Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorsystem"" "subject:"aktorsystem""
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Program för digitala prov : Och hur programmet möter kraven som ställs när det används i gymnasieskolanJackson, Marcus January 2018 (has links)
Under de senaste två årtionden har det blivit en drastisk ökning av privat ägda laptops. Detta har öppnat för nya möjligheter som bring your own device (BYOD) digitala prov i skolan. Men med detta blir nedlåsning av datorn inför digitalt prov ännu viktigare. Undersökningar har gjorts gällande elevernas uppfattning kring digitala provsystem samt deras åsikter om digitala prov i allmänhet. Andra arbeten har gjorts gällande hur digitala provsystem fungerar tekniskt men samtidigt finns det artiklar som visar hur viktig lärarnas åsikter är. Därför kommer detta arbete definiera kraven som de krav som lärare har för att undersöka deras perspektiv, inte på det digitala prov eller provsystem som andra arbeten utan på nedlåsningsprogrammet för datorn vilket bidrar med information i ett nytt perspektiv. Detta görs genom insamling av enkäter från lärarna på en gymnasieskola för att definiera krav. Dessa krav ställs sedan mot vanligt använda nedlåsningsprogram för att svara på hur de klarar av de krav som lärare har. Resultatet av detta visar att nedlåsningsprogrammen inte uppfyller alla krav som lärarna ställer. Dock vid undersökning av de krav som underkändes bedöms nedlåsningsprogrammen leva upp till en majoritet av lärarnas krav då anpassade lösningar och vikten av olika krav disskuteras. Detta ger ett positivt betyg för nedlåsningsprogrammen och ger uppmaning till lärare att gå över till digitala prov utan att oroa sig för nedlåsningen av datorerna.
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A General Framework for Discovering Multiple Data GroupingsSweidan, Dirar January 2018 (has links)
Clustering helps users gain insights from their data by discovering hidden structures in an unsupervised way. Unlike classification tasks that are evaluated using well-defined target labels, clustering is an intrinsically subjective task as it depends on the interpretation, need and interest of users. In many real-world applications, multiple meaningful clusterings can be hidden in the data, and different users are interested in exploring different perspectives and use cases of this same data. Despite this, most existing clustering techniques only attempt to produce a single clustering of the data, which can be too strict. In this thesis, a general method is proposed to discover multiple alternative clusterings of the data, and let users select the clustering(s) they are most interested in. In order to cover a large set of possible clustering solutions, a diverse set of clusterings is first generated based on various projections of the data. Then, similar clusterings are found, filtered, and aggregated into one representative clustering, allowing the user to only explore a small set of non-redundant representative clusterings. We compare the proposed method against others and analyze its advantages and disadvantages, based on artificial and real-world datasets, as well as on images enabling a visual assessment of the meaningfulness of the discovered clustering solutions. On the other hand, extensive studies and analysis concerning a variety of techniques used in the method are made. Results show that the proposed method is able to discover multiple interesting and meaningful clustering solutions.
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Discovery and Analysis of Social Media Data : How businesses can create customized filters to more effectively use public data / Upptäckt och Utvärdering av Data från Sociala Medier : Hur företag kan skapa egna filter för att bättre nyttja publik dataWöldern, Lars January 2018 (has links)
The availability of prospective customer information present on social media platforms has led to many marketing and customer-facing departments utilizing social media data in processes such as demographics research, and sales and campaign planning. However, if your business needs require further filtration of data, beyond what is provided by existing filters, the volume and rate at which data can be manually sifted, is constrained by the speed and accuracy of employees, and their digital competency. The repetitive nature of filtration work, lends itself to automation, that ultimately has the potential to alleviate large productivity bottlenecks, enabling organizations to distill larger volumes of unfiltered data, faster and with greater precision. This project employs automation and artificial intelligence, to filter Linkedin profiles using customized selection criteria, beyond what is currently available, such as nationality and age. By introducing the ability to produce tailored indices of social media data, automated filtration offers organizations the opportunity to better utilize rich prospective data for more efficient customer review and targeting.
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Evaluating End Users’ Online Privacy Preferences and Identifying PET Design Requirements: A Literature ReviewKolivodiakos, Paraskevas January 2018 (has links)
In this research end user privacy preferences regarding online resources web and mobile applications and websites are investigated and design requirements needed for the development of a privacy focused, privacy enhancing technology tool are identified, as derived from the literature, the crowd source based solution is the most appealing solution so it is fully analyzed according to our research main focus.
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Towards hardware accelerated rectification of high speed stereo image streamsBankarusamy, Sudhangathan January 2017 (has links)
The process of combining two views of a scene in order to obtain depth information is called stereo vision. When the same is done using a computer it is then called computer stereo vision. Stereo vision is used in robotic application where depth of an object plays a role. Two cameras mounted on a rig is called a stereo camera system. Such a system is able to capture two views and enable robotic application to use the depth information to complete tasks. Anomalies are bound to occur in such a stereo rig, when both the cameras are not parallel to each other. Mounting of the cameras on a rig accurately has physical alignment limitations. Images taken from such a rig has inaccurate depth information and has to be rectified. Therefore rectification is a pre-requisite to computer stereo vision. One such a stereo rig used in this thesis is the GIMME2 stereo camera system. The system has two 10 mega-pixel cameras with on-board FPGA, RAM, processor running Linux operating system, multiple Ethernet ports and an SD card feature amongst others. Stereo rectification on memory constrained hardware is a challenging task as the process itself requires both the images to be stored in the memory. The FPGA on the GIMME2 systems must be used in order to achieve the best possible speed. Programming a system that does not have a display and for used for a specific purpose is called embedded programming. The purpose of this system is distance estimation and working with such a system falls in the Embedded Systems program. This thesis presents a method that makes rectification a step ahead for this particular system. The functionality of the algorithm is shown in MATLAB and using VHDL and is compared to available tools and systems.
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Digitalplattan som ett medel i yngre barns kommunikationGrozdanovska, Emilia, Olsson, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka kommunikationssätt som blir till vid intra-aktionen mellan digitalplattan och yngre barn. Med tanke på att forskning visar att yngre barn inte får samma möjlighet att använda digital teknik som äldre barn. Forskning visar också på att den digitala undervisningen i förskolan är bristfällig, därför är vårt syfte i studien att undersöka sammanflätningar mellan yngre barn, förskolläraren och digital teknik där människor och materialitet har agens. Vår forskningsfråga är: Vilka kommunikationssätt blir till i aktiviteter med digitalplatta och yngre barn i förskoleverksamheten? För att undersöka vår forskningsfråga så har vi i föreliggande studie utgått från ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv och gjort en kvalitativ undersökning, där vi använt oss av videoobservationer. Resultatet visar att digitalplattan skapar möjligheter för yngre barn att utveckla både verbala visuella och kroppsliga kommunikationer. Dock behövs det stöttning från förskollärare, då barn och digitalplatta kan ha svårt att förstå varandra i kommunikationen. Slutsatsen är att digitalplattan genom intra-aktioner med barnen och förskollärare, är i ett nätverk där den tillsammans med barn och förskollärare möjliggör kroppsliga, verbala och visuella kommunikationer.
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Impact of a Decision Support System on Obstetricians in the Pregnancy Nutrition GuidanceXu, Chenfan January 2012 (has links)
Background: Pregnancy Nutrition (PN) guidance is an issue of great concern worldwide because of its direct relevance to the maternal healthcare and the healthy prenatal development (Li et al., 2004, p. 11). Providing an effective guidance on PN is an onerous and time-consuming task. Extensive experience, knowledge, and continuous and actual calculations are required for the obstetricians. Consequently, the PN guidance is often faced with difficulties and hurdles. It is, however, dramatically changed with the emergence of a Decision Support System (DSS) for PN guidance based on the computer information management technique. This DSS has been applied for the clinic guidance of PN in obstetrics departments or hospitals in China. Its impacts on obstetricians are investigated in this thesis. Objectives: This thesis investigates the consequences and intrinsic correlations of relevant factors during the application of the DSS, so that its effects on obstetricians can be clearly identified and the usefulness of this system for pregnancy nutrition guidance can be effectively established. It also lays a foundation for an effective communication between system developers and the end users of this system. At the meantime, this work proposes the concepts and methods that allow proper utility of such an information management system. Methods: A number of research methods have been applied for data acquisitions and analyses, including direct observations of the obstetrics department in the hospital in study, conversational interviews with the participating obstetricians, and distance communications. These approaches enable us to prepare the resources to construct the model based on these case studies. As a parallel approach, quantitative methods based on questionnaires have been conducted which reach out a large number of obstetricians in different locations. This allows a statistical analysis that permits the impact analysis and correlation of the intrinsic factors, so that the conclusions of this study can be consolidated. Results: Positive impacts will be measured by five factors including convenience, acceptability, generality, concreteness, and effectiveness, while negative impacts by three factors including verbosity, rigidity, and expensiveness. Conclusions: The DSS has successfully enhanced the application of correct PN guidance. Both positive and negative impacts have been generated on obstetricians by the DSS. These impacts are mainly related to the seniority of obstetricians and their familiarity with the PN guidance and the DSS. The development, utilization, and operation management of the DSS in PN guidance has generated impacts and functions. This study might provide resources and foundation of the systematic management of the DSS together with its development. The DSS and the related Chief Information Officers and Specialists will benefit from this study and therefore provide improved support and assistance for the end users to complete information system management successfully. / PN DSS configuration of Obstetrician Department in Tianjin First Central Hospital, Tianjin, China
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Utveckling av prototyp för e-tjänst till överklagningar / Developing a prototype of an e-service to appealsStenlund, Kristoffer January 2012 (has links)
Den här rapporten beskriver ett examensarbete som har genomförts på uppdrag av Jordbruksverket i Jönköping. Uppdraget handlar om att ta fram en prototyp av en e-tjänst för överklagningar med fokus på användbarhet mot användaren. Jordbruksverket är en statlig myndighet som arbetar med att uppfylla de övergripande målen för jordbruks- och livsmedelspolitiken i Sverige. En av Jordbruksverkets huvuduppgifter är att administrera de EU-stödpengar som betalas ut i samband med lantbrukssysslor. Jordbruksverket har funnit problem i överklagningar som kommer från lantbrukare som vill överklaga olika beslut. Överklagningarna är inte alltid helt kompletta vilket kräver mer arbete och tid för handläggningen av dem. Jordbruksverket vill därför undersöka möjligheten att införa en e-tjänst för att skicka in överklagningar. E-tjänsten ska kunna guida en användare igenom en överklagning så att den blir så korrekt och komplett som möjligt. Eftersom användarna har olika erfarenheter av att överklaga och med datorer har syftet med studien varit att utveckla en prototyp av en e-tjänst som ska fokusera på användbarhet mot användarna. Den huvudsakliga frågeställningen är: Hur kan man utveckla en användbar e-tjänst med avseende på grafiskt och funktionellt gränssnitt mot användarna? Målet med studien är att ta fram en prototyp på en e-tjänst utefter uppdragsgivarens krav och arbetets forskning på teorier kring användbarhet. Genomförandet av arbetet har till största delen följt Jordbruksverkets arbetsprocess. Olika delmoment har varit planering, kravframtagning i form av effektkedja och användningsfall, utveckling av prototypen och visning/utvärdering av prototyp hos Jordbruksverket. Studien har resulterat i en prototyp av e-tjänst för överklagningar som har utvecklats med stöd från underlaget av kravframtagningen och forskningen kring användbarhet. Resultaten visar på hur olika delar av prototypen kan se ut med en utveckling som fokuserar på teori om användbarhet. En slutsats av arbetet är att studier och teorier kring användbarhet är viktiga vid utformning av webbsidor. Detta för att webbsidan blir utformad på ett sätt som ökar förståelsen om hur användaren ska använda den. / This report describes an examination project that has been performed at the Swedish Board of Agriculture in Jönköping. The task was to develop a prototype of an e-service to appeals with focus on usability. The Swedish Board of Agriculture is a public authority who works to fulfil the general goals of agricultural and food policy in Sweden. One of their main tasks is to administrate EU funding to the agricultural sector. However, they have noticed problems with appeals from agriculturalist who wants to appeal different decisions to their agriculture. The appeals aren’t always complete and it takes more work and time to handle them. Swedish Board of Agriculture wants to investigate the possibility to introduce an e-service for appeals. The e-service will guide a user through an appeal and ask about necessary information to make the appeal as correct and complete as possible. The users have different experiences of appealing and computer usage and therefore the purpose of this study have been to develop a prototype of an e-service that will focus on the usability. The main research question is: How can you develop a usable e-service with consideration to graphical and functional interface to the users? The goal with this study is to develop a prototype of an e-service that follows the requirements from Swedish Board of Agriculture and the research for the study on usability. The project has followed Swedish Board of Agricultures working process. Different steps has been planning, specification of requirements, develop a prototype and evaluation of the prototype. The study has resulted in a prototype of an e-service for appeals that has been developed with support from specifications of requirements and the research about usability. The result shows different parts of how the prototype can look like with a development focus on theories about usability. A conclusion of this work is that studies and theories about usability are important when you are developing web pages. This is because the web page is being designed to increase the understanding for users on how to use it. Usability is necessary to consider such that a developer does not make any assumptions about the users experience about Internet usage.
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EzMole: A new prototype for securing public Wi-Fi connectionsKarlsson, Rickard January 2017 (has links)
When public Wi-Fi networks are being used, it can be hard to know who else that is using the same network or is monitoring the traffic that is traveling across the network. If the network is public and unencrypted anyone can monitor the traffic and to use these networks for work can be very risky. This is a big problem that needs a solution because the information that travels across the public network might have organizational secrets or sensitive personal information that shouldn’t be read by outsiders. One way to significantly increase the security while using these public networks is by configuring and setting up a VPN-tunnel, all traffic will then be sent encrypted. But nowadays many computers and mobile phones runs applications in the background that are actively asking for updates. It can for example be news apps, mail clients or instant messaging services like WhatsApp or Telegram. Since the apps is pushing for updates in the background there is a big risk that these programs are asking for updates and therefore transmit and receives information unencrypted over the public network before they have been able to set up their VPN-tunnel. People might be unaware about this problem and this research can be used to explain the problem and offer a solution to it and that is the reason why this research is important. This research tries to solve the problem and find answers to the research questions, “How to design and implement an affordable intermediate device that offers the user secure access to Internet on public Wi-Fi networks?" and “What are the design principles of that method?”. The proposed solution to solve this problem was to design and implement a new intermediate device, which was called EzMole, in between the public Wi-Fi and the users’ personal devices. The new device will operate and secure the users’ devices from potential malicious users on the public Wi-Fi while the VPN-tunnel is being established. It will also create a new encrypted wireless network that will be used to connect the personal devices to EzMole, for example mobile phone or laptop. The methodology that was used to design and develop the new EzMole-device was the Design Science Research Methodology. It includes six steps that was used during three phases of the project that worked in an iterative process with development, testing and evaluation until the device met the initial requirements of a successful device. There were tests for both functionality and security to make sure that it worked in the right way and that it didn’t have any known security weaknesses or flaws. This was very important since EzMole will be and represent an Internet-of-Things(IoT)-device and therefore the security had a big focus. After the tests, it was time to evaluate it against the initial requirements and the new device lived up to 9/12 requirements and was therefore classified as successful. The research contributes with a universal solution for the research problem and it gives answers to the research questions and in the meantime, reduces the gap in the literature. It also contributes with providing a new piece of hardware that will can help people to connect to the Internet in a more secure way when they are using public Wi-Fi networks.
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Emulering av en produktioncell med Visionguidning : Virtuell idrifttagning / Emulation of a productioncell including robot vision : Virtual commissioningEinevik, Johan, Kurri, John January 2017 (has links)
Genom att använda sig utav en virtuell kopia utav en produktionscell kan programmering och funktionstester av olika paneler testas i ett tidigt stadie. En virtuell kopia bidrar också till enklare felsökning och minskning av kostnader vid idrifttagning. Tanken med projektet är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning som emuleringsmodellen kan ersätta den riktiga cellen vid ett funktionstest för leverantören. Det som också undersöks är i vilken utsträckning riktiga CAD-ritningar kan användas och vilka krav som ställs på ritningarna för att underlätta emulering. Projektet hade flera utmaningar och en av dem som uppkom under projektets gång var problemet med att det inte gick att emulera säkerhetssystemen. Detta löstes genom att bygla alla säkerhetskretsar i PLC-programmet. En viktig del i emulering är kommunikation mellan de olika programvarorna i systemet. I projektets visade det sig fördelaktigt att dela upp programmen i emuleringssystemet för att fördela resurserna över tre datorer. Att använda sig utav en emuleringsmodell istället för en riktig produktionscell är fortfarande i forskningsstadiet men genom projektet har många användningsområden identifierats och skulle kunna förändra idrifttagning i framtiden. / Using a virtual twin of a production cell, makes it possible for programming and different functional testing of panels to be performed in early stages of development. A virtual twin contributes to a simpler debugging and to identify problems and minimize cost in commissioning of the production cell. The aim for the project is to investigate how well an emulated cell will perform compared to the real production cell in a factory acceptance test. Another objective is to investigate how you can use real CAD models in the emulation and what type of criteria the models should meet. The project had a lot of challenges and one of them was the difficulty to emulate the safety systems. This was solved by bypassing the safety in the PLC program. One important thing about emulation is communication between the different software used in the system. In this project, it proved successful to distribute the software on three computers to ease the workload of the programs used in the emulation. To use the emulated model instead of the real system is still in the research phase but in this project a lot of useful applications could be identified that could change commissioning in the future.
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