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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le tablinum à Pompéi : formes, fonctions, décors / The tablinum in Pompeii : forms, functions, decorations

Maquinay, Alexia 15 December 2018 (has links)
Le tablinum est une salle que l’on trouve dans presque toutes les demeures du monde romain : il s’agit de la pièce principale de l’atrium, entièrement ouverte sur celui-ci et située au terme de son axe longitudinal, en face de l’entrée. Son étymologie dérive du terme latin tabula, signifiant tablette, registre de comptes. On a donc déduit qu’il s’agissait d’un espace servant à conserver les documents administratifs et juridiques de la famille, inscrits sur ces tablettes et réunis sous forme d’archives. Les sources latines confirment, par ailleurs, cette hypothèse. Le tablinum serait alors un réceptacle de la mémoire officielle de la familia. Il existe toujours, néanmoins, plusieurs interprétations contradictoires sur la nature du tablinum, sa définition, son apparition dans la maison romaine ainsi que sur son évolution architecturale et stylistique. À travers les témoignages du genre les mieux conservés du monde romain : ceux de la cité campanienne de Pompéi, nous tentons dans la présente étude de retracer l’histoire du tablinum romain, son origine étrusque, ses différentes formules et articulations, d’exposer toute la gamme de décors qui ornaient ses murs et de revenir sur les différentes fonctions qu’il put occuper au cours des siècles. / The tablinum is a room found in almost all homes in the Roman world: it is the main room of the atrium, fully open on it and located at the end of its longitudinal axis, in front of the entrance. Its etymology derives from the Latin word tabula, meaning tablet, account register. It was therefore deduced that this was a space used to store the family’s administrative and legal documents, inscribed on these tablets and collected in the form of archives. Moreover, Latin sources confirm this hypothesis. The tablinum would then be a receptacle of the official memory of the familia. There are still, however, several contradictory interpretations about the nature of the tablinum, its definition, its appearance in Roman houses as well as its architectural and stylistic evolution. In this study, through the best-preserved testimonies of the Roman world – those found in the Campanian city of Pompei –we attempt to retrace the history of the Roman tablinum, its Etruscan origin, its different forms and articulations, to expose all the range of decorations that adorned his walls and to rediscover the different functions that it could occupy over the centuries.

As Domus Ostienses: Poder e Resistência na Antiguidade Tardia (séculos IV-V d.C.) / The Ostian Domus: Power and Resistance in Late Antiquity (IV-V AD centuries)

Monteneri, Márcio 18 June 2019 (has links)
Os estudiosos das casas de elite (domus) datadas da Antiguidade Tardia, em geral, têm como foco os usos das mansões pelos proprietários. Nessa perspectiva, considera-se que as mansões eram planejadas de maneira a possibilitar e maximizar o poder dos aristocratas em inúmeras ocasiões. Os demais usuários das casas, no entanto, são tidos como meros receptáculos passivos da hegemonia aristocrática. Essa dissertação, a partir de um estudo de caso da cidade de Óstia (séculos IV e V d.C.), leva em conta os usos das mansões enquanto formas de afirmação do poder dos proprietários, mas também suas apropriações pelos grupos subalternos. Analiso evidências arqueológicas, epigráficas e textuais com o intuito de ter uma visão mais aprofundada sobre o tema. / The scholars of the elite houses (domus) dating from Late Antiquity, in general, focus on the uses of the mansions by the owners. From this perspective, the mansions are considered to be designed to enable and maximize the power of aristocrats on numerous occasions. The other users of the houses, however, are regarded as mere passive receptacles of aristocratic hegemony. This dissertation, based on a case study of the city of Ostia (4th and 5th centuries AD), takes into account the uses of the mansions as forms of affirmation of the power of the owners, but also their appropriations by the subaltern groups. I analyze archaeological, epigraphic and textual evidence with the intention of having a more in-depth view on the subject.

Construire et habiter à Lugdunum : Organisation, formes et évolution de l’architecture domestique (IIe av. – IIIe siècle apr. J.-C.) / .

Clément, Benjamin 06 April 2016 (has links)
Traiter de la construction dans le monde romain, et plus particulièrement dans le cas d’une cité ou d’une colonie, constitue un exercice souvent ardu tant les angles d’approches sont nombreux. Pourtant, Lugdunum constitue une exception dans ce domaine, tant par la richesse de sa documentation archéologique et épigraphique, que par son statut de colonie romaine précocement dévolue en Gaule. Ce travail doctoral s’est donné pour objectif de traiter de l’architecture domestique à Lugdunum, à travers le prisme de la construction, en s’appuyant sur une approche globale, tant par les matériaux étudiés que par les méthodologies mises en place. En suivant les différentes étapes de la construction, l’objectif est de définir les différents approvisionnements des chantiers, l’évolution typologique et chronologique des matériaux et des techniques mises en œuvre, ou encore la diversité des formes de l’habitat, afin de dresser une image la plus précise possible de « l’art de bâtir » à Lyon, et des artisans qui y participent. À ces différentes questions, l’analyse des matériaux, des techniques de construction et des plans, ainsi que d’un corpus d’inscription, apporte des réponses très concrètes et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives de recherche.Dans le cadre d’un Master mené entre 2007 et 2009, l’étude des toitures en tuiles de terre cuite, en Gaule du Centre-est, et plus particulièrement à Lyon, a révélé une évolution typologique des tegulae et imbrices qui se prête à l’établissement d’une typo-chronologie détaillée, permettant de les dater au demi-siècle prés. En m’appuyant sur la méthodologie mise en place au cours de ce master, une analyse exhaustive des fragments de brique, de quart de colonne, de tomette d’opus spicatum ou encore de tubuli a été menée afin, de caractériser une éventuelle évolution de leur morphologie, ou de leur utilisation dans la mise en œuvre des bâtiments. Une attention particulière a également été portée à la nature des moellons (granite, gneiss, calcaire...), aux pierres d’importation (marbres et calcaire), ainsi qu’aux mortiers mis en œuvre dans l’architecture des maisons lyonnaises. Ces études, couplées à une analyse géomorphologique du territoire colonial, permettent de livrer une image complète de l’approvisionnement en matériaux de construction de Lugdunum. Le second axe de recherche concerne les techniques de construction employées pour édifier les domus de la colonie de Lyon. Les maçonneries (fondation et élévation) ont donc été analysées selon des critères techniques et typologiques, en parallèle de l’étude des matériaux (moellons, mortier, TCA). L’architecture en terre crue nous offre un autre angle d’approche. Cette technique de construction est omniprésente à Lyon pour l’architecture domestique et reste cependant peu étudiée. Nous aborderons donc les modalités de sa mise en œuvre, ainsi que sur les différentes formes d’architecture dans laquelle elle intervient (adobe, pans de bois, torchis…), au travers des vestiges découverts en place, ou des restes carbonisés qui nous sont parvenus. Enfin, nous aborderons la question du plan des maisons lyonnaises en reprenant la classification proposée par E. Delaval en 1995. L’apport de l’archéologie préventive et programmée à Lyon a en effet permis de renouveler le corpus des bâtiments à vocation domestique et/ou artisanale, mettant en lumière de nouveaux types d’édifice. Nous élargirons cette réflexion grâce aux comparaisons possibles avec les autres cités et colonies de Gaule et du monde romain. Pour conclure, ce travail doctoral focalisé sur l’évolution des techniques et des matériaux de construction, mais également des plans des édifices domestiques de Lyon, révèle la richesse d’une analyse menée à partir d’une grande variété de matériaux, souvent peu considérés par une partie de la communauté scientifique – à savoir les briques, les tuiles, les moellons, le mortier.... / Deal with the topic of construction in the Roman world, mostly for a civitates or a colonia, become a difficult exercise because of the many perspectives for this subject. However, Lugdunum is an exception in this field, both its rich archeological or epigraphic documentations and its status of early roman colony in Gaul. This doctoral research has set itself the objective of dealing of domestic architecture in Lugdunum. This work is built on a global approach, based on the studies of construction techniques and building materials as well as new methodology. Following the step of a construction site, the purpose of this work is to characterize the different chains of supply, the typological and chronological evolution of building materials or the diversity of the domestic architecture. The analysis of building materials, construction techniques, typology of the domus, as well as group of funeral inscriptions bring very concrete answers and opens new research opportunities.As part of a Master conducted between 2007 and 2009, studying the terracotta tiled roofs in Gaul, particularly in Lyon, allowed the establishment of a typology of tegulae and imbrices, permitting to date this type of artifact to nearly half a century. Based on the methodology developed in this master, a comprehensive analysis of fragments of brick, column quarter, bricks of opus spicatum or tubuli was conducted in order to characterize any changes in their morphology, or for use in the construction of buildings. Particular attention was also paid to the nature of rubble stone (granite, gneiss, limestone…), as well as the mortar used in the roman houses of Lyon. These studies, coupled with geomorphologic analysis of the colonial territory, allow delivering a complete picture of the supply of Lugdunum in building materials.The second research axis concerns the construction techniques used to build the domus of the colony. Masonry (foundation and elevation) were therefore analyzed using technical and typological criteria, in parallel to the study of materials (rubble stone, mortar, terracotta materials). The mud brick architecture and earth structures offering another angle of approach. This construction technique is ubiquitous in Lyon for domestic architecture and remains poorly studied. We will discuss the modalities of its implementation, as well as the various forms of architecture in which it operates (adobe, wood-framed, mud ...), through the remains found in place, or the carbonized artifacts discovered in the colony.Finally, we will discuss the issue of Roman houses plan in Lyon, incorporating the classification proposed by E. Delaval in 1995. The contribution of preventive archeology these past years in Lyon has allowed to renew the corpus of domestic buildings, highlighting new types of building. We will extend this thinking through the possible comparisons with other cities and colonies of Gaul and in the Roman world.In conclusion, this doctoral work focused on the evolution of techniques and building materials, but also plans of domestic buildings in Lyon, reveals the richness of an analysis from a variety of materials, often not considered by a part of the scientific community. At the scale of a colony, these various lines of research provide a better understanding for the concepts of manufacturing and material supply, but also to improve our knowledge of construction techniques. These different aspects, treated in a comprehensive manner and diachronic way, open to historical and sociological reflection concerning the organization of workshops (role of corporations, degree of independence) or evolving status of craftsmen of the Lugdunum colony working in construction site. These conclusions are based on an original corpus of funerary inscriptions of Lyon craftsmen.

Nommer les femmes de la famille Julio-Claudienne : témoignages littéraires et épigraphiques / The appellations of the women of Julio-Claudian family in literary and epigraphic sources

Martina, Gabriele 06 July 2016 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse de doctorat est l’étude systématique des mentions, des appellations et des titres des femmes de la dynastie Julio-Claudienne, dans les sources littéraires et épigraphiques. L’étude des appellations des femmes impériales durant la première époque du Principat s’insère dans l’axe de la recherche contemporaine qui vise à définir les espaces et les modalités d’action des femmes pendant l’antiquité classique, et en particulier pendant la phase délicate de transition entre la République romaine et le Principat. En effet, le passage entre la République et la nouvelle forme de gouvernement a également marqué un changement important dans la situation des femmes, car les modalités d’action des femmes, jusqu’alors confinées dans une sphère domestique et privée, évoluèrent. Cette thèse est organisée en deux parties : une première partie dédiée à l’étude et à l’analyse des appellations des femmes impériales et une deuxième partie, intitulée annexe, qui recueille et organise systématiquement tous les témoignages littéraires et épigraphiques pour chaque femme de la famille Julio-Claudienne. Notre but a été, par notre recherche doctorale sur les appellations des femmes de la dynastie Julio-Claudienne, d’avancer dans la définition des espaces d’action de ces femmes au début de l’Empire ainsi que dans la connaissance du rôle des femmes au sein de la cour impériale ; cette étude permet d’analyser en détail les rapports de parenté complexes qui lient les figures féminines concernées aux personnages masculins de la domus impériale ou à des figures qui s’y rapportent / The aim of this thesis is to investigate the appellations, names and titles of the women of Julio-Claudian family in literary and epigraphic sources. The analysis and study of the appellations of these imperial women during the first period of the Roman Empire, is part of the contemporary research that seeks to define the spaces and action modalities of women during the time of classical antiquity and in particular, the period of transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire. In fact, the passage of the Roman Republic to a new form of government marked a significant change in the situation of women, especially for the women of the imperial domus. Women, who until then were normally confined to a domestic and private sphere, acquired and exercised new action modalities within new spheres of action. This thesis is organized in two sections: the first part of the study analyses the names, appellations and titles of imperial women and the second part collates and organizes all the literary and epigraphic evidences of each woman of the Julio-Claudian family. The purpose of this research on the appellations and names of the women of Julio-Claudian dynasty has been to advance the study of feminine spaces at the beginning of the Roman Empire and to illuminate of the new actions modalities for the imperial women during this period. Furthermore, this doctoral research contributes to deepening our understanding of the changes of the role and status of imperial women and the complex relative relationships of these women to the men of imperial family, such as the emperors and other male figures in Julio-Claudian dynasty, or to eminent personages in the Roman imperial society

A national electronic database of special music collections in South Africa

De Jongh, Martha Susanna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMus (Music))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / In the absence of a state-sponsored South African archive that focuses on collecting, ordering, cataloguing and preserving special music collections for research, the Documentation Centre for Music (DOMUS) was established in 2005 as a research project at the University of Stellenbosch. Music research in South Africa is often impeded by inaccessibility of materials, staff shortages at archives and libraries, financial constraints and time-consuming ordering and cataloguing processes. Additionally there is, locally, restricted knowledge of the existence, location and status of relevant primary sources. Accessibility clearly depends on knowing of the existence of materials, as well as the extent to which collections have been ordered and catalogued. An overview of repositories such as the Nasionale Afrikaanse Letterkundige Museum and Navorsingsentrum (NALN), the now defunct National Documentation Centre for Music and the International Library of African Music (ILAM) paints a troubling picture of archival neglect and disintegration. Apart from ILAM, which has a very specific collecting and research focus, this trend was one that ostensibly started in the 1980s and is still continuing. It could be ascribed to a lack of planning and forward thinking under the previous political dispensation, aggravated by policies of transformation and restructuring in the current one. Existing sources supporting research on primary materials are dated and not discipline-specific. Thus this study aims to address issues of inaccessibility of primary music materials by creating a comprehensive and ongoing national electronic database of special music collections in South Africa. It is hoped that this will help to alert researchers to the existence and status of special music collections housed at various levels of South African academic and civil society.

Étapes de l’urbanisation au coeur de l’oppidum de Bibracte : étude du mobilier céramique des fouilles hongroises de l’Îlot des Grandes Forges / Stages in the process of urbanization in the heart of the oppidum of bibracte : study of the pottery finds of the hungarian excavations of the « grandes forges » insula

Szabó, Dániel 15 January 2011 (has links)
Notre thèse comporte l’étude du mobilier céramique provenant des fouilles hongroises de l’Îlot des Grandes Forges à l’oppidum gaulois de Bibracte (Le Mont Beuvray, Bourgogne). Le but de notre travail était non seulement de traiter et de publier le mobilier céramique provenant des différents états d’occupation de l’Îlot des Grandes Forges, mais aussi de compléter les études céramologiques qui s’occupent de l’oppidum de Bibracte. Nous proposons une chronologie bien établie pour l’Îlot des Grandes Forges, chantier d’importance remarquable qui a livré l’une des constructions les plus étonnantes du site: la basilique de Bibracte. Et finalement, le travail constitue une contribution à la compréhension plus approfondie de la chronologie de l’oppidum, ainsi qu’à la définition des faciès céramologiques de Bibracte. / My PhD dissertation contains the detailed study of the pottery finds from the Hungarian excavations of the « Grandes Forges » insula. The insula is located in the oppidum of Bibracte (Le Mont Beuvray, Burgundy). The primary aim of this work is not only to study and to publish the pottery finds of the different occupation layers but also to contribute to the results of the already existing ceramic studies of the oppidum of Bibracte. My work offers a chronology to the « Grandes Forges » insula, an archeological site of great importance where the remains of the roman basilica of Bibracte have been found. Finally my work tries to give a better understanding of the chronology and provides a survey of the pottery finds of the oppidum of Bibracte.

Programmation d'espace intelligent par l'utilisateur final / End User Programming for smart spaces

Fontaine, Emeric 12 July 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse traite du problème du développement d'espaces intelligents par l'utilisateur final sous l'angle de l'Interaction Homme-Machine et de l'Intelligence Ambiante. Dans les processus actuels de développement, l'utilisateur est un consommateur contraint par un système pensé et réalisé par d'autres. L'objectif de cette thèse est de redonner le pouvoir à l'utilisateur final par le biais d'outils adaptés au développement d'espaces intelligents. Cette thèse retient l'habitat intelligent comme lieu de vie privilégié. Ses contributions incluent : (1) DisQo (Dispositifs du QuOtidien), une nouvelle méthode d'investigation des besoins, réalisable au domicile de familles, qui sollicite l'imagination et assure un juste équilibre entre contrôle expérimental, respect de la sphère privée et validité écologique des résultats ; (2) Un espace de classification pour une lecture comparative systématique et synthétique des outils portant sur le développement et la programmation d'habitats intelligents. Cette taxonomie met en évidence le peu d'avancées en édition multisyntaxe de même pour l'aide à la mise au point de programmes ; (3) KISS (Knit Your Ideas into Smart Spaces), un outil de programmation et de mise au point dont le langage de programmation est de type déclaratif orienté règles, avec potentiel d'égale opportunité syntaxique entre langue française pseudonaturelle (LPN) et langage visuel iconique. La technique d'interaction de construction des programmes LPN s'appuie sur l'utilisation de menus dont les options sont calculées dynamiquement assurant ainsi la découverte progressive du langage ainsi que l'extensibilité et la correction syntaxique et sémantique des programmes. La mise au point peut se pratiquer, au choix, dans le monde physique ou dans un monde dual numérique. L'évaluation de KISS dans DOMUS, un habitat intelligent d'expérimentation, montre que les utilisateurs parviennent à programmer un scénario réaliste de la vie réelle. / This dissertation addresses the problem of end-user development for smart spaces from a human-computer interaction perspective in the context of ambient intelligence. End-users are currently doomed to be consumers of systems that have been designed and implemented by others. The goal of this thesis is to provide end-users with tools that will enable them to develop their own smart spaces. This work focuses on the home as a key place for smartness. The contribution of this doctoral research is threefold: (1) DisQo, a new method for field studies that combines several techniques to reach a satisfying balance between experimental control, privacy issues, and ecological validity. Its key element is for observers to be able to “visit” people homes through the pictures of intimate objects taken by the participants themselves and to use these pictures as playful cultural probes to envision future use; (2) A problem space that makes explicit the functional coverage (as well as the limits) of the tools from the state of the art in the area of end-user development for smart homes. In particular, the problem space reveals a lack of support for multi-syntax editing as well as for testing and debugging programs; (3) KISS (Knit your Ideas into Smart Spaces), an end-user development tool that uses a declarative rule-based programming paradigm where programs are expressed in a French pseudo-natural language with potentiality for syntactic equal opportunity with an iconic visual language. Programs are constructed by selecting items from pull down menus that are dynamically updated with the functionalities of the smart home. By so doing, the end-user can learn the programming language incrementally and specify programs that are semantically and syntactically correct. Programs can be tested either in a virtual home or in a real home. The evaluation of KISS in the DOMUS experimental platform, shows that users are able to program a real-life scenario.

Estudos para uma métrica da aprendizagem do curso Domus Procel Edifica: integrando mapas conceituais e taxonomia revisada para um sistema inteligente de avaliação na web

Silva, Naira Vincenzi da 13 March 2013 (has links)
This study is a qualitative research project classified as practical and participatory action research designs, which has as its aim the creation of an instructional design, used as a learning metric for Domus Software - Procel Edification, which integrates concept maps and the revised Bloom taxonomy into an intelligent web assessment system. This metric aligns curriculum concept maps along with conceptual and procedural knowledge of the Domus software - Procel edifies the retaining cognitive processes, provides understanding and application, through offering a model of instructional design, which assigns weights to those cognitive processes attained by students and identifies principles to be used in its applicability for the evaluation of distance learning. The authors also present the results for alignment, inferring weights as well as an outline of the logical sequence along with steps for the implementation of the intelligent system through the association of some exemplification slides. / O presente trabalho é uma pesquisa qualitativa e classificada como practical and participatory action research designs (desenho de pesquisa de prática e ação participativa), que tem como intuito criar um desenho instrucional para uma métrica da aprendizagem do Software Domus Procel Edifica, integrando mapas conceituais à taxonomia revisada de Bloom em um sistema inteligente de avaliação na Web. Essa métrica alinha mapas conceituais curriculares, conhecimentos procedimentais e conceituais do software Domus − Procel Edifica aos processos cognitivos de retenção, entendimento e aplicação, oferecendo um modelo de desenho instrucional, que atribui pesos aos processos cognitivos alcançados pelos estudantes e identifica alguns princípios para sua aplicabilidade na avaliação da aprendizagem a distância. Apresenta-se ainda, resultados de alinhamento, inferência de pesos e um esboço da sequência lógica e etapas de execução do sistema inteligente, associando-se algumas telas de exemplificação. / Mestre em Educação

Počátky a vývoj vzdělávání v Jindřichově Hradci / The beginnings and development of education in Jindřichův Hradec

ŠIMKOVÁ, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with the origins of development of education in the town of Jindřichův Hradec (Neuhaus, Nova Domus). It briefly describes the history of the city, and it mentions the development of the school system in Bohemia. The study follows the development of educational facilities in Jindřichův Hradec from its beginnings in the Middle Ages up to the climax in the form of the University. The greatest attention is paid to the local pride of education - "grammar school" with its more than four hundred-year-old history - while trying not to miss any of the schools that arose in the town over the centuries. The study demonstrates the importance of Jindřichův Hradec as the school centre of more than regional significance.

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