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Estudo comparativo de óleos essenciais de espécies de croton do estado de SergipeSantana, Valéria Santos 24 October 2011 (has links)
This paper reports the study of composition and variation of the chemical components of essential oils of Croton species of Sergipe emphasizing its importance chemotaxonomy. Essential oils from fresh aerial parts obtnained by hydrodistillation from samples of Croton blanchetianus (CB-GA), C. campestris (CC-AML), C. heliotropiifolius collected at different locations in the Sergipe (CH-SG1, CH-SG2, CH-GA, and CH-AML), C. pedicellatus (CP-SI), C. tetradenius (CT-SG) and seven other unidentified taxa, called CSP1-CPS7, were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID, such analysis revealed a highly variable chemical composition. It were identified 131 components by comparing the retention indices and mass spectra of compounds with literature data and NIST and Willey mass spectra libraries. With the chemical analysis of oil of Croton were established correlations between the taxa of C. heliotropiifolius, which can be differentiated by using their main chemical markers: (E)-caryophyllene and bicyclogermacrene. For comparative analysis of the chemical composition of essential oils of Croton species, chemometric tools as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and hierarchic Cluster Analysis (HCA) was applied, by which it was possible to differentiate the components of the essential oil of aerial parts of Croton species grouped by class of compounds according to their biosynthetic origin (monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, phenylpropanoids and derivatives of fatty acids). With this analysis it was possible to form three groups (I, II and III), corroborating the comparative analysis of chromatographic profiles. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the chemical composition of essential oils of C. pedicellatus and C. tetradenius. / Este trabalho relata o estudo da composição e variação dos componentes químicos do óleo essencial das espécies de Croton do estado de Sergipe dando ênfase a sua importância quimiotaxonômica. Os óleos essenciais das partes aéreas frescas obtidos por hidrodestilação das amostras de Croton blanchetianus (CB-GA), C. campestris (CC-AML), C. heliotropiifolius coletadas em diferentes localidades do Estado (CH-SG1, CH-SG2, CH-GA, CH-SI e CH-AML), C. pedicellatus (CP-SI), C. tetradenius (CT-SG) e outros sete táxons ainda não identificados denominados (CSP1-CPS7) foram analisados por CG-EM e CG-DIC revelando uma composição química bastante variável. Foram identificados 131 componentes, baseados nos índices de retenção e na comparação de seus espectros de massas com os da literatura e com as bibliotecas de espectros de massas Willey e NIST. Com a análise química dos óleos de Croton foram estabelecidas correlações entre os táxons de C. heliotropiifolius, os quais foram diferenciados dos demais mediante a utilização de seus marcadores químicos principais: (E)-cariofileno e biciclogermacreno. Para as análises comparativas da composição química dos óleos essenciais das espécies de Croton aplicaram-se ferramentas quimiométricas de Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP) e Análise de Agrupamentos Herarquicos (AAH), pelas quais foi possível diferenciar os componentes do óleo essencial das partes aéreas das espécies de Croton agrupados por classe de compostos de acordo com sua origem biossintética (hidrocarbonetos monoterpênicos, monoterpenos oxigenados, hidrocarbonetos sesquiterpênicos, sesquiterpenos oxigenados, fenilpropanóides e derivados de ácidos graxos). Com essas análises foi possível a formação de três grupos (I, II e III), corroborando com as análises comparativas dos perfis cromatográficos. Ao nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro relato sobre a composição química dos óleos essenciais de C. pedicellatus e C. tetradenius.
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Mesures de champs de déformations élastique et totale pour la détermination du comportement mécanique local de matériaux cristallins. / Full-field measurements of elastic and total strains for the determination of the local behaviour in polycrystalsPlancher, Emeric 10 December 2015 (has links)
La connaissance du comportement mécanique à l’échelle du micron est déterminante pour arriver à prédire la dégradation des matériaux. Dans le cas des polycristaux, les lois de plasticité cristalline sont généralement utilisées pour décrire le comportement d’un grain. Ces lois possèdent de nombreux paramètres qui doivent être ajustés à l’état métallurgique et mécanique du matériau.Le travail rapporté ici explore une manière originale d’identifier ces paramètres à partir du comportement observé expérimentalement à l’échelle microscopique, sans recourir à un maillage éléments finis. Cette observation est réalisée en couplant (i) une évaluation du champ de contrainte locale par les techniques de microdiffraction Laue et d’EBSD à haute résolution angulaire et (ii) la mesure du champ de déformation total par corrélation d’images numériques.Afin de garantir la fiabilité des résultats, la justesse des mesures par microdiffraction Laue (Laue-DIC) et HR-EBSD est évaluée, pour la première fois, dans un matériau plastifié à moins de 0,5% de déformation. Les champs de déformation et de contrainte sont ensuite déterminés simultanément en surface d’une éprouvette monocristalline, sollicitée in-situ en flexion quatre points. Le comportement local est ainsi mesuré puis utilisé pour identifier deux paramètres d’une loi de plasticité cristalline, dans un acier austénitique monocristallin de type 316L. / The prediction of damage occurring in metallic materials is dependent on the knowledge of the mechanical behavior at a micron scale. Crystal plasticity laws are often used to describe the behavior of a single grain in polycrystals. Such laws include many parameters which should be tuned according to the metallurgical and mechanical state of the material.An original way to identify theses parameters is presented in this work. The local constitutive behavior is measured at the local scale. It is used to adjust the parameters’ value on a single point calculation without the need for a finite element mesh. To observe the local behavior two types of full filed measurements are carried out: (i) stress measurements using diffraction-based Laue microdiffraction and high angular resolution EBSD – HR-EBSD – and (ii) strain measurements by digital image correlation.To ensure trustworthy results, the accuracy of Laue microdiffraction (Laue-DIC) and HR-EBSD measurements are determined for the first time in a plastically deformed material. Then, stress and strain fields are monitored at the surface of a single crystal bent in-situ in the low deformation regime (0.5%). The local behavior is determined and used to identify two parameters of a crystal plasticity law, in a 316L stainless steel single crystal.
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Experimental and Numerical Study of Orthotropic MaterialsPulicherla, Yashpal Surendhar Goud, Kesana, Ramkiran January 2017 (has links)
In current enterprises, simulations are being utilized to lessen the cost of product advancement. Along this line, there is an awesome enthusiasm for enhancing precision and accuracy of simulations. For an accurate and reliable simulation, it is essential to use an accurate material model and provide it with accurate material information. In exhibit industries, orthotropic materials are being simulated utilizing isotropic material model, as orthotropic material model requires more material data which is not promptly accessible. This proposal intends to test and identify orthotropic materials and simulate them using orthotropic material model in ABAQUS. Materials utilized as a part of this proposal are Aluminium, LDPE, PET. Required material data was gotten by performing Uni-directional tensile tests, DIC, and an algorithm we developed in light of Inverses method. To get highly accurate material data from DIC, a few kinds of patterns were examined, and a superior pattern was resolved for camera configuration being utilized.
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Comportement local des enrobés recyclés : apport des mesures de champs cinématiques / Local behavior of recycled asphalt pavement : contribution of full-field measurementsTeguedi, Mohamed Cheikh 26 September 2017 (has links)
Les enrobés bitumineux sont des matériaux composites complexes constitués de plusieurs phases : granulats, liants bitumineux et vides. L'assemblage de ces phases définit une microstructure très complexe qui pilote la réponse macroscopique des enrobés. Classiquement, les réponses mécanique et thermique des enrobés sont caractérisées par des essais à l'échelle macroscopique en supposant que le matériau est homogène et isotrope. À l’échelle des constituants, la caractérisation de ces matériaux nécessite d’utiliser une technique de mesure disposant simultanément d’une bonne résolution spatiale et d’une bonne résolution de mesure. L’enjeu de ce travail est d’une part d’évaluer les possibilités d’utilisation de la méthode de la grille (MG) pour l’analyse des propriétés thermo-mécaniques des enrobés bitumineux, et d’autre part de caractériser, grâce à l’apport de cette méthode, l’effet de l’introduction d’agrégats d’enrobés (AE). L’étude expérimentale comprend des essais de compression et de traction ainsi que des essais de gel-dégel. Les champs cinématiques issus de la MG ont permis d'étudier la réponse de ces matériaux à des échelles allant de l’échelle du constituant jusqu’à celle de l’éprouvette. Les résultats obtenus ont également permis de valider une approche expérimentale innovante pour l’analyse des enrobés en permettant d’accéder à des informations fiables et riches à l’échelle de la microstructure. Certains aspects liés à l'impact du recyclage sur le comportement local de l’enrobé sont également fournis. / Asphalt mixtures are complex composite materials constituted of several phases, namely aggregates, bituminous binder and voids. The assembly of these phases defines a highly complex microstructure, which drives the macroscopic response of asphalt mixtures. Classically, both the mechanical and the thermal responses of asphalt materials are characterized by using experiments at the scale of the mixture assuming that the material is homogeneous. At the scale of their constituents, these materials require a measurement technique featuring simultaneously both a good spatial resolution and a good strain resolution. To date, there are only few experimental studies available in the literature that describe the thermal and mechanical behavior of bituminous mixes at the scale of the constituent. The aim of this work is, on the one hand, to evaluate the possibilities of using the grid method (GM) for the analysis of the thermo-mechanical properties of asphalt mixtures and, on the other hand, to characterize the effect of the recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) inclusion on the local behavior of these materials. Full-field measurements provided by GM allow to study the response of these materials at scales ranging from the component to the mixture itself. These results enable us to validate an innovative experimental approach for the analysis of asphalts. It gives access to reliable and rich information at the scale of the microstructure. Some aspects related to the impact of RAP on the local behavior of asphalt were also provided.
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Adaptation de la méthode de corrélation d'images numériques pour la gestion des discontinuités du milieu et de la transformation / Adaptation of the digital image correlation method for handling material and transformation discontinuitiesHusseini, Hassan Al 04 July 2014 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire consiste à adapter la méthode de corrélation d'images numériques (CIN) pour la gestion des discontinuités du milieu et de la transformation. Le cadre d'utilisation des méthodes optiques de mesure i.e. celui de la mécanique des milieux continus, impose une continuité matérielle : i) du domaine et ii) de la transformation. Pour traiter les discontinuités en question, on peut reconsidérer la continuité (milieu et transformation) par morceaux. Dans le cadre de la CIN, cela se traduit par la possibilité d'adapter localement la forme et la taille des fenêtres de corrélation à la zone d'intérêt et à sa cinématique. Pour ce faire, il est possible d'utiliser des masques : un masque-objet pour traiter les discontinuités du milieu et un masque-discontinuité pour traiter les discontinuités de la transformation. Cependant, avant l'implémentation des masques dans la procédure de corrélation, plusieurs essais expérimentaux de déplacement sur des modèles comportant les deux types de discontinuité, ont été conduits. Ces essais ont permis de prouver l'influence des discontinuités sur la dégradation de la précision de mesure par CIN. Ensuite, des essais de traction ont été menés sur une éprouvette en polycarbonate conduisant à un mode I d'ouverture ou de fermeture de fissure. Après l'implémentation des masques dans le logiciel de corrélation Correla, le calcul des champs de déplacement et de déformation a été opéré avec succès à la surface de cette éprouvette, démontrant ainsi l'efficacité de la CIN adaptée. / The development of the digital image correlation method (DIC) for the management of discontinuities of the material and the transformation is discussed in this thesis. As we know, the framework for the use of the optical measurement methods i.e. of continuum mechanics requires a continuity of: i) domain and ii) transformation. To treat those discontinuities, we can consider a piecewise continuity (material and transformation). In the case of DIC method, this can be done by adapting locally the shape and size of the correlation subsets to the zone of interest and its kinematics. A novel way to do it, is by using masks: an object mask to process material discontinuities and a discontinuity mask to process transformation discontinuities. However before the implementation of masks in the correlation process, several experimental displacement tests on models reproducing the two types of discontinuity at small scale were performed. Those tests proved the influence of discontinuities on the degradation of the measurement accuracy by DIC. Then, tensile tests were conducted on a polycarbonate made specimen knowing a mode I opening or closing crack. After implementing masks in the correlation software Correla, the calculation of displacement and deformation fields was successfully performed on the surface of this specimen for all its edges, demonstrating the effectiveness of the adapted DIC.
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Investigation of Polymer packaging films behavior subjected to tension and tearingMADDALA, PRANAY RAJ REDDY January 2017 (has links)
The course of polymer film functioning has been a crucial concern in the advent of packaging technology. The thesis project aims towards obtaining an understanding of mechanical properties for a class of these materials, namely LDPE and PET. A constitutive understanding of this behavior in the case of LDPE is acquired through incorporating a plastic stress strain relationship in an iterative approach with focus put on the sensitivity of a few parameters by following a simple linear curve-fit technique in a way that the global as well as the local response are predictable. FE-models also developed in this way are validated with experimental data. An inverse analysis testing validity or usefulness of DIC technique in identifying a material model is done and some discussions are drawn towards this area. A relative numerical study with respect to experimentally obtained global response for tearing of these polymers is done through use of a similar material model developed from tensile tests and the challenges faced in this area have been addressed.
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Studies On Characterization Of Self Compacting Concrete : Microstructure, Fracture And FatigueHemalatha, T 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Evolution of concrete is continuously taking place to meet the ever-growing demands of the construction industry. Self compacting concrete (SCC) has emerged as a result of this demand to overcome the scarcity of labour. SCC is widely replacing normal vibrated concrete (NVC) these days owing to its advantages such as homogeneity of the mix, filling ability even in heavily congested reinforcement, smooth finish, reduction in construction time etc.
The ingredients used for SCC is the same as that of the NVC. But the proportioning of ingredients to achieve self compactability alters the microstructure of SCC which in turn affects the mechanical and fracture properties. Moreover, the mineral admixtures such as fly ash and silica fume when used for improving the workability of SCC help in the development of the microstructural skeleton. In this study, three SCC mixes SCC1- made with only cement, SCC2 - with fly ash in addition to cement and SCC3 - with fly ash and silica fume in addition to cement for achieving normal, medium and high strength SCC respectively are cast. The microstructural changes in SCC with and without mineral admixtures over a period of time are studied using different techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).
The modification of mechanical properties at microstructural level brings difference in the behavior at macro level. Hence in this study, the mechanical properties at microstructural are obtained by using microindentation test and are scaled up to the macro level to predict the influence of micromechanical properties on macro response. The fracture properties of SCC is considered to be the interest of this study and is carried out with the help of advanced techniques such as acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC).
From the various studies carried out, it is inferred that the mixes with mineral admixtures behave in a more brittle manner when compared to mix having no mineral admixture. It is also observed that class ‘F’ fly ash hydrates at a slow pace and the strength gain is observed after 28 days and even beyond 90 days. Hence, it is concluded that it is appropriate to consider the strength at 90 days instead of 28 days for a SCC mix with class ‘F’ fly ash. Silica fume on the other hand is observed to result in a more rapid gain in strength and this can partially offset the delay in strength gain due to fly ash.
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Identification des propriétés hyperélastiques des muscles de la cuisse à l'état passif : couplage des techniques de corrélation d'images aux techniques d'imagerie médicale / Identification of the hyperelastic properties of the passive thigh muscles : coupling of the image correlation with medical imaging techniquesAffagard, Jean-Sébastien 14 October 2013 (has links)
La compréhension du comportement musculaire est un champ d’investigation primordial dans divers domaines tels que le sport, le crash automobile et la médecine. Peu de techniques in vivo permettent aujourd’hui de caractériser les propriétés mécaniques du muscle. Aussi, l’objectif de ce travail est de développer une méthode d’identification in vivo à partir demesures de champs de déplacement. La méthode d’identification est composée de 3 étapes interdépendantes. La première consiste à réaliser une IRM de la cuisse pour segmenter manuellement différents tissus musculaires (quadriceps, ischios, gracilis et sartorius) et le tissu adipeux. Un comportement Néo-Hookéen est choisi pour modéliser le comportement hyperélastique (C10, D). Dans un second temps, un dispositif expérimental de compression est développé pour mesurer le champ de déplacement in vivo à partir des techniques d’imagerie échographique et de Corrélation d’Images Numériques. Finalement, une méthode inverse est mise en œuvre pour identifier les paramètres C10 et D de chaque tissu. Par le biais d’un exemple numérique, l’erreur sur les paramètres identifiés est évaluée. Les cartographies des champs de déplacement expérimentaux confirment les observations qualitatives obtenues sur les images échographiques et sont validées par les champs de déformation obtenus par approximation diffuse. Une faible erreur d’identification (C10<3%, D<7%) est obtenue à partir de l’exemple numérique, et les paramètres mécaniques identifiés sont en accord avec la littérature. Ces résultats valident la démarche inverse mise en œuvre qui permettra, à terme, de suivre l’évolution des pathologies et de mener des simulations prédictives. / The understanding of the mechanical behavior of the muscle tissue is an important field of investigation with different applications in medicine, car crash and sport. Currently, few in vivo imaging techniques are able to characterize the mechanical properties of muscle. Thus, this study aims at developing an in vivo identification method based on displacement fieldmeasurements. The identification approach is composed of 3 dependent steps. The first step consists in performing a 2D MRI acquisition of the thigh in order to segment manually the muscle (quadriceps, ischio, gracilis and sartorius) and fat tissues. A Neo-Hookean model is chosen to characterize the hyperelastic behavior (C10, D). Secondly, an experimental compressiondevice is developed to measure the in vivo displacement field using ultrasound and Digital Image Correlation (DIC) techniques. Finally, an inverse method is implemented to identify the C10 and D parameters of each soft tissue. A numerical example is used to quantify the identification error on each parameter. Displacement field measurements confirm the ultrasound observations. They are also validated by the cartographies of the strain fields, which are obtained by the diffuse approximation method. Using the numerical example, the identification leads to low errors on the C10 (< 3%) and D (< 7%) parameters. Identified values of the mechanical parameters are in good agreement with the literature. All results validate the implemented identification method. In the long term, this protocol will allow to follow the evolution of pathologies and to conduct predictive simulations.
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Výpočtová analýza oka ramene nápravy osobního automobilu / Computational analysis of a car axle arm openingProcházka, Vojtěch January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on behavior of control arm opening with bushing pressed in. The tested component is a part of control arm of a car. The parts were tested in tensile and compressive strength. Real experiments were measured by optical system Aramis during the testing to determine deformations of the part. These tests are also modeled by a finite element method using an Abaqus software. In GOM Correlate software is created full-field comparison of deformation results from Aramis and FEA. Based on this comparison computational model is calibrated. Sensitivity analysis is performed at the end of the thesis.
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Hodnocení napjatostního chování lepeného konstrukčního dřeva pomocí DIC analýzy. / Evaluation of load-deformation characteristics of glued timber using DIC analysisŠot, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The work deals with issues of evaluation of the shear properties of timber structural materials, particularly CLT elements. The work contains an overview of extensive research so far presented scientific studies dealing with the characteristic shear properties of wood. In the practical part was carried out the experiment dealing with the failure mode of transverse lamellae of CLT elements that were exposed to shear stress. There were observed individual effects that this may affect the material properties. In the first part of the experiment were performed numerical models using FEM. In the second part, the test specimens were tested in three point bending. Here, attention was paid to the influence of macroscopic properties of wood on the distribution of stress cracks and shear strength, the tests were recorded using DIC system.
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