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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Refusal to be Romanized?: Identity and Romanization at Sarmizegetusa, Dacia

Ells, Shannon Marie, Ells, Shannon Marie January 2016 (has links)
In recent years, archaeologists have proven that Roman provinces such as Gaul successfully underwent the process of Romanization, where the archaeological evidence showed that native populations culturally assimilated to Roman life. Likewise, Romans accepted local populations into Roman life and oftentimes syncretized aspects of their own culture with that of the locals. This process was usually stimulated by the creation of Roman cities throughout the province from which Roman culture emanated. However, Dacia's capital city, Ulpia Traiana Augusta Dacica Sarmizegetusa, which was founded in 106 CE under Trajan after the Second Dacian War (105-6 CE), doesn't exhibit these qualities of Romanization. The material culture, including architecture, ceramics, inscriptions on stelae, and other artifacts, expresses a purely Roman aesthetic in terms of style and construction. The evidence suggests that native Dacians were not successfully Romanized, either because of a conscious rejection of Roman life or a refusal by the Romans to successfully incorporate the locals into the new Roman province. Due to the violence of the two Dacian Wars and the speed with which Rome begins to colonize the province, I suggest that both scenarios are possible for why Romanization failed in Dacia and if Romanization did occur, it didn't emanate from the capital city but from rural settlements closer to the limes, many of which have not yet been excavated extensively.

Forts, fields and towns : communities in northwest Transylvania from the first century BC to the fifth century AD

Wanner, Robert January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the social landscape of Northwest Transylvania in the Late Iron Age, Roman and post-Roman periods. This region consists of the modern Romanian counties of Cluj and Sălaj and roughly encompasses the Roman province of Dacia Porolissensis and part of Free Dacia. Roman Dacia represents an extraordinary case of Roman imperial occupation: it was one of the last major territories to be conquered and one of the first to be released. Special emphasis is placed on how Roman occupation as a phenomenon transformed the landscape; but unlike previous research the military is neither the primary focus of analysis nor the only agent of change. In the years after the Trajanic conquest of Dacia in AD 106, immigrants swarmed into the new province from all over the Empire to colonise the land which written sources indicate was severely depopulated. It was this migration as a whole that led to the destabilisation of existing Iron Age territorial units and radical transformations of settlement patterns, burial, ritual and land-use. To analyse these issues, archaeological sites and find spots of material dating to between the first century BC and the fifth century AD within the study area were entered into a database along with spatial coordinates. These data were then integrated into a Geographic Information System to facilitate geospatial analyses. These analyses indicated stark discontinuity between the Late Iron Age and Roman period in all forms of settlement and strong regional variation in every period. From the annihilation of the native communities, new ones with distinct identities emerged which found resonance after the departure of the Romans in the late third century.

Feminismus oder Pornographie? : zur Darstellung von Erotik und Sexualität im Werk Dacia Marainis /

Heinzius, Barbara. January 1995 (has links)
Dissertation--Sarrebruck--Universität des Saarlandes, 1994. / Contient un entretien en italien avec Dacia Maraini, mené par l'auteur à Florence le 13 décembre 1991. Bibliogr. p. 415-430.


EMMERSON, ALLISON L. C. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Écriture du corps et féminismes : genre, sexualité et maternité dans l’oeuvre narrative à la première personne de Dacia Maraini / Feminisms and writing the body : gender, sexuality and motherhood in Dacia Maraini's first-person narrative works

Carton-Vincent, Alison 20 June 2013 (has links)
Avec l’essor du néo-féminisme en Italie à la fin des années 1960, un genre littéraire se développe rapidement : le roman féministe. Souvent relaté à la première personne, il présente des parcours de femmes aux prises avec une société patriarcale qui les opprime et dont elles tentent de se libérer. Dès ses premières oeuvres, Dacia Maraini s’inscrit dans cette veine narrative. Elle en fournira les exemples les plus célèbres (notamment avec Donna in guerra en 1975) et en assurera la diffusion même après la fin du féminisme militant dans les années 1980 avec des oeuvres moins marquées idéologiquement mais toujours inscrites dans une visée de dénonciation des inégalités. À mi-chemin entre création littéraire et engagement politique, les récits féministes à la première personne de Dacia Maraini s’attachent tout particulièrement à la question du corps, interface entre soi et les autres, entre le privé et le politique. Considérant la période 1962- 2001, ce travail montre comment l’auteure investit et questionne les territoires du genre, de la sexualité et de la maternité par le biais de fictions mais aussi d’oeuvres autobiographiques. Dans une optique pluridisciplinaire empruntant à la fois les outils de l’analyse littéraire et de l’histoire des idées, le je des récits du corpus est analysé en tant que modalité énonciative spécifique mais aussi en tant qu’instrument performatif de diffusion du féminisme marainien, dans un rapport circulaire entre art et société, entre culture et pouvoir. / With the rise of neo-feminism in Italy in the end of the 1960's, a new literary genre quickly developed: the feminist novel. The first-person narrative was frequently used to portray women who fought against an oppressing patriarchal society from which they tried to get free. From her first works, Dacia Maraini followed this narrative style. She provided its most famous examples (especially in Donna in guerra, in 1975) and she guaranteed its propagation – even after the end of activist feminism in the 1980's – through works that were not as ideologically engaged as the first ones but that still aimed at denouncing inequalities. Halfway between literary creation and political commitment, the first person feminist narrative of Dacia Maraini particularly focuses on the topic of the body, as a link between one and the others, between the personal and the political. I will study the 1962-2001 period, and I will show how the author concentrates on the territories of gender, sexuality and motherhood and how she questions them through fiction and autobiographical stories. I choose a multidisciplinary perspective that takes the tools of both literary analysis and the history of ideas, in order to analyse the use of the first person as a specific enunciative modality and as a performative instrument for the propagation of Marainian feminism in a circular relationship between arts and society, between culture and power.

Les matériaux et les techniques de réalisation de la peinture murale des tombeaux de l’antiquité tardive en Thracia et en Dacia (fin IIIe - VIe siècle ap. J.-C) / The materials and the techniques of the realization of the late antiquity Thracia and Dacia tomb murals (end of IIId - VIth century AC)

Kitanov, Kitan 05 December 2009 (has links)
La recherche est représentée en deux volumes et un enregistrement sur un DVD. Dans le volume est présentée la particularité du texte qui se consiste en introduction, six chapitres, abréviation, sigle et bibliographie. Le deuxième volume représente des 267 planches et des 17 tableaux. Dans introduction ont été déterminées les limites chronologiques – fin du III ème jusqu’au chute de la civilisation de l’antiquité tardive sur les Balkans à la fin du VIe et au début du VIIe siècle ap. J.-C. On a fait un bref aperçu sur les recherches de ces monuments. Dans le Chapitre I ont été envisagées les différentes méthodes analytiques. Au début, on a décrit la recherche des peintures murales des tombeaux réalisée in situ. Pour obtenir des informations concernant les types des colorants et des liants de la couche picturale, ainsi que l’établissement de la composition quantitative et qualitative de différents mortiers ont été appliquées les méthodes analytiques suivantes : pétrographique et minéralogique, granulométrie, microsonde électronique et microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB), diffraction des rayons X, spectrométrie IR et spectrométrie IR Raman. Dans le Chapitre II a été faite une recherche sur les divers matériaux de la structure des peintures : matériaux de construction, mortier de liaison, couches d’enduit, pigments et liants. On a constaté que les peintres ont utilisé, au début de la période, des pigments chers et que l’on les a appliqués en état pur. Tels pigment ont été le cinabre et le bleu égyptien. D’autre part la palette s’est progressivement appauvrie. La riche gamme de pigments, existant pendant la période de la fin du IIIe au début du Ve, a devenu de plus en plus restreinte en aboutissant également à l’usage de l’ocre rouge qui a été rarement accompagné de couleur verte (terre verte) vers la fin du Ve et au VIe siècle ap. J.-C. Le Chapitre III présente les techniques de réalisation et le système de travail. On a déterminé que la technique principale d’exécution est a fresco, mais on a constaté aussi d’autres techniques (fresque à la chaux, peinture à la chaux, détrampe). Les constatations notées dans les chapitres précédents nous ont permis de faites la synthèse dans le Chapitre IV. Les matériaux et les techniques de réalisation de la peinture funéraire sont représentés en ordre chronologique. Dans le Chapitre V on a montré en détail 48 tombeaux de deux diocèses. Les décors des tombeaux ne sont pas figurés seulement au point de vue de matériaux et de techniques, on a aussi étudié leurs thèmes iconographiques et leurs motifs ornaméntaux. Le chapitre VI présente la conclusion principale de la thèse. Il évoque sous en résumé l’influence directe de l’art de l’Asie Mineure ainsi que l’influence indirecte de l’art des terres italiques. Le riche répertoire de thèmes est accompagné d’une large palette d’interprétations créatrices et de solutions techniques. Á la fin de la période, la peinture funéraire disparait. Ce fait nous incite à établir un lien avec le changement du rite funéraire. D’autre part, le matériau archéologique permet de constater un développement important de l’art figuratif pendant cette période. Ainsi la peinture murale rend-elle prioritaires d’autres structures architecturales, notamment les basiliques, les églises et les baptistaires chrétiens. Les abréviations présentent les publications périodiques et de diverses institutions. On a ajouté une liste des nomes antique des sites et leurs nomes modernes. La bibliographie représentent des sources et des textes antiques, des livre de base, ainsi que des publications sur la peinture antique grecque et romaine, recherche sur des monuments donnés, ainsi que telles présentant des problèmes déterminés sur les matériaux et la technologie de la peinture pariétale. Une liste des sites électroniques est également montrée. / The research is presented in two volumes and a DVD record. Volume one represents the text part of the thesis consisting of introduction and 6 chapters with abbreviations, bibliography and indexes. The second volume includes 267 plates and 17 tables.In the introduction has been defined the chronological period of the review spanning through the years of the end of the ІІІd century until the fall of the late antique civilization on the Balkans in the end of the VІth and beginning of the VІІth century AC. A review of the study of the objects in Thracia and Dacia is presented in briefs.In chapter I examined the different analytical methods. The beginning part presents the research of the objects in situ. For the gathering of the information concerning the type of the pigments and adhesives used for realization of the murals, as well as for the differentiation of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the ingredient components of the different ground layers there have been used the following analytical methods: pictographic and mineralogical analyses, granulometry, electronic microprobes, CEM, structural Х-ray analysis, AEA-ICP, IR spectrometry and IR Raman spectrometry. The second chapter contains the examination of the different types of materials as: plasters, pigments and adhesives used for the realization of the tomb murals. The results are classified according to belonging to three basic groups – of natural origin, synthetic and mixed pigments. There has been proved that in the beginning of the period there had been used some most expensive pigments in an almost clear form as cinnabar and egyptian blue. However in time the palette gradually got poorer and by the end of the period it became limited to only dark red pigments (red ochre, rarely accompanied by green pigment (green earth). The results of the type of the adhesives used for the realization of the murals are presented in particulars. The use of non-organic adhesive - calcium hydroxide has been found. In Chapter ІІІ there are reviewed the picturesque technique and system of implementation. There has been defined the main technique a fresco, however the presence of other techniques has been also found. The constatations made in all previous chapters are summarized in Chapter ІV. In a chronological plan there were reviewed the materials and techniques which were in use. The Chapter V in details are presented all available tombs with painting murals, that were a subject of the present research. The murals have been outlined not only in the perspective of the implemented materials and techniques of realization, but also from the position of the analysis of the ornamental motives and iconographic system. The Chapter VI presents the main conclusion of the thesis. The direct influence of the art of Asia Minor is given in summarized form, as well as the indirect one – through the art of the land of Italy, for example. The rich repertoire of subjects is accompanied by a wealth of creative interpretations and technical solutions. The wall painting became a priority of the Church architecture at the end of Late Antiquity, which has also been proven by archaeological surveys. The palette of colours and technique of application used in tomb art found new implementation in depicting images of the already regulated Christian art in church architecture. The abbreviations contain periodical press publications and public institutions. There has been attached a list with the names of the archeological objects as known in ancient and contemporary time. The bibliography contains: the ancient authors, basic sources of information, specialized researches and publications on roman and late antique painting, publications on particular cultural monuments, as well as expert publications focused on specific problems of the materials and technology research.

Aktivity firmy Renault ve vybraných zemích střední a východní Evropy

Turková, Helena January 2006 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá historií značky Renault a Dacia a sleduje vývoj spolupráce těchto značek. Popisuje model Dacia Logan, jeho silné a slabé stránky, další možná pokračování projektu X90. Práce se dále zabývá utvářením ceny na trhu a možnostmi jejího ovlivnění.

The impact of mergers & acquisitions on corporate identities and brand portfolios in the automotive industry : A case study of Renault & Dacia

Aldea, Stefania Virginia January 2011 (has links)
The today‟s business world deals with an increasing phenomenon of Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A‟s), a process through which companies gain access to some tangible and intangible resources. Within the automotive industry this phenomenon requires even more attention, since it faced many difficulties during time. This can be seen through the numerous mergers/acquisitions failures, among which it can be mentioned the one of Daimler & Chrysler, Volvo & Renault, BMW & Rover, which were also treated in the thesis. However, although fewer, there are also M&A‟s that became successful, such as the acquisition of Skoda or Seat by Volkswagen, or the acquisition of Dacia by Renault. The last example captured the attention of the study in particular.However, although they are mostly defined by similar characteristics, the mergers and acquisitions mean slightly different things. An acquisition occurs when an organization takes over another one and establishes itself clearly as the new owner, while a merger occurs when two companies, of a similar size, create a single new company owned and operated by both of the parties.The very purpose of the thesis was to reveal the possible impact of mergers and acquisitions regarding the brand perspective in the automotive industry, through the eyes of the case studies mentioned above and the case of Dacia & Renault in particularThe study chose to use an inductive approach, meaning that the researcher had first collected data from Dacia and afterwards, according to the information owned, he developed the theoretical framework. The study is furthermore exploratory, since the researcher sought to explore Dacia‟s approach to branding under Renault ownership.The interesting part consists in the paper‟s findings. First it was discovered that the companies that merge, sometimes face difficulties in establishing the corporate identity of their new formed company. In the case of acquisitions however the process of adopting a new corporate identity applies mostly to the acquired company and overall it is a bit more clear what strategy should the acquired company adopt. On the other hand the paper also identified the M&A‟s impact on the new portfolio. When both are eager to keep their own corporate and product brands, the new portfolio becomes too complex and does not allow cost savings synergies in terms of components equalization, production rationalization or marketing. However, due to the investments that the acquiring company usually makes, the new portfolio can also become more competitive.Regarding the case study on which the paper chose to focus, it was revealed the Dacia‟s corporate brand strategy that boosted its sales and revived its identity. Afterwards it emerged Dacia‟s portfolio consisting of brands that complement themselves and therefore address a wide spectrum of customer needs, and the brands‟ dynamics in time.

Sprachdenken im Mittelalter ein Vergleich mit der Moderne

Beuerle, Angela January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Hamburg, Univ., Diss., 2008

La population de la Dacie Romaine : étude anthroponymique et prosopographique / The population of the Roman Dacia : anthroponymic and prosopographical study

Dragostin, Raluca-Monica 08 October 2012 (has links)
Parmi les provinces romaines, la Dacie, par son emplacement aux confins des civilisations grecque et latine, a abrité une population cosmopolite, caractérisée par le multilinguisme et le multiculturalisme, pour laquelle le latin et le mode de vie romain ont joué un rôle de catalyseur. En l’absence des investissements coûteux dans les projets archéologiques, l’onomastique a su suppléer avec succès les résultats des fouilles, en fournissant un matériel fertile qui complète le tableau historique de la province et qui redonne une image assez fidèle de ses habitants. L’essor des études onomastiques dans l’après guerre, la transformation de l’onomastique de science auxiliaire de l’histoire en science autonome, s’est traduit en Roumanie par une série d’enquêtes qui essayent de reconstituer, au moins partiellement, des anciennes langues aujourd’hui disparues (l’illyrien, le thrace) à partir de leurs uniques vestiges : les noms propres. Suivant la tradition de l’époque, les ouvrages désormais classiques de I. I Russu ne retiennent que les aspects linguistiques, la morphologie et l’étymologie des noms, dans l’esprit des études indo-européennes qui dominaient alors l’historiographie occidentale. Dans ce sillage, les auteurs qui ont suivi, ont adopté la même perspective philologique qu’ils ont enrichie plus récemment par des études prosopographiques, mais leurs travaux restent ponctuels, limités à une certaine communauté ethnique, à une catégorie sociale ou bien à la population des grandes villes. De là naît le besoin d’un projet plus étendu qui porte sur l’ensemble de la province et qui, tout en tenant compte du caractère interdisciplinaire de l’onomastique, traite à la fois de la position des noms dans le système de la langue et des aspects légaux, politiques et sociaux révélés par les anthroponymes. Dans cette thèse je vise à étudier, de manière critique et détaillée, l’anthroponymie de la Dacie Romaine, en complétant l’enquête prosopographique tournée vers les aspects sociaux par une approche philologique. Les deux jalons chronologiques que j’ai choisi pour encadrer mon ouvrage, seront l’an 106, la date de la défaite des Daces face à Rome, comme terminus post quem, et 271 année qui marque conventionnellement la fin du gouvernement romain en Dacie.L’onomastique de la Dacie est marquée par des influences multiples : influence politique (gentilices ajoutés), religieuse (théophores), ethnique (noms « barbares), influence du milieu militaire (noms latins), de la culture classique (noms grecs), des pratiques étrangères (noms celtes). Il n’y a pas une influence dominante, pareil à la romanisation, l’onomastique telle qu’elle nous a été conservée est un produit entièrement nouveau, née de l’intersection de tous les usages que les habitants de la province ont fait des noms. / By virtue of its location on the borders of Latin and Greek civilizations, Dacia, one of the Roman provinces, housed a cosmopolitan population. This cosmopolitanism was characterized by multilingualism and multiculturalism, with the Latin language and the Roman lifestyle acting as catalysts. Despite the absence of much investment in archaeological projects, onomastic studies successfully compensated for the lack of excavation. Onomastics provided rich material, filling in the historical picture of the province (the history of the province), and giving a fairly accurate impression of its inhabitants. The sudden growth of onomastic studies in the postwar period and their transformation from an ancillary science of history to a science in its own right, was reflected in Romanian historiography in a series of studies that attempted to reconstruct ancient languages (Illyrian, Thracian), at least partially, through their unique remains: proper names. The classic work of I.I. Russu focuses only on linguistic aspects, morphology and etymology of names, following the scientific practice of the time, in the wake of the domination of Western historiography by Indo-European studies. The followers of this line of investigation continued to adopt a philological perspective, which has been recently enriched by a prosopographic approach. Yet, such investigations remain limited to a specific ethnic community, a social group or the population of large cities. Hence the need for a larger project that studies the onomastics of the whole province, and (given the interdisciplinary nature of onomastics) that investigates the position of a name in a language as well as the legal, political or social aspects revealed by anthroponyms. In this thesis I study, in a detailed and critical manner, the onomastics of Roman Dacia, and to the prosopographical investigation, usually oriented toward social aspects, I add a philological perspective. The two chronological milestones that I have chosen for my study are 106 A.D., the date of the final defeat of the Dacians as terminus post quem, and 271 A.D., the conventional date marking the abandonment of the Dacian provinces as a case of terminus ante quem.Dacian onomastics is marked by multiple influences: political (added gentile names), religious (theophoric names), ethnic ("barbarian" names), and the influences of the military milieu (Latin onomastics), of classical culture (Greek names) and of foreign onomastic practices (Celtic names). There is no single dominant influence: in the form in which it has been preserved, onomastics, like Romanization, is a completely new product, born at the intersection of all the uses that the inhabitants of the province gave to proper names.

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