytes, checksum: 6f6ae39e41d9b7401e67b5584c39ee93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-14 / The development of low-cost materials with intelligent design to be used in CO2 separation from flue gases is one of the main research focuses in this field. Absorption using amines solutions as solvents have been extensively studied and used in industry for decades. However, solvent degradation, equipment corrosion, and the high regeneration energy penalty are the main problems in this process. Poly(ionic liquids) (PILs) or supported amines has been pointed as promising materials for CO2 capture. PILs combine the useful features of ionic liquid (IL), such as affinity for CO2, thermal and chemical stability and adjustable properties, allied to the intrinsic polymer properties. Adsorption using amine supported in solid sorbents offers advantages such as easy handling, thermal stability, elimination of corrosion processes, low regeneration energy, lower operating costs and fast kinetics. In this work, synthetic based (polyurethane) as well natural based (cellulose from rice husk) poly(ionic liquids) were synthesized. Aiming to compare amines and polyetheramines, both were also supported in cellulose extracted from rice husk. The obtained materials were characterized by FTIR, NMR, XDR, TGA, DSC, GPC, AFM, MEV-FEG and PTGA or decay pressure cell in order to evaluate their structure, thermal stability, morphology and sorption capacity. Computational simulation was also performed in order to investigate the interaction of CO2 with functional groups present in the synthesized materials. Among all synthesized materials cellulosic PLIs CL-TBA e [CelEt3N][PF6] and PU-imide based PIL HPIL-02-TBA presented higher CO2 affinity allied to good thermal stability and reusability. / O desenvolvimento de materiais de baixo custo e com design inteligente para a separa??o de CO2 de gases exaustos ? um dos principais focos de pesquisa na atualidade. A absor??o qu?mica utilizando solu??es aquosas de aminas como solventes tem sido extensivamente estudada e utilizada na ind?stria h? d?cadas. No entanto, a degrada??o do solvente, a corros?o de equipamentos e o elevado consumo energ?tico necess?rio para etapa de regenera??o s?o os principais problemas relacionados ao uso destes solventes. Poli (l?quidos i?nicos) (PLIs) e aminas suportadas t?m sido apontados como materiais promissores para captura de CO2. PLIs combinam as caracter?sticas ?teis dos l?quidos i?nicos (LIs) tais como a seletividade ao CO2, propriedades ajust?veis, estabilidade qu?mica e t?rmica com as propriedades dos pol?meros. A adsor??o usando aminas suportadas em s?lidos oferece vantagens, como por exemplo: a facilidade de manuseio, estabilidade t?rmica, elimina??o do processo de corros?o dos equipamentos, baixo consumo de energia na etapa de regenera??o, baixo custo operacional e cin?tica r?pida. Neste trabalho, foram sintetizados PLIs baseados em pol?meros sint?ticos (poliuretano) e naturais (celulose extra?da da casca de arroz). A fim de comparar aminas e polieteraminas, estas tamb?m foram suportadas em celulose extra?da da casca de arroz. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados por FTIR, RMN, DRX, TGA, DSC, GPC e AFM e MEV-FEG, PTGA ou c?lula de decaimento de press?o. Estudos com simula??es computacionais tamb?m foram realizados com o prop?sito de investigar a intera??o do CO2 e os grupos funcionais presentes nos materiais sintetizados. Dentre todos os materiais sintetizados neste trabalho, os PLIs celul?sicos CL-TBA e [CelEt3N][PF6] e com o PLI base PU-imida HPIL-02-TBA demostraram maior afinidade pelo CO2, aliado a boa estabilidade t?rmica e reciclabilidade.

S?ntese e caracteriza??o de Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) para uso na adsor??o de CO2 / Synthesis and characterization of Metal-Organic Framework (MOF) for use in CO2 adsorption

Philippi, Mar?lia 31 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Engenharia e Tecnologia de Materiais (engenharia.pg.materiais@pucrs.br) on 2017-10-31T16:39:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final Mar?lia Philippi 2017.pdf: 2898458 bytes, checksum: 0de5c21261331f990e604d9223f1206a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-11-10T12:35:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final Mar?lia Philippi 2017.pdf: 2898458 bytes, checksum: 0de5c21261331f990e604d9223f1206a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-10T12:41:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o Final Mar?lia Philippi 2017.pdf: 2898458 bytes, checksum: 0de5c21261331f990e604d9223f1206a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Growing concern about global warming and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere has driven the development of technological options to reduce the negative impacts of human activities, and CO2 capture and storage is one of them. Solid adsorbent materials are being used with the aim of adsorbing polluting gases. Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous materials of great potential for adsorption of greenhouse gases, formed by the connection of metallic ions and organic binders. In this context, the objective of this work is to synthesize the MOF of type NH2-MIL-53(Al), to characterize and evaluate its use in the adsorption of carbon dioxide. For synthesis of the MOF, a hydrothermal process was used in a PFA closed reactor (155 ?C) with subsequent washes and resuspensions, obtaining an average mass yield of 90%. The obtained MOF was characterized with the use of the techniques such as SEM-FEG-EDS, elemental analysis, FAAS, XRF, FTIR, TGA, XRD/Refinement by the Rietveld Method and MAS-NMR, exhibiting characteristics of the structure NH2-MIL-53(Al). For the adsorption and desorption tests of CO2 the synthesized material was used as a powder in a fixed bed system. The synthesized MOF presented CO2 adsorption capacity of 0.13 mmol g-1 and SBET of 27 m2 g-1, lower than that reported in the literature, which were attributed to the presence of occluded binder in the pores of the material. The calculated average cost for the synthesis of the MOF in the laboratory was 34% of the value of the non-functionalized commercial standard available in the market. The residual solvent purification process from the MOF synthesis proved to be satisfactory, completely removing the DMF and with a residual contribution of methanol of only 0.00008%. / A crescente preocupa??o com o aquecimento global e com a redu??o das emiss?es de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de op??es tecnol?gicas para redu??o dos impactos negativos das atividades humanas e, a captura e armazenamento de CO2 ? uma delas. Materiais s?lidos adsorventes est?o sendo utilizados com o objetivo de adsorver gases poluentes. Os Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) s?o uma classe de materiais porosos de grande potencial para adsor??o de gases de efeito estufa, formados pela conex?o de ?ons met?licos e ligantes org?nicos. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho ? sintetizar o MOF do tipo NH2-MIL-53(Al), caracterizar e avaliar seu uso na adsor??o de di?xido de carbono. Para s?ntese do MOF foi utilizado processo hidrot?rmico em reator fechado de PFA (155 ?C) com posteriores lavagens e resuspens?es, obtendo um rendimento m?ssico m?dio de 90%. O MOF obtido foi caracterizado com o uso das t?cnicas como MEV-FEG-EDS, an?lise elementar, FAAS, FRX, FTIR, TGA, DRX/Refinamento pelo M?todo Rietveld e MAS-RMN, apresentando caracter?sticas da estrutura NH2-MIL-53(Al). Para os testes de adsor??o e dessor??o de CO2 o material sintetizado foi utilizado sob a forma de p? em sistema de leito fixo. O MOF sintetizado apresentou capacidade de adsor??o de CO2 de 0,13 mmol g-1 e SBET de 27 m2 g-1, inferiores ao reportado pela literatura, e que foram atribu?dos a presen?a de ligante oclu?do nos poros do material. O custo m?dio calculado para s?ntese do MOF em laborat?rio foi de 34% do valor do padr?o comercial n?o funcionalizado dispon?vel no mercado. O processo de purifica??o do solvente residual da s?ntese do MOF demonstrou ser satisfat?rio, removendo completamente o DMF e com uma contribui??o residual de metanol de apenas 0,00008%.

A catolicidade da igreja ? luz da Evangelli Gaudium e os desafios da sociedade plural

Morschel, Heitor 25 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-11-14T11:06:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_HEITOR_MORSCHEL_COMPLETO.pdf: 965783 bytes, checksum: 493320a1a6c6597e5bddcab113a5cbcf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-11-14T11:06:41Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_HEITOR_MORSCHEL_COMPLETO.pdf: 965783 bytes, checksum: 493320a1a6c6597e5bddcab113a5cbcf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-14T11:06:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_HEITOR_MORSCHEL_COMPLETO.pdf: 965783 bytes, checksum: 493320a1a6c6597e5bddcab113a5cbcf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / The present Work: The Catholicity of the Church in the Light of Evangelii Gaudium and the Challenges of the Plural Society aims to approach the relevance of the positive relationship of the Church, understood from its catholicity, with the increasingly diversity in the society, taking into account the Contributions of the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium by Pope Francis. Today's diversity in the society is increasingly bringing humanity to pluralism, understood as a new way of reading, interpreting and living in this new reality. The challenges to the Christian faith are innumerable. However, three challenges stand out: cultural, religious and social. In face of them, the Church, through the category of Catholicity, understood as totality, which grounds its identity and universality, intends to be a sign of communion and hope. In front of cultural pluralism and globalization, Christian faith must recognize its catholicity based on religious identity, highlighting what is essential and what is formal in its identity. That allows being open to a dialogue with cultures. In front of religious and social pluralism, the Church, in the exercise of its mission, must open itself to dialogue and hospitality with the Christian Churches, with the various religions, in a perspective of an "outgoing" Church, going to the existential peripheries, leading to the Joy of the Gospel to all people. / A presente disserta??o de mestrado: A Catolicidade da Igreja ? Luz da Evangelii Gaudium e os Desafios da Sociedade Plural, pretende abordar a relev?ncia da rela??o positiva da Igreja, entendida a partir da sua catolicidade, com a sociedade cada vez mais diversificada, levando em conta as contribui??es da Exorta??o Apost?lica Evangelii Gaudium, do Papa Francisco. A sociedade diversificada atual est? levando cada vez mais a humanidade ao pluralismo, compreendido como uma nova forma de ler, interpretar e viver nesta nova realidade. Os desafios para a f? crist? s?o in?meros. Todavia, tr?s desafios ganham destaque: o cultural, o religioso e o social. Frente a eles a Igreja, atrav?s da categoria da catolicidade, entendida como totalidade, que tem como fundamento a identidade e como consequ?ncia a universalidade, pretende ser um sinal de comunh?o e esperan?a. Diante do pluralismo cultural e da globaliza??o, a f? crist? precisa reconhecer a sua catolicidade a partir da identidade religiosa, destacando o que ? essencial e o que ? formal nesta identidade e abrir-se a um di?logo com as culturas. Diante do pluralismo religioso e social, a Igreja no exerc?cio de sua miss?o, precisa abrir-se ao di?logo e ? hospitalidade com as Igrejas crist?s, com as diversas religi?es, numa perspectiva de Igreja ?em sa?da?, indo ?s periferias existenciais, levando a Alegria do Evangelho a todas as pessoas.

Treinador e atleta : significados de uma rela??o na aprendizagem e desempenho esportivo de alto rendimento ? luz da teoria de Buber

Guiramand, Michelle 24 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Educa??o (educacao-pg@pucrs.br) on 2017-12-26T13:36:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MICHELLE GUIRAMAND.pdf: 2338248 bytes, checksum: 060ce39af2d3e3eabe06ce7a73438067 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-12-29T10:59:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MICHELLE GUIRAMAND.pdf: 2338248 bytes, checksum: 060ce39af2d3e3eabe06ce7a73438067 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-29T11:03:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MICHELLE GUIRAMAND.pdf: 2338248 bytes, checksum: 060ce39af2d3e3eabe06ce7a73438067 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-24 / The complex relationship that coaches and athletes establish throughout years together is permeated by multiple feelings, meanings, and emotions. It is crossed by moments that demand high levels of perfection, productivity, competence and, at the same time, a deep connection between both sides, turning this relationship into a mixture of feelings that oscillate between affection, anger, admiration, confidence and even disappointment. Aiming to discuss important elements that move along this relationship, the coach-athlete relationship was examined through the eyes of Buber's theory, which understands the dialogic existence of the I-Thou as the foundation of human relations and the I-It as the environment and support of experience, knowledge and application. This way, the general objective of this study is to analyze the significance of the coach-athlete relationship in the learning and athletic proficiency of high performance athletes of individual sports modalities from the perspective of Buber's I-Thou and I-It theory. The specific objectives of this research are: to evaluate how the I-Thou and I-It theory, unfolded in the coach-athlete relationship, reflects on the high-performance learning and performance of individual sports modalities and to identify which learning and performance indicators emerge from the I-Thou and the IIt theory in the coach-athlete relationship in individual sports modalities. A semistructured interview was used as the collection instrument of the study and applied on high performance athletes of individual sports modalities and their respective coaches, using as method of analysis of the results the discursive textual analysis. The data analysis of the interviews revealed that the I-Thou and the I-It elements shift constantly, permeating the coach-athlete relationship. Therefore, reciprocity, gathering, confidence, and support are the main characteristics found in the I-Thou relationship, while objectivity, utility, and distance are the characteristics found in I-It, having a direct influence upon learning and sports performance. / A complexa rela??o que treinador e atleta estabelecem ao longo dos anos de conv?vio est? permeada por m?ltiplos sentimentos, significados e emo??es. Atravessada por momentos de exig?ncia de altos graus de perfei??o, produtividade e compet?ncia e, ao mesmo tempo, por uma profunda conex?o entre o treinador e o atleta, esta rela??o est? fundamentada por um misto de sentimentos que oscilam entre o afeto, a raiva, a admira??o, a confian?a e at? mesmo a decep??o. Procurando debater sobre importantes elementos que transitam por este relacionamento, a rela??o treinador-atleta ? examinada ? luz da teoria de Buber, que entende a exist?ncia dial?gica do Eu-Tu como o fundamento das rela??es humanas, mas que tamb?m considera a rela??o Eu-Isso como o lugar e o suporte da experi?ncia, do conhecimento e da utiliza??o. O objetivo geral deste estudo ? analisar o significado da rela??o treinador-atleta na aprendizagem e profici?ncia esportiva do atleta de alto rendimento de modalidades esportivas individuais sob a ?tica do Eu-Tu e Eu-Isso de Buber. Como objetivos espec?ficos a pesquisa se prop?e a avaliar como os desdobramentos do Eu-Tu e do Eu-Isso na rela??o treinador-atleta refletem na aprendizagem e no desempenho esportivo de alto rendimento de modalidades esportivas individuais e identificar quais os indicadores de aprendizagem e desempenho que emergem do Eu-Tu e do Eu-Isso na rela??o treinador-atleta em modalidades esportivas individuais. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizada a entrevista semi-estruturada com atletas de alto n?vel de desempenho de modalidades esportivas individuais e seus respectivos treinadores, usando como m?todo de an?lise dos resultados a an?lise textual discursiva. A an?lise dos dados obtidos por meio das entrevistas mostrou que elementos do Eu-Tu e do Eu-Isso est?o em permanente movimento de ir e vir, permeando a rela??o treinador-atleta. Assim, reciprocidade, encontro, confian?a e suporte s?o as principais caracter?sticas encontradas na rela??o treinador-atleta no modo Eu-Tu, enquanto objetividade, utiliza??o e distanciamento s?o as caracter?sticas reveladas no modo Eu-Isso, influenciando diretamente a aprendizagem e o desempenho esportivo.

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