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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos processos de catalogação em Museus de Arte: o Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo / Evaluation of the cataloging processes of Art Museums: the Contemporary Art Museum of University of São Paulo

Silva, Camila Aparecida da 14 August 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa avaliar os processos de catalogação das obras que compõem um museu de arte, tendo o MAC USP como estudo de caso e, como referências, as ferramentas de catálogos on-line, como a do MoMA, e as ferramentas utilizadas pelo Museu Nacional de Belas Artes do Rio de Janeiro (MNBA), pela Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo e pelo MASP, que fazem uso do sistema de gerenciamento Donato. Busca-se refletir sobre a gestão de coleções e os procedimentos de documentação das obras, incluindo o uso de fichas catalográficas. / This research aims to evaluate the cataloging processes of the works that comprise an art museum, focusing on MAC USP (Contemporary Art Museum of University of São Paulo) as a case study. Online catalog tools, such as of the MoMA (The Museum of Modern Art, New York), as well as the Donato collection management system, used by the National Fine Arts Museum of Rio de Janeiro (MNBA), the Pinacoteca of State of São Paulo and the MASP (Art Museum of São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand) were considered as reference. It is expected that this study will contribute to reflection upon the management of collections and the procedures for documentation of art works, including the use of catalog cards.

Documentation numérique en Afrique francophone subsaharienne : évaluation de l'offre et des usages en sciences humaines à l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar / Digital documentation in Africa : evaluation of the offer and uses in the human sciences of the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar

Kane, Khardiatou 25 September 2018 (has links)
Les bibliothèques universitaires des pays d’Afrique francophone sont confrontées à un défi en matière d’offre documentaire dans un contexte marqué par un manque de moyens financiers, une augmentation des coûts de la documentation, et certaines formes organisationnelles peu efficientes. Cette thèse vise dans un premier temps, à partir d’enquêtes et de recueils de données diversifiées, à dresser l’état de l’offre documentaire papier et numérique à l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, en Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS), tout en soulignant des points de comparaison avec d’autres universités francophones subsahariennes. Les résultats visent à quantifier et à qualifier cette offre, à pointer les nouvelles dynamiques dans le cadre de la documentation numérique avec différents types d’acteurs. Par ailleurs, les bibliothécaires cherchent à s’appuyer pleinement sur l’Open Access tant au niveau de l’accès à des ressources qu’au niveau de la valorisation des fonds locaux. L’information numérique est de plus en plus perçue comme le meilleur moyen de satisfaire les besoins en information de la communauté universitaire de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop (UCAD) de Dakar. Néanmoins, elle est souvent confrontée à des problèmes d’accès à l’information mais également d’usage des ressources documentaires. Cette recherche s’intéresse, dans une seconde partie, à l’appréciation de l’usage des ressources numériques, une appréciation qui se fera comparativement entre plusieurs disciplines de l’UCAD et entre enseignants et étudiants de ladite université. Des recommandations sont formulées dans la troisième partie pour tenter d’y améliorer les services documentaires. / University libraries in French-speaking African countries face a documentary supply challenge in a context of a lack of financial resources, an increase in the cost of documentation, and some inefficient organizational forms. This thesis aims at first, from surveys and collections of diverse data, to establish the state of the paper and digital documentary offer at the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar, in SHS, highlighting points comparison with other Sub-Saharan Francophone Universities. The results are intended to quantify and qualify this offer, to point out new dynamics in the context of digital documentation with different types of actors. In addition, librarians seek to rely fully on Open Access, both in terms of access to resources and the value of local funds. Digital information is increasingly seen as the best way to meet the information needs of the university community at Dakar's Cheikh Anta Diop University (UCAD). Nevertheless, it is often confronted with problems of access to information but also of use of documentary resources. This research focuses, in a second part, to appreciate the uses of digital resources, in a comparative way between several disciplines at UCAD and between teachers and students. Recommendations are made to try to improve the documentary services in this University.

\"Análise da qualidade de prontuários odontológicos para fins de identificação humana através da auto-avaliação\" / Quality analysis of dental charts, for human identification purpose, through professionals´self-assessment

Meo, Ilka Corrêa de 18 October 2006 (has links)
A qualidade de um prontuário odontológico tem relação direta com sua capacidade em suprir determinadas necessidades dentro da prática profissional. Entre as características desta documentação encontramos a sua capacidade de funcionar como evidência de grande valor em casos de identificação humana, principalmente em casos onde há destruição dos corpos encontrados (carbonização, putrefação avançada, afogamentos e mutilações), onde fica dificultada a realização da identificação através da dactiloscopia ou o reconhecimento pelos familiares. Com a queda no número de tomadas radiográficas realizadas durante o tratamento odontológico e a diminuição da incidência de cárie na população em geral, o detalhamento da documentação escrita elaborada pelo cirurgião-dentista torna-se imprescindível para possibilitar a sua comparação com dados postmortem por ocasião de uma perícia de identificação humana. Dessa forma, este trabalho teve como proposta realizar uma avaliação da qualidade dos prontuários elaborados por cirurgiões-dentistas. Além disso, foi também realizada uma comparação entre a qualidade da documentação elaborada por profissionais recém-formados e profissionais formados há mais de 5 anos, como uma tentativa de estabelecer o tempo de formação do profissional como um fator relevante na elaboração do prontuário. Para tanto, foi realizado um questionário com perguntas referentes à rotina de elaboração da documentação odontológica a uma amostra não probabilística de 132 profissionais, tendo sido utilizada para sua análise a observação quantitativa das tendências das respostas. Observou-se que há grande deficiência no conhecimento dos profissionais quanto ao preenchimento desta documentação, além do desconhecimento da relevância que esta pode apresentar em casos de identificação humana. Quando da comparação levando em consideração o tempo de formado, de modo geral, o desempenho dos dois grupos apresentou-se bastante semelhante, não se refletindo assim, na qualidade final da documentação elaborada, o tempo de formação do indivíduo. / The quality of a dental chart has direct relation with its capacity in supplying definitive necessities of the professional practice. Among the characteristics of this documentation we find its capacity to function as evidence of great value in cases of human identification, especially in cases presenting massive destruction of the bodies (carbonization, advanced decomposition, drowning and mutilation), making it difficult to accomplish the identification through dactyloscopy or even the recognition by the family members. With the decrease in the number of radiographic takes carried out through the dental treatment and the reduction of the incidence of caries in the population in general, the detailing of written documentation elaborated by the dentist becomes essential to make possible its comparison with postmortem data in a forensic identification. Thus, our goal was to evaluate the quality of the dental charts made by graduated dentists. Moreover, we made also a comparison between the quality of the documentation elaborated by newly graduated professionals and professionals graduated for more than 5 years, as an attempt to establish the time of graduation as a relevant factor in the elaboration of the written documentation. For that, a non probabilistic sample of 132 professionals was submitted to a questionnaire with questions referring to the routine elaboration of the dental documentation, having been used for its analysis the quantitative observation of the trends of the answers. It was noticed that there is a great deficiency in the professionals´ knowledge in producing this documentation, and also of its importance in cases of human identification. Regarding the time of graduation, generally, the performance of the two groups presented very similarly, what led us to the conclusion that it does not reflect in the final quality of the documentation.

Auditoria de contas em um hospital de ensino especializado em cardiologia e pneumologia: um estudo de caso / Audit of Accounts in a Specialized Cardiology and Pneumology Teaching Hospital: a case study

Guerrer, Gabriela Favaro Faria 18 December 2012 (has links)
As instituições hospitalares que prestam serviços às operadoras de planos de saúde investem na auditoria de contas visando à adequada remuneração do atendimento prestado. No momento da pré-análise das contas a equipe de auditoria realiza correções para fundamentar a cobrança dos procedimentos, evitar glosas e perdas de faturamento. Nesta perspectiva esta pesquisa objetivou verificar os itens componentes das contas dos pacientes internados, conferidos por enfermeiras, que mais receberam ajustes no momento da pré-análise; identificar o impacto dos ajustes no faturamento das contas analisadas pela equipe de auditoria (médicos e enfermeiras) do hospital após a pré-analise; calcular o faturamento que esta equipe consegue ajustar nas contas e identificar as glosas relacionadas aos itens por ela conferidos. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, retrospectiva, de abordagem quantitativa na modalidade de estudo de caso, desenvolvida no Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram estudadas 2.613 contas pré-analisadas pela equipe de auditoria do InCor no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2011. O faturamento concentrou-se em 04 (62,9%) das 34 operadoras de planos de saúde credenciadas. Houve predominância da operadora A (27,6%), porém o maior valor médio obtido por conta referiu-se a operadora D com R$ 19.187,50. Os itens mais incluídos nas contas pelas enfermeiras foram gases (90,5%); materiais de internação (85%) e serviço de enfermagem (83,2%). Materiais de Hemodinâmica com média de R$ 1.055,90 (DP± 3.953,45); gases com média de R$ 707, 91 (DP± 843,95) e equipamentos com média de R$ 689, 42 (DP± 1145,20) constituíram os itens de maior impacto financeiro nesses ajustes. Os itens mais excluídos das contas referiram-se a medicamentos de internação (41,2%); equipamentos (28%) e serviços de enfermagem (17%). Em relação aos ajustes negativos os itens que tiveram maior impacto financeiro foram os materiais de Hemodinâmica com média de R$ 3.860,15 (DP± 15.220,80); medicamentos utilizados na Hemodinâmica com média de R$ 1.983,04 (DP± 8.324,42) e gases com média de R$ 1.048,51 (DP± 3.025,53). As enfermeiras incluíram R$ 1.877.168,64 e excluíram R$ 1.155.351,36 e os médicos incluíram R$ 563.927,46 e excluíram R$ 657.190,19. Caso não fosse realizada a pré-análise, haveria a perda de R$ 628.554,55 no faturamento. Dentre as contas analisadas 91,42% receberam ajustes, sendo 57,59% positivos, com média de R$ 1.340,75 (DP±2.502,93) e 33,83% negativos, com média de R$ 1.571,58 (DP± 5.990,51). O total de glosas dos itens analisados por enfermeiras ou por médicos, bem como em itens examinados por ambos, correspondeu em média a R$ 380,51 (DP±1.533,05). As glosas referentes aos itens conferidos por médicos perfizeram um total médio de R$ 311,94 (DP±646,86) e as glosas referentes aos itens conferidos por enfermeiras de R$ 255,84 (DP± 1.636,76). O excesso de ajustes evidenciou a deficiência e a falta de uniformidade dos registros da equipe de saúde. Considera-se que esta pesquisa representa a possibilidade de avanço no conhecimento acerca da auditoria de contas hospitalares à medida que investigou o processo de pré-análise realizado por enfermeiras e médicos auditores / Hospitals that provide services to health plan companies invest in the audit of accounts aiming to provide adequate remuneration of their service. The pre-analysis of accounts is when the audit team makes corrections to determine the foundations for billing the procedures, and to avoid disallowances and revenue losses. From that perspective, the objective of the present study was to identify the patient bill items that were most corrected after being submitted to pre-analysis; identify the impact of those corrections on the revenue of accounts that were analyzed by the hospitals audit team (physicians and nurses) after the pre-analysis; calculate the revenue that the referred team is able to correct, and identify the disallowances related to the items they checked. This exploratory, descriptive, retrospective case study was performed at the Heart Institute (InCor) of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine Clinics Hospital (HCFMUSP) using a quantitative approach. The study included a total of 2,613 accounts that had been pre-analyzed by the InCor audit team in the period spanning January to December of 2011. The revenue was concentrated in four (62.9%) of the 34 credited health plan companies. There was predominance by company A (27.6%), but the highest mean value per account was obtained by company D, with R$ 19,187.50. The items most often included in the accounts by the nurses were gauzes (90.5%); hospitalization materials (85%) and nursing care (83.2%). Hemodynamics materials, with a mean R$ 1,055.90 (SD± 3,953.45); gauzes, with a mean R$ 707.91 (SD± 843.95), and equipment, with a mean R$ 689.42 (SD± 1145.20) were the items with the strongest financial impact on the corrections. The items most often excluded from the accounts referred to hospitalization medications (41.2%); equipment (28%) and nursing care (17%). Regarding the negative changes, the items with the strongest financial impact were Hemodynamics materials, with a mean R$ 3,860.15 (SD± 15,220.80); medications used in Hemodynamics, with a mean R$ 1,983.04 (SD± 8,324.42), and gauzes, with a mean R$ 1,048.51 (SD± 3,025.53). Nurses included a total of R$ 1,877,168.64, and excluded R$ 1,155,351.36, while physicians included R$ 563,927.46 and excluded R$ 657,190.19. If the pre-analysis had not been performed, there would have been a revenue loss of R$ 628,554.55. Of all the accounts submitted to analysis, 91.42% were corrected, of which 57.59% were positive, with a mean R$ 1,340.75 (SD±2,502.93) and 33.83% were negative, with a mean R$ 1,571.58 (SD± 5,990.51). Regarding disallowances, the final sum considering the items analyzed by nurses, physicians or both corresponded to a mean R$ 380.51 (SD±1,533.05). The disallowances referring to the items analyzed by physicians added up to a mean total of R$ 311.94 (SD±646.86), and those referring to the items analyzed by nurses to R$ 255.84 (SD± 1,636.76). The excessive number of corrections showed the lack of uniformity in the records made by the health team. This study represents a possibility of knowledge advancement regarding the audit of hospital accounts as it investigated the pre-analysis process performed by nurses and physicians

An implementation of a FORTRAN source code rearranger and documentation generator program

Myers, Arthur Scott January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Do campo a cidade / Do campo a cidade

Dora Longo Bahia 30 June 2010 (has links)
Do Campo a Cidade é uma reflexão sobre o estatuto da obra e do artista contemporâneos. Trata da comparação entre o percurso dos jovens artistas Marcelo do Campo (1951 - ?) e Marcelo Cidade (1979 - ?). Por meio da investigação e reprodução do corpo de trabalhos de ambos, explora questões fundamentais para a arte: qual a natureza do autor contemporâneo, qual a importância do contexto de produção da obra para sua interpretação, e quais os limites entre a obra de arte, a documentação, a citação, a falsificação e o plágio. Do Campo a Cidade é um objetolivro. Concebido como um textoimagem, propõe uma experiência de arte disfarçada de narrativa. Em sua apresentação gráfica, como em seu conteúdo textual, expõe uma reflexão sobre a relação entre o artista e a universidade, eliminando a lacuna entre a prática e a teoria, entre o fazer artístico e sua investigação acadêmica. Pretende responder, assim, às exigências da área de Poéticas Visuais, que privilegia pesquisas tanto teóricas quanto experimentais sobre os processos artísticos. / Do Campo to Cidade is a reflection on the status of contemporary artists and their work. It is a comparison between the trajectories of the young artists, Marcelo do Campo (1951 ?) and Marcelo Cidade (1979 ?). By means of the investigation and reproduction of the body of work of each one of them, it explores fundamental questions about art: what is the nature of the contemporary author; what is the importance of the context in which the work of art is produced for its interpretation; and what defines the borders between a work of art, a documentation, a quotation, a falsification and a plagiarism. Do Campo to Cidade is a book-object. It was conceived as a text-image to propose an art experience disguised as a narrative. In its graphic presentation as well as in its textual content, it exposes the relation between the artist and the university, eliminating the gap between practice and theory, between the making of art and its academic investigation. In this way, it aims to meet the demands of the Visual Poetics field that favors both theoretical and experimental researches about the artistic processes.

Do campo a cidade / Do campo a cidade

Bahia, Dora Longo 30 June 2010 (has links)
Do Campo a Cidade é uma reflexão sobre o estatuto da obra e do artista contemporâneos. Trata da comparação entre o percurso dos jovens artistas Marcelo do Campo (1951 - ?) e Marcelo Cidade (1979 - ?). Por meio da investigação e reprodução do corpo de trabalhos de ambos, explora questões fundamentais para a arte: qual a natureza do autor contemporâneo, qual a importância do contexto de produção da obra para sua interpretação, e quais os limites entre a obra de arte, a documentação, a citação, a falsificação e o plágio. Do Campo a Cidade é um objetolivro. Concebido como um textoimagem, propõe uma experiência de arte disfarçada de narrativa. Em sua apresentação gráfica, como em seu conteúdo textual, expõe uma reflexão sobre a relação entre o artista e a universidade, eliminando a lacuna entre a prática e a teoria, entre o fazer artístico e sua investigação acadêmica. Pretende responder, assim, às exigências da área de Poéticas Visuais, que privilegia pesquisas tanto teóricas quanto experimentais sobre os processos artísticos. / Do Campo to Cidade is a reflection on the status of contemporary artists and their work. It is a comparison between the trajectories of the young artists, Marcelo do Campo (1951 ?) and Marcelo Cidade (1979 ?). By means of the investigation and reproduction of the body of work of each one of them, it explores fundamental questions about art: what is the nature of the contemporary author; what is the importance of the context in which the work of art is produced for its interpretation; and what defines the borders between a work of art, a documentation, a quotation, a falsification and a plagiarism. Do Campo to Cidade is a book-object. It was conceived as a text-image to propose an art experience disguised as a narrative. In its graphic presentation as well as in its textual content, it exposes the relation between the artist and the university, eliminating the gap between practice and theory, between the making of art and its academic investigation. In this way, it aims to meet the demands of the Visual Poetics field that favors both theoretical and experimental researches about the artistic processes.

Searching for a contextualised framework to inform testing methodology in the mobile arena

Pointon, Matthew January 2017 (has links)
Smartphone take-up has grown exponentially, a growth that far exceeds any consumer technology in history. The growth of these technologies has created a cultural shift. Users are accessing, storing and retrieving digital information on more portable devices and doing so on the move. This cultural shift away from the stationary context (at home or at work) to a more mobile 24/7 way of accessing and consuming information is creating challenges. Today’s developers and shapers of digital information (businesses, marketers, advertisers and web agencies, to name a few) need their applications to be workable to support the consumer in all contexts; at home, at work, in the lift, on the bus. When developing applications for these kinds of situations, changeable technological configurations and contexts are crucial to support the user experience and device interaction. In the early days of mobile computing researchers and usability professionals identified a range of challenges facing a tester’s ability to accurately map a mobile users experience. Testing strategies have stood the test of time, working extremely well in many lab-based configurations, but how do they fare in an increasingly mobile information society? This Professional Doctorate aims to support and contribute to the mobile testing evolution and will adapt some existing practices to help keep pace with the phenomenon. This research will present a strategy that explores the development of new a framework (via a systematic review) to inform mobile testing. The framework builds upon themes within Human Information Behavior (HIB) and Mobile Human Computer Interaction (Mobile HCI). The research takes an interpretivist approach to investigate how this framework is applied to build and contextualise methods informing testing methodology in the mobile arena.

A documentação patrimonial : gênese e fluxo dos processos de tombamento do Museu "Prudente de Moraes"

Grigoleto, Maira Cristina. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Ismael Murguia Marañon / Banca: Paulo César Garcez Marins / Banca: João Batista Ernesto de Moraes / Resumo: O presente trabalho parte de uma indagação inicial sobre a materialidade da informação. Com o intuito de desenvolver esta idéia, no caso específico da informação necessária para a patrimonialização de um bem, apresentamos uma discussão geral sobre a definição do patrimônio e as instituições que o legalizam. Num segundo momento, focamos nossa observação sobre uma interpretação do documento, no caso, do documento como coisa. Feitas essas considerações passamos a analisar um bem arquitetônico específico: a casa do Presidente Prudente de Moraes localizada na cidade de Piracicaba/SP. Para essa análise, entendemos que deveria ser considerada a construção da imagem da personagem, assim como a descrição do espaço ao qual esteve vinculada. Finalmente, comparamos os processos de tombamento feitos por três instâncias preservacionistas: o IPHAN, o CONDEPHAAT e o CODEPAC. O intuito desta comparação foi evidenciar de que forma é o documento, entendido como um espaço de formas de poder e de materialização de valores, que determina o próprio patrimônio, e não o contrário, como comumente se pensa. / Abstract: The present work comes from an initial inquiry about the materialization of the information. With the intention of developing this idea, in the specific case of the necessary information for transforming a good into a patrimony, we present a general discussion about the definition of the patrimony and the institutions that legalize it. In a second moment, we focate our observation on an interpretation of the document, in this case, of the document as thing. Made these considerations we start to analyze a specific architectural good: President Prudente de Moraes‟ house located in the city of Piracicaba/SP. For this analysis, we understand that it should be considered the construction of the character's image, as well as the description of the space to which it was linked. Finally, we compare the patrimonial processes done by three preservationist instances: IPHAN, CONDEPHAAT and CODEPAC. The intention of this comparison was to evidence what form has the document that, considered as a space of power forms and of materialization of values, it determines the own patrimony, and not the opposite, as commonly is thought. / Mestre

Dokumentace k převodním cenám / Transfer pricing documentation

Kocánková, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with transfer pricing, namely the documentation. It tries to map the legislative standards and procedures of transfer pricing documentation that could be applied in the Czech Republic. The main objective of this thesis is a compilation of documentation for a specific company in the Czech Republic in accordance with those procedures. The thesis contains three main chapters. The first section mainly covers the basic theoretical concepts and actual legislation regarding transfer pricing. This is the minimum necessary for initiation into the issue. The second chapter deals specifically with the theoretical process of creating documentation. The final, third part of the thesis includes the application of the theory to a specific company.

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