Spelling suggestions: "subject:"design canprocess."" "subject:"design 3.3vprocess.""
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En guide till tjänstedesign : Utforskning av tjänstedesignmetodikens värdeskapande potentialWidgren, Ebba, Wredendal, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Design är ett mångfacetterat område som handlar om att medvetet forma vår omgivning till det bättre. Det är ett strategiskt verktyg för att identifiera och lösa problem med människor som utgångspunkt. Tjänstedesign är en tvärvetenskaplig disciplin vars metodik främjar utforskandet av verkliga behov genom att aktivt involvera människor i samskapande. Metodiken strävar efter att identifiera och adressera de rätta problemen för att designa attraktiva produkter och tjänster. Detta examensarbete har utförts i syfte att introducera tjänstedesign till en kommunikations- byrå med målet att undersöka och förmedla värdet metodiken kan tillföra genom att tillämpa de kunskaper vi erhållit från vår utbildning i teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet. För att förverkliga vårt mål har vi utgått från en designtänkandeprocess i fem faser: empatisera, definiera, idégenerera, prototypa och testa. Varje fas inkluderade centrala metoder inom både teknisk design och tjänstedesign, såsom intervju, fokusgrupp och observation, för att utforska och förstå intressenterna i den rätta kontexten. Den insamlade informationen definierades till behov och nyckelinsikter med metoder som personas, Service Blueprint och Developing Key Insights. Nyckelinsikterna resulterade i att öka designmedvetenheten och främja samskapande både inom byrån och gentemot deras kunder. Vi anordnade därtill workshops för kreativt skapande vilket resulterade i idéer som iterativt testades och justerades baserat på användarnas feedback. Denna process möjliggjorde designandet av ‘En guide till tjänstedesign.’ ‘En guide till tjänstedesign’ är en interaktiv prototyp bestående av två delar: den ena fokuserar på förhållningssätt inom tjänstedesign medan den andra vägleder användaren genom en designprocess. Förhållningssätten innehåller teoretiska aspekter av tjänstedesign, värdeskapande, människor i centrum, verkliga behov, samskapande, visuell kommunikation, helhetsupplevelsen och en iterativ process. Dessa teorier syftar till att introducera användaren till området. Processguiden vägleder i sin tur användaren genom designprocessen med hjälp av sex utvalda faser; planera, empatisera, definiera, skapa idéer, utveckla och leverera. Varje fas demonstrerar hur det praktiska genomförandet kan gå till genom aktiviteter, metoder samt tips och trix. Genom att kombinera teoretiska aspekter med konkreta exempel ger guiden användaren möjlighet att effektivt genomföra och tillämpa tjänstedesignmetodiken i verkliga projekt. / Design is a multifaceted field that involves intentionally shaping our environment for the better. It is a strategic tool for identifying and solving problems with humans at its core. Service Design is an interdisciplinary discipline whose methodology promotes the exploration of real needs by actively involving people in co-creation. The methodology aims to identify and address the right problems to design attractive products and services. This thesis was carried out to introduce Service Design to a communication agency with the goal to explore and convey the value of the methodology; by applying the knowledge we have gained from our education in Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology. To achieve our goal, we followed a Design Thinking process in five phases: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing. Each phase included key methods from both Industrial Design Engineering and Service Design, such as interviews, focus groups, and observations, to explore and understand our stakeholders in the right context. The collected information was defined into user needs and key insights using methods like Personas, Service Blueprint, and Developing Key Insights. The key insights resulted in increasing design awareness and promoting co-creation both within the agency and with their clients. Additionally, we organized workshops for creative creation, which resulted in ideas that were iteratively tested and adjusted based on user feedback. This process enabled the design of ‘A Guide to Service Design.’ ‘A Guide to Service Design’ is an interactive prototype consisting of two parts: one focusing on service design approaches and the other guiding the user through a design process. The approaches cover theoretical aspects of Service Design, Value Creation, Human-centeredness, Real Needs, Collaborative, Visual Communication, Holistic Experience, and An Iterative Process. These theories aim to introduce the user to the field. The process guide, in turn, leads the user through the design process with the help of six selected phases: plan, empathize, define, ideate, develop, and deliver. Each phase demonstrates how practical implementation can be carried out through activities, methods, tips and tricks. By combining theoretical aspects with concrete examples, the guide enables the user to effectively execute and apply the Service Design methodology in real projects.
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Template-Based Design Analysis : An Alternative Approach for the Engineering Designer to Perform Computer-Based Design AnalysisPetersson, Håkan January 2016 (has links)
The current trend in industry to encourage engineering designers to take an active part in the analysis of their own design solutions is apparent in many companies today, domestically as well as abroad. From a research project with the objective to develop a computer-based design system for the design of lightweight grippers, one of the major difficulties was to overcome the system users’ lack of knowledge and experience in the design of lightweight structures and Computer-Based Design Analysis (CBDA). CBDA here refers to the use of analysis tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and computer-based structural optimization. In order to handle these difficulties, the author introduced the use of templates. In the given context, a template refers to an especially preformatted code, which contains the implemented information/knowledge necessary to perform a specific task on an operational level. It should be noted that the use of templates as a means of support in performing a specific design or analysis task is not a new phenomenon in industrial practice. Inspired by the opportunities provided by the template approach, the main objective set out for the thesis project was to facilitate the active participation of the engineering designers in performing CBDA singlehandedly, or in any other organizational setting, by utilizing a Template-Based Design Analysis (TBDA) approach, as an integrated part of their activities within the engineering design process. The evolutionary research approach for the development of the TBDA approach is based on surveys in Swedish as well as international industry, literature surveys, the development of a Generic Design Analysis (GDA) process model (facilitating integration of the activities between CBDA and engineering design) and a number of demonstrator projects to deepen the insights into TBDA. Note that as the TBDA approach is intended for use in industrial practice, the approach is independent of specific engineering design and product development processes utilized in industry. The conclusion of the thesis work clearly supports the claim that TBDA is not only a competitive approach to current alternatives in supporting the engineering designers performing CBDA, but also of a complementary nature providing functionality not included in the alternative approaches currently used in industrial practice. / Vid framtagning av nya produkter måste man utgå ifrån de behov som den blivande kunden ställer i form av krav och önskemål på produkten för att den ska vara intressant att inhandla och använda. För att säkerställa att den blivande produkten har de egenskaper som efterfrågas, används idag omfattande simuleringar av den blivande produktens egenskaper. Simuleringar består i avancerade beräkningar med hjälp av dator. Genom att utföra dessa tidigt i utvecklingsarbetet, så kan man väsentligen korta ned tiden för utveckling och konstruktion av produkten. Detta uppnås framför allt genom att minska behovet av att bygga och prova prototyper. Beräkningar i utvecklings- och konstruktionsarbetet spelar därför idag en väsentlig roll för att ta fram konkurrenskraftiga produkter på ett snabbt och effektivt sätt. I denna avhandling har ett nytt tillvägagångssätt tagits fram för att låta konstruktörer själva beräkna sina konstruktionsförslag. Hittills har merparten av alla beräkningar av detta slag genomförts av beräkningsingenjörer. Nu kan man genom att tillämpa den i avhandlingen framtagna tillvägagångssättet att med hjälp av digitala mallar (program för att lösa speciella uppgifter i konstruktionsarbetet) och det föreslagna tillvägagångssättet MallBaserad KonstruktionsAnalys (MBKA) tillåta att konstruktörer, som vanligtvis inte är specialister på beräkningar, självständigt kan utföra sådana analyser. Mallarnas roll är alltså att överbrygga brister i kompetens och erfarenheter av konstruktionsberäkningar. Redan idag finns konkurrerande sätt att tillåta konstruktörer att delta i beräkningsarbetet, men då oftast med direkt stöd av en beräkningsingenjör och med tillgång till riktlinjer. Dessa kräver att konstruktören har en viss grundkompetens för att kunna följa och tillämpa dessa. MBKA ställer inte dessa krav på kompetens och insikter, vilket gör att den kan betraktas inte bara som en konkurrent till existerande tillvägagångssätt utan också erbjuda ett helt unikt och nytt stöd genom att inte kräva kunskaper och insikter om konstruktionsberäkningar. Av de reaktioner som erhållits i intervjuer i svensk industri, så ter sig framtiden för MBKA som mycket lovande. Många företag funderar redan idag på att införa tillvägagångssättet. Innan så kan ske, måste dock MBKA utvecklas ytterligare, vilket är målet för den fortsatta forskningen. / <p>ISRN LUTMDN/TMKT-15/1032-SE</p>
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Developing a pedagogical model to enhance and assess creativity in Omani graphic design educationAlhajri, Salman January 2013 (has links)
This research investigates the position of creativity within graphic design education in general, and within the Omani educational context specifically. It situates itself among three realms: education, design, and creativity, investigating the relationships, effectiveness, and interrogations among these three topics. Creativity is defined within this research and in relation to graphic design education as problem solving , which is explained also as a cultural activity, or a cultural production. Graphic designers can involve themselves effectively in solving communication, social, and cultural problems that are classified as wicked problems , which usually require creative solutions. It is argued that Omani graphic designers should be creative problem solvers and able to find effective solutions for these problems. Yet this is not the case in Oman, at least from an educational point of view. The research problem is that the Omani design education system lacks a framework that recognises creativity as an important concept in education. Such a lack creates a twofold problem: 1) underestimating the importance of creativity in Omani design education; and 2) a shortage of pedagogical structured programmes that can enhance students creativity. It is argued that this problem is a result of the neglected situation of creativity in Arabic traditional education in general. Traditional education usually does not support creative thinking in design students, which consequently minimises their roles in social and cultural change. Based on the above, this research aims to develop a pedagogical model that can enhance and promote creative potential within Omani graphic design students. This aim can be achieved through re-establishing the position of creativity within Omani design education and valuing creativity as integrated part of graphic design. It proposes that the pedagogical model can offer a systematic approach for lecturers, to guide them into the best practice to enhance the creative potential of their students. Therefore, this research, and the proposed model, is the first step towards improving the position of creativity in Omani design educational systems in general. The model would propose to help Omani graphic design students to develop their creative problem solving abilities, which can allow them to effectively find solutions for several social and cultural wicked problems faced in Oman, such as the increased rate of car accidents nationally). The model will contain some creative-thinking techniques, and some pedagogical strategies that are already used internationally in education to improve creativity. The relevant literature has been reviewed to study the techniques and strategies used internationally to improve the creative potential of graphic design students. A qualitative interpretative methodology was used to answer the research questions and fulfil the aims. A survey approach was used for this research, implementing two methods: questionnaires and interviews. The online questionnaire was conducted with 33 international participants. It investigated how creativity is defined within graphic design contexts; whether creativity can be taught or enhanced; if yes, How, and by which techniques and strategies? Which curriculum contents are most suitable and effective? And how to assess creativity within graphic design education?. The same set of questions was asked in face-to-face interviews conducted with 39 design lecturers. The participants in these interviews were local lecturers who teach graphic design courses at six Omani institutions. All of the collected data were analysed by a thematic analysis method, by coding and categorising them according to different themes that had been extracted earlier from the literature. The contribution of this research is in defining the concept of creativity through scientific research; more specifically by practical research conducting an international survey and local interviews. Through this approach, this research has collected ideas, insights and trends about creativity in graphic design and how it can be developed. Also, this research has advanced knowledge of the relationships among graphic design, creativity, and education, specifically in the Arabic region. It is an attempt to emphasise this new field. Moreover, this research has given a snapshot of differing views regarding creativity in design education as perceived by international lecturers versus Omani lecturers, through conducting a cross-cultural study by asking these two groups the same questions, which was an interesting comparison. Finally, the collected data were utilised to develop the proposed pedagogical model designed for graphic design lecturers who teach design courses within Omani design education. The pedagogical model is the main contribution of this research. It would be suggested to the Omani Ministry of Higher Education that the model should be part of the Omani undergraduate graphic design curriculum.
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Konceptframtagning av kaffebryggare för kaffeentusiaster. / Concept development of a coffee brewer for coffee enthusiasts.Gunnarsson, Jacob January 2016 (has links)
Uppdragsgivaren 3TEMP AB har visionen att med en ny produkt kunna ta sig in på hemmamarknaden för kaffeutrustning. De har planer på en produkt som fungerar som en automatisk kaffebryggare som maler kaffebönor och fyller en kopp. Företaget har lösningar för hur produktens huvudfunktioner skall fungera rent tekniskt, men behöver ett konkret koncept. Examensarbetet är genomfört som ett projekt med en projektplan innehållande tidplan, riskhantering, organisation och filhantering. Projektet bestod av faserna: planering, förstudie, produktspecificering, konceptgenerering och utvärdering, samt konstruktion och formgivning. Konceptet är framtaget med hänsyn till en kravspecifikation som upprättades utifrån en förstudie där användares behovs och önskemål undersöktes, samt krav från uppdragsgivaren. Förstudien har främst fokuserat på användaren för att skapa en bild av användarens behov och önskemål. Förstudien visar att en av de viktigaste faktorerna, utöver smaken på kaffet, är att produkten hålls ren och fräsch. Även ljudnivån är en faktor som användaren tänker på. För att produkten skall passa in i användarens kök har trender analyserats. Trenderna tyder på att taktila och naturnära material blir allt mer populära. Dessutom öppenhet är önskvärt eftersom det skapar förtroende för produkten. Vid generering av koncept användes tre olika idégenereringsmetoderna slumpordsassociation, speedstorming samt brainsketching. Den förstnämnda brukades med ett möjlighetsorienterat perspektiv för att hitta mervärde för produkten. De andra två användes för att hitta konkreta lösningar på problem och funktioner. Idéerna från idégenereringarna sattes ihop till fem olika koncept. Av dessa sorterades två bort med hjälp av en relativ beslutsmatris. Av de tre återstående valdes ett koncept med hjälp av en kriterieviktsmatris och diskussion med uppdragsgivaren. Det slutgiltiga konceptet har kända element från cafébranschen som bockade rör av rostfritt stål för utloppet, stora greppytor, och väl synliga behållare. I konceptet markeras behållaren för kaffesump med ett handtag som nås direkt från produktens utsida. Detta för att till skillnad från många andra tillverkare lyfta fram behållaren som en viktig funktion snarare än att dölja den. Genom projektet har skisser används frekvent för att testa idéer. Det valda konceptet har testats med enkla fysiska modeller för att hitta lämpliga former och dimensioner. Efter detta gjordes en mer detaljerad fysisk modell samt en modell i CAD. Från CAD-programmet skapades bilder med genomskärning för att visa produktens layoutkonstruktion, samt en högupplöst rendering. Renderingen användes för att visa hur produkten kan se ut i verkligheten med verkliga material. / 3TEMP was the company that provided the task. They have a vision to enter the market for home coffee equipment with a product that works as an automatic coffee machine. 3TEMP has a solution for how the machines main functions of the machine can work technically but they need a concept for the whole product. The work was carried out as a project with a project plan containing a time chart, risk management, and a description of the organization and file management. The project consisted of the phases: planning, research, product specification, concept generation and evaluation, and construction and design. The concept was developed with a product specification in mind. The specification is a list of user needs and preferences, and demands from 3TEMP. Information about this was collected during the research phase. The research showed that one of the most important factors, in addition to the taste of the coffee, is that the product is kept clean and fresh. Many costumers also think that it’s important to minimize the noise from the product. Also trends have been analyzed in order to create a concept that fits into many people’s kitchens. The trends suggest that tactile and natural materials are becoming more popular, and openness is desirable because it creates confidence in the product. Concepts were generated by using the ideation methods: association by random words, speedstorming and brainsketching. Association by random words was used with an opportunity oriented perspective to find ways to add value to the product. Speedstorming and brainsketching was used to find ideas for the products functions and finding solutions to problems. The ideas from the ideation were combined in five different concepts. Two of these were sorted out using a relative decision matrix. One of the three remaining concepts was selected with a matrix with weighted criteria. The final concept has well-known elements from the cafe industry as bent tubes of stainless steel, large grip surfaces, and visible containers. The coffee grounds container has a handle that is directly accessible from the outside of the product. This is for highlighting the container as an important function rather than hiding it like many other products do. Sketches were frequently used to test ideas through the project. The selected concept has been tested with simple physical models to find appropriate forms and dimensions. After this, a more detailed physical model and a model in CAD were made. Pictures were created in CAD to show the arrangement of the components. A high resolution rendering was used to show how the product may look like in reality with real materials.
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Design approaches in industrialized house building : A creativity perspective / Projektering för industriellt byggande : Ett kreativitetsperspektivViklund, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Industrialized house builders strive towards structure and control of their processes, including design. Such structure is seldom sought for in architectural design practice, where individuality and autonomy are considered essential. This is causing a tension in the construction industry as industrialized house builders and architects strive to improve their collaboration. In this licentiate thesis, a first step towards better understanding this tension is taken by exploring different design approaches from a creativity perspective. The analytical framework builds on a theoretical conceptualization of design approach features, including design task, design process, design organization, and knowledge sharing. A creativity perspective is added using heuristic or algorithmic design tasks; divergent or convergent design processes; autonomy or imposed structure from the design organization; and sole designer or teamwork as the basis for knowledge sharing. This framework is used to analyze four empirically explored design approaches, two focusing on platform development and two focusing on project specific design. Three of these are explored using a case study approach, while the fourth is explored through interviews with multiple architects. The architectural design approach’s features seem likely to facilitate creativity: the design task is mainly heuristic; the design process enables divergence; and the architects have autonomy in how to go about the design process. However, they experience a lack of knowledge sharing, which could further facilitate creativity. The studied standardized design development approach has the opposite features: the design task is mainly algorithmic; the design process facilitates convergence; and there is a clear structure with instructions of how each subtask should be executed. Hence, this design approach is not likely to facilitate creativity (which was also not its intention). The structure has however improved the design team’s knowledge sharing, which is likely to facilitate creativity. The two platform development approaches have a mix of features. Both design tasks are more algorithmic than heuristic and creativity was not expected of the design results. The design processes are clearly convergent. While the house platform development team is multi-functional and work in close collaboration, the design automation platform developers’ knowledge sharing is based on communication with the client’s organization, thus not enabling as many perspectives on the designed product. The design automation platform developers use a support structure with process descriptions and methods to ensure quality, motivated by the variety of platforms that they develop on a regular basis. The house product platform developers on the other hand, were expected to develop only this one platform. Hence, they worked autonomously, using the teamwork setting to progress and converge in the process. In summary, the creative intention seems related to how design is approached. If creativity is sought for, the design task is heuristic, and divergence and autonomy is promoted. If creativity is not sought for, structure seem to facilitate other benefits such as reliability and quality control. Knowledge sharing could however be potentially beneficial in most design approaches. By understanding that different design approaches will influence creativity in different ways, a first step has been taken towards understanding why architects and industrialized house builders approach design differently.
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Designmetodik för hållbara förpackningslösningar : Med fokus på ekologiskt perspektiv och reducerat matsvinn / Design methodology for sustainable packaging solutionsOlsson, Frida January 2016 (has links)
Denna rapport återger det arbete som syftat till att ta fram hjälpmedel för att utveckla hållbara förpackningslösningar. Projektet har genomförts som ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörs- programmet i innovationsteknik och design vid fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap på Karlstads universitet. Arbetet har realiserats med stöd från Helén Williams, forskare inom energi- och miljöteknik. I dagsläget saknas metoder och hjälpmedel för att utveckla hållbara livsmedelsförpackningar där matsvinn tas in som en aspekt. Därför har en serie med tre verktyg utvecklats, från befintlig designprocessmetodik för tillämpning vid produktutveckling av hållbara förpackningslösningar, med fokus på reducerat matsvinn och minskad miljöpåverkan. För att få underlag till utvecklingen av verktygen har en förstudie genomförts där designprocess, hållbar utveckling, förpackning och matsvinn studerats. Förstudien har följts av en analys för att kartlägga var i produktutvecklingsprocessen verktyg för hållbar utveckling saknas. Detta för att identifiera faser med behov av fler hjälpmedel och resurser. Vidare har de olika faserna studerats mer ingående och det har lett fram till det slutliga resultatet bestående av verktygsmallar och riktlinjer för funktionsanalys, kvalitetshus och Pugh’s metod för reducerat matsvinn. För att sätta den centrala delen, kvalitetshusmallen, i ett verklighetsperspektiv har ett test utförts. Objektet för testet är tre olika varianter av mjölkförpackningar. Verktygen är ämnade till förpackningsdesigners och förpackningsteknologer för att underlätta deras arbete och vägval mot mer hållbara lösningar genom ett minskat produktsvinn. Att verktygen är enkla och användarvänliga är ett mål och en förutsättning för att de ska komma till användning. / This report covers a process that has aimed to contribute with tools for development of sustainable packaging solutions. The project has been implemented as a Bachelor thesis for the programme in innovation and design engineering at the faculty of health, science and technology at Karlstad university. The project has been carried out with support from Helén Williams, researcher of environmental and energy systems. Today there is a lack of methods and tools for developing sustainable packaging solutions, in which food waste is taken in as an aspect. A set of three tools has therefore been elaborated from existing methods. The set can be applied in the designprocess of sustainable packaging solutions to achieve reduced food waste and environmental impact. The feasibility study of the project has aimed to provide information for support and included the keywords: design process, sustainable development, packaging and food waste. After the feasibility study, an analysis has been made. The intention has been to map where tools for sustainable development are missing. This would help to identify the phases of the design process with extra need of methods and tools. The analysis has given an opportunity to study the selected phases more thoroughly. That has led to the final result consisting of templates and guidelines for function analysis, QFD and Pugh’s method for reduced food waste. A test has been performed to put the central part, the QFD-template, into a reality perspective. The objects for the test consists of three types of milk packages. The tools are aimed to be used by package designers and packages technologists to facilitate their work and decisions to more sustainable solutions through reduced product waste. The goal and the prerequisite are that the tools should be easy and user friendly. If not there is a risk that they might not be used.
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[ethno]graphic designGaydos, Benjamin 01 January 2007 (has links)
Visual communication is a part of everyone's daily existence. It is a ubiquitous mode that shapes not only the environment that individuals inhabit, but the very identity of the individual. Graphic designers, who create the vast majority of the visual communication encountered, play a crucial role in the production of cultural identity. It is a necessity that designers understand that role, as agents of cultural production.[ethno]graphic design is an ever-evolving approach to graphic design which utilizes anthropological methods in the creative process. This document presents a collection of projects which take an anthropological approach to the design process, utilizing techniques developed by cultural anthropologists to aid the design process primarily ethnographic fieldwork, participant observation, collaboration, multivocal representation and reflexivity.
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Conception d’un système de management des connaissances à destination d’une PME / Design of a knowledge management system for a SME.Tapissier, Edouard 17 June 2019 (has links)
RÉSUMÉ : Le travail réalisé dans le cadre de cette thèse porte sur la création d’une méthode de conception de systèmes de management des connaissances (KMS) pour les PMEs. En effet, le management des connaissances (KM) peut leur être très profitable, mais les méthodes permettant de prendre en compte leurs spécificités et leurs besoins se heurtent à plusieurs problèmes, et ne sont donc pas bien adaptées. Nous nous sommes donc demandés comment concevoir un KMS pérenne et adapté pour une PME ? Un état de l’art nous a permis de poser 2 hypothèses. La première porte l’utilisation des caractéristiques et les besoins d’une PME pour sélectionner des outils et pratiques de KM adaptés à l’entreprise, et ainsi construire KMS sur mesure. La seconde porte sur l’accompagnement du concepteur et l’implication des utilisateurs finaux du KMS tout au long de la démarche de conception, de manière à rendre le KMS pérenne, fonctionnel et adapté à l’entreprise. Pour répondre à cette problématique nous proposons une méthode en 3 étapes. La première permet d’auditer l’entreprise sur ses caractéristiques importantes vis-à-vis du KM, et d’identifier ses besoins de KM. La seconde étape propose processus de sélection d’outils et de pratiques prenant en comptes les spécificités et les besoins de la PME. Un KMS basé sur les éléments sélectionnés est ensuite conçu en prenant en compte les ressources et en impliquant les futurs utilisateurs, de manière à garantir une bonne adaptation à l’entreprise. La troisième étape consiste à mettre en place le KMS conçu dans l’entreprise, former les utilisateurs, et leur permettre de faire évoluer le KMS en fonction des besoins émergents. Cette méthode a été appliquée à Sysnav, une PME de 25 employés, et a permis d’obtenir un KMS bien adapté à ses besoins. / ABSTRACT : This thesis focuses on the creation of a knowledge management system (KMS) design method for SMEs. Knowledge management (KM) can indeed be profitable to SMEs, but existing frameworks that take their specificities and needs into account face several problems. We thus interested ourselves in how to design a sustainable and adapted KMS for a SME? A literature study hinted 2 hypotheses. The first is that the characteristics and the needs of the SME can be used to choose KM tools and practices adapted to a SME, and build a custom made KMS. The second concerns the need to guide the designer and to involve the end user in the design process, in order to make the KMS sustainable and adapted. To tackle this problem, we designed a 3-step method. The first step consists in auditing the company’s important characteristics in regard to KM and its needs. The second step offers a tools and practice database and a selection process based on the company audit. The selected tools and practices are then used to design a tailor-made KMS while taking resources into account and involving end users. The third step consists in implementing the KMS in the firm, training the users and allowing them to perform the necessary evolutions according to emerging needs. This method was applied in Sysnav, a 25 employees SME, and resulted in the design of a well-adapted KMS.
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Design av grafiskt material till ett indiespel: Processen att utveckla en logotypoch webbsida till spelet Heathen Quest. / Design of marketing material for an indie game: The process to develop a logo and a website for the game Heathen Quest.Persson, Desirée January 2019 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete var att ta fram en logotyp och en webbsida till spelet Heathen Quest. Både webbsidan och logotypen skulle tilltala spelets målgrupp och förmedla spelets känsla: ”Rollspel med klassiska dungeon crawling och moderna inslag”. En visuell innehållsanalys gjordes för att undersöka hur liknande populära indiespel designat sina webbsidor och logotyper. En enkät utfördes med respondenter ur målgruppen för att utreda vad de upplevde som tilltalande. För att se om materialet skulle vara kommersiellt gångbart, utfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med branschaktiva inom indiespelutveckling. Till sist utfördes en semistrukturerad intervju med Heavy Realm Games för att validera att materialet reflekterade den känsla som de ville förmedla. Baserat på den data som samlades in skapades designförslag som skulle både signalera att spelet var ett RPG-spel, vara tilltalande för målgruppen och visuellt representera spelets tema. Under undersökningen framgick det att det är viktigt att designa med ett tydligt mål. Författaren har också upptäckt vikten av att välja det material som ska marknadsföra ett spel baserat på den tid som finns tillgänglig till att skapa det och underhålla det. Det är möjligt att det finns andra typer av grafiskt material som skulle ha varit av högre relevans att fokusera på inför sin lansering av spelet. Resultatet av de skisser som skapades under arbetet visar att de i stor utsträckning tilltalar målgruppen, kommer vara kommersiellt gångbara och kommunicerar spelets tema väl. / The goal of this investigation was to create a logo and a website for the game Heathen Quest. Both the website and the logo would appeal to the game's target audience and convey the feeling of the game: "Role playing game with classic dungeon crawling and modern elements". A visual content analysis was used to investigate how popular indie games designed their web pages and logos. A survey was conducted with respondents from the target group to investigate what they experienced as appealing. To see if the material would be commercially viable, semi-structured interviews were conducted with industry active in indie game development. A semi-structured interview with Heavy Realm Games was performed to validate that the material reflected the feeling that the studio wanted to be conveyed. Based on the data collected, design suggestions were created that would signal that the game was an RPG game, be appealing to the target audience and visually represent the game's theme. During the investigation it became clear that it is important to design with a clear goal. The author has also discovered the importance of choosing the material to promote a game based on the time available to create and maintain it. It is possible that there are other types of marketing material that would have been more relevant to focus on before launching the game. The result of the sketches that were created during the work show that they, to a large extent, appeal to the target group, will be commercially viable and communicate the theme of the game well.
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Ferramenta de apoio ao desenvolvimento de projetos no âmbito da sustentabilidade na construção / Support tool for design process in the context of sustainable constructionReis, Daniel Costa 14 July 2015 (has links)
A indústria da construção, nomeadamente no setor da edificação, baseia-se essencialmente em métodos de construção tradicional. Esta indústria é caracterizada pela elevada quantidade de recursos que consome, pela quantidade de resíduos que produz, a sua implicação na economia dos países e à sua inter-relação com a sociedade. Esta realidade é de todo incompatível com os desígnios do desenvolvimento sustentável, nos quais se procura a correlação harmoniosa entre as vertentes ambientais, sociais e econômicas. O desafio da sustentabilidade colocado à atividade da construção tem motivado abordagens distintas, não só por parte das várias especialidades da engenharia, como também da arquitetura. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho propôs-se a desenvolver uma Ferramenta que, de uma forma coordenada e integrada permita orientar o desenvolvimento do projeto para soluções sustentáveis ao longo das várias fases do ciclo de evolução de um projeto. Foi desenvolvida recorrendo a uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o tema da gestão de projetos e sobre o sistema de certificação de sustentabilidade Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Para além disto, foram ainda incorporados alguns requisitos normativos, obtidos por meio de normas brasileiras ABNT, normas Americanas e normas Europeias. Pensa-se que da adequada aplicação desta ferramenta, os objetivos definidos pelo promotor da obra em termos de sustentabilidade, poderão ser mais facilmente atingidos pela equipa de projetista através da consideração antecipada de medidas e soluções de sustentabilidade nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento do projeto permitindo assim, um melhor desempenho do edifício ao nível da construção sustentável. / The construction industry, particularly in the building sector, is based mainly on traditional construction methods. This industry is characterized by excessive consumption of resources, the amount of waste it produces, its implication in the economy of countries and their relationship with society. This reality is entirely incompatible with the aims of sustainable development, which seeks a harmonious relationship between the environmental, social and economic aspects. The sustainability challenge faced by the construction activity has motivated different approaches, not only by the various engineering specialties, but also by the architecture. In this sense, this paper aimed to develop a model in a coordinated and integrated manner to guide the development of the project to sustainable solutions throughout the various stages of the project life cycle. It was developed using a literature review about the topic of project management and sustainability assessment tool Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). Furthermore, and to improve the effectiveness of the Model, it was been incorporated some standardisation requirements, obtained by Brazilian standards ABNT, American standards and European standards. Through proper application of this tool, the goals set by Owner of the work, in terms of sustainability, can be more easily achieved by the project design team through timely consideration of measures and sustainability solutions at different stages of project development. Allowing a better performance of the building in terms of the sustainable construction.
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