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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

勞工退休金及資遣費之追償與保護 / Law of retrieve and protection of labor pension and severance pay

李涓鳳, Li, Jiuan-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
勞動基準法、勞工退休金條例課予雇主於成就一定要件下,有給付勞工退休金、資遣費之責,以保護照顧勞工。然時至今日,為因應全球化趨勢,經營者透過交互協力的經營網絡,使人事調動亦趨於頻繁,產生多法人格經營組織形態下的調職。惟勞工退休金與資遣費係本於勞動契約之請求,故其求償對象為「勞動契約上雇主」,當事人一方(事業單位)改變,工作年資重新計算,將衍生應以誰承擔雇主責任及工作年資併計、平均工資計算等債權範圍問題。甚或雇主透過關係企業交叉控制,濫用公司法人格、掏空資產,導致關廠歇業,勞工之債權求償無門。 勞動基準法各條文所規範之雇主(責任主體),須斟酌各該法條的立法意旨與目的予以審酌認定,且未包含多重勞動關係之處理。我國公司法第154條第2項規定引進揭穿公司面紗原則,惟勞工如係因關係企業、家族企業調動,導致工作年資中斷或勞動條件不利益變更,損及其權益,尚難逕以該法條要求控制股東負清償之責,以擴張雇主責任。又104年2月4日修正公布勞動基準法第28條規定,提升退休金與資遣費之受償順位,並納入墊償,該條文對勞動債權之保護及施行以來之適用問題,亦為本文關切之重點。   本文將從雇主範圍、跨法人格企業調動、經營主體消滅等變動因素下,探討勞工退休金及資遣費之求償對象、求償範圍及債權保護等,並透過檢視現行勞動法制、公司法關係企業債權人保護之規定,介紹美國「揭穿公司面紗原則」、日本「法人格否認理論」、我國實務發展「實體同一性」概念等,試圖描繪擴充退休金與資遣費求償與保護法制之輪廓,並對於擴張勞工退休金與資遣費追償對象之可能,提出相關建議以供參考。

Skončení pracovního poměru v České republice a v Rakousku / Termination of employment in the Czech Republic and in Austria

Neklová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the various manners of termination of an employment relationship according to the laws of the Czech Republic and compares them with the legal regulation of the same or similar manners of termination of an employment relationship in the laws of the Austrian Republic. The thesis is divided into four main parts. The first part deals with the system of Austrian employment regulations. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the concept of termination of an employment relationship in general and it divides the ways of termination of employment relationship into two basic groups; in particular, the first group is termination of employment relationship based on legal acts and the second group is termination of employment relationship based on legal event. Further, the second part of this thesis discusses the terms employer and employee. The third part of this thesis is devoted to individual legal acts based on which in the Austrian and Czech laws an employment relationship can be terminated which is a termination agreement, termination by notice, immediate cancellation of an employment relationship, respectively exit from employment relationship (in German: Austritt) and dismissal from employment (in German: Entlassung), cancellation of employment relationship during a...

O papel do Sistema Financeiro da Habitação diante do desafio de universalizar o acesso à moradia digna no Brasil / The role of the Housing Finance System in expanding access to housing in Brazil

Eloy, Claudia Magalhães 03 June 2013 (has links)
A questão habitacional vem ocupando, recentemente, lugar de destaque entre as políticas públicas prioritárias no país, configurando um movimento de revitalização - apoiado por um marco regulatório aprimorado e um ambiente macroeconômico favorável, além do restabelecimento da Política Nacional de Habitação (PNH) - que exibe vertiginoso crescimento do crédito habitacional na última década. O Sistema Brasileiro de Poupança e Empréstimo (SBPE) e o Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço (FGTS), fontes arregimentadas para serem os pilares do Sistema Financeiro da Habitação (SFH), criado em 1964, ainda sustentam preponderantemente o crédito habitacional no Brasil e constituem, conjuntamente, a espinha dorsal de funding do atual Sistema Nacional de Habitação (SNH). Esta tese analisa essas duas fontes de captação de recursos a partir do pressuposto de que ambas devem ser dedicadas, de modo estratégico, ao financiamento habitacional. As justificativas residem, de um lado, na observação do potencial de captação dessas fontes - que acumulam R$ 685 bilhões (set./2012) - a taxas abaixo do \"livre mercado\" e, de outro, no reconhecimento de que há um segmento de famílias que possui condição de acessar crédito habitacional, desde que em condições especiais em relação às oferecidas pelo \"livre mercado\". A universalização do acesso à moradia digna, meta máxima estabelecida pela nova PNH, requer o atendimento a essas famílias. Dessa forma, este trabalho parte da hipótese de que o SFH, apesar de regulamentado, constituindo um circuito direcionado de crédito habitacional, não tem o seu potencial estratégico utilizado plenamente para realizar esse atendimento. Ou seja, o SFH não está aderente à atual Política. As análises confirmam a hipótese postulada: apesar de o SFH ser mantido sob regulamentação específica, preservando a vinculação de suas fontes ao crédito habitacional, tanto o SBPE quanto o FGTS vêm apresentando desempenho abaixo do seu potencial, comprometendo a necessária expansão downmarket. Se reformulada a regulação dessas fontes, essa expansão ganhará um ritmo muito mais adequado ao objetivo da universalização. Este trabalho abarcou, ainda, a revisão do desenho proposto para o SNH e considerações sobre limitações do financiamento e suas interfaces com o território. / The housing issue has recently been occupying center stage in Brazil\'s social policies, supported by the revamp of the country\'s Housing Finance System (SFH), favored by a refined regulatory framework, by income growth and a stable macroeconomic environment. The Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE) and the Severance Indemnity Guarantee Fund (FGTS) instituted to be the pillars of the SFH, created in 1964, predominantly support, even today, the housing credit in Brazil and together constitute the backbone of funding for the new National Housing Policy (PNH), established in 2004. This paper attempts to analyze both the SBPE and the FGTS based on the assumption that they should be strategically targeted to expand housing finance downmarket. This depository-based system has accumulated assets of around BRL 685 billion (Sept/2012) and can offer below market interest rates, while a significant portion of families can only access housing finance in subsidized conditions. The main hypothesis that guides this analysis is that notwithstanding current regulations which still make the SFH an earmarked finance market, its funding is not being efficiently used to extend housing finance to those families. Thus, the SFH lacks better alignment with the present national housing policy and its main target of promoting universal access to \"decent homes\". The analyses undertaken confirm the postulated hypothesis: although the SFH has been kept under specific regulation, thus preserving its links to housing credit, both the SBPE and the FGTS have been underperforming in expanding mortgage finance to lower income groups. This paper also includes a critical overview of the design of the National Housing System and reflects on the limits of Brazil\'s finance system in reaching downmarket.

O papel do Sistema Financeiro da Habitação diante do desafio de universalizar o acesso à moradia digna no Brasil / The role of the Housing Finance System in expanding access to housing in Brazil

Claudia Magalhães Eloy 03 June 2013 (has links)
A questão habitacional vem ocupando, recentemente, lugar de destaque entre as políticas públicas prioritárias no país, configurando um movimento de revitalização - apoiado por um marco regulatório aprimorado e um ambiente macroeconômico favorável, além do restabelecimento da Política Nacional de Habitação (PNH) - que exibe vertiginoso crescimento do crédito habitacional na última década. O Sistema Brasileiro de Poupança e Empréstimo (SBPE) e o Fundo de Garantia por Tempo de Serviço (FGTS), fontes arregimentadas para serem os pilares do Sistema Financeiro da Habitação (SFH), criado em 1964, ainda sustentam preponderantemente o crédito habitacional no Brasil e constituem, conjuntamente, a espinha dorsal de funding do atual Sistema Nacional de Habitação (SNH). Esta tese analisa essas duas fontes de captação de recursos a partir do pressuposto de que ambas devem ser dedicadas, de modo estratégico, ao financiamento habitacional. As justificativas residem, de um lado, na observação do potencial de captação dessas fontes - que acumulam R$ 685 bilhões (set./2012) - a taxas abaixo do \"livre mercado\" e, de outro, no reconhecimento de que há um segmento de famílias que possui condição de acessar crédito habitacional, desde que em condições especiais em relação às oferecidas pelo \"livre mercado\". A universalização do acesso à moradia digna, meta máxima estabelecida pela nova PNH, requer o atendimento a essas famílias. Dessa forma, este trabalho parte da hipótese de que o SFH, apesar de regulamentado, constituindo um circuito direcionado de crédito habitacional, não tem o seu potencial estratégico utilizado plenamente para realizar esse atendimento. Ou seja, o SFH não está aderente à atual Política. As análises confirmam a hipótese postulada: apesar de o SFH ser mantido sob regulamentação específica, preservando a vinculação de suas fontes ao crédito habitacional, tanto o SBPE quanto o FGTS vêm apresentando desempenho abaixo do seu potencial, comprometendo a necessária expansão downmarket. Se reformulada a regulação dessas fontes, essa expansão ganhará um ritmo muito mais adequado ao objetivo da universalização. Este trabalho abarcou, ainda, a revisão do desenho proposto para o SNH e considerações sobre limitações do financiamento e suas interfaces com o território. / The housing issue has recently been occupying center stage in Brazil\'s social policies, supported by the revamp of the country\'s Housing Finance System (SFH), favored by a refined regulatory framework, by income growth and a stable macroeconomic environment. The Brazilian Savings and Loan System (SBPE) and the Severance Indemnity Guarantee Fund (FGTS) instituted to be the pillars of the SFH, created in 1964, predominantly support, even today, the housing credit in Brazil and together constitute the backbone of funding for the new National Housing Policy (PNH), established in 2004. This paper attempts to analyze both the SBPE and the FGTS based on the assumption that they should be strategically targeted to expand housing finance downmarket. This depository-based system has accumulated assets of around BRL 685 billion (Sept/2012) and can offer below market interest rates, while a significant portion of families can only access housing finance in subsidized conditions. The main hypothesis that guides this analysis is that notwithstanding current regulations which still make the SFH an earmarked finance market, its funding is not being efficiently used to extend housing finance to those families. Thus, the SFH lacks better alignment with the present national housing policy and its main target of promoting universal access to \"decent homes\". The analyses undertaken confirm the postulated hypothesis: although the SFH has been kept under specific regulation, thus preserving its links to housing credit, both the SBPE and the FGTS have been underperforming in expanding mortgage finance to lower income groups. This paper also includes a critical overview of the design of the National Housing System and reflects on the limits of Brazil\'s finance system in reaching downmarket.

Alternativy k propouštění zaměstnanců v době hospodářské krize podle rakouské právní úpravy / Alternatives to downsizing during economic crisis according to the Austrian law

Coubalová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to present and analyse the alternatives to downsizing of employees from the point of view of the active employment policy applied in Austria during the financial and economic crisis 2008-2010. First, the paper explores downsizing in the period of economic crisis and compares legal forms of employment termination in Austria and in the Czech Republic, as well as other relevant legal topics. Furthermore, it points out some selected issues from austrian labour law. Second, the thesis focuses on active employment policy tools which aim to avoid downsizing at least for the temporary, short-time economic crisis and on tools which at least ease consequences of downsizing by helping the fired employee to find a new employment path. The thesis analyses the evolution, legal background and use of short working time in detail, as well as the background of educational leave. Eventually, the paper deals with a revolutionary version of outplacement -- with labour foundations -- an outplacement model developed in Austria.

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