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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mainstreaming av integration : Om översättning av policy och nätverksstyrning med förhinder inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, 1998 – 2007 / Mainstreaming integration policy : On translation of policy and network governance with a hindrance in Swedish regional development policy,1998-2007

Andersson, Ragnar January 2011 (has links)
Det här är en fallstudie av hur integrationspolitiska mål översätts tvärsektoriellt inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken: i en rad olika sammanhang på nationell, regional och kommunal nivå. I studien beskrivs och analyseras hur idén om integration genom mainstreaming översätts till den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, för att fortsätta med en fördjupad analys av det regionala tillväxtpartnerskapet i Östergötland samt olika lokala kommunala tillväxtpartnerskap. Avslutningsvis jämförs resultaten från Östergötland med utvecklingen i landets övriga 20 regionala tillväxtpartnerskap. I avhandlingen visas att det fanns höga ambitioner om att genomföra en mainstreaming, bland annat med hjälp av nätverksstyrning. Så skedde också i olika målsättningstexter och beslut. Men när dessa målsättningar och beslut skulle omvandlas till aktiviteter, fullföljdes inte mainstreamingen. Man avstod helt från att göra något inriktat mot invandrare eller så genomfördes olika former av säråtgärder för invandrare. Avhandlingen visar dock på stora skillnader mellan olika aktörer och sammanhang. I vissa fall var man nära på att uppfylla kraven på en mainstreaming, i andra valde man att inte försöka. I avhandlingen visas också att hinder för genomförandet varit föreställningar om invandrare och invandrarfrågor som ej bidragande i ekonomiska tillväxtsammanhang, brist på styrningskompetens och resurser samt ett bristande kunnande om hur man skulle mainstreama integration. / This is a case study of how the Swedish migrant policy is cross-sectorally translated into the regional development policy area: at national, regional and municipal levels. The study describes and analyzes first how the idea of integration through mainstreaming is translated into the regional development policy. Secondly it conducts an in-depth analysis of the Regional Growth Partnership in the region of Östergötland as well as various municipality based growth partnerships. Finally, the results are compared with the development of other Regional Growth Partnerships (21 in total) in Sweden. The thesis shows that there were high ambitions for implementing the idea of mainstreaming integration, including the use of network governance. This also was reflected in other objectives and decisions. But when these goals and decisions were to be transformed into activities, the mainstreaming they were not completed. All actors refrained from implementing the proposed mainstreaming model; but some did implement various forms of side-stream measures for migrants. The thesis reveals large differences between different actors and contexts. In some cases, they were close to meeting the requirements of mainstreaming, in others they chose not to try at all. The thesis also shows that hindrances to translations were negatively related to the categorizations of immigrants, lack of management skills and resources and a lack of knowledge about how to mainstream integration of immigrants.

Programmorientierung der Gemeinden im Stadtumbau aus der Perspektive vertikaler Zielbeziehungen. / Programme Orientation of Municipalities in the East German Urban Regeneration Funding Programme from the Perspective of Vertical Relationships of Objectives. Impacts of Supra-Municipal Institutions on Municipal Urban Development Objectives – the Case Study of Urban Regeneration Concepts in the Directorate Region of Chemnitz, Saxony.

Strauß, Christian 05 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Der demografische Wandel und die damit verbundene Stadtschrumpfung führen in vielen sächsischen Städten zu städtebaulichen Missständen. Als Reaktion darauf formulieren die Städte mit dem Stadtumbau Ost Ziele zur Wiederherstellung nachhaltiger Siedlungsstrukturen. Das Handeln der Gemeinden wird dabei durch überörtliche Institutionen des Stadtumbau-Programms beeinflusst. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Ermittlung des Zusammenhangs zwischen den gemeindlichen siedlungspolitischen Zielen und den überörtlichen Vorgaben im sächsischen Stadtumbau. Als Erklärungszusammenhang für den oben beschriebenen situativen und institutionellen Kontext wird der akteurzentrierte Institutionalismus herangezogen. Ziele sind eines der vier Elemente der Stadtplanung. Es bestehen sowohl Gründe für eindeutige als auch für vage Ziele. Die vertikalen Zielbeziehungen vom Zweck bis zum Handlungsziel ergeben eine Zielhierarchie, die sich in den überörtlichen Vorgaben im Stadtumbau-Programm als hybride Zielhierarchie wiederfindet. Für den Anwendungsfall der siedlungspolitischen Ziele, die sich aus flächen- und gebäudepolitischen Aussagen zusammensetzen, wird ein Kategorienschema entwickelt, mit dem die Stadtumbaukonzepte untersucht werden können. Der empirische Teil der Arbeit basiert auf einer inhaltsanalytischen Themenanalyse von 24 Stadtumbaukonzepten im Direktionsbezirk Chemnitz. Dabei wird grundsätzlich die Programmorientierung der Gemeinden nachgewiesen. Allerdings formulieren sie eindeutige, vielfach aber auch vage Handlungsziele. Ein Vorrang der gebäude- gegenüber den flächenpolitischen Zielen ist nicht festzustellen. Im Ergebnis ist im sächsischen Stadtumbau weder ein Vorrang der Eindeutigkeit noch der Vagheit festzustellen. Die sächsischen Gemeinden im Stadtumbau Ost orientieren sich bei der Zielformulierung zwar an den überörtlichen Vorgaben. Zugleich orientieren sie sich aber an den Risiken des demografischen Wandels und der Stadtschrumpfung. Daher wird das Postulat der Ziel- und Risikoorientierung formuliert. Auf dieser Basis werden Handlungsempfehlungen für die überörtlichen raumpolitischen Ebenen gegeben, um das Programm Stadtumbau Ost hinsichtlich der siedlungspolitischen Ziele zu optimieren. Diese Empfehlungen beziehen sich auf die Stadtumbau-Paragrafen, das Förderprogramm sowie die Arbeitshilfe und sonstigen Formen der Betreuung der Gemeinden.

Governmentality, pedagogy and membership categorization : a case of enrolling the citizen in sustainable regional planning

Summerville, Jennifer A. January 2007 (has links)
Over the past twenty years, the idea that planning and development practices should be ‘sustainable’ has become a key tenet of discourses characterising the field of planning and development. As part of the agenda to balance and integrate economic, environmental and social interests, democratic participatory governance arrangements are frequently purported to be necessary to achieve ‘sustainable development’ at both local and global levels. Despite the theoretical disjuncture between ideas of democratic civic participation, on the one hand, and civic participation as a means to achieve pre-determined sustainability goals on the other, notions of civic participation for sustainability have become integral features of sustainable development discourses. Underpinned by a conceptual and methodological intent to perform an epistemological ‘break’ with notions of civic participation for sustainability, this thesis explicates how citizens are enrolled in the sustainable development agenda in the discourse of policy. More specifically, it examines how assumptions about civic participation in sustainable development policy discourses operate, and unpacks some discursive strategies through which policy language ‘enrols’ citizens in the same set of assumptions around their normative requirement for participation in sustainable development. Focussing in on a case study sustainable development policy document – a draft regional plan representing a case of ‘enrolling the citizen in sustainability’ - it employs three sociological perspectives/methods that progressively highlight some of the ways that the policy language enjoins citizens as active participants in ‘sustainable’ regional planning. As a thesis-by-publication, the application of each perspective/method is reported in the form of an article prepared for publication in an academic journal. In a departure from common-sense understandings of civic participation for sustainability, the first article examines the governmentality of sustainable development policy. Specifically, this article explores how civic community – particularly community rights and responsibilities – are deployed in the policy discourse as techniques of government that shape and regulate the conduct of subjects. In this respect, rather than seeing civic community as a specific ‘thing’ and participation as corresponding to particular types of ‘activities’, this paper demonstrates how notions of civic participation are constructed and mobilised in the language of sustainable development policy in ways that facilitate government ‘at a distance’. The second article begs another kind of question of the policy – one concerned more specifically with how the everyday practices of subjects become aligned with the principles of sustainable development. This paper, therefore, investigates the role of pedagogy in establishing governance relations in which citizens are called to participate as part of the problematic of sustainability. The analysis suggests that viewing the case study policy in terms of relationships of informal pedagogy provided insights into the positioning of the citizen as an ‘acquirer’ of sustainability principles. In this instance, the pedagogic values of the text provide for low levels of discretion in how citizens could position themselves in the moral order of the discourse. This results in a strong injunction for citizens to subscribe to sustainability principles in a participatory spirit coupled with the requirement for citizens to delegate to the experts to carry out these principles. The third article represents a further breakdown of the ways in which citizens become enrolled in ‘sustainable’ regional planning within the language of the case study policy. Applying an ethnomethodological perspective, specifically Membership Categorization Analysis, this article examines the way ‘the citizen’ and ‘civic values and obligations’ are produced in the interactional context of the text. This study shows how the generation of a substantive moral order that ties the citizen to sustainable values and obligations with respect to the region, is underpinned by a normative morality associated with the production of orderliness in ‘text-in-interaction’. As such, it demonstrates how the production and positioning of ‘the citizen’ in relation to the institutional authors of the policy, and the region more generally, are practical accomplishments that orient the reader to identify him/herself as a ‘citizen’ and embrace the ‘civic values and obligations’ to which he/she is bound. Together, the different conceptual and methodological approaches applied in the thesis provide a more holistic picture of the different ways in which citizens are discursively enrolled in the sustainability agenda. At the substantive level, each analysis reveals a different dimension of how the active citizen is mobilised as a responsible agent for sustainable development. In this respect, civic participation for sustainability is actualised and reproduced through the realms of language, not necessarily through applied occasions of civic participation in the ‘taken-for-granted’ sense. Furthermore, at the conceptual and methodological level, the thesis makes a significant contribution to sociological inquiry into relationships of governance. Rather than residing within the boundaries of a specific sociological perspective, it shows how different approaches that would traditionally be applied in a mutually exclusive manner, can complement each other to advance understanding of how governance discourses operate. In this respect, it provides a rigorous conceptual and methodological platform for further investigations into how citizens become enrolled in programmes of government.

Le rapport à la politique des descendants d'immigrés dans les quartiers d'habitat social : de la diversité des parcours aux expériences communes / Political attitudes of immigrants' descendants living in deprived suburbs in France : from diversity of backgrounds to common experiences

Lagier, Elsa 17 September 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les dynamiques de construction du rapport à la politique (intérêt, critique, indifférence, engagement etc.) des descendants d’immigrés nés en France – ou y ayant grandi – et résidant dans un quartier d'habitat social dans lequel est mise en oeuvre la politique de la ville. L'originalité de ce travail vient du fait que différents rapports à la politique sont étudiés et que les familles rencontrées sont originaires de différents pays (Sénégal, Algérie, Maroc, Vietnam, Laos, Comores etc.). L'analyse développée à partir d’entretiens biographiques souligne l’influence des différents parcours migratoires des parents et des expériences communes des enfants sur la construction de leurs attitudes politiques ; elle questionne leur éventuelle spécificité. Elle accorde une attention particulière à la mémoire familiale et aux dynamiques des transmissions intergénérationnelles, aux trajectoires socioprofessionnelles des descendants d’immigrés et de leurs parents ainsi qu’au contexte local de vie. / This PhD questions the dynamics of political attitudes (interest, criticism, indifference, involvement etc.) of French youths from non-European immigrant background born or raised in France in deprived areas where a specific policy is implemented. The originality of this study is that it includes different attitudes towards politics and different countries of origin. The interlocutors interviewed are from Senegal, Algeria, Morocco, Vietnam, Laos, Comoros etc. The analysis developed from biographical interviews underlines the influence of the different migration paths of the parents, and the common experiences of their children on the construction of their political attitudes; it questions their possible specificity. This analysis pays particular attention to the family memory and the dynamics of intergenerational transmission, to the socio-professional trajectories of immigrants’ descendants and those of their parents as well as their local context of residence.

Causes and consequences of rural-urban migration: the case of Woldiya town, North Ethiopia

Miheretu, Birhan Asmame 06 1900 (has links)
In developing countries like Ethiopia rural-urban migration affects development in both urban and rural areas. As such, this study aims at establishing the major causes and consequences of the movement of people from rural to urban areas. To achieve the objective 500 migrant household heads were selected randomly from three kebeles of the town. Both primary and secondary data were employed and were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The study revealed that migrants came to Woldiya in search of employment and to utilize urban services and education. Hence, the out flow of economically active people from the rural agricultural sector has a negative effect on production in the areas of origin and the receiving area now experiences problems such as a shortage of housing, unemployment, increasing cost of living, lack of access to social services, Therefore, to mitigate the problem of rural-urban migration is launching of integrated rural development policy / Geography / M.A. (Geography)


MANFREDI, MATTEO 31 May 2017 (has links)
Il presente lavoro esamina le politiche e gli strumenti giuridici di promozione e di tutela degli investimenti internazionali nel settore agricolo di uno dei principali attori coinvolti nella nuova corsa alla terra: l’Unione europea. Il primo capitolo analizza la competenza dell’Unione a concludere accordi internazionali, al fine di comprendere la portata innovativa dei trattati di libero scambio di nuova generazione dell’Unione. Il secondo e il terzo capitolo individuano delle possibili soluzioni alle due principali esigenze legate agli investimenti in terre agricole, quali la stabilità e la protezione dell’investimento, da una parte, e la tutela delle popolazioni locali, dall’altra, attraverso un’analisi critica della politica commerciale comune e della politica di cooperazione allo sviluppo dell’UE. La tesi intende dimostrare che i trattati di libero scambio negoziati dall’Unione europea e la politica di cooperazione allo sviluppo dell’Unione possono contribuire a promuovere una maggiore certezza giuridica dell’ordinamento dei Paesi in via di sviluppo, punto fondamentale per qualsiasi riforma del settore agricolo, e conseguentemente garantire una maggior protezione non solo per chi investe, ma anche per le popolazioni locali. / The dissertation investigates the policies and the legal instruments for the international investments' promotion and protection in agriculture of one of the main actors involved in the new land rush: the European Union. The first chapter analyses the EU’s competence over the conclusion of international treaties in order to understand the main innovations of the new generation of EU trade agreements. The second and third chapters focus on possible solutions of the two main agricultural lands investments’ requirements: investment protection and certainty, on the one hand, and protection of local populations, on the other, through a critical analysis of the EU common commercial policy and of the EU development cooperation policy. The thesis aims to provide that the EU free trade agreements and the EU development policy may promote a major legal certainty for developing countries, a key point for any agrarian reform, and consequently guarantee more protection not only for investors but also for local populations.

Aktuální politické otázky mezinárodního obchodu v souvislosti s problematikou rozvoje v Subsaharské Africe / Current political issues of international trade related to the development of sub-Saharan Africa

Rejtharová, Denisa January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with processes that are under way on the international political scene focused on bringing about change in international trade rules. The aim is to analyze to what extent are taken into account interests and development needs of sub-Saharan Africa. Examination of links between international trade on one hand, and development and poverty alleviation on the other hand, has emerged as one of the top issues of development studies. They consider a more substantial integration of sub-Saharan Africa countries into flows of international trade as one of the forms of efficient support to the African development efforts. Actually, two key trade negotiations are taking place -- the Doha Development Agenda under the auspices of the World Trade Organisation, and the Economic Partnership Agreements negotiations between the European Union and the ACP countries. The negotiations have proven to be politically sensible and up to now have failed in reaching an agreement. The present thesis seeks, therefore, to explore the reasons for the failure.

Trois essais sur les relations entre disparités socio-spatiales et inégalités sociales / Three essays on the relationships between socio-spatial disparities and social inequalities

Schaeffer, Yves 30 August 2012 (has links)
Les disparités socio-spatiales sont à la fois une cause et une conséquence des inégalités sociales. Cette thèse interroge le rôle des inégalités sociales dans la formation et la correction des disparités socio-spatiales. Elle est composée de trois essais, qui éclairent différentes facettes de ce questionnement, faisant intervenir les migrations résidentielles et les politiques publiques. Le premier essai analyse la pertinence des orientations stratégiques nationales de la politique de développement rural à l'aune du débat philosophique sur la justice sociale. Il met en évidence le rôle que joue et que devrait jouer l'objectif de réduction des inégalités sociales dans la définition d'une politique agissant sur les disparités socio-spatiales. Les deux essais suivants montrent comment les inégalités sociales génèrent des disparités socio-spatiales par le biais des mobilités résidentielles de longues et de courtes distances. Le second essai étudie les effets du sentiment d'aversion à l'inégalité locale et de la politique de redistribution du revenu sur les mobilités et les disparités interrégionales, dans le cadre théorique de la Nouvelle Economie Géographique. Le dernier essai examine comment les inégalités sociales conditionnent les choix résidentiels et induisent une ségrégation socio-spatiale au sein des aires urbaines françaises, à l'aide de modèles économétriques de choix discrets / Socio-spatial disparities are both a cause and a consequence of social inequalities. This thesis questions the role of social inequalities in the formation and correction of socio-spatial disparities. It is composed of three essays shedding light on different sides of this issue, involving residential migrations and public policies. The first essay analyses the relevance of the national strategic orientations of the rural development policy by the yardstick of the philosophical debate on social justice. It puts in evidence the role that play and should play the objective of reducing social inequalities in the definition of a policy acting on socio-spatial disparities. The two following essays show how social inequalities generate socio-spatial disparities through long and short distance residential moves. The second essay studies the effect of the feeling of aversion toward local inequality and of the income redistribution policy on interregional migrations and disparities, in the theoretical framework of the New Economic Geography. The last essay examines how social inequalities determine residential choices and produce socio-spatial segregation in the French urban areas, using econometric discrete choice models

Analýza hospodaření krajů v ČR, vztah k financování regionálního rozvoje / Financial Management Analysis of Regions in the Czech Republic and Relatioship to Regional Development Funding

Dvořáková, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Hereby presented diploma thesis discusses the financial management of Czech regions (more accurately "higher-level territorial administrative units") focusing on regional development funding, particularly demonstrated by the example of the South Moravian Region. Through a study of regional financial management the regional budget's income and expenditure have been thoroughly examined, especially those governable by the regions themselves. During the analysis of the South Moravian Region financial system the main focus has been aimed at its regional funding policy outlined by the corresponding strategic documentation entitled South Moravian Region Development Plan. The actual support for regional development in South Moravian Region is financed by the region's budget and a special-purpose fund named Development Fund of South Moravian Region.

Rozvojová politika jako nástroj vnější politiky EU / Development policy as an instrument of the EU external policy

Šutová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
External policy of the European Union as it is defined by the Lisbon Treaty incorporates, among others, the development cooperation policy and the Common foreign and security policy. Development assistance, as a shared policy, represents a traditional form of cooperation between the Union and the developing countries and as such works as a mean to promote the objectives of its external policy. On the other hand the Common foreign and security policy was established by the Maastricht Treaty and until today the decisions made depend on the will of the Member states. The aim of this thesis is to analyze how the European Union uses the development cooperation to achieve the objectives of its external policy and to demonstrate, that using the means of the Common foreign and security policy is essential as well. To do this, the thesis will study the African Great Lakes region in particular.

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