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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A memória do sonho: um estudo sobre a tradição oral e seus porta-vozes, os contadores de histórias / The memory of dream: a study about oral tradition and its spokespersons, the storyteller

Heloisa Braz de Oliveira Prieto 11 April 2007 (has links)
Memória da Cultura, textos constantes e textos excluídos pelo esquecimento. A memória do sonho como a primeira obra de ficção jamais criada pelo homem. O sonho enquanto embrião narrativo de fábulas. Cânones, mecanismos culturais de controle. A performance da palavra. A movência das narrativas orais. O projeto poético e a rede intersemiótica de criação. Inconsciente coletivo, matizes arquetípicos e o mar como metáfora da metáfora do manancial das fábulas imemoriais. / The memory of culture, constant texts versus excluded texts, fables doomed to be forgotten. Remembering dreams as the first work of fiction ever created by mankind. Dreaming as telling tales. Standards as cultural controlling devices. Words as performances. Travelling through oral folktales. Poets and their artistic approach to life, plus the intersemiotic net for art creation. Unconscious collective, archetypical blending of nuances and the sea as the universal metaphor of the everlasting source of long forgotten fables.

A Dream Lost in Dream: A Love-Hate Relationship of an Alien with America

Singh, Arvind 08 1900 (has links)
Exploring the theme of Diaspora, this paper is an accompanying document for the documentary, A Dream Lost in Dream. It sheds light on the purpose, and process of producing this documentary. The main purpose for the production of this documentary has been described as initiation of healthy and casual dialog between diverse populations in America. It emphasizes the importance of creating visual media targeting masses rather than the elite. It is argued that it can act as a tool of awareness, reducing anxiety in the society. It also embarks on the production journey of the documentary A Dream Lost in Dream. The film is a portrayal of an East Indian immigrant struggling between economic survival, family issues and passion to fly.

Shakespeare and Modeling Political Subjectivity

Worlow, Christian D. 12 1900 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role of aesthetic activity in the pursuit of political agency in readings of several of Shakespeare’s plays, including Hamlet (1600), A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595), The Tempest (1610), the history plays of the second tetralogy (1595-9), Julius Caesar (1599), and Coriolanus (1605). I demonstrate how Shakespeare models political subjectivity—the capacity for individuals to participate meaningfully in the political realm—as necessitating active aesthetic agency. This aesthetic agency entails the fashioning of artistically conceived public personae that potential political subjects enact in the public sphere and the critical engagement of the aesthetic and political discourses of the subjects’ culture in a self-reflective and appropriative manner. Furthermore, these subjects should be wary auditors of the texts and personae they encounter within the public sphere in order to avoid internalizing constraining ideologies that reify their identities into forms less conducive to the pursuit of liberty and social mobility. Early modern audiences could discover several models for doing so in Shakespeare’s works. For example, Hamlet posits a model of Machiavellian theatricality that masks the Prince's interiority as he resists the biopolitical force and disciplinary discourses of Claudius's Denmark. Julius Caesar and Coriolanus advance a model of citizenship through the plays’ nameless plebeians in which rhetoric offers the means to participate in Rome’s political culture, and Shakespeare’s England for audiences, while authorities manipulate citizen opinion by molding the popularity of public figures. Public, artistic ability affords potential political subjects ways of not only framing their participation in their culture but also ways of conceiving of their identities and relationships to society that may defy normative notions of membership in the community.

The Dream : A Psychoanalytic Reading of the Conceptualization of the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

Älfvåg, Hugo January 2020 (has links)
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s critically acclaimed classic The Great Gatsby, written in 1925, poetically captures the zeitgeist of the roaring twenties, and has attracted considerable attention regarding the depiction of the American dream. Early critics argued that it offered a rendition of the quintessential American dream, claiming that the novel stays true to the dream’s original values. However, this analysis makes an effort to reveal the false materialistic values that corrupt and taint the vision of the original American dream projected in the narrative. More specifically, the analysis attempts to demonstrate that the core values of the American dream are gradually distorted and corrupted throughout the novel. Moreover, the novel is approached through the use of certain psychoanalytic concepts which are concerned with mental processes and constructions of personality. By applying these psychoanalytic concepts to Jay Gatsby, the analysis investigates the gradual perversion of the dream through a number of passages and pivotal moments throughout the novel as to showcase the reasons why the dream is perverted. The analysis concludes that the investigated events in fact demonstrate a gradual perversion of the American dream. Furthermore, the essay showcases a clear causal connection between the disrupted balance in the mental processes within Gatsby and the investigated events. The stressful events that Gatsby experiences prompt certain cognitive responses within Gatsby, causing him to pervert the American dream and its core values.

Par-delà le rêve et la veille ˸ la fin du monde. Une approche cosmologique de l'entre-deux. S. Hedayat, I. al-Koni et A. Volodine / Beyond Dream and Wake ˸ the end of the world. A cosmological approach to the in-between. S. Hedayat, I. al-Koni & A. Volodine

Khalsi, Khalil 03 May 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’étudier l’entre-deux du rêve et de la veille sous un angle cosmologique. Notre hypothèse est que chacun des textes du corpus véhicule une vision particulière du monde médiée par un plan interstitiel à travers lequel les protagonistes négocient leur identité ainsi que leur rapport au monde, notamment en contexte d’apocalypse culturelle. Dans le chapitre zéro, nous inscrivons notre propos dans le champ discursif contemporain s’attelant à réévaluer le concept de « grand partage » sur lequel se base l’ontologie moderne (Descola, Latour, Morin). Cette déconstruction nous amène à considérer le rapport de médiation que rêve et réel peuvent entretenir dans un contexte de crise de l’imagination (Augé), de sorte à interroger le type de réel porteur d’avenir que cette logique dialectique (Benjamin) permet d’envisager. À l’aune de ce dispositif épistémologique, le premier chapitre s'intéresse au roman La Chouette aveugle (Bouf-e-kour) de l’Iranien Sadegh Hedayat (1936). À travers l’entre-deux du rêve et de la veille, transparaît l’effondrement de la cosmologie perse antique, qu’un ange-femme signifie au narrateur en ve-nant mourir dans son lit ; l’analyse herméneutique et sémantique du texte révèle le basculement d’une vision du monde prémoderne, basée sur le déchiffrement du Réel imaginal par l’« angélophanie » (Corbin), à une perspective spectrale soumettant le présent à l’intempestivité d’une origine irrévocablement morte (Derrida). Dans le second chapitre, l’analyse de Poussière d’or (al-Tibr) du Touareg Ibrahim al-Koni (1990) fait apparaître l’entre-deux comme le socle d’une structure cosmique où les êtres s’opposent et se complètent entre visible et invisible (Claudot-Hawad) ; à travers la descente aux enfers que vit le protagoniste entre rêve et veille, l’étude cosmologique dévoile toute une écologie qui étend le territoire de l’humain à travers celui de l’esprit et de l’animal, de sorte à le faire accéder à « l’unité de l’existence » dont le désert est l’équation. Le troisième et dernier chapitre se consacre à l’analyse du Port intérieur d’Antoine Volodine (1995), et du post-exotisme en général, qui imagine l’entre-deux du rêve et de la veille comme un médium de transmigration ; nous proposons de voir comment l’apocalypse, sans cesse réactivée, lève le voile sur l’horreur du réel que les personnages réélaborent dans une éternelle transition. Enfin, la mise en écho de ces trois œuvres permet de considérer la capacité du rêve à générer du réel au seuil de l’inconnu de l’avenir, que la littérature invite à reconcevoir par le biais d’une refondation cosmologique. / This dissertation aims to study the in-between of dreams and wake from a cosmological angle. We will argue that every text of our corpus conveys a particular vision of the world mediated by an interstitial level, through which the characters negotiate their identity and relationship with the world, notably in a context of cultural apocalypse. In chapter zero, we situate our statement vis a vis the contemporary field of discourse aiming to re-evaluate the concept of ‘‘Great Divide”, on which modern ontology is based (Descola, Latour, Morin). This deconstruction leads us to con-sider the mediation link interrelating dreams with reality in a context of imagination crisis (Augé), so as to interrogate the type of forward-looking reality that the dialectical logic (Benja-min) makes us consider. In light of this epistemological device, the first chapter focuses on the novel The Blind Owl (Bouf-e-kour) by Iranian writer Sadegh Hedayat (1936). Between the states of dream and wake is revealed the collapse of ancient Persian cosmology, signified to the narra-tor by a female angel coming to die in his bed. The hermeneutic and semantic analysis of the text reveals the shift from a premodern vision of the world, based on the deciphering of the Imaginal Real through « angélophanie » (Corbin), to a spectral perspective subjecting the present to an irrevocably dead origin (Derrida). In the second chapter, the Tuareg Ibrahim al-Koni’s (al-Tibr, 1990) Gold Dust shows the in-between as the pedestal of a cosmic structure where beings op-pose and complement each other between the visible and the invisible (Claudot-Hawad). Through the protagonist’s descent into hell between dream and wake, a cosmological study re-veals an ecology extending human territory through the spirit and animal domains, so as to make it reach the ‘‘unity of existence’’ which desert is the equation. The third and final chapter is de-voted to the analysis of Antoine Volodine's Le Port intérieur (1995) and post-exoticism in gen-eral, which describes the in-between as a transmigration medium. We aim to investigate how the apocalypse, constantly reactivated, lifts the veil on the horrific reality that the characters reimag-ine in an eternal transition between life and death, dream and wake. Finally, the echoing of these three works leads us to question the dream's ability to generate reality on the threshold of the future’s unknown, which literature invites us to redesign through a cosmological refoundation.

Par-delà le rêve et la veille : la fin du monde. Une approche cosmologique de l'entre-deux. S. Hedayat, I. al-Koni et A. Volodine

Khalsi, Khalil 10 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Trauma in Toni Morrison's Beloved : Literary Methods and Psychological Processes / Trauma i Toni Morrisons Beloved : litterära metoder och psykologiska processer

Nyberg, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
In this essay, the novel Beloved, by Toni Morrison is observed using a working psychoanalytical approach. Story is observed as an important factor in engaging the reader on a personal level with the experience of trauma. By surveying Morrison’s use of imagery and language, this essay will examine how Morrison employs literary methods that imitate the psychological processes regarding how trauma is communicated to the waking state from the unconscious. The resulting testimony of the novel that arises as the result of these processes is also observed. This essay concludes that Morrison’s use of these literary methods functions to obligate the reader to involve themselves in the process of trauma and its resolution.

Denní snění / Day dreaming

Kaločová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
Annotation: Kaločová, V.: Day dreaming /MA thesis/ Praga 2010 - The Charles University, Pedagogical Faculty, Department od Art Education This work studies the area of day dreaming in the context of general education as well as visual arts education. It views day dreaming mainly as a device to develop creative thinking, and highlights its contribution to and importance for education as well as for personal character development, pointing out also the negative sides. In this thesis day dreaming is defined within psychology, pedagogy and artphiletics in a way that could be inspiring and contributing for education. In visual arts, dreaming is stressed especially there where painting coincides with poetry, and where it opens doors leading to creation of new worlds between consciousness and unconsciousness. Furthermore, this work deals with so-called "artwork dreaming", as a preparatory phase of artworks. The main issue of the theoretical part is poetics of day dreaming, which, as well as this work, tries to develop personal courage for creative thinking. Poetic dreaming is viewed as the highest, which contrives to stimulate us, harmonizes our senses, and helps us dwell in this world. Key words: Day dreaming, poetry, dream and reality, imagination, fantasy, imaginativeness

Transkriptionsregulation von TMPO- und KIF23-Genen im Zellzyklus und deren Repression durch den Tumorsuppressor p53

Girmay, Inga 11 November 2019 (has links)
p53 ist das wichtigste bisher bekannte Tumorsuppressorprotein. Es kann den Zellzyklusarrest vermitteln und die Korrektur von DNA-Schäden ermöglichen beziehungsweise in irreversibel geschädigten Zellen den programmierten Zelltod einleiten. Seine Inaktivierung spielt eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Tumorentstehung, intaktes p53 ist für den Zellzyklusarrest und die Seneszenz von Zellen von wesentlicher Bedeutung. Der Tumorsuppressor p53 übt seine Funktion hauptsächlich als Transkriptionsfaktor aus. Zahlreiche Zielgene von p53 sind inzwischen bekannt und detailliert charakterisiert worden. Besonders interessant sind die regulierten Zellzyklusgene, die die Verknüpfung der p53-Funktion bei Tumorsuppression und Alterungsprozessen der Zellenseneszenz darstellen. Zwei dieser Gene wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit ausführlich charakterisiert und damit neue p53-Signalwege der Zellzyklusregulation demonstriert.

A Narratological Study on Characterization, Change and Coming-of-Age in Maggie Stiefvater’s The Dream Thieves

Davidsson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
This essay explores the character development of Ronan Lynch in Maggie Stiefvater's The Dream Thieves (2013) with the intention of showing the process of self-acceptance through the narratological concepts character and characterization as well as Young Adult literature research focused on coming-of-age in terms of self-discovery and sexual identity. It was found that Ronan does reach self-acceptance. In terms of characterization, this can be seen through his relationships with other characters and his role in the narrative. When it comes to coming-of-age, his self-acceptance is seen through his self-discovery in regards to sexuality, and especially through his identity construction in relation to his supernatural ability.

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