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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Delinkventinio elgesio moterų tipai / The types of womens with deliquent behavior

Plunksnienė, Virginija 07 June 2005 (has links)
This work is talking about the women of delinquent behavior. The main forms of delinquent behavior and the tendencies of the women criminality are analyzed and described in this work. According to the generalizations presented in scientific literature and to the empirical analysis it has been reached to pick out and to present the main tips of the delinquent women. Different analysis show if the first law violation is made it is very real thing that at the older age would reveal serious, often and different law violations. Making the analysis it was being explained how social surroundings and weak social relations influent evolution of the personality, what possible relations are between negative surroundings and delinquent behavior of the woman. Absence of attention of the parents in the childhood, not enough material maintenance, bad relations with the brothers / sisters, drunkenness of the parents, often family conflicts, failures, bad relations at school formed self distrust, vengeance desire and poor self evaluation. In this work the hypothesis, that low self-evaluation is one of the reason of delinquent behavior, is being confirmed the person poorly evaluating himself is inclined to commit a crime. Reaching once convicted woman not to commit following crimes it’s necessary constantly to renew the amendment programs of the convicted woman, to adapt to the changing life conditions, it’s important not to forget that the adapting... [to full text]

Technologinis ugdymas kaip IX-X klasių moksleivių delinkventinio elgesio prevencijos galimybė / Technology education as grades 9-10 students opportunities to prevent delinquent

Norkuvienė, Eliza 08 July 2010 (has links)
Technologinis ugdymas yra vieną iš galimybių mažinti moksleivių delinkventinio elgesio riziką. Šiuolaikinis technologinis ugdymas turi būti suvokiamas kaip procesas, kuriame integruojama kūryba, kūrybinės idėjos bei jų praktinis įgyvendinimas, formuojami įgūdžiai, gebėjimai, vertybės, supratimas, užkertamas kelias žalingiems įpročiams. Toks požiūris padeda ugdyti nevykdytoją, o smalsią, mąstančią, kūrybingą, iniciatyvią ir atsakingą asmenybę. Modernus, naujas ugdymo turinys tiesiogiai siejasi su naujausiomis technologijomis, o šios vis labiau lemia ugdymo metodus ir priemones. Nuo mokinio suinteresuotumo mokomuoju dalyku, mokymo metodu priklauso jo elgesys, vertybinių nuostatų susiformavimas bei jo kaip asmenybės raiška visuomenėje. Technologijų dalyko mokytojui tenka svarbus vaidmuo moksleivį paruošti gyvenimui, padėti suvokti savo galimybes ir pasirinkt profesiją. Šią mokomąją discipliną apima ne tik įvairių technologijų pažinimą jo taikymą, bet ir asmens psichinių pažinimo ir vertybinių savybių ugdymo, kaip gyvenimo įgūdžių ugdymą, stengiamasi tobulint socialinio bendravimo įgūdžius ugdant atsakomybę ,atjautą,pasitikėjimą savimi ir atsparumą rizikos veiksnių poveikiui. / Technological education is one of the ways to reduce the risk of delinquent students. Modern technology education must be seen as a process, which integrates art, creative ideas and their practical implementation, the skills, abilities, values, understanding, preventing harmful behavior. Such an approach helps to develop nevykdytoją and curious-looking, creative, proactive and responsible individual. Modern, a new curriculum directly related to the latest technology, but this is increasingly based on educational methods and tools. From the educational dimension of student interest in the subject, teaching method depends on the behavior of the formation of values and personality of its expression in society. Technology specialist teachers play an important role to prepare the student for life, to help realize their potential and chosen profession. This training includes not only the discipline of the various technologies applied his knowledge, but knowledge of mental and personal qualities and values education as a life-skills education, efforts to develop social interaction skills, developing responsibility, compassion, confidence and resilience to risk factors.

Delinkventinio elgesio paauglių prevencijos vadybinės galimybės bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Managerial possibilities of prevention of delinquent behavior of teenagers in primary education schools

Nikitina, Olga 03 November 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – delinkventinio elgesio paauglių prevencijos vadybinės galimybės bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti delinkventinio elgesio paauglių prevencijos vadybines galimybes bendro lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išsiaiškinti, kokios yra pagrindinės paauglių delinkventinio elgesio pasireiškimo formos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje; 2. Išanalizuoti prevencijos priemonių ir būdų naudojimą sprendžiant paauglių delinkventinio elgesio problemas bendro lavinimo mokykloje; 3. Išanalizuoti delinkventinio elgesio paauglių prevencijos vadybines galimybes bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tyrimo hipotezės Tikėtina, kad pedagogams neužtenka žinių ir kompetencijų dirbant su delinkventinio elgesio paaugliais bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje. Tikėtina, kad delinkventinio elgesio paauglių prevencijos vadybinės galimybės nėra pilnai realizuojamos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose. Išvados 1. Pagrindinės bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose paauglių delinkventinio elgesio pasireiškimo formos yra necenzūrinių žodžių vartojimas, tyčiojimasis, alkoholio vartojimas, rūkymas, namų darbų neatlikimas ir atsikalbinėjimas. 2. Nustatyta, kad prevencinės veiklos formavimas yra aktualus, siekiant užkirsti kelia delinkventiniams paauglių nusižengimams mokyklose. Tiriamųjų nuomone, svarbiausi žingsniai, planuojant prevencinę veiklą, yra poreikių nustatymas, veiklos metodų parinkimas ir kvalifikacijos kėlimas. Labiausiai inicijuojama veiklos forma vaiko gerovės grupėje - individualūs pokalbiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research – managerial possibilities of prevention of delinquent behavior of teenagers in primary education schools The goal of research – to analyze the managerial possibilities of prevention of delinquent behavior of teenagers in primary education schools The aims of research: 1. To find out what are the main expressive forms of delinquent behavior of teenagers in primary education schools. 2. To analyze the usage of preventive methods in solving the problem of delinquent behavior of teenagers in primary education schools. 3. To analyze the managerial possibilities of prevention of delinquent behavior of teenagers in primary education schools. The hypothesis of research It is believed that teachers do not have enough knowledge and competence in their work with teenagers who express delinquent behavior in primary education schools. It is believed that managerial possibilities of prevention of delinquent behavior of teenagers are not fully used in school. Conclusion 1. The main forms of delinquent behavior of teenagers in primary education schools include the usage of vulgarisms, bullying, alcohol usage, smoking, failure to do homework, and talking back. 2. It is found, that forming a preventive activity is topical in stopping a delinquent behavior of teenagers in schools. According to researchers, the most important steps in planning a preventive activity are determining the needs, picking the right methods for activity, and raising the qualification... [to full text]

Investigating the sensitivity of the MAYSI-2 for detecting PTSD among female and male delinquents

Arnzen Moeddel, Melissa. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Psychology, 2008. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 25-30).

Experiences and challenges of different family structures in dealing with delinquent children in Botswana

Matlakele, Kenneth Moabi January 2015 (has links)
Magister Artium (Child and Family Studies) - MA(CFS) / Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the study of family structure and its impact on child well-being, growth, as well as development of delinquency behaviour. However, there is limited reliable literature on what experiences and challenges the different family structures encounter, in dealing with delinquent children in Botswana. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore and describe the experiences and challenges the different family structures face, in dealing with delinquent children in Botswana. The study utilised an explorative-descriptive qualitative methodological approach. Semistructured interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data from five focus group discussions with learners at the Bana Ba Metsi School, individual interviews with staff members, working with learners, as well as individual interviews with families of some learners, making up a research sample of 47 participants for the entire study. The collected data was analysed using a thematic analysis method. The participants reported that their children’s delinquent activities led to mostly negative experiences, such as shame, embarrassment, psychological pain, discrimination, stress and depression. They also reported happiness, due to their children’s behaviour modification, as a result of attending the Bana Ba Metsi School. It is evident from the findings, though, that they encountered challenges, such as the long distance between their homes and the school, the lack of communication with their children, the lack of resources, as well as the lack of family support. However, they disclosed strategies that they employed to deal with the challenges, such as attending support groups, counselling, family discussions and prayer. In conclusion, the results of this study have practical implications for all personnel dealing with such families, including the social welfare departments, as well as schools coping with juveniles.

Assessing Depressive Symptoms in Adolescent Boys: Pre- Versus Postpubescent, Delinquent Versus Nondelinquent

DeFrancesco, David P. 01 May 1990 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare depressive symptoms reported by boys who were either pre- or postpubescent and who were legally designated delinquent or had no legal histories. A self-report puberty scale and a semi-structured interview (the Child Assessment Schedule-CAS) were administered to 48 boys. Results were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Significance levels between groups were examined with Duncan's range test. No significant differences were found between pre- and postpubescent boys for reporting depressive symptoms, but delinquent youths were found to report significantly more depressive symptoms than nondelinquent youths. The implications of these results are discussed in relation to the measures used and recommendations for future research.

Pathways to Delinquent and Sex Offending Behavior in Adolescent Males

Puszkiewicz, Kelcey L., Stinson, Jill D. 01 November 2019 (has links)
Although the available literature suggests that only a small percentage of youth who engage in sexually abusive behaviors go on to commit additional sex offenses, these youths tend to be versatile in the type of offending behaviors that they engage in and are at much greater risk of recidivism for nonsexual criminal offending. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been linked to a greater likelihood of both general and sexual offending behaviors. However, previous empirical investigations have produced mixed results with regard to how varied adverse experiences and other environmental factors interact to influence the development and course of delinquent and sexually abusive behaviors across samples. In the present study, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) to confirm factors of ACE survey items and indicators of sexual boundary problems in the home through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and analyze pathways between confirmed factors and patterns of delinquent nonsexual and sexually abusive behaviors. Our sample consists of male adolescents (N = 285; 84% Caucasian; age at first admission: M=14.8; SD=1.6) who have engaged in sexually abusive behaviors and received treatment at a youth facility. As predicted, CFA revealed a three-factor model, including: nonsexual abuse and neglect; household dysfunction; and sexual abuse and indicators of sexual boundary problems within the home of origin. Variations in individual ACE experiences were differentially associated with the onset, nature, and persistence of nonsexual delinquent and sexually abusive behaviors (see Tables 1 and 2). Additional discussion regarding findings, implications, and areas for future research will be included.

The Relationship Between Family Support and Goal-Setting in a Sample of Court-Involved Youth

Yannon, Miranda G. 22 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

"Interact", a family orientated community based juvenile delinquency intervention program.

Eckerle, Ronald Anthony January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

Socialinių pedagogų veiklos su delinkventinio elgesio vaikais turinio analizė bendruomenės narių nuomonės aspektu / Analysis of the content of social pedagogue’s work with delinquent children from community members’ perspective

Vaičiurgienė, Ingrida 17 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė vaikų ir paauglių delinkventinio elgesio ir socialinių pedagogų veiklos turinio analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad bendruomenės nariai turi mažai informacijos apie vaikų delinkventinį elgesį ir socialinių pedagogų veiklos turinio metodus, struktūrą dirbant su delinkventinio elgesio vaikais. Anketinės apklausos būdu atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - ištirti bendruomenės požiūrį į socialinių pedagogų veiklos turinį su delinkventinio elgesio vaikais bendruomenės narių nuomonės aspektu. Nagrinėjant ir analizuojant vaikų ir paauglių delinkventinio elgesio ir socialinių pedagogų veiklos turinį naudota mokslinės literatūros sisteminė, lyginamoji, loginė analizė ir sintezė. Tyrimo duomenys surinkti anketinės apklausos ir interviu metodais. Atliekant tyrimų duomenų analizę, taikyta respondentų nuomonės sisteminė, lyginamoji, loginė analizė ir sintezė, lentelių sudarymo ir grafinio vaizdavimo bei statistiniai metodai. Kiekybiniame tyrime dalyvavo 217 respondentų, mokyklose besimokančių vaikų tėvai ir 4 socialiniai pedagogai, dirbantys mokyklose, buvo apklausti interviu metodu. Svarbiausios empirinių tyrimų išvados: 1. Tyrimo metu vykdytoje apklausoje, nustatyta, kad besimokančių mokinių tėvai žino tik pagrindinius veiksnius lemiančius delinkventinio elgesio paplitimą. Neturi pakankamai informacijos apie šio elgesio reiškimosi motyvus, formas, aplinkybes ir kartais delinkventinis elgesys painiojamas su kriminaliniu, nusikalstamu elgesiu. 2. Apibendrinant galima teigti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This thesis analyses delinquent behaviour of children and teenagers and the content of the activity of social pedagogues. The hypothesis proposed in this thesis is that the members of society have little information about delinquent behaviour of children and content methods of the activity of social pedagogues as well as the structure of their work with delinquent children. A questionnaire has been used, the purpose of which is to analyse community approach to the content of the activity of social pedagogues who work with delinquent children from the perspective of the community members. Analysis of delinquent behaviour of children and teenagers and the content of the activity of social pedagogues includes systemic, comparative and logical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature. The data of research is collected via questionnaires and interviews. When analysing the data, the opinion of respondents is analysed using systemic, comparative and logic analysis and synthesis, conclusion of tables and graphic representation as well as statistical methods. There were 217 participants in the quantitative research, parents of children attending school and 4 social pedagogues, who work in school and were questioned on the interview. The most important conclusions of empirical research: 1. The survey conducted during the research determined that parents of children who attend school know the main factors determining the prevalence of delinquent behaviour. They, however... [to full text]

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