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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literature and culture in the golden age of Egyptology

Dobson, Eleanor January 2017 (has links)
This thesis argues that a nuanced understanding of Egyptological writing across the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries can only be achieved through the consideration of the broader literary and artistic culture in which these texts were produced, and that an understanding of contemporary cultural artefacts requires a complementary awareness of Egyptology. It demonstrates the wealth of generic and material exchange between Egyptological and literary texts, and reveals cultures of mythmaking in which Egyptologists embellished their accounts, while those who collected Egyptian objects invented supernaturally-charged fictions in a bid to establish their own authority. It establishes the inflation in Egyptian iconography not merely in textual form, but across material culture, claiming that the growing availability of texts addressing ancient Egypt encouraged linguistic experiment among writers of fiction, and the domestication of hieroglyphs. It argues that interests in Egyptology and psychology often went hand-in-hand, shifting the understanding of hieroglyphs as something ‘other’ to a product of the ‘self’. Finally, it charts the commercialisation of Egyptian iconography, increasingly connected to products that drew upon Egypt’s glamour (and the glamour of theatre and cinema), but also obverses a counterculture that harnessed ancient Egypt’s fascination and connected it to more meaningful spiritual experiences.

Taxation, reponsiveness and accountability in Sub-Saharan Africa

Prichard, Wilson R. S. January 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the argument that the need for governments to raise tax revenue, as opposed to relying on resource rents or other sources of non-tax revenue, may increase the likelihood that they will be responsive and accountable to their citizens. It employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, first testing the relationship between tax reliance and accountability econometrically using cross-country data and then turning to detailed case studies from Ghana, Kenya and Ethiopia. The econometric results conclude that while existing data is consistent with the argument that tax reliance contributes to greater responsiveness and accountability, it is not possible to establish causality due to a combination of data limitations and the complexity of the underlying causal processes. This ambiguous finding provides motivation for the detailed case studies that follow. The causal model developed here proposes that the need for governments to rely on taxation may strengthen taxpayer demands for responsiveness and accountability, owing to the possibility of tax resistance and the role of taxation as a catalyst for collective action. Consistent with this model, the case study chapters present detailed historical narratives that capture significant examples from each of the three countries in which the need for taxation has contributed significantly to the expansion of responsiveness and accountability. As importantly, the case study evidence provides a nuanced understanding of the nature of the connections between taxation, responsiveness and accountability, highlighting three distinct types of causal processes at work, as well as the most significant social, political and economic contextual factors that shape the potential for tax bargaining. These lessons point toward important policy implications for foreign aid and tax reform more broadly.

Medida de temperatura e difusividade térmica de sementes e sementes inseridas em solo por ressonância magnética nuclear no domínio do tempo / Temperature and thermal diffusivity measurement of seeds and seeds inside soil by time domain nuclear magnetic resonance

Maria Gabriela Aparecida Carosio 31 January 2014 (has links)
Demonstrou-se nesta tese a potencialidade da ressonância magnética nuclear no domínio do tempo (RMN-DT) para medir a temperatura de sementes oleaginosas isoladas e inseridas em solos. Os métodos desenvolvidos baseiam-se na correlação entre o tempo de relaxação do óleo das sementes com a temperatura. As medidas com o tempo de relaxação transversal, T2, foram realizadas com a sequência Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) e as medidas de relaxação T*, com a sequência de pulsos Precessão Livre em Onda Contínua (CP-CWFP). Tanto o T2 quanto o T* apresentaram uma correlação exponencial crescente com a temperatura, utilizando espectrômetros de bancada. Com a medida do decaimento da temperatura de sementes e solos, previamente aquecidos a 70°C, em um banho térmico a 23°C, pode-se calcular a difusividade térmica de sementes e sementes em solos, obtendo valores similares aos obtidos com métodos padrões. Para ímãs com homogeneidade muito baixa, com gradientes de campo magnético maiores do que 1 T/m (ímãs de campos opostos, Unilateral e Halback) somente a sequência CPMG pode ser usada. A sequência CP-CWFP não gerou um sinal de onda contínua, necessário para a medida de T*. No ímã unilateral a correlação exponencial entre o decaimento do sinal CPMG e temperatura foi decrescente devido ao efeito da difusão molecular na refocalização dos ecos. Com isso a RMN unilateral, que detecta o sinal da amostra fora do sensor de RMN (ímã e sonda) tem potencial para análise da temperatura e difusividade térmica em campo. A grande vantagem da RMN sobre os métodos de termometria baseado em termômetros de mercúrio, termopares, termistores, etc., é que é um método que não precisa danificar as sementes para inserção do agente sensível à temperatura. Além disso, a RMN pode ser usada para medir a temperatura da semente, mesmo quando esta está sob uma camada de vários centímetros de solos, o que não ocorre com o sensor de Infravermelho, por exemplo. / The potential of time domain nuclear magnetic resonance (TD-NMR) to measure the temperature of isolated oilseeds and oilseeds inserted into soil was demonstrated in this thesis. The methods were based on the correlation between relaxation time of the oilseeds with temperature. The measurement with the transverse relaxation time, T2, was performed with the Carr - Purcell - Meiboom - Gill (CPMG) pulse sequence. The measurement of decay T*, was performed with the Continuous Wave Free Precession (CP- CWFP) pulse sequence. Both the T2 as T* showed an exponentially correlation with temperature using bench top spectrometers. With the measurement of the temperature decay of seeds and soils, previously heated to 70°C and placed in a bath at 23°C, was used to calculate the thermal diffusivity of seeds and seeds in soil. The results were similar to those obtained with standard methods. For the magnets with very low homogeneity, with strong magnetic field gradients 1 T/m (Opposite field, Unilateral and Halback magnets) only the CPMG pulse sequence could be used. The CP-CWFP sequence do not generated a continuous wave signal, necessary for the measurement of T*. The unilateral magnet shows an upward-sloping exponential curve between the decay of the CPMG signal and temperature due to the effect of molecular diffusion, in refocusing echoes. Therefore, the unilateral NMR, which detects the signal from the sample outside the NMR sensor (magnet and probe), has the potential to analyze the temperature and thermal diffusivity in the field. The big advantage of NMR over thermometry methods based on mercury thermometers, thermocouples, thermistors, etc., is that it is a method that does not need to damage the seeds for insertion of the sensor. In addition, NMR can be used to measure the seed temperature, even when it is under a layer of several centimeters of soil, which does not occur with the infrared sensor, for example.

Olika tekniker för att sänka stråldosen till patienter som ska genomgå datortomografi thoraxundersökning - En litteraturstudie

Ismail, Kaschin, Vartomian, Lilian January 2018 (has links)
Abstrakt Inledning: DT går snabbt och bilderna ges i 3D format vilket är en vidareutveckling från konventionell röntgen som ges i 2D bilder. DT thoraxundersökning är en metod som har visat fler fördelar än konventionell röntgen, dock ges det en högre stråldos. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att sammanställa tekniska åtgärder som röntgensjuksköterskan kan använda för att minska stråldosen till patienten vid DT thoraxundersökning. Metoden: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar kvalitetsgranskades, analyserades och resultatet presenterades i tre kategorier. Resultat: Det är möjligt att sänka stråldosen till patienten på olika sätt. Röntgensjuksköterskan kan ändra på exponeringsparametrar, använda sig av olika algoritmer samt positionera patienten rätt från början i ISO-centret med hjälp av ett automatiskt positioneringsverktyg. Inställningen av exponeringsparametrar avgör stråldosen till patienten. Med att ändra exponering parametrarna till lägre nivåer minskas stråldosen till patienten. Algoritmer som ASIR eller MBIR går även att använda vid efterfrågan av reducerad stråldos samt bevara bildkvalitén. Vid en DT undersökning avgörs patientpositionering för vilken mängd stråldos patienten utsätts för. Det är väldigt viktigt att röntgensjuksköterskan positionerar rätt och med hjälp av automatisk patientpositionering minskas risken för fel centrering samt onödig strålmängd. Slutsats: Litteraturstudien identifierade 3 tekniska åtgärder för att minska stråldosen med bibehållen bildkvalité. Med denna kunskap kan stråldosen reduceras till patienten, vilket är förenligt med Röntgensjuksköterskans kompetensbeskrivning och ALARA- principen.

Towards a theological synthesis of Christian and Shona views of death and the dead : implications for pastoral care in the Anglican diocese of Harare, Zimbabwe

Sitshebo, Wilson T. January 2001 (has links)
In this contextual study I investigate why and how the traditional approach to mission, engaged by Anglican missionaries, gave rise to a dual observance of ritual among Shona Anglican Christians. I begin by establishing the significance and essence of Shona views of death and the dead, then investigate the missionaries' historical background. I highlight that Christian arrogance, in the guise of racial superiority, underlies the confrontational and condemnatory approach. Traditional views were considered evil, in their place, Shona converts were forced to adopt western Christian views as the only acceptable and valid way of coping with this eschatological reality. These views did not usually fit the Shona worldviews and religious outlook, hence the adoption of dual observance. For some, life continues to be classified as either Christian or traditional and never both. However, some present Shona Anglican practices reflect a desire to integrate the two. Unless there is this integration, the Church remains other and irrelevant to the Shona people. The ultimate aim of this thesis is to advocate for a theological synthesis of Christian and Shona traditional views. I argue that such a synthesis, patterned on the interactive dialogical model, could lead to the cessation of confrontation and condemnation and its attendant dual observance, and enhance the development of a Shona Christian theology of death and the dead which provides for relevant and sensitive pastoral care.

Towards a re-reading of Colossians from an African American postcolonial perspective

Tinsley, Annie January 2010 (has links)
Essential information is often lost when in reading a piece of work the identity of an audience or the recipients is overlooked. The first hearers of the letter to the Colossians were a diverse group of people in a colonized country under the imperial rule of Rome in the first century. The writer of the letter addressed possible concerns presented to him from the evangelist, Epaphras, a native of Colossae. In identifying the audience whether they are first recipients or future readers, ideologies and theologies are discovered which add to the existing criticism genres. The process of identifying the audience allows one to reread the work through the lens of various peoples. This process also allows one to make comparisons between the various audiences. A comparison is made in this thesis between the 1st century readers and the enslaved Africans who lived on the continent of North America who were later exposed to concepts that stemmed from the letter. In viewing the identities of both groups the most damaging find was the derogatory labels placed on them. This thesis, an African American postcolonial re-reading of the letter to the Colossians, looks beyond the labels to ascertain the meaning of the Colossians letter, giving voices to each group.

Understanding former 'Girl Soldiers' : central themes in the lives of formerly abducted girls in post-conflict Northern Uganda

Kiconco, Allen January 2015 (has links)
Despite the heightened focus on the effects of war on girls, they are still being inappropriately grouped under the larger rubric of ‘women’ or ‘females’. Since the distinctions in girls’ and women’s war experiences are not yet well understood (McKay, 2006), this research argues that gender analysis is crucial to effective development as it relates to young soldiers. It also advocates a distinct analytical focus on girls who exit armed forces as young women (at times as a result of having children). This thesis is about formerly abducted girls in Acholi sub region, northern Uganda. As adolescents and teenagers, they were abducted by the Lord’s Resistance Army and many returned to their villages with children fathered by the fighters. This thesis systematically looks at their socio-economic reintegration process, experiences and progress over the years. Through a series of 57 in-depth and 12 group interviews, this qualitative study explores long-term reintegration from the participants’ perspectives. The study identifies and analyses the central themes in their lives, including: physical and mental scars of abduction and life in captivity, stigmatisation, marriage complexities, and economic hardships. To date, the growing body of reintegration literature has focused on the first one or two years after exiting an armed group, and long-term reintegration studies are still limited. Therefore, through these themes, the thesis contributes to the conceptualisation of reintegration and understanding of the participants’ past and current life situations.

An Educational Program for Using the Distress Themometer

Che-tuma, Mabel M 01 January 2018 (has links)
The distress thermometer (DT) is a screening tool designed to measure the level of stress in oncology patients. Clinical oncology nurses (CONs) at the local site lacked knowledge and training on how to administer and apply the DT. Because of this practice gap, patients were not receiving referrals to the necessary support services. The purpose of this project was to design and validate a CON staff education program on the use of the DT. The diffusion of innovation theory along with the theory of interpersonal relations served as the conceptual framework for the project. The project was organized into a 5-step process, consisting of interviewing stakeholders, conducting a literature review, developing a staff education module on the DT, validating the content of the DT module, and creating an implementation. Five local experts with at least 5 years of experience in oncology nursing participated in the validation of the staff education program. All the participants strongly agreed or agreed that the educational module provided CONs the necessary knowledge to use the DT to identify and refer patients in distress. Module changes made after expert responses were the following: separating the slides to ensure that the slides were not overwhelming for the readers, inserting screenshots of the questions from the electronic health record into the educational module, adding a distressed patient scenario, and adding test questions after each DT question. Implementation of these changes may help CONs to better understand module content. Stakeholders support the module implementation for all CONs in the oncology clinic, which may result in less distress among oncology patients. Module implementation has the potential to promote social change through increased staff knowledge on the use of the DT for the identification of patient distress and the required support service referrals

Colonial and post-colonial African cinema : a theoretical and critical analysis of discursive practices

Shaka, Femi Okiremuete January 1994 (has links)
This study attempts to provide a theoretical framework for the criticism of colonial and post-colonial African cinema. Emphasis is placed on the extent to which the nature of colonial cinematic policies and practices have influenced post-colonial African cinema, especially with regards to forms of subjectivities constructed through cinematic representation. The study begins by examining some of the methodological problems in the criticism of African cinema. It relates the concept of African cinema to debates dealing with Third Cinema theories, cine-structuralism and psychoanalytic critical theories, and argues that any of these theories can be applied to the criticism of African cinema so long as it is moderated to suit the specific nature of the African condition. It also defines the nature of African cinema by relating it to the notions of national cinema, the question of African personality and identity, emergent genres and film styles, and proposes a general cinematic reading hypothesis, anchored on the concept of subjectivity, for the criticism of African cinema. With respect to the colonial period, the main argument which I pursue is that two divergent cinematic practices existed side by side in Africa. First, there was a governmental and non-governmental agencies sponsored, non-commercial cinema, which treats the medium as a vehicle for popular instruction. Throughout this study, I refer to this cinematic practice as colonial African instructional cinema, and argue that it represents Africans as knowing and knowledgeable people, able and willing to acquire modem methods of social planning and development for the benefit of their communities. Second, there was the commercial cinematic practice which chose, and still chooses, to recycle popular images of people of African descent in the European imagination, as projected through literature, history, anthropological and scientific discourses, etc., in the representation of Africans. I refer to this cinematic practice throughout this study as colonialist African cinema. The main argument which I pursue with respect to this practice is that the images of Africans projected in it have a genealogical history stretching as far back in time as the classical era. In the modem period, the contact between Europe and Africa, and the subsequent slave trade, colonialism and their popular literatures, and the nineteenth century racial theories, are some of the factors which have reinforced the canonical authority of these images. I argue that this cinematic practice represents Africans by employing various metaphors which draw associations between Africans and animals, to suggest African savagery and barbarity, and that by drawing on such associations, they devalue African humanity, legitimise the colonial enterprise and all its attendant cruelties, and absolve Europeans of any moral responsiblities over actions supposedly carried out in the name of spreading civilisation. Though post-colonial African historical texts located in the colonial period respond to the whole colonial enterprise, my argument is that they are inspired, first and foremost, by the desire to refute the images of Africans identifiable with the discursive tradition of colonialist African CInema.

The social organization of the Azande of the Bahr-el-Ghazal province of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan

Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan January 1928 (has links)
This thesis represents part of my Ethnological research carries out in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan in the years 1926 and 1927. After having worked for three months in the area between the White and Blue Niles, mainly amongst the Ingassana People of the Tabi Hills, and later for some seven weeks on the West Bank of the Nule, amongst the Moro Peoples, I arrived in that part of the Bahr-el-Ghazal Province which is inhabited by the Azande towards the end of March 1927. I left for England at the end of August, thus completing a residence of five months amongst the Azande. The Thesis is arranged in two books. The first book is a condensed analysis of the structure of Zande society. In the second book I have taken native customer or institutions, divination, magic, dancing and obscene songs, and I have en-deavoured to interpret them by showing their contexts, associa-tions and functions. It is by the method exemplified in the second book of this thesis that I hope to explain one by one the institutions of the Azande. In the parts on magic and obscenity I have used the comparative method of analysis. It is this method which must eventually be applied to all institu-tions if Social Anthropology is to put forward general state-ments, or laws, and so take its place in the ranks of other inductive sciences.

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