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Dental Anxiety While Waiting for Dental Treatment and the Impact of SedationTaylor, James Luke January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Tandvårdsrädsla, generell oro och självkänsla : Dental fear, general anxiety and self-esteemFriberg Lundin, Jessica January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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The Need and Demand for Anesthesia Services in DentistryJackstien, Joshua, DMD 17 December 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Tandvårdsrädsla hos sexuellt utnyttjade personer : - En litteraturstudie / Dental fear in sexually abused victims : - a literature reviewOdqvist, Stephanie, Vu, Helen January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tandvårdsrädsla kan uppkomma från händelser både inom tandvården och utanför. Det finns olika grader av tandvårdsrädsla och majoriteten av befolkningen upplever någon form av tandvårdsrädsla. Det har visat sig att tandvårdsrädsla har en negativ påverkan på den orala hälsan. Vid sexuella övergrepp kan personerna drabbas av flertalet skadliga följder, både psykiska och fysiska, som tandvårdspersonal kan notera vid kliniska undersökningar. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka eventuellt samband mellan tandvårdsrädsla och sexuella övergrepp. Metod: Metoden är en litteraturstudie, där artikelsökning med sökordskombinationer utfördes i olika databaser. De utvalda artiklarna fick genomgå flera urvalssteg och en kvalitetsgranskning. Resultat: Studierna visar ett splittrat resultat gällande sambandet mellan tandvårdsrädsla och sexuella övergrepp, men de flesta studier kunde påvisa ett statistiskt signifikant samband. Flera faktorer inom tandvården kan framkalla flashbacks och bidra till en negativ upplevelse av tandvården. Personer som har blivit oralt sexuellt utnyttjade uppvisar högre nivåer av tandvårdsrädsla och har svårare att ta kontakt med tandvården. Slutsats: Det finns bekräftade samband mellan tandvårdsrädsla och sexuella övergrepp. Det har visat sig att vissa moment inom tandvården kan ha en negativ påverkan på tandvårdsupplevelsen. / Background: Dental fear may originate from both incidents within or outside of the dentistry. The majority of the population experience some form of dental fear in varying degrees. It has been shown that dental fear has a negative impact of the oral health. Due to sexual abuse, people may suffer from several harmful consequences, which can be observed during a clinical examination. Aim: The aim of this review was to explore eventual relationship between dental fear and sexual abuse. Method: The method used was a literature review. An article search with keyword combinations was carried out in different databases. The selected articles went through several steps of selections and one quality assessment. Result: The studies showed a divided result, but most studies could demonstrate a statistically significant relationship between dental fear and sexual abuse. Several factors in dentistry may evoke flashbacks and contribute to a negative perception of dentistry. Victims of oral sexual abuse presented higher levels of dental fear. Conclusion: There is a confirmed relationship between dental fear and sexual abuse. Certain elements within the dentistry can have a negative impact on the dental care experience.
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Uppfattningar och upplevelser av hypnoterapi mot tandvårdsrädsla / Perceptions and experiences of hypnotherapy against dental fearHåkansson, Jennie, Södergren, Lisa January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka uppfattningar av hypnoterapins effekter och upplevelser av hypnoterapi som behandling av tandvårdsrädsla på tandvårdskliniker. Material och metod: Materialet inhämtades genom intervjuer med sex informanter som arbetade med hypnoterapi som behandling mot tandvårdsrädsla på tandvårdskliniker i Sverige. Intervjuerna har genomförts med användning av en intervjuguide och varade i ca 20 – 35 minuter. Metoden var kvalitativ och data analyserades med innehållsanalys. Resultat: I studiens resultat framträdde ett huvudtema: Förebyggande behandlingsmetod. Resultatet visade att informanterna uppfattade hypnoterapins effekter som goda och de upplevde hypnoterapi som effektiv vid behandling av tandvårdsrädsla. Informanterna var eniga om att behandling med hypnoterapi ska användas på tandvårdsklinikerna och utföras av tandläkare eller tandhygienist. Många av informanterna upplevde att kollegorna hade svårt att acceptera hypnoterapi som metod. Slutsats: Uppfattningar och upplevelser av hypnoterapi som behandling och dess effekt är överlag positiv med vissa svårigheter angående kollegornas attityder gentemot metoden. Mer forskning behövs för en bredare acceptans och förståelse av hypnoterapi som behandlingsmetod. / Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions of hypnotherapy’s effects and experiences of hypnotherapy as a treatment of dental fear in dental clinics. Material and Methods: The material was obtained through interviews with six informants working with hypnotherapy as a treatment for dental fear in dental clinics in Sweden. The interviews were conducted using an interview guide and lasted 20 - 35 minutes. The method was qualitative and the interviews were analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. Results: In the results a main theme appeared: Preventive treatment. The results showed that the informants perceived hypnotherapy’s effects as good and they experienced hypnotherapy as effective in the treatment of dental fear. The informants agreed that hypnotherapy should be used in dental clinics and performed by a dentist or dental hygienist. Many of the informants felt that their colleagues had difficulties accepting hypnotherapy as a method. Conclusion: Perceptions and experiences of hypnotherapy as a treatment and its effect are generally positive with some exceptions regarding their colleagues attitudes towards the method. More research is needed to bring a wider acceptance and understanding of hypnotherapy as a treatment method.
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Aspects and determinants of children’s dental fearRantavuori, K. (Kari) 18 November 2008 (has links)
The aims of this study were to explore different aspects of dental fear and their determinants among children at different ages.
The study samples comprised 378 children from the Veneto region of Italy aged 3–13 years and 1474 children from Jyväskylä and Kuopio, Finland, aged 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 years. In the Italian study, the child’s age, first dental visit, number of subsequent visits and dental fear, and the parent’s dental fear were asked in a questionnaire. In the Finnish study, a questionnaire was used that contained 11 dental fear-related questions and family member’s dental fear and questions on oral health habits and family characteristics. Dental status was determined clinically and information on treatment procedures from three preceding years was collected from patient records.
A total of 21 to 36% of Finnish children were quite or very afraid of something in dental treatment. The prevalence of dental fear among Finnish children was not lower among older children but rather fluctuated among different ages. The characteristics of dental fear differed among children at different ages. Among Finnish children, four aspects of dental fear were revealed from the questionnaire, i.e. ‘Treatment of dental decay’, ‘Attending dentist’, ‘Peak value for dental fear’ and ‘Fear of dental treatment in general’. Correlations between the four abovementioned aspects, the differences between age groups separately for the above mentioned aspects, and the determinants of dental fear were studied. At younger ages, the dental fear was abstract, commonly related to attending dentist. At older ages, dental fear was often related to invasive treatment, such as fear of local anaesthesia and drilling. Fear of pain which was common among all age groups. Among Italian children, the first dental experiences were strong determinants of dental fear. Among Finnish children, dental fear among other members of the family was more often found among children with dental fear than among non-fearful children. 15-year-old girls were more likely to be afraid than boys of the same age but gender differences were not found at younger ages. The results indicated that dental fear is not solely based on direct conditioning but rather consists of child, family and environment related determinants. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää lasten hammashoitopelon piirteitä ja niihin liittyviä seikkoja eri-ikäisillä lapsilla.
Tutkimuksessa käytettiin havaintoaineistoa, joka koostui 378:sta 3–13-vuotiaasta italialaisesta lapsesta Veneton maakunnan alueelta sekä 1474:stä 3-, 6-, 9-, 12- ja 15-vuotiaasta lapsesta Jyväskylästä ja Kuopiosta. Tutkimuksessa italialaisilla lapsilla vanhempi täytti kyselylomakkeen, joka sisälsi kysymyksiä lapsen iästä, hammashoitopelosta, ensimmäisestä hammashoitokäynnistä ja seuraavien hoitokäyntien lukumäärästä sekä vanhemman omasta hammashoitopelosta. Suomalaisilla lapsilla tutkimustiedot kerättiin kyselylomakkeella, joka sisälsi 11 kysymystä lapsen hammashoitopelosta ja kysymyksiä lapsen suun terveystottumuksista sekä perheeseen liittyvistä seikoista, kuten perheenjäsenten hammashoitopelosta. Hampaiden senhetkinen kliininen tila sekä kolmen tarkastusta edeltävän vuoden hoitokäynnit ja tuolloin tehdyt toimenpiteet otettiin mukaan tutkimukseen.
Suomalaisista lapsista 21–36 % pelkäsi jonkin verran tai paljon jotain asiaa hammashoidossa. Suomalaisten lasten hammashoitopelko ei ollut alempi nuoremmilla lapsilla vaan vaihteli ikäryhmien välillä. Myös hammashoitopelon luonne vaihteli ikäluokittain. Suomalaisesta kyselystä löydettiin neljä pelon osa-aluetta: paikkaushoitoon liittyvä pelko, hammaslääkärissä käymiseen liittyvä pelko, yleinen hammashoitopelko sekä voimakkaimmaksi koettu hammashoitoon liittyvä yksittäinen pelko. Tutkimuksessa tutkittiin pelon osa-alueiden välisiä korrelaatioita ikäryhmittäin, erikseen yksittäisen pelon osa-alueen vaihtelua ikäryhmien välillä sekä hammashoitopelon liittyviä seikkoja ikäryhmittäin. Nuoremmilla lapsilla hammashoitopelko oli useammin abstraktia, yleensä hammashoidossa käymiseen liittyvää pelkoa. Vanhemmilla lapsilla hammashoitopelko oli usein hammashoitotoimenpiteisiin liittyvää pelkoa, esimerkiksi puudutuksen ja porauksen pelkoa. Kivun pelko oli yleistä kaikissa ikäryhmissä. Ensimmäiset hammashoitokokemukset olivat voimakkaita hammashoitopelon selittäjiä italialaisilla lapsilla. Suomalaisten lasten hammashoitopelko oli vahvasti yhteydessä muiden perheenjäsenten hammashoitopelkoon. 15-vuotiaat tytöt pelkäsivät hammashoitoa enemmän kuin pojat, mutta sukupuolten välisiä eroja ei havaittu nuoremmissa ikäryhmissä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että lasten hammashoitopelko ei ole ainoastaan seurausta suorasta ehdollistumisesta hammashoitokokemusten kautta vaan siihen vaikuttavat enemmänkin lapseen, perheeseen ja ympäristöön liittyvät seikat.
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Moksleivių dantų gydymo baimė ir su ja susiję socialiniai bei psichologiniai veiksniai / Dental fear among schoolchildren and related social and psychological factorsRačienė, Rasa 07 December 2009 (has links)
Pateikiami duomenys apie dantų gydymo baimės, nerimo paplitimą tarp 12-15 metų moksleivių bei su šiuo reiškiniu susiję veiksniai. / The results about dental anxiety and fear amnog 12-15 years old schoolchildren and related factors.
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Medo de dentista na infância: prevalência e fatores associados em uma coorte de nascimentos no sul do Brasil / Dental fear in childhood: prevalence and associated factors in a birth cohort in the south of BrazilFerro, Renata da Luz 20 May 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:30:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011-05-20 / Dental fear is considered a barrier for the achievement of dental treatments and it can effect negatively in the oral health of children. It is important to investigate the most associated factors to this condition. Objective: Describe the prevalence of dental fear in 5-year-old children and to explore its association with directly related factors to the child and the indirect variables, which are especially related to the mother. Methods: A crosssectional study in a birth cohort initiated in 2004 in Pelotas, Brazil. In the fifth year of life, a sample (n = 1129) on dental fear was investigated and measured through the use of the Dental Anxiety Question (DAQ). Socioeconomic, demographic and behavioral characteristics and dental service use of the mother were investigated as well as the dental experience and oral conditions of the children were assessed. Results: The prevalence of dental fear in children was 16.8%. In the final model, the following variables associated with the outcome were included: maternal education, family income, child gender, past dental experience, the presence of caries and pain, and reasons, location and the age of the child during the first dental visit, After the adjustment, the outcome was associated with the following conditions: the presence of caries, female gender and low family income. Maternal conditions, such as oral health,
dental experiences and dental fear were not associated with the feeling of the child. Conclusion: the dental fear at the age of 5 was more associated with conditions directly related to the child itself. Among the indirect variables which are related to the mother, only the household income seems to be associated with the dental fear at the age of 5 / Devido o medo ao tratamento odontológico ser considerado uma barreira para a realização de tratamentos dentários e influenciar negativamente a saúde bucal das crianças, é importante investigar quais os fatores estão mais associados a esta
condição. Objetivo: Descrever a prevalência do medo de dentista em crianças de 5 anos de idade e explorar sua associação com os fatores relacionados diretamente à criança e com as varáveis indiretas, especialmente relacionadas à mãe. Métodos:
Realizou-se um estudo transversal, aninhado em uma coorte de nascimentos iniciada em 2004 em Pelotas, RS, Brasil. No quinto ano de vida uma amostra (n=1129) foi investigada sobre medo ao tratamento odontológico mensurado através do instrumento
Dental Anxiety Question (DAQ). Investigou-se as características socioeconômicas, demográficas, comportamentais e uso do serviço odontológico da mãe, além das variáveis demográficas, experiências odontológicas e condições bucais da criança.
Resultados: A prevalência do medo de dentista da criança foi de 16,8%. No modelo final foram incluídas as seguintes variáveis, associadas ao desfecho: escolaridade materna e renda familiar, sexo da criança, motivo, local e idade da criança durante a
primeira consulta com o dentista, ter tido alguma experiência odontológica, além da presença de cárie e dor. Após análise ajustada, mostraram-se associadas ao desfecho as seguintes condições: a presença de cárie, o sexo feminino e a baixa renda familiar. As condições maternas, como a saúde bucal, as experiências odontológicas e o medo de dentista não estiveram associados a este sentimento da criança. Conclusão: o medo de dentista aos 5 anos de idade esteve mais associado às condições diretamente relacionadas à própria criança. Entre as variáveis indiretas, relacionadas à mãe, apenas a renda familiar parece influenciar o medo de dentista aos 5 anos de idade
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Comportamento infantil durante consultas odontológicas sequenciais : influência de características clínicas, psicossociais e maternas / Children behavior during sequential dental visits: influence of clinical, psychosocial and maternal characteristicsCademartori, Mariana Gonzalez 29 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T14:30:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-04-29 / One of the most challenging aspects faced by pediatric dentists is behavior management. Child behavior in the dental setting is a multifactorial phenomenon and studies have suggested that some factors may predict children s behavior in dental settings. Thus, this dissertation aimed to assess the behavior of children during sequential dental visits according to the treatment the child received, as well as to investigate the factors that can influence the behavior of children during dental treatment. A convenience sample of children aged from 7-to-13 years old attending a Pediatric Dentistry Clinic was accompanied during 4 sequential visits. Behavior was
classified according to Frankl s scale. Mothers and children were interviewed previously to the 1st visit to collect information on demographic, socioeconomic and psychosocial characteristics. The complexity of treatment in each visit was classified as minimally invasive, invasive or very invasive. Behavior trajectory following the visits was assessed. To test the association of the independent variables and behavior Chi-squared and Fisher s exact tests were used. To determine the effect of the variables on the outcome behavior, crude and adjusted Poisson regression analyses were used (Relative Risk; 95% Confidence Interval). The level of significance was set at 5%. A total of 111 mother-child dyads were included. The
behavior at the first visit was 100% positive for all children. In the trajectory of behavior during the sequential visits, the majority of children (over 55%) showed positive behavior. Negative behavior was influenced by complexity of treatment,
dental pain, dental fear and maternal education, after adjustments. Anesthesia, extraction of primary teeth, use of rubber dam and endodontics were the procedures associated with negative behavior. Dental fear may be considered a predictor of child behavior, evidencing that besides the treatment procedure, maternal and children
characteristics should also be considered by the dentist to predict and better manage behavior / Um dos aspectos mais desafiadores na Odontopediatria é o manejo do comportamento infantil. O comportamento infantil no consultório odontológico é um fenômeno multifatorial e estudos têm sugerido que alguns fatores podem predizer o
comportamento da criança durante uma consulta odontológica. Assim, esta dissertação teve por objetivo avaliar o comportamento de crianças durante consultas odontológicas sequenciais, bem como investigar os fatores que podem influenciar o comportamento durante o tratamento odontológico. Uma amostra de conveniência com crianças de 7 a 13 anos de idade, atendidas na Clínica de Odontopediatria da
Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas foi acompanhada durante quatro consultas sequenciais. O comportamento foi classificado conforme a Escala de Frankl por avaliadores calibrados. Mães e crianças foram entrevistadas na primeira consulta. A complexidade do tratamento realizado em cada visita foi classificada como: Minimamente invasivo, Invasivo ou Muito invasivo. As mudanças na trajetória do comportamento a cada consulta foram incluídas. Para determinar a associação entre as variáveis independentes e o comportamento, os testes Qui
Quadrado e Exato de Fisher foram usados. Para determinar o efeito das variáveis no desfecho comportamento, as análises de Regressão de Poisson bruta e ajustada foram realizadas (Risco Relativo; Intervalo de confiança 95%). O nível de
significância adotado foi 5%. Um total de 111 díades mãe-criança foi incluído. O comportamento na primeira visita foi 100% positivo para todas as crianças. Na trajetória do comportamento ao longo das visitas sequenciais, a maioria das crianças (acima de 55%) apresentou comportamento positivo. A anestesia, a extração de dente decíduo, o uso de isolamento absoluto e a endodontia foram os procedimentos associados com comportamento negativo. Na análise ajustada, a presença de comportamento negativo foi influenciada pela complexidade do tratamento, dor dentária prévia, medo odontológico e baixa educação materna.
Medo odontológico pode ser considerado um preditor do comportamento infantil, evidenciando que além do tipo de procedimento, as características da criança e maternas deveriam ser consideradas pelo dentista para predizer e manejar da melhor maneira o comportamento
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Bakgrundsfaktorer till tandvårdsrädsla och kognitiv beteendeterapi som behandlingsmetod : En litteraturöversikt av svenska forskningsresultat / Background factors for dental fear and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as a treatment method : A literature review of Swedish researchHallbäck, Viktoria, Forsman, Celina January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att utifrån svenska forskningsresultat kartlägga bakomliggande faktorer till tandvårdsrädsla och undersöka vilken effekt kognitiv beteendeterapi (KBT) har på tillståndet. Metod: Sökningen efter svenska vetenskapliga artiklar har gjorts genom Dentistry of Oral Sciences, MEDLINE och CINAHL. Artiklar skrivna under de senaste tio åren har valts. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar har använts, samt har kvalitetsgranskats utefter två mallar. Resultat: Underliggande faktorer för utveckling av tandvårdsrädsla inkluderar tidigare negativa tandvårdssituationer, tandvårdsrädsla i familjen, kön, ålder, temperament, allmän ångest och depression, låg socioekonomisk ställning, låg inkomst, rökning, oral smärta, utbildningsnivå och Hyperaktivitetssyndrom (ADHD). KBT-behandling har visat sig vara mycket effektiv när det gäller att behandla tandvårdsrädsla. Slutsats: Det har visats att tandvårdsrädsla utvecklas tidigt i livet och kan vidmakthållas. Det finns flertalet faktorer som bör ses över och om behandling sätts in i sig kan man potentiellt förbättra hälsan hos individen med tandvårdsrädsla. KBT har visat sig vara en mycket framgångsrik behandling för tandvårdsrädsla, då det har en bevisad långvarig effekt. / Aim: The aim of the literature review was to map underlying factors of the development of dental anxiety and investigate the effect cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)has on the condition, based on Swedish research results. Method: This was a literature review over Swedish studies. The search for scientific articles has been done through the databases Dentistry of Oral Sciences, MEDLINE and CINAHL. Articles written for the past ten years were chosen. Both qualitative and quantitative articles have been used and reviewed with quality templates. Results: Factors for developing dental fear include previous negative dental experiences, dental fear within the family, gender, age, temperament, general anxiety, depression, low socioeconomic standard, low income, smoking, oral pain, education level and for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). CBT treatment has shown to be very effective in treating dental anxiety. Conclusion: It has been shown that dental fear develops early in life and can be perpetuated. There are a number of factors that should be considered, and if treatment is initiated the health of the individual with dental fear can potentially be improved. CBT has been proven to be a very successful treatment for dental care, as it has a long-lasting effect.
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