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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planejamento e Políticas Públicas: uma análise sobre a Gestão Energética Descentralizada em âmbito municipal no Brasil. / Planning and Public Policy: an analysis of the Decentralized Energy Management at the municipal level in Brazil.

Flavia Mendes de Almeida Collaço 30 January 2015 (has links)
A Gestão Energética Descentralizada é uma forma de gestão dos recursos energéticos cujas primeiras publicações referentes ao tema datam dos anos 1980, no entanto, foi verificado um crescimento do desenvolvimento de estudos e aplicações do conceito na prática de forma substancial somente em tempos recentes (anos 2000). A Gestão Energética Descentralizada é tratada sob uma infinidade de termos e conceitos, e também pode ser aplicada com graus diferentes de descentralização como em vilas, quarteirões, bairros, distritos e estados. Tal conceito está fortemente atrelado ao combate das emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa, busca pela inserção das fontes de energia renováveis nas matrizes, conservação de energia e eficiência energética, e pela associação entre planejamento urbano, ou das cidades, ao dos sistemas energéticos. Ainda, cabe destacar que nesse modelo de gestão descentralizado- a participação popular e o engajamento dos cidadãos nos processos decisórios e na busca por cidades sustentáveis veem sendo colocado, por muitos pesquisadores do tema, como requisitos indispensáveis ao seu adequado funcionamento. Esta dissertação tem como foco de pesquisa a Gestão Energética Descentralizada em âmbito municipal e seu desenvolvimento nas cidades do Brasil. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o estado da arte do desenvolvimento da Gestão Energética Descentralizada Municipal no Brasil e no mundo, abarcando principalmente questões do planejamento e de políticas públicas como transparência e participação popular no desenvolvimento dos Planejamentos Energéticos Locais. O resultado da pesquisa mostra que existe Gestão de Energia Descentralizada Municipal no Brasil com desenvolvimento de Planejamentos Energéticos Municipais, os quais têm como principal instrumento incentivador o subprograma PROCEL-GEM, foco de estudo de caso também desenvolvido nessa pesquisa, que demonstrou que os planejamentos realizados dentro do subprograma estão restritos as unidades consumidoras de energia elétrica dos órgãos e serviços públicos, além disso, foram observados indícios de falta de transparência e participação popular nos processos de planejamento, assim como falta de recursos para a implementação dos projetos formulados em tais documentos. / Early publications on Decentralized Energy Management, which is a form of energy resources management, date back to the 1980s, however, a substantial increase in the development of such studies and applications of the concept was verified only in recent times (2000s). The Decentralized Energy Management is treated under a multitude of terms and concepts, and can also be applied with varying degrees of decentralization such as in villages, blocks, neighborhoods, districts and states. This concept is close linked to themes like Greenhouse Gases mitigation, integration of renewable energy sources in the energy matrix, energy conservation, energy efficiency and the relationship between urban planning and the energy system. It is noteworthy that in this management model decentralized the communitys participation and engagement in the decision making in the development of sustainable cities is being pointed out, by many researchers, as an indispensable requirement for the proper functioning of this kind of model. This dissertation focuses on Decentralized Energy Management at the municipal level and its development in the cities of Brazil. Thus, this work performs a state of art review on Decentralized Municipal Energy Management in Brazil as well as in the world, covering mainly planning and public policy issues such as transparency and community participation in the development of local Energy Planning. The results shows that there are Decentralized Municipal Energy Management projects in Brazil which develop Municipal Energy Planning, mostly supported by the PROCEL GEM-subprogram, that is also the case study of this research. Additionally, the results demonstrated that the planning made within this subprogram is restricted to the electricity consumption of public agencies or services. Moreover, were observed indications of a lack of transparency and community participation in the planning process as well as the lack of resources for the implementation of such projects.

Contribution à la mise au point d'un pilotage énergétique décentralisé par prédiction / Decentralized energy management by predictions

Dufour, Luc 20 March 2017 (has links)
Comment satisfaire les besoins en énergie d’une population de 9 milliards d’êtres humains en 2050, de façon économiquement viable tout en minimisant l’impact sur l’environnement. Une des réponses est l’insertion de production d’énergie propre d’origine éolienne et photovoltaïque mais leurs totales dépendances aux variations climatiques accentuent une pression sur le réseau. Les modèles prédictifs historiques centralisés et paramétriques ont du mal à appréhender les variations brutales de productions et de consommations. La révolution internet permet aujourd’hui une convergence entre le numérique et l’énergie. En Europe et depuis cinq ans, l’axe d’étude est celui de la maîtrise locale de l’électricité. Ainsi plusieurs quartiers intelligents ont été créés et les modèles utilisés de pilotage et de prédiction restent souvent la propriété des partenaires des projets. Dans cette thèse, Il s’agit de réaliser un bilan énergétique chaque heure pour prédire l’ensemble des vecteurs énergétiques d’un système. Le besoin en énergie d’un système comme une maison est décomposée en un besoin en chauffage, en un besoin en eau chaude sanitaire, en un besoin en luminaires, en besoin de ventilation et en usages spécifiques électriques utiles. Le système peut posséder une production décentralisée et un système de stockage ce qui augmentera sa capacité d’effacement. Pour le centre de pilotage, l’objectif est d’avoir une possibilité de scénarios de surproductions ou surconsommations sur un quartier donnée à court terme. Nous considérerons dans cette thèse un horizon à l’heure pour notre bilan énergétique. Cela implique une prédiction fine des différents flux énergétiques d’un système en particulier le chauffage et l’eau chaude qui représente le plus gros potentiel de flexibilité dans les bâtiments. Pour réaliser un bilan, nous devons calculer les différents flux énergétiques à l’intérieur de notre système : les déperditions par l’enveloppe et la ventilation, les gains internes solaires, des personnes et des appareils, le stockage, la production d’eau chaude sanitaire, les usages spécifiques électriques utiles. Sur certains de ces points, nous pouvons évaluer assez précisément et en fonction du temps les quantités d’énergie échangées. Pour les autres (ECS, USE, gains internes, stockage), la bibliographie nous donne que des méthodes globales et indépendantes du temps. Il n’est donc pas possible d’envisager une méthode correspondant au pas de temps souhaité. Ceci impose la mise au point d’une méthode prédictive et apprenante dont nos modèles de simulation énergétique seront le point de référence. Il n’en reste pas moins que ces modèles permettent la compréhension du comportement énergétique du système. L’outil se devra non intrusif, personnalisé, robuste et simple. Pour limiter le caractère intrusif de l’outil, il s’agit à la fois d’ajouter de l’intelligence comme par exemple l’identification des appareils utiles à partir d’un seul point de mesure mais aussi la collection et l’analyse d’informations localement. Les données privées ne sont pas transmises vers l’extérieur. Seules les informations de prédictions énergétiques sont envoyées à un niveau supérieur pour agrégation des données des quartiers. L’intelligence est également au niveau des prédictions réalisées issues de méthodes d’apprentissage comme l’utilisation des réseaux de neurones ou des arbres de décision. La robustesse est étudiée d’un point de vue technologie (plusieurs protocoles de communication ont été testés), techniques (plusieurs méthodes de collecte) et d’un point de vue du stockage de données (limiter la fréquence de collecte). La simplicité d’usage engendre une simplicité d’installation minimiser le nombre de données d’entrée tout en gardant une précision souhaitable sera notre principal axe d’optimisation. / This work presents a data-intensive solution to manage energy flux after a low transformer voltage named microgrid concept. A microgrid is an aggregation of building with a decentralized energy production and or not a storage system. These microgrid can be aggregate to create an intelligent virtual power plant. However, many problems must be resolved to increase the part of these microgrid and the renewable resource in a energy mix. The physic model can not integrate and resolve in a short time the quickly variations. The intelligent district can be integrate a part of flexibility in their production with a storage system. This storage can be electrical with a battery or thermal with the heating and the hot water. For a virtual power plant, the system can be autonomous when the price electricity prediction is low and increase the production provided on the market when the price electricity is high. For a energy supplier and with a decentralized production building distant of a low transformer voltage, a regulation with a storage capacity enable a tension regulation. Finally, the auto-consumption becomes more and more interesting combined with a low electrical storage price and the result of the COP 21 in Paris engage the different country towards the energy transition. In these cases, a flexibility is crucial at the building level but this flexibility is possible if, and only if, the locally prediction are correct to manage the energy. The main novelties of our approach is to provide an easy implemented and flexible solution to predict the consumption and the production at the building level based on the machine learning technique and tested on the real use cases in a residential and tertiary sector. A new evaluation of the consumption is realized: the point of view is energy and not only electrical. The energy consumption is decomposed between the heating consumption, the hot water consumption and the electrical devices consumption. A prediction every hour is provided for the heating and the hot water consumption to estimate the thermal storage capacity. A characterization of Electrical devices consumption is realized by a non-intrusive disaggregation from the global load curve. The heating and the hot water are identify to provide a non intrusive methodology of prediction. Every day, the heating, the hot water, the household appliances, the cooling and the stand by are identified. Every 15 minutes, our software provide a hot water prediction, a heating prediction, a decentralized prediction and a characterization of the electrical consumption. A comparison with the different physic model simulated enable an error evaluation the error of our different implemented model.

Distributed Network Processing and Optimization under Communication Constraint

Chang Shen Lee (11184969) 26 July 2021 (has links)
<div>In recent years, the amount of data in the information processing systems has significantly increased, which is also referred to as big-data. The design of systems handling big-data calls for a scalable approach, which brings distributed systems into the picture. In contrast to centralized systems, data are spread across the network of agents in the distributed system, and agents cooperatively complete tasks through local communications and local computations. However, the design and analysis of distributed systems, in which no central coordinators with complete information are present, are challenging tasks. In order to support communication among agents to enable multi-agent coordination among others, practical communication constraints should be taken into consideration in the design and analysis of such systems. The focus of this dissertation is to provide design and analysis of distributed network processing using finite-rate communications among agents. In particular, we address the following open questions: 1) can one design algorithms balancing a graph weight matrix using finite-rate and simplex communications among agents? 2) can one design algorithms computing the average of agents’ states using finite-rate and simplex communications? and 3) going beyond of ad-hoc algorithmic designs, can one design a black-box mechanism transforming a general class of algorithms with unquantized communication to their finite-bit quantized counterparts?</div><div><br></div><div>This dissertation addresses the above questions. First, we propose novel distributed algorithms solving the weight-balancing and average consensus problems using only finite-rate simplex communications among agents, compliant to the directed nature of the network topology. A novel convergence analysis is put forth, based on a new metric inspired by the</div><div>positional system representations. In the second half of this dissertation, distributed optimization subject to quantized communications is studied. Specifically, we consider a general class of linearly convergent distributed algorithms cast as fixed-point iterate, and propose a novel black-box quantization mechanism. In the proposed mechanism, a novel quantizer preserving linear convergence is proposed, which is proved to be more communication efficient than state-of-the-art quantization mechanisms. Extensive numerical results validate our theoretical findings.</div>

Data ownership and interoperability for a decentralized social semantic web / La propriété des données et l'interopérabilité pour un Web sémantique social décentralisé

Sambra, Andrei Vlad 19 November 2013 (has links)
Assurer l'appropriation des données personnelles et l'interopérabilité des applications Web sociaux décentralisées est actuellement un sujet controversé, surtout en prenant compte des aspects de la vie privée et du contrôle d'accès. Il est important d'améliorer le Web social de telle manière à permettre des modèles d'affaires viables tout en étant capable de fournir une plus grande appropriation des données et l'interopérabilité des données par rappport à la situation actuelle. A cet égard, nous avons concentré notre recherche sur trois thèmes différents: le contrôle d'identité, l'authentifiaction et le contrôle d'accès. Tout d'abord, nous abordons le sujet de l'identité décentralisée en proposant un nouveau standard Web appelé "Web Identity and Discovery" (WebID), qui offre un mécanisme d'identification simple et universel qui est distribué et ouvertement extensible. Ensuite, nous passons à la question de l'authentification où nous proposons WebID-TLS, un protocole d'authentification décentralisé qui permet l'authentification sécurisée, simple et efficace sur le Web en permettant aux personnes de se connecter à l'aide de certificats clients. Nous étendons également WebID-TLS, en offrant des moyens d'effectuer de l'authentification déléguée et de la délégation d'accès. Enfin, nous présentons notre dernière contribution, un service de contrôle d'accès social, qui sert à protéger l'accès aux ressources Linked Data générés par les utilisateurs (par exemple, les données de profil, messages du mur, conversations, etc) par l'application de deux mesures: la "distance de proximité sociale" et "contexte social" / Ensuring personal data ownership and interoperability for decentralized social Web applications is currently a debated topic, especially when taking into consideration the aspects of privacy and access control. Since the user's data are such an important asset of the current business models for most social Websites, companies have no incentive to share data among each other or to offer users real ownership of their own data in terms of control and transparency of data usage. We have concluded therefore that it is important to improve the social Web in such a way that it allows for viable business models while still being able to provide increased data ownership and data interoperability compared to the current situation. To this regard, we have focused our research on three different topics: identity, authentication and access control. First, we tackle the subject of decentralized identity by proposing a new Web standard called "Web Identity and Discovery" (WebID), which offers a simple and universal identification mechanism that is distributed and openly extensible. Next, we move to the topic of authentication where we propose WebID-TLS, a decentralized authentication protocol that enables secure, efficient and user friendly authentication on the Web by allowing people to login using client certificates and without relying on Certification Authorities. We also extend the WebID-TLS protocol, offering delegated authentication and access delegation. Finally we present our last contribution, the Social Access Control Service, which serves to protect the privacy of Linked Data resources generated by users (e.g. pro le data, wall posts, conversations, etc.) by applying two social metrics: the "social proximity distance" and "social contexts"

Decentralized Learning over Wireless Networks with Imperfect and Constrained Communication : To broadcast, or not to broadcast, that is the question!

Dahl, Martin January 2023 (has links)
The ever-expanding volume of data generated by network devices such as smartphones, personal computers, and sensors has significantly contributed to the remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms. However, effectively processing and learning from this extensive data usually requires substantial computational capabilities centralized in a server. Moreover, concerns regarding data privacy arise when collecting training data from distributed network devices. To address these challenges, collaborative ML with decentralized data has emerged as a promising solution for large-scale machine learning across distributed devices, driven by the parallel computing and learning trends. Collaborative and distributed ML can be broadly classified into two types: server-based and fully decentralized, based on whether the model aggregation is coordinated by a parameter server or performed in a decentralized manner through peer-to-peer communication. In cases where communication between devices occurs over wireless links, which are inherently imperfect, unreliable, and resource-constrained, how can we design communication protocols to achieve the best learning performance? This thesis investigates decentralized learning using decentralized stochastic gradient descent, an established algorithm for decentralized ML, in a novel setting with imperfect and constrained communication. "Imperfect" implies that communication can fail and "constrained" implies that communication resources are limited. The communication across a link between two devices is modeled as a binary event with either success or failure, depending on if multiple neighbouring devices are transmitting information. To compensate for communication failures, every communication round can have multiple communication slots, which are limited and must be carefully allocated over the learning process. The quality of communication is quantified by introducing normalized throughput, describing the ratio of successful links in a communication round. To decide when devices should broadcast, both random and deterministic medium access policies have been developed with the goal of maximizing throughput, which has shown very efficient learning performance. Finally, two schemes for allocating communication slots over communication rounds have been defined and simulated: Delayed-Allocation and the Periodic-Allocation schemes, showing that it is better to allocate slots late rather than early, and neither too frequently nor infrequently which can depend on several factors and requires further study

Decentralized Finance : Implications on Commercial Real Estate Market / Decentraliserad finans : Implikationer på marknaden för kommersiell fastigheter

Jacob, Kevin, Shetty, Rakshith Rathnakar January 2022 (has links)
The Commercial Real Estate (CRE) market has a substantial impact on financial stability, making it one of the global sectors with a strong relationship to economic growth. Because of its stability, CRE remains a viable investment even when market cycles shift for various reasons. Commercial real estate is an excellent method to diversify a portfolio because of its steady nature. Furthermore, direct CRE investment provides properties that can appreciate and provide cash flow. However, the industry is considered to be illiquid due to its difficulty in transacting, inefficiency, and access to capital. Moreover, there are an increased number of intermediaries involved in these processes, both from the seller side and the buyer side, which not only increases transaction cost but also increases the information asymmetries between both sides. This information loss in the communication pathways has complicated the market, leading to a painful documentation process, high intermediary cost, and a lengthy approval process. Based on an examination of the literature on (combinations of) important phrases such as 'Decentralized Finance'. It was found that there are no solid publications combining the ideas of decentralized finance and real estate in the current body of academic knowledge using the terms "decentralized finance", "blockchain", "commercial real estate", and "transaction costs". The aim of the thesis is to explore the expectations related to the implementation of decentralized finance technology in the commercial real estate industry. The study was done in the form of qualitative research with an interpretivist approach to answer the research questions and achieve the research goal. For the research goal, the data was gathered through a literature review and semi-structured interviews with various actors like Academia, Non-profit organizations, Industry Professionals, and New entrants to understand the concept from different perspectives. The results illustrate that Decentralized Finance which leverages blockchain technology can be applied in the commercial real estate transaction process through tokenization and smart contracts with the area of implication in Asset Financing, Asset Management, and Asset Exchange. However, because the technology is still in its early stages, it poses significant dangers in terms of acceptance. Some of the primary challenges include widespread education and the regularization of rules. / Marknaden för kommersiella fastigheter har en betydande inverkan på den finansiella stabiliteten, vilket gör den till en av de globala sektorer som har ett starkt samband med den ekonomiska tillväxten. På grund av sin stabilitet förblir CRE en lönsam investering även när marknadscyklerna skiftar av olika skäl. Kommersiella fastigheter är en utmärkt metod för att diversifiera en portfölj på grund av dess stabila karaktär. Dessutom ger direkta CRE-investeringar fastigheter som kan värderas och ge kassaflöde. Branschen anses dock vara illikvid på grund av dess svårigheter att genomföra transaktioner, ineffektivitet och tillgång till kapital. Dessutom finns det ett ökat antal mellanhänder inblandade i dessa processer, både på säljar- och köparsidan, vilket inte bara ökar transaktionskostnaderna utan också ökar informationsasymmetrin mellan de båda sidorna. Denna informationsförlust i kommunikationsvägarna har försvårat marknaden och lett till en smärtsam dokumentationsprocess, höga förmedlingskostnader och långvariga godkännandeprocesser. Som ett nytt område inom den digitala finansiella arkitekturen ses decentraliserad finansiering som en störande innovation som har potential att omforma strukturen för modern finansiering och skapa ett nytt landskap för kommersiella fastighetstransaktioner genom att sänka transaktionskostnaderna, öka effektiviteten och öka likviditeten genom sin decentraliserade plattform. Baserat på en granskning av litteraturen om (kombinationer av) viktiga fraser som "decentraliserad finansiering". Vi upptäckte att det inte finns några gedigna publikationer som kombinerar idéerna om decentraliserad finansiering och fastigheter i den nuvarande akademiska kunskapsmassan med hjälp av termerna "decentraliserad finansiering", "blockkedja", "kommersiella fastigheter" och "transaktionskostnader". Syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska förväntningarna i samband med implementeringar av decentraliserad finansieringsteknik i den kommersiella fastighetsbranschen. Studien gjordes i form av kvalitativ forskning med en tolkande ansats för att besvara forskningsfrågorna och uppnå forskningsmålet. För forskningsmålet samlades data in genom en litteraturgenomgång och semistrukturerade intervjuer med olika aktörer som akademiker, ideella organisationer, branschfolk och nya aktörer för att förstå konceptet från olika perspektiv. Resultaten illustrerar att decentraliserad finans som utnyttjar blockchain-teknologi kan tillämpas i den kommersiella fastighetstransaktionsprocessen genom tokenisering och smarta kontrakt med implikationsområden inom Tillgångsfinansiering, kapitalförvaltning och byte av tillgångar. Men eftersom tekniken fortfarande är i ett tidigt skede, utgör den betydande faror när det gäller acceptans. Några av de främsta utmaningarna inkluderar omfattande utbildning och reglering av regler.

On the application areas of blockchain

Ghaffari, Zahra January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this study is to identify the current application areas and some possible application areas for blockchain; blockchain is a distributed database that is currently most known for being the technology used for storing transaction information of digital currencies such as the Bitcoin. Through a literature review and interviews with domain experts, we identified some current application areas for blockchain, that is, money transactions, decentralized data and privacy protection, and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO). Within the area of decentralized data and privacy protection, we further identified the two sub-areas of smart contracts and secure identities. In addition, we identified some possible application areas by conducting a second literature review. Some of these application areas are: storing mind files and human intelligence, on-line voting, supply chain management, stock trading, Internet of Things (IoT), and banking. The contribution of this study can be used for further studies through each of the above application areas in order to identify possible advantages and disadvantages.

Inre motivation kopplat till empowerment som ledningsprincip : En kvalitativ studie på ett konsultföretag med en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur

Kjellgren, Sara, Briding, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
Allt sedan insikten om att de anställdas produktivitet är ett resultat av hur pass motiverade de är har teorier utvecklats i syfte att förklara vad som motiverar dem. Tidigare forskning har utvecklat dessa teorier, vilka visar hur en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur, där ansvaret är fördelat och sprider sig i en horisontell riktning, tenderar att öka den inre motivationen. Forskning visar också hur företag som tillämpar empowerment som ledningsprincip, där medarbetarna blir bemyndigade att självständigt ansvara över sitt arbetssätt påverkar de anställda att känna inre motivation. Det har även visat sig att organisationens struktur och ledningsprincip har en större påverkan när arbetstagarna har en utbildning eller är professionella och kunniga, då dessa personer tenderar att starkare drivas av inre motivation. Då en väsentlig del av detta forskningsområde endast är baserat på kvantitativa studier är denna kvalitativa studie ämnad till att bidra med en djupare kunskap. Genom att utföra en fallstudie med semi-strukturerade intervjuer som metod på ett företag som definierar sig själva som en platt organisation med empowerment som ledningsprincip, är syftet att få en djupare förståelse för hur en decentraliserad organisationsstruktur med empowerment som ledningsprincip är kopplat till medarbetarnas inre motivation. Vidare har studien till syfte att lyfta fram nya betydande begrepp inom detta område. Utifrån den teori som ligger till grund för studien har nyckelbegrepp plockats ut som andra relevanta teorier även gör anspråk på. Dessa teorier tillsammans med tidigare forskning binds samman till en egenutvecklad modell där också nya begrepp behandlas. Vad resultatet visar är att den decentraliserade organisationsstrukturen ger stora förutsättningar för att kunna tillämpa empowerment som ledningsprincip vilket bidrar till att medarbetarna upplever empowerment och inre motivation. Vad som även är genomgående för studiens resultat är att de utvalda begreppen, medarbetarskap och organisationskommunikation har en betydande påverkan på samtliga nyckelbegrepp. Den egenutvecklade modellen med dess utvalda begrepp illustrerar hur empowerment som ledningsprincip leder till inre motivation. Vad som ytterligare behandlats i studien är hur ledningen i företag som tillämpar empowerment som ledningsprincip, tar tillvara och tillfredsställer medarbetarskapet, samt upprätthåller en god organisationskommunikation för att få bästa möjliga utfall när det kommer till inre motivation. Detta är något som vidare forskning inom detta område kan ta i beaktning. / All since the realization that productivity is a result of how motivated employees are, theories have evolved to explain what motivates them. Prior research claims these theories, and shows how a decentralized organizational structure, where responsibility is shared and spread in a horizontal direction, tends to increase the intrinsic motivation. Research also shows how companies applying empowerment as a management principle, which means that the employees are empowered to work independently and be responsible about their work, contributes the employees to feel intrinsic motivation. Research also shows that organizational structure and management policy has a greater impact when employees have an education, are professional and knowledgeable, as these people tend to be stronger driven by internal motivation. As an essential part of this area of research is only based on quantitative studies, this qualitative study intended to contribute to a deeper knowledge than what previous studies have succeeded. By doing a case study of a company that defines itself as a flat organization with empowerment as a management policy, the purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of how a decentralized organizational structure with empowerment as a management policy is linked to employees' intrinsic motivation. Furthermore, the study aims to highlight new important concepts in this area. Based on the theory underlying the study, key concepts have been picked out that other relevant theories also claims. These theories along with previous research are linked together into a proprietary model with the new concepts taken into consideration. What the results shows is that the decentralized organizational structure has given great conditions for the application of empowerment as a management policy which has helped employees experience psychological empowerment and intrinsic motivation. What also pervade the result of the study is that the new highlighted concepts, teamwork and organizational communication has a significant impact on all key concepts. This shows how the proprietary model with all the selected concepts has a decisive role in how empowerment as a management policy leads to intrinsic motivation. What is further treated in this study is whether the management of the companies that applies empowerment as a management policy, takes advantage of and satisfy the teamwork, as well as maintaining a good organizational communication to get the best possible outcomes when it comes to intrinsic motivation. This is something that further research in this area should take into account.

Scalable Self-Organizing Server Clusters with Quality of Service Objectives

Adam, Constantin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Advanced architectures for cluster-based services that have been recently proposed allow for service differentiation, server overload control and high utilization of resources. These systems, however, rely on centralized functions, which limit their ability to scale and to tolerate faults. In addition, they do not have built-in architectural support for automatic reconfiguration in case of failures or addition/removal of system components.</p><p>Recent research in peer-to-peer systems and distributed management has demonstrated the potential benefits of decentralized over centralized designs: a decentralized design can reduce the configuration complexity of a system and increase its scalability and fault tolerance.</p><p>This research focuses on introducing self-management capabilities into the design of cluster-based services. Its intended benefits are to make service platforms dynamically adapt to the needs of customers and to environment changes, while giving the service providers the capability to adjust operational policies at run-time.</p><p>We have developed a decentralized design that efficiently allocates resources among multiple services inside a server cluster. The design combines the advantages of both centralized and decentralized architectures. It allows associating a set of QoS objectives with each service. In case of overload or failures, the quality of service degrades in a controllable manner. We have evaluated the performance of our design through extensive simulations. The results have been compared with performance characteristics of ideal systems.</p>

Effects of increased regulation on small banks' management control practices : A case study of a Swedish savings bank

Eriksson, Jonas, Jönsson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
This paper sets out to investigate the effects on small banks’ management control practices from increasing regulation following the 2008 financial crisis. The changes to banks’ management control practices may in turn have implications for banks’ competitive advantages and strategies. A qualitative case study of a Swedish savings bank was carried out, gathering data through six semi-structured interviews of representatives at different levels. Our findings indicate that the increased regulatory pressure has increased both the scope and scale of administrative as well as cybernetic controls. A relative change of focus, from business- to compliance-oriented was also detected in connection with the planning and cybernetic controls. The increase in mainly administrative controls and the resulting regulatory burden suggest that it may be difficult for small and decentralized banks to pursue their chosen strategy unless they are able to find alternative ways of dealing with this burden. / Uppsatsen redogör för vår undersökning av effekterna av ökande reglering på små, lokala bankers styrning i kölvattnet av 2008 års finanskris. Förändringarna av styrningen kan i sin tur ha betydelse för bankers komparativa fördelar, och deras strategier. En kvalitativ fallstudie av en svensk sparbank genomfördes och innefattade sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer av medarbetare på olika nivåer. Resultaten pekar på att det ökade regleringstrycket har ökat omfattningen av styrning kopplad till governance, organisationsstrukturer, policies och processbeskrivningar men även uppföljning. En förskjutning av fokus, från affärsorienterat mot compliance-orienterat, sågs också i anslutning till styrning som hade att göra med planering och uppföljning. Den betydande ökningen av styrning övervägande kopplad till governance, organisationsstrukturer, policies och processbeskrivningar antyder att det kan bli svårt för små lokala banker att behålla sin strategi om de inte lyckas finna alternativa sätt att hantera den ökade bördan som den förändrade styrningen innebär.

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