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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Serious auralizations / Auralisations sérieuses

Postma, Barteld 28 April 2017 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, la présence des auralisations dans l’acoustique architecturale et la réalité virtuelle est devenue de plus en plus importante. De nombreuses applications en découlent, telles que les explorations de la réalité virtuelle multimodale ou les études de l’influence acoustique des rénovations et la recherche historique. Malgré ces nombreux cas d’utilisation, peu d’études scientifiques ont été réalisées sur le sujet. L’objectif de cette thèse était donc d’examiner l’utilisation d’auralisations acoustiques de salles, basées sur l’acoustique géométrique (GA) comme outil scientifique et visant à aider à la création d’auralisations historiquement exactes plus écologiquement valables. Déjà dans les années 1930 les premières tentatives ont été entreprises pour rendre audible (de manière imaginaire) les champs sonores. Les développements au cours des 80 dernières années ont conduit à des améliorations significatives des auralisations. Aujourd’hui, si l’on veut créer des auralisations, l’enregistrement anéchoïque réalisé préalablement doit être convolué avec une réponse impulsionnelle ambiante, mesurée ou simulée (RIR). Les logiciels GA sont souvent utilisés pour calculer numériquement la RIR de géométries compliquées. Les méthodes basées sur les ondes sont gourmandes en calcul, nécessitant des modèles géométriques complexes et des données d’entrée complexes. Cette thèse vise à améliorer la qualité des auralisations entièrement calculées. À cette fin, on a étudié l’étalonnage des modèles acoustiques des salles et l’inclusion de la directivité vocale dynamique. Des mesures acoustiques de la pièce ont été réalisées dans quatre salles et des modèles d’acoustique géométrique ont été créés des mêmes espaces. Une procédure méthodique de calibration du modèle a été proposée, réalisée dans les quatre salles, et validée au préalable par comparaison d’estimation de paramètres. Des tests d’écoute subjectifs comparant des auralisations mesurée set simulées pour trois espaces différents ont révélé que les auralisations étaient également perçues pour huit attributs acoustiques évalués. Par la suite, un cadre permettant d’inclure la directivité vocale dynamique a été présenté. Les résultats des tests d’écoute ont montré des différences perceptuelles entre la directivité vocale dynamique et la directivité de source statique pour la plausibilité, l’enveloppement de l’auralisation ainsi que la largeur perçue de la source. L’amélioration de la validité écologique des auralisations a permis d’étudier l’influence des visualisations sur l’expérience acoustique, avec un degré de confiance raisonnable que les effets perçus sont également applicables dans des situations réelles. À cet effet, un cadre a été établi qui a permis des évaluations multimodales de pièces de théâtre et de concerts. Les résultats d’un test d’écoute multi-modal présentant une scène cohérente visuelle-sonore ont confirmé les différences perceptuelles entre les auralisations de directivité vocale dynamique et statique. Dans ce même cadre, un second test d’écoute comparant des scènes visuelles/sonores incohérentes è cohérentes, indiquait qu’avec une distance source-récepteur accrue, les auralisations sont perçues acoustiquement plus éloignées et plus élevée. / Over recent decades, auralizations have become more prevalent in architectural acoustics and virtual reality. Auralizations have numerous use-cases such as multi-modal virtual reality explorations, studies of the acoustical influence of renovations, and historic research. Despite their numerous use-cases, they rarely have been part of scientific studies. Therefore, the goal of this thesis was to examine the use of room acoustical auralizations based on geometrical acoustics (GA) as a scientific tool and aimed to aid in the creation of more ecologically valid historically accurate auralizations. Already in the 1930s first attempts were undertaken to render audible (imaginary) sound fields. Developments over the last 80 years have led to significant improvements of auralizations. Today, if one wishes to create auralizations, generally anechoic recording need to be convolved with either a measured or simulated room impulse response (RIR). GA software are often employed to numerically compute the RIR of complicated geometries. Wave-based methods are computationally intensive, requiring complex geometrical models and complex input data. This thesis aims to enhance the quality of fully computed auralizations. For this purpose the calibration of room acoustical models and the inclusion of dynamic voice directivity were studied. Room acoustical measurements were carried out in four rooms and geometrical acoustics models were created of the same spaces. A methodical calibration procedure was proposed, carried out in the four rooms, and first validated by means of parameter estimation comparison. Subjective listening tests which compared measured and simulated auralizations for three spaces found that the auralizations were equally perceived for 8 tested acoustical attributes. Subsequently, a framework was presented which enabled the inclusion of dynamic voice directivity. The results of listening tests indicated that perceptual differences between dynamic voice directivity and regular static source ordinations in plausibility and envelopment of the auralization as well as perceived width of the source. With the improved ecological validity of the auralizations it was possible to study the influence of visualizations on the acoustical experience, with a reasonable degree of confidence that perceived effects are also applicable in real-life situations. For this purpose, a framework was established which enabled multi-model assessments of theater plays and concerts. Results of a visual-aural coherent multi-modal listening test confirmed the perceptual differences between dynamic and static voice directivity auralizations. A second listening test employing this framework which compared incoherent to coherent aural-visual cues indicated that with increased visual source-receiver distance auralizations are perceived acoustically more distant and louder.

Advanced Beam Forming by Synthesizing Spherical Waves for Progressive Microwave Power Transmission / 先進的マイクロ波電力伝送に向けた球面波合成による高度ビーム形成

Matsumuro, Takayuki 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第20377号 / 工博第4314号 / 新制||工||1668(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 篠原 真毅, 教授 和田 修己, 教授 大村 善治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Analysis of radio surveillance in search of missing persons - An empirical study of Bluetooth Low Energy and Wi-Fi characteristics

Fredriksson, Mikael January 2022 (has links)
Development of technical and methodological support has been identified as a key area for future research and development within the search and rescue (SAR) of missing persons in Sweden. Previous studies have demonstrated the feasibility of using Wi-Fi signals to locate a missing person, and also developed hardware and software for SAR systems based around Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). This thesis empirically studies the actual transmission behaviour of three non-connected smartphones over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), under the assumption that a missing person could be carrying a smartphone with them. Furthermore, the thesis studies the range of relatively low-cost off-the-shelf Wi-Fi and BLE devices in a “best-case” scenario with free line-of-sight and a slightly elevated transmitter. Finally, the thesis studies how antennas and other factors impact range. The results show that all of the tested smartphones transmit so called Wi-Fi probe packets when Wi-Fi is enabled. Though, these probes are, in most cases, transmitted during short events separated by intervals of 5 to 9 minutes, depending on the smartphone. Furthermore, in most cases only a few packets are transmitted in each event. The interval lengths and scarce packets imply significant limitations to the usability of Wi-Fi in SAR. BLE broadcast transmissions, on the other hand, require that some kind of advertising service is enabled, but are transmitted at least every 10.5 seconds, due to the strict regulation in the Bluetooth standard. This was also demonstrated with the studied iPhone that continuously transmitted BLE packets every two seconds. Roughly 60 % of the smartphones in use in Sweden today are Apple devices, thus a significant portion of all the smartphones in use are likely to be detectable via BLE within brief time intervals. In the tested “best-case” scenario with free line-of-sight and a slightly elevated transmitter, at least 80 % of the transmitted Wi-Fi probes are detected up to 500-600 meters with a maximum range, with sparsely detected packets, of up to about 700 meters. Correspondingly, at least 80 % of the BLE advertisements are detected up to 60-110 meters with occasional packets detected up to a maximum range of approximately 210 meters. However, the ranges for both Wi-Fi and BLE are highly dependent on the receiving device. In addition to the receiver device and standard, it is found that the transmission power and antenna directivity of the transmitter have a potentially substantial impact on the range with a possible combined difference in directed transmitted power of up to 49 dB. This corresponds to the difference between a strong signal and no detected signal at all. In summary, there are clear differences between the properties of BLE and Wi-Fi, both in terms of range and how different devices transmit broadcast packets (transmission behaviour), resulting in both having advantages and disadvantages in SAR applications. There are also a number of factors on the transmitter and receiver devices that could have considerable impact on the possibility of detecting a device. Concludingly, both BLE and Wi-Fi could fill a role in SAR of missing persons, but both also have major drawbacks that are severely limiting their possible use. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Capturing and Modeling a Three-Dimensional Stationary Noise Source Directivity Pattern with a Dynamic Array in the Near Field

Mieskoski, Randy January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Acoustic Prediction Methods for Rocket Flame Deflector Design

RANOW, FREDRIK January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the project behind this report is to gain an understanding for the design criteria of launch pad flame deflectors used for launching rockets. This report presents an overview of the underlying phenomena, and then tackles the issue of estimating noise levels that come about during lift-off. Semi-empirical methods are used to accomplish this, and the same basic processes as those presented in a 1971 NASA report are used. The underlying assumptions and approximations used in this report are analysed, and a number of modifications are suggested. The results of these modifications are presented in comparison to the original model as well as data taken from the Ares I-X launch. It is found that the suggested methodology tends to overpredict where the SP-8072 method underpredicts, and that additional considerations regarding launch pad structure and water attenuation will need to be included for a more detailed understanding. Furthermore, the topic of acoustic reflectivity is investigated. It is demonstrated that this aspect is heavily dependent on the dimensions of the flame duct immediately downstream of the nozzle, and that further development is warranted. / Målet med detta projekt är att öka förståelsen för flamdeflektorer och vad som avgör utformningen av dessa. Rapporten presenterar en översikt av de fenomen och mekanismer som alstrar ljud, och fokuserar sedan på att beskriva hur dessa ljudnivåer uppskattas. Semi-empiriska metoder används, och de processer som presenteras i en NASA-rapport från 1971 tillämpas. De antaganden och approximationer som används i denna analyseras, och en rad ändringar föreslås. Resultaten från dessa ändringar presenteras tillsammans med den oförändrade modellen tillsammans med uppmätt data från uppskjutningen av Ares I-X. Den föreslagna modellen visar sig överuppskatta där den oförändrade tenderar att underuppskatta. Ytterligare aspekter gällande uppskjutningsplattformens geometri samt den dämpande effekten vatten har behöver iakttas för en mer detaljerad modell. Akustisk reflektivitet och dess ljudbidrag undersöks. Det visas att denna aspekt beror starkt på dimensionerna för avgaskanalen direkt nedströms från dysan. Det finns därmed anledning för vidareutveckling av denna modell.

Génération d'accélérogrammes synthétiques large-bande : contribution à l’estimation de l’aléa sismique par validation d’approches en aveugle / Generation of broadband synthetic accelerograms : contribution to seismic hazard assessment by validation of blind approaches

Honoré-Foundotos, Laëtitia 10 July 2013 (has links)
L’une des problématique scientifique majeure en sismologie est de pouvoir estimer les mouvements du sol attendus en un site pour un futur séisme. L’objectif de cette thèse est de tester et de valider deux méthodes de simulation des mouvements du sol basées sur l’approche des fonctions de Green empiriques et d’apporter des éléments pouvant aider au développement d’une méthodologie de simulation en aveugle. Dans une première partie, une méthode de simulation basée sur une approche stochastique en point-source est validée sur les données réelles de séismes récents bien instrumentés : le séisme des Saintes Mw6.4 et le séisme de L’Aquila Mw6.3. Nous avons développé une approche de simulation en aveugle en prenant en compte une incertitude sur le paramètre de rapport des chutes de contrainte C. Cette approche permet de générer un ensemble d’accélérogrammes synthétiques d’un séisme cible suffisamment variés pour être représentatifs d’un grand nombre de scénarios de sources possibles et prenant en compte dans un sens statistique de potentiels effets de directivité. Cette approche a également été appliquée à la simulation d’un séisme historique pyrénéen Mw6.1. Dans une seconde partie, nous nous appuyons sur un modèle de source étendue plus complexe, combinant des modèles cinématiques de sources composites fractales avec l’approche des FGEs. Le potentiel de la méthode est testé sur une application au séisme de L’Aquila. Cela a permis de produire des résultats très satisfaisants sur l’ensemble des paramètres des mouvements du sol analysés. Cette méthode de simulation apparaît comme étant très prometteuse pour la mise en œuvre d’une méthodologie de simulation en aveugle, même si la principale difficulté réside dans la nécessité de définir la variabilité de nombreux paramètres d’entrée mal connus dans le cadre de la simulation d’un futur séisme. / One of the major scientific problems in seismology is to estimate the ground motions expected at a given site from a future earthquake. The aim of this thesis is to test and validate two different methods of ground motions simulation based on the empirical Green’s function approach and to provide elements that can help to develop a blind simulation methodology. In a first part, a simulation method based on a stochastic point source approach is validated on the real data of recent earthquakes well instrumented : the Les Saintes earthquake Mw6.4 and the L’Aquila earthquake Mw6.3. We have developed a blind simulation approach by taking into account an uncertainty on the parameter of stress drop ratio C. This approach allows to generate a set of synthetic accelerograms of a target earthquake varied enough to be representative of a large number of possible source scenario and taking into account in a statistical sense potential directivity effects. This approach is also applied to the simulation of an historical Pyrenean earthquake Mw6.1. In a second part, we use a more complex extended source model, combining kinematic models of fractal composite sources with EGF approach. The potential of the method is tested on an application to L’Aquila earthquake. This has produced very satisfying results on all ground motion parameters analyzed. This simulation method appears to be very promising for the implementation of a blind simulation methodology, even if the main difficulty lies in the need to define the variability of many poorly known input parameters in the simulation of a future earthquake.

Berechnung der Schallausbreitung in transversalisotropen Werkstoffen zur Festlegung optimaler Parameter für die Ultraschallprüfung mit Gruppenstrahlern durch Einführung einer vierdimensionalen Punktrichtwirkung / Modelling of the sound propagation in transversely isotropic materials for the determination of optimised parameters for the ultrasonic testing with phased arrays by introduction of a four-dimensional directivity pattern

Völz, Uwe 19 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die zerstörungsfreie Ultraschallprüfung von akustisch anisotropen Werkstoffen stellt auch heute noch eine Herausforderung dar. Die Gefügestruktur in solchen Materialien beeinflusst die Wellenausbreitung derart, dass es zum einen zu starken Streuungen durch die großflächigen Korngrenzen und zum anderen, aufgrund der akustischen Anisotropie, zu einer Richtungsabhängigkeit der Schallgeschwindigkeiten kommt. In den vergangenen Jahren wurden bereits Lösungsansätze zur mathematischen Modellierung der Schallausbreitung in anisotropen Materialien vorgestellt. Diese basieren in der Regel auf FEM- bzw. FIT- Algorithmen, die durch die Diskretisierung des gesamten Volumens einen hohen Rechenaufwand erfordern und in der täglichen Prüfpraxis aufgrund ihrer Komplexität bei der Parametrierung nur bedingt einsetzbar sind. Aus diesem Grund wird hier ein Ansatz zur Schallfeldberechnung gewählt, der auf die praktische Anwendung von Gruppenstrahler-Prüfköpfen zugeschnitten ist. Während sich andere Verfahren auf einzelne Wellenanteile und monofrequente Lösungen beschränken, um den Rechenaufwand zu reduzieren, können mit diesem Ansatz die reale Signalform des Prüfkopfes sowie alle auftretenden Wellenanteile in homogenen transversalisotropen Medien berücksichtigt werden. Durch entsprechende Optimierungen im Berechnungsalgorithmus lässt sich das gesamte vierdimensionale Schallfeld eines Gruppenstrahler-Prüfkopfes im Halbraum in kürzester Zeit berechnen. Die analytische Lösung der Wellengleichung für den Halbraum in Form einer Greenschen Funktion wird dabei in eine Gleichung umgeformt, die hier als vierdimensionale Punktrichtwirkung bezeichnet wird. Dieser Modellansatz ermöglicht es, die Parameter eines Gruppenstrahlersystems in der praktischen Anwendung zu überprüfen und durch iterative Rechnungen zu optimieren. Mit Hilfe einer einfach zu handhabenden Visualisierungstechnik ist es möglich diesen Modellansatz mit realen Schallfeldmessungen zu vergleichen. Dazu werden mit elektrodynamischen Sonden die einzelnen Komponenten des dreidimensionalen Vektors der Teilchenverschiebung an der Oberfläche von Festkörpern abgetastet. Die an den Messpunkten ermittelten Zeitfunktionen des Verschiebungsvektors werden dann dem berechneten Zeitverlauf der Wellenausbreitung gegenübergestellt. Die berechneten und gemessenen Schallfelder stimmen in der Phasenlage und im Amplitudenverlauf gut überein. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mit dem verwendeten Rechenmodell alle in der Realität auftretenden Wellenanteile vollständig berücksichtigt werden und dreidimensionale Problemstellungen aus der Praxis mit diesem Modell korrekt berechnet werden können. / The non-destructive ultrasonic testing of acoustic anisotropic materials is an important challenge. The texture of these materials causes a strong scattering of the sound wave by the extensive grain boundaries and a direction dependent sound velocity by the acoustic anisotropy. Several approaches for the modelling of the sound propagation in anisotropic materials were presented in the last years. These approaches are normally based on FEM or FIT algorithms using a discretisation of the complete volume. Their calculation needs extensive time and a very complex parameterisation. Thus these algorithms are not suitable in practice of ultrasonic testing. In this work an approach is presented that is optimised for the application of phased array transducers. The new approach considers the real frequency spectrum of the transducer as well as all occurring wave modes in homogeneous transversely isotropic media, whereas other approaches are limited to solutions for single wave modes and single frequencies to reduce the calculation effort. The appropriate optimisations of the mathematical algorithm allow the fast calculation of the complete four-dimensional transient wave field of a phased array transducer in the half-space. The Green’s functions are derived by an analytical solution of the elastodynamic wave equation for the half-space. These functions will be transformed into an equation which will be referred to in this work as four-dimensional directivity pattern. This approach allows the verification of the parameters of a phased array system and their optimisation by iterative calculations in the practical application. To get accurate results in these calculations, the experimental verification of the applied mathematical model for the wave propagation is an essential task. The technique presented in this work applies electrodynamic probes, which provides a simple use. The probes can detect the particle displacement at a solid surface in all three spatial directions. The measured time-functions of the wave field will be compared with the calculated time-functions. They show a good accordance in the phase and the amplitude. This confirms that the applied mathematical model considers completely all in practice occurring wave modes. The results further show that three-dimensional problems in practice can be calculated correctly with this model.

Tvarování přijímací charakteristiky mikrofonních polí / Beamforming using microphone arrays

Bartoň, Zdeněk January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is to sum up theoretical information about beamforming methods of microphone arrays and to verify their functionality. At the beginning of this work there are simulated different varietes of linear uniform and nonuniform microphone arrays and circular arrays. The results are verificated by a practical measurement in ideal conditions. Then I will focuse on implementation of the DAS(Delay And Sum), SAB(Sub Array Beamforming), CDB(Constant Directivity Beamforming), CDB-CA(CDB-Circular Arrays) beamformer including theoretical and practical verification of the functionality in ideal conditions. At the end of this thesis are all beamforming methods compared with each other at SNR(signal to Noise Ratio) and directivity parameters.

Berechnung der Schallausbreitung in transversalisotropen Werkstoffen zur Festlegung optimaler Parameter für die Ultraschallprüfung mit Gruppenstrahlern durch Einführung einer vierdimensionalen Punktrichtwirkung

Völz, Uwe 07 November 2014 (has links)
Die zerstörungsfreie Ultraschallprüfung von akustisch anisotropen Werkstoffen stellt auch heute noch eine Herausforderung dar. Die Gefügestruktur in solchen Materialien beeinflusst die Wellenausbreitung derart, dass es zum einen zu starken Streuungen durch die großflächigen Korngrenzen und zum anderen, aufgrund der akustischen Anisotropie, zu einer Richtungsabhängigkeit der Schallgeschwindigkeiten kommt. In den vergangenen Jahren wurden bereits Lösungsansätze zur mathematischen Modellierung der Schallausbreitung in anisotropen Materialien vorgestellt. Diese basieren in der Regel auf FEM- bzw. FIT- Algorithmen, die durch die Diskretisierung des gesamten Volumens einen hohen Rechenaufwand erfordern und in der täglichen Prüfpraxis aufgrund ihrer Komplexität bei der Parametrierung nur bedingt einsetzbar sind. Aus diesem Grund wird hier ein Ansatz zur Schallfeldberechnung gewählt, der auf die praktische Anwendung von Gruppenstrahler-Prüfköpfen zugeschnitten ist. Während sich andere Verfahren auf einzelne Wellenanteile und monofrequente Lösungen beschränken, um den Rechenaufwand zu reduzieren, können mit diesem Ansatz die reale Signalform des Prüfkopfes sowie alle auftretenden Wellenanteile in homogenen transversalisotropen Medien berücksichtigt werden. Durch entsprechende Optimierungen im Berechnungsalgorithmus lässt sich das gesamte vierdimensionale Schallfeld eines Gruppenstrahler-Prüfkopfes im Halbraum in kürzester Zeit berechnen. Die analytische Lösung der Wellengleichung für den Halbraum in Form einer Greenschen Funktion wird dabei in eine Gleichung umgeformt, die hier als vierdimensionale Punktrichtwirkung bezeichnet wird. Dieser Modellansatz ermöglicht es, die Parameter eines Gruppenstrahlersystems in der praktischen Anwendung zu überprüfen und durch iterative Rechnungen zu optimieren. Mit Hilfe einer einfach zu handhabenden Visualisierungstechnik ist es möglich diesen Modellansatz mit realen Schallfeldmessungen zu vergleichen. Dazu werden mit elektrodynamischen Sonden die einzelnen Komponenten des dreidimensionalen Vektors der Teilchenverschiebung an der Oberfläche von Festkörpern abgetastet. Die an den Messpunkten ermittelten Zeitfunktionen des Verschiebungsvektors werden dann dem berechneten Zeitverlauf der Wellenausbreitung gegenübergestellt. Die berechneten und gemessenen Schallfelder stimmen in der Phasenlage und im Amplitudenverlauf gut überein. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass mit dem verwendeten Rechenmodell alle in der Realität auftretenden Wellenanteile vollständig berücksichtigt werden und dreidimensionale Problemstellungen aus der Praxis mit diesem Modell korrekt berechnet werden können. / The non-destructive ultrasonic testing of acoustic anisotropic materials is an important challenge. The texture of these materials causes a strong scattering of the sound wave by the extensive grain boundaries and a direction dependent sound velocity by the acoustic anisotropy. Several approaches for the modelling of the sound propagation in anisotropic materials were presented in the last years. These approaches are normally based on FEM or FIT algorithms using a discretisation of the complete volume. Their calculation needs extensive time and a very complex parameterisation. Thus these algorithms are not suitable in practice of ultrasonic testing. In this work an approach is presented that is optimised for the application of phased array transducers. The new approach considers the real frequency spectrum of the transducer as well as all occurring wave modes in homogeneous transversely isotropic media, whereas other approaches are limited to solutions for single wave modes and single frequencies to reduce the calculation effort. The appropriate optimisations of the mathematical algorithm allow the fast calculation of the complete four-dimensional transient wave field of a phased array transducer in the half-space. The Green’s functions are derived by an analytical solution of the elastodynamic wave equation for the half-space. These functions will be transformed into an equation which will be referred to in this work as four-dimensional directivity pattern. This approach allows the verification of the parameters of a phased array system and their optimisation by iterative calculations in the practical application. To get accurate results in these calculations, the experimental verification of the applied mathematical model for the wave propagation is an essential task. The technique presented in this work applies electrodynamic probes, which provides a simple use. The probes can detect the particle displacement at a solid surface in all three spatial directions. The measured time-functions of the wave field will be compared with the calculated time-functions. They show a good accordance in the phase and the amplitude. This confirms that the applied mathematical model considers completely all in practice occurring wave modes. The results further show that three-dimensional problems in practice can be calculated correctly with this model.

Modeling Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Electrically Large Structures

Wallace, Jon 29 July 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Existing unified numerical electromagnetic methods are often unable to analyze electrically large structures due to the amount of memory and processing power required, necessitating approximate analyses with limited applicability. In this research a hybrid modeling methodology is adopted to solve these complex problems more efficiently than unified numerical methods and more accurately than analytical methods. Electromagnetic modeling problems are divided into two or more levels of scale. Each level analyzes a specific level of detail and only promotes the required information to the next level. The method is demonstrated by successful application to three important problems: (1) remote sensing of snow, (2) modeling an optical Bragg resonator, and (3) modeling the MIMO wireless channel. First, complex snow media is analyzed with a hybrid FDTD/radiative transfer model. FDTD is used to compute phase matrices and extinction coefficients required for radiative transfer. Comparison with exact analytical methods proves the validity of the FDTD method for modest domain sizes ([5λ^3]) and number of Monte Carlo realizations (32). The method is used to illustrate a penetrating sphere model, which is not possible with existing analysis techniques. Backscatter from the resulting model is about 3 times higher than that of existing dense-medium theories, underlying the importance of exact characterization of the media. Second, a hybrid FD/FDTD/S-parameter analysis is developed to model a large (10^4 section) optical Bragg resonator: a simple FD method computes propagation constants and field profiles, FDTD analysis provides reflection and transmission coefficients for the single section, and S-parameter analysis combines the sections to obtain the complete device response. A detailed study on error suggests that the method provides better than 2% accuracy in reflection and transmission response. Third, a hybrid electromagnetic/SVA model is developed to study the indoor MIMO wireless channel. A MIMO measurement platform is discussed for simultaneous probing of up to 16 transmit and receive antennas, which was required to assess the validity of later modeling. FDTD or MOM antenna analysis coupled with the SVA model gives capacity predictions which match measured data. The model is used to explore the impact of antenna spacing, directivity, and polarization on channel capacity. Closely spaced antennas lead to an approximate halving of receive power. Directivity effectively doubles receive power for aligned transmit and receive. Dual polarization increases system capacity anywhere from 10% to 70%, depending on the spacing of elements and the amount of multipath richness. This analysis of MIMO systems underlines the need for models that describe both multipath richness and average receive power.

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