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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Para o estudo da formação e expansão do dialeto caipira em Capivari / To studies of formation and expansion of the rustic dialect in Capivari

Rosicleide Rodrigues Garcia 28 May 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho compõe o projeto \"Formação e expansão do português paulista ao longo do Rio Tietê a partir do séc. XVII\", sendo um subprojeto do Projeto Caipira, que está desenvolvendo pesquisas relacionadas à comunidade linguística de São Paulo por pessoal ligado basicamente ao Departamento de Letras Clássicas e Vernáculas da USP. Dentre as cidades estudadas está a região de Capivari, situada a 108 quilômetros de São Paulo, cidade do imortal Amadeu Amaral, autor da obra O Dialeto Caipira (1920), primeiro estudo a preocupar-se com a diversidade do falar paulista. Esta dissertação tem como proposta a busca exaustiva de variantes fonéticas em documentos cartoriais do século XIX, de modo a expressar (ou não) os estudos dialetais feitos pelo autor em questão, demonstrando o que já pertencia à língua antes de suas observações, pois os fólios datam de anos anteriores ao seu nascimento. Embora sejam documentos que, por serem escritos por pessoas supostamente alfabetizadas, hipoteticamente podem denotar a norma culta escrita de então, é possível encontrar neles características dialetais apontadas por Amaral, como veremos. Para contemplar o estudo sobre a linguagem atual da região, também se realizou um breve exame do falar dos capivarianos, cotejando a locução atual com as variantes registradas nos fólios e mostrando, assim, o que permaneceu no dialeto após quase um século da publicação do livro. Sendo um trabalho comparativo, seguiremos o caminho feito por Amaral (1920) em seu capítulo sobre Fonética: falaremos da generalidade do falar dos habitantes, dos fonemas e suas alterações normais, das vogais, grupos vocálicos, consoantes e modificações isoladas. Assim, o trabalho objetiva mostrar que muitos dos fenômenos linguísticos que observamos atualmente no português também podem ser vistos registrados em fases anteriores da língua, como comprova os documentos do século XIX, e embora nossa língua mude, ainda guarda muitos traços de nossos antepassados. E ainda, apesar de o estudo ter sido feito tomando a cidade de Capivari e a obra de Amadeu Amaral como guia, ele também representa a realidade de muitas outras cidades de São Paulo e do Brasil, as quais mantêm em seus dialetos locais os apontamentos vistos aqui. / This essay belongs to Formation and Expansion of Paulista Portuguese through Tietê river since 19th century project, and it is also a subproject of Caipira Project, which is developing researches in the linguistic community in São Paulo by people of the Department of Classic and Vernaculars Letters of USP. Capivari is among the studied cities and it is located 108 kilometers from São Paulo, city of the Immortal Amadeu Amaral, author of the book O Dialeto Caipira (The Caipira Dialect), 1920 first study of the paulista speaking diversity this essay does an exhaustive searching for phonetic variants on register officers documents from 19th century in order to show (or not) the dialect studies made by the author, demonstrating elements that belonged to idiom after his observations, because the folios are very antique. Although the documents were written by persons supposedly literate, hypothetically they may denote the cultural norms of writing and you can find them dialects characteristics identified by Amaral, as we shall see. To complete the study about the language nowadays, it was done a brief exam of capivariano speak, comparing the actual locution to registered variants on the folios to show what has continued in the dialect before around one century of the book publication. Being a comparative dissertation, the essay was followed the chapter about Phonetic of Amarals book (1920): we talk about the generality of the capivariano speak, phonemes and its normal modifications, vowels, vowel groups, consonants and disconnected variations. Thus, the study aims to show that many linguistic phenomena that we observe today in Portuguese can also be seen recorded in previous stages of language justified on the 19th century documents and, even though our language is developing, it is keeping many characteristics of our ancestors. And although the research had seen done in Capivary and following Amadeu Amarals book, the studies show the reality of many São Paulo and Brazil cities, which have many observations in their dialects that were showed here.

Romance morphosyntactic microvariation in complementizer and auxiliary systems

Colasanti, Valentina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses patterns of complementation and auxiliation in the languages spoken in an understudied area of Italy, namely Southern Lazio. From a descriptive perspective, this thesis serves to document several severely endangered Romance languages spoken in the Italian peninsula. In so doing, several previously undocumented complementizer and auxiliary systems are illustrated for the first time. From a theoretical perspective, this thesis accounts for the patterns of variation found in these auxiliary and complementizer systems. Traditional descriptions of Italo- Romance treat these systems as entirely unrelated. Indeed, to date, no previous study has compared the distribution of complementizers and auxiliaries in Italo-Romance to investigate similarities and correspondences between them. This dissertation takes the original step of demonstrating that the distribution of particular auxiliary systems correlates with the distribution of particular complementizer systems, offering, in turn, an integrated and complementary theoretical analysis of both phenomena.

Phonological variation, perception and language attitudes in the (Franco-)Belgian borderland

Foxen, Sarah Elizabeth January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the French language in the Franco-Belgian borderland. More specifically, it investigates language, linguistic perceptions and language attitudes in the French-speaking part of Belgium which borders France. The study takes a variationist approach and is grounded in sociolinguistic theory, but it also draws on theories and methodologies from elsewhere in the social sciences. Two questions are at the heart of this study: how do people speak French in the Belgian borderland and why do they speak that way? To answer the research questions, speech and questionnaire data were gathered from 39 informants living in the borderland city of Tournai and its surrounding area. With this data, a variety of analyses were performed. Sociophonetic investigations were carried out on two phonological variables, namely the vocalic oppositions /e/-/ɛ/ and /o/-/ɔ/, draw-a-map task perceptual data were analysed through a ‘visual methods’ lens, and attitudinal data were also examined. Social variation in linguistic behaviour, perceptions and language attitudes was also analysed. The notions of ‘space’, ‘place’ and ‘spatiality’ were accorded considerable importance: the interactions between language and ‘space’ as the factors of ‘mobility’, ‘media consumption’, ‘sense of place’ and ‘regional belonging’ were also examined. The findings include that French in the Belgian borderland is more similar to that in France than to elsewhere in Francophone Belgium and that this is due to a number of factors. Moreover, the French in the borderland appears to be converging on that in France, although some differences persist. It was also found that spatial factors interact with both linguistic and social ones. Finally, it was concluded that whilst there is no longer a physical barrier at the national border, it persists to an extent as a psychological one, and this has ramifications for borderlanders’ behaviour: be it linguistic or otherwise.

Reconstructing linguistic history in a dialect continuum: The Kamta, Rajbanshi, and Northern Deshi Bangla subgroup of Indo-Aryan

Toulmin, Matthew William Stirling, matt_toulmin@sall.com January 2006 (has links)
This study outlines a methodological framework for reconstructing linguistic history within a dialect continuum and applies this methodology to an under-described, controversial, and complex subgroup of New Indo-Aryan (NIA)—the Kamta, Rajbanshi and Northern Deshi Bangla lects (KRNB). ¶ Dialect continua are characterised by non-discrete boundaries between speech communities, and as a result previously divergent lects may undergo common innovations; the result is the familiar picture of overlapping dialectological isoglosses. The sequencing of these innovations and the historical relations between the lects involved are often highly ambiguous. Given the right sociohistorical conditions, a widespread innovation may be more recent than a localised innovation—the very opposite sequencing to that implied by the splits in a family tree. ¶ Not surprisingly, discrete application to the NIA continuum of traditional methodologies—including the Comparative Method, etymological reconstruction and dialect geography—has yielded unsatisfactory and at times chronologically distorted results. Historical studies, therefore, have chosen between: (a) only studying the histories of NIA lects with written records; (b) reconstructing using the chronology suggested by the shape of a family tree; or (c) settling for a ‘flat’, non-historical account of dialect geography. ¶ Under the approach developed here, the strengths of each of these traditional methods are synthesised within an overarching framework provided by a sociohistorical theory of language change. This synthesis enables the linguistic history of the KRNB lects to be reconstructed with some detail from the proto-Kamta stage (1250-1550 AD) up to the present day. Innovations are sequenced based on three types of criteria: linguistic, textual and sociohistorical. The old Kamta stage, and its relation to old Bangla and Asamiya, is reconstructed based on linguistic Propagation Events and Speech Community Events—two concepts central to the methodology. The old Kamta speech community and its language became divided into western, central and eastern subsections during the middle KRNB period (1550-1787 AD, dates assigned by attested sociohistorical events). During the same period, KRNB lects also underwent partial reintegration with NIA lects further afield by means of more widely propagated changes. This trend of differentiation at a local level, concurrent with reintegration at a wider level, also characterises the modern KRNB period from 1787 AD to the present. ¶ This account of KRNB linguistic history is based on a rigorous reconstruction of changes in phonology and morphology. The result is not only a reconstruction of historical changes, but of the proto-Kamta phoneme inventory, hundreds of words of vocabulary, and specific areas of nominal and verbal morphology. The reconstruction is based on data collected in the field for the purposes of this study. Phonological reconstruction has made use of the WordCorr software program, and the reconstructed vocabulary is presented in a comparative wordlist in an appendix. ¶ The methodology developed and applied in this study has been found highly successful; though naturally not without its own limitations. This study has significance for its contribution both to the methodology of historical linguistic reconstruction and to the light shed on the linguistic prehistory of KRNB.

The story of pu: the grammaticalisation in space and time of a Modern Greek complementiser

Nicholas, Nick January 1998 (has links)
This work is concerned with tracing the historical development of the various functions of the Modern Greek connective pu. This connective has a considerable range of functions, and there have been attempts in the literature to group together these functions in a synchronically valid framework. It is my contention that the most illuminating way of regarding the functional diffusion of pu—and of any content word—is by looking, not only at one synchronic distribution (that of Standard Modern Greek), but at the full range of synchronic distributions in the sundry diatopic variants (dialects) of Modern Greek, and that such a discussion must be informed by the diachrony of the form. / This I attempt to do within the framework of grammaticalisation theory, whereby the development of grammatical forms is considered in the context of reanalysis and analogical extension of forms. As a diachronicist model, this allows for fluidity between function distinctions, and puts in place a historically-oriented alignment of semantic transitions which a strictly synchronicist account would miss. Work on pu has already been done in this framework; however, such work has considered the distribution of pu in Standard Greek alone, with only a brief consideration of its ancient antecedents. I contend that the picture formed of its distribution under such constraints leads to several false generalisations. / In order to arrive at a truer picture of the factors determining the development of pu, there are three facets that need to be considered in detail: / (a) its synchronic distribution in Standard Modern Greek, a variant for which extensive corpora and native speaker judgements are readily available; / (b) its distribution in the various modern dialects—to establish the possible diversification of developments for the particle, and to ensure that one potential pathway is not privileged as a universal tendency at the expense of other, divergent developments (a problem identifiable in treatments of this topic, hitherto looking only at the standard language); / (c) a detailed investigation of the use of the etymon of the particle— hópou—in Ancient Greek. It is one of the major contentions of grammaticalisation theory that the past meaning of a particle influences its subsequent meanings. In order to test the relevance of this principle fully, it is necessary to investigate the functionality of hópou not in isolation, but in the context of the entire Ancient Greek grammatical system. / Due to time and scope constraints, I attempt only these first three tasks in this thesis. I do not attempt a detail look at areal diffusion or the mediaeval Greek semantic transitions involved, nor at the use of pu in collocation.

Tož, tak to bylo, anyway : the borrowing and adaptation of the discourse marker 'anyway' in Texas Czech

Tomeček, John Michael 08 July 2011 (has links)
This thesis addresses the borrowing and adaptation of the English discourse marker (DM) anyway into the speech of the Czech-speaking diaspora in Texas, known widely as Texas Czechs (TC). The primary goal of the thesis is to assess which subtypes of 'anyway', according to the schema of Ferrara (1997), are borrowed into TC, and to what extent. Chapter one addresses the sociolinguistic history of the TC community. The historical origins of the people and cultural background are provided. Late in the chapter, I provide a discussion of previous scholarship in the field of TC linguistics over the last half-century. Chapter two addresses the theories of borrowing and code-switching in language. The two are disambiguated, and a basic set of conditions which define the two are proposed. From this, I address Serra's (1998) theory of a mixed-code system, which relies on the knowledge of two separate codes for understanding, but also utilizes borrowings. The works of Fuller (2001) and Weilbacher (2007) in Pennsylvania and Texas German communities are addressed, as is Johnson's (1995) work on Tejano. The chapter concludes with a brief description of DMs. Chapter three describes the subtypes and features of 'anyway' in English according to Ferrara's (1997) schema, as well as surveys a number of possible counterparts for 'anyway' in standard European Czech. Chapter four analyzes borrowed 'anyway' in TC speech as a Ferraran subtype. I disambiguate the uses of various types of anyway, proposing that only anyway, Ferrara's only true DM, is borrowed in TC. I demonstrate that possible functions of native TC DMs similar to 'anyway' function inherently differently than those of Ferrara. I show that 'anyway' is borrowed into TC to fulfill a pragmatic gap in the form of 'anyway', whereas the two adverbial subtypes are not borrowed. In older data, these two were borrowed, but no examples exist in modern speech. I propose that this is indicative of the TC's existence as a mixed-code system, in that knowledge of both English and TC are required to properly choose the appropriate DM and to understand borrowed DMs from the other code. / text

Headedness in word formation and lexical semantics : evidence from Italiot and Cypriot

Ανδρέου, Μάριος 27 April 2015 (has links)
The thesis aims to sort out some of the confusions associated with head, focusing on headedness in Word Formation and Lexical Semantics. In particular, the purpose of my thesis is to enquire into the notion head with focus on the following three issues: (a) delimitation, (b) position, and (c) presence and absence of head in morphological configurations. In a nutshell, the main proposals with respect to headedness in morphology and lexical semantics are as follows: (a) Most of the assumed head-like notions, such as the subcategorizand, the morphosyntactic locus, and the obligatory constituent, might very well not be relevant to the head-nonhead asymmetry. (b) The head for the purposes of morphology should be identified with the category determinant and with the ontological class determinant as far as lexical semantics is concerned. (c) The enquiry into the postulation of functions and arguments reveals that non-argument taking inflection and derivation should be accounted for by the mechanism of subordination of functions without indexation of arguments. This has implications for the way we classify morphemes in lexical semantics. (d) With respect to the position of head, the phenomenon of left-headed [N N]N compounds in Italiot-Greek should not be studied independently of the same phenomenon evident in previous evolutionary stages and in other dialects. (e) In addition, morphology does not combine and manipulate asymmetric relations only (see Di Sciullo 2005), for morphemic order is amenable to change and variation may arise inside the morphological system of a language. (f) From a diachronic point of view, the order of constituents in compounds may not be autonomous from syntax since the head-nonhead linearization inside compounds cannot change without previous change in the head-nonhead order in syntactic constructions. (g) With respect to the absence of head, the analysis of the compound patterns which are considered to be exocentric reveals that exocentric compounds are bracketing paradoxes which involve compounding and derivation in this particular order. In this respect, I part company with previous analyses which identify exocentricity based on the hyponymy test and which collapse exocentricity and semantic non-compositionality. / Η παρούσα διατριβή εξετάζει την έννοια κεφαλή (head) στο επίπεδο της Μορφολογίας και της Λεξικής Σημασιολογίας με έμφαση στα εξής τρία ερωτήματα: (α) ορισμός, (β) θέση, και (γ) παρουσία και απουσία κεφαλής σε μορφολογικούς σχηματισμούς. Συνοπτικά οι βασικές προτάσεις σχετικά με την έννοια της κεφαλής είναι οι εξής: (α) Αρκετές από τις έννοιες με τις οποίες έχει ταυτιστεί η κεφαλή, όπως ο υποκατηγοριοποιητής, δεν είναι σχετικές με την ασυμμετρία κεφαλής-μη κεφαλής. (β) η κεφαλή πρέπει να ταυτιστεί με τον κατηγοριακό καθοριστή σε επίπεδο μορφολογίας και με τον οντολογικό καθοριστή σε επίπεδο λεξικής σημασιολογίας. (γ) Η εφαρμογή της έννοιας κεφαλή στο σχηματισμό σημασιολογικά πολύπλοκων σχηματισμών δείχνει ότι η κλίση, η προθηματοποίηση, και η αξιολογική μορφολογία, οι οποίες δεν φέρουν ορίσματα, πρέπει να αναλυθούν με βάση το μηχανισμό της υπόταξης λειτουργιών χωρίς την προσθήκη ενδείκτη. Η πρόταση αυτή έχει επιπτώσεις στον τρόπο με τον οποίο ταξινομούνται τα μορφήματα σε επίπεδο λεξικής σημασιολογίας. (δ) Όσον αφορά στη θέση της κεφαλής, το φαινόμενο της ύπαρξης αριστερόστροφων συνθέτων στην Κατωιταλική δεν πρέπει να μελετάται ανεξάρτητα από το ίδιο φαινόμενο το οποίο εμφανίζεται τόσο σε άλλες διαλέκτους, όσο και σε προηγούμενες εξελικτικές φάσεις. (ε) Η μορφολογία δεν χειρίζεται μόνο ασυμμετρικές σχέσεις, καθώς η σειρά των μορφημάτων υπόκειται σε αλλαγές. (στ) Από διαχρονική σκοπιά, η σειρά των συστατικών στα σύνθετα μπορεί να μην είναι απόλυτα ελεύθερη, καθώς φαίνεται να επηρεάζεται από τον τομέα της σύνταξης. (ζ) Σχετικά με την απουσία κεφαλής, η ανάλυση των εξωκεντρικών συνθέτων δείχνει ότι τέτοιοι σχηματισμοί είναι δομικά παράδοξα τα οποία συνδυάζουν σύνθεση και παραγωγή.

Representation of Northern English and Scots in seventeenth century drama

Stewart, Lauren Marie January 2011 (has links)
Early Modern English (c. 1500-­‐1700) is a difficult period for dialectological study. A dearth of textual evidence means that no comprehensive account of regional variation for this period can be attempted, and the field has therefore tended to be somewhat neglected. However, some evidence of regional varieties of English is provided by dialect representation in Early Modern drama. The dialogue of certain English and Scottish characters (and of those who impersonate them) is often marked linguistically as different from other characters: morphosyntactic forms, lexical items, and phonological features shown through variant spellings suggest dialectal usage in contrast to Standard English. This evidence, I argue, forms a legitimate basis on which to build at least a partial account of regional variation. The 47 plays analysed in this thesis were all written and/or printed between 1598 and 1705, and all feature examples of either Northern English or Scots dialect representation. From these examples we can build up a picture of some of the main phonological, morphosyntactic, and lexical elements of the seventeenth century dialects spoken in Scotland and northern England. Moreover, this literary evidence can help clarify and contextualise earlier scholarly work on the topic. The content of the plays themselves, along with the dialect representations, also provide sociocultural and sociolinguistic information about the perception of Scots and northerners and of the attitudes towards them across the country. In Chapter 1 I outline my methodology and provide a review of relevant literature, particularly focusing on other studies of dialect representation in drama. Chapter 2 gives an overview of the historical context for my linguistic data in seventeenth century Britain, including discussions of theatrical history in both England and Scotland, and of population movement and dialect contact. The Scottish dialect evidence is presented in Chapters 3 to 6. In Chapter 3, I give a chronological list of 33 plays featuring Scots dialect representation. In order to contextualise the plays, I provide background information about the author, printing, and performance history; a brief summary of the plot and a description of the dialect speaker; my assessment of the dialect representation; and if pertinent, commentary by other critics. I present and analyse the data from dramatic depictions of Scots, focusing on lexical items (Chapter 4), morphosyntactic features (Chapter 5), and phonological features as indicated by variant spellings (Chapter 6). I compare the literary data with linguistic reference works, including modern and historical dialect atlases, dictionaries, and dialect surveys. I also consult additional Early Modern sources and other reference works. The next four chapters focus on representations of dialects of northern England. These chapters follow the same format as the chapters on Scottish dialect: Chapter 7 contains a discussion of 15 seventeenth-­‐century plays featuring representations of Northern English. Chapters 8, 9, and 10 mirror the structure of Chapters 4, 5, and 6, respectively, discussing lexical forms, and morphosyntactic and phonological features in representations of Northern English. I offer my conclusions in Chapter 11. With my detailed analysis of the data, I demonstrate that representations of regional usage in seventeenth century drama cannot be dismissed as stereotyped examples of a stage dialect, and that these literary data are worthy of being analysed linguistically. Although the quantity of dialect representation differs from one play to the next, and the quality covers a broad spectrum of linguistic accuracy, it nevertheless provides important information about non-­‐standard dialects of northern England and Scotland in the seventeenth century.

Variação fonética em estudantes residentes em áreas rurais da Bahia

Santos, Gredson dos January 2006 (has links)
218f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-05-13T18:41:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao Gredson dos Santos.pdf: 1108137 bytes, checksum: a5b107ca74f32536f7d4344e97ba074c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Alda Lima da Silva(sivalda@ufba.br) on 2013-05-16T17:07:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao Gredson dos Santos.pdf: 1108137 bytes, checksum: a5b107ca74f32536f7d4344e97ba074c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-16T17:07:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao Gredson dos Santos.pdf: 1108137 bytes, checksum: a5b107ca74f32536f7d4344e97ba074c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Esta dissertação, de natureza empírica e de cunho predominantemente descritivo, buscou registrar aspectos fonéticos em variação em estudantes de duas áreas rurais do município de Catu-Ba. Procurou também verificar se e até que ponto os traços em variação na fala espontânea daqueles indivíduos se refletem na escrita monitorada dos mesmos. Além disso, tentou desenvolver uma reflexão sobre as implicações pedagógicas da variação lingüística. A metodologia utilizada permitiu a constituição de um corpus composto de duas amostras: a primeira resultante da gravação de cerca de dez horas de entrevistas com 14 estudantes da primeira e da quarta séries do Ensino Fundamental do primeiro ciclo de duas escolas municipais; a segunda resultou da aplicação de um teste com os mesmos estudantes em que eles deveriam escrever palavras sujeitas às variações que constituíram objeto da pesquisa. Os resultados sinalizaram para a ocorrência diminuta, na segunda amostra, dos fatos variáveis na fala espontânea dos estudantes em foco. / Salvador

Dynamika jihokarpatských nářečí / The dynamics of Southern Carpathian dialects

Vašíček, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The dynamics of Southern Carpathian dialects - abstract The aim of this work is to describe the development of Southern Carpathian dialects in two state entities, in northeastern Slovakia and the Transcarpathian region of Ukraine, in the last 70 years. Starting material are recordings of dialectal speech and their transcription obtained in own field research conducted since 2011 within the studied area, especially in villages located close to the Slovak-Ukrainian state border. The focus of this work is a description of the dynamics of the phonetic, morphological and lexical system of the dialects of two villages, Ublya, which was chosen due to the long tradition of dialect research, and Malyi Bereznyi, the nearest neighboring village on the territory of Ukraine. Here until World War II closely related Southern Carpathian dialects had been developing in the same sociolinguistic conditions. After World War II they were separated by the Czechoslovak- Soviet border and came under the influence of different standard languages - Slovak, on the one hand, and Ukrainian and Russian on the other hand. A comparison of older material with the results of our field research enables to observe a dialectal divergence caused by leveling processes oriented to different standard languages. Data obtained in Ublya and Malyi...

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