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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamiques paysagères et guerre dans la province de Thừa Thiên-Huế (Viêt Nam central) , 1954-2007 : entre défoliation, déforestation et reconquêtes végétales / Landscape dynamics and war in Thừa Thiên-Huế province (central Viêt Nam), 1954-2007 : between defoliation, deforestation and reforestation

Robert, Amélie 03 December 2011 (has links)
La guerre du Việt Nam mit la forêt au coeur des enjeux militaires. Nées des controverses sur lesconséquences environnementales des épandages d’herbicides, des hypothèses ont émergé sur les impacts decette pratique : différentiels selon les unités paysagères, aggravés par les perturbations anthropiques antérieureset postérieures à la guerre. Relevant de la biogéographie, l’analyse géohistorique confronte des sources souventdivergentes et privilégie les princeps pour reconstituer, à des dates clés, les paysages d’une province au coeurdu conflit. L’état actuel de partition en trois unités – plaine, collines et montagnes – révèle le lien entreperturbation et accessibilité. Circa 1954, les pratiques précoloniales et coloniales avaient déjà perturbé lesécosystèmes, de manière croissante des montagnes vers la plaine. Les impacts d’une guerre dirigée contre lemilieu furent directs et indirects. Après-guerre, ils furent aggravés par les pratiques civiles, qui bloquèrent lareconquête spontanée et provoquèrent déboisements et déforestations ; la pression s’accrut dans les collines etles montagnes, plus affectées par la guerre. Depuis circa 1990, les décisions politiques ont placé officiellementla forêt entre protection et développement mais elles se heurtent aux nécessités du développement économique.La reconquête, dirigée, accélérée par la plantation d’espèces à croissance rapide, est engagée dans dessylvosystèmes perturbés et épargnés par la guerre. Aujourd’hui, dans les trois unités paysagères, les zonesdéfoliées ne sont pas identifiables : cicatrisation, poursuite du recul des forêts surtout ont fait leur oeuvre.Restent visibles les géofaciès de cratères et les anciennes bases militaires américaines. La conjugaison desperturbations empêche l’identification du strict impact actuel de la guerre et relativise celui-ci ; plus affaiblissont les sylvosystèmes de la plaine qui, moins touchés, subissent une forte pression séculaire. / The Việt Nam war put the forest at the heart of military stakes. The controversies over the environmentalconsequences of herbicide spraying inspire the hypothesis that the impacts of this practice are differentialaccording to landscape units, worsened by the human disturbances prior to and after the war. Coming underbiogeography, the geohistorical analysis compares sources, that are often divergent, and favors primary ones toreconstruct, at key dates, the landscapes of a province at the heart of the conflict. The present state of partitioninto three units – plain, hills and mountains – reveals the link between disturbance and accessibility. Circa1954, the precolonial and colonial practices had already disturbed ecosystems increasingly from the mountainsto the plain. The impacts of a war against the environment were direct and indirect. In the post-war years, theywere worsened by the civilian practices, which inhibited spontaneous reforestation and provoked forestimpoverishment and deforestation; the pressure increased in the hills and mountains, which were more affectedby the war. Since circa 1990, the political decisions have officially put the forest between protection anddevelopment but they come up against the necessities of economic development. Managed, accelerated by theplantation of fast-growing species, the reforestation is started in some sylvosystems, that were disturbed orspared by the war. Today, in the three landscape units, the defoliated areas are not identifiable because ofhealing and, above all, continuation of forest decline. Geofacies of craters and former American military basesremain visible. The combination of disturbances prevents from identifying the strict present impact of the warand puts this one into perspective; more weakened are the plain sylvosystems, which were less hit but suffer astrong secular pressure.

Analyse et modélisation des ondes sismiques générées par des impacts et des explosions atmosphériques des météores aux planètes telluriques avec une atmosphère / Analysis and modeling of meteor impact and airburst generated seismic waves on terrestrial planets with atmosphere

Karakostas, Foivos Georgios 07 September 2018 (has links)
Les évènements météoriques constituent une source d’importance fondamentale pour la sismologie planétaire, étant donné que leur localisation, et dans certains cas, leur temps d’origine peuvent être déterminés précisément par des orbiteurs. Cette importance augmente encore dans le cas d’une expérimentation à 1 seul sismomètre, comme dans le cas de SEIS (Seismic Experimentof Interior Structure) de la mission actuelle InSight (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport). En effet, la localisation précise permet de réaliser une inversion directe des temps de propagation différentiels et des formes d’ondes pour la détermination de la structure interne. Les impacts de météorites génèrent des ondes de volume et de surface lors de leur arrivée à la surface d’une planète. Quand ils explosent dans l’atmosphère, ils produisent des ondes de chocs qui sont converties en ondes linéaires, sismiques pour la partie solide, et acoustiques pour la partie atmosphérique. Ce phénomène peut être modélisé par l’amplitude de l’excitation de modes sphéroïdaux, dû aux effets de couplage entre l’atmosphère et le sol. Ce manuscrit de thèse est consacré à l’investigation et la modélisation des ondes de Rayleigh générées par des météores. Un rappel général des avancées en sciences planétaires est d’abord fourni, avec un focus sur la sismologie planétaire et les études des sources sismiques atmosphériques. Ensuite, la théorie concernant les ondes de choc dans l’atmosphère et au sol est présentée plus en détails. Dans le cas de la formation d’une onde de choc dans l’atmosphère, l’effet de transition d’un régime de propagation non linéaire vers un régime linéaire est documenté pour le superbolide de Chelyabinsk. Pour la génération d’ondes dans la subsurface, un impact de météorite sur la lune est passé en revue, en utilisant des codes hydrodynamiques. Une analyse comparée de ces deux cas est réalisée de façon à présenter les processus de transition du régime de propagation. Une inversion de la source sismique du superbolide de Chelyabinsk est effectuée, de manière à examiner les propriétés de la source associée dans l’atmosphère terrestre. Nous avons développé une source multiple, composée d’une série de points source consécutifs, basé sur une trajectoire fournie. Les calculs des sismogrammes synthétiques des ondes de Rayleigh associées à l’événement sont réalisés par la sommation des modes propres du modèle de la partie solide et de la partie atmosphérique de la planète. A travers une technique d’inversion basée sur la décomposition des valeurs singulières et la méthode du moindre carré, nous fournissons des solutions pour la magnitude du moment. De plus, nous avons trouvé dans les données sismiques un effet Doppler, associée à la directivité de la source. En plus, nous avons réalisé des modélisations 3-D basées sur la méthode des éléments spectraux dans le cas d’un modèle solide uniquement, de façon à comprendre les effets des caractéristiques 3-D crustales, et surligner les différences avec une source inversée dans le sol par rapport à une source correctement positionnée dans l’atmosphère. Dans le cas de Mars, la sommation des modes propres est utilisée pour fournir les formes d’ondes associées aux impacts à la surface de la planète ou à basse altitude dans l’atmosphère martienne. Il est montré que la contribution du mode solide sphéroïdal fondamental domine les formes d’onde, par rapport aux deux premières harmoniques. La comparaison entre les amplitudes de sismogramme synthétiques de tailles différentes, montre que les petits impacteurs (diamètre de 0,5 mètre à 2 mètres) peuvent être détectés par les capteurs VBB de SEIS, seulement pour les hautes fréquences des ondes de Rayleigh, même pour des distances épicentrales très faibles. / Meteoric events constitute a source of paramount importance for Planetary Seismology, since their locations and, in some cases, their occurence times can be accurately known from orbiters, tracking or visual inspections. Their contribution is enhanced in the case of a seismic experi- ment with one seismometer, as the SEIS (Seismic Experiment of Interior Structure) of the im- minent Martian mission “InSight” (Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport), as the known location allows a direct inversion of differential travel times and wave forms for structure identification. Meteor impacts generate body and surface waves when they reach the surface of a planet. When they explode into the atmosphere, they generate shock waves which are converted into linear, seismic waves in the solid part and acoustic waves in the atmosphere. This effect can be modeled as the amplitude of Rayleigh and other Spheroidal modes excitation, due to atmo- spheric/ground coupling effects. This PhD dissertation is focusing on the investigation and modeling of the meteor generated Rayleigh waves. A brief recall to the advance of planetary science with focus on planetary seismology and the study of atmospheric seismic sources is presented. Thereafter, the theory concerning the shock waves in the atmosphere and in the ground is presented in further detail. In the case of shock wave generation in the atmosphere, the effect of transition from a highly nonlinear propagation regime to the linear one is presented for Chelyabinsk superbolide. In the case of the generation in the subsurface, a meteor impact on the Moon is investigated, using hydrodynamic codes. A comparative analysis of both cases is performed in order to present the transition processes of the propagation regime. An inversion of the seismic source of Chelyabinsk superbolide is performed, in order to examine the properties of the associated source in Earth’s atmosphere. We develop a line source, made of a series of consecutive point sources, based on a provided trajectory. The calculation of synthetic seismograms of Rayleigh waves associated to the event is performed by the summation of normal modes of a model for the solid part and the atmosphere of the planet. Through an inversion technique based on singular value decomposition and least square method, solutions for the moment magnitude are provided. Moreover we found in the seismic data a Doppler effect, associated with the directivity of the source. In addition, we perform 3D modeling based on spectral element method in a purely solid model, to assess the effects of 3D crustal features and highlight differences with a source inverted in the ground versus on a source correctly positioned in the atmosphere. In the case of Mars, normal mode summation is used in order to provide waveforms asso- ciated to impacts on the planetary surface or in low altitudes in the martian atmosphere. It is shown that the contribution of the fundamental spheroidal solid mode is dominating the wave- forms, compared to the one of the first two overtones. The comparison between the amplitudes of synthetic seismograms of different size, show that small impactors (diameter of 0.5 to 2 meters) can be detected by the SEIS VBB seismometer of InSight mission, only in the higher frequencies of Rayleigh waves, even for short epicentral distances. An analysis based on im- pact rate estimations enables to calculate the number of detectable events of meteor impacts for projectiles with diameter greater than 1 meter and it leads to the conclusion of 6.7 to 13.4 detectable impacts during a Mars year, the nominal operational period of InSight mission. Finally, an analysis on the ground characteristics of a shallow low velocity zone under InSight landing site is presented. Through an investigation by classical test of geomechanics, it is shown that this zone is supposed to affect the quality of seismic signals.

Energie éolienne au Liban :analyse de son potentiel, de son stockage et de son impact environnemental / Wind turbine in Lebanon:analysis of its potential, its storage and its environmental impact

Al Zohbi, Gaydaa 20 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer au développement de l'énergie éolienne au Liban et des problèmes de stockage qui y sont liés. Une analyse des caractéristiques du vent dans 14 sites libanais a été effectuée dans le but de sélectionner les sites optimaux pour l'implantation d'éoliennes. Après la sélection de ces cinq sites optimaux, le choix de l'éolienne adéquate et la détermination du nombre d'éoliennes qui pourrait être érigées dans chacun de ces cinq sites, une évaluation du potentiel éolien a été réalisée afin d'estimer la quantité d'électricité qui pourrait être produite par ces éoliennes. Les résultats montrent qu'il y a un excédent d'électricité produite par les éoliennes qui pourrait être enregistré pendant la nuit, ce qui nous a incités à travailler sur la conception et le dimensionnement d'un système de stockage hydraulique de l'énergie éolienne afin d'optimiser sa pénétration dans le réseau. Les cinq sites sélectionnés pour l'implantation d'éoliennes au Liban ont été soumis à la procédure d'évaluation et d'examen des impacts sur l'environnement, notamment sur le paysage et les oiseaux, ce qui aide à faciliter l'élaboration des projets prenant en compte tous les enjeux environnementaux. A la fin du travail, des pistes d'élaboration d'un règlement pour l'implantation d'éoliennes au Liban et une analyse économique du projet d'implantation d'éoliennes et d'un système de stockage ont été menées. / The objective of this thesis is to investigate of the development of the wind power in Lebanon and storage related issues. An analysis of wind characteristics at 14 Lebanese sites was carried out in order to select the optimal sites for the implementation of wind turbines. After the optimization procedure (5 sites in final), the choice of the appropriate wind turbine (in terms of capacity) and the determination of the number of wind turbines that could be erected in each of selected sites, an evaluation of the wind potential has been performed to estimate the level of electrical power that could be produced. The results show that there is an overproduction of electricity could be registered during the night, which prompted us to work on the design and dimensioning of a hydraulic storage of wind energy system to optimize its penetration into the grid. The five selected sites for the installation of wind turbines in Lebanon were subjected to the evaluation process and review of environmental impacts, particularly regarding landscape and birds, which helps to facilitate project development taking into account all environmental issues. At the end of the work, tentative regulations to erect wind turbines in Lebanon and an economic analysis of the wind project and implementation of a storage system have been proposed. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur et technologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Les effets de la règle de la mise en échec sur les fonctions exécutives et l’état psychoaffectif de jeunes hockeyeurs au cours d’une saison

Lortie, Jean-Christophe 08 1900 (has links)
Les athlètes issus des sports de contact sont initiés à différents impacts à un jeune âge. Alors que les commotions cérébrales semblent représenter un fléau pouvant affecter les fonctions cognitives à long terme, le rôle des impacts sous-commotions dans la possible neurodégénérescence du cerveau est négligé. Ces impacts sous-commotions sont répertoriés à une vélocité moindre et ne déclencheraient pas la cascade métabolique associée aux signes et symptômes d’une commotion cérébrale. Les impacts sous-commotions sont caractéristiques des sports comme le hockey, le football américain ou le soccer et ils se produisent à une plus grande fréquence que les commotions cérébrales. Ainsi, le cerveau absorbe ces impacts à profusion au cours d’une saison, voire d’une carrière. Au hockey, l’initiation à ces impacts se produit à l’adolescence avec la mise en échec. Les fonctions exécutives, responsables des tâches de planification, d’inhibition et de mémoire de travail, finissent de se développer vers la fin de l’adolescence. De plus, ces fonctions semblent être altérées à long terme à la suite d’une commotion cérébrale. À cet égard, l’objectif du projet était d’explorer les effets des impacts sous-commotions sur les fonctions exécutives ainsi que sur l’état psychoaffectif chez des hockeyeurs adolescents pratiquant différents types de mise en échec. Trente-huit participants âgés de 12 et 17 ans ont été recrutés. Ces participants ont été séparés selon le type de mise en échec pratiqué durant la saison, soit le contact physique (CP), la mise en échec progressive (MEP) ou la mise en échec complète (MEC). Leurs fonctions exécutives ont été évaluées à l’aide d’un paradigme forme-couleur de la tâche d’alternance. L’état psychoaffectif a été évalué à partir de questionnaires autoadministrés. Puis, le protocole s’est déroulé au début et à la fin de la saison de hockey. Une ANCOVA 3 × 2 × 2 n’a révélé aucune interaction, ni d’effet, entre le type de mise en échec pratiqué (CP; MEP; MEC), le fait d’avoir un historique de commotions cérébrales (HCC; sans HCC) et le temps durant la saison (Pré; Post) sur les résultats à la tâche d’alternance et les scores aux questionnaires psychoaffectifs. Ces résultats suggèrent que le type de mise en échec pratiqué, au cours d’une saison, ne serait pas suffisant pour affecter les fonctions exécutives et l’aspect psychoaffectif des adolescents. / Athletes from contact sports are introduced to repetitive subconcussive impacts at a young age. Although concussions represent a major concern in public health as they can alter cognitive functions, little is known about subconcussive impacts and the role they might have in the hypothetical neurodegenerescence of the brain. Subconcussive impacts are registered at a smaller velocity than concussive impacts and therefore are not associated with concussion-related sign or symptoms. However, these impacts occur at a higher frequency as they are part of contact sports like hockey, American football and soccer. The brain receives multiple subconcussive impacts during a season or an entire career. Adolescent hockey players are introduced to body checking at the age of 13-14 years old and brain functions like executive functions are not completely developed until the end of adolescence. Also, executive functions are responsible for task planning, inhibition and working memory. Moreover, these functions seem to be afflicted in the long term after one or multiple concussions. The purpose of this project was to explore the effects of subconcussive impacts on executive functions and the psycho-affective state of adolescent hockey players competing with different types of body checking rules. Thirty-eight participants were recruited from the age of 12 to 17 years. They were grouped according to the type of body checking rules they played with during the season, which were physical contact (PC), restrictive body checking (RBC) and full body checking (FBC). Executive functions were assessed using a colour-shape paradigm of the switch task. Psycho-affective state was assessed with self-reported questionnaires. Participants completed this protocol at the beginning and the end of their hockey season. A 3 × 2 × 2 ANCOVA did not reveal any interaction, nor main effect of the type of body checking (PC; RBC; FBC), history of concussion (HOC; no HOC) and time of the season (Pre; Post) on the results of the switch task and the self-reported questionnaires. Therefore, this suggests that the rule of body checking is not sufficient to cause any alteration of executive functions or any change in the psycho-affective state of adolescent hockey players.

Recycling Waste Solar Panels (c-Si & CdTe) in Sweden

Nekouaslazadeh, Alireza January 2021 (has links)
Solar energy industries are one of the fastest-growing industries in the global energy market. Between 2018 and 2019, installed capacity in Sweden increased by 70%. This is due to a combination of declining PV module and inverter costs, as well as  increased conversion to fossil-free energy production to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, solar PVs have a 25-year life span, and soon many deployed PVs would soon reach their end of life (EoL), it is, therefore, important to organize for the EoL of PVs in order to recover precious resources and recycle PV modules in a sustainable manner. Currently, less than 10% of global solar cell waste is recycled, due to the lack of incentives for recycling in most countries. In the European Union, used-up modules are governed by the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive, which requires the collection of 85% of solar cell waste, with at least 80% of the waste being prepared for reuse or recycling. Solar cell waste has not amounted to significant volumes in Sweden, due to the lack of no known systems for recycling. Used-up modules are currently collected and managed as electronic waste in one of two approved collection systems in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and assess methods of recycling waste solar panels in Sweden and is it economically viable to set up a solar waste recycling center before it reaches the right amount of waste. Moreover, the main focus is on the analysis and comparison of the environmental impacts of various recycling methods for crystalline silicon (c-Si) and cadmium telluride (CdTe) panels. To recycle solar panel waste, the elements of these panels must be assessed from both an economic point of view as well as environmental impacts. Today, the most common PV panels in the global market and also Sweden are c-Si and CdTe types. The results showed except for the pyrolysis method, the environmental impacts of both c-Si and CdTe PV panels from the thermal-based recycling methods, are lower than chemical methods. Furthermore, the extraction of Al, Si, and glass from c-Si and the extraction of glass from CdTe has a less environmental impact than the current techniques used in the recycling of PV panels. Finally, in this study, we revealed which materials can be prioritized for maximum economic and environmental advantages from recycling. In c-Si modules, these are Ag, Al, Si, and glass and in CdTe modules, these are Te, Cu, and glass. Currently, investing in a new solar module recycling center in Sweden is not economically viable. Because the possibility of such an investment requires economic and political incentives. Given that by 2042 the volume of Swedish solar waste will not reach the minimum level of profitability to build a new specialized center for the recycling of solar modules, the best decision is to modify the existing plants in Sweden to recover expensive and vital materials.

River Sand Mining and Socio-Environmental Impacts: Parallel Case Studies Along the Red River in China and the Mekong River in Cambodia

Lauzon, Amélie 24 April 2023 (has links)
Asian countries are urbanizing at an unprecedented rate, which has led to significant demand for sand. While sand mining fuels infrastructure development, creates livelihoods, and stimulates local economic activity, it also drives a series of environmental and socio-economic consequences which cannot be ignored. These include erosion, the destruction of habitats and loss of biodiversity, the deterioration of traditional livelihoods, forced displacement of communities, and damage to homes and infrastructure. On the one hand, this thesis uses mixed methods to study the multifaceted impacts of sand mining along the Red River in China, near the Vietnamese border. On the other hand, using qualitative methods, it explores how these impacts unfold along the Mekong River in Cambodia, near Phnom Penh. Using a political ecology approach, it identifies the actors involved in sand mining, their motives, and their impacts on the environment and local communities. The extractivism framework is used to describe sand mining activities and practices. In doing so, this thesis contributes to the literature on the understudied sand mining industry and its far-reaching impacts.

Sociologie de l'évaluation scolaire : une comparaison Québec-Finlande

Massé, Camille 08 1900 (has links)
L’évaluation des apprentissages est un thème central dans le contexte scolaire qui préoccupe de nombreux acteurs s’inscrivant de près ou de loin dans le quotidien des salles de classe et des pratiques et décisions qui s’articulent au sein de celles-ci : ministères de l’Éducation, directions d’établissements, enseignants, élèves et parents. En parallèle, les concepts d’efficacité et de performance sous-jacents au néolibéralisme (Levasseur, 2006) tendent à se tailler une place grandissante dans certains pans de la gestion du système éducatif québécois, entre autres (Duclos, 2014). Dans d’autres systèmes éducatifs, comme celui de la Finlande, c’est plutôt la mise de l’avant du processus d’apprentissage et de l’accompagnement de l’élève dans ce processus par le biais de l’évaluation qui ressort apparemment du discours éducatif. Les pratiques d’évaluation des apprentissages, puisqu’elles sont à la fois soumises à de nombreuses contraintes et dynamiques sociales ayant cours entre plusieurs acteurs scolaires ou extrascolaires, peuvent constituer un reflet pertinent du contexte éducatif et évaluatif au sein duquel elles s’insèrent. D’un autre côté, d’autres acteurs du milieu scolaire peuvent aussi nous permettre de mieux comprendre les enjeux et mécanismes entourant l’évaluation des apprentissages : les élèves. Comment vivent-ils avec l’évaluation dans le contexte éducatif précis qui les concerne ? S’agit-il d’un passage obligé sans réelles conséquences graves ou d’un processus plus difficilement vécu par ces derniers ? La littérature relève à ce propos plusieurs impacts significatifs de l’évaluation sur les élèves. C’est donc en nous attardant non seulement aux perceptions d’enseignants quant à de tels impacts et aux éléments influençant leurs choix évaluatifs, mais aussi aux pratiques évaluatives autodéclarées de ces acteurs du contexte scolaire que nous avons tenté d’appréhender la culture évaluative de deux contextes bien distincts : celui du Québec et de la Finlande. Cette recherche de maitrise se veut explorer, d’un point de vue sociologique interactionniste, les mécanismes de création et de variation d’une telle culture dans différents contextes ainsi que les possibles retombées de celle-ci sur les élèves. Cette exploration a été permise notamment par un fort désir de recours au terrain nous ayant menés à réaliser des entretiens avec des enseignants issus des deux contextes étudiés. / Learning assessment is a central theme in the school context that preoccupies many actors who are involved in the day-to-day life of classrooms and the practices and decisions that are made within them: Departments of Education, school principals, teachers, students and parents. Concurrently, the concepts of efficiency and performance inherent to neoliberalism (Levasseur, 2006) tend to play an increasingly important role in certain management aspects of the Quebec education system, among others (Duclos, 2014). In other education systems, such as Finland’s, it is rather the emphasis on the learning process and supporting the student in this process through evaluation that apparently emerges from the educational discourse. Since learning assessment practices are subject to numerous constraints and social dynamics between several school or out-of-school actors, they can accurately reflect the educational and assessment context in which they are used. However, there are other actors in the school environment can also help us better understand the issues and mechanisms surrounding learning assessment: the students themselves. How do they cope with evaluation in the specific educational context that concerns them? Is it an obligatory step with no real serious consequences, or is it a process that is more difficult for them? In this regard, the literature identifies several significant impacts of evaluation on students. By focusing not only on teachers’ perceptions of such impacts and the elements influencing their evaluative choices, but also on the self-declared evaluative practices of these actors in the school context, we have attempted to understand the evaluative culture of two very distinct contexts: Quebec and Finland. This master’s research aims to explore, from a sociological interactionist point of view, the creation and variation mechanisms of such a culture in different contexts as well as the possible repercussions of this culture on the students. This exploration was made possible by a strong desire to do fieldwork, which led us to conduct interviews with teachers from the two contexts studied.

You Are What You’re Wearing : An Analysis of Strategies Promoting for an Environmentally Sustainable Fashion Industry / Du Är Vad Du Har På Dig : En Analys av Strategier som Främjar för en Miljömässigt Hållbar Modeindustri

Lindgren, Kristina January 2022 (has links)
The fashion industry's progress towards sustainability is often a complex journey and changes within the industry, both ongoing changes and those required to achieve sustainability, cannot be singled out as something only of material considerations or bound to a specific stage within a lifecycle. This paper examines how a selection of environmentally inclined sustainability strategies within the fashion industry, contributes to or counteracts the industry's progress towards environmental sustainability. Including the overall work towards a sustainable development. The aim is also to understand how to lead the fashion industry toward an environmentally sustainable development and understand how sufficient they are in their current work. Strategies that aim to improve the environmental sustainability within the fashion industry are plenty, which can cover large and significant parts of the industry. Many depart from innovative approaches and aim to bring significant change and contribution to the fashion industry's work toward sustainable development. As concluded within this study, one strategy is not enough to solve the entire sustainability conundrum, since each strategy has proven to contribute with significant environmental impact reduction potentials, however the resulting environmental impacts' counteractions are equally significant. Thus, the most considerable potential for environmental sustainability can be gained when combining various strategies and implementing them during certain stages - because where one strategy is lacking, another can contribute, complement and/or reinforce. / Modebranschens framsteg mot hållbarhet är oftast en komplex resa. Förändringar inom branschen, både pågående förändringar och de som krävs för att uppnå hållbarhet, kan inte pekas ut som något enbart materiellt eller bundet till ett specifikt skede i en livscykel. Denna studie undersöker hur ett urval av miljöanpassade hållbarhetsstrategier inom modebranschen bidrar till eller motverkar branschens framsteg mot miljömässig hållbarhet. Syftet med studien är att delvis förstå hur man leder modebranschen mot en miljömässigt hållbar utveckling samt förstå hur tillräckliga de är i sitt nuvarande arbete.  Det finns ett antal strategier som syftar till att förbättra den miljömässiga hållbarheten inom modebranschen och kan täcka stora samt betydande delar av branschen. Många vilka utgår från innovativa tillvägagångssätt som strävar efter att åstadkomma betydande förändringar och bidrag till modebranschens arbete mot hållbar utveckling. Slutsatsen i denna studie är det inte är tillräckligt med en strategi för att lösa hela hållbarhetsproblemet, eftersom varje strategi inom denna studie har visat sig bidra med betydande potential för att minska miljöpåverkan, men även resulterat till lika betydande motverkningar. Den största potentialen för miljömässig hållbarhet är när man kombinerar olika strategier och implementerar dem under vissa skeden.

Exploring organisational discrimination in a South African mine / Gerhard Cornelius van Dyk

Van Dyk, Gerhard Cornelius January 2015 (has links)
The general purpose of this study was to explore the perception of discrimination under the middle managers in a selected South African mining company, as well as the associated impacts thereof on the individual and organisation. Although discrimination is a global phenomenon with a vast amount of scientific studies conducted on this topic, literature remains rather silent on the prevalence of discrimination among middle managers; especially within the South African mining industry. Organisational discrimination is defined as actions within an organisation which are biased towards certain individuals or groups. Literature suggests that discrimination is still very prevalent within organisations, both locally and internationally. It is typically influenced by aspects such as culture, and human resources practices and systems. The impacts are widespread with specific impacts on the individual’s mental or physical health, as well as productivity. South Africa however implemented a plethora of legislative measures to redress past inequalities and eliminate discrimination in its current form. This study followed a qualitative approach by means of a survey conducted through an open-ended questionnaire. The results indicated a high personal experience of discrimination within the specific mining company amongst the middle management team members. Their perception of discrimination towards their colleagues was also measured as above average. This exposure to discrimination impacted on their productivity and to a lesser extent on their personal well-being. Their perception of the potential impacts of this discrimination was reportedly higher than their actual experience thereof. The main discriminatory actions associated with this perception was centred on the notion, namely that middle managers were not recognised nor rewarded within this company. General benefits were withheld and expected promotions denied. The study’s results also confirm the perception that discrimination towards the middle management team will ultimately impact on the company’s overall performance. The study suggests that this high level, as well as the specific types of discrimination within this mining company, is related to a company specific culture. It further suggests that it is also exacerbated by the current socio-political reforms within the South African mining industry. The study concludes by suggesting that the perception of discrimination within a company is as harmful as the event itself, and should therefore form an integral part of any internal programme aimed at addressing this issue. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Exploring organisational discrimination in a South African mine / Gerhard Cornelius van Dyk

Van Dyk, Gerhard Cornelius January 2015 (has links)
The general purpose of this study was to explore the perception of discrimination under the middle managers in a selected South African mining company, as well as the associated impacts thereof on the individual and organisation. Although discrimination is a global phenomenon with a vast amount of scientific studies conducted on this topic, literature remains rather silent on the prevalence of discrimination among middle managers; especially within the South African mining industry. Organisational discrimination is defined as actions within an organisation which are biased towards certain individuals or groups. Literature suggests that discrimination is still very prevalent within organisations, both locally and internationally. It is typically influenced by aspects such as culture, and human resources practices and systems. The impacts are widespread with specific impacts on the individual’s mental or physical health, as well as productivity. South Africa however implemented a plethora of legislative measures to redress past inequalities and eliminate discrimination in its current form. This study followed a qualitative approach by means of a survey conducted through an open-ended questionnaire. The results indicated a high personal experience of discrimination within the specific mining company amongst the middle management team members. Their perception of discrimination towards their colleagues was also measured as above average. This exposure to discrimination impacted on their productivity and to a lesser extent on their personal well-being. Their perception of the potential impacts of this discrimination was reportedly higher than their actual experience thereof. The main discriminatory actions associated with this perception was centred on the notion, namely that middle managers were not recognised nor rewarded within this company. General benefits were withheld and expected promotions denied. The study’s results also confirm the perception that discrimination towards the middle management team will ultimately impact on the company’s overall performance. The study suggests that this high level, as well as the specific types of discrimination within this mining company, is related to a company specific culture. It further suggests that it is also exacerbated by the current socio-political reforms within the South African mining industry. The study concludes by suggesting that the perception of discrimination within a company is as harmful as the event itself, and should therefore form an integral part of any internal programme aimed at addressing this issue. / MBA, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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