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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôle de CD5 dans la potentialisation de la réponse T cytotoxique et dans le contrôle de la progression tumorale dans un modèle in vivo / Role of CD5 in control of antitumor immune response

Tabbekh, Mouna 15 June 2011 (has links)
Un des défis majeurs de l’immunologie antitumorale repose sur l’induction efficace et prolongée de laphase effectrice de la réponse immune antitumorale. Une meilleure compréhension des mécanismesimpliqués dans la potentialisation de l’activité antitumorale des effecteurs immunitaires, en particulier lesCTL infiltrant la tumeur représente donc un enjeu considérable dans le développement de nouvellesapproches d’immunothérapie visant à induire une réponse immunitaire spécifique efficace contre latumeur. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressés à étudier le rôle de CD5 dans lecontrôle de la progression tumorale, en particulier dans la potentialisation de l’activité T cytotoxique desCTL infiltrant le mélanome B16 in vivo. Nos résultats ont montré un ralentissement significatif de lacroissance tumorale chez des souris déficientes pour l’expression de CD5 comparées à leurs équivalentessauvages. Le contrôle de la progression de la tumeur chez les souris CD5-/- ne semble pas corréler avec unrecrutement plus important de lymphocytes T, mais avec une efficacité accrue de leur réactivité vis-à-visdu mélanome B16. Nous avons montré aussi que cette réponse est transitoire et qu’un échappementtumoral au système immunitaire ait lieu à un stade plus tardif de la progression de la tumeur. Cetéchappement tumoral semble être associé à une augmentation de la mort par AICD des TIL CD8+/CD5-par rapport aux TIL CD8+/CD5+ et ce par induction de FasL à la surface des TIL. La modulation de la voieFas/FasL in vivo avec un adénovirus Fas-Fc protège les lymphocytes T CD8+/CD5- infiltrant la tumeur dela mort par apoptose et empêche ainsi l’échappement tumoral. De plus, l’analyse du répertoirelymphocytaire T spécifique du mélanome B16 dans les souris CD5-/- suggère que le contrôle de laprogression de la tumeur serait lié à une meilleure prolifération de lymphocytes T CD5-/- spécifiques insitu. Nos résultats montrent aussi que l’immunisation des souris CD5-/- en utilisant des Ag tumorauxassociés au mélanome B16 contribue à la potentialisation de la réponse immunitaire antitumorale.L’ensemble de nos résultats soulignent un intérêt particulier du ciblage de CD5 pour améliorer lesapproches d’immunothérapie antitumorale actuelles. / A major challenge in tumor immunology is based on effective and prolonged induction of the effectorphase of antitumor immune response. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in potentiatingthe antitumor activity of immune effectors, particularly the CTL infiltrating the tumor represents aconsiderable challenge in developing new approaches to immunotherapy. In this context we areparticularly interested in studying the role of CD5 in the control of tumor progression, particularly inpotentiating the cytotoxic activity of CTLs infiltrating B16 melanoma. Our results showed a significantdelay in tumor growth in CD5-/- mice as compared with wild type mice. The control of tumor growth inCD5-/- mice does not seem to correlate with a higher recruitment of T cells, but with increased cytotoxicityof infiltrating T cells against B16 cells. We have also shown that this response is transient and that thetumor escape from immune system takes place at a later stage of tumor progression. This tumor escapeappears to be associated with increased death by AICD of TIL CD8+ from CD5-/- mice as compared withTIL CD8+ from wild type mice wich correlated with the induction of FasL on the surface of TIL. In vivomodulation of Fas/FasL with an adenovirus AdFas-Fc protects tumor infiltrating T CD8+/CD5- fromapoptosis and thereby prevents the tumor escape. In addition, analysis of specific T lymphocyte repertoirein CD5-/- mice suggests that the control of tumor progression could be linked to a greater in situproliferation of specific CD5- T lymphocytes. Our results also show that immunization of CD5-/- miceusing different melanoma associated antigens contributes to the potentiation of antitumor immuneresponse. All these results highlight a particular interest in targeting of CD5 to improve currentapproaches to tumor immunotherapy.

Holdninger til brugen af it i teoretisk uddannelse og klinisk praksis hos nystartede sygeplejestuderende

Kolbæk, Raymond 15 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Afhandlingen fokuserer på nystartede sygeplejestuderende og deres holdninger til it i teoretisk og klinisk uddannelse. Den tager udspring i forfatterens undren over, at mange studerende udtrykte undren over og modstand mod, at skulle have faget Sygepleje- og Sundhedsinformatik i deres uddannelse. "Hvorfor skal vi lære om computere, vi er kommet for at lære omsorg" lød indvendingen. Afhandlingen undersøger, hvorledes 1. års sygeplejestuderende italesætter deres holdninger og forestillinger om anvendelsen af it i såvel teoretisk uddannelse som i klinisk sygepleje. Afhandlingen er overvejende deskriptiv og til dels forklarende. Den er inspireret af Pierre Bourdieus og Steiner Kvales metodiske tilgange. Dataindsamlingen omfatter skrifter, spørgeskemadata, fokusgruppeinterview- og informantdata, der danner grundlag for at konstruktionen af feltet it på sygeplejeskolerne og de studerendes positioner heri. Afhandlingen er i 2 bind. Bind 1 indeholder afhandlingens hoveddel og bind 2 afhandlingens bilagsdel med et detaljeret dokumentationsmateriale. Hoveddelen er opbygget i fem dele, foruden Referencer og Bilagsoversigt. 1. Del 1 - Indledning: Indeholder indledning, litteraturgennemgang, teori og metodebeskrivelse, samt selvsocioanalysen. 2. Del 2 - It-Uddannelsesfeltet: Indeholder fremstilling og konstruktion af it-uddannelsesfeltet fra Folkeskole over Gymnasiet til Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen fra 1970'erne og frem til 2001. 3. Del 3 - Dataindsamling og analyser: Fremstiller skolernes fysiske it-indretning, spørgeskemadata om sygeplejestuderendes holdninger til anvendelsen af it i uddannelse og sygepleje, Informantdataanalyse og analyser af fem fokusgruppeinterview foretaget på tre sygeplejeskoler. Der sluttes med en konstruktion af sygeplejestuderendes holdninger til brugen af it i teoretisk uddannelse og klinisk sygepleje. 4. Del 4 - Konklusioner: Indeholder konstruktioner af fire typer sygeplejestuderende, deres it-habitus og it-kapital. Disse er Fortaleren", "Skeptikeren", "Modstanderen" og "Kritikeren." Der afdækkes også fem vertikale udviklingsmønstre; I: "It er en trussel mod omsorgen i den kliniske sygepleje", II: "Træghed i indførelsen af it i den teoretiske undervisning", III: "Betjeningen af computeren er en kønnet aktivitet", IV: "Pc fra administrativt til pædagogisk værktøj" og V: "Fra undervist om it i sygeplejefaget til undervist med it i sygeplejefaget." 5. Del 5 - Perspektivering: Indeholder en fremskrivning til 2012 og ser på it-feltet i det danske uddannelses- og sundhedssystem i dag, samt på sygeplejestuderende som digitalt indfødte.

Sustentabilidade ambiental do cultivo intensivo de Til?pias (Oreochromis niloticus) em tanques-rede e a capacidade de suporte de quatro reservat?rios em uma regi?o semi-?rida tropical

Rocha, Elinez da Silva 28 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:55:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElinezSR.pdf: 299868 bytes, checksum: 47e2650d60f498f92bb0e2b7cf14cbca (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-28 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Intensive production of til?pias, in cages or net tanks, has been proposed as an alternative to increase fish production, that would generate income and offer animal protein in different tropical and subtropical countries. However, this system of production enriches the aquatic environment with nutrients, principally nitrogen and phosphor derived from the dejections of the metabolism of food and eventual food surpluses consumed by the fishes; the alimentation of the fishes in this production modality is dependent on fish food. The emission of these nutritions in levels above the limit that the system is capable metabolize can provoke a phenomenon called eutrofization, putting in risk the quality of water for public and for fish production activities. In this context the work had as a goal to evaluate the tr?fico state of the four reservoirs for intensive production of tilapias in net-tanks, in other words, he maximum fish production that the reservoirs are able to hold, keeping the desired quantity of nutrient concentrations in water for public use. The results of the four ecosystems in the Boqueir?o de Parelhas reservoir showed that it s possible to have an intensive production of tilapias in net tanks, in this environment the annual average concentration of phosphor, was below the considered critical limits to deflagrate the process of eutrofization in semi-arid regions. The carrying capacity of the Boqueir?o de Parelhas reservoir depends on the conversion of the feeding facts and phosphor content in the food but it should vary between 100 and 300 tons per year over a variation in the conversion feeding factor of 1,7 to 2,0:1 and a variation in the P in the food of 0,7 to 0,9% / O cultivo intensivo de til?pias, em gaiolas ou tanques-rede, tem sido proposto como uma alternativa para aumentar a produ??o pesqueira, a gera??o de renda e a oferta de prote?na animal em diversos pa?ses tropicais e subtropicais. No entanto, esse sistema de produ??o enriquece o ambiente aqu?tico com nutrientes, principalmente o nitrog?nio e o f?sforo, oriundos dos dejetos do metabolismo do alimento e com eventuais sobras de alimentos n?o consumidos pelos peixes; uma vez que a alimenta??o dos peixes nessa modalidade de cultivo ? extremamente dependente do aporte de ra??o. A emiss?o desses nutrientes em n?veis acima do limite que o sistema ? capaz de metabolizar pode provocar o fen?meno da eutrofiza??o, comprometendo a qualidade da ?gua do manancial para o abastecimento p?blico e para a pr?pria atividade de piscicultura. Diante deste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o estado tr?fico de quatro reservat?rios em uma regi?o semi-?rida tropical e estimar a capacidade de suporte dos reservat?rios para o cultivo intensivo de til?pias em tanques-rede, ou seja, a produ??o m?xima de peixes que os reservat?rios s?o capazes de sustentar mantendo as concentra??es de nutrientes na ?gua dentro dos limites considerados desej?veis para reservat?rios destinados ao abastecimento p?blico. Os resultados demonstram que dos quatro ecossistemas estudados, apenas no reservat?rio de Boqueir?o de Parelhas ? poss?vel o cultivo intensivo de til?pias em tanques-redes, uma vez que neste ambiente a concentra??o m?dia anual de f?sforo, esteve abaixo do limite considerado cr?tico para deflagrar o processo de eutrofiza??o em reservat?rios de regi?es semi-?ridas. A capacidade de suporte do reservat?rio Boqueir?o de Parelhas depende do fator de convers?o alimentar do peixe e do conte?do de f?sforo na ra??o mas deve variar entre cerca de 100 e 300 toneladas de peixe por ano assumindo uma varia??o no fator de convers?o alimentar de 1,7 a 2,0:1 e uma varia??o no conte?do de P na ra??o de 0,7 a 0,9%

Learning as a patient : What and how individuals want to learn when preparing for surgery, and the potential use of serious games in their education

Ingadóttir, Brynja January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: Surgical patients need knowledge to participate in their own care and to engage in self-care behaviour in the perioperative period which is important for their recovery. Patient education facilitates such knowledge acquisition and several methods can be used to facilitate it, for example, face-to-face education and brochures or using information technology such as website or computer games. Healthcare professionals have been slow to seize the possibilities that information technology has to offer within the field, including the use of serious games. To optimise patient education, the information is needed on the patients’ needs and preferences and what they think about the idea of using a serious game to learn about self-care. Aim: The overall aims of this thesis were to describe the knowledge expectations of surgical patients, to describe how surgical patients want to learn, and to explore the potential use of serious games in patient education. Methods: This thesis includes four studies that used both quantitative and qualitative data to describe aspects of patient learning in relation to surgery. Study I has a prospective and comparative design with survey data collected before surgery and before hospital discharge from 290 patients with osteoarthritis undergoing knee arthroplasty. Data was collected on fulfilment of knowledge expectations and related factors. Study II is a cross-­‐sectional study in 104 patients with heart failure who had been scheduled for cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT) device implantation. Data was collected on knowledge expectations and related factors. In Study III the perceptions of 13 surgical patients towards novel and traditional methods to learn about post-operative pain management are explored in a qualitative interview study using content analysis. Study IV describes the development and evaluation of a serious game to learn about pain management with the participation of 20 persons recruited from the public. The game was developed by an interdisciplinary team following a structured approach. Data on the efficacy and usability of the game was collected in one session with questionnaires, observations and interviews. Results: Participants reported high knowledge expectations. Knowledge expectations were highest within the bio-physiological knowledge dimension on disease, treatment and complications and the functional dimension on how daily activities are affected, both of which include items on self-care. Most participants wanted to know about the possible complications related to the surgery procedure. In none of the knowledge dimensions the expectations of participants were fulfilled. Participants received most knowledge on the physical and functional issues and received least on the financial and social aspects of their illness. The main predictor of fulfilment of knowledge expectations was having access to knowledge in the hospital from doctors and nurses. Trust in the information source and own motivation to learn shaped how the participants thought about different learning methods. Although the participants were open to using novel learning methods such as websites or games they were also doubtful about their use and called for advice by healthcare professionals. To develop a serious game with the goal to learn about pain management, theories of self-care and adult learning, evidence on the educational needs of patients about pain management and principles of gamification were found useful. The game character is a surgical patient just discharged home from hospital who needs to attend to daily activities while simultaneously managing post-operative pain with different strategies. Participants who evaluated a first version of the serious game improved their knowledge and described usability of the game as high. They were positive towards this new learning method and found it suitable for learning about pain management after surgery in spite of some technical obstacles. Conclusions: Surgical patients have high knowledge expectations about all aspects of their upcoming surgery and although they prefer direct communication with healthcare professionals as a source for knowledge they might be open to try using more novel methods such as games. Preliminary short-­‐term results demonstrate that a serious game can help individuals to learn about pain management, and has the potential to improve knowledge. A careful introduction, recommendation, and support from healthcare professionals is needed for implementation of such a novel method in patient education. / Fræðsla gerir sjúklingum betur kleift að taka þátt í umönnun sinni sem er mikilvægt fyrir bata eftir skurðaðgerð. Sjúklingafræðslu má veita með ýmsum aðferðum, til dæmis munnlega, með bæklingum eða með því að nota upplýsingatækni á formi vefsíðna eða kennslutölvuleikja. Heilbrigðisstarfsfólk hefur verið lengi að tileinka sér möguleika upplýsingatækninnar í sjúklingafræðslu, þar með talið notkun kennslutölvuleikja. Þörf er á meiri þekkingu um fræðsluþarfir skurðsjúklinga en jafnframt um viðhorf sjúklinga til nýrra námsaðferða. Kennslutölvuleikir eru ein leið sem gæti gagnast sjúklingum en notagildi þeirra hefur lítið verið rannsakað. Meginmarkmið þessarar ritgerðar var að lýsa væntingum skurðsjúklinga til fræðslu, lýsa því hvernig þeir vilja læra og að kanna möguleika kennslutölvuleikja í sjúklingafræðslu. Ritgerðin samanstendur af fjórum rannsóknargreinum. Notuð vorumegindleg og eigindleg rannsóknargögn til að lýsa ýmsum hliðum náms einstaklinga sem fara í skurðaðgerð. Rannsókn I er framsýn samanburðarrannsókn sem gerð var á 290 sjúklingum með slitgigt sem gengust undir hnéliðskipti. Gögnum var safnað með spurningalistum fyrir skurðaðgerð og fyrir útskrift af sjúkrahúsi um uppfyllingu væntinga til fræðslu og tengda þætti. Rannsókn II er þversniðsrannsókn með þátttöku 104 sjúklinga með hjartabilun sem voru á leið í aðgerð til að fá ígræddan sérstakan hjartagangráð (e. cardiac resynchronisation therapy (CRT)). Gögnum var safnað með spurningalistum, fyrir ígræðsluna, um væntingar til fræðslu og tengda þætti. Rannsókn III er eigindleg rannsókn með þátttöku 13 sjúklinga sem nýlega höfðu farið í liðskiptaaðgerð eða hjartaskurðaðgerð. Gögnum var safnað með viðtölum þar sem sjúklingar lýstu viðhorfum sínum til nýrra og hefðbundinna aðferða til að læra um verkjameðferð eftir  skurðaðgerð. Gögnin voru greind með innihaldsgreiningu. Rannsókn IV lýsir þróun og mati á kennslutölvuleik til að læra um verkjameðferð eftir skurðaðgerð, með þátttöku 20 sjálfboðaliða. Leikurinn var þróaður af þverfaglegum hópi hjúkrunarfræðinga og tölvunarfræðinga. Gagnsemi og notagildi leiksins voru metin með spurningalistum, áhorfi og viðtölum. Þátttakendur höfðu miklar væntingar til fræðslu. Væntingar voru mestar á sviði lífeðlisfræði um atriði er sneru að sjúkdómi, meðferð og fylgikvillum og á sviði færni um áhrif veikinda á daglegar athafnir. Bæði sviðin fela í sér atriði um sjálfsumönnun. Flestir þátttakendur vildu fá fræðslu um mögulega fylgikvilla skurðaðgerðar. Væntingar voru ekki uppfylltar á neinu þekkingarsviði þó best á sviði lífeðlisfræði og færni en síst er vörðuðu fjárhag og félagslegan stuðning í tengslum við veikindi. Væntingar voru best uppfylltar meðal þeirra sem höfðu góðan aðgang að fræðslu á spítalanum frá hjúkrunarfræðingum og læknum. Viðhorf þátttakenda til mismunandi námsaðferða mótaðist af trausti á fræðslumiðli og eigin áhugahvöt. Þátttakendur voru opnir fyrir notkun nýjunga á borð við vefsíður og kennslutölvuleiki en jafnframt nokkuð tortryggnir og töldu mikilvægt að fá ráðleggingar og aðstoð heilbrigðisstarfsfólks við slíka notkun. Kenningar um sjálfsumönnun og nám fullorðinna, aðferðir leikjahönnunar og tiltæk þekking á fræðsluþörfum sjúklinga um verkjameðferð voru notaðar til grundvallar við hönnun kennslutölvuleiksins. Persóna leiksins er nýlega útskrifuð af sjúkrahúsi eftir skurðaðgerð og þarf að sinna daglegum athöfnum jafnframt því að meðhöndla verki sína. Þátttakendur rannsóknarinnar sem lögðu mat á kennsluleikinn bættu þekkingu sína og töldu nothæfni leiksins mikla. Þeir voru jákvæðir gagnvart þessari nýju námsaðferð og fannst hún henta vel til að læra um verkjameðferð eftir skurðaðgerð þrátt fyrir nokkra  tæknilega örðugleika. Sjúklingar hafa miklar væntingar til fræðslu fyrir skurðaðgerð. Þeir kjósa helst að leita þekkingar hjá heilbrigðisstarfsfólki en eru þó opnir fyrir að prófa nýjungar eins og kennslutölvuleiki. Fyrstu niðurstöður sýndu að kennslutölvuleikur getur hjálpað einstaklingum að læra um verkjameðferð. Við innleiðingu nýjunga innan sjúklingafræðslu er vönduð kynning, meðmæli og stuðningur af hálfu heilbrigðisstarfsfólks mikilvægur fyrir viðtökur sjúklinga. / <p>The online version is a corrected version of the printed thesis. Download the errata list in order to see thecorrections.</p>

Caracteriza??o e estudo da vida ?til de vinagreira cultivada em Serop?dica-RJ / Characterization and study of the shelf life of vinagreira cultivated in Serop?dica-RJ

REZENDE, Ana L?gia Panain de Souza 26 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-08-23T18:01:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Ana L?gia Panain de Souza Rezende.pdf: 2352671 bytes, checksum: 2325a74ffef5675199939b7af3f37d60 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T18:01:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Ana L?gia Panain de Souza Rezende.pdf: 2352671 bytes, checksum: 2325a74ffef5675199939b7af3f37d60 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-26 / CAPES / Vegetables are a source of nutrients essential to human health and have low caloric value. Among these, non-conventional vegetables also have other advantages such as hardiness and the lowest price, but lacks information on these species which prevents an increase in its production and consumption. Thus, the objective of this study was to cultivate the species Hibiscus sabdariffa, better known as vinagreira, characterize some of its constituents and estimate its shelf life potential when stored in polypropylene packaging with different perforations and stored at 5 ? 1 ?C. The vinagreira remained for approximately 120 days in field conditions in the Horticultural Sector UFRRJ. The branches were collected and transported to the Embrapa Food, which were washed, selected, arranged in bunches of about 150g and subjected to treatment consisting of the conical packaging polypropylene, perforated (P), not perforated (NP), micro perforated (MP) and control (C) in which the packs were stored without use of packaging. They were carried physical, physicochemical and chemical every two days storage. The design was completely randomized in split plots, and treatments in the plots and the days of storage in the subplot. The results were analyzed using SPSS. It was the homogeneity and normality of the data, followed by analysis of variance and significance according to Tukey test and/or regression analysis. For control, the analyzes were performed only until the fourth day of storage due to reduction of apparent quality such as wilting and color changes of the leaves, while those packaged in decreased the apparent quality, with symptoms of senescence the eighth day of storage. The leaves have a high levels of titratable acidity and carotenoids, being the predominant malic acid and the major carotenoid, the ?-carotene. It was concluded that vinagreira is well adapted Climate conditions Serop?dica-RJ, showing the source of compounds with antioxidant activity. With regard to cold storage, the use of plastic polypropylene packaging provided greater potential life for vegetables, because in these conditions the bunches could be sold for up to seven days after harvest without loss of quality, while the control bunches potential shelf life was less four days. / As hortali?as s?o fonte de nutrientes essenciais ? sa?de humana e possuem baixo valor cal?rico. Dentre estas, as hortali?as n?o-convencionais apresentam ainda outras vantagens como a rusticidade e o menor pre?o, por?m faltam informa??es sobre estas esp?cies o que impossibilita um aumento da sua produ??o e consumo. Desse modo, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi cultivar a esp?cie Hibiscus sabdariffa, mais conhecida como vinagreira, caracterizar alguns dos seus constituintes e estimar a sua vida ?til potencial, quando acondicionada em embalagens de polipropileno com diferentes perfura??es e armazenadas a 5 ? 1 ?C. A vinagreira permaneceu por aproximadamente 120 dias em condi??es de campo no Setor de Horticultura da UFRRJ. Os ramos foram colhidos e transportados para a Embrapa Agroind?stria de Alimentos, onde foram lavados, selecionados, arranjados em ma?os de aproximadamente 150 g e submetidos aos tratamentos, constitu?dos pelas embalagens c?nicas de polipropileno, perfurada (P), n?o perfurada (NP), micro perfurada (MP) e o controle (C) em que foram armazenados sem o uso de embalagens. Foram realizadas an?lises f?sicas, f?sico-qu?micas e qu?micas a cada dois dias do armazenamento. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, tendo os tratamentos nas parcelas e os dias de armazenamento na subparcela. Os resultados foram submetidos a an?lises estat?sticas pelo programa SPSS. Verificou-se a homogeneidade e normalidade dos dados, com posterior an?lise de vari?ncia e de acordo com a signific?ncia procedeu-se o teste Tukey e/ou an?lise de regress?o. Para o controle, as an?lises foram realizadas somente at? o quarto dia do armazenamento, devido ? redu??o da qualidade aparente, como murchamento e altera??es de cor das folhas, enquanto para os ma?os acondicionados nas embalagens houve redu??o da qualidade aparente e sintomas de senesc?ncia ao oitavo dia do armazenamento. As folhas apresentaram elevado teor de acidez total titul?vel e de carotenoides, sendo o ?cido predominante o m?lico e o carotenoide majorit?rio, o ?-caroteno. Concluiu-se que a vinagreira se adapta bem as condi??es clim?ticas de Serop?dica-RJ, mostrando-se fonte de compostos com atividade antioxidante. Em rela??o ao armazenamento refrigerado, a utiliza??o de embalagens pl?sticas de polipropileno proporcionou maior vida ?til potencial para a hortali?a, pois nestas condi??es os ma?os poderiam ser comercializados por at? sete dias ap?s a colheita, sem preju?zo da qualidade, enquanto os ma?os do controle a vida ?til potencial foi inferior a quatro dias.

Utiliza??o de pel?cula de f?cula de mandioca e ?leo de canela na conserva??o p?s-colheita de tomate cereja / Use of cassava starch film and cinnamon oil in postharvest conservation of cherry tomato

OLIVEIRA, Cristiana Maia de 23 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-11-12T20:55:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Cristiana Maia de Oliveira.pdf: 2253824 bytes, checksum: 0c49afa03412e03e8ba8d8d9e8b01029 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-12T20:55:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Cristiana Maia de Oliveira.pdf: 2253824 bytes, checksum: 0c49afa03412e03e8ba8d8d9e8b01029 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-23 / CNPq / The tomato has been widely cultivated in the state of Rio de Janeiro mainly by smallholders and family farmers that make use of organic agriculture as a way to add value to the culture. After harvest, the tomato presents itself as a highly perishable fruit, being a climacteric fruit, the ripening involves a number of changes in it physical and chemical characteristics. The main goal of this work was to evaluate the conservation and postharvest quality of cherry tomatoes Perinha ?gua Branca and Mascot cultivars, stored at room and controlled conditions. Three experiments were carried out: 1) postharvest longevity of fruits cherry tomato, 2) evaluation of the effect of cassava starch film on postharvest quality of fruits and 3) use of cinnamon essential oil to control pathogens. We carried out the following physico-chemical analyzes: weight loss, color, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ascorbic acid and pectin methyl esterase activity. In the first experiment, we used fruits in the intermediate, pinky, red and mature stages to both cultivars. At room temperature, the post-harvest longevity of fruits in Perinha cultivar was 20 days in the pinky and 15 days to red and mature stages. ?Mascot? longevity was 24 days to the intermediate stage, 20 days for pinky and 15 days to red and mature stage. In controlled temperature postharvest longevity of fruits in Perinha cultivar was 24 days in the intermediate and pinky stages, 20 days to red and 15 days to mature. ?Mascot? longevity was 27 days in the intermediate and pinky stages, 24 days to red and to mature. In the second experiment, was used cassava starch coating in the following concentrations: 1%, 3% and 5%. It was observed that at room and controlled conditions cassava starch coating at a concentration of 3% promoted the best results, delaying the ripening and senescence while maintaining fruit quality. The concentration of 1% was similar to the control almost all the experimental period, while starch coating at 5% prevented the normal maturation process and showed high levels of infected fruits by fungi which affect the appearance and quality. The average activity of PME was higher in ?Mascot? fruits. The third experiment consisted in a combination of distilled water and starch coating at 3% associated with 0.1% and 0.3% concentrations of cinnamon essential oil. The cinnamon essential oil made changes on the fruit surface, causing stains and burns affecting the fruit quality. The oil was not effective in diseases control. / O tomate cereja vem sendo amplamente cultivado no Estado do Rio de Janeiro principalmente por pequenos produtores e pela agricultura familiar que fazem uso da agricultura org?nica como forma de agregar valor a cultura. O tomate ap?s a colheita apresenta-se como um fruto altamente perec?vel, sendo um fruto climat?rico seu amadurecimento acarreta uma s?rie de transforma??es em suas caracter?sticas f?sicas e qu?micas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a conserva??o e qualidade p?s-colheita de tomates cereja cultivares Perinha ?gua Branca e Mascot, armazenados em condi??es ambiente e controlada. Foram realizados tr?s experimentos: 1) longevidade p?s-colheita de frutos de tomate cereja; 2) Avalia??o do efeito da pel?cula de f?cula de mandioca na qualidade p?s-colheita e 3) utiliza??o de ?leo essencial de casca de canela no controle de podrid?es. Foram realizadas as seguintes an?lises f?sicas e qu?micas: perda de massa fresca, cor, pH, acidez total titul?vel, s?lidos sol?veis, ?cido asc?rbico e atividade de pectinametilesterase. No experimento 1 foram utilizados frutos nos est?dios de vez, rosado, vermelho e maduro de ambas as cultivares. Em ambiente controlado, a longevidade p?s-colheita dos frutos da cultivar Perinha foi de 20 dias para os est?dios de vez e rosado e 15 dias para vermelho e maduro. Para ?Mascot? a longevidade foi de 24 dias para o est?dio de vez, 20 dias para rosado e 15 dias para vermelho e maduro. Em temperatura controlada, a longevidade p?s-colheita dos frutos da cultivar Perinha foi de 24 dias para de vez e rosado, 20 dias para vermelho e 15 dias para maduro. Para ?Mascot? a longevidade foi de 27 dias para de vez e rosado e 24 dias para vermelho e maduro. No experimento 2 foram utilizados revestimentos de f?cula de mandioca nas concentra??es de 1%, 3% e 5%. Foi observado que em condi??es ambiente e controlada, o revestimento de f?cula de mandioca na concentra??o de 3% foi o que promoveu melhores resultados retardando o processo de amadurecimento e senesc?ncia al?m de manter a qualidade dos frutos. A concentra??o de 1% se assemelhou ao controle durante quase todo per?odo experimental, enquanto que f?cula 5% impediu o processo normal de amadurecimento e mostrou alto ?ndice de frutos infectados por fungos comprometendo a apar?ncia e qualidade. A atividade m?dia de PME foi maior nos frutos de ?Mascot?. O experimento 3 consistiu da combina??o ?gua destilada e f?cula 3% associada a concentra??es de 0,1% e 0,3% de ?leo essencial de canela. O ?leo essencial de casca de canela promoveu altera??es na superf?cie dos frutos, provocando manchas e queimaduras afetando sua qualidade. O ?leo n?o foi efetivo no controle de podrid?es.

Tidig Intensiv Lästräning : förväntningar inför introduktion av TIL-programmet

Viberg, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Under vårterminen 2010 startar en liten mindre skola i södra Sverige ett projekt  med att introducera en ny metod för att öka  elevernas färdigheter inom läs -och skrivinlärning. Programmet skolan ska börja arbeta med fr om höstterminen 2010 är TIL-programmet, Tidig Intensiv Lästräning ( Dahlin, 2006). Tanken med specifikt detta program, är att kunna erbjuda alla elever en möjlighet för en bra språkutveckling. Programmet vänder sig i första hand till elever i årskurs 1 och 2 som inte kommit igång med sin läsning. Alla elever får under tolv veckor arbeta intensivt med lästräning. Eftersom jag under mina vfu-perioder har sett att läs- och skrivsvårigheter är ett dilemma för vissa elever, valde jag att undersöka varför pedagogerna på den här skolan valde TIL som arbetsmetod / sätt.</p><p>Arbetet börjar med en kort redogörelse över hur skolan i dag arbetar med läs-och skrivinlärnig. Sedan följer en teoretisk anknytning utifrån det Sociokulturella perspektivet. Efter det har jag valt att presentera tidigare forskning om läs- och skrivinlärning utifrån litteraturstudier. Jag har även valt att presentera några väl kända lästraditioner och läsinlärningsmetoder. Därefter kommer metoddel och intervjuresultat. Underlag för intervjuer finns med som bilaga längst bak.</p><p>Syftet med arbetet har varit att förstå  vilka förväntningar och kunskaper pedagogerna på den undersökta skolan har inför introduktionen av TIL-programmet för läs och skrivinlärning, för de elever som behöver, samt vad det är som gör att de anser TIL- programmet bättre än något annat.</p>

Solubility and stability of natural food colorants in microemulsions

El-Galeel, Mohamed Awad Saad Abd. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Disputats. Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, 2002. / Haves kun i elektronisk udg.

Talking and taking positions : an encounter between action research and the gendered and racialised discourses of school science /

Nyström, Eva, January 2007 (has links)
Disputats, Umeå universitet, 2007. / Findes også på internet (PDF-format): http://www.diva-portal.org/diva/getDocument?urn_nbn_se_umu_diva-1135-2__fulltext.pdf.

Appropriating mathematical tools through problem solving in collaborative small-group settings /

Carlsen, Martin, January 2008 (has links)
Ph.d.-afhandling, Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand, 2007. / I publikationen fejlagtigt ISSN0809-7682. Delvis optryk af artikler. Med litteraturhenvisninger.

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