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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trendy v koherenci české migrační a rozvojové politiky / Trends in Czech migration and development policy coherence

Seidlová, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
Migration and development are a globally recurring topic within media and political discourse. In Europe, the topic gained attention following the so called "refugee crisis", accompanied by rhetoric of solving the root causes of migration and increasing coherence of migration and development policy. Even though the refugee flows mainly avoided Czechia, the crisis had an impact on public and political discourse, including links to migration, development and the need for coherence in policy strategic documents. The diploma thesis analyses trends in Czech migration and development policy and their coherence in the aftermath of global financial and refugee crisis. This thesis aims to assess the progress toward coherence and identify the key areas and causes of incoherence. The concept of policy coherence for migration and development, and a model of policy coherence cycle are used as the main theoretical frameworks. To gain an insight into the process of policy formation, a distinction is made between political commitments and policies on paper, policy coordination and implementation in practice, and the potential impact of the political discourse on this process. This thesis presents attitudes and perceptions of key stakeholders in Czech migration and development policy, based on a series of 20...

Produção estratégica de insumos nucleares para a saúde no Brasil: o caso do FDG-18 F / Health nuclear strategic production in Brazil: FDG-18F case

Guimarães, Élide Mendes 03 September 2010 (has links)
No Brasil, a difusão de conceitos da física nuclear na área médica ganhou destaque ao longo da última década com o uso do FDG-18F, substância análoga à glicose marcada radioativamente para atuar em procedimentos de diagnóstico e tratamento em oncologia, neurologia e cardiologia. Das três especialidades é no uso oncológico que estão suas aplicações de maior relevância como a detecção precoce de metástase e outras formas de monitoramento tumoral que resultam em maiores chances de sobrevida ao paciente. Estas possibilidades passaram a fazer parte da realidade nacional com a incorporação da tecnologia híbrida de PET-CT, equipamento gerador de imagens anatômicas e metabólicas para mapeamento preciso de lesões por meio da concentração de FDG-18F. O uso médico deste composto ganhou tamanha repercussão que a necessidade de expandir a oferta de FDG-18F para além dos bolsões geográficos contemplados pela produção pública culminou na aprovação de emenda constitucional que abriu o mercado de radiofármacos no país. O presente estudo aborda a formação da cadeia produtiva de radiofármacos irradiados em cíclotron a partir da quebra do monopólio de produção e comercialização de radioisótopos de meia-vida curta, em 2006, para demonstrar que, ao consolidar a cadeia produtiva de FDG-18F, instituições e atores sociais nela envolvidos constituíram um subsistema nacional de inovação em saúde / In Brazil, nuclear physics concepts become prominent in healthcare throughout the last decade with FDG-18F use, a glucose similar substance radioactively marked to be used in diagnosis and treatment procedures in oncology, neurology and cardiology, but it´s in oncology treatments that we can find the biggest relevance application with the early cancer metastasis detection and many other cancerous tumor monitoring forms that may be revert in patient life time gain. PET-CT hybrid technology incorporation made these possibilities become part of national reality. The equipment is able to produce integrated anatomical and metabolic images that shows tiny tissue damages tracking FDG-18F concentration. This medical composition become renowned enough to claim loud for geographic offer expansion until it raised a new law allowing private initiative taking part in radiopharmaceuticals production market. This research intent to describe the cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals irradiated supply chain building up process since productive and commercial public monopoly broke up in 2006, so then it will be able to prove that a new innovative healthcare subsystem has resulted by the social actors and institutions efforts to establish FDG-18F supply chain

ContribuiÃÃo do Sistema Pergamum para tomada de decisÃo na polÃtica de desenvolvimento dos acervos do sistema de bibliotecas da UFC

OsvaldÃmia Maria Lucena Maia 27 June 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / O uso das tecnologias eletrÃnicas e digitais de informaÃÃo e de comunicaÃÃo à uma constataÃÃo, tanto no contexto individual, como coletivo e, igualmente das organizaÃÃes educacionais, industriais e comerciais, sejam elas pÃblicas ou particulares. No ambiente das bibliotecas de um modo geral e nas universitÃrias em particular, tambÃm nÃo à diferente, cada vez mais essas organizaÃÃes incorporam tais tecnologias na elaboraÃÃo de seus produtos e na execuÃÃo de seus serviÃos, visando atender melhor aos seus usuÃrios/clientes internos e externos. Contudo, em nossas observaÃÃes empÃricas verificamos que, embora essas tecnologias faÃam parte do cotidiano dessas instituiÃÃes, mesmo assim, encontramos pouquÃssimos trabalhos abordando a sua avaliaÃÃo e, menos ainda relacionadas ao uso de relatÃrios pelos gestores. à nesse sentido que esta pesquisa se insere e tem o seguinte questionamento: Qual à a contribuiÃÃo das informaÃÃes produzidas pelos MÃdulos do Sistema Pergamum para as tomadas de decisÃes dos gestores no Ãmbito das polÃticas de desenvolvimento de acervos do Sistema de Bibliotecas da UFC? Isto posto, definimos como objetivo geral investigar a contribuiÃÃo das informaÃÃes produzidas pelos MÃdulos do Sistema Pergamum no processo gerencial do sistema de biblioteca da UFC no que respeita a tomada de decisÃo por parte dos gestores dessas bibliotecas, quanto ao processo de gerenciamento dos critÃrios da polÃtica de desenvolvimento do acervo. A pesquisa utiliza-se do mÃtodo funcionalista que busca explicar aspectos estudados em termos de funÃÃes realizadas pelas instituiÃÃes e suas consequÃncias para a comunidade envolvida. Trata-se de estudo de caso, sendo o lÃcus da pesquisa empÃrica o Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do CearÃ, cujo universo à constituÃdo pelos gestores das Bibliotecas que fazem parte desse sistema, que estÃo envolvidos com a polÃtica de desenvolvimento de acervos. Desse modo, foram investigadas todas as 17 bibliotecas setoriais dessa universidade, sendo que os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionÃrio contemplando questÃes relativas ao uso das tecnologias na gestÃo da polÃtica de desenvolvimento dos acervos. Os resultados do estudo confirmam que, com exceÃÃo de dois gestores, os demais utilizam as informaÃÃes que os MÃdulos do Sistema Pergamum oferecem para o gerenciamento do sistema como um todo e, particularmente, no que diz respeito Ãs PolÃticas de Desenvolvimento do Acervo. TambÃm ficou evidente que, como toda ferramenta dinÃmica, os MÃdulos do Sistema Pergamum demandam aperfeiÃoamento e melhoramentos constantes e atualizaÃÃes para atender Ãs necessidades da instituiÃÃo, propiciando uma participaÃÃo cada vez maior da comunidade universitÃria, otimizando os recursos e possibilitando uma melhor aquisiÃÃo, distribuiÃÃo e utilizaÃÃo do acervo. Considera-se que os objetivos propostos foram 8 atingidos no que respeita à contribuiÃÃo do Sistema Pergamum para o gerenciamento das PolÃticas de Desenvolvimento de ColeÃÃes do Sistema de Bibliotecas da UFC. / The use of electronic technologies and digital information and communication is a fact, both within individual and collective, and also the educational, industrial and commercial, whether public or private. In general, the libraries and the universities indoors particularly, is not different, increasingly these organizations incorporate such technologies in developing its products and the performance of its services in order to better serve its users / customers internal and external. However, in our empirical observations we found that although these technologies are part of the daily life of these institutions, but we found few studies about evaluation and even less related to the use of reports by managers. That is why this research is part and has the following question: What is the contribution of the information produced by the system modules Pergamum for decision making of managers in the context of development policies of the collections of the library system of the UFC? In this sense, defined as main objective to investigate the contribution of information produced by the modules of the system management process in Pergamum library system of UFC with respect to decision making by managers of these libraries, the management process of policy criteria development of the acquis. The research makes use of the functionalist approach that seeks to explain aspects studied in terms of functions performed by the institutions and their consequences for the community involved. This is a case study, being the locus of the empirical research library system, Federal University of CearÃ, whose universe consists of the managers of libraries that are part of this system are involved in collections development policy. After, we investigated all 17 libraries in the university sector and the data were collected through a questionnaire covering issues relating to the use of technology for the management of development policy of the collections. The study results confirm that, except for two managers, others use the information that the System Modules Pergamum offer to manage the system as a whole and particularly in respect of the Collection Development Policy. It also became clear that, like all dynamic tool, the system modules Pergamum demand improvement and constant improvements and upgrades to meet the needs of the institution, providing an increased participation of the university community, optimizing resources and enabling better procurement, distribution and use of the collection. It is considered that the proposed objectives were achieved as regards the contribution of Pergamum system for management of collection development policies of the Library System of the UFC.

Produção estratégica de insumos nucleares para a saúde no Brasil: o caso do FDG-18 F / Health nuclear strategic production in Brazil: FDG-18F case

Élide Mendes Guimarães 03 September 2010 (has links)
No Brasil, a difusão de conceitos da física nuclear na área médica ganhou destaque ao longo da última década com o uso do FDG-18F, substância análoga à glicose marcada radioativamente para atuar em procedimentos de diagnóstico e tratamento em oncologia, neurologia e cardiologia. Das três especialidades é no uso oncológico que estão suas aplicações de maior relevância como a detecção precoce de metástase e outras formas de monitoramento tumoral que resultam em maiores chances de sobrevida ao paciente. Estas possibilidades passaram a fazer parte da realidade nacional com a incorporação da tecnologia híbrida de PET-CT, equipamento gerador de imagens anatômicas e metabólicas para mapeamento preciso de lesões por meio da concentração de FDG-18F. O uso médico deste composto ganhou tamanha repercussão que a necessidade de expandir a oferta de FDG-18F para além dos bolsões geográficos contemplados pela produção pública culminou na aprovação de emenda constitucional que abriu o mercado de radiofármacos no país. O presente estudo aborda a formação da cadeia produtiva de radiofármacos irradiados em cíclotron a partir da quebra do monopólio de produção e comercialização de radioisótopos de meia-vida curta, em 2006, para demonstrar que, ao consolidar a cadeia produtiva de FDG-18F, instituições e atores sociais nela envolvidos constituíram um subsistema nacional de inovação em saúde / In Brazil, nuclear physics concepts become prominent in healthcare throughout the last decade with FDG-18F use, a glucose similar substance radioactively marked to be used in diagnosis and treatment procedures in oncology, neurology and cardiology, but it´s in oncology treatments that we can find the biggest relevance application with the early cancer metastasis detection and many other cancerous tumor monitoring forms that may be revert in patient life time gain. PET-CT hybrid technology incorporation made these possibilities become part of national reality. The equipment is able to produce integrated anatomical and metabolic images that shows tiny tissue damages tracking FDG-18F concentration. This medical composition become renowned enough to claim loud for geographic offer expansion until it raised a new law allowing private initiative taking part in radiopharmaceuticals production market. This research intent to describe the cyclotron radiopharmaceuticals irradiated supply chain building up process since productive and commercial public monopoly broke up in 2006, so then it will be able to prove that a new innovative healthcare subsystem has resulted by the social actors and institutions efforts to establish FDG-18F supply chain

Zwischen Kolchose, Kapitalismus und kultureller Autonomie : Wandel und Persistenzen im Transformationsprozess des Deutschen Nationalen Rayons (Altai)

Rogga, Sebastian January 2011 (has links)
Rund 20 Jahre nach dem Ende der Sowjetunion verharrt ein Großteil ländlich geprägter Regionen in der Russländischen Föderation in einer strukturellen Krise, die sich auf ökonomischer, sozialer und politischer Ebene niederschlägt. Auch wenn sich ländliche Räume als vermeintliche Verlierer der Transformation erwiesen haben, so sind sie doch vielfach in sich differenziert und zeigen verschiedenartige Problemlagen und Entwicklungspfade auf, die vom Umgang mit den Herausforderungen des Systemwechsels zeugen. Beispielhaft wird dies am Deutschen Nationalen Rayon Altai (DNR Altai) dargestellt, dessen Transformationsphase in der vorliegenden Arbeit rekonstruiert wird. Der DNR Altai stellt in vielerlei Hinsicht einen Sonderfall dar, da er als räumlicher Fixpunkt russlanddeutscher Entwicklungspolitik in die bundesdeutsche Förderkulisse eingebettet war. Mit dem allmählichen Rückzug der deutschen Förderinstitutionen stellt sich jedoch die Frage nach nachhaltigen Strukturen, Verstetigung von Projekten und der Zukunft russlanddeutscher Kultur im Altai.

Klimapolitik International / International climate policy

Kleinwächter, Kai (Hrsg.) January 2012 (has links)
Der Klimawandel birgt globale Risiken. Dies ist weithin anerkannt. Umstritten ist die Frage, wie diesen Gefahren zu begegnen ist. 14 Jahre nach Kyoto ist klar: Klimapolitik ist Interessenpolitik. Das zeigte zuletzt die UN-Klimakonferenz 2011 in Durban mit ihren unverbindlichen Ergebnissen. In diesem Sammelband analysieren Experten Ursachen für das Scheitern der vergangenen Klima-Konferenzen und Konsequenzen für die künftige Klimapolitik. Insbesondere geht es um die Politik der Akteure China und Indien, um die Rolle der NGOs und die Klimafrage in der Entwicklungspolitik. Zugleich wird die deutsche Klimapolitik diskutiert und die Politik Brandenburgs von der verantwortlichen Ministerin vorgestellt.

Essays on the Interplay between Multinational Enterprises and Spatial Economies

Falck, Simon January 2013 (has links)
This doctoral thesis concerns the interplay between multinational enterprises (MNE) and spatial economies, with an orientation towards the location and spillover effects of inward foreign direct investments (FDI). The thesis consists of four essays that are self-contained studies. The first essay relates to the shift away from FDI in manufacturing to services and examines whether service FDI locates differently from manufacturing FDI. The second essay concerns the relationship between FDI and public incentives and whether investment promotion schemes are useful to attract FDI. The third essay examines the link between human capital and FDI and how different types of skilled workers influence FDI location. Taken together, these three essays examine conditions and factors that determine the location decision of foreign MNEs in the contemporary era of globalisation. The forth essay examines whether labour mobility is a potential source for spillovers from FDI in a spatial context. Although the latter essay does not provide any final answer to whether spillovers actually arise through this channel, it shows that the potentials for an effect to arise are larger in some regions than others because there are very few or no such knowledge spillover agents in many parts of the country. The thesis concludes by discussing the link between FDI and the policy work on regional development, and some avenues for future studies. / <p>QC 20130816</p>

Research on career development policies and factors related for women officials in administrative organizations --- basing on men and women to work equal.

Lai, Candy 22 July 2002 (has links)
Abstract Men and women are born in equal according to our constitution. The right of work for people shall be protected, and basic human rights for men and women are equal according to International Labor Code. However, basing on varied factors, currently the work relationship between men and women is not ideal. Subject to the data statistical records from Directorate-General of Budgets, Account & Statistics, Executive Yuan, the rate share for women manager and administrator in private organizations is only 13.6%. Even in the governmental organization, chief director selected by people and recommended women officials is also only 11.89%. The wage for women in Taiwan is always shared 73% of the men¡¦s. In the environment of practical situation, women are often restricted and affected by social structure, traditional culture value, and dull role-playing. On the other hand, they are often restrained and interfered by acting for different family roles. Those factors bring much pressure for women and their careers are greatly influenced. The researcher of this study is to serve in the governmental organization now. In so many years of working experience, she realizes deeply about the difficulties, obstacle, and decision for women unable to self-implement for achievement in the process of development under old social culture value. As viewing that women play important role gradually for national labor application in the future, and following the upgrade educational standard for women, the rate share for officials in governmental organization is increased year by year. Therefore, through pioneer model of female officials in the administrative organization, who are unable to reach for an equal treatment, this study is to research on personal disposition, sex role-playing, and pressure on role-playing, etc. factors. The successful result of personal presentation on how to overcome the obstacles and which kind of career policies adopted in the process of development are studied. In this study adopts individual interview, and the objects under this visiting are to serve in the administrative organization, including 4 higher/intermediate division women qualified by our national high-class examination, and aged from 35 to 50 years old to have more than 4 years of service span. The information collected is written by words, and after text classification and management, we build a title specified with explanation. Under comparison and analysis, the words told by the object will be directly narrated to prove our points of this study. Finally, the results are concluded below: ¤@¡BIn the aspect on sex role-playing ¡]¤@¡^Traditional social value affected to attitude for sex role-playing: in the traditional social value, women must take most of the duties to the household affairs and child raising. Even the modern women who have career feel guilty on care less for family members resulting from over devoted themselves to the work. ¡]¤G¡^Choosing stable work for themselves under assessment: except being affected by school domain, colleague, or models, etc. women look for stable work to let them can take care of family members and work simultaneously. ¡]¤T¡^Dull sex role-playing affected to their career development: for the factors of family role-playing, discrimination on sex for career and promotion, and not suitable for management, etc., women are restricted for career development. ¡]¥|¡^Sex role-playing and personal disposition affected to their career development: Most of the female officials in the administrative organization are trend to have personal disposition on both men and women with flexible space to meet the demand of actual condition. Women who have such kind of disposition are successful on career development. ¤G¡BIn the aspect of role conflicts ¡]¤@¡^Traditional social value affected to their role conflicts and career progress. ¡]¤G¡^Lower the role conflict, positive influence on career development. ¤T¡BIn the aspect of personal disposition ¡]¤@¡^Women with disposition of inner self-control get higher successful on career: As women who have inner self-control dare to receive challenge and take responsibility for better achievement. Therefore, they have high rate for successful on career. ¡]¤G¡^Smaller influenced by traditional culture value, they have higher motive to achieve the successful. Besides, the rate is higher to act as senior officials in the intermediate and higher division. ¥|¡BSuccessful policy factors for women career ¡]¤@¡^Looking for support and assistance from their family members: Looking for effective support system to cope with pressure, their career will be successful without burdens. ¡]¤G¡^Creating opportunity for competition priority: like to use the policies with ¡§organizational level and structure opportunity¡¨ ¡§increasing on training opportunity¡¨, ¡§striving for professional enrichment and in-service study opportunity¡¨, ¡§assessment on situation priority¡¨, and ¡§letting resistance turn into assistance¡¨, etc. to breakthrough for greater progress on career. ¡]¤T¡^Devoted themselves to the work with great efforts: being fully devoted to the work with progressive attitude and good faith, and this is the basic policy to win for a success. ¡]¥|¡^Having the opinion same as senior officers: Good coordination with senior officers, and appropriate application of the policy to avoid creating negative influence. ¡]¤­¡^Self-selling at appropriate time: self recommendation policy. ¡]¤»¡^Seeking for instruction from good instructor: A good instructor can appreciate your talent and will give instruction to you at appropriate time, and a timing recommendation as well as promotion helps greatly to the development of career without obstacles. ¡]¤C¡^Establishing the human network relations: Participating progressively and actively to expand human relations and set-up good information network. By means of the operation on human network, the development of career will be successful more easily. Key words: Sex role-playing, role conflict, personal disposition, career development, career development policy, men and women to work equal

Institutions, state capacity and economic development: the political economy of import substitution industrialisation in Brazil

Guimar??es, Alexandre Queiroz 02 1900 (has links)
Submitted by Roger Guedes (roger.guedes@fjp.mg.gov.br) on 2014-08-29T17:33:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Institutions, state capacity and economic development.PDF: 1327433 bytes, checksum: 7b4c02d9a5ac2854b4a0288046007a0b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Roger Guedes (roger.guedes@fjp.mg.gov.br) on 2014-08-29T17:34:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Institutions, state capacity and economic development.PDF: 1327433 bytes, checksum: 7b4c02d9a5ac2854b4a0288046007a0b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-29T17:34:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Institutions, state capacity and economic development.PDF: 1327433 bytes, checksum: 7b4c02d9a5ac2854b4a0288046007a0b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003-02 / Funda????o Jo??o Pinheiro / Ind??stria / This thesis deals with the determinants and limits of the process of import substitution industrialisation which took place in Brazil from 1930 to 1980. A first important objective is to understand the direction given to the process of industrialisation and the consequent pattern of policy making. Secondly, the thesis asks why the Brazilian state, a key agent in the process of industrialisation, was notable to adopt certain measures and to go in certain directions which could have produced a more solid and sustainable process of economic development. Key attention is given to the concepts of state capacity and the developmental state. The concern with state capacity justifies a careful analysis of industrial policy, undertaken for the capital goods sector in the 1970s. In addition, the thesis is also centred on a comparative analysis. Through the experience of other countries, I intend to highlight the contribution of certain institutional factors to the path of economic development in Brazil. As a conclusion, the thesis shows how institutional factors, e.g. the result of peripheral international insertion and the organisation of social forces and of the state apparatus, constrained the capacity of the Brazilian state to replicate the results achieved by the developmental states in Japan and Korea. The study of the capital goods sector shows this in detail, emphasising the negative effects of divisions inside the state and the resistance of social groups on the coherence and the achievements of Brazilian industrial policy. An important conclusion is that the success of a substantial process of industrial transformation, which affects the interests of several economic groups, demands the construction of a strong coalition able to increase the government???s basis of support. This was an important deficiency of the military government, whose form of domination disregarded the relevance of such political mechanisms.

Contribuição do Sistema Pergamum para tomada de decisão na política de desenvolvimento dos acervos do sistema de bibliotecas da UFC

MAIA, Osvaldêmia Maria Lucena January 2012 (has links)
MAIA, Osvaldêmia Maria Lucena. Contribuição do Sistema Pergamum para tomada de decisão na política de desenvolvimento dos acervos do sistema de bibliotecas da UFC. 2012. 109f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Políticas Públicas e Gestão da Educação Superior, Fortaleza (CE), 2012. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-05-13T14:35:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_omlmaia.pdf: 1609550 bytes, checksum: 3f51c001aeca1053fa4639ac92b9939a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-05-13T14:53:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_omlmaia.pdf: 1609550 bytes, checksum: 3f51c001aeca1053fa4639ac92b9939a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-13T14:53:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012_dis_omlmaia.pdf: 1609550 bytes, checksum: 3f51c001aeca1053fa4639ac92b9939a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / The use of electronic technologies and digital information and communication is a fact, both within individual and collective, and also the educational, industrial and commercial, whether public or private. In general, the libraries and the universities indoors particularly, is not different, increasingly these organizations incorporate such technologies in developing its products and the performance of its services in order to better serve its users / customers internal and external. However, in our empirical observations we found that although these technologies are part of the daily life of these institutions, but we found few studies about evaluation and even less related to the use of reports by managers. That is why this research is part and has the following question: What is the contribution of the information produced by the system modules Pergamum for decision making of managers in the context of development policies of the collections of the library system of the UFC? In this sense, defined as main objective to investigate the contribution of information produced by the modules of the system management process in Pergamum library system of UFC with respect to decision making by managers of these libraries, the management process of policy criteria development of the acquis. The research makes use of the functionalist approach that seeks to explain aspects studied in terms of functions performed by the institutions and their consequences for the community involved. This is a case study, being the locus of the empirical research library system, Federal University of Ceará, whose universe consists of the managers of libraries that are part of this system are involved in collections development policy. After, we investigated all 17 libraries in the university sector and the data were collected through a questionnaire covering issues relating to the use of technology for the management of development policy of the collections. The study results confirm that, except for two managers, others use the information that the System Modules Pergamum offer to manage the system as a whole and particularly in respect of the Collection Development Policy. It also became clear that, like all dynamic tool, the system modules Pergamum demand improvement and constant improvements and upgrades to meet the needs of the institution, providing an increased participation of the university community, optimizing resources and enabling better procurement, distribution and use of the collection. It is considered that the proposed objectives were achieved as regards the contribution of Pergamum system for management of collection development policies of the Library System of the UFC. / O uso das tecnologias eletrônicas e digitais de informação e de comunicação é uma constatação, tanto no contexto individual, como coletivo e, igualmente das organizações educacionais, industriais e comerciais, sejam elas públicas ou particulares. No ambiente das bibliotecas de um modo geral e nas universitárias em particular, também não é diferente, cada vez mais essas organizações incorporam tais tecnologias na elaboração de seus produtos e na execução de seus serviços, visando atender melhor aos seus usuários/clientes internos e externos. Contudo, em nossas observações empíricas verificamos que, embora essas tecnologias façam parte do cotidiano dessas instituições, mesmo assim, encontramos pouquíssimos trabalhos abordando a sua avaliação e, menos ainda relacionadas ao uso de relatórios pelos gestores. É nesse sentido que esta pesquisa se insere e tem o seguinte questionamento: Qual é a contribuição das informações produzidas pelos Módulos do Sistema Pergamum para as tomadas de decisões dos gestores no âmbito das políticas de desenvolvimento de acervos do Sistema de Bibliotecas da UFC? Isto posto, definimos como objetivo geral investigar a contribuição das informações produzidas pelos Módulos do Sistema Pergamum no processo gerencial do sistema de biblioteca da UFC no que respeita a tomada de decisão por parte dos gestores dessas bibliotecas, quanto ao processo de gerenciamento dos critérios da política de desenvolvimento do acervo. A pesquisa utiliza-se do método funcionalista que busca explicar aspectos estudados em termos de funções realizadas pelas instituições e suas consequências para a comunidade envolvida. Trata-se de estudo de caso, sendo o lócus da pesquisa empírica o Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Ceará, cujo universo é constituído pelos gestores das Bibliotecas que fazem parte desse sistema, que estão envolvidos com a política de desenvolvimento de acervos. Desse modo, foram investigadas todas as 17 bibliotecas setoriais dessa universidade, sendo que os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário contemplando questões relativas ao uso das tecnologias na gestão da política de desenvolvimento dos acervos. Os resultados do estudo confirmam que, com exceção de dois gestores, os demais utilizam as informações que os Módulos do Sistema Pergamum oferecem para o gerenciamento do sistema como um todo e, particularmente, no que diz respeito às Políticas de Desenvolvimento do Acervo. Também ficou evidente que, como toda ferramenta dinâmica, os Módulos do Sistema Pergamum demandam aperfeiçoamento e melhoramentos constantes e atualizações para atender às necessidades da instituição, propiciando uma participação cada vez maior da comunidade universitária, otimizando os recursos e possibilitando uma melhor aquisição, distribuição e utilização do acervo. Considera-se que os objetivos propostos foram 8 atingidos no que respeita à contribuição do Sistema Pergamum para o gerenciamento das Políticas de Desenvolvimento de Coleções do Sistema de Bibliotecas da UFC.

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