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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of nanocellulose reinforcement on the properties of polymer composites

Shikha Shrestha (6631748) 11 June 2019 (has links)
<div> <p><a>Polymer nanocomposites are envisioned for use in many advanced applications, such as structural industries, aerospace, automotive technology and electronic materials, due to the improved properties like mechanical strengthening, thermal and chemical stability, easy bulk processing, and/or light-weight instigated by the filler-matrix combination compared to the neat matrix. In recent years, due to increasing environmental concerns, many industries are inclining towards developing sustainable and renewable polymer nanocomposites. Cellulose nanomaterials (CNs), including cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) and cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs), have gained popularity due to their excellent mechanical properties and eco-friendliness (extracted from trees, algae, plants etc.). However, to develop CN-reinforced nanocomposites with industrial applications it is necessary to understand impact of hygroscopic swelling (which has very limited </a>quantitative study at present), aspect ratio, orientation, and content of CNs on the overall performance of nanocomposites; and overcome the low dispersibility of CNs and improve their compatibility with hydrophobic matrix. In this work, we attempt to understand the influence of single nanocrystals in the hygroscopic and optical response exhibited by nanostructured films; effect of CNCs on the properties of PVA/CNC fibers by experimental evidence with mathematical modeling predictions; and hydrophobized CNFs using a facile, aqueous surface modification to improve interfacial compatibility with epoxy. </p><p><br></p> <p>To evaluate the effect of CNC alignment in the bulk response to hygroscopic expansion, self-organized and shear-oriented CNC films were prepared under two different mechanisms. The coefficient of hygroscopic swelling (CHS) of these films was determined by using a new contact-free method of Contrast Enhanced Microscopy Digital Image Correlation (CEMDIC) that enabled the characterization of dimensional changes induced by hygroscopic swelling of the films. This method can be readily used for other soft materials to accurately measure hygroscopic strain in a non-destructive way. By calculating the CHS values of CNC films, it was determined that hygroscopic swelling is highly dependent on the alignment of nanocrystals within the films, with aligned CNC films showing dramatically reduced hygroscopic expansion than randomly oriented films. Finite element analysis was used to simulate moisture sorption and kinetics profile which further predicted moisture diffusion as the predominant mechanism for swelling of CNC films. </p> <p><br></p><p>To study the effects of different types and aspect ratios of CNCs on mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite <a>fibers, CNCs extracted from wood pulp and cotton were reinforced into PVA to produce fibers by dry-jet-wet spinning. The fibers were collected as-spun and with first stage drawing up to draw ratio 2. </a>The elastic modulus and tensile strength of the fibers improved with increasing CNC content (5 – 15 wt. %) at the expense of their strain-to-failure. The mechanical properties of fibers with cotton CNC were higher than the fibers with wood CNC when the same amount of CNCs were added due to their higher aspect ratio. The degree of orientation along the spun fiber axis was quantified by 2D X-ray diffraction. As expected, the CNC orientation correlates to the mechanical properties of the composite fibers. Micromechanical models were used to predict the fiber performance and compare with experimental results. Finally, surface and cross-sectional morphologies of fibers were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy.</p><p><br></p> <p>To improve the dispersibility and compatibility of CNFs with epoxy, CNFs were modified by using a two-step water-based method where tannic acid (TA) acts as a primer with CNF suspension and reacts with hexadecylamine (HDA), forming the modified product as CNF-TA-HDA. The modified (-m) and unmodified (-um) CNFs were filled into hydrophobic epoxy resin with a co-solvent (acetone), which was subsequently removed to form a solvent-free two component epoxy system, followed by addition of hardener to cure the resin. Better dispersion and stronger adhesion between fillers and epoxy were obtained for m-CNF than the um-CNF, resulting in better mechanical properties of nanocomposites at the same loading. Thermal stability and the degradation temperature of m-CNF/epoxy improved when compared to neat epoxy. </p> </div> <br>

Dialogue essais - simulation et identification de lois de comportement d’alliage à mémoire de forme en chargement multiaxial / Coupled experimental-numerical study and identification of multiaxial SMA constitutive behavior

Echchorfi, Rachid 06 September 2013 (has links)
Les travaux présentés ont consisté à développer des stratégies d'identification performantes des paramètres des lois de comportement superélastique des Alliages à Mémoire de Forme (AMF). L'objectif est de disposer d'une solution complète de caractérisation, d'identification, et de simulation de structures en AMF soumises à des sollicitations complexes. Une base de données expérimentale unifiée pour un alliage de NiTi superélastique a été établie pour une multitude de trajets de déformation multiaxiaux et à différentes températures : en traction homogène, en compression, en traction-compression et en traction-traction. Une caractérisation expérimentale a été développée sur une plate-forme multiaxiale assemblée au laboratoire durant ce travail. L'emploi de la corrélation d'images a permis d'enrichir la base de données expérimentale en déterminant pour chaque essai les champs cinématiques. Cette collection d'essais a permis de montrer l'importante différence de comportement observée entre les directions de laminage et transverse, bien que le matériau soit faiblement texturé. Des procédures d'identification du comportement thermomécanique des AMF ont été mises en place, basées sur la construction et minimisation d'une fonction objectif régularisée. La première est basée sur l'exploitation des courbes contrainte-déformation moyennes sous chargement homogène et unixial. La seconde exploite la richesse des champs de déformations mesurés en essai hétérogène. Les deux stratégies ont permis d'identifier les huit paramètres gouvernant le comportement superélastique du modèle de Chemisky et al. (Chemisky et al. 2011). Des différences entre les jeux de paramètres identifiés sont caractéristiques des effets d'anisotropie observés. Le succès de cette stratégie démontre sa pertinence et est encourageant pour l'identification de paramètres de lois de comportement anisotropes. / In this work, efficient identification strategies were developed to determine the characteristic parameters of the thermomechanical behavior of pseudoelastic Shape Memory Alloys (SMA). The aim is to obtain a complete solution for characterization, identification and numerical simulation of SMA structures undergoing multiaxial loading paths. A unified experimental database has been constructed to characterize the behavior of superelastic NiTi SMAs. This database includes tension, compression, tension-tension and tension-compression multiaxial tests at different temperatures. A characterization methodology has been developed on a multiaxial testing setup, which has been assembled in the laboratory during this Ph.D. project. Vital information about the strain fields for each test is added to the experimental database through the use of Digital Image Correlation. A significant difference in the thermomechanical behavior between the rolling and transverse directions has been observed, even when the specimens are not strongly textured. Two strategies were developed that rely on the minimization of a regularized cost function for identification of thermomechanical constitutive law parameters. The first identification procedure is based on uniaxial homogeneous tests at different temperatures. In the other strategy the information of strain fields of heterogeneous tests are utilized. In each case, the eight material parameters of the constitutive law of Chemisky et al. (Chemisky et al. 2011) have been identified. A difference between the identified parameters in the rolling and transverse direction is noted and corresponds to the effect of anisotropy. Nevertheless, the capabilities of the relevant identification strategies shall allow the determination of the parameters of anisotropic constitutive laws.

Efeitos do uso de próteses múltiplas implantossuportadas, unidas e isoladas, nas tensões geradas em áreas posteriores da mandíbula / Load transfer characteristics in the posterior region of the mandible of implant supported, splinted and non-splinted restorations

Tiossi, Rodrigo 21 December 2010 (has links)
O comportamento biomecânico de próteses implantossuportadas foi analisado por fotoelasticidade e por correlação de imagens digitais (CID). Este trabalho estudou o comportamento biomecânico de próteses parciais fixas parafusadas sobre implantes, com coroas isoladas ou unidas, simulando a reabilitação de área posterior mandibular, com e sem a presença de elemento dental distal aos implantes. Devido às dificuldades em produzir estruturas múltiplas com assentamento passivo, alguns autores sugerem que implantes adjacentes sejam restaurados por próteses unitárias, minimizando os efeitos das tensões transferidas aos implantes. A análise fotoelástica é uma técnica experimental para análise de tensões, bastante empregada devido à sua relativa simplicidade e confiabilidade quanto à correspondência clínica dos achados observados. A análise por correlação de imagens digitais produz o mapeamento completo das tensões geradas na superfície do modelo analisado, possibilitando análises precisas. Não existe consenso na literatura quanto ao melhor planejamento protético para reabilitações parciais com múltiplos implantes adjacentes, a fim de minimizar as tensões geradas na interface osso-implante. O material de recobrimento estético empregado na restauração protética também foi analisado (cerâmica e resina). O modelo de estudo foi composto por um pré-molar em resina, dois implantes (Titamax GT - 4,0 x 11,0 mm - Neodent) substituindo o 2º pré-molar e o 1º molar, e um 2º molar em resina. Outro modelo foi produzido sem a presença do 2º molar. Os grupos analisados foram: UC - coroas unidas e recobertas por cerâmica; IC - coroas isoladas e recobertas por cerâmica; UR - coroas unidas e recobertas por resina; IR - coroas isoladas e recobertas por resina. O efeito do torque na fixação das estruturas foi avaliado por meio de análise fotoelástica. Análise fotoelástica qualitativa e quantitativa foi realizada após a aplicação de carga vertical puntiforme (50 N) na superfície oclusal da coroa substituindo o 1º molar. A análise por correlação de imagens também foi feita qualitativa e quantitativamente, com a carga aplicada na mesma posição que para a análise fotoelástica, mas com maior intensidade (250 N). Tensões na direção horizontal (&epsilon;xx) e de cisalhamento (&epsilon;xy) foram analisadas e comparadas pelo método CID. Os dois métodos para análise de tensões aplicados neste estudo foram satisfatórios e adequados para as comparações necessárias ao trabalho proposto. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a esplintagem de coroas sobre múltiplos implantes adjacentes promoveu melhor distribuição de tensões em torno dos implantes e pelas estruturas de suporte, principalmente quando o contato proximal distal esteve ausente. As tensões totais no modelo não foram influenciadas pela presença do 2º molar, mas este dente participou da distribuição de tensões entre as estruturas. O material de recobrimento das coroas não foi significativo para as tensões transferidas ao modelo fotoelástico e para as tensões compressivas (&epsilon;xx). As tensões de cisalhamento (&epsilon;xy) foram influenciadas diretamente pela presença do 2º molar inferior e, com sua ausência, um material de recobrimento com baixo módulo de elasticidade (resina) foi significativo para minimizar estas tensões. / A photoelastic stress analysis and a digital image correlation (DIC) method were used to analyze the biomechanical behavior of implant supported prosthesis. This study compared the biomechanical behavior of screwed, splinted and non-splinted, implant supported fixed partial dentures, simulating the rehabilitation of a mandibular posterior region, with and without the presence of a second molar proximal contact. Since complete passivity is difficult to achieve when splinted restorations supported by multiple implants are used, some authors suggest individually restoring adjacent implants to allow for a passive fit in the resulting restorations, thus reducing the strains transferred to the implants. Photoelasticity is an experimental technique for stress analysis and has been constantly used due its simplicity, reliable results and correlation with clinical findings. The digital image correlation method is capable of providing a full-field surface strain measurement, allowing for an accurate analysis. The ideal restoration of a partially edentulous space remains controversial as to the best prosthetic design for a partial rehabilitation with multiple implants in order to minimize the strains transferred to the bone-implant interface. The influence of the veneering materials was also compared (porcelain and resin). An epoxy resin model was made with acrylic resin replicas of a mandibular first premolar and second molar and with threaded implants (Titamax GT - 4.0 x 11.0 mm - Neodent) replacing the second premolar and first molar. Another model was made without the presence of the second molar. Groups were: UC - porcelain-veneered splinted crowns; IC - porcelain-veneered non-splinted crowns; UR - resin-veneered splinted crowns; IR - resin-veneered non-splinted crowns. Strains transferred to the photoelastic model were analyzed after tightening the prosthetic screws. Qualitative and quantitative photoelastic stress analysis was performed after the application of a vertical load (50 N) on the occlusal surface of the crown replacing the first molar. The image correlation analysis was also performed qualitatively and quantitatively, with the load applied in the same position as for the photoelastic analysis, although with greater intensity (250 N). Strains in the horizontal direction (&epsilon;xx) and shear strains (&epsilon;xy) were analyzed and compared with the DIC method. Both methods for strain analysis used in this study performed satisfactory and are adequate for the comparisons proposed in this work. According to the results found, it can be concluded that splinting multiple adjacent implant supported crowns provided a better strain distribution around the implants and the supporting structures, especially when the distal proximal contact was absent. The total strains in the model were not influenced by the presence of a distal proximal contact, but the presence of the second molar optimized the strain distribution between the structures. The crowns veneering material was not significant for the strains transferred to the photoelastic model and for compressive strains (&epsilon;xx). Shear strains (&epsilon;xy) were influenced by the presence of the second molar, and when it was absent, the use of a veneering material with low elasticity modulus (resin) significantly reduced these tensions.

Caracterização experimental de soluções de reforço para placas de rochas ornamentais / Experimental characterization of reinforcement to ornamental stones slabs

Pazeto, Abiliane de Andrade 20 March 2017 (has links)
Um grande número de rochas de granulação grosseira tem valor agregado muito alto quando usadas como materiais de construção, as chamadas rochas exóticas. No entanto, existem problemas com a utilização desses materiais dado a sua fragilidade, que está relacionada com a sua textura muito heterogênea. No Brasil é empregado empiricamente um reforço (compósito) que utiliza resina epóxi e fibra de vidro para melhorar o desempenho mecânico de tais rochas quando empregadas como materiais de construção. Os objetivos da presente pesquisa foram estudar o reforço tradicional brasileiro (telagem) para determinar sua eficiência e, ao mesmo tempo, propor outras soluções de reforço alternativas e mais eficientes, e avaliá-las através da caracterização mecânica experimental. Foi proposto um critério denominado Declive Global para avaliar as tensões de serviço dos materiais pegmatíticos estudados, quando os reforços propostos foram aplicados. Para validar esse critério foi utilizado um sistema de correlação digital de imagem (CDI) para observar e medir o comportamento de deformação e fratura durante a realização de testes de flexão em 4 pontos. Tanto o critério proposto como a CDI mostraram que a propagação de fissuras ocorre muito antes do material atingir a carga máxima. O reforço alternativo proposto, que emprega resina epóxi e uma fibra de vidro 600 g/m² apresentou o melhor desempenho mecânico, elevando a carga de ruptura até 6x em comparação com as amostras onde nenhum reforço foi aplicado. Os resultados demonstrados pelos reforços propostos são promissores e aumentam a possibilidade de aplicar rochas exóticas frágeis como materiais de construção, além do critério proposto fornecer uma ferramenta importante para a compreensão mecânica prévia de produtos de rocha que utilizam reforços compósitos. / A great number of coarse-grained natural stones have very high added-value when used as building materials, the so called exotic stones. However, problems using these materials arise from its brittleness behavior, which are related to its very heterogeneous texture. Glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composite (GFRC) is being used to improve mechanical performance of such stones when employed as building materials. The objectives of this present investigation it were studying the Brazilian traditional reinforcement to determinate its efficiency and, at the same time, a number of alternative solutions were proposed and evaluated through experimental mechanical characterization. It was proposed a slope-based criterion to evaluate the useful service loads of pegmatitic materials when glass fiber-reinforcement is applied. To validate the proposed criterion, a digital image correlation (DIC) system was employed to observe and measure strain and fracture behavior during the realization of 4-point bending tests. Both proposed criterion and DIC show that crack propagation occurs long before the material reaches maximum load. GFRC acts as a crack inhibitor, raising the breaking load up to 6x in comparison with the specimens where no reinforcement was applied. The results from this study enhance the capability to apply such materials as building materials and provide an important tool to perform prior mechanical understanding of stone products using GFRC.

Analysis of damage mechanisms in composite structures reinforced by tufting / Analyse des mécanismes d'endommagement des structures composites renforcées par le tufting

Martins, Alan 15 November 2018 (has links)
Cette étude portait sur l’évaluation des performances mécaniques et des mécanismes de défaillance des composites cousus dans différentes conditions de chargement. Des plaques stratifiées et des raidisseurs renforcés par tufting ont été fabriqués avec différents paramètres de couture afin d'évaluer leur effet sur les propriétés des composites. L'investigation a été assistée par une caractérisation multi-instrumentée pendant les tests. Les plaques cousues soumises à des tests de cisaillement à poutre courte sont utilisées dans l'analyse du comportement de la densité et de l'angle de couture dans des conditions de chargement en mode II, tandis que des tests d'impact et de compression après impact (CAI) sur la tolérance aux dommages. Des tests de fatigue en éprouvettes trouées ont également été réalisés afin d’évaluer la réponse des coutures, en particulier leur position par rapport au trou central, à la concentration de déformation générée par le trou. La suite de ce travail a consisté en des tests mécaniques sur panneau raidi oméga renforcé par tufting. La procédure a optimisé les paramètres de touffetage utilisés pour renforcer les structures du lot précédent d'échantillons jusqu'à atteindre un point optimal où les propriétés principales, principalement trouvées dans les tests d'arrachement, sont égales ou supérieures à celles des échantillons témoins. Cette amélioration tenait également compte des modifications de la forme des raidisseurs. En outre, une nouvelle approche basée sur l’effet piézorésistif des coutures en fibres de carbone lors du chargement des éprouvettes composites est réalisée. Cela peut faciliter la surveillance de l’état de santé des fils cousus et donc du composite en raison de la nature structurelle des coutures. Les résultats ont montré que les renforts par tufting sont capables d'augmenter considérablement la ténacité entre les composites et la tolérance aux endommagements des composites, principalement en raison de leurs phénomènes de pontage des fissures. Les paramètres de tufting sont des facteurs décisifs pour obtenir les meilleures propriétés mécaniques. Cependant, ces travaux ont montré que les fils de coutures sont également responsables de la création de fissures dues à la concentration de contrainte et aux défauts causés par leur insertion et, par conséquent, à la diminution de la résistance des composites. L'enquête conclut que l'insertion aléatoire des touffes n'est pas idéale pour la performance du matériau et doit donc être évitée. Le développement de l'insertion des coutures dans les raidisseurs oméga a été soutenu par la caractérisation multi-instrumentée qui a permis d'optimiser le renforcement de la structure. Bien que l’étude ait permis d’obtenir des propriétés mécaniques nettement supérieures à celles des panneaux oméga renforcés par touffetage, il est évident que la procédure employée n’est pas optimale. Le présent travail propose également un modèle préliminaire d'éléments finis pour surmonter le coût et la perte de temps des tests expérimentaux. Il vise principalement à optimiser les paramètres de tufting dans la structure. Le modèle développé était capable de prédire les mêmes endommagements que ceux observés expérimentalement, mais encore éloignés des prévisions quantitatives des résultats. Le contrôle de l’état structurel des stratifiés composites cousus par les fils de carbone semble prometteur et pourrait aider à l’avenir à fournir des informations sur l’état de santé des coutures sous chargement qui ne sont pas atteintes par les méthodes de caractérisation classiques utilisées dans ce travail. / This study focused mainly on the assessment of the mechanical performance and the failure mechanisms of tufted composites under divers loading conditions. Laminated plates and stiffened panels reinforced by tufting was manufactured with different tufting parameters to evaluate their effect in the properties of the composites. Multi-instrumented characterization carried out during the tests assisted the investigation. The tufted plates subjected to short-beam shear tests aided especially in the behavior analysis of tufting density and angle in mode Il loading condition, while impact and compression after impact (CAI) tests on the damage tolerance. Open-hole fatigue tests were also performed to evaluate the tufts response, especially regarding their position to the center hole, to the strain concentration factor generated by the hole. The following part of this work consisted of the mechanical tests on omega stiffened panel reinforced by tufting. The procedure optimized the tufting parameters employed for reinforcing the structures from the previous batch of specimens until reaching an optimal point that the main properties, primarily found in pull-off tests, are equal or superior to those of the control specimens. This improvement also considered the modifications in the shape of the stiffeners. Furthermore, a novel approach based on the piezoresistive effect of carbon tufts under loading of the composite specimens is performed. This may support the monitoring of the health status on the tufted threads and therefore of the composite because of the structural nature of the tufts. The results showed that tufting reinforcements are capable of increasing the interlaminar fracture toughness and damage tolerance of the composites considerably owing mainly to their crack bridging phenomena. The tufting parameters are decisive factors for achieving the best mechanical properties. However, this work reported that tuft threads are also responsible for generating cracks due to the strain concentration and defects caused by their insertion and consequently, can decrease the strength of the composites. The investigation concludes that the random insertion of the tufts is not ideal for the performance of the material and thus must be avoided. The development of the tufting insertion in the omega stiffeners was supported by the multi-instrumented characterization that led to optimizing reinforcement in the structure. Although the study achieved the goal of obtaining mechanical properties significantly superior to the omega panels reinforced by tufting, it is noticeable that the procedure employed is not optimal. The present work also proposes a preliminary finite element model to overcome the costly and time consuming of the experimental tests. It intends primarily optimizing the tufting parameters in the structure. The model developed was capable of predicting the same damage events as observed experimentally, but it still distant from the quantitative predictions of the results. The structural health monitoring of the tufted composite laminates by the carbon threads seems promising and could help in the future for supplying data about the tufts health status under loading that are not achieved by the conventional characterization methods employed in this work.

Caractérisation du collage des interfaces de chaussées par essais de rupture en mode I / Mode I interlaminar fracture characterization of pavements

Gharbi, Maissa 14 November 2018 (has links)
Le remplacement des couches supérieures des chaussées bitumineuses par des couches à module plus élevé est une technique courante pour augmenter leur durée de vie et intéressante pour les adapter à de nouveaux usages. Parmi les solutions de matériaux existantes, le béton de ciment (cas ponctuel de l’urbain) ou plus communément les enrobés bitumineux renforcés par grilles sont utilisés. Savoir dimensionner ces structures multicouches complexes et s’assurer d’un bon collage de leurs couches entre elles restent actuellement deux défis majeurs. L’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser le collage des interfaces enrobés / grille en fibre de verre à partir d’échantillons prélevés sur site réel. Un essai de rupture en mode I, dit essai de fendage par coin (WST) est choisi. La géométrie des éprouvettes est adaptée pour tester la rupture d’interfaces de tels matériaux assemblés sur une surface suffisamment importante pour comporter au moins 3x3 mailles. La technique de corrélation d’images numériques est utilisée pour suivre le décollement et sa propagation. Les essais sont réalisés en statique à vitesse constante de déplacement à l’air ambiant ou sous eau à température contrôlée. L’étude du décollement d’interfaces très résistantes à l’initiation montre la cohérence, simplicité et validité des résultats d’essais WST par rapport à ceux obtenus précédemment en laboratoire (statique, fatigue) et accéléré in situ. Les nombreux tests et différentes analyses des essais WST appliqués aux matériaux du projet ANR SolDuGri permettent de différentier de façon prometteuse la caractérisation du collage des grilles testées. Ils montrent l’intérêt de disposer d’un tel essai de laboratoire. / Replacing the damaged bituminous pavement top-layers by ones with higher modulus is a common technique to extend their service life and an interesting solution to adapt roads to new uses. Among the various existing alternatives, the cement concrete (punctual case of the urban) or the most commonly one which is the reinforcement of bituminous pavement with glass fiber grid are used. Designing those complex multilayer structures and ensuring a good bonding between their layers are currently two major challenges. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the bond at the interface between asphalt layers and glass fiber grid using specimens extracted from actual field pavement. The fracture mode I test, named the Wedge Splitting Test (WST), is chosen. The geometry of the specimens is adapted in order to study the interfacial fracture behaviour of such materials assembled in a surface large enough to obtain a minimum of 3x3 meshes of the tested grids. Digital Image Correlation technique is used to monitor the debonding and its propagation. Tests are conducted under static condition with a constant imposed displacement rate at ambient air or underwater and controlled temperatures. The study of the debonding of interfaces with high resistance for the initiation shows the coherence, the simplicity and the validity of the WST results compared to those obtained previously in laboratory (static, fatigue) andin situ accelerated test. Applied to several materials of the ANR SolDuGri project, the numerous tests and various analyses of the WST allow differentiating with a promising way the bond characterization of the tested grids. They show the benefit of such a laboratory test.

Etude et modélisation du comportement mécanique de panneaux de structure soudés par friction-malaxage (FSW) / Experimental and numerical study of structures welded by Friction Stir Welding (FSW)

Truant, Xavier 05 December 2018 (has links)
Le procédé de soudage par friction malaxage (FSW) entraîne, d’une manière générale, une importante chute de dureté à travers le joint soudé. Dans le but de concevoir des structures aéronautiques soudées par FSW en fatigue, il est nécessaire de connaître l’impact de cette chute de dureté dans le comportement mécanique global de la soudure. Dans ces travaux, l’alliage d’aluminium à durcissement structural 2198-T8 est considéré. Une chaîne de calcul de durée de vie en fatigue d’une structure soudée par FSW est mise en place. Elle intègre un couplage de calculs et d’expériences grâce auxquels le comportement mécanique de la structure est modélisé. Dans un premier temps, le gradient de comportement mécanique de la soudure est étudié. Des essais mécaniques de traction et cycliques sont réalisés à température ambiante. La méthode de corrélation d’images numériques (DIC) est utilisée dans le but de mesurer les champs de déplacements localement dans et au voisinage du joint soudé. À partir des résultats expérimentaux, les paramètres mécaniques d’un modèle de comportement sont identifiés à partir d’un élément de volume, zone par zone à travers le joint soudé. En parallèle, une quantification des précipités durcissants T1 (Al2CuLi) est menée dans différentes zones du joint soudé à l’aide d’un Microscope Electronique en Transmission (MET). Un lien entre l’évolution de la microstructure à travers la soudure et l’évolution des paramètres mécaniques est recherché. Le modèle de comportement mécanique est utilisé sur des calculs de structure utilisant la méthode des éléments finis pour simuler le joint soudé. En parallèle, des essais de fatigue sont réalisés sur des éprouvettes uniaxiales et cruciformes soumises à des chargements uniaxiaux et multiaxiaux. À l’aide des simulations du gradient de comportement mécanique du joint soudé ainsi que des résultats mesurés en fatigue, les paramètres d’un modèle d’endommagement sont identifiés. Ce modèle est utilisé pour prédire les durées de vie en fatigue et les zones d’amorçages de fissure pour une structure soudée soumise à des chargements multiaxiaux. / The Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process generally induces a critical hardness decrease inside the welded joint. To design aeronautical structure welded by FSW in fatigue, it is then necessary to know the impact of this hardness drop on the constitutive behaviour of the junction. In this study, the hardening structural aluminium alloy 2198-T8 is considered.A fatigue lifetime assessment loop of a welded structure is implemented. It integrates a calculations and experiments coupling which is used to model the structure’s mechanical behaviour. The gradient mechanical behaviour of the weldment is initially studied.Monotonic and cyclic mechanical tests are carried out to room temperature. Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is used to measure local displacement fields around the junction. Based on this experimental data, mechanical parameters for a constitutive model are identified on a volume element, zone by zone across the welded joint. In parallel, a quantification of the T1 (Al2CuLi) strengthening precipitates is realized in different region of the joint with a Transmission Electron Microscope. A connection between the microstructure evolution and the mechanical parameters is researched. The gradient mechanical behaviour of the joint is assessed on a 3D structure by Finite Element Analysis. Furthermore, fatigue tests are carried out on uniaxial and multiaxial loadings welded specimen. Thanks to the mechanical behaviour model and the fatigue lifetime measured, a damage model is used to predict the fatigue lifetime and the crack initiation zone for a welded structure which is subjected to higher multiaxial loads.

Contribution à l’étude de la croissance du disque intervertébral et de cartilage de synthèse. / Contribution to the study of intervertebral disk growth and synthetic cartilage.

Dusfour, Gilles 27 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour ambition d'apporter une contribution à l'étude de la croissance du disque intervertébral. Il s'inscrit dans un projet de recherche qui vise à développer de nouveaux outils prédictifs afin d'améliorer le traitement de pathologies liées au phénomène de croissance des cartilages et des fibrocartilages. Un second objectif est d'apporter des éléments de compréhension qui pourraient être utiles pour le développement de techniques novatrices d'ingénierie tissulaire.La première partie expérimentale de ce travail consiste en l'identification de propriétés mécanique quasi-statique de l'annulus fibrosus du disque intervertébral, au travers d'une loi de comportement hyperélastique anisotrope, ainsi que d'un champ de déformations résiduelles présent au sein de l'annulus fibrosus, par le biais d'un outil de corrélation d'images numériques. Cette double identification permet à la fois d'estimer le champ de contrainte in vivo de l'annulus fibrosus, mais aussi d'obtenir une trace historique du processus de croissance qui nous servira de référence dans la suite de l'étude.La prise en compte des déformations résiduelles dans un modèle numérique d'annulus fibrosus a permis de constater l’homogénéisation spatiale des déformations lors de chargements physiologiques. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance de la considération des déformations résiduelles dans l’estimation des déformations et des contraintes subies in vivo par l’annulus fibrosus.De plus, un scénario de croissance de l'annulus fibrosus associé à deux critères mécaniques générateurs de croissance ont aussi été implémentés en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis. Les résultats de cette étude numérique n'ont pas permis de reproduire le champ de déformations résiduelles estimé expérimentalement. Seul le modèle de croissance utilisant un critère mécanique anisotrope prenant en compte la direction des fibres présentes dans l’annulus fibrosus et dans le cas d’un chargement omettant volontairement un chargement vertical sur l’annulus fibrosus a permis de reproduire qualitativement les déformations résiduelles tangentielles mesurées expérimentalement.Afin de compléter la compréhension du phénomène de croissance du cartilage, une étude biomécanique d'un modèle in vitro de cartilage de synthèse a mis en évidence l'impact du facteur de croissance TGF-beta3 sur la rigidité de la matrice extra-cellulaire. Une corrélation forte entre les expressions géniques des cellules de cartilage et les propriétés mécaniques de la matrice extra-cellulaire a été trouvée. Cette corrélation forte entre l’activité cellulaire et la rigidité de la matrice extra-cellulaire, couplée à la difficulté des modèles de croissance actuels uniquement basés sur des critères mécaniques, ouvre d’intéressantes perspectives d’études sur la compréhension du phénomène de croissance sous contrainte mécanique. L'étude approfondie de cet échantillon permettra à terme d'enrichir les modèles de croissance afin de prendre en compte les différents phénomènes physiques présent au sein des tissus biologiques. / This thesis aims to contribute to the study of the intervertebral disc growth. It is a part of a global reasearch program which focuses on the development of new predictive tools to improve treatments related to cartilage and fibrocartilage growth phenomenon pathologies. A second objective is to provide elements of understanding that could be useful for the development of innovative tissue engineering technics.The first experimental part of this work consists in the identification of quasi-static mechanical properties of the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disk, through an anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive law, as well as a residual strains field present within the annulus fibrosus, through a digital image correlation tool. This double identification makes it possible both to estimate the stress field in vivo of the annulus fibrosus, but also to obtain a historical trace of the growth process which will serve us as a reference in the rest of the study.We note the spatial homogenization of the deformations during physiological loadings when residual strains field is take into account in a numerical model of annulus fibrosus. These results underline the importance of the consideration of residual strains in the estimation of the deformations and stresses undergone by the annulus fibrosus.In addition, a growth scenario of the annulus fibrosus associated with two mechanical growth criterias has also been implemented using the finite element method. The results of this numerical study did not make it possible to reproduce the residual strains field estimated experimentally. Only the growth model using an anisotropic mechanical criterion taking into account the fibers direction present in the annulus fibrosus and in the case of a deliberately omitted load in the vertical direction on the annulus fibrosus has made it possible to qualitatively reproduce the tangential residual strains measured experimentally.In order to complete the understanding of cartilage growth, a biomechanical study of a synthetic in vitro cartilage model revealed the impact of the TGF-beta3 growth factor on the extracellular matrix cartilage stiffness. A strong correlation between the cartilage cell gene expressions and the mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix was found. This strong correlation between cellular activity and the rigidity of the extracellular matrix, coupled with the difficulty of the current growth models based solely on mechanical criteria, opens up interesting prospects for studies on the understanding of the phenomenon of growth under mechanical stimulus. In-depth study of this sample will eventually enrich the growth models to take into account the different physical phenomena present in biological tissues.

Développement de méthodes d'intégration des mesures de champs / Methods development for full-field measurement integration

Fazzini, Marina 01 December 2009 (has links)
Les mesures optiques dimensionnelles sont des techniques en plein essor dont la maîtrise et l'exploitation soulèvent encore de nombreuses questions. Pour une meilleure compréhension d'un système de mesure par stéréo-corrélation d'images, des études de caractérisation et d'évaluation de l'erreur de mesure en corrélation à partir d'images synthétiques et en stéréovision à partir d'images réelles ont été réalisées. Les résultats mettent en avant l'influence de plusieurs paramètres : fenêtre de corrélation, déformation et gradient de déformation. La dernière partie de l'étude est consacrée à l'identification de comportements constitutifs à partir des mesures de champs. Deux méthodes sont mises en œuvre : la méthode des champs virtuel pour l'identification des paramètres élastiques d'un matériau et l'identification paramétrique par recalage éléments finis pour le cas des comportements élasto-plastiques. / The optical dimensional measurements are emergent techniques whose control and exploitation still address many questions. For a better understanding of the stereo-correlation measurement systems, studies are made to characterize and assess the digital image correlation measurement error by the way of synthetic images. The stereovision characterization is made using real images. The results highlight the influence of several parameters : subset size, strain and strain gradient. The last part of this study is devoted to the identification of constitutive behaviour law using full-field measurements. Two identification methods are used : the virtual fields method to determine the elastic parameters of a material and the finite element model updating method to identify the elasto-plastic behaviour law.

Desenvolvimento de prensa para conformação superplástica com sistema de controle in situ e tempo real de pressão e de temperatura e com módulo de monitoramento da deformação por correlação digital de imagem. / Press development for superplastic forming with in situ and real time pressure and temperature control system and module with digital image correlation for strain monitoring.

Erick Petta Marinho 14 July 2016 (has links)
Esta tese contempla o desenvolvimento de uma prensa para conformação biaxial superplástica com sistema de controle in situ e real time de pressão e de temperatura, como também um módulo de monitoramento de deformação através da técnica de correlação digital de imagem. A referida prensa é capaz de atingir durante a conformação ótimas condições superplásticas através da instrumentação e do controle dedicado dos parâmetros que caracterizam o processo de conformação fluidoestática biaxial, pressão, temperatura e taxa de deformação. São seis os principais temas abordados e desenvolvidos nessa tese: (a) técnicas, métodos e requisitos da superplasticidade da liga de titânio Ti6Al4V; (b) concepção e construção da prensa que atenda aos requisitos do projeto; (c) instrumentação do ferramental; (d) implementação do sistema de controle; (e) definição e aplicação de metodologia de ensaio superplástico para conformação fluidoestática biaxial e (f) fabricação da peça modelo. A aplicação e desenvolvimento do sistema de controle em expansão fluidoestática biaxial envolve desde a escolha das condições de conformação, determinação do ciclo de pressão, implementação de controles dedicados que atendam aos requisitos de conformação até os métodos de determinação dos coeficientes de interesse (m, n e K). Com tal instrumentação é possível determinar os coeficientes a partir de ensaios biaxiais, ao invés de simplesmente utilizar os coeficientes de ensaios de tração uniaxiais. Realizou-se um ensaio superplástico fluidoestático biaxial de chapas de liga de Ti6AL4V controlado em torno de sua condição ótima. Em suma sobre o controle, o sistema de controle térmico minimiza o intervalo de tempo de estabilização da temperatura, sem sobressinal, reduzindo o tempo de exposição do material superplástico a altas temperaturas; o sistema de controle de pressão aplica um ciclo de pressurização que é responsável por realizar a conformação de forma que resulte em uma taxa de deformação específica que represente a condição de maior índice de sensibilidade a taxa de deformação, assim se caracteriza como ponto ótimo do processo. Os principais resultados são o Ferramental instrumentado e controlado para realização de conformação superplástica em atmosfera controlada e os sistemas de controle de temperatura, pressão e deformação, validados e testados de forma integrada em ensaios de conformação superplástica / This thesis contemplates the full development of a superplastic biaxial forming Press which contains an in situ and real time pressure and temperature control systems, as well as a deformation monitoring module that applies digital image correlation technique. The Press can achieve optimum superplastic forming conditions supported by dedicated instrumentation and control of the parameters that characterize the superplastic forming process; these parameters are pressure, temperature and strain rate. Six main topics are discussed: (a) techniques, methods and Ti6Al4V alloy superplastic requirements; (b) design and construction of the press that meets the project requirements; (c) Press instrumentation; (d) control system implementation; (e) definition and implementation of a new superplastic test methodology for bulge test and (f) a part model manufacturing. The application and development of the control system in biaxial forming process involves the selection of forming conditions, pressure cycle determination, implementation of dedicated controls that meet the forming requirements, besides methods for calculating important coefficients (m, n K). With the referred instrumentation, it is possible to determine these coefficients from biaxial tests, rather than simply using the uniaxial tensile tests coefficients. A Ti6Al4V alloy fluid static superplastic biaxial test was conducted, controlled around its optimum condition. Summarizing the control system, the thermal control system minimizes the stabilization temperature time, avoiding temperature overshooting, reducing the material time exposure at superplastic temperatures. The pressure control system applies a pressurization cycle, responsible for conducting the forming process, to achieve a specific strain rate. This represents the condition of maximum strain rate sensitivity, thus characterized as optimal process point. The main results are the instrumented and controlled superplastic biaxial forming Press efficient to conduct superplastic forming in a controlled atmosphere, and temperature, pressure and deformation control systems validated and tested in an integrated Superplastic forming tests.

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