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Obchodní model podniku v éře Průmyslu 4.0 / Business model in the era of Industry 4.0Nohejl, Vít January 2017 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is the current trend of automation and increasing digitalization of wide range of processes. This trend brings about a revolution in manufacturing technologies, but also has its challenges that influence the labor market. The thesis introduces the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) and provides the most important information for its understanding. It also allows to understand the specific characteristics of business models in the digital society and it clarifies the theory of maturity models. These serve as a basis for assessing the company's level of maturity in relation to Industry 4.0. The next section contains a proposal for improvement of the business model in food manufacturing company. For this purpose, the production process and related processes are analysed and the current situation is evaluated according to the Industry 4.0 requirements. Based on this evaluation, the problematic areas are selected and their specific improvements are proposed. In addition, the work includes a proposal of specific steps that a company must take to be prepared and take advantage of the era of Industry 4.0.
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Optimalizace výrobního procesu ve společnosti ADC Czech Republic s.r.o / Optimization of production process at ADC Czech Republic s.r.oCháma, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the optimization of production process at ADC Czech Republic s.r.o. Primarily, the method of Lean Six Sigma is used. The first part has a form of the literary study where individual methods used within the company are described. These are further applied in the practical part. The second part presents a brief introduction of the company including the production portfolio. The last part focuses on the practical solution of particular problems of two packaging lines aiming to increase the utilization. In the thesis, the DMAIC improvement cycle is employed.
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organizations, these days, need to keep striving for constant innovation.
Customers have a massive impact on the performance of an organization, so
industries need to have solid customer retention strategies. Various big data
analytics methodologies are being used by organizations to improve overall
online customer experience. While there are multiple techniques available, this
research study utilized and tested a framework proposed by Laux et al. (2017),
which combines Big Data and Six Sigma methodologies, to the e-commerce domain
for identification of issues faced by the customer; this was done by analyzing
online product reviews and ratings of customers to provide improvement
strategies for enhancing customer experience. </p>
<p>Analysis performed
on the data showed that approximately 90% of the customer reviews had positive
polarity. Among the factors which were identified to have affected the opinions
of the customers, the Rating field had the most impact on the sentiments of the
users and it was found to be statistically significant. Upon further analysis of
reviews with lower rating, the results attained showed that the major issues
faced by customers were related to the product itself; most issues were more
specifically about the size/fit of the product, followed by the product
quality, material used, how the product looked on the online portal versus how
it looked in reality, and its price concerning the quality.</p>
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Digitalizing the workplace: improving internal processes using digital services : A process improvement by digitalization, emphasizing chosen quality factors / Digitalisering av arbetsplatsen: förbättring av interna processer med hjälp av digitala tjänsterBäckström, Madeleine, Silversved, Nicklas January 2021 (has links)
In recent years, the number of digital services and tools available has increased rapidly. When companies want to digitalize their business, they have the opportunity to browse a large number of existing platforms and applications available on the market to find a good match for their specific needs. However, when a company wishes to digitalize a work task that already has a well-established workflow, problems may arise. Due to this, a tailored digital solution may in some cases be the better suited option, rather than the ones available on the market. The intention of this work was to investigate the challenges that companies face in relation to digitalization of the workplace in general, and the challenges of a company’s expense management process in particular. As an example of how a workplace digitalization can take place, a collaboration with a forest industry company was conducted. An evaluation of their analog and internal expense management process was done, where the found challenges were assessed with respect to chosen quality factors. The evaluation and the found challenges regarding digitalization constituted the basis for a process mapping and a digital solution aiming to improve the company’s expense management process. The resulting work emphasizes how a digital solution can be tailored with simple means within a limited time frame, taking specific needs and existing challenges into account in order to digitalize the workplace. In addition, the work presents what challenges that exists within the concept of digitalizing the workplace and regarding expense management, and how quality factors can be used in combination with a process improvement in order to relieve and eliminate them.
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Lastning till leverans, vad kan gå fel? : En fallstudie av kvalitetsbristkostnader och leveranssäkerhet hos Martin & Servera Logistik i UmeåTörnblom Johansson, Joel January 2021 (has links)
För att kunna vara konkurrenskraftig är en hög leveranssäkerhet viktigt för många företag. Leveranssäkerhet är extra viktigt för logistikföretag därför att leverera i rätt tid och till rätt kvalitet utgör deras kärnverksamhet. Kunder kräver även hög leveranssäkerhet när de väljer sina leverantörer, vilket innebär att leveranssäkerhet blir ett krav för att ett företag ska anses som ett alternativ för kunden. Martin & Servera Logistik är ett logistikföretag inom livsmedelsbranschen och hanterar cirka 6000 leveranser varje dag. De arbetar kontinuerligt med att förbättra sin leveranssäkerhet, vilket mäts i antal kundreklamationer. En del av dessa reklamationer uppstår på grund av avvikelser i transportprocessen, vilket leder till kvalitetsbristkostnader i form av returer och omarbeten. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda problem och brister som kan uppstå i transportprocesser hos logistikföretag, specifikt inom livsmedelsbranschen. Studien syftar även till att ge exempel på förbättringar som kan implementeras för att höja leveranssäkerheten och minska kvalitetsbristkostnader. För att uppnå syftet har en fallstudie genomförts hos Martin & Servera Logistik. Studien har bedrivits som ett Sex-Sigma projekt där problemlösningsmetoden DMAIC har använts. Akronymen DMAIC står för Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve och Control. Projektet har inneburit analys av både kvantitativa och kvalitativa data. En litteraturstudie har genomförts för att förklara sambandet mellan leveranssäkerhet och kvalitetsbristkostnader och hur dessa kan påverkas med hjälp av processutveckling. Insamling av data har gjorts genom intervjuer och en fokusgrupp. Analys har genomförts med hjälp av metoder inom statistisk processtyrning, processkartläggning, och tematisk analys av intervjuer. Från studien framkom att de vanligaste kvalitetsbristerna som uppstår i en transportprocess är olika former av transportskador samt att varor saknas vid leverans. Bland de vanligaste orsakerna till kvalitetsbrister som identifierades fanns feltemperering, krosskador och felplacerat gods. Exempel på förbättringsåtgärder för att höja leveranssäkerheten är att koppla orsakklassificeringar till specifika processaktiviteter, till exempel i ett avvikelsehanteringssystem. Utifrån studiens resultat kan det konstaterats att minskade kvalitetsbristkostnader kan utgöra ett mått på ökad leveranssäkerhet, vilket kan uppnås genom kontinuerligt arbete med processutveckling. Baserat på tidigare studier kan det även konstateras att leveranssäkerhet kan bidra till minskat slöseri i transportprocesser och på så vis bidra till hållbar utveckling. Kravet på leveranssäkerhet för att förbli konkurrenskraftig kan därigenom användas som incitament för att utveckla företagets processer. Detta kan göras i syfte att minska kostnader, öka kundtillfredsställelse och bidra till hållbar utveckling.
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Η πολιτική ποιότητας 6-σίγμα σε βιομηχανικές επιχειρήσειςΚορδερά, Στυλιανή 06 November 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός αυτής της εργασίας είναι να παρουσιάσει την έννοια της πολιτικής ποιότητας «6 Σίγμα» και να αναπτύξει ένα εργαλείο μέτρησης, ένα ερωτηματολόγιο για αυτή. Να εντοπίσει τα κενά που υπάρχουν στην ήδη υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία σχετικά με αυτή την έννοια καθώς και να παραθέσει κάποιες προτάσεις για μελλοντικές έρευνες. Τέλος σκοπός της είναι να παρουσιάσει το προφίλ των ελληνικών μεταποιητικών – βιομηχανικών επιχειρήσεων στις οποίες πρόκειται να στοχεύσει το παρόν ερωτηματολόγιο.
Μεθοδολογία/προσέγγιση: στην παρούσα εργασία αναπτύσσεται η θεωρία σχετικά με την εφαρμογή της πολιτικής ποιότητας «6 Σίγμα» στις μεταποιητικές επιχειρήσεις. Η συλλογή των στοιχείων έγινε με βάση τη βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση και οι λέξεις κλειδιά που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν ήταν: six sigma, critical success factors of six sigma, barriers of six sigma, benefits of six sigma, problem areas of six sigma, lean six sigma, reasons for implementing and not implementing, tools and techniques used by companies, factors for measuring six sigma management activities, και methodology DMAIC. Στα πλαίσια αυτής της εργασίας δημιουργήθηκε ένα δομημένο ερευνητικό ερωτηματολόγιο το οποίο έχει να κάνει με την πολιτική ποιότητας «6 Σίγμα» στις ελληνικές μεταποιητικές – βιομηχανικές επιχειρήσεις.
Συμπεράσματα: μετά τη μελέτη αρκετών παρόμοιων ερευνών που έγιναν πάνω στην πολιτική ποιότητας «6 Σίγμα», καταλήγουμε στο συμπέρασμα ότι το παρόν ερωτηματολόγιο θα απευθυνθεί σε επιχειρήσεις που έχουν κάποια εμπειρία στην πολιτική ποιότητας «6 Σίγμα», ή έχουν εφαρμόσει κάποια άλλη στρατηγική ποιότητας (ISO 9000). Επίσης το μέγεθος των επιχειρήσεων στο οποίο θα στοχεύσει θα είναι ΜΜΕ, αφού αποτελούν την πλειοψηφία των ελληνικών επιχειρήσεων.
Περιορισμοί: όπως κάθε έρευνα που πραγματοποιείται περιλαμβάνει κάποιους περιορισμούς έτσι και η παρούσα εργασία έχει τους δικούς της. Ο βασικότερος περιορισμός της είναι ότι βασίστηκε μόνο σε βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση και δεν απέδειξε τα στοιχεία που παρουσιάζονται μέσα από κάποια έρευνα έστω και πιλοτική. Επιπλέον το παρόν ερωτηματολόγιο αφορά μόνο τις μεταποιητικές – βιομηχανικές επιχειρήσεις. Παρόλα αυτά αυτή η μελέτη απλά αντιπροσωπεύει μια προκαταρκτική μελέτη που αργότερα μπορεί να επεκταθεί.
Πρακτικές επιπτώσεις: αυτή η εργασία θα δώσει τη δυνατότητα στους επαγγελματίες «6 Σίγμα» να ελέγξουν κατά πόσο οι ελληνικές μεταποιητικές – βιομηχανικές επιχειρήσεις είναι εξοικειωμένες με την έννοια της πολιτικής ποιότητας «6 Σίγμα» και κατά πόσο την εφαρμόζουν. Αυτό θα μπορέσει να γίνει στο άμεσο μέλλον, αφού το παρόν ερωτηματολόγιο θα χρησιμοποιηθεί σε πιλοτική έρευνα.
Πρωτοτυπία – αξία: αυτή η εργασία παρουσιάζει τα κενά που υπάρχουν στην ήδη υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία σχετικά με την πολιτική ποιότητας «6 Σίγμα», τα οποία οδηγούν σε πολλές ερευνητικές προτάσεις για το μέλλον. Επίσης αποτελεί την πρώτη απόπειρα προσέγγισης των ελληνικών μεταποιητικών επιχειρήσεων που εφαρμόζουν αυτή την πολιτική ποιότητας.
Λέξεις κλειδιά: six sigma, critical success factors of six sigma, barriers of six sigma, benefits of six sigma, problem areas of six sigma, lean six sigma, reasons for implementing and not implementing, tools and techniques used by companies, factors for measuring six sigma management activities, methodology DMAIC, six sigma belt system και manufacturing industry. / The purpose of this project is to present the concept of “six sigma” and develop a measurement tool, a questionnaire, on this. To locate the gaps that may exist in the relevant by now-bibliography and also to give some future research suggestions. Finally its aim is to present the Greek manufacturing industries profile, which the present questionnaire concerns.
Methodology/approach: The present project develops the theory which is relevant to the application of “six sigma” in the manufacturing industries. The collection of the data was based on literature reviews and the key words that were used were: six sigma, critical success factors of six sigma, barriers of six sigma, benefits of six sigma, problem areas of six sigma, lean six sigma, reasons for implementing and not implementing, tools and techniques used by companies, factors for measuring six sigma management activities and methodology DMAIC. In the context of this project there was created a structured research questionnaire, relevant to “six sigma” in Greek manufacturing industries.
Conclusions: after studying enough similar surveys on “six sigma”, we come to the conclusion that the present questionnaire is addressed to industries that have a certain experience in “six sigma”, or have applied some other quality strategies (ISO 9000). Furthermore the size of the industries at which it aims will be SME, since they are the majority of Greek industries.
Research limitations: the present project includes some specific limitations, like every other study that has been realized. The most basic limitation is that it was only based on literature reviews and it didn’t prove the elements that were presented through a study, even a pilot one. Moreover the present questionnaire concerns only the manufacturing industries. Nevertheless this study simply represents a preliminary study that later can be extended.
Practical implications: this study will give the capability to the “six sigma” professionals to check how much the manufacturing industries are familiarized to the concept of “six sigma” and how much they apply it. This might happen in the direct future, since the present questionnaire is used in pilot study.
Originality/value: this study presents the gaps that exist in the already existing literature relevant to six sigma, which leads to a lot of future research suggestions. Also it is the first attempt to approach Greek manufacturing industries that apply this quality politic.
Key words: six sigma, critical success factors of six sigma, barriers of six sigma, benefits of six sigma, problem areas of six sigma, lean six sigma, reasons for implementing and not implementing, tools and techniques used by companies, factors for measuring six sigma management activities, methodology DMAIC, six sigma belt system and manufacturing industry.
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Implementering av statistisk processtyrning för små- och medelstora företag : En fallstudie enligt DMAIC / Implementation of statistical process control for small- and medium sized enterprises : A case study according to DMAICKabel, Daan, Grip, Joel January 2017 (has links)
Konkurrensen hårdnar och utvecklingstakten inom industrin går allt fortare, detta leder företagen till nya utmaningar. Nya utmaningar är svåra att hantera speciellt för små- och medelstora företag, SMF eftersom de inte besitter samma kunskap och ekonomiska förutsättningar som stora företag. Detta projektet syftar att förbättra konkurrensfaktorn i SMF genom att tillämpa statistisk processtyrning och därmed höja deras kvalitet. För uppnå syftet har målet varit att ta fram ett hållbart arbetssätt för statistisk processtyrning för produktion i små serier. En fallstudie enligt DMAIC som är Sex Sigmas primära arbetsgång har använts för att skapa erfarenhet om variation och finna ett arbetssätt. Studien fastställer att en lyckad implementation av statistisk processtyrning har en cyklisk metodik som utgår från ledning, samarbete, teknik och statistik. De statistiska aspekterna i arbetssättet redogörs i ett flödesschema.
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Aplicação da metodologia Seis Sigma na redução das perdas de um processo de manufaturaScatolin, Andre Celso 28 September 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Antonio Batocchio / Dissertação (mestrado profissional) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T20:01:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Este trabalho tem o objetivo de mostrar a eficiência da aplicação da metodologia Seis Sigma para a redução das perdas num processo de manufatura. O processo de fabricação de respiradores descartáveis foi escolhido para o estudo de caso porque gerava uma enorme quantidade de perda das fibras utilizadas como matéria-prima. As metodologias de melhorias até então aplicadas tinham reduzido significativamente o nível das perdas, porém se fazia necessária uma abordagem diferente para se reduzir ainda mais. Seguindo a metodologia Seis Sigma, uma equipe foi formada para focar a atenção na redução destas perdas e quebrar o paradigma que não se pode eliminar as perdas inerentes de um processo. Através da adição de uma fase de desfibramento da perda ¿ fibra prensada que era descartada ao final do processo ¿ recuperou-se toda esta fibra, deixando-a com características semelhantes à fibra virgem. Portanto, as perdas foram 100% eliminadas. O nível sigma, que era historicamente menor que 3, passou para maior que 6 ao final do trabalho. A aplicação de ferramentas estatísticas demonstrou qual o ponto otimizado da mistura de fibras virgens e fibras recuperadas, para que as propriedades finais do produto não sofressem alterações significativas sob o ponto de vista do usuário final. Este trabalho gerou um desenvolvimento técnico da equipe envolvida e preciosa economia de recurso não renovável / Abstract: This work aims to show the efficiency of Six Sigma Methodology application in reducing waste of a manufacturing process. The making process of disposable respirator was chosen to this case study because it generated an enormous amount of fiber scrap used as raw material. Improving methodologies applied every since had reduced significantly the waste level but a different approach was needed to reduce it even more. Following the Six Sigma Methodology, a team was formed to focus the whole attention on reducing this waste and breaking the paradigm which inherent waste of a process cannot be eliminated. Through an addition of a new process step in order to reprocess the waste ¿ pressed fiber discharged by the end of this process - all of it was recovered, keeping the same characteristics of raw fiber. Therefore, the waste was 100% eliminated. Sigma level, which was historically lower than 3, became higher than 6 by the end of the work. The statistics tools applied demonstrated the optimized set point of the raw and recovered fiber mixture in order to maintain the final product properties under the point of view of end-users. This work resulted in team technical development and precious non-renewed raw material savings / Mestrado / Planejamento e Gestão Estrategica da Manufatura / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
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Využití metod štíhlé výroby na vybraném pracovišti / Application of Lean Production Methods on the WorkplaceKosařová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on proposal of workplace modification according to the lean manufacturing methodology (DMAIC). The target is to minimize the wasting and to increase the production efficiency based on LEAN tools implementation. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the basic terms, such as primarily lean production, DMAIC, wasting. In the practical part there is at problem analysis using the DMAIC method, then the proposal for improvement is solved, that contains reduction of wasting, process of the project, timetable, costs and implantation of the solution, finally there is evaluated the benefit.
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Studie operativního řízení výroby / The Study of the Operating Production ManagementMayerbergová, Ilona January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to use the principles of lean manufacturing to lean workplace and eliminate all forms of waste in this workplace. A part of this work is opti-mal design of the workplace in terms of ergonomics which should have a positive effect on shortening lead time and process cycle efficiency. Shortening the lead time will allow company to respond more quickly to customer requirements and this effect may subsequently lead to the drop in inventories.
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