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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design methods for the control of products' design architecture / Σχεδιαστικές μέθοδοι για τον έλεγχο της αρχιτεκτονικής του σχεδιασμού προϊόντων

Πανδρεμένος, Ιωάννης 02 February 2011 (has links)
Objective of the present study is the development of design methods for the control of products’ architecture in order to obtain modular designs. Towards this target, an integrated approach is proposed, investigating the design architecture from two aspects: the -functions to parts- mapping as well as the point of view related to parts’ interactions. For the first aspect, an approach utilizing Axiomatic Design Theory is described in order to control the design architecture with regards to the -functions to parts- mapping. As far as the second aspect is concerned, two indexes are developed quantifying the design architecture in terms of the parts’ interactions perspective. Furthermore, an algorithm for clustering of product’s parts into clusters/modules is introduced. The algorithm utilizes Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Design Structure Matrices (DSMs). The aforementioned developments were incorporated into a CAD based software tool, having as objective the support of modular design. Its main functions are: (a) DSM generation from product CAD model, (b) calculation of the aforementioned indexes, (c) facilitation of clustering and (d) representation of clustered DSM in CAD form. Application of the tool to real case studies from the automotive industry, provide an evaluation of the developed methods. The main outcome of the present work is the integrated approach that was proposed and realized through the software tool, which integrates methods for the handling of a product’s design architecture. This process assists in real time (during the design process) design engineers to the generation of modular designs. The evaluation of the case studies reveals the efficiency of the proposed approach to produce such designs and validates its applicability to industry. / Το αντικείμενο της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη μεθόδων για τον έλεγχο της σχεδιαστικής αρχιτεκτονικής των προϊόντων. Για το σκοπό αυτό προτείνεται μια ολοκληρωμένη προσέγγιση η οποία διερευνά τη σχεδιαστική αρχιτεκτονική και από τις δύο της διαστάσεις: την αντιστοίχιση των λειτουργιών του προϊόντος στα μέρη από τα οποία αποτελείται καθώς και την αλληλεπίδραση που έχουν τα μέρη αυτά μεταξύ τους. Για τη πρώτη διάσταση, προτείνεται ένας τρόπος χρησιμοποίησης της Θεωρίας του Αξιωματικού Σχεδιασμού (Axiomatic Design Theory) ώστε να γίνεται έλεγχος της σχεδιαστικής αρχιτεκτονικής ως προς την αντιστοίχιση των λειτουργιών στα μέρη του προϊόντος. Όσον αφορά τη δεύτερη διάσταση, αναπτύσσονται δύο δείκτες οι οποίοι ποσοτικοποιούν την σχεδιαστική αρχιτεκτονική που αφορά τη δομή των αλληλεπιδράσεων των τμημάτων του προϊόντος. Επίσης, εισάγεται ένας αλγόριθμος για την ομαδοποίηση (clustering) των μερών ενός προϊόντος. Ο αλγόριθμος αυτός χρησιμοποιεί Τεχνητά Νευρωνικά Δίκτυα και πίνακες DSM (Design Structure Matrix). Οι παραπάνω μέθοδοι ενσωματώθηκαν σε ένα λογισμικό εργαλείο που αναπτύχθηκε. Το εργαλείο αυτό συνεργάζεται με προγράμματα CAD και έχει ως στόχο την στήριξη του ομαδοποιημένου σχεδιασμού. Οι βασικές του λειτουργίες είναι η δημιουργία του πίνακα DSM ενός προϊόντος χρησιμοποιώντας το αντίστοιχο σχέδιο CAD, ο υπολογισμός των προαναφερθέντων δεικτών, η διευκόλυνση της διαδικασίας ομαδοποίησης καθώς και η αναπαράσταση σε CAD ενός ομαδοποιημένου πίνακα DSM. Μέσω της εφαρμογής του εργαλείου αυτού σε πραγματικές περιπτώσεις της αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας, πραγματοποιήθηκε αξιολόγηση των μεθόδων που αναπτύχθηκαν. Το κυριότερο αποτέλεσμα της εργασίας είναι η ολοκληρωμένη λύση που προτάθηκε και υλοποιήθηκε μέσω ενός λογισμικού εργαλείου, η οποία ενσωματώνει μεθόδους ελέγχου της σχεδιαστικής αρχιτεκτονικής προϊόντων. Η λύση αυτή βοηθάει σε πραγματικό χρόνο (κατά τη διάρκεια της σχεδιαστικής διαδικασίας) τους σχεδιαστές μηχανικούς, στη δημιουργία καινοτόμων σχεδιασμών. Η αξιολόγηση των περιπτώσεων της αυτοκινητοβιομηχανίας έδειξε την δυνατότητα της προτεινόμενης λύσης να παράγει τέτοιους σχεδιασμούς και επικύρωσε την εφαρμοσιμότητά της σε βιομηχανικό περιβάλλον.

Une approche innovante basée sur un cadre de fonction-tâche-comportement pour intégrer les facteurs humains et l'ergonomie dès la première phase de conception / An innovative approach based on a function-task-behaviour framework for integrating human factors and ergonomics from the early design phase

Sun, Xiaoguang 21 December 2017 (has links)
Les facteurs humains et l’ergonomie (HF/E) sont devenus une discipline scientifique fournissant des contraintes pour la conception d’interaction entre l’homme et le système (le produit). La plupart des études sur HF/E couvrent non seulement les aspects d’ergonomie physique, mais aussi les sciences cognitives et organisationnelle. De nombreux travaux attestent que l’intégration insuffisante d’informations HF/E mène à une conception « pauvre ». Intégrer que ces informations de la phase de conception peuvent améliorer la performance du produit ou du système et de l’expérience utilisateur. Les méthodes existantes pour l’intégration de l’information HF/E (HF/EII) sont catégorisées par deux types de conception : la conception Centrée sur la Technologie (TCD) et la conception Centrée sur l’Utilisateur (UCD). Les méthodes TCD intègrent des informations HF/E dans la phase de conception détaillée ou plus tard, ce qui peut causer des modifications et des itérations de conception. Par contre, les approches UCD prennent en considération les informations HF/E dès la première phase de conception et sont consommatrices de temps à cause de l’intégration des exigences HF/E. L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer une nouvelle méthodologie de conception et un outil pour l’intégration de HF/E dès la première phase de conception dans le but de réduire le temps de conception, notamment en ayant moins de boucles itératives. Au cours de ce travail de recherche, un cadre « fonction-tâche-comportement » (FTB) a été développé, fournissant un guide systématique et détaillé pour l’intégration de HF/E dès la première phase de conception. Une étude de cas est présentée pour valider la faisabilité de la méthode et permettre une assistance pour la mise en œuvre. Ainsi, un module de Centre de Conception d’Interaction (IDC) a été développé et intégré dans un logiciel de CAO pour aider le travail de conception, en fournisant une procédure pratique de mise en œuvre du cadre FTB. Il permet aux concepteurs (1) d’intégrer les exigences fonctionnelles et non fonctionnelles dès la première phase de conception, et (2) de les convertir en des paramètres de conception pour effectuer au mieux le travail de conception. En utilisant le module d’IDC, les modifications et les boucles d’itération de conception peuvent être significativement réduits, fournissant ainsi une expérience utilisateur plus satisfaisante lors du respects les exigences fonctionnelles. De plus, les méthodologies actuelles de génération de solutions de conception s’appuient trop sur l’expérience des concepteurs, c’est pourquoi un « modèle de d’aide à la génération de solution » a commencé à être développé pour produire les solutions de conception recherchées. Différentes approches de résolution de problèmes existent, ce modèle proposé est plus facile à appréhender et à utiliser par les concepteurs. Ce modèle offre une pensée divergente pour la génération de solution de conception basée sur la tâche de conception individuelle. En résumé, dans les conclusions, les contributions majeures et les limitations de notre étude sont présentées et les perspectives de recherche future sont proposées. / Human factors and ergonomics (HF/E) as a scientific discipline provide constraints for the engineering design of human and system (product) interactions. Most existing studies on HF/E cover the specialization of physical, cognitive, and organizational ergonomics. Numerous evidences show that insufficient consideration of HF/E information leads to poor design, and fully considering this information in the design phase can improve both the user experience and system performance. Existing methods for HF/E information integration (HF/EII) can be categorized into two types: Technology-Centred Design (TCD) and User-Centred Design (UCD). TCD methods integrate HF/E information from the detailed design phase or later, which may cause design modifications and iterations. UCD approaches address HF/E information from the early design phase, which are time-consuming for HF/E requirements collection. The objective of this thesis is dedicated to a new design methodology and tool for HF/EII from the early design phase in a systematic, time-saving, less expensive, and less iteration way. In this thesis, a function-task-behaviour framework has been developed, which provides a systematic and detailed guide for HF/EII from the early design phase. A case study has been presented to validate its feasibility, which offers the theoretical support for method implementation. Thus, an Interaction Design Centre (IDC) module was developed and integrated in CAD software to aid the design work, which provides a practical way for the implementation of FTB framework. It enables designers to (1) catch both functional requirements and non-functional requirements from the early design phase, and (2) convert them into design parameters to carry out the design work. By using IDC module, design modifications and iterations due to belated effort for HF/E consideration can be significantly reduced, thereby providing a satisfactory user experience in the case of meeting the functional requirements. Regarding current method of design solution generation overly relies on designers’ experience, a design solution generation model is developed for producing design solution. Different from current problem solving approaches, this model is easy for designers to cognize and operate. It offers a divergent thinking for design solution generation based on the individual design task. Finally, the major contributions and limitations of our study are presented and the future studies are previewed.

Technické a technologické řešení stavební údržby, případně sanace spodní stavby domu s cílem odstranění nadbytečné vlhkosti. / Technical and technological solutions building maintenance, rehabilitation or construction of the lower house in order to remove excess moisture.

BLÁHA, Bohumil January 2012 (has links)
The thesis aimed to examine the problem of excessive moisture in existing buildings and to design a suitable construction and technological procedure including the analysis of particular options and their economic analysis. For this purpose I chose a particular family house with excessive moisture. I elaborated basic characteristics of the building, where I described the age of all parts affected by moisture. Next I described used material, that was incorporated into the ground plan of the house. To make a complex view I described the surroundings of the building as well. Apart from that I worked out a basic reconnaissance of the bedrock, which included the analysis of radon threat analysis. Furthermore, I described the moisutre manifestations in the building and their possible causes. Based on this analysis I suggested a construction and technological procedures consisting of two solution options, which were in detail described and incorporated into the ground plan of the building. I calculated the costs of both solutions and finally the most suitable solution was chosen with a corresponding proper explanation.

Análise do comportamento a temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos considerando restrição ao alongamento térmico / Analysis on the behaviour of cold formed steel columns under fire conditions with restrained thermal elongation

Saulo José de Castro Almeida 26 October 2012 (has links)
No presente trabalho se desenvolve como proposta principal, uma investigação experimental sobre o comportamento de elementos de aço formados a frio comprimidos em temperaturas elevadas considerando a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico. Nessa investigação foram avaliadas as distribuições de temperaturas no contorno da seção transversal e ao longo do comprimento dos elementos. Outrossim, avaliou-se a influência da restrição ao alongamento térmico sobre o comportamento mecânico dos elementos, em especial sobre o desenvolvimento das forças de restrição que surgem durante a fase de aquecimento dos mesmos. Concernente ao comportamento térmico, os resultados indicam que a temperatura resistente de elementos expostos ao calor por todos os lados deve ser determinada com base nas medições realizadas em seções a meia altura do elemento devido à distribuição não uniforme de temperatura ao longo do comprimento. Com relação ao comportamento mecânico, os resultados experimentais mostraram que a resistência pós-crítica em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos é pequena e nesse sentido é mais coerente considerar como temperatura resistente a temperatura correspondente ao momento da perda de estabilidade dos elementos. Em caráter complementar e exploratório foram realizadas análises numéricas para melhorar o entendimento do comportamento em temperaturas elevadas dos elementos de aço formados a frio investigados experimentalmente no presente trabalho. Nas análises numéricas foi avaliada uma estratégia de modelagem em elementos finitos para simular a restrição ao alongamento térmico axial em elementos comprimidos submetidos a temperaturas elevadas. Os resultados apontam que os modelos numéricos foram eficientes para prescrever força de compressão resistente em temperaturas elevadas e o tempo resistente. Por outro lado não foram eficientes para prescrever as temperaturas críticas. No âmbito normativo foram realizadas as avaliações do método de cálculo simplificado proposto na ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) e da possibilidade de adequar o método simplificado de cálculo do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas desses elementos. Os resultados sugerem que o método de cálculo simplificado da ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) foi capaz de fornecer satisfatoriamente a força de compressão resistente dos elementos investigados que se enquadravam nas exigências do método. Outrossim, sugerem que o uso do método simplificado do EUROCODE 3 parte 1.3 (2006) com redução da resistência ao escoamento e módulo de elasticidade do aço para o dimensionamento em temperaturas elevadas de elementos de aço formados a frio carece de mais investigações. / The main proposal of this work was an experimental investigation on the behavior of cold-formed steel compressed members at elevated temperatures considering the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation. In this investigation, it was evaluated the temperature distributions on the cross section and along the height of the members. Furthermore, it was evaluated the influence of restraining to the thermal elongation on the mechanical behavior of these members, in particular on the development of restraining forces during their heating phase. Concerning the thermal behavior, the results indicate the critical temperature of members exposed to heat from all sides should be determined based on measurements performed on sections located at mid-span of the members due to the non uniform temperature distribution along the height. With regards to mechanical behavior, the experimental results showed that the post-buckling resistance at elevated temperatures of these members is small and the critical temperature should be considered as the temperature corresponding to the buckling temperature. Additionally numerical analyzes were performed to better understand the behavior of the cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures that were experimentally investigated in this study. In the numerical analyzes a modeling strategy was evaluated on finite elements to simulate the axial restraining to the thermal elongation in compressed members subjected to high temperatures. The results show that the numerical models were effective to prescribe the ultimate loads at elevated temperatures and the critical time considering the influence of the axial restraining to the thermal elongation. On the other hand, the numerical models were not effective to prescribe the critical temperature. Within the normative scope, the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was evaluated as well the possibility of adapting the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines to the design of cold-formed steel members at elevated temperatures. The results suggest that the design method proposed in the ABNT NBR 14323 (2012) (project revision) was able to accurately predict the ultimate test loads of the members that were within the requirements of the method. On the other hand, it was found that the use of the EUROCODE 3 part 1.3 (2006) design guidelines with reduction of the mechanical properties at elevated temperatures (yield strength and elastic modulus of steel) for design of compressed cold formed steel members at elevated temperature needs further investigations.

Estudo comparativo entre um novo método de transferência de planos guias no preparo de boca para Próteses Parciais Removíveis e outras duas técnicas / Comparative study between a new method for tranferring guide planes on mouth preparation for Removable Partial Denture and two other techniques

Cláudio Akira Yamaguchi 18 August 2011 (has links)
A confecção de uma prótese parcial removível exige a correta determinação do eixo de inserção e, consequentemente, o preparo cuidadoso de planos guias para satisfazer os princípios de retenção e estabilidade. Entretanto, grande parte dos profissionais negligencia esta etapa, seja por desconhecimento de sua importância, dificuldade técnica, quantidade limitada de opções cientificamente comprovadas de seus resultados, ou pela aparente e ilusória economia de tempo e de trabalho que sua realização possa tomar. Então, em função do número limitado de técnicas eficientes para transferência de planos guias e da necessidade de um método que otimize o tempo dos profissionais de forma prática e didática, o presente estudo buscou introduzir uma nova maneira de transferir os planos guias. A nova técnica consiste na utilização de uma placa de vacuum-form (PV), comparando-a com preparos realizados em delineador e com duas outras técnicas pré-existentes: à mão livre (ML) e coroas-guia (CG), analisando sua eficácia e precisão. Réplicas idênticas (n=44) de um modelo de gesso representativo da arcada inferior foram divididas em 11 grupos, com 4 modelos cada. Cada um dos onze estudantes de Odontologia recebeu 4 modelos - em um deles os planos guias já tinham sido previamente preparados com delineador, os quais serviram apenas de referência para que fossem empregados os outros métodos. As diferenças angulares dos planos guias nos 44 modelos, nos sentidos ântero-posterior, látero-lateral e cruzado foram mensuradas por meio de uma máquina de medição por coordenadas. A análise de variância para medidas repetidas e o Teste de Comparações Múltiplas (método de Tukey) revelaram que tanto no sentido látero-lateral, como na avaliação cruzada, houve diferença significativa na média dos preparos feitos no delineador em relação a todas as outras técnicas. No entanto, não foram identificadas diferenças importantes entre os três métodos. Para a avaliação ântero-posterior, verificou-se diferença relevante somente entre os preparos feitos no delineador e CG, o que não foi detectado entre ML, PV e delineador. Observou-se também, que os preparos obtidos com delineador apresentaram variações angulares próximos de zero, indicando paralelismo quase absoluto e que os planos guias preparados nesse dispositivo demonstraram média e variabilidade menores que os outros métodos. As demais técnicas (ML, CG e PV) se comportaram de forma estatistica semelhante, exceto no sentido ântero-posterior, onde a CG apresentou maior variação angular. Concluiu-se que a técnica proposta apresentou resultados satisfatórios em relação aos padrões adotados neste estudo, quando comparada às demais técnicas e ao delineador. Portanto, a mesma pode ser considerada viável, já que sua utilização oferece uma confecção de próteses removíveis de forma mais criteriosa, atendendo às necessidades profissionais, em termos de facilidade e tempo gasto em sua execução. / The confection of a removable partial denture requires accurate determination of the path of insertion and consequently, the careful preparation of guide planes to meet the principles of retention and stability. However, a great number of professionals neglect this step because of unconsciousness of its importance, or technical difficulty, or limited options of techniques or because of apparent and illusory saving of time and work. Due to the limited number of proven effective techniques for guide planes preparation and the need of an effective method for optimizing time of dental surgeons in a clear and practical way, this present study aimed the introduction of a new technique for transferring guide planes. The new technique consists on the use of a vacuum form splint (VF). To measure its efficiency and accuracy it was compared with the preparations carried out in a dental surveyor and with two other pre-existing techniques: freehand (FH) and acrylic resin guide crown (GC). Identical replicas (n=44) of a gypsum model representing a dental lower arch were divided into 11 groups of four. Each of the eleven dental students received four models - in one of the models, the guide planes were previously prepared with the surveyor to be used as a reference for the application of the three transfer techniques in the other three remaining models. The angular differences of the the prepared guide planes on the 44 models were measured by a coordinate measuring machine in the anteroposterior, laterolateral and crossed views. The Analysis of Variance and Tukey method revealed that, for the laterolateral evaluation and crossed evaluation, significant differences were found in the average of the preparations obtained by the surveyor in relation to all other techniques. There were no significant differences among the three techniques. Anteroposterior evaluation showed significant difference between the average of the preparations made by the surveyor and by the GC, which was not observed between the FH and PV groups compared to the surveyor. It was also found that the angular variation obtained by preparations using the surveyor was close to zero degree, indicating almost absolute parallelism. The FH, GC and VF techniques were statistically similar, except for the anteroposterior evaluation. In the anteroposterior evaluation the GC presented higher angular variation. It was concluded that the proposed technique showed satisfactory results concerning the adopted standards in the present study when compared with the preparations made by other techniques and the surveyor. Thus, the VF technique can be considered viable, since it improves the quality of the Removable Partial Denture and meets the professional needs, saving time in the procedures.

Design služeb Zátiší Catering Group, a.s. / Service design Zátiší Catering Group, a.s.

Vaňková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis "Service Design of Zátiší Catering Group, a.s." is focused on the management of innovations and service design. The aim is to analyse and identify possible potential and opportunities for improvement of catering services in Zatiší Catering Group, a.s. Content of the thesis includes research of service design and innovation process, study based on application of the design service approaches, introduction of the study outputs, actual project of a new service design and recommendations. Following methods and techniques were used in research: persona, contextual interview, service safari, benchmarking, service blueprints, empathy map, product box. The thesis should contribute to the theoretical determination of service design and its following aplication in the design of a specific service. Final outcome of the study is a service proposal for a canteen in Lycée Français de Prague.

Planning and Design Methods in Architecture: Analysis and further development illustrated by the example of social and healthcare buildings. Research design of DFG-project SCHM 1513/1-1 / Planungs- und Entwurfsmethoden in der Architektur: Analyse und Weiterentwicklung, dargestellt an einem Beispiel aus dem Bereich Bauten des Sozial- und Gesundheitswesens. Forschungsdesign des DFG-Projekts SCHM 1513/1-1

Fendl, Monika, Schmieg, Heinzpeter 01 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Structural Codifying in the Design Critiquing Process : An Exploratory Study with Jonas Löwgren’s Aesthetic Interaction Qualities

Papp, Kornelia January 2021 (has links)
This thesis begins by underlining the current methods and procedures in design evaluation as well as how design aesthetics is generally assessed. Then, it suggests the revision of current web design evaluation practices. The thesis explores a new method of incorporating Löwgren’s aesthetics of interaction attributes to help facilitate more eventful conversations within inter- and cross-departmental discussions, with the belief that such a process will manifest into more favorable design results and prevent friction during collaborative work due to incompatibility in technical jargon.

Ballastfritt spår : Förslag till dimensioneringsmetoder / Slab track : Proposed design methods

Hagman, Olle, Berhane, Henok January 2015 (has links)
Ballastfria spår har på senare tid börjat byggas i allt större utsträckning. En anledning till detta är höjda krav på järnvägstransporter. Ett ballastfritt spår är ofta utformat som en långsträckt betongplatta på mark som för ned lasten från rälerna till underbyggnaden. I nuläget saknar Sverige dimensioneringsprinciper för ballastfria spår. Principerna är redan etablerade i andra länder men behöver inordnas för svenska förhållanden. År 2012 gjorde regeringen bedömningen att en ny stambana för snabbtåg bör byggas. För detta ändamål har Trafikverket utarbetat en ny teknisk systemstandard för höghastighetsbanor. De traditionella ballasterade spåren är inte optimerade för höga hastigheter. Trafikverkets nya systemstandard förutsätter därför att stora delar av den nya stambanan utförs med ballastfritt spår. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att studera dimensionering med hänsyn till det statiska beteendet hos ballastfria spår och skapa en grundläggande förståelse för spårreaktioner. Med hjälp av handberäkningar och datorstödda metoder undersöks elementärfall av belastningar samt sambandet mellan plattans erforderliga böjstyvhet och underbyggnadens styvhet. Handberäkningsmodeller som antas i detta arbete är bland annat Winklerbäddmodellen och diverse vedertagna tvärsnittsmodeller. De datorstödda metoderna som används är FEM-programmet BRIGADE/Plus och BEM-programmet BE-platte. I BRIGADE/Plus används en tvådimensionell modell där marken modelleras som ett elastiskt underlag. I BE-platte används en tredimensionell modell med en markmodell enligt Winklerbäddmodellen. Resultaten från de olika metoderna kontrolleras mot varandra för att verifiera erhållna resultat. Sambandet mellan elasticitetsmodul i plattornas underlag, plattjocklek och lastreaktioner åskådliggörs i diagram samt tvärkraftstabell i kapitel 4. Beräkningsmodellernas beteende diskuteras och jämförs i kapitel 5. / Recently slab tracks have been built more frequently, among other things due to an increasing demand on rail transport. A slab track is often designed as a continuous concrete slab on grade that carries down the load from the rails to the substructure. At present, Sweden lacks design principles for slab tracks. Principles are established in other countries but must be adapted to Swedish conditions. In 2012 the Swedish government made the assessment that a new mainline for high-speed trains should be built. For this purpose, the Swedish Transport Administration prepared a new technical standard for high-speed tracks. Traditional ballasted tracks are not optimized for high speed trains and therefore the new standard requires large parts of the new mainline to be built with slab track. The aim of this thesis is to study the design of slab tracks with respect to their static behavior and create a fundamental understanding of force reactions acting on them. For elementary load cases the relation between required slab bending stiffness and the stiffness of the substructure will be investigated using hand calculations and computer-assisted methods. Models for hand calculation adopted in this work include the Winkler-bed model and various conventional cross-sectional models. The computer-assisted methods used are FEM software BRIGADE/Plus and BEM software BE-Platte. In BRIGADE/Plus the models are two-dimensional and the soil is modeled as an elastic base. In BE-Platte the models are three-dimensional and the soil is modeled according to Winkler-bed model. The results of the various methods are cross-checked against each other to verify the results obtained. The relationship between the modulus of elasticity of the subsoil, plate thickness and load reactions is illustrated in charts and a shear force table in Chapter 4. The behavior of the calculation models is discussed and compared in Chapter 5.

Exploring Inspirational Sources of Selection and Transformation: Industrial Designer’s Self-perception of Idea Generation

Sun, Ying 08 March 2021 (has links)
Design idea generation is a significant part of the designer’s work and most frequently associated with creative problem-solving. However, an outstanding challenge in design is translating empirical findings or other inspirational sources into ideas or knowledge that inform design, also known as generating implications for design. Though great efforts have been made to bridge this gap, there is still no overall consensus on how to appropriately incorporate research data and external sources into the design ideas generation process. Besides, design ideas generation is a process that is rooted in personal knowledge. It is often considered a precedent-based type of reasoning where knowledge is continuously transformed to frame new insights and this creative leap across the divide is perceived to be difficult, especially for novice and student designers. Based on the grounded theory, the author conducted open-ended, semi-structured qualitative interviews with eighteen designers, including design professors, practitioners and students to learn about the knowledge on how the contemporary designers select inspirational sources and transform them into ideas with appropriate methods in different contexts, the design mindset involved during the iterative and generative ideation process, and the criteria of evaluating design ideas. The results indicated seven commonly used categories of sources: ‘personal,’ ‘daily stuff,’ ’media,’ ‘technology,’ ‘knowledge of other disciplines,’ ‘fieldwork’ and ‘design practice.’ The methods could be allocated to three stages: investigation, analysis and synthesis. In each specific phase, designers applied different methods to cope with various sources for various purposes, depending on different situations. A general framework was built for designers to conduct a proper selection of sources and methods to transform them into the knowledge that informs design. The study emphasized the flow of inspirational sources, the relationship between sources and methods, and the transformation procedures which tried to help the designer get more scientific structure and give design students more practical guidance in idea generation. The comparison was continuously made within the matrix structure on the matter of sources and methods selection, the role of design research and ideation process among different groups of designers in academics and practice, which revealed the knowledge and skills missed or ignored in university education and challenges in the design project development. The implications for design education were discussed, such as the development of design students’ competence, especially the skills that should be learned in a new digital society to help design education refine idea generation methods and improve corresponding techniques to discover a dynamic balance between theory and practice. / Das Hervorbringen von Designideen ist ein wichtiger Teil der Arbeit eines Designers und wird meistens mit kreativer Problemlösung assoziiert. Eine besondere Herausforderung ist dabei die mentale Verarbeitung von Informationen und Inspirationsquellen und deren Umsetzung zu Gestaltungsentwürfe. Dieser kreative Prozess wird vor allem von Anfängern und Designstudenten als schwierig wahrgenommen. Trotz vielfältiger Forschungsanstrengungen gibt es noch immer keinen allgemeinen Konsens dazu, auf welche Weise Informationen in den Designprozess einbezogen werden und wie sich diese präzedenzbasierte Art des Denkens vermitteln lässt. Da dieser Prozess stark auf Erfahrung basiert, wird er oft als Präzedenz-basierte Art des Denkens betrachtet, bei welcher Wissen fortwährend in neue Erkenntnisse umgeformt wird. Dieser kreative Akt wird vor allem von Anfängern als schwierig wahrgenommen. Dem Paradigma der 'grounded theory' folgend hat die Autorin ergebnisoffene, teilstrukturierte und qualitative Interviews mit Designern durchgeführt. Interviewt wurden Designprofessoren, Praktiker und Studenten, um zu erfahren, wie zeitgenössische Designer Inspirationsquellen recherchieren und mit welchen Methoden sie diese in unterschiedlichen Kontexten zu Ideen umwandeln. Weiterhin werden die Vorgehensweise der Designer während des Gestaltungsprozesses und die Evaluationskriterien der Designideen untersucht. Anhand der Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen sich sieben Informationskategorien unterscheiden: Persönliches, alltägliches, mediales, technologisches Wissen sowie Wissen aus anderen Fachbereichen, aus Feldforschung und aus der Designpraxis. Diese Methoden finden im Designprozess innerhalb von drei Phasen Anwendung: Untersuchung, Analyse und Synthese. In jeder dieser Phase wenden Designer dabei verschiedene Methoden an, um Informationsquellen aufzubereiten und in den Designprozess einzubeziehen. Ausgehend von einem Prozessmodell untersuchte die durchgeführte Studie insbesondere die Einbeziehung von Inspirationsquellen, die Beziehung zwischen Quellen und Methoden und die mentalen Verarbeitungsprozeduren. Mit den erzielten Ergebnissen unterstützt die Untersuchung die Designforschung und gibt Designstudenten eine fundierte Anleitung für die Entwicklung von Ideen. Ein besonderer Fokus der Studie lag auf dem Vergleich von verschiedenen Gruppen von Designern – insbesondere auch mit Blick auf den Unterschied zwischen tären Ausbildung vermittelten Kompetenzen mit den praktischen Anforderungen korrespondieren. Darauf aufbauend diskutiert diese Arbeit Empfehlungen für die Designausbildung, z.B. hinsichtlich des Kontexts der digitalen Gesellschaft oder der Verfeinerung von Methoden der Ideengenerierung. Damit soll die Arbeit dazu beitragen, die Designausbildung zu verbessern und ein dynamisches Gleichgewicht zwischen Theorie und Praxis zu ermöglichen.

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