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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using the FRDPARRC design methodology to drive innovation in the HETDEX PFIP support adjustable strut assembly

Molina, Homar 16 February 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides background information on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), HET Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX), Gough-Stewart platforms (GSP), the Prime Focus Instrument Package (PFIP) support structure, and the design methodology used to design said support structure. Each component is analyzed from the point of view of Professor Alex Slocum’s FRDPARRC design methodology. Each aspect of the design is shown to have been derived by following the steps of Slocum’s design method. Material selection, manufacturing techniques, and integration of off-the-shelf components into the support system are also discussed in reference to FRDPARRC. The assembly procedure for the PFIP structure is outlined. Finally, using specific examples from the detailed design, the FRDPARRC method itself is analyzed and its ability to drive innovation in design is evaluated. / text

Towards a design methodology to support social networks of residents in inner-city apartment buildings

Foth, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
This PhD study is at the intersection of people, place and technology and pioneers innovative development approaches towards interactive social networking systems informed by community, social and urban studies and employs human-centred and participatory design methods. The project delivers a greater understanding of the potential for internet-based systems to support and facilitate social networks of urban residents and the role of those networks to foster neighbourhood identity and social capital. Departing from conventional notions that regard communities as collectives, this study builds upon more contemporary interpretations of community inherent in Castells’ and Wellman’s theories of the network society and networked individualism. The thesis challenges the view that a mere re-appropriation of applications used to support dispersed virtual communities of interest is adequate to meet the place and proximity-based design requirements that community networks in urban neighbourhoods pose. The overarching principal research aim of the study is to propose new ways of conceptualising the roles of social networks of urban residents to better inform the design of new technology facilitating urban neighbourhood developments. Addressing this aim requires a new understanding of the roles of social networks of urban residents. The study sets out to critique the implicit theories underlying technology design in this area and to propose a more appropriate theory based on recent developments in the field and empirical findings from the study. The key research questions are: 1. What theoretical model can better represent social interaction of residents in inner-city apartment buildings? 2. How can relevant research methods be adapted to take the network qualities of social interactions into account? 3. What are the implications of a new understanding of social networks for the design of technology that supports the growth of neighbourhoods? 4. What are the implications of a new understanding of social networks for an urban architecture that supports the growth of neighbourhoods? Within a framework of action research, the study follows a case study approach of three different inner-city residential apartment complexes in Brisbane. Research methods are mostly qualitative and ethnographic and include surveys, focus groups, participant observation and interviews, as well as participatory design. The study delivers innovative outcomes on three levels: 1. Theoretical innovation with an analytical translation of Wellman’s notion of networked individualism and a conceptualisation of the communicative ecology model into the context of system design that supports social networks of residents in inner-city apartment buildings; 2. Methodological innovation with the presentation of Network Action Research, an addition to the action research family which pays particular attention to the network quality of social formations in communities; 3. Empirical innovation with research findings which indicate that the key factors influencing the successful design and uptake of interactive systems to support social networks in urban neighbourhoods. They include the swarming social behaviour of urban dwellers, the dynamics of their existing communicative ecology, and the serendipitous, voluntary and place-based quality of interaction between residents on the basis of choice, like-mindedness, mutual interest and support needs. Findings are presented in three parts to audiences interested in people, technology and place. Drawing on social, urban and computer sciences, this research project delivers insights which will assist efforts to facilitate urban neighbourhood community building with new media and network ICTs. Understanding the issues and challenges as well as opportunities and strengths in forming a local meshwork of social networks will help Australians negotiate the complex web of daily choices, access a greater social safety net, and participate in the socio-cultural and socio-economic life of their city. This in turn will contribute to greater social inclusion, urban sustainability and healthier local economies.

Βέλτιστος σχεδιασμός του αντιστροφέα ρεύματος Flyback για εφαρμογή του σε φωτοβολταϊκά πλαίσια εναλλασσόμενου ρεύματος

Νανάκος, Αναστάσιος 06 December 2013 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή αναφέρεται σε οικιακά Φ/Β συστήματα συνδεδεμένα στο δίκτυο χαμηλής τάσης, τα οποία αξιοποιούν την τεχνολογία των Φ/Β Πλαισίων Εναλλασσομένου Ρεύματος (Φ/Β Πλαίσια Ε.Ρ. – AC-PV Modules). Πρόκειται για Φ/Β διατάξεις μικρής ισχύος (έως 300W), οι οποίες δημιουργούνται από την ενσωμάτωση ενός μόνο Φ/Β πλαισίου και ενός μετατροπέα (ενός η πολλών σταδίων) συνεχούς τάσης σε μονοφασική εναλλασσόμενη τάση, σε μια αυτοτελή ηλεκτρονική διάταξη. Για το λόγο αυτό ονομάζονται και Φ/Β πλαίσια με ενσωματωμένο μετατροπέα (Module Integrated Converters, MIC). Στα συστήματα αυτά οι απαιτήσεις για επίτευξη υψηλού βαθμού απόδοσης, για την καλύτερη εκμετάλλευση της παρεχόμενης ηλιακής ενέργειας, καθώς και ρεύματος ημιτονοειδούς μορφής στην έξοδο είναι αδιαμφισβήτητες. Βασικός σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η συμβολή της στον τομέα των Φ/Β μονάδων διεσπαρμένης παραγωγής και επικεντρώνεται στην ενδελεχή ανάλυση, στη βελτιστοποίηση της λειτουργικής συμπεριφοράς, στον υπολογισμό των απωλειών στα στοιχεία του μετατροπέα, στην παραμετροποίηση και τελικά στο βέλτιστο σχεδιασμό ενός αντιστροφέα ρεύματος τύπου Flybcak (Flyback Current Source Inverter – Flyback CSI). Οι κύριοι στόχοι που έπρεπε να εκπληρωθούν για την ολοκλήρωση της παρούσας διατριβής ήταν:  Η ενδελεχής ανάλυση της λειτουργίας του αντιστροφέα για δύο διαφορετικές στρατηγικές ελέγχου που εφαρμόζονται σε αυτόν.  Ο κατά το δυνατόν ακριβέστερος υπολογισμός των απωλειών στα στοιχεία του Flyback CSI, καθώς και η παραμετροποίηση των σχέσεων αυτών.  Ο βέλτιστος σχεδιασμός του Flyback CSI, ο οποίος βασίζεται στη διατύπωση της μεγιστοποίησης του σταθμισμένου βαθμού απόδοσης ως πρόβλημα βελτιστοποίησης.  Η υλοποίηση του ελέγχου της λειτουργίας του μετατροπέα μέσω ψηφιακού μικροελεγκτή, καταργώντας τον ήδη υφιστάμενο αναλογικό έλεγχο. Αρχικά η μελέτη επικεντρώνεται σε μία πρώτη τεχνική ελέγχου, η οποία ωθεί τον μετατροπέα να λειτουργεί στην περιοχή της ασυνεχούς αγωγής (Discontinuous Conduction Mode, DCM). Στη συνέχεια προτείνεται μία δεύτερη τεχνική ελέγχου η οποία, αφ' ενός μεν αναγκάζει το μετατροπέα να λειτουργεί στο όριο συνεχούς και ασυνεχούς αγωγής (Boundary between Continuous and Discontinuous Conduction Mode, BCM), αφ' ετέρου δε παρέχει καθαρά ημιτονοειδές ρεύμα στην έξοδο. Με την προτεινόμενη νέα τεχνική ελέγχου, που ονομάσθηκε i-BCM (improved BCM) και αποτελεί βελτίωση της υπάρχουσας στη βιβλιογραφία τεχνικής ελέγχου BCM, βελτιώνεται σημαντικά ο συντελεστής ισχύος στην έξοδο του αντιστροφέα, παρέχοντας στο δίκτυο καθαρά ημιτονοειδές ρεύμα. Οι δύο διαφορετικές στρατηγικές ελέγχου διαμορφώνουν διαφορετικές κυκλωματικές συνθήκες. Για τις δύο περιπτώσεις αναπτύσσονται αναλυτικές εκφράσεις τόσο για τη μέση, όσο και για την ενεργό τιμή των ρευμάτων που διαρρέουν όλα τα στοιχεία του μετατροπέα (ημιαγωγικά στοιχεία, Μ/Σ κλπ). Επιπρόσθετα, εξάγονται κριτήρια για τα ασφαλή όρια λειτουργίας του μετατροπέα με γνώμονα την καταπόνηση των ημιαγωγικών στοιχείων ισχύος από υψηλές τιμές τάσης και ρεύματος. Ιδιαίτερο βάρος δίνεται στον υπολογισμό της διακύμανσης της τάσης του πυκνωτή του φίλτρου εξόδου, η οποία αναπτύσσεται και πάνω στα ημιαγωγικά στοιχεία του μετατροπέα, επηρεάζοντας την επιλογή τους. Στην συνέχεια, προσδιορίζονται μέσω αναλυτικών μαθηματικών σχέσεων οι απώλειες αγωγής και οι διακοπτικές απώλειες των ημιαγωγικών στοιχείων και προσεγγίζονται, με ιδιαίτερη λεπτομέρεια, οι απώλειες του μετασχηματιστή (τυλιγμάτων και πυρήνα) και για τις δύο προαναφερθείσες στρατηγικές ελέγχου, δεδομένου ότι η διακοπτική συχνότητα λειτουργίας του μετατροπέα είναι υψηλή. Για το λόγο αυτό απαιτείται εις βάθος μελέτη της υπάρχουσας βιβλιογραφίας, επιλογή ή επινόηση των κατάλληλων μοντέλων απωλειών σε ένα Μ/Σ (πυρήνα και χαλκού) και προσήκουσα προσαρμογή αυτών στις κυκλωματικές συνθήκες του αντιστροφέα Flyback. Παράλληλα με την ανάλυση των απωλειών πραγματοποιείται και η παραμετροποίηση του συστήματος. Η διαδικασία αυτή στηρίζεται στη διαχείριση των εξισώσεων κατά τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε να προσδιορίζονται όλες οι μεταβλητές και οι σταθερές του μετατροπέα, καθώς και οι παράμετροι από τις οποίες εξαρτώνται οι απώλειες, με τον απλούστερο δυνατό τρόπο. Συνεπώς, έχει δοθεί ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην διαχείριση των αναλυτικών σχέσεων ώστε οι απώλειες, χωρίς έκπτωση στην ακρίβεια, να εξαρτώνται από τον ελάχιστο δυνατό αριθμό παραμέτρων. Με αυτό τον τρόπο η μελέτη είναι πλήρης αλλά περιορίζεται η πολυπλοκότητα, με αποτέλεσμα να προκύπτουν μόνο τέσσερις ανεξάρτητες σχεδιαστικές μεταβλητές. Στο επόμενο στάδιο, πραγματοποιείται ο βέλτιστος σχεδιασμός του Flyback CSI, ο οποίος βασίζεται στη διατύπωση της μεγιστοποίησης του σταθμισμένου βαθμού απόδοσης ως πρόβλημα βελτιστοποίησης. Αυτό, πρακτικά, σημαίνει τον προσδιορισμό της αντικειμενικής συνάρτησης (objective ή cost function), των σχεδιαστικών μεταβλητών και σταθερών, των περιοριστικών συνθηκών και τον ορισμό του πεδίου τιμών αυτών. Ο σταθμισμένος βαθμός απόδοσης αποτελεί την αντικειμενική συνάρτηση, ενώ οι προδιαγραφές εισόδου και εξόδου του μετατροπέα αποτελούν τις σχεδιαστικές σταθερές.. Με τη χρήση μίας στοχαστικής μεθόδου βελτιστοποίησης, η οποία αναδείχτηκε ως η πιο κατάλληλη έπειτα από εκτεταμένη βιβλιογραφική αναζήτηση, προσδιορίζονται οι τιμές των τεσσάρων σχεδιαστικών μεταβλητών και επιτυγχάνεται ο μέγιστος δυνατός σταθμισμένος βαθμός απόδοσης. Η επίτευξη του στόχου ολοκληρώνεται με την ανάπτυξη ενός νέου επαναληπτικού αλγορίθμου, με τον οποίο, βάσει των εξισώσεων των απωλειών, επιτυγχάνεται ο βέλτιστος σχεδιασμός του Flyback CSI και για τις δύο διαφορετικές τεχνικές ελέγχου. Επιπροσθέτως, υλοποιείται ο έλεγχος της λειτουργίας του μετατροπέα μέσω ψηφιακού μικροελεγκτή, καταργώντας τον ήδη υφιστάμενο αναλογικό έλεγχο. Η αλλαγή της φιλοσοφίας υλοποίησης του ελέγχου προσφέρει μεγαλύτερη ευελιξία και ανεξάντλητες δυνατότητες στην κατάστρωση και υιοθέτηση διαφορετικών στρατηγικών ελέγχου. Ιδιαίτερα, κατά τη λειτουργία στο όριο μεταξύ συνεχούς και ασυνεχούς αγωγής (i-BCM), με κατάλληλο προγραμματισμό του μικροελεγκτή εξαλείφεται η ανάγκη για μέτρηση των ρευμάτων στα τυλίγματα του μετασχηματιστή. Ο μικροελεγκτής που χρησιμοποιείται είναι ο dspic30F4011 της εταιρείας Microchip ο οποίος διαθέτει μεγάλη υπολογιστική ικανότητα και μία πληθώρα περιφερειακών που επιτρέπουν αυτοματοποίηση κάποιων λειτουργιών, όπως η διαδικασία σύνδεσης και αποσύνδεσης με το δίκτυο και η δυνατότητα ενσωμάτωσης της μονάδας ανίχνευσης του μέγιστου σημείου ισχύος (M.P.P.T) της Φ/Β γεννήτριας στην ίδια ψηφιακή μονάδα. Τέλος, υλοποιήθηκαν εργαστηριακά πρωτότυπα με βάση τις βέλτιστες παραμέτρους που υπολογίσθηκαν σε κάθε περίπτωση σύμφωνα την προτεινόμενη μέθοδο βελτιστοποίησης και ακολούθησε πειραματική επιβεβαίωση με χρήση ενός αναλυτή ισχύος υψηλής ακρίβειας, για την επιβεβαίωση των θεωρητικών προσεγγίσεων. Επιπλέον, μελετήθηκε η ευεργετική επίδραση της συνδυαστικής χρήσης των δύο τεχνικών ελέγχου στην πυκνότητα ισχύος / This thesis pertains to domestic on-grid PV systems that utilize the AC-PV Modules technology. These low power PV topologies (up to 300W) are implemented by integrating one PV Module and a single phase inverter (one or multi stage), in one independent electronic apparatus. For this reason they are called Module Integrated Converters (MIC). The most important requirements for these systems are the higher possible efficiency - in order to take advantage of the supplied solar energy – and the pure sinusoidal output current. The main purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the field of the dispersed PV power generation. Thus, it focuses on the thorough analysis, the behaviour optimization, the components losses estimation, the parameterization and finally the optimal design of Flyback current source inverter (Flyback CSI). The main objectives fulfilled in this thesis are: • The detailed analysis of the inverter behaviour for two different semiconductor control strategies. • The precise losses calculation of all the components of the Flyback CSI. • The optimal design of the Flyback CSI, which is based on maximizing the weighted efficiency. • The implementation of the semiconductor control via a digital microcontroller, eliminating the existing analogue control. Initially, the study focuses on a first control technique that forces the inverter to function in Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). On the other hand, a second control technique that forces the inverter to function on the Boundary between Continuous and Discontinuous Mode (BCM) is proposed. This new control technique is named i-BCM (improved BCM) and it is an improved version of the BCM control technique found in the literature. This new control scheme significantly improves the power factor of the inverter output. The inverter injects pure sinusoidal current to the grid. The two different control strategies form different circuit conditions. Analytical expressions for the average and the rms value of the current, flowing through the components (semiconductors, transformers e.t.c), for both cases are developed. In addition, new operating boundaries of the semiconductors for the safe operation of the inverter based on the analysis of the voltage and current that stresses the semiconductors, are proposed. Special attention is given on the calculation of the voltage deviation on the output filter capacitor. This voltage deviation is caused by the switching operation of the inverter and affects the selection of the semiconductors and the voltage level that can handle. Furthermore, the conduction losses and the switching losses of the semiconductors are determined through analytical, mathematical equations. Because of the inverter high switching frequency, the transformer losses (copper and core), are calculated with special attention to detail. For this reason, an in depth examination of the existing literature takes place that leads to the selection of the appropriate core and copper loss models. The models are adequately adjusted to the circuit conditions of the Flyback inverter topology. The system is parameterized along with the losses analysis. All the equations are manipulated in such a way that simplifies the determination of all the variables and all the constants of the inverter and the loss dependent parameters. Consequently, special emphasis is given to the manipulation of the analytical equations, without affecting the accuracy, in order to express the losses using the minimum number of independent variables. Therefore, the study is complete but the complexity is eliminated and the independent design variables are only four. The optimization problem is the maximization of the weighted efficiency. The optimal design of the Flyback CSI is implemented based on this formulation. As a next step, the objective (or cost) function, the design variables and constants, the constraints and their range need to be defined. The weighted efficiency is the objective function whereas the input and the output specifications of the inverter are the design constants. After an extensive literature research, a stochastic optimization method is chosen as the most appropriate to determine the values of the four design variables in order to achieve the highest weighted efficiency. A new iterative algorithm, which uses the losses equations, is developed to achieve the optimal design of the Flyback CSI for both control strategies. Moreover, the control of the inverter is implemented via a digital microcontroller, eliminating the existing analogue control. This changes the way of controlling the inverter and offers flexibility and limitless possibilities in implementing and adopting various control strategies. Specifically, under the i-BCM control scheme, the need for measuring the current of the transformer windings is eliminated by using an appropriate algorithm. The microcontroller used in this research is dspic30F4011 developed by Microchip. Its good computational capacity and the variety of peripherals enable the automation of some functions such as connection and disconnection from the grid and the integration of the maximum power point tracking (M.P.P.T.) on the same digital unit. Finally, laboratory prototypes are implemented, based on the optimal parameters calculated for every case, using the proposed optimization method. The experimental procedure confirmed the theoretical approximations. A high precision power analyser was used. Furthermore, the beneficial effect of the combined use of the two control power techniques on the power density is also studied.

Metodologia de projeto de atuador eletromagnético linear para sistemas de suspensão semiativa e ativa

Eckert, Paulo Roberto January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de projeto de atuadores eletromagnéticos lineares inovadora para aplicação em sistemas de suspensão semiativa e ativa. A metodologia, apresentada na forma de fluxograma, define critérios para determinar os requisitos de força e curso que um atuador deve desenvolver considerando um sistema mecânico vibratório com um grau de liberdade com excitação harmônica de base quando o método de controle skyhook é aplicado. Um atuador eletromagnético linear de bobina móvel com duplo arranjo de quase-Halbach que apresenta elevada densidade de força, reduzida massa móvel, ausência de força de relutância e baixa ondulação de força é definido como estudo de caso. Um modelo numérico parametrizado em elementos finitos do comportamento eletromagnético de um passo polar do dispositivo é criado e analisado, considerando restrições dimensionais, com os objetivos de projeto definidos como: elevada densidade de força e reduzida ondulação de força com acionamento brushless CA. Com base no modelo de um passo polar do dispositivo, define-se o volume ativo que o mesmo deve apresentar e, a partir deste, todas as dimensões são definidas de forma a atender os requisitos de projeto. Uma vez definidas as dimensões do atuador com base no modelo eletromagnético, realiza-se a modelagem térmica numérica que permite avaliar qual a máxima densidade de corrente elétrica aplicável de forma que a temperatura, estipulada como máxima, nos enrolamentos não seja excedida. Ainda, a distribuição térmica permite determinar a temperatura de operação dos ímãs permanentes que têm curva de operação dependente da temperatura. A partir dos resultados da simulação térmica e do modelo eletromagnético para um passo polar, realizou-se o acoplamento eletromagnético-térmico por meio da correção das propriedades dos ímãs permanentes e aplicando uma densidade de corrente eficaz dependente das dimensões do modelo parametrizado. O modelo acoplado é simulado e analisado, de modo que as dimensões finais do atuador podem ser obtidas atendendo aos mesmos objetivos de projeto previamente mencionados, respeitando os limites de operação térmica. Adicionalmente, são apresentados modelos analíticos do comportamento eletromagnético e térmico do atuador que podem servir de base para implementação da metodologia proposta, se esta for baseada em modelos analíticos, e podem futuramente ser empregados para a aplicação de otimização matemática do dispositivo. Por fim, um protótipo do dispositivo é construído de forma a validar a metodologia proposta. Com este protótipo são realizados ensaios de densidade de fluxo magnético no entreferro, tensão induzida a vazio, força estática e ensaio dinâmicos com o dispositivo instalado em uma bancada de testes de vibrações controladas desenvolvida durante o projeto. Os resultados mostram a eficácia da metodologia proposta, uma vez que os resultados experimentais mostraram boa concordância com os resultados esperados. / This work presents an innovative linear electromagnetic actuator design methodology for application in semi-active and active suspension systems. The methodology, synthesized in a flowchart, sets criteria to determine requirements such as axial force and stroke that an actuator should develop considering a vibration system with one degree of freedom with harmonic base excitation when the skyhook control method is applied. A linear moving-coil electromagnetic actuator with dual quasi-Halbach arrays of permanent magnets that presents high force density, low moving-mass, no reluctance force and low force ripple is defined as a case study. A finite element numerical parameterized model that describes the electromagnetic behavior of one pole pitch of the device is created and analyzed, considering dimensional constraints, with the design objectives defined as: high force density and low ripple of force with brushless AC drive. Based on the model of one pole pitch of the device the active volume and all dimensions are defined in order to meet the design requirements. Once the actuator dimensions are defined, based on the electromagnetic model, a numerical thermal model was constructed, which allows to evaluate the maximum applicable electric current density so that the maximum temperature at the windings is not exceeded. Furthermore, the thermal distribution gives the operating temperature of the permanent magnets, which present performance highly dependent on temperature. With the results of the thermal simulation, the electromagnetic-thermal coupling is performed by correcting permanent magnet properties and by applying a parametric-dependent effective current density. The coupled model is simulated and analyzed so that the final dimensions of the actuator can be obtained with the same design objectives previously mentioned, while respecting thermal operating limits. In addition, the work presents analytical models of the electromagnetic and thermal behavior of the actuator that can be the basis for implementation of the proposed methodology, if it is based on analytical models, and can further be used for the application of mathematical optimization of the device. Finally, a prototype was built to validate the proposed method. Measurements were carried out to assess magnetic flux density in the air gap, open-circuit induced voltage, static force and dynamic tests with the device installed in a test bench that was developed during this work. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method since experimental results have shown good agreement with the expected results.

Sentir, perceber, notar e compreender a habitação: a experiência multissensorial no design de interiores – o exemplo de uma residência em Itacimirim - BA

Sarmento, Ana Carolina de Lima 06 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Carolina de Lima Sarmento (carol_sarmento@hotmail.com) on 2018-06-26T16:48:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL DISSERTAÇÃO ANA SARMENTO.pdf: 4193853 bytes, checksum: 411f0e8e77081749a480a2df69ae5228 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Lêda Costa (lmrcosta@ufba.br) on 2018-06-26T17:51:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL DISSERTAÇÃO ANA SARMENTO.pdf: 4193853 bytes, checksum: 411f0e8e77081749a480a2df69ae5228 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-26T17:51:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VERSÃO FINAL DISSERTAÇÃO ANA SARMENTO.pdf: 4193853 bytes, checksum: 411f0e8e77081749a480a2df69ae5228 (MD5) / FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO A PESQUISA DO ESTADO DA BAHIA - FAPESB / Os interiores revelam não só um espaço físico, mas também um ambiente psicológico de valores, gestos e significados. Partindo da problemática “Como diminuir os impactos ambientais em projetos de interiores?”, no presente trabalho, apresenta-se como objetivo geral proporcionar aos designers de interiores uma metodologia de projeto que permita uma antecipação dos impactos ambientais, partindo-se da análise do modelo IDSRS (Indicadores de Design, Sustentabilidade e Responsabilidade Social), desenvolvido por Souza (2007) no contexto do design de produto, que foi adaptado para uso no design de interiores. Com isso, viabiliza a associação desse percurso projetivo e avaliativo dos impactos, pelos atores envolvidos a uma experiência multissensorial voltada ao sentir, perceber, notar e compreender, que se constituem em elementos-chave para a construção de uma percepção ambiental formativa para o processo de tomada de decisões e para a educação ambiental. Esta pesquisa configura-se de natureza exploratória e qualitativa, pois busca familiarizar-se com o tema, reunindo informações sobre as relações existentes entre sustentabilidade e design de interiores. Integram os procedimentos metodológicos da pesquisa: coleta e análise sistemática de dados, levantamento bibliográfico, visitas em loco, estudo de caso descritivo e consolidação do modelo adaptado por meio da teoria fundamentada em dados. O estudo de caso tomou como base a construção de uma residência localizada em Itacimirim – BA, onde foram acompanhadas todas as etapas da construção, desde a concepção do projeto até a sua implementação/execução. O estudo tem como principal contribuição refletir sobre todas as etapas que envolvem o projeto de interiores, adequando esses ambientes aos parâmetros da sustentabilidade. Pretende-se, a partir da utilização do modelo IDSRS adaptado, contribuir com a antecipação dos impactos ambientais e com um ambiente técnico mais definido, estabelecendo claramente o papel de todos os agentes envolvidos. / The interiors reveal not only a physical space, but also a psychological environment of values, gestures and meanings. Starting from the problematic: How to reduce the environmental impacts in interior projects? The objective of this work is to provide interior designers with a design methodology that allows an anticipation of environmental impacts through a model of sustainability indicators. The IDSRS model (Indicators of Design, Sustainability and Social Responsibility), developed by Souza (2007) in the context of product design, was adapted for use in interior design. As specific objectives, we identified the bibliography referring to the practice of sustainability with a cut-out for interior design, described the IDSRS model, adapted to interior design and demonstrated its use in a case study. With this, it makes possible the association of this projective and evaluative course of the impacts, by the involved actors to a multisensorial experience focused on the perception, perceiving, noting and understanding, that are constituted in key elements for the construction of a formative environmental perception for the process of decision-making and environmental education. This research is of an exploratory and qualitative nature, as it seeks to familiarize itself with the theme, gathering information on the relationship between sustainability and interior design. They integrate the methodological procedures of the research: analysis and systematic analysis of data, bibliographic survey, site visits, descriptive case study and a consolidation of the model adapted through the theory based on data. The case study was based on the construction of a residence located in Itacimirim - BA where we follow all stages of construction, from project design to implementation / execution. The main contribution of the study is to reflect on all the steps involved in interior design, adapting these environments to the parameters of sustainability. It intends from its use to contribute with the anticipation of the environmental impacts and with a more defined technical environment, clearly establishing the role of all the agents involved.

Metodologia de projeto de atuador eletromagnético linear para sistemas de suspensão semiativa e ativa

Eckert, Paulo Roberto January 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia de projeto de atuadores eletromagnéticos lineares inovadora para aplicação em sistemas de suspensão semiativa e ativa. A metodologia, apresentada na forma de fluxograma, define critérios para determinar os requisitos de força e curso que um atuador deve desenvolver considerando um sistema mecânico vibratório com um grau de liberdade com excitação harmônica de base quando o método de controle skyhook é aplicado. Um atuador eletromagnético linear de bobina móvel com duplo arranjo de quase-Halbach que apresenta elevada densidade de força, reduzida massa móvel, ausência de força de relutância e baixa ondulação de força é definido como estudo de caso. Um modelo numérico parametrizado em elementos finitos do comportamento eletromagnético de um passo polar do dispositivo é criado e analisado, considerando restrições dimensionais, com os objetivos de projeto definidos como: elevada densidade de força e reduzida ondulação de força com acionamento brushless CA. Com base no modelo de um passo polar do dispositivo, define-se o volume ativo que o mesmo deve apresentar e, a partir deste, todas as dimensões são definidas de forma a atender os requisitos de projeto. Uma vez definidas as dimensões do atuador com base no modelo eletromagnético, realiza-se a modelagem térmica numérica que permite avaliar qual a máxima densidade de corrente elétrica aplicável de forma que a temperatura, estipulada como máxima, nos enrolamentos não seja excedida. Ainda, a distribuição térmica permite determinar a temperatura de operação dos ímãs permanentes que têm curva de operação dependente da temperatura. A partir dos resultados da simulação térmica e do modelo eletromagnético para um passo polar, realizou-se o acoplamento eletromagnético-térmico por meio da correção das propriedades dos ímãs permanentes e aplicando uma densidade de corrente eficaz dependente das dimensões do modelo parametrizado. O modelo acoplado é simulado e analisado, de modo que as dimensões finais do atuador podem ser obtidas atendendo aos mesmos objetivos de projeto previamente mencionados, respeitando os limites de operação térmica. Adicionalmente, são apresentados modelos analíticos do comportamento eletromagnético e térmico do atuador que podem servir de base para implementação da metodologia proposta, se esta for baseada em modelos analíticos, e podem futuramente ser empregados para a aplicação de otimização matemática do dispositivo. Por fim, um protótipo do dispositivo é construído de forma a validar a metodologia proposta. Com este protótipo são realizados ensaios de densidade de fluxo magnético no entreferro, tensão induzida a vazio, força estática e ensaio dinâmicos com o dispositivo instalado em uma bancada de testes de vibrações controladas desenvolvida durante o projeto. Os resultados mostram a eficácia da metodologia proposta, uma vez que os resultados experimentais mostraram boa concordância com os resultados esperados. / This work presents an innovative linear electromagnetic actuator design methodology for application in semi-active and active suspension systems. The methodology, synthesized in a flowchart, sets criteria to determine requirements such as axial force and stroke that an actuator should develop considering a vibration system with one degree of freedom with harmonic base excitation when the skyhook control method is applied. A linear moving-coil electromagnetic actuator with dual quasi-Halbach arrays of permanent magnets that presents high force density, low moving-mass, no reluctance force and low force ripple is defined as a case study. A finite element numerical parameterized model that describes the electromagnetic behavior of one pole pitch of the device is created and analyzed, considering dimensional constraints, with the design objectives defined as: high force density and low ripple of force with brushless AC drive. Based on the model of one pole pitch of the device the active volume and all dimensions are defined in order to meet the design requirements. Once the actuator dimensions are defined, based on the electromagnetic model, a numerical thermal model was constructed, which allows to evaluate the maximum applicable electric current density so that the maximum temperature at the windings is not exceeded. Furthermore, the thermal distribution gives the operating temperature of the permanent magnets, which present performance highly dependent on temperature. With the results of the thermal simulation, the electromagnetic-thermal coupling is performed by correcting permanent magnet properties and by applying a parametric-dependent effective current density. The coupled model is simulated and analyzed so that the final dimensions of the actuator can be obtained with the same design objectives previously mentioned, while respecting thermal operating limits. In addition, the work presents analytical models of the electromagnetic and thermal behavior of the actuator that can be the basis for implementation of the proposed methodology, if it is based on analytical models, and can further be used for the application of mathematical optimization of the device. Finally, a prototype was built to validate the proposed method. Measurements were carried out to assess magnetic flux density in the air gap, open-circuit induced voltage, static force and dynamic tests with the device installed in a test bench that was developed during this work. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method since experimental results have shown good agreement with the expected results.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema dinamicamente reconfigurável baseado em redes intra-chip e ferramenta para posicionamento de módulos. / Development of a dynamically reconfigurable systems under noc and CAD for modules mapping.

Mario Andrés Raffo Jara 05 February 2010 (has links)
Os sistemas dinamicamente reconfiguráveis (SDRs) são uma alternativa para o desenvolvimento de sistemas sobre silício baseados em circuitos programáveis (SoPC), cujo principal beneficio é o bom aproveitamento da área do dispositivo. Sendo neles implementados circuitos que representam as tarefas que devem operar numa etapa específica do tempo de operação do sistema, permitem um menor consumo de área e de energia, parâmetros importantes nos sistemas portáveis. Isto tem gerado muito interesse no que se refere às metodologias de projeto utilizando FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) dinamicamente reconfiguráveis (DRFPGAs) e à definição de um meio de comunicação estruturado para tratar da transferência de dados entre as partes reconfiguráveis e as fixas, mas estas tarefas, assim como a concretização de sua comunicação, seguem sendo ainda essencialmente manuais, devido à falta de metodologias de projeto e ferramentas de CAD que simplifiquem o projeto de SDRs. Este trabalho foca uma das limitações mais efetivas para a adoção da reconfiguração dinâmica: a falta de ferramentas de CAD que suportem o projeto de SDRs, inclusive os baseados em redes intra-chip (NoCs), em particular, no posicionamento dos módulos. Neste trabalho, uma arquitetura para SDRs baseado em NoCs é proposta e um algoritmo de posicionamento dos módulos de um SDR baseado em aspectos reais da família do DRFPGAs é desenvolvido, dentro de uma ferramenta denominada DynoPlace. Desenvolveu-se também um modelo de validação e simulação de SDRs, em tempo de operação, utilizando-se a técnica de chaveamento dinâmico de circuitos. Para o estudo do caso, de validação da arquitetura e metodologia, propõe-se uma aplicação teste baseada em computação de operações aritméticas. A metodologia de simulação permite determinar o tempo da reconfiguração e verificar o comportamento do SDR no momento da reconfiguração. A ferramenta DynoPlace permite gerar os arquivos de restrição de usuário (UCF) de posicionamento dos módulos do SDR no DRFPGA Virtex-4LX25. Este contém informações do posicionamento dos módulos do sistema, dos dispositivos usados para as entradas e saídas do sistema além do posicionamento dos bus-macros. Com os arquivos gerados pela metodologia e ferramenta DynoPlace, pode-se executar com sucesso os scripts da metodologia Early Access da Xilinx para gerar o SDR de forma automática. / Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems (DRSs) are an alternative for developing Systems on a Programmable Chip (SoPC), being the efficient use of device\'s area one of its main advantages. Circuits implemented as DRSs represent tasks which must be active in specific times into the system operation, allowing area and energy saving, which is an important goal for portable systems. This has generated interests on the design methodology using Dynamically Reconfigurable Field Programmable Gate Arrays (DRFPGAs) and on the definition of communication systems for handling data transfer between static and reconfigurable partitions. However, these tasks, as well as the communication structure, are still carried out manually due to lack of design methodologies and CAD tools applied to DRSs design. This work focuses on the one of main drawbacks to the adoption of dynamic reconfiguration methods: the absence of CAD tools which support DRS designs, specifically, in the module positioning task, included, for those based on Network-on-Chip (NoCs). In this work, an architecture for DRSs based on NoCs is presented and an algorithm for module positioning is developed in a tool called DynoPlace as well, based on real specifications of DRFPGAs families. It is also developed a run-time simulation and validation model for DRSs, through a dynamic circuit switching technique. For the validation of architecture and methodology study case, an application test based on arithmetic operations has been proposed. The simulations methodology allows to determine the reconfiguration time and verify the DRS behavior at the moment of reconfiguration. The DynoPlace tool allows to generate User Constraint File (UCF) of DRS\'s modules positioning for the DRFPGA Virtex-4LX25. This file contains information of modules positioning in the system, of the devices used for inputs and outputs of the system, and the positioning of bus-macros. After the files generation by the methodology, and the DynoPlace tool, it is possible to successfully execute the Early Access scripts for generating the DRS automatically.

Contribution des systèmes sur puce basés sur FPGA pour les applications embarquées d’entraînement électrique / Contribution of FPGA-based System-on-Chip controllers for embedded AC drive applications

Bahri, Imen 29 November 2011 (has links)
La conception des systèmes de contrôle embarqués devient de plus en plus complexe en raison des algorithmes utilisés, de l'augmentation des besoins industriels et de la nature des domaines d'applications. Une façon de gérer cette complexité est de concevoir les contrôleurs correspondant en se basant sur des plateformes numériques puissantes et ouvertes. Plus précisément, cette thèse s'intéresse à l'utilisation des plateformes FPGA System-on-Chip (SoC) pour la mise en œuvre des algorithmes d'entraînement électrique pour des applications avioniques. Ces dernières sont caractérisées par des difficultés techniques telles que leur environnement de travail (pression, température élevée) et les exigences de performance (le haut degré d'intégration, la flexibilité). Durant cette thèse, l'auteur a contribué à concevoir et à tester un contrôleur numérique pour un variateur de vitesse synchrone qui doit fonctionner à 200 °C de température ambiante. Il s'agit d'une commande par flux orienté (FOC) pour une Machine Synchrone à Aimants Permanents (MSAP) associée à un capteur de type résolveur. Une méthode de conception et de validation a été proposée et testée en utilisant une carte FPGA ProAsicPlus de la société Actel/Microsemi. L'impact de la température sur la fréquence de fonctionnement a également été analysé. Un état de l'art des technologies basées sur les SoC sur FPGA a été également présenté. Une description détaillée des plateformes numériques récentes et les contraintes en lien avec les applications embarquées a été également fourni. Ainsi, l'intérêt d'une approche basée sur SoC pour des applications d'entrainements électriques a été démontré. D'un autre coté et pour profiter pleinement des avantages offertes par les SoC, une méthodologie de Co-conception matériel-logiciel (hardware-software (HW-SW)) pour le contrôle d'entraînement électrique a été proposée. Cette méthode couvre l'ensemble des étapes de développement de l'application de contrôle à partir des spécifications jusqu'à la validation expérimentale. Une des principales étapes de cette méthode est le partitionnement HW-SW. Le but est de trouver une combinaison optimale entre les modules à mettre en œuvre dans la partie logiciel et celles qui doivent être mis en œuvre dans la partie matériel. Ce problème d'optimisation multi-objectif a été réalisé en utilisant l'algorithme de génétique, Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). Ainsi, un Front de Pareto des solutions optimales peut être déduit. L'illustration de la méthodologie proposée a été effectuée en se basant sur l'exemple du régulateur de vitesse sans capteur utilisant le filtre de Kalman étendu (EKF). Le choix de cet exemple correspond à une tendance majeure dans le domaine des contrôleurs embraqués pour entrainements électriques. Par ailleurs, la gestion de l'architecture du contrôleur embarqué basée sur une approche SoC a été effectuée en utilisant un système d'exploitation temps réel. Afin d'accélérer les services de ce système d'exploitation, une unité temps réel a été développée en VHDL et associée au système d'exploitation. Il s'agit de placer les services d'ordonnanceur et des processus de communication du système d'exploitation logiciel au matériel. Ceci a permis une accélération significative du traitement. La validation expérimentale d'un contrôleur du courant a été effectuée en utilisant un banc de test du laboratoire. Les résultats obtenus prouvent l'intérêt de l'approche proposée. / Designing embedded control systems becomes increasingly complex due to the growing of algorithm complexity, the rising of industrials requirements and the nature of application domains. One way to handle with this complexity is to design the corresponding controllers on performing powerful and open digital platforms. More specifically, this PhD deals with the use of FPGA System-on-Chip (SoC) platforms for the implementation of complex AC drive controllers for avionic applications. These latters are characterized by stringent technical issues such as environment conditions (pressure, high temperature) and high performance requirements (high integration, flexibility and efficiency). During this thesis, the author has contributed to design and to test a digital controller for a high temperature synchronous drive that must operate at 200°C ambient. It consists on the Flux Oriented Controller (FOC) for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine (PMSM) associated with a Resolver sensor. A design and validation method has been proposed and tested using a FPGA ProAsicPlus board from Actel-Microsemi Company. The impact of the temperature on the operating frequency has been also analyzed. A state of the art FPGA SoC technology has been also presented. A detailed description of the recent digital platforms and constraints in link with embedded applications was investigated. Thus, the interest of a SoC-based approach for AC drives applications was also established. Additionally and to have full advantages of a SoC based approach, an appropriate HW-SW Co-design methodology for electrical AC drive has been proposed. This method covers the whole development steps of the control application from the specifications to the final experimental validation. One of the main important steps of this method is the HW-SW partitioning. The goal is to find an optimal combination between modules to be implemented in software and those to be implemented in hardware. This multi-objective optimization problem was performed with the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II). Thus, the Pareto-Front of optimal solution can be deduced. The illustration of the proposed Co-design methodology was made based on the sensorless speed controller using the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The choice of this benchmark corresponds to a major trend in embedded control of AC drives. Besides, the management of SoC-based architecture of the embedded controller was allowed using an efficient Real-Time Operating System (RTOS). To accelerate the services of this operating system, a Real-Time Unit (RTU) was developed in VHDL and associated to the RTOS. It consists in hardware operating system that moves the scheduling and communication process from software RTOS to hardware. Thus, a significant acceleration has been achieved. The experimentation tests based on digital current controller were also carried out using a laboratory set-up. The obtained results prove the interest of the proposed approach.

Séparation électrostatique des mélanges de matériaux isolants granulaires dans des dispositifs à lit fluidisés / Electrostatic separation of mixed granular insulating materials in fluidized-bed devices

Bilici, Mihai Alexandru 16 December 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs types de dispositifs mécaniques (à vibration, à cylindre tournant, à lit fluidisé) mettant en jeu l'effet triboélectrique sont actuellement utilisés pour charger électriquement les constituants des mélanges de matériaux isolants granulaires, en vue de leur séparation dans un champ électrique intense. La non-uniformité de la charge des granules à la sortie de ces dispositifs affecte l'efficacité de la séparation, d'où l'intérêt des recherches visant la mise au point de procédés électrostatiques nouveaux, notamment pour des applications dans le domaine du recyclage des déchets. L'utilisation simultanée de l'effet triboélectrique, de la force de Coulomb et de la force d'image électrique est la solution innovante selon laquelle ont été conçus les quatre dispositifs à lit fluidisés réalisés ou améliorés dans le cadre de cette thèse. L'évaluation des performances de ces dispositifs a été rendue possible par la mise en oeuvre de systèmes de mesure complexes, permettant l'enregistrement continu et simultané des charges et des masses des produits de la séparation. Ainsi, la méthode des plans d'expériences pour surfaces de réponse a pu être utilisée pour modéliser le processus de séparation et déterminer les valeurs optimales des variables de contrôle de chacun des dispositifs, tels que le niveau de la haute tension d'alimentation ou la vitesse de l'air de fluidisation. Les résultats obtenus sur les installations de laboratoire et sur un prototype préindustriel recommandent cette classe de procédés tribo-aéro-électrostatiques comme la solution de choix pour le recyclage des déchets granulaires d'équipements électriques et électroniques. / Several types of mechanical devices (vibratory trays, rotating drums, fluidized beds) make use of the triboelectric effect for electrically charge the constituents of insulating materials granular mixtures, in view of their separation in a high-intensity electric field. The non-uniformity of granule charge at the exit of these devices adversely affects the separation efficiency, justifying the researches aimed at the development of novel electrostatic processes, mainly for applications in the field of waste recycling. Simultaneous usage of the triboelectric effect, the Coulomb force and the electric image force is an innovative technical solution according to which four fluidized bed devices were built or improved within the framework of this thesis. The performances of these devices could be evaluated by setting up complex measurement systems that enable the continuous and simultaneous recording of the charges and masses of the separated products. Thus, the experimental design methodology could be used for modeling the separation process and identify the optimum values of the control variables of each device, such as the high voltage level of the speed of the fluidization air. The results obtained on laboratory devices as well on an semi-industrial pilot installation recommend this class of tribo-aero-electrostatic separation processes as the solution of choice for the selective sorting of plastics from waste electric and electronic equipment.

The design of physical and logical topologies for wide-area WDM optical networks

Gazendam, Albert Dirk 29 March 2004 (has links)
The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the factors that influence the design of wide-area wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. Wide-area networks are presented as communication networks capable of transporting voice and data communication over large geographical areas. These networks typically span a whole country, region or even continent.The rapid development and maturation of WDM technology over the last decade have been well-received commercially and warrants the development of skills in the field of optical network design.The fundamental purpose of all communication networks and technologies is to satisfy the demand of end-users through the provisioning of capacity over shared and limited physical infrastructure. Consideration of the business aspects related to communications traffic and the grooming thereof are crucial to developing an understanding of customer requirements in terms of the selection and quality of services and applications. Extensive communication networks require complex management techniques that aim to ensure high levels of reliability and revenue generation.An integrated methodology is presented for the design of wide-area WDM optical networks. The methodology harnesses physical, logical, and virtual topologies together with routing and channel assignment (RCA) and clustering processes to enhance objectivity of the design process. A novel approach, based on statistical clustering using the Ward linkage as similarity metric, is introduced for solving the problem of determining the number and positions of the backbone nodes of a wide-area network, otherwise defined as the top level hub nodes of the multi-level network model. The influence of the geographic distribution of network traffic, and the intra/inter-cluster traffic ratios are taken into consideration through utilisation of modified gravity models and novel network node weighting. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

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