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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klassrådet: En formell arena med möjlighet att bidra till utveckling av elevers demokratiska kompetens? : En kvalitativ studie om klassrådets roll och relation till demokratiuppdraget. / The class council: A formal arena which provides the opportunity to develop pupils’ democratic competence? : A qualitative study examining the class council´s role in relation to the democratic mission.

Westlund, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Skolan som demokratisk och pedagogisk arena har till uppgift att, via en blandning av demokratiuppdraget och kunskapsuppdraget utveckla elevers demokratiska kompetens. Detta i syfte att skapa aktiva och engagerade samhällsmedborgare som kan fortsätta att utveckla och driva Sverige och världen framåt. Det här examensarbetet behandlar klassrådet i relation till skolans demokratiska uppdrag, och undersöker därigenom hur lärare i årskurs 1 – 3 uppfattar, tolkar och genomför, dels skolans demokratiska uppdrag och dels klassrådet. Genom att anta en kvalitativ forskningsansats har det varit möjligt att synliggöra lärares olika, men även gemensamma uppfattning av demokratiuppdraget och klassrådet. Dessutom har det, via intervjuer och observationer, varit möjligt att undersöka om lärare genom sin tolkning samt sitt agerande vid klassrådssituationer skapar möjligheter för elever att utveckla demokratisk kompetens. Studien inspireras av ett pragmatiskt perspektiv på lärande, där John Dewey finns som medskapare. Via resultaten går det att påstå, att klassrådet som formell arena har möjlighet att bidra med kunskap om vad demokrati är och innebär, men även att klassrådet har möjlighet att bidra med elevers utveckling av demokratisk kompetens. / The Swedish school, functioning as a democratic and pedagogical arena, aims to develop pupils’ democratic competence, through a combination of the democratic mission as well as the educational mission. This in order to form active and committed members of society, who subsequently may contribute to the development of the Swedish, and of the global society. This master thesis addresses the class council in relation to the democratic mission of the school, and examines accordingly how teachers in grade 1-3 perceive, interpret and implement, partly the democratic mission and partly the class council. Through a qualitative research approach, it has been made possible to make teachers’ different, but also common, perceptions of the democratic mission, as well as of the class council, visible. Furthermore, it has, through interviews and observations, been made possible to examine if teachers’ perception as well as their role in situations surrounding the class council create opportunities for pupils to develop democratic competence. The thesis is conducted from a pragmatic perspective on teaching, of which John Dewey is one of the co-founders. Based on the analytical result, it is possible to claim that the class council, as a formal arena, in fact provides opportunities to contribute to both knowledge about what democracy is and involves, and to pupils’ development of democratic competence.

A Study to Determine Democratic Practices in the Pilot Point, Texas, High School

Wailing, Bessie 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to reveal certain strong and weak points in the school's program, so that corrective measures might be administered for the betterment of the pupils, the staff, and the community in general.

Social Trends and Civic Education

Evans, Frank Bowen 09 1900 (has links)
This thesis attempts to answer the following questions: How is democracy threatened today? What are some of the specific issues of domestic and foreign policy which the American people face? Are citizens prepared to make intelligent choices on such matters? How does propaganda complicate the political process? Are the schools doing their part in preparing citizens for self-government? If not, why?

Cultivating democratic citizenship education in schools :implications for educational leaders

Galloway, Greta Marie Mandy 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / On t.p.: Doctor of Philosophy in Education Policy Studies. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation I critically explore educational leadership and management practices in relation to how current school principals lead and manage schools in a democratic society. The aim of this study is to explore to what extent school leaders and managers are transformative in their approach to deepening democracy in schools. In order to contextualise my understanding, I choose to tell my story. Therefore, I give a narrative account of my personal career experience as a teacher, and specifically as a school principal. I argue that educational leaders and managers continue to think and act according to traditional notions of leading and managing school practices. I contend that educational leadership and management practices ought to change in order for schools to transform into institutions implementing democratic practices in a more thoroughgoing way. I argue that current understandings of leadership and management in schools seem to be embedded in positivist tendencies that undermine transformative practices in schools and that positivist leadership and management engender thin forms of democratic school practices. I show how positivist theories of educational leadership and management connect with indefensible forms of leading and managing, namely skewed authority, gender discrimination and exclusion of cultural diversity. I contend that school leadership and management practices ought to be reconceptualised in relation to a framework of democratic citizenship education. Cultivating democratic citizenship education with reference to the seminal thoughts of Jürgen Habermas, Seyla Benhabib and Iris Marion Young will hopefully strengthen my argument for social justice, renewal and redress in school practices. These theorists have shaped the thinking and actions of educational leaders and managers to provide a critical understanding of transformative educational leadership and management practices in schools. Such ideas conceptualise a critical understanding of deliberative leadership and management practices as constructs for deepening democracy in schools. It is within this context that the dissertation explores a pathway towards deepening democracy in schools through a deliberative leadership and management approach. Such an approach has the potential to cultivate communicative democratic moments in educational leadership and management practices through engaging the voices of “others”. For deliberative leadership and management practice to manifest itself, I propose that conditions ought to be established whereby the democratic rights of “others” as incorporated voices in classroom pedagogy, school management and school governance engender deeper citizenship through the inclusion of these “other” previously marginalised voices. By embracing the voices of “others”, the potential is created to move towards deepening democratic leadership and management practices which can possibly engender “schools of hope” for the future. Keywords: Educational leadership, educational management, positivist, critical, citizenship, deliberative democracy, communicative democracy / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif is ʼn kritiese ondersoek na skoolhoofde se onderwysleierskap en -bestuurspraktyke in die huidige demokratiese bestel. Die doel van die studie is om die mate van transformatiewe integrasie van demokrasie onder skoolleiers en -bestuurders te verken. Ek het besluit om my eie storie te vertel, dus gee ek ʼn verhalende verslag van my loopbaan as ʼn onderwyser, en spesifiek as ʼn skoolhoof. Ek beweer dat leiers en bestuurders in die onderwys nog steeds die tradisionele opvattings oor skoolleierskap en bestuur huldig, en dat hierdie opvattings hulle denke en optrede rig. Ek voer aan dat onderwysleierskap en bestuurspraktyke verander moet word sodat skole tot dieper, demokratiese praktyke kan transformeer. Ek argumenteer voorts dat dit voorkom asof huidige begrippe van leierskap en bestuur in skole in positivistiese tendense vasgelê is wat transformatiewe praktyke in skole ondermyn en dat positivistiese leierskap en bestuur “dun” vorme van demokratiese skoolpraktyke voortbring. Ek toon aan hoe positivistiese teorieë van onderwysleierskap en -bestuur verband hou met onverdedigbare wyses van lei en bestuur, naamlik verwronge gesag, genderdiskriminasie en die uitsluiting van diverse kulture. Ek voer aan dat onderwysleierskap en -bestuurspraktyke geherkonseptualiseer behoort te word binne ʼn raamwerk van demokratiese burgerskapsopvoeding. Die ontwikkeling van demokratiese burgerskapsopvoeding wat onder meer voortspruit uit die seminale denke van Jürgen Habermas, Seyla Benhabib en Iris Marion Young, versterk my betoog vir sosiale geregtigheid, vernuwing en herstel binne die skoolpraktyke. Hierdie teoretici vorm die denke en optrede van leiers en bestuurders in die onderwys as deurslaggewende begrippe van transformatiewe onderwysleierskap en bestuurspraktyke in skole. Sulke idees konseptualiseer ʼn deurslaggewende begrip van oorlegplegende leierskap en bestuurspraktyke as konstrukte vir grondliggende integrasie van demokrasie in skole. Binne hierdie konteks ondersoek die proefskrif ʼn werkwyse vir ʼn grondliggende integrasie van demokrasie in skole deur oorlegplegende leierskap en bestuur. So ʼn benadering het die potensiaal om kommunikatiewe demokratiese momente in onderwysleierskap en -bestuurspraktyke aan te moedig deur na die stemme van die “ander” te luister. Ek stel voor dat, ten einde demokratiese leierskap- en bestuurspraktyke te vestig, toestande geskep moet word waardeur die demokratiese regte van die “ander”, wat voorheen gemarginaliseer was, in klaskamerpedagogie en skoolbestuur ingesluit moet word om “dieper” burgerskap te verseker. Met ander woorde, deur na die stemme van die “ander” te luister, word die potensiaal geskep om verdiepende demokratiese leierskap en bestuurspraktyke aan te moedig sodat “skole met hoop” tot stand gebring kan word. Trefwoorde: Onderwysleierskap, onderwysbestuur, positivisties, kritiese, burgerskap, oorlegplegende demokrasie

Education for democratic citizenship and cosmopolitanism : the case of the Republic of Namibia

Shanyanana, Rachel Ndinelao 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis analyses some of the major education policies in Namibia since the introduction of a democratic government in 1990. The analysis reveals that democratic participation through stakeholder representatives is an ideal framework to promote democracy in education discourses, that is, in policy formation, school governance and teaching and learning. However, there is a dilemma of a lack of inclusion, which is incommensurable with modern democratic theorists’ conceptions of democratic citizenship (both Western deliberation and African ubuntu). The thesis asserts that Namibia’s historical and cultural background has to be taken into consideration if a defensible democratic citizenship education is to be engendered and advanced. An examination and interpretation of the three phases of Namibia’s historical background, its pre-colonial, colonial/apartheid and post-apartheid education systems, were carried out in order to understand the current state of education and the type of citizens the country is developing through its education system. Central to this investigation were different conceptions of democratic citizenship, which indicate that deliberation, inclusion, equality, reasonableness, publicity, belligerence, hospitality, compassion and African humanness (ubuntu) are the features of a defensible democratic citizenship education. The exploration of the distinction between deliberation and ubuntu shows that Namibia’s context requires a minimal democratic citizenship framework with ubuntu if a lack of inclusion is to be eliminated. The discussion on democratic conceptions also draws on a minimalist and maximalist continuum of democratic citizenship education. The thesis argues that a minimalist form of democratic citizenship education, in conjunction with African ubuntu – which constitutes less deliberation and non-belligerence with more compassion, careful listening, respect and dignity – engenders conditions for an inclusive policy framework, school governance, and the cultivation of democratic citizenry through teaching and learning in Namibian public schools, and may eventually promote a defensible democratic citizenship education. This framework may create a favourable environment and potential for all participants to co-exist, and for the marginalised groups to also contribute to conversations. This framework is also considered plausible because it takes into account the local people’s historical background and cultural practices. Complementing the argument of this thesis is the exploration of the link between Namibia’s education system, the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Moreover, an appeal is made for the Namibian citizenship education system to consolidate the idea of cosmopolitanism, that is; hospitality and forgiveness, if the NEPAD initiative is to be successful and if certain Millennium Development Goals were to be achieved by 2015. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ontleed sommige van die hoof onderwysbeleide in Namibia sedert die instelling van ‘n demokratiese regering in 1990. Die ontleding onthul dat demokratiese deelname deur rolspelerverteenwoordigers is ‘n ideale raamwerk om demokrasie in onderwysdiskoerse te bevorder, dit is, in beleidmaking, skoolbeheer asook onderrig en leer. Nietemin, daar is ʼn dilemma van ‘n gebrek aan inklusiwiteit, wat nie vergelykbaar is met moderne demokratiese teoretici se konsepsies van demokratiese burgerskap (beide Westerse beraadslaging en Afrika ubuntu) nie. Die tesis voer aan dat Namibië se historiese en kulturele agtergrond verreken moes wees, indien ʼn verdedigbare demokratiese burgerskap voortgebring en ondersteun sou word. ʼn Ondersoek en interpretasie van die drie fases van Namibië se historiese agtergrond, haar pre-koloniale, koloniale/apartheid en post-apartheid onderwysstelsels, was uitgevoer om te verstaan wat die huidige stand van onderwys en die soort burgers is wat die land daardeur voorberei. Sentraal tot hierdie ondersoek was verskillende konsepsies van demokratiese burgerskap, wat aandui dat beraadslaging, inklusiwiteit, gelykheid, redelikheid, openbaarheid, strydlustige interaksie, gasvryheid, meelewing en Afrika-menslikheid (ubuntu) die eienskappe van ‘n verdedigbare demokratiese burgerskaponderwys is. Die ondersoek van die onderskeid tussen beraadslaging en ubuntu toon dat die Namibiese konteks, indien ‘n gebrek aan inklusiwiteit geëlimineer moet word, ‘n minimale demokratiese burgerskapsraamwerk met ubuntu benodig. Die bespreking van demokratiese konsepsies is ook gebed in ʼn minimalistiese en maksimalistiese kontinuum van demokratiese burgerskaponderwys. Die tesis argumenteer dat ‘n minimalistiese vorm van demokratiese burgerskaponderwys in samehang met Afrika ubuntu – wat minder beraadslaging en nie-strydlustige interaksie met meer meelewing, versigtige luister, respek en waardigheid veronderstel – toestande vir ‘n inklusiewe beleidsraamwerk, skoolbeheer en die kweek van demokratiese burgerskap deur onderrig en leer in Namibiese publieke skole bevorder en mag so uiteindelik ‘n verdedigbare demokratiese burgerskaponderwys bevorder. Hierdie raamwerk mag ‘n gunstige omgewing en die potensiaal vir alle deelnemers om met mekaar saam te leef asook vir gemarginaliseerse groepe om tot gesprekke by te dra, skep. Hierdie raamwerk kan ook as aanneemlik beskou word, omdat dit die plaaslike mense se historiese agtergrond en kulturele praktyke verreken. Die argument van hierdie tesis word ondersteun deur die ondersoek van die verband tussen die Namibiese onderwysstelsel, die ‘New Partnership for Africa’s Development’ (NEPAD) en die Millennium Ontwikkelingsdoelwitte. Meer nog, ‘n beroep word gemaak vir die Namibiese burgerskap onderwysstelsel om die idee van wêreldburgerskap, dit is, gasvryheid en vergifnis te konsolideer, indien die NEPAD-inisiatief suksesvol en sekere Millenium Ontwikkelingsdoelstellings teen 2015 bereik wil word.

School governing bodies in addressing issues of democracy and social justice : a case study of two rural primary schools in KwaZulu-Natal.

Zulu, Sindisiwe O. January 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the role played by School Governing Bodies (SGBs) in addressing issues of democracy and social justice in schools. A case study was conducted in two rural primary schools from Ugu district in KwaZulu-Natal. The intention of this study was to highlight the factors that hinder full participation of all SGB members in public state schools, including rural primary schools. It was also to gauge the policies and strategies employed by SGBs when addressing issues of democracy and social justice in their schools. My study is a qualitative research which has utilized a case study approach. I have opted for a qualitative methodology because I intended to explore phenomena, (SGBs), in their natural settings and I was be able to use multi- data collecting methods, i.e. interviews, observations and document reviews, which enabled me to interpret, understand, explain and bring meaning to them (Anderson, 1998). I have opted for a case study approach because I was studying the particularity and complexity of two SGBs, coming to understand their activities within important circumstances, in this case, the SGB roles in addressing issues of democracy and social justice (Stake, 1995). The theories that underpin this study are democratic schooling and social justice. I have reviewed local and internal literature on parental involvement and social justice in this study. This project has afforded me with the opportunity to engage with SGBs through interviews and I have been able to gauge amongst other things, their understandings of the role that SGBs must play in addressing issues of democracy and social justice. I was also able to learn the frustrations experienced by SGBs when implementing the policies in schools. Some of these frustrations were due to the challenges that some educators and some parents pose for the SGBs in the day-to-day running of the SGBs. Based on the findings I have made some recommendations such as that schools must introduce class or grade representatives which could serve in some committees. Female learners could also be involved in activities such as debates in order to enhance their self-confidence. Policies that the SGBs use when addressing democracy and social justice in the schools could be translated into isiZulu to make sure that all stakeholders understand these policies. The Department of Education could also assist the schools in ensuring that parents in rural areas have access to ABET classes, where they can learn to read and write as well as acquire relevant skills. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

An Investigation into learner drop-out and sustainable community development in Kwazakhele Township, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality

Lupondwana, Masiza Howard January 2017 (has links)
The objective of the study was to investigate learner drop-out and sustainable community development. The study was conducted in Kwazakhele Township in Nelson Mandela Bay. This study used qualitative research approach- interviews and structured questionnaires were used to collect data from the participants. The sample consisted of 40 respondents both Females and Males between the age 15 and 35 years. In Kwazakhele Township most of the youth are learner drop-outs who exited educational system before attaining National Certificate (Matric). This had an effect on the acquisition of skills for sustainable development. United Nations report on Sustainable Development requires members of the community to be able to handle matters concerning their own development. This means community members should possess skills that would enable them to cope with constant demands of development. In the same Kwazakhele Township the consequences of the learner drop-out phenomenon is that lot of girls get pregnant at an adolescence stage. In most cases the boys who impregnate these girls are not working, they themselves depend on their parents for living. Because of the poor socio-economic status and high rate of unemployment of households in the area, this result in a situation where both girl child and their babies depends on the old age social grant for basic needs such as food etc. These dropouts are political risks in a sense that they are sometimes being used in community protesting marches which are unnecessarily hindering community development projects aimed at enhancing and promoting general welfare including better life for all. So the study will investigate and examine effect of learner drop-out in the community and recommends on what to be done in order to address shortfalls and challenges faced by the Kwazakhele community members. This will enable local authorities to be proactive in establishing programs that brings directive and solutions to the existing problems.

Gestão democrática na educação: a experiência de partici-pação no Conselho Municipal de Educação de Campina Grande-PB (2009-2010)

Martiniano, Marcia Santos 15 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T15:10:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1655193 bytes, checksum: d1a0a7f37ce5dc6c8a7c1b94e3f29d9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the educational field, a significant change in the state's role in the administration processes and decision-making of this policy may be perceived by the opening of institutionalized spaces of participation. The directionality of Educational Policy at the local level will depend on how the Council's space is being occupied by these subjects. This study aims: to analyze as it has been done on institutionalized participation in the Municipal Education Council of Campina Grande-PB, from the conception of advisors. Its specific objectives are: to understand the process of creation and training of its Council, to identify the composition, verifying their representativeness, the participating institutions, the choice criterion, the relationship between representatives and represented, to check the operation of the Council considering its mission and responsibilities, their internal organization, proposals and resolutions, and finally identify the perception of segments about the participation and of social control. It was used the method of critical-dialectical approach and Case Study as a type of research. The research was composed of the directors hold a Municipal Education Council of Campina Grande sworn management for the biennium 2009-2011. The sample design was intentional, being selected for the research advisers holders 10 distributed as follows: representatives of the Municipal Executive Power (5) Universities (1), Trade Unions and Professional Associations (1) and Civil Society and Community (3). As a tool for data collection it was used for systematic observation at Council meetings; document analysis, and application of closed form and interview. The documents were analyzed using documentary analysis and the others were subjected to content analysis proposed by Bardin (1977). During the research were considered the standards established by Resolution No. 196/96 of the CNS. The research confirms the social participation in the Council. Its operation was constant, but unstable, dependent on the conditions for administrative, financial and technical close to the Department of Education, the composition shows very problematic with most government officials and the presence of legislative power, has a good number of Resolution But the majority on the bureaucratic management of schools. The testimonies of the counselors show different understandings of the meaning of social control resulting in participatory practices also distinct. The study reveals that the weaknesses and shortcomings which were pointed out are a reflection not only of individual practices, but above all the forms and conditions of participation experienced in that management and other contexts by the Council in accordance with the proper limits of the Brazilian education . / No campo Educacional, a alteração significativa do papel do Estado nos processos de administração e de decisão política pode ser percebida pela abertura de espaços institucionalizados de participação da população. A direcionalidade da política Educacional no âmbito local vai depender da forma como o espaço do Conselho está sendo ocupado pelos sujeitos. Esse estudo tem como objetivo geral: analisar como vem se efetivando a participação institucionalizada no Conselho Municipal de Educação de Campina Grande-PB, a partir da concepção dos conselheiros. Tem como objetivos específicos: conhecer o processo de criação e formação do respectivo Conselho; identificar a composição, verificando a sua representatividade, a participação das instituições, o critério de escolha, a relação entre representantes e representados; verificar o funcionamento desse Conselho considerando suas atribuições e responsabilidades, sua organização interna, propostas e resoluções e por fim, identificar a percepção dos segmentos representados acerca da participação e do controle social. Recorreu-se ao método crítico-dialético de abordagem e ao Estudo de Caso como tipologia de pesquisa. O universo da pesquisa foi constituído pelos conselheiros titulares do Conselho Municipal de Educação de Campina Grande da gestão empossada para o biênio de 2009 a 2011. A amostra foi do tipo intencional, sendo selecionados para a pesquisa 10 conselheiros titulares assim distribuídos: representantes do Poder Executivo Municipal (5), Universidades (1), Sindicatos e Associações Profissionais (1) e Sociedade Civil e Comunitária (3). Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado a observação sistemática às reuniões do Conselho; a análise documental; aplicação de formulário fechado e entrevista. Os documentos foram analisados através da análise documental e os demais foram submetidos à Análise de Conteúdo proposta por Bardin (1977). Durante a realização da pesquisa foram consideradas as normas estabelecidas na Resolução Nº 196/96 do CNS. A pesquisa confirma a participação social no âmbito do Conselho. Seu funcionamento mostrou-se constante, porém instável; há dependência quanto às condições administrativas, financeiras e técnicas junto a Secretaria Municipal de Educação; a composição mostra-se bastante problemática com maioria de representantes do governo e a presença do poder legislativo; apresenta um bom número de resolução, porém a maioria relativa ao gerenciamento burocrático das escolas. Os depoimentos dos conselheiros evidenciam compreensões diferenciadas do significado de controle social resultando em práticas participativas também distintas. O estudo revela que as fragilidades e lacunas que foram apontadas são reflexos, não só de práticas individuais, mas, sobretudo, das formas e das condições de participação vivenciadas nessa gestão e em outros contextos por esse Conselho de acordo com os limites próprios da educação brasileira.

The expansion of higher education and social inclusion policy: a case study from the Federal University of Cearà / Campus Sobral / A expansÃo da educaÃÃo superior como polÃtica de inclusÃo social: estudo de caso da Universidade Federal do CearÃ/Campus Sobral

Angela Aparecida Patricio Bandeira 13 April 2015 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este trabalho vincula-se à linha de pesquisa PolÃticas PÃblicas da EducaÃÃo Superior, do programa de Mestrado Profissional em PolÃticas PÃblicas e GestÃo da EducaÃÃo Superior, da Universidade Federal do CearÃ. O objetivo em abordar o tema âexpansÃo do ensino superior e inclusÃo socialâ à trazer novos elementos para o debate sobre a educaÃÃo superior no Brasil, sobretudo na Ãltima dÃcada, embora, para que pudÃssemos compreender todo o processo de expansÃo e interiorizaÃÃo da educaÃÃo brasileira, tenhamos nos debruÃado sobre os primÃrdios da histÃria da educaÃÃo no paÃs. A centralizaÃÃo do trabalho ocorre nas polÃticas de educaÃÃo implementadas, em especial nos governos de Luiz InÃcio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), destacando-se aà as legislaÃÃes, programas e aÃÃes que contribuÃram para essa expansÃo. Trata-se de um estudo de caso: Universidade Federal do CearÃ, primeira universidade federal do Cearà e precursora da interiorizaÃÃo do ensino superior no estado. O campus avanÃado escolhido foi o da cidade de Sobral, distante a 238 km da capital, Fortaleza. Ele utiliza como metodologias: a pesquisa documental, a pesquisa exploratÃria, numa abordagem quanti-qualitativa e a anÃlise multivariada de dados. Com a anÃlise dos dados sobre o perfil socioeconÃmico dos discentes e seus pais, alÃm da origem da escolaridade desses estudantes e renda familiar, pudemos identificar que a maioria dos estudantes do campus de Sobral à da regiÃo Nordeste, da capital do estado do CearÃ, Fortaleza, e o curso de Medicina à o que possui mais estudantes com maior renda familiar. Entretanto, a maior parcela dos estudantes do campus de Sobral pertence à classe D. Esses e outros dados pesquisados nos dÃo elementos para avaliar se a polÃtica de expansÃo e interiorizaÃÃo da educaÃÃo superior està atendendo a seu maior objetivo, que à o de promover a democratizaÃÃo desse nÃvel de ensino. / The following study has a link with the Public Higher Education Policies, from the Professional Masterâs Degree program in Public Policy and Management of Higher Education, from the Federal University of the State of CearÃ. The purpose in approaching the theme âexpansion of the higher education and social mobilityâ is to bring new elements to debate higher education in Brazil, especially in the last decade, although in order to understand all the expansion as well as internalization of Brazilian education process, we have leant in the early days over the history of education in our country. The centralization of the work occurs in education policies that are implemented, especially in the governments of Luiz InÃcio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), highlighting legislations, programs and actions that contributed to this expansion. It is a case study: Federal University of CearÃ, the first federal university of Cearà and precursor of higher education internalization in the State. The chosen advanced campus was from the city of Sobral, 238km away from the capital, Fortaleza. It uses as methodologies: documentary research, exploratory research, in a quantitative and qualitative approach, and the multivariate data analysis. With the analysis of data about the socioeconomic profile of students and their parents, besides the precedence of the education of these students and their family income, we could identify that most of the students from the campus of Sobral are from Northeast, from the capital in the State of CearÃ, Fortaleza, and the medicine course is the one that has more students with higher family income. However, most part of the students from the campus of Sobral belongs to the sub-class. These and other surveyed data give us an outline to assess if the internalization, as well as education policies of higher education, is attending to its biggest goal, which is promoting democracy at this level of education.

Escolas democráticas = um olhar construtivista / Democratic schools : a constructivist view

Wrege, Mariana Guimarães, 1981- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Telma Pileggi Vinha / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T08:41:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Wrege_MarianaGuimaraes_M.pdf: 3360591 bytes, checksum: 4ecb61ee3732715032f7e4344ba4e53a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Divergindo-se das escolas tradicionais ao longo dos últimos cento e cinquenta anos, a literatura nos aponta outras propostas educacionais que buscam romper com esse paradigma tradicional de educação. Atualmente, um desses movimentos é denominado de "educação democrática". Mesmo que existam diferenças, tais escolas possuem três características comuns: a gestão participativa pelos estudantes e educadores; relações não hierárquicas; e a organização pedagógica com centro de estudos, sem currículos compulsórios, em que os alunos definem suas trajetórias de aprendizagem. Foi somente a partir de 1996, com a nova Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação no Brasil que foi possível este novo modelo de escola, já que permitiu maior autonomia das instituições educativas com relação ao currículo. No entanto, as escolas democráticas no país (educação formal) são poucas e recentes. Não obstante a importância de tais experiências, ainda são escassos os estudos científicos que as abordem. Tratando-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório, esta pesquisa objetivou caracterizar o ambiente sociomoral e o trabalho com o conhecimento em uma escola que busca implementar uma proposta de educação democrática e que faça parte da Rede Internacional de Educação Democrática (IDEN), assim como investigar as dificuldades que encontra nesta implementação. Os participantes foram os alunos do 4º e do 5º anos do Ensino Fundamental, seus professores e a equipe de especialistas. Os procedimentos empregados na coleta de dados foram: sessões de observação sistemáticas, entrevistas individuais e o recolhimento de documentos tais como: registro das ocorrências, agendas, atividades pedagógicas realizadas pelos alunos, planejamento dos professores, Projeto Político Pedagógico e Regimento Escolar, dentre outros. A análise dos dados foi qualitativa e pautada no construtivismo piagetiano. Os resultados mostraram que o ambiente sociomoral é mais cooperativo e harmonioso, a interação social é continuamente valorizada e os alunos participam de algumas decisões com relação ao uso dos espaços comuns, aos materiais que podem ou não trazer à escola, dentre outras, nas assembleias da escola. Evidencia-se o diálogo e o vínculo de afeto na relação entre professores e alunos que, contudo, permanecem assimétricas. As relações entre pares são harmoniosas e recíprocas. Os conflitos são, em geral, resolvidos pelos próprios alunos e algumas vezes há intervenção direta dos adultos, que acabam resolvendo tais problemas por eles ou valendo-se de censuras. O trabalho com o conhecimento é mais prazeroso e significativo. As artes articulam-se com projetos realizados ao longo do ano e que culminam em uma peça teatral. São os professores quem decidem sobre o que, quais e como serão realizadas as atividades, havendo pouca participação dos educandos neste processo. Muitas atividades ainda são baseadas na memorização e cópia e há, implicitamente, a obrigatoriedade de realização das propostas pelos alunos. Encontrou-se ainda que tanto os educadores quanto as crianças gostam de estar na escola e a veem como diferente das demais, no sentido de proporcionar atividades mais prazerosas, divertidas, de não haver provas nem lição de casa, além de dar uma certa margem de liberdade para que todos coloquem suas opiniões. / Abstract: Diverting from traditional schools over the last hundred and fifty years, the literature points to other educational proposals that seek to break the traditional paradigm of education. Currently, this movement is called "democratic education". Even if there are differences in each experience, these schools have three common characteristics: participatory management by students and educators, non-hierarchical relationships and educational organization as "research centers" in which students define their learning trajectories without having a compulsory curriculum. It was only after 1996, with the new Brazilian Law of Directives and Bases of Education, that it was possible to have this new model of school, as this law allowed greater autonomy of educational institutions in relation to the curriculum. However, democratic schools in Brazil (formal education) are few and recent. Despite the importance of such experiences, there are still scarce scientific studies that addresses them. This is an exploratory descriptive study that aimed to characterize the sociomoral environment and the work with knowledge in a school that seeks to implement a democratic education proposal. The selected school had to take part of the International Democratic Education Network (IDEN). We also aimed to investigate the difficulties they found in this implementation process. The participants were: students in the 4th and the 5th years of elementary school, their teachers and staff experts. The procedures used in data collecting sessions were: systematic observation, individual interviews and gathering of documents, such as: registration of events, calendars, educational activities carried out by students, teacher planning, among others. Data analysis was qualitative and based on Piaget's constructivism. The results showed that the sociomoral atmosphere in the school is more cooperative and harmonious. Social interaction is continuously valued and students participate in some decisions regarding the use of common spaces, materials that may or may not bring to school, among others, in the school meetings. It highlights the dialogue and the bond of affection in the relationships between teachers and students, however, it remains asymmetrical. Peers relationships are harmonious and reciprocal. Conflicts are usually resolved by the students and sometimes there are direct interventions from adults, who end up solving such problems for the children. The work with knowledge is more pleasurable and meaningful. The arts are linked to projects carried out throughout the year and that culminate in a play. The teachers decide what, where and how the activities will be carried out, with little participation of students in this process. Many activities are still based on memorization and copying, and there is, implicitly, the obligation to carry out the proposals by the students. It was also found that both, educators and children, enjoy being at school and see it as different from the others, providing pleasurable activities, no tests or homework, and that it gives a certain margin of freedom for everybody. / Mestrado / Psicologia Educacional / Mestre em Educação

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