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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Znalecká činnost při vyvlastňovacím řízení / Expert activities in expropriation proceedings

Hanák, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The theme of this work is expert activities in the expropriation proceedings. In the first part of this paper will focus generally on expropriation and on terms that are associated with this institute. I will also consider the purpose of expropriation and the laws under which it is possible to carry out the expropriation. A description of the actual course of the dispossession, respectively. expropriation under the Expropriation Act. In the next section I will deal with expert activities in the expropriation proceedings, ie the status of an expert in the expropriation proceedings, the structure of the expert report and its appurtenances and eventually own appreciation for the expropriation proceedings. In the last part of this work create a training expert opinion for the purpose of expropriation, which is evident from its structure.

Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na ceny pozemků ve Vysokém Mýtě / Assessment of the impact of planning on land prices in Vysoké Mýto

Kvapil, Radek January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the change in the price of land, depending on its determination in ground plan and also on the method of use in location Průhony in Vysoké Mýto. The first part describes the methods of real estate assessing, and consequently, ground planning is outlined. The second part in concerned with the description of Vysoké Mýto and real estate investment opportunities in close neighbourhood. The practical part is focused on setting prices of various lands in relation to its potential. To end up, historical price development in location Průhony is discussed.

Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Bernarticích nad Odrou / Assessment of the impact of planning on land prices in Bernartice nad Odrou

Glogarová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the impact of a planning on land prices in the village Bernartice nad Odrou. A theoretical basis for an evaluation of an immovable property is described, then a documentation of the planning in the village is analysed and in the end, an evaluation via a case study of two selected lands is made. Both of these lands are evaluated by a determined price and a usual price in the three levels according to the conditions of a local plan. There are levels using plots such as an agricultural land, a land designed for building-up according to the local plan and a building land. The evaluation is based on calculation results in the particular phases. Finally, results justification is presented.

Analýza vlivu rekonstrukce na výši obvyklé ceny rodinných domů v Hodslavicích / Impact analysis of renovation on the normal price of single-family houses in Hodslavice

Filipová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to assess to what extent does an reconstruction of houses affect the usual price. The theoretical part is focused on the basic therms and description of used methods in valuing of family hauses and the practical part deals with creating of database from bid prices of comparable objects and then by calculation the direct comparison of the market price of family houses. Further tasks are to find the cost price in accordance with the valid valuation regulation and also to find the comparative price in accordance with current pricing regulation. In the conclusion of the diploma thesis there is a comparison of prices according to the used valuation method.

Motivationsklimat, självbestämmande motivation och välbefinnande: En studie gjord på barn- och ungdomsfotbollsspelare

Björn, Oscar, Carlsson, Robin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om (a) självbestämmande motivationmedierar sambandet mellan ett uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och välbefinnande (b)självbestämmande motivation medierar sambandet mellan ett resultatorienteratmotivationsklimat och välbefinnande. Studien är av en kvantitativ tvärsnittsdesign som tagitdel av insamlade data i ett pågående forskningsprojekt (Ivarsson m.fl., i press).Forskningsprojektet har använt sig av ett tillgänglighetsurval vid rekryteringen av deltagare.Totalt deltog 731 barn- och ungdomsfotbollsspelare i åldrarna 10–18 (M=13.7, SD=1.8).Resultaten bekräftade de två hypoteserna då det fanns en signifikant indirekt effekt mellan ettuppgifts- respektive resultatorienterat motivationsklimat och välbefinnande genomsjälvbestämmande motivation. Medieringsanalyserna visade att ett uppgiftsorienteratmotivationsklimat var relaterat till en högre grad självbestämmande motivation, vilket i sin turvar relaterat till en högre grad av välbefinnande. Ett resultatorienterat motivationsklimat varrelaterat till en lägre grad av självbestämmande motivation, vilket i sin tur var relaterat till enlägre grad av välbefinnande. Resultaten illustrerar vikten av att forma ett uppgiftsorienteratmotivationsklimat inom barn- och ungdomsidrotten med syftet att främja densjälvbestämmande motivationen vilket i sin tur ökar sannolikheten att uppleva välbefinnande.Framtida forskning bör utforma interventionsstudier med syftet att i större utsträckning kunnauttala sig om orsak-verkan samband mellan de tre variablerna. / The study's objective was to examine if (a) self-determined motivation mediates the relationship between a task-oriented motivational climate and well-being (b) self-determined motivation mediates the relationship between an ego-oriented motivational climate and well- being. The present study is a quantitative cross-sectional design which has taken part of an ongoing research project’s collected data (Ivarsson, et al., in press). The research project used a convenience sample to select the participants, where 731 child- and youth players aged between 10-18 (M=13.7, SD=1.8) participated. The both hypotheses were confirmed by the results that showed a significant indirect relation between a task-oriented motivational climate and well-being as well as between ego-oriented motivational climate and well-being through self-determined motivation. The mediation analysis showed that a task-oriented motivational climate was related to a higher degree of self-determined motivation, which was related to a higher degree of well-being. An ego-oriented motivational climate was related to a lower degree of motivational climate, which was related to a lower degree of well-being. The results illustrate the importance of creating a task-oriented motivational climate in child- and youth sport with the purpose to foster self-determined motivation which further on can increase the probability to experience well-being. Future research should develop intervention studies with the purpose of to a greater extent study causal relationship between the three variables. / Ivarsson, A., Johnson, U., Svedberg, P., & Back, J. (i press). Psykosociala faktorers inverkan på avhopp från fotboll: En studie bland idrottsaktiva ungdomar.

Impacts potentiels d’un changement climatique sur le pergélisol dans le nord canadien

Obretin, Calin 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Drug addiction as a problem-determined system : a case study

Prinsloo, Melanie 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of how a problem-determined system developed around a case of drug addiction within the context of a system of relatedness. The epistemological framework informing this qualitative study was constructivism. The six participants who took part in the study represent the most prominent role players in the particular context of living. The individual battling with drug addiction, his parents, older sister, maternal grandmother and maternal aunt were interviewed. The methods of data collection employed were semi-structured interviews, a family-chronological event chart, genograms, and an eco-map. The interviews were interpreted using the hermeneutic approach. The different themes that emerged from each participant’s story were integrated in relation to each other and with respect to the collaborative sources of data. The most dominant themes extracted within this study are the initial reactions to Andrew’s drug addiction, life changes experienced due to Andrew’s drug addiction, support, as well as the meanings attributed to Andrew’s drug addiction. Further research into problem-determined systems in different cultures is recommended. / Psychology / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology)) Psychology

影片標註聽力複習機制對於英語聽力理解的影響研究 / The Effects of Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism on Listening Comprehension

陳怡君, Chen, I Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來英語教學特別重視聽力對於英語學習的重要性,然而臺灣的英語教育仍以播放CD為最廣泛使用的英語聽力練習方法,無法因應個別學習者聽力上的個別差異需求,進行重聽段落的自我調整。隨著科技的進步,電腦輔助語言學習已成為發展趨勢,本研究發展一影片標註聽力複習機制(Video-Annotated Listening Review Mechanism, VALRM),可輔助學習者依據自己的學習需求,進行英語聽力重聽段落的標註與重聽。為了驗證此一機制對於提升英語聽力的成效,本研究比較使用VALRM以及利用Youtube進行自主聽力複習機制(Self-Determined Learning Review Mechanism, SDLRM)的學習者,在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷是否具有顯著差異。此外,也進一步比較不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者(場地獨立型與場地依賴型),分別採用VALRM及SDLRM在英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷上是否具有顯著的差異。 研究結果發現,使用VALRM的學習者,其聽力理解成效顯著優於使用SDLRM的學習者。此外,使用VALRM的學習者,其學習滿意度與科技接受度高於使用SDLRM的學習者;認知負荷度則低於使用SDLRM的學習者。最後,採用VALRM及SDLRM之不同英語起始能力學習者,以及不同學習風格學習者的英語聽力理解成效、學習滿意度、科技接受度,以及認知負荷度不具有顯著差異。研究結果顯示,學習者使用VALRM輔以英語聽力學習,能有效提昇學習者的英語聽力理解表現。

Academic and social adjustment of teenagers in social rehabilitation : the role of intrinsic need satisfaction and autonomy support

Savard, Audrey 06 1900 (has links)
Les études antérieures ont démontré les bénéfices de la satisfaction des besoins intrinsèques et du soutien à l’autonomie dans le domaine de l’éducation. Or, l’applicabilité des tenants principaux de la Théorie de l’Auto-Détermination (TAD; Deci & Ryan, 2000) n’a pas été investiguée auprès d’une population clinique d’adolescents. L’objectif de cette thèse doctorale est de faire la lumière sur la façon dont l'adaptation scolaire et sociale peut être favorisée par les agents de socialisation dans le contexte de la réadaptation sociale. Cette thèse est composée de deux études s’intéressant à l’application des tenants clés de la TAD auprès de deux échantillons d’adolescents vivant des problèmes d’adaptation et recevant des services d’éducation spécialisée et de réadaptation sociale. Les relations entre les concepts motivationnels de base sont étudiés afin de déterminer si, comme la TAD le propose, la satisfaction des besoins intrinsèques des jeunes peut être soutenue par le style interpersonnel des agents de socialisation (c.-à-d., le soutien à l’autonomie, l’implication et la structure). Il est aussi vérifié si ces concepts motivationnels améliorent la motivation ainsi que d’autres conséquences qui résultent de leur expérience, proposées par la TAD. La première étude a évalué si le style interpersonnel des enseignants peut favoriser la satisfaction des besoins des élèves, leur style de motivationl, tout comme leur ajustement scolaire. Les élèves en difficulté d’adaptation (N = 115) inscrits aux écoles internes des Centres de Réadaptation en raison de leurs problématiques émotionnelles et comportementales ont rempli les questionnaires à deux reprises, au début et à la fin de l’année scolaire. Les analyses de modèles d’équations structurelles révèlent que l’augmentation du soutien à l’autonomie et de l’implication (mais pas de la structure) des enseignants pendant l’année est associée à une augmentation de la satisfaction des besoins des élèves qui, conséquemment, conduit à une motivation scolaire plus auto-déterminée et à une diminution d’intentions de décrochage à la fin de l’année scolaire. De plus, l’amélioration de la satisfaction des besoins mène directement à une meilleure expérience affective à l’école. La deuxième étude consiste en une recherche expérimentale conduite auprès d’adolescentes en difficulté d’adaptation (N = 29). Le devis expérimental a permis de comparer l’impact de la présence (c. absence) du soutien à l’autonomie sur l’internalisation d’une tâche et sur les conséquences motivationnelles et expérientielles des jeunes. La tâche, fastidieuse mais importante, consistait à de la résolution de problèmes interpersonnels (activité clinique). Les résultats suggèrent qu’un style interpersonnel soutenant l’autonomie a augmenté la motivation auto-déterminée, la perception de la valeur de la tâche et son appréciation, ainsi que diminué les affects négatifs comparativement à la condition sans soutien à l’autonomie. Les résultats sont discutés en lien avec les implications théoriques et pratiques d’étendre la portée de la TAD à une population clinique d’adolescents aux prises avec des difficultés d’adaptation. / Prior studies have demonstrated the benefits of intrinsic need satisfaction and autonomy support in the domain of education. It remains unclear whether the motivational constructs, derived from Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 2000) are also beneficial for clinical populations. The purpose of this thesis is to shed light on how social and academic adjustment might be promoted by socializing agents in the context of social rehabilitation. This dissertation is composed of two studies investing SDT key tenets within two samples of maladjusted teenagers receiving special education and social rehabilitation services. The relations between key motivational constructs are investigated to determine if, as proposed by SDT, youths’ intrinsic need satisfaction might by promoted by socializing agents’ interpersonal style (i.e., autonomy support, involvement, and structure). It is also predicted that these constructs will lead to motivational and experiential benefits as proposed by SDT. The first study tested whether teachers’ interpersonal style can foster students’ need satisfaction, motivation style, as well as their academic adjustment. Teenagers (N = 115) enrolled in Social Rehabilitation Centers’ special schools for maladjusted youths with severe emotional and behavioral problems completed questionnaires twice, at the beginning and the end of the school year. Structural equation modeling analysis supports a model in which teachers’ improvements in autonomy support and involvement (but not structure) are associated with students’ higher need satisfaction, which in turns leads to self-determined academic motivation and less dropout intentions at the end of the school year. Furthermore, improvement in need satisfaction leads directly to a better affective experience at school. The second study was an experimental research conducted with maladjusted female adolescents (N = 29). The experimental design allowed comparing the impact of learning a tedious, but important clinical workshop with (vs. without) autonomy support on the internalization of the interpersonal problem solving task and positive motivational and experiential outcomes. The results suggest that an autonomy-supportive interpersonal style is beneficial to youths’ experience, leading to higher self-determined motivation, perceived task’s value, task liking as well as less negative affect compared to a condition without autonomy support. Results are discussed along with the theoretical and practical implications of extending the reach of SDT to a clinical population of maladjusted teenagers.

Conflicted custody: the unfolding of a professional problem-determined system

Fasser, Robyn Lesley 01 1900 (has links)
With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. With the maturation of the child custody investigative process, the role of investigators and the process of these investigations have come under increasing scrutiny. The investigators are expected to be objective, neutral, and professional while following procedures that conform to model standards. However, this assumption of a lack of bias has been largely overlooked in the literature regarding the investigative process. It is assumed that investigators should self-monitor to ensure that their stance is objective and neutral. Furthermore, this position of neutrality and objectivity is assumed to be intuitive and natural. By using a case study, this thesis investigates and describes the process of a child custody investigation predicated on a constructivist epistemology. It highlights the impossibility of any investigator to be objective and neutral in any investigation automatically, regardless of the procedures and methods employed. The thesis highlights the participant observer status of investigators. An aim of the thesis is thus to sensitise investigators to this inevitable vulnerability with the expectation that such an awareness may allow investigators to establish processes to render investigations consciously more balanced, considered, and transparent. A further aim is to describe a child custody evaluation from an eco-systemic perspective by contextualising the investigation in the larger ecosystem to which it belongs. This description includes the investigation as part of an evolving problem-determined system. An awareness of this wider and evolving context may enable investigators to approximate a position of objectivity and neutrality more effectively. It may also act as an inoculation against the ‘contamination’ of the investigator by the investigative system. xviii In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. In South Africa, we have yet to formulate a document that establishes a model standard of practice or specific, dedicated training in this area. This thesis identifies what could be included in both areas (in addition to the expected protocols and procedures) by describing the investigator’s position as an expert learner, rather than just an ‘expert’. In line with current literature, it highlights the benefits of thinking consciously and in a considered manner. Furthermore, it indicates the benefits of a team approach to investigations, which could be considered an area for further investigation. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. ( Psychology)

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