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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência do padrão de adensamento nas características de um escoamento urbano : uma aplicação à região do Altiplano Cabo Branco em João Pessoa-PB / The influence of the pattern and process of densification in the characteristics of an urban runoff : an application of the region of Altiplano Cabo Branco in João Pessoa-PB

Peregrino, Paulo Sérgio Araújo January 2014 (has links)
Faz-se notória a ideia de que o crescimento das cidades e o consequente aumento no adensamento das mesmas é, nos dias atuais, um fato inevitável; e que o homem, ao modificar o meio natural, o faz quase sempre de forma danosa. Formação de ilhas de calor, aumento do consumo de energia, dificuldade na dispersão de poluentes, diminuição do ângulo de visão do céu, diminuição da taxa de permeabilidade do solo entre outros, são problemas frequentemente relacionados com a densificação e verticalização das cidades. A utilização de modelos reduzidos para simulações experimentais em túneis de vento das condições naturais de ventilação se mostram eficazes, além de reduzir custos em pesquisas nesta área. Embasando-se em tais pressupostos, o presente trabalho pretende verificar as alterações das características dos escoamentos de vento provocadas por distintos padrões de ocupação do solo urbano no bairro do Altiplano Cabo Branco, na cidade de João Pessoa-PB. A área em estudo atravessa um processo acelerado de modificação nas suas características de ocupação urbana, conduzido pelas alterações dos indicadores urbanísticos locais, antes mais restritivos, possibilitando agora edificações com gabaritos em altura significativamente maiores do que os anteriormente observados no local. Parte-se então da hipótese de que o processo de verticalização resultante deste crescimento é capaz de alterar os escoamentos de ventos não apenas nas áreas onde este ocorre, mas também em áreas contíguas. No desenvolvimento deste trabalho, de caráter experimental, foram avaliados dois modelos de adensamentos urbanos para a área de estudo O primeiro deles reproduz a ocupação da área conforme se encontrava antes de mudanças ocorridas nos indicadores urbanísticos para o local. O segundo apresenta a configuração atual de ocupação da área, delineada pela legislação em vigor. Para viabilizar esta avaliação serão realizados ensaios no Túnel de Vento de retorno fechado, Professor Joaquim Blessmann, do Laboratório de Aerodinâmica das Construções da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, utilizando maquetes (modelos) em escala reduzida e observando os requerimentos necessários estabelecidos para este padrão de estudo experimental. Foram utilizados nos ensaios para cada uma das duas configurações de vizinhança dois ângulos de ataque de vento, 150 e 90 graus, tomando como referência o atlas de vento do local de estudo. A partir da análise dos resultados obtidos é possível concluir que a verticalização, da maneira como propõe legislação atual para a área, não apresenta perdas significativas no que se refere aos escoamentos (ventos) quando comparada com o padrão de ocupação anterior sem os edifícios altos. As áreas adjacentes também não sofrem maiores prejuízos no que se refere aos escoamentos quando comparados os dois modelos. / What is worth elucidating is the idea about city expansion and consequent increasing effects of the densification is, now are days, an unavoidable fact; and that human, by modifying the natural environment, does so always in a destructive way. Formation of heat island, increase of the energy consumption, difficulty in the dispersion of pollutants, reduction in the sky view angle, diminution of the level of soil permeability among others, are problem frequently related to densification and verticalization of cities. The use of reduced models for experimental simulation in wind tunnel considering natural conditions of ventilation prove to be effective, apart from low down cost of experiments in this area of research. Based on such assumption, the aim of this research was to verify the alterations of wind flow characteristics provoked on distinct occupation pattern of urban soil in the district of Altiplano Cabo Branco, in the city of João Pesssoa-PB. The studied site passed through a fast process of physical modification in its urban occupation characteristics, conducted by local urban indicators, which was earlier more restrictive, presently permitting building with considerable standard that are higher than those, which were formerly observed on site. Based on the assumption that the process of verticalization as a product of growth may alter the wind flow not only in the areas where it occurs but also in adjacent areas In developing this work, experimentally, two models of urban concentrations were examined on the study area. The first was reproduced on the occupation of the area as it was founded before the changes in the local urban indicators. The second shows the current configuration of occupation of the area outlined by the current legislation. To make this assessment tests were carried out in the Boundary layer wind tunnel, Professor Joaquim Blessmann, of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, by use of model building of reduced scale and observing the necessary requirements established for this standard experimental study. Two angles of attack of wind were utilized in the two experiments, 150 and 90 degrees, with reference to the wind atlas of site of study. From the result of this analysis we conclude that virtualization of the occupation proposed by the current proposed legislation for the site does not present significant losses when compared with the previous standard of occupation lacking the tall buildings. Adjacent areas do not affected by losses in relation to the wind flow of the two models that was compared.

Samhällsplanering: Förtätningsstudie ur ett ekologiskt och socialt hållbarhetsperspektiv i centrala Jönköping / Community planning: Urban densification study from an ecological and social sustainability perspective in central Jönköping

Espania Slioa, Adoar, Morsibyan, Hofsab January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Med den kraftiga ökningen av befolkning i Sveriges städer och orter skapas det en brist av bostäder. För att kunna tillgodose folkökningen samt den växande efterfrågan att bo centralt väljer kommuner att bygga inifrån. Detta kallas för förtätning vilket kan sätta press på allmänna platser och friytor. Målet med denna studie är att analysera hur förtätning har påverkat Jönköpings stad ur ett socialt och ekologiskt hållbarhetsperspektiv. Metod: De metoder som rapporten har använt är dokumentanalys, enkätstudie, intervjuer och litteraturstudie. Intervjuer har skett med anställda inom Jönköpings kommun, dokumenten som analyserades är från Jönköpings kommun och enkätstudien berör hur Jönköping stad upplevs. Resultat: Resultaten av studien visar att förtätning har inneburit positiva samt negativa konsekvenser för Jönköpings innerstaden. Dessa resultat indikerar dock att de positiva konsekvenserna överväger de negativa. För en bättre hantering av förtätningen i centrala Jönköping krävs det att få en väl förankrad idé av vad som är en lämplig förtätning samt att bättre planering krävs angående utformningen av kvarter/områden. Konsekvenser: De slutsatser som finns är att det krävs väl förankrad idé om vad som är lämplig förtätning för Jönköping samt att bättre planering av utformning av kvarter och områden för att uppnå god social och ekologisk hållbarhet. Begränsningar: Studien har begränsats till Jönköpings Kommun med inriktning i stadskärnan och kommer inte att inkludera glest bebyggda områden. Ekonomiska och politiska faktorer ingår inte i studien utan det baseras på de ekologiska samt sociala hållbarhetseffekterna. / Purpose: With the high growth of population in Sweden’s cities and suburbs comes a lack of housing. To solve this housing problem and the growing demand of living in the central parts of the city have municipalities decided to build from within. This is called densification which can put pressure on public places and free spaces. The goal of this study is to analyse how densification has affected Jönköping city from an ecological and social sustainability perspective. Method: The methods used in the report are document analysis, interview, literature studies and surveys. The interviewees were employed by Jönköping’s municipality. The documents that were analysed are from Jönköping’s municipality as well and the survey is about how citizens experience Jönköping city. Findings: The findings show that densification has both positive and negative consequences for Jönköping’s inner city. These results indicate that the positive aspects of densification outweigh the negative aspects of densification. To better handle densification in central Jönköping requires a well-established notion of what proper densification is as well as better planning when it comes to forming neighbourhoods. Implications: The conclusions that were found is that it is required to have a well-established concept of densification and that better planning is needed when forming neighbourhoods when it comes to achieving ecological and social sustainability. Limitations: The study has been limited to Jönköping Municipality with a focus of the core city and will not include sparsely built areas. The economic and political factors will not be included in this study which will instead be based on the effects of ecological and social sustainability.

Studium vývoje mikrostruktury pokročilých keramických materiálů ve druhé fázi slinování / Study of microstructure evolution during intermediate stage of sintering of advanced ceramic materials

Jemelka, Marek January 2019 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce byl popis závislosti kritické hustoty (tj. hustota, při které se tubulární póry zcela přemění na póry izolované a uzavřené) a průměrné velikosti zrn při této hustotě na rozdílných rychlostech ohřevu během druhého stádia slinovacího procesu. Dosažené výsledky jsou velice důležité, např. pro produkci transparentních balistických pancířů, vysoce výkonných řezných nástrojů či kostních a kloubních implantátů, jelikož poskytují informace pro výběr nejvhodnější slinovací metody, jejímž výsledkem jsou vzorky v předslinutém stavu s minimální velikostí zrn pro následnou metodu izostatického lisování za tepla (post –HIP). Bylo zjištěno, že kritická hustota všech studovaných oxidových materiálů (Al2O3, tetragonální ZrO2 a kubické ZrO2) není významně závislá na rychlosti ohřevu v rozmezí od 2°C/min do 200°C/min a průměrné hodnoty kritických hustot jsou 96.3 %; 92,4 % a 93,0 % pro Al2O3, t- ZrO2 a c-ZrO2. Výsledky z dosavadní literatury prokázali, že kritická hustota není taktéž závislá na mikrostruktuře keramického polotovaru, a tedy je možné usuzovat, že kritická hustota je materiálovou konstantou závislou na dihedrálním úhlu materiálu. Slinovací trajektorie (tj. závislost průměrné velikosti zrn na relativní hustotě) byly vyhodnoceny jak pro všechny tři způsoby slinování lišící se rychlostí ohřevu (2, 10 a 200 °C/min s dobou výdrže 5 min), tak pro takzvaný způsob slinování- long-dwell (nízké slinovací teploty s dobou výdrže 5 – 10 h). Výsledky nepotvrdily, že by některá z alternativních metod slinování vedla ke snížení průměrné velikosti zrn při kritické hustotě materiálu, a tudíž v současnosti nejvyužívanější metoda pro přípravu materiálů v předslinutém stavu, tzv. metoda konvenčního slinování (rychlost ohřevu 10 °C/min, doba výdrže 5 min), zůstává i nadále vhodnou metodou pro přípravu vzorků s optimální mikrostrukturou pro následný post-HIP proces.

Grönområden vid förtätning av städer - ur ett socialt hållbart perspektiv / Greenspace in city densification - from a social sustainable perspective

Gunnefur, Isabella, Lorén, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: I dagens samhälle pågår en urbanisering som leder till en ökad förtätning i våra städer. Ökad förtätning kan leda till att ny mark i redan befintlig stadsmiljö behöver tas i anspråk. Denna mark är ofta grönytor eller parkeringsplatser. Det finns tidigare studier som visar på naturens positiva effekter på människans mående och den sociala hållbarheten. Däremot finns begränsat med tidigare forskning som visar på hur grönområden hanteras vid förtätning av städer. Målet med denna fallstudie är att bidra med ny kunskap om hur den sociala hållbarheten kan bevaras i ett område där förtätning planeras. Metod: För att uppnå det uppsatta målet har fallstudien genomförts med dokumentanalys samt en litteraturstudie som legat till grund för intervjuerna. Efter att ett välarbetat intervjuunderlag tagits fram genomfördes sex intervjuer. Tre stycken på två olika kommuner, två med arkitekter och en med en byggherre.   Resultat: Kommunernas och övriga aktörer ser det som viktigt med ett bra samarbete mellan inblandade aktörer. Det som driver arbetet idag är tjänstemännens kompetenser. Kommunerna försöker arbeta med inkludering, trygghet och segregation för en social hållbarhet. Detta genom att arbeta med multifunktionella ytor samt mötesplatser. Det är också något som övriga aktörer försöker arbeta med. Aktörerna försöker också ge utemiljöerna större fokus men menar att ambitionsnivån beror på hur omgivningarna ser ut. Kommunerna anser att man måste ha en hög ambitionsnivå från start då man inte alltid når hela vägen vid det färdiga resultatet. Arkitekterna upplever att de har olika mycket inflytande vid olika typer av projekt. Konsekvenser: Efter genomförandet av arbetet kan konstateras att ämnesområdet är komplext. Urbaniseringen påverkar dagens stadsplanering och är något som involverade aktörer måste arbeta med. Faktorer som påverkar hur frågan om social hållbarhet arbetas med är bland annat kunskap, engagemang och ekonomi. Slutsatser som kan dras är att om engagemang och kunskap saknas så arbetas inte området med och byggnationens ekonomiska vinning prioriteras högst. Rekommendationer är: Tydligare och mer detaljerade krav gällande grönområden behövs för att ämnet ska arbetas med utan att aktörers engagemang driver frågan. Krav på uppföljning gällande genomförande av planerat grönområde för att det inte ska kunna prioriteras bort på vägen. Naturen behöver få ett ekonomiskt värde så att det blir tydligt vad det kostar samhället att naturen inte prioriteras.  Begränsningar: Arbetet är begränsat till att behandla grönområden vid förtätning och inte övriga delar av förtätning. Det är också begränsat till att behandla den sociala hållbarheten och inte övriga hållbarhetsaspekter. Även en begränsning till svenska kommuner med ett invånarantal på 50 000 till 120 000 samt aktörer involverade i projekteringsfasen finns. / Purpose: Urbanization is taking place in today´s society, leading to an increased densification in our cities. Increased densification may lead to new land being claimed in the urban environment. This land is often green spaces or parking lots. Previous studies show the positive effects of nature on human well-being and the social sustainability. However, there is limited previous research which shows how green space are handled during city densification. The aim of this case study is to contribute with new knowledge about how social sustainability can be preserved in an area where densification is planned. Method: To accomplish the purpose of the case study, a document analysis has been made and a literature study has been conducted which formed the foundation of the interviews. 6 interviews were carried out after producing a well-worked interview guide. 3 interviews with two different municipalities, 2 with architects and 1 with a developer. Findings: Both the municipalities and the other actors find it important with a well-functioning cooperation between all actors involved in the process. Today it is the officials’ competencies which leads the work forward. The municipalities are working with inclusion, security, and segregation to achieve social sustainability. This by focusing on making areas multifunctional and creating meeting spaces. This is also something the other actors are working with. The architects and the developer are also trying to give the outdoor environments bigger focus however the level of ambition depends on the opportunities in the surroundings. The municipalities believe that one must have a high level of ambition at the beginning since the finished result not always fulfil what is planned. The architects experience different possibilities to impact in different kinds of projects. Implications: After completion of the case study, it can be stated that the subject area is complex. The densification affects the urban planning and is something that the actors must involve in their work. Factors affecting the work with social sustainability is knowledge, commitment, and economics. Conclusions that can be made is that if commitment and knowledge is lacking, the subject area is not worked with and the economic gain of the construction is given the highest priority. Recommendations is: Clearer and more detailed requirements regarding green space is needed if the subject is going to be worked with without the commitment of actors involved. Requirements of monitoring implementation of planned green space to ensure that it is not de-prioritized during the construction process. Nature must be given an economic value to make sure the cost for the society, if nature is not prioritized, is clear. Limitations: This case study is limited to treating green space in densification and no other parts of the densification. It is also limited to social sustainability and not the other sustainability aspects. There is also a limitation to Swedish municipalities with a population between 50 000 and 120 000 and actors involved in the design phase.

Pico Cell Densification Study in LTE Heterogeneous Networks

Cong, Guanglei January 2012 (has links)
Heterogeneous Network (HetNet) deployment has been considered as the main approach to boost capacity and coverage in Long Term Evolu-tion (LTE) networks in order to fulfill the huge future demand on mo-bile broadband usage. In order to study the improvement on network performance, i.e. capacity, coverage and user throughput, from pico cell densification in LTE HetNets, a network densification algorithm which determines the placement locations of the pico sites based on pathloss has been designed and applied to build several network models with different pico cell densities. The study has been taken based on a real radio network in a limited urban area using an advanced Matlab-based radio network simulator. The simulation results show that the network performance generally is enhanced by introducing more pico cells to the network.

Opportunities and challenges for inte-gration of green qualities in the densification of regional cores of Stockholm.

Khoshkar, Sara January 2015 (has links)
Urban densification is claimed to enhance sustainability of cities, with the primary aim of centralizing services and reducing urban land take. Hence, urban densification is expected to reduce car dependencies, facilitate walking, biking and public transport; and protect rural green spaces. However, densification can pose threats to the green spaces and green qualities within urban areas, which is often overlooked in planning. A significant challenge for planners is implementing densification projects while also providing sufficient urban green spaces with green qualities. This paper examines three cases in the Stockholm region, wherein the Stockholm Regional Planning Office has plans to densify, so to reduce social and environmental pressures from the inner Stockholm region. A case study research was conducted with semi-structured interviews, field visits, and literature reviews as the primary means of data collection. This study identified the challenges confronted by municipal planners when incorporating sustainability in planning by enhancing, preserving, or integrating green qualities in the urban densification plans. A few challenges included lack of collaboration, professional barriers, and lack of knowledge on green qualities amongst others. The interviews revealed the use of impact assessment (IA) tools such as EIA and SEA were not being used to their fullest potential when planning for green qualities in the densification plans. This thesis analyzes the findings from the interviews and identifies opportunities to improve IA tools for sustainable planning; thereby developing a framework for using these tools in order to integrate green qualities in the municipal densification projects as well as address the identified challenges.

Befolkningstillväxtens utmaningar : En studie av två svenska tillväxtkommuner / Challenges of population growth : A study of two Swedish municipalities

Olsson, Miranda, Fager, Cornelia January 2022 (has links)
Befolkningstillväxt är planeringsidealet i dagens samhälle. Med tillväxt tillkommer dock utmaningar som behöver bemötas. Syftet med arbetet är därför att studera hur Kalmar och Varbergs kommun planerar för en ökad befolkningstillväxt och vilken effekt denna befolkningstillväxt har på den kommunala samhällsservicen. Kommunerna har valts ut då de har haft en kraftig befolkningstillväxt under de senaste åren. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer samt dokumentanalys av kommunernas strategiska dokument har genomförts som sedan har analyserats utifrån olika teman. Strategisk planering och tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet, såsom förtätning, har använts för att analysera kommunernas hantering av befolkningstillväxten ytterligare. Utifrån datainsamlingen går det att tyda att kommunerna har påverkats i olika grad av befolkningstillväxten. Kalmar kommun upplever att de kan hantera utmaningarna med befolkningstillväxten. Varbergs kommun finner att befolkningstillväxten skapar utmaningar att bemöta behov av kommunal service. Samplanering av bostäder och service är en utmaning för kommunerna men anses vara det bästa sättet att bemöta befolkningstillväxten. / Population growth is the ideal of planning in today's society. With growth, however, there are challenges that need to be addressed. The purpose of this study is to analyze how the municipalities of Kalmar and Varberg plan for increased population growth and what effect this has on the municipal community service. Both municipalities have had strong population growth in recent years. Qualitative semi-structured interviews and document analysis of the municipalities' strategic documents have been carried out, which have then been analyzed on the basis of various themes. Strategic planning and previous research in the subject area, such as densification, have been used to further analyze the municipalities' management of population growth. Based on the data collection, municipalities have been affected to varying degrees by population growth. Kalmar feels that they can handle the challenges of population growth. Varberg finds that population growth creates challenges in meeting the need for municipal services. Co-planning of housing and services is a challenge for the municipalities but is considered to be the best way to respond to population growth.

Verdichtung und Rückverformung von Holz unter besonderer Beachtung der technologischen Umsetzung zur Profilholzherstellung

Wehsener, Jörg 15 June 2021 (has links)
Die universelle Verwendung von Holz wurde durch die Entwicklung moderner lignozellulosefreier Werkstoffe in den letzten Jahrzehnten zurückgedrängt. Anisotropie und Inhomogenität, geringe Dauerhaftigkeit und große Streuung prägen die ingenieurtechnische Wahrnehmung von Holz. Mit der Einführung und Adaption neuer Technologien zur Verarbeitung von Holz wurden materialspezifische Nachteile verringert und definierte, kontinuierlich reproduzierbare Eigenschaften umsetzbar. Trotzdem werden heute im Wesentlichen zwei Verarbeitungsverfahren für Holz genutzt: Schneiden und Kleben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Verfahren zur Umformung nach DIN 8582 untersucht: die thermo-hygro mechanische Verdichtung mit anschließendem Gesenkbiegen und Tiefziehen. Der Schwerpunkt der durchgeführten Untersuchungen lag auf der Ausrichtung der Holzfaser senkrecht zur Umformung und stützte sich folgerichtig auf die Patente DE 102 24 721 „Formteil aus Holz und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung“ und DE 502 08 785 „Profil aus Holz und Verfahren zu seiner Herstellung“, deren Hauptmerkmal die Verdichtung und Umformung unter Nutzung der Rückerinnerung für technische Formholzelemente darstellt. In der Arbeit wurden somit die Rohdichteverteilung und das Spannungs-Dehnungs-Verhalten während der Verdichtung, Rückerinnerung und Umformung untersucht. Einen breiten Raum nahmen die Ermittlung der Materialkennwerte von Pappel (Populus sp.), Kiefer (Pinus silvestris L.), Balsa (Ochroma boliviana R.), Buche (Fagus sylvatica L.) und Linde (Tilia sp.) hinsichtlich der Querzugfestig- und Steifigkeit ein. Es erfolgten Messungen zum Verdichtungsverhalten und zur Rückerinnerung von Kleinprobekörpern sowie die Untersuchung von uni- und biaxial verdichteten Platten bezüglich der eingebrachten Verformung in Betrag und Verteilung. Es wurde eine Wichtung der Einflußgrößen Holzfeuchtigkeit, Temperatur, Jahrringlage und Holzart vorgenommen. In der Auswertung wurden Möglichkeiten zur Manipulation einzelner Parameter betrachtet. Die Erfassung der neutralen Faser, sowie der Zug- und Druckzonen am beanspruchten Probekörper lies Rückschlüsse auf das Materialverhalten bei der Umformung zu. Für die Berechnung der Probekörpergeometrie wurde ein Dehnungsverhältnis (Zug/Druck) von 70% zu 30% zu Grunde gelegt. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurden die technologischen Parameter beim Übergang vom Labormaßstab zur industriellen Anwendung, unter besonderer Beachtung der praktischen Aspekte der Herstellung von nachformbaren Massivholzplatten, beschrieben. Die Rasterfeldanalyse (GSA-Grid Strain Analysis) ermöglichte eine Abschätzung der Umformungsgrenzen von biaxial verdichteten Hirnholzplatten und deren Bewertung in einem FLD (Forming Limit Diagram). Es wurden Zug- und Tiefungsversuche in Anlehnung an Nakajiama (DIN EN ISO 12004-2) zur Charakterisierung der 3D-Formbarkeit, der Bestimmung des Umformgrades phi und der Versagensgrenzen zur fehlerfreien Herstellung eines Ellipsoidenelementes aus biaxial verdichteten Hirnholzelementen durchgeführt. Die Materialdehnungen betrugen mehr als 25%. Im Ergebnis der technologischen Umsetzung wurden 18 großformatige, uniaxial verdichtete Massivholzplatten im Gesenkbiegeverfahren zu Profilen mit 300mm Durchmesser und 3m Länge für eine Windkraftanlage hergestellt.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungs- und Formelverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Gegenstand und Zielsetzung der Arbeit 1.2 Struktur und Lösungsweg 2 Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik 2.1.1 Materialgrundlagen 2.1.2 Anatomie des Holzes 2.1.3 Chemie des Holzes 2.1.4 Physik des Holzes Dichteeinfluß Feuchtigkeitseinfluß Temperatureinfluß Temperatur-Feuchtigkeits-Einfluß auf den Glasübergang (Tg) Einfluß der Porosität 2.2 Holzmodifikation 2.2.1 Umformverfahren 2.2.2 Holzumformung Umformung längs zur Faserrichtung Umformung quer zur Faserrichtung Umformung von porösen Material 3 Eigene Versuche: Material, Methoden und Verfahren 3.1 Vorgehen und Arbeitsschritte 3.2 Materialien 3.2.1 Holz Allgemein Kleinproben Großproben Plattenherstellung 3.2.2 Thermo-hygro-mechanische Umformung (THMU) von Holz Plastifizieren Verdichtung (thermo-mechanisch) Umformung (thermo-hygro mechanisch) Fixierung 3.2.3 Textile Strukturen 3.2.4 Klebstoffe Druckscherversuche DIN EN 386 Biegeversuche quer zur Faser in Anlehnung an DIN 52186 (1978) Delaminierungsversuche (DIN EN 391) uniaxial verdichteter Platten Delaminierungsversuche biaxial verdichteter Hirnholzplatten 3.3 Verfahren der Verdichtung und Umformung 3.3.1 Verdichtung Vorrichtungen Prozeß Einflußparameter auf die Verdichtung 3.3.2 Umformung - Technologie 3.4 Methode 3.4.1 Rohdichtebestimmung nach DIN 52182 3.4.2 Feuchtigkeitsbestimmung nach DIN 52183 3.4.3 Temperaturbestimmung 3.4.4 Querzugversuch nach DIN EN 408 3.4.5 Quelldruckversuch 3.4.6 Verdichtung (Compression set) und Rückerinnerung (Recovery set) 3.4.7 Bestimmung der Lage der neutralen Faser 3.4.8 Tiefungsversuch in Anlehnung an DIN ISO 20482 4 Ergebnisse 4.1 Rohdichtemessung 4.2 Quelldruck 4.3 Querzug 4.4 Verdichtung und Rückerinnerung von Kleinproben 4.4.1 Uniaxiale Umformung 4.4.2 Diskussion 4.4.3 Biaxiale Verformung 4.4.4 Diskussion 4.5 Rückerinnerung und Umformung von Plattenprobekörpern 4.5.1 Prüfung ausgewählter Klebstoffeigenschaften an verdichteten Platten Betrachtungen zur Klebstoffauswahl Druckscherversuche nach DIN EN 386 Biegeversuche quer zur Faser in Anlehnung an DIN EN 310 (1993) Delaminierungsversuche mit unidirektional verdichteten Platten Delaminierungsversuche mit bidirektional verdichteten Platten Diskussion 4.5.2 Umformung von verdichteten Platten Bestimmung neutrale Faser Einfluss des Verdichtungsgrades Einfluss der Plattendicke Diskussion Uniaxiale Umformung großformatiger Platten Biaxiale Umformung großformatiger Platten Diskussion 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 6 Literaturverzeichnis 7 Anhang / Over the last decades, the general use of wood was displaced by the development of non-lingo-cellulosic materials. Today’s engineering perception of wood is characterized by anisotropy and inhomogeneity, low durability, and large variance. The implementation and adaption of new technologies in wood processing reduced specific disadvantages in material and designs and allowed to achieve continuously reproducible properties. Despite these advances, today two main processing methods are used for wood: sawing and gluing. In the presented work, a forming process has been investigated according to DIN 8582: thermo-hydro mechanical densification with press brake bending and deep drawing. The key aspect of this studies was focused on the wood fiber direction perpendicular to the bending line. It was based on the patents DE 102 24 721 „ Wood Profile and Method of the Production of the Same” and DE 502 08 785 „Wood Profile and Process of the Production of the Same”. The major interest was determined by densification and forming of wood structure profiles utilizing recovery. In the presented study, density distribution and stress-strain behavior was analyzed during densification, recovery, and forming process. A major part of the work was the evaluation of material properties of poplar (Populus sp.), pine (Pinus silvestris L.), balsa (Ochroma boliviana R.), beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and lime (Tilia sp.) regarding their strength and stiffness. Furthermore, tests were performed evaluating the imposed plastic deformations with regard to amount and distribution on small test cubes (60 by 60 by 50 mm³) and uni- and biaxial densified boards. Parameters like wood moisture, temperature, annual ring direction and wood species as well as a description of the different impact on the forming results were assessed. The analysis of neutral axis as well as the tension- and compression zones on the tested specimens allowed for conclusions on the wood behavior during the forming process. The calculation of specimens geometry was made with the strain relationship (tension / compression) of 70 to 30 percent. The technological parameters were described by up-scaling from laboratory to industrial application with special focus on the practical aspects of producing moldable end-grain boards. The grid strain analysis (GSA) enabled an estimation of forming limits on biaxial densified end grain boards in an FLD (forming limit diagram). Tension and deep drawing tests according to Nakajiama (DIN EN ISO 12004-2) were carried out to characterize the 3D-moldability, to determine the degree of deformation and the failure limit by producing ellipsoid elements on biaxial densified end grain boards. A material strain of more than 25% was achieved. Using press brake bending, 18 wood profiles were manufactured with a diameter of 300mm and a length of 3000mm. The implementation of described wood profiles using uniaxial densified large boards was deployed in a wind power plant.:Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungs- und Formelverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1.1 Gegenstand und Zielsetzung der Arbeit 1.2 Struktur und Lösungsweg 2 Stand der Wissenschaft und Technik 2.1.1 Materialgrundlagen 2.1.2 Anatomie des Holzes 2.1.3 Chemie des Holzes 2.1.4 Physik des Holzes Dichteeinfluß Feuchtigkeitseinfluß Temperatureinfluß Temperatur-Feuchtigkeits-Einfluß auf den Glasübergang (Tg) Einfluß der Porosität 2.2 Holzmodifikation 2.2.1 Umformverfahren 2.2.2 Holzumformung Umformung längs zur Faserrichtung Umformung quer zur Faserrichtung Umformung von porösen Material 3 Eigene Versuche: Material, Methoden und Verfahren 3.1 Vorgehen und Arbeitsschritte 3.2 Materialien 3.2.1 Holz Allgemein Kleinproben Großproben Plattenherstellung 3.2.2 Thermo-hygro-mechanische Umformung (THMU) von Holz Plastifizieren Verdichtung (thermo-mechanisch) Umformung (thermo-hygro mechanisch) Fixierung 3.2.3 Textile Strukturen 3.2.4 Klebstoffe Druckscherversuche DIN EN 386 Biegeversuche quer zur Faser in Anlehnung an DIN 52186 (1978) Delaminierungsversuche (DIN EN 391) uniaxial verdichteter Platten Delaminierungsversuche biaxial verdichteter Hirnholzplatten 3.3 Verfahren der Verdichtung und Umformung 3.3.1 Verdichtung Vorrichtungen Prozeß Einflußparameter auf die Verdichtung 3.3.2 Umformung - Technologie 3.4 Methode 3.4.1 Rohdichtebestimmung nach DIN 52182 3.4.2 Feuchtigkeitsbestimmung nach DIN 52183 3.4.3 Temperaturbestimmung 3.4.4 Querzugversuch nach DIN EN 408 3.4.5 Quelldruckversuch 3.4.6 Verdichtung (Compression set) und Rückerinnerung (Recovery set) 3.4.7 Bestimmung der Lage der neutralen Faser 3.4.8 Tiefungsversuch in Anlehnung an DIN ISO 20482 4 Ergebnisse 4.1 Rohdichtemessung 4.2 Quelldruck 4.3 Querzug 4.4 Verdichtung und Rückerinnerung von Kleinproben 4.4.1 Uniaxiale Umformung 4.4.2 Diskussion 4.4.3 Biaxiale Verformung 4.4.4 Diskussion 4.5 Rückerinnerung und Umformung von Plattenprobekörpern 4.5.1 Prüfung ausgewählter Klebstoffeigenschaften an verdichteten Platten Betrachtungen zur Klebstoffauswahl Druckscherversuche nach DIN EN 386 Biegeversuche quer zur Faser in Anlehnung an DIN EN 310 (1993) Delaminierungsversuche mit unidirektional verdichteten Platten Delaminierungsversuche mit bidirektional verdichteten Platten Diskussion 4.5.2 Umformung von verdichteten Platten Bestimmung neutrale Faser Einfluss des Verdichtungsgrades Einfluss der Plattendicke Diskussion Uniaxiale Umformung großformatiger Platten Biaxiale Umformung großformatiger Platten Diskussion 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 6 Literaturverzeichnis 7 Anhang

Hållbar planering inför framtiden : Förslag till ny bebyggelsestruktur för ett område i Västervik

Arkåsen, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Städer har under sin framväxt planerats på olika sätt. Från rutnätsplaner under 1600-talet till 1900-talets planering som resulterade i sovstäder separerade från arbetsplatserna. När städerna vuxit har de områden som från början låg i utkanten istället hamnat närmare stadens centrum. Gamla industriområden ligger som kilar i stadsbilden och genom att ändra användningen av marken där kan nya bostadsområden växa fram. Dagens forskning visar på att en blandad struktur i bebyggelsen med bostäder, verksamheter och tät gatustruktur är vägen framåt. Är dessutom variationen stor vad gäller typen av bostäder finns det möjlighet att skapa ett område där människor kan trivas över tid och flytta mellan olika bostäder under olika skeden i livet.     Studien utreder hur ett område i Västervik, i studien kallat Lärkstaden, kan planeras för framtidens medborgare. Förslaget täcker en yta på 97 000 kvadratmeter som idag innefattar 12 fastigheter, ett koloniområde och grönområden. Här finns idag småskalig industri och handel. Även en del företag inom byggbranschen har sina lokaler i Lärkstaden och den angränsar till bostadsbebyggelse och grönområden. Genom att rita upp ett förslag på ny utformning undersöks vilka funktioner som kan samsas i Lärkstaden och hur bebyggelsestrukturen blir långsiktig. Förslaget förankras i tidigare forskning genom en litteraturstudie. För att få en större förståelse för platsen genomförs ett antal platsbesök och även intervjuer av personer som genom erfarenheter och kunskap bidrar med tankar och idéer. / Cities have been planned in different ways during their growth. From grid plans during the 17th century through 20th-century planning that resulted in quiet parts of the city that lacked life and vitality separated from workplaces. As the cities grew, the areas that were originally on the outskirts ended up closer to the city center. Old industrial areas are like wedges in the cityscape and by changing the use of the land there, new residential areas can emerge. The research today shows that an area with a mixed structure that contains housing, businesses, and a dense street structure is the way forward. In addition, there are great variations in the type of housing that can be constructed to create an area where people can thrive over time and move between different homes during different stages of life.   The study investigates how an area in Västervik, in the study called Lärkstaden, can be planned for the citizens of the future. The idea covers an area of 97 000 square meters which today includes 12 properties, a plantation area, and green space. Today there is small-scale industry and trade. Some companies in the construction industry also have their premises in Lärkstaden and it is adjacent to residential buildings and green areas. By drawing up an idea for a new design, an investigation has been carried out showing which functions can be shared in Lärkstaden and how it would become sustainable in the long-term as it will have the required mixed structure mentioned above. The idea is anchored by previous research through a literature study. To gain a greater understanding of the area, visits have been made and people have been interviewed through experience and knowledge offer thoughts and ideas. / <p>Betyg 2021-06-04</p>

Seeing Outdoor Play Spaces Through the Eyes of Children

Cheng, Qu January 2021 (has links)
In the context of the global trend towards urban densification, the space and quality of public outdoor play for children are declining. Malmö, the third-largest city of Sweden, is now facing such a problem. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of a themed playground (Rörsjöparken) in the city of Malmö on young children's play from a design perspective and to propose recommendations for optimizing this play space based on children's ideas in order to promote playful learning and optimal child development. Using affordance theory, this study analyses the impact of play space on children's interaction and use of space. It also explores how children's ideas can be organically integrated into the design and contribute to children's development through the application of a mosaic approach and the concept of the Urban Play Framework. The results showed that children could engage in more diverse types of play in natural spaces than in manufactured equipment spaces. The article recommends that designers incorporate four factors when assessing the quality of a play space in the early stages of design. These factors are: whether the play environment has 1. rich natural features, 2. suitable play equipment for children's abilities and physical conditions, 3. stimulating elements, and 4. high-quality parent-child interaction. Future studies are needed to explore approaches that can effectively consult children in large public outdoor play areas and investigate how to improve the children's play environment in winter.

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