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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação estrutural e funcional da mácula nos pacientes com retinopatia diabética proliferativa submetidos à panfotocoagulação associada a injeções intravítreas de bevacizumabe / Structural and functional assessment of the macula in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy submitted to panretinal photocoagulation associated with intravitreal injections of bevacizumab

Preti, Rony Carlos 23 November 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O presente estudo avaliou o tratamento com injeções intravítreas de Bevacizumabe (IVB) associadas à panfotocoagulação (PFC) da retina na retinopatia diabética proliferativa (RDP) de alto risco com ou sem edema macular (EM). MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico randomizado, prospectivo, aberto e mascarado composto por pacientes com Diabetes melitos (DM) tipo 2. A acuidade visual (AV) foi medida com a tabela Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study e a sensibilidade ao contraste (SC) pela da tabela Vistech Consultants Incorporation 6500. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame de angiofluoresceinografia para observação de neovascularização retiniana e isquemia macular e à tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT), para se obter a espessura foveal (EF) e o volume macular (VM). Após os exames, um dos olhos do mesmo paciente foi randomizado para realizar somente PFC, grupo controle (GC), e o outro para PFC associado a injeções IVB, grupo de estudo (GE). A hemorragia vítrea (HV) e a presença de complicações também foram avaliadas. RESULTADOS: Dos 42 pacientes incluídos, 35 completaram o estudo. A média de idade foi de 56±8 anos, com predominância do gênero masculino 21 (60%). Vinte e seis (74%) pacientes eram portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica com média de duração de 9±10 anos. A média de duração do DM foi de 18±9 anos sendo 23 (66%) usuários de insulina e 21 (68,5%), fácicos. A AV e a SC não demonstraram diferença entre os grupos no total da amostra. O GE demonstrou melhora em comparação ao GC na EF no 1º mês, e no VM nos 1° e 3º meses de seguimento. Quanto aos 12 pacientes com EM bilateral somente a EF demonstrou redução no GE no 1º mês de seguimento. Ao se avaliar os grupos separadamente, o GC apresentou agravamento da AV e SC durante todo seguimento. Houve também aumento da EF nos 1º e 6º meses e VM nos 1º , 3º e 6º meses de seguimento. O GE demonstrou estabilização da AV, SC, EF e VM. Correlacionado às funções visuais, AV com a SC, toda vez que houve piora da AV esta foi acompanhada pelo agravamento da SC em todos os momentos no GC e GE. Quando correlacionadas as AV e SC com as EF e VM, toda vez que a espessura macular aumentava, havia piora da função visual. Dos sete pacientes excluídos do estudo por apresentarem HV, cinco integravam o GC e dois o GE. Não houve aparecimento de catarata, endoftalmite e/ou aumento significativo da pressão ocular. CONCLUSÃO: Na RDP de alto risco, o uso adjuvante de injeções intravítreas de Bevacizumabe associadas à panfotocoagulação da retina pode estabilizar a AV, SC, EF e VM, diminuir a incidência de HV e reduzir a da espessura macular. Em relação à correlação entre as variáveis, quando houve piora da AV, esta foi acompanhada da piora da SC e o aumento da EF e VM causaram piora da AV e SC / INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the treatment with intravitreal injections of Bevacizumab (IVB) associated with panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) in high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) with or without diabetic macular edema (DME). METHODS: Prospective, open and masked, randomized clinical trial, composed of patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The visual acuity (VA) was measured with the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study charts and the contrast sensitivity (CS) through the chart of Vistech Consultants Incorporation 6500. Patients were submitted to a fluorescein angiography examination to observe retinal neovascularization and macular ischemia and to an optical coherence tomography (OCT) to obtain the foveal thickness (FT) and macular volume (MV). After the tests, one of the eyes from the same patient was randomized to realize only the PRP, the control group (CG), and the other for PRP associated to IVB injections, the study group (SG). Vitreous hemorrhage (VH) and presence of complications were also evaluated. RESULTS: Thirty-five of the forty-two patients included, completed the study. The mean age was 56±8 years, with a predominance of 21 (60%) males. Twenty-six (74%) patients had systemic hypertension with a mean duration of 9±10 years. The mean duration of DM was 18±9 years, of which 23 (66%) were insulin users and 21 (68.5%) were phakic. The VA and CS showed no difference between groups in the total sample. The SG showed improvement compared to the CG in FT for the 1st month, and in MV for the 1st and 3rd month of follow-up. As for the 12 patients with bilateral ME, only the FT showed a reduction in the SG for the 1st month of follow-up. When evaluating the groups separately, the CG showed worsening of VA and CS at all times. There was also an increase of FT for the 1st and 6th months and of MV for the 1st, 3rd and 6th month follow-up. The SG showed stabilization of VA, CS, FT and MV. When correlated to visual functions, VA and CS, a worsening of the VA was accompanied every time by a worsening of the CS in both the CG and SG. When VA and CS are correlated to FT and MV, there was worsening of visual function whenever macular thickness increased. Of the seven patients excluded from the study by presenting VH, 5 belonged to the CG and the 2 to the SG. There was no incidence of cataracts, endophthalmitis and/or significant increase in intraocular pressure. CONCLUSION: In high-risk PDR, intraocular injections of Bevacizumab as an adjuvant treatment to PRP, can stabilize VA, CS, FT and MV, reduce of the incidence of VH and decrease the macular thickness. Regarding the correlation between variables, when there was a worsening of VA, this was accompanied by a worsening of the CS, and an increase in FT and MV caused the worsening of the VA and CS

Повезаност између одабраних параметара комплетне крвне слике, гликорегулације и присуства дегенеративних компликација у типу 2 шећерне болести / Povezanost između odabranih parametara kompletne krvne slike, glikoregulacije i prisustva degenerativnih komplikacija u tipu 2 šećerne bolesti / Connection between selected parameters of complete blood count, glycoregulation and the presence of degenerative complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Milošević Dragana 15 March 2019 (has links)
<p>УВОД: Diabetes mellitus (DM) је водећа глобална епидемија 21. века, сложена болест коју карактерише поремећај метаболизма и хронична хипергликемија, која доводи до развоја микроваскуларних и макроваскуларних компликација. Повишене вредности гликемије у ДМT2 доводе до поремећаја ћелија крви и њихових параметара. Истраживања су показала да хема-толошки параметри имају допринос у настанку оштећења васкуларног ендотела и учествују у развоју дегенеративних промена и путем других механизама код пацијената са дијабетесом. Циљ истраживања је да се утврде могуће промене параметара комплетне крвне слике (ККС) у зависности од гликорегулације, дужине трајања болести и њихова повезаност са микро и макро ангиопатским комликацијама код пацијената са шећерном болести тип 2 (ДМT2). МЕТОДЕ: Студија је била проспективна у трајању од једне године, од 2016. до 2017. године. Истраживањем је обухваћено укупно 137 испитаника, од којих 90 болује од ДМТ2, а 47 је здравих, оба пола, старијих од 40 година, спроведена у Дому здравља &ldquo;Др Милорад Мика Павловић&rdquo;, Инђија, Србија. Да би се утврдила могућа корелација између параметара ККС, гликорегулације у ДМT2 и дегенеративних компликација, испитаници су подељени на више начина: на групу оболелих од ДМT2 и групу здравих; групе оболелих са вредностима HbA1c&le;7% и оне са вредностима HbA1c &gt;7%, као и на групе са и без дегенеративних компликација. Коришћењем стандардних биохемијских поступака анализирани су параметри ККС, параметри гликорегулације, липидни статус, а вршена су и антропометријска мерења. Подаци од пацијената прикупљени су путем упитника и електронског картона пацијента. РЕЗУЛТАТИ: Утврђена је статистички значајна разлика између група са и без шећерне болести за WBC, еозинофилне гранулоците, хемоглобин, MCH, MCHC, SE у 2016. год, неутрофилне гранулоците, моноците, RDW, PDW, SE у 2017. год. У групи чија је дужина трајања ДМT2 већа од 6 година утврђене су повишене вредности MCHC и PDW. У односу на гликорегулацију уочене су значајне разлике у PMDW, великим тромбоцитима и RDW у групи са HbA1c&gt;7%. У односу на дегенеративне микроваскуларне компликације постоје значајне разлике у броју лимфоцита и неутрофилних гранулоцита, а за макроваскуларне компликације у вредностима PDW-а. ЗАКЉУЧАК: На основу добијених резултата нашег истраживања може се закључити да постоји повезаност између појединих хематолошких параметара и гликорегулације, обољевања од шећерне болести као и повезаност са компликацијама код пацијената са ДМТ2.</p> / <p>UVOD: Diabetes mellitus (DM) je vodeća globalna epidemija 21. veka, složena bolest koju karakteriše poremećaj metabolizma i hronična hiperglikemija, koja dovodi do razvoja mikrovaskularnih i makrovaskularnih komplikacija. Povišene vrednosti glikemije u DMT2 dovode do poremećaja ćelija krvi i njihovih parametara. Istraživanja su pokazala da hema-tološki parametri imaju doprinos u nastanku oštećenja vaskularnog endotela i učestvuju u razvoju degenerativnih promena i putem drugih mehanizama kod pacijenata sa dijabetesom. Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrde moguće promene parametara kompletne krvne slike (KKS) u zavisnosti od glikoregulacije, dužine trajanja bolesti i njihova povezanost sa mikro i makro angiopatskim komlikacijama kod pacijenata sa šećernom bolesti tip 2 (DMT2). METODE: Studija je bila prospektivna u trajanju od jedne godine, od 2016. do 2017. godine. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 137 ispitanika, od kojih 90 boluje od DMT2, a 47 je zdravih, oba pola, starijih od 40 godina, sprovedena u Domu zdravlja &ldquo;Dr Milorad Mika Pavlović&rdquo;, Inđija, Srbija. Da bi se utvrdila moguća korelacija između parametara KKS, glikoregulacije u DMT2 i degenerativnih komplikacija, ispitanici su podeljeni na više načina: na grupu obolelih od DMT2 i grupu zdravih; grupe obolelih sa vrednostima HbA1c&le;7% i one sa vrednostima HbA1c &gt;7%, kao i na grupe sa i bez degenerativnih komplikacija. Korišćenjem standardnih biohemijskih postupaka analizirani su parametri KKS, parametri glikoregulacije, lipidni status, a vršena su i antropometrijska merenja. Podaci od pacijenata prikupljeni su putem upitnika i elektronskog kartona pacijenta. REZULTATI: Utvrđena je statistički značajna razlika između grupa sa i bez šećerne bolesti za WBC, eozinofilne granulocite, hemoglobin, MCH, MCHC, SE u 2016. god, neutrofilne granulocite, monocite, RDW, PDW, SE u 2017. god. U grupi čija je dužina trajanja DMT2 veća od 6 godina utvrđene su povišene vrednosti MCHC i PDW. U odnosu na glikoregulaciju uočene su značajne razlike u PMDW, velikim trombocitima i RDW u grupi sa HbA1c&gt;7%. U odnosu na degenerativne mikrovaskularne komplikacije postoje značajne razlike u broju limfocita i neutrofilnih granulocita, a za makrovaskularne komplikacije u vrednostima PDW-a. ZAKLJUČAK: Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata našeg istraživanja može se zaključiti da postoji povezanost između pojedinih hematoloških parametara i glikoregulacije, oboljevanja od šećerne bolesti kao i povezanost sa komplikacijama kod pacijenata sa DMT2.</p> / <p>BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is the leading global epidemic of the 21st century,a complex disease characterized by metabolism disorders and chronic hyperglycaemia, that leads to the development of microvascular and macrovascular complications. Elevated blood glucose level in T2DM lead to disturbance of blood cells and its parameters. Previous studies have reported that haematological parameters have contributed to the development of vascular endothelial damage and are involved in the development of degenerative changes through other mechanisms in patients with diabetes. The aim of the research is to determine possible changes in the complete blood count (CBC) parameters depending on glycemic control, the duration of the disease and their association with micro and macroangiopathic complications in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). METHODS: The study was prospective from 2016. to 2017. year. The study included a total of 137 subjects, 90 with T2DM and 47 healthy, of both gender over the age of 40 years, from the Health Care Center &quot;Dr Milorad Mika Pavlović&quot; Indjija, Serbia. The subjects were divided into several ways, in order to notice the possible correlation between the CBC parameters and glucose control in T2DM, with and without T2DM, two groups with HbA1c&le;7% and with HbA1c&gt;7%, and with and without complications. We analysed CBC parameters, parameters of glycoregulation, lipid status using standard biochemical methods, performed anthropometric measurements and collected patients data by questionnaire and electronic patient card. RESULTS: There were statistical difference between group with T2DM and healthy subjects for WBC, eos, Hgb, MCH, MCHC, ESR in 2016. and neutro, mono, RDW, PDW, ESR in 2017. In the group of T2DM patients with duration of disease longer than 6 years we found elevated value of MCHC, PDW. In relationship to glycoregulation, significant differences in PMDW, large platelets and RDW were found in the group HbA1c&gt;7%. According to degenerative complications significant differences were revealed in lympho, neutro in the group with microvascular complication, and PDW in the group with macrovascular complications. CONCLUSION: Based on the resuluts of our research, it can be concluded that there is an association between particular haematological parameters and glycoregulation, diabetes mellitus, as well as relationship with degenerative complications in patients with T2DM.</p>

Estudo comparativo de fotocoagulação panretiniana com e sem ranibizumabe intravítreo no tratamento da retinopatia diabética proliferativa / A comparative study of panretinal photocoagulation with and without intravitreal ranibizumab in treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Daniel Araujo Ferraz 28 August 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Comparar o efeito da terapia da fotocoagulação panretiniana (PFC) associada à injeção intravítrea de Ranibizumabe (RBZ) versus terapia isolada com PFC em pacientes com retinopatia diabética proliferativa (RDP) precoce, virgens de tratamento, com ou sem edema macular diabético (DME) durante 6 meses de acompanhamento. Projeto: Estudo prospectivo intervencionista, randomizado e controlado. Métodos: Sessenta olhos de 30 pacientes com RDP bilateral precoce foram randomizados para o grupo de estudo (GE) que foram tratados com PFC associado a duas injeções de RBZ intravítreo (0.5mg/0.05ml) ou para o grupo controle (GC) tratados apenas com PFC. Mudanças na acuidade visual (AV) corrigida, na sensibilidade ao contraste (SC) e na espessura foveal (EF) foram comparados no início, e nos 1, 3 e 6 meses após o tratamento. Resultados: No GE, a diferença na média da AV do baseline para o mês 6 teve um aumento significativo de + 3,4 letras (p = 0,006) e uma diminuição significativa na EF de - 47.6um (p < 0,001). No GC, a diferença na média da AV teve uma diminuição de - 3,4 letras (p = 0,04) e uma mudança na EF de -3.8 um (p = 0,96). Com relação ao teste de SC dentre os 28 olhos do GE, houve uma melhora no mês 6 em relação ao baseline nos ciclos: 1,5 (p < 0.001) e 3,0 ciclo (p=0.023). Dentre os 30 olhos do GC, não houve uma diferença estatística nos momentos estudados. Conclusão: A injeção intravítrea de RBZ associado com PFC pode ser um tratamento eficaz em olhos de pacientes com RDP precoce e EMD / Purpose: To compare the efficacy of therapy with panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) and intravitreal ranibizumab (RBZ) injection versus PRP alone in patients with treatment-naive bilateral non-high risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) with and without diabetic macular edema (DME) with a 6-month follow-up. Design: Prospective, interventional, randomized controlled trial. Methods: Sixty eyes of 30 patients with bilateral non-high risk PDR were randomized either to the study group (SG) receiving PRP plus two intravitreal ranibizumab injections (0.5mg/0.05ml), the first one week before and the second four weeks after the PRP or to the control group (CG) receiving PRP alone. Mean change in best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), contrast sensitivity (CS) and central macular thickness (CMT) were compared at baseline and 1, 3 and 6 months after treatment. Results: Changes from baseline to 6 months showed in the SG an increased in the BCVA by + 3.4 letters (p= 0.006) with a decrease in CMT by - 47.6um (p < 0.001). In the CG, a decrease by - 3.4 letters (p = 0.04) and an decrease by -3.8um (p= 0.96). Regarding the CS in the SG, there was an improvement compared to baseline for the sixth month in the 1.5 (p < 0.001) and 3.0 cycles (p = 0.023). The CG did not show significant results from baseline to month 6. Conclusion: Intravitreal RBZ associated with PRP can be an effective treatment in eyes with non-high risk PDR and DME

Glicemia de jejum, diabetes incidente, aterosclerose subclínica e eventos cardiovasculares não-fatais numa amostra de adultos aparentemente saudáveis reavaliados após 12 anos / Fasting plasma glucose, incident diabetes, subclinical atherosclerosis and non-fatal cardiovascular events in an apparently healthy adult sample reevaluated after a 12 years interval

Debora Sitnik 01 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Glicemia de jejum alterada tem sido associada a maior risco de desenvolver diabetes, comparando a indivíduos normoglicêmicos. Apesar de diabetes ser relacionado a aterosclerose e a piores desfechos cardiovasculares, os dados de literatura relacionando glicemia de jejum alterada à doença aterosclerótica são conflitantes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar (a) a incidência de diabetes em indivíduos com glicemia de jejum normal ou alterada em 1998 após um seguimento de até 12 anos; (b) se a glicemia de jejum alterada em 1998 e/ou diabetes incidente estiveram associados com aterosclerose subclínica no Estudo Longitudinal da Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil) ou à variável combinada de eventos clínicos não-fatais e escore de cálcio coronariano maior ou igual a 400. Métodos: Avaliamos 1.536 trabalhadores da Universidade de São Paulo, que participaram de um programa de avaliação em 1998 (idade 23-63 anos) e da linha de base do ELSA-Brasil (2008-2010). Apresentamos as taxas de incidência de diabetes brutas e ajustadas para todos os indivíduos e também estratificados por gênero e por índice de massa corpórea (IMC) em 1998. Utilizamos modelos de regressão brutos e ajustados para estimar a associação entre glicemia de jejum alterada em 1998 ou diabetes incidente com a espessura de íntima-média de carótidas (EIMC), escore de cálcio coronariano (CACS, do inglês Coronary Artery Calcium Score) e a variável composta CACS >= 400 ou eventos cardiovasculares incidentes (infarto do miocárdio ou revascularização). Resultados: Encontramos diabetes incidente em 177 indivíduos. A incidência de diabetes em nossa amostra foi de 9,8/1.000 pessoas-ano (Intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC95%]: 7,7-13,6). A incidência foi mais elevada entre os homens (11,2/1.000 pessoas-ano, IC95%: 8,6-15,0) do que entre as mulheres (8,5/1.000 pessoas-ano, IC95%: 5,3-15,3). Glicemia de jejum alterada em 1998 mostrou associação com maior risco de progressão para diabetes ao longo do seguimento (hazard ratio [HR]: 3,17; IC95%: 2,14-4,68) e HR: 7,42; IC95%: 4,75-11,57 para glicemias de jejum entre 100 e 109mg/dl e entre 110 e 125mg/dl, respectivamente). Glicemias entre 110 e 125mg/dl em 1998 foram associadas a maiores valores de EIMC (beta=+0,028; IC95%: 0,003 a 0,053) na linha de base do ELSA-Brasil. Ao excluir da análise aqueles com diabetes incidente, houve associação limítrofe, não-significativa, entre maiores valores de EIMC e glicemia de jejum entre 110 e 125mg/dl em 1998 (?=0,030; IC95%: -0,005 a 0,065). Ambos os níveis de glicemia de jejum alterada em 1998 não se mostraram associados ao CACS ou à variável composta de CACS >= 400 ou eventos cardiovasculares incidentes nos modelos de ajuste completo. Diabetes incidente foi associado a maiores valores de EIMC (em milímetros) (?=0,034; IC95%: 0,015 a 0,053), a CACS >= 400 (Razão de chances=2,84; IC95%: 1,17-6,91) e ao desfecho combinado de CACS >= 400 ou eventos cardiovasculares incidentes (Razão de chances=3,50; IC95%: 1,60-7,65). Conclusões: Glicemia de jejum alterada em 1998, especialmente nos valores mais próximos dos limiares de corte para diabetes, foram associados a maior incidência de diabetes ao longo do seguimento e a maiores valores de EIMC quando da avaliação inicial do ELSA-Brasil. Diabetes incidente entre as avaliações foi associado a maior risco cardiovascular / Introduction: Impaired fasting glucose has been associated with higher risk of incident diabetes, compared to normoglycemic individuals. Although diabetes mellitus is related to atherosclerosis and higher long-term cardiovascular burden, there are conflicting data about the association between impaired fasting glucose and atherosclerotic disease. We aimed (a) to determine diabetes incidence rates in individuals with normal or impaired fasting glucose in 1998 after follow-up of up to 12 years, (b) whether impaired fasting glucose in 1998 and/or incident diabetes were associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) or the combined variable of non-fatal clinical events or a coronary calcium score >= 400. Methods: We evaluated 1,536 civil servants from the University of São Paulo, who participated in both 1998 (aged 23-63 years) and ELSA-Brasil baseline (2008-2010) assessments and had complete data. We presented crude and adjusted diabetes incident rates for all individuals and then stratified by sex and body mass index (BMI) in 1998. We used crude and adjusted regression models to estimate the association between impaired fasting glucose in 1998 or incident diabetes and coronary intima-media thickness (CIMT), coronary artery calcium score (CACS) and the composite variable of a CACS?400 or incident cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction or revascularization). Results: We found incident diabetes in 177 individuals. Diabetes incidence in our sample was 9.8/1,000 person-years (95% confidence interval [95%CI]:7.7-13.6). Diabetes incidence was higher in men (11.2/1,000 person-years, 95%CI: 8.6-15.0) than women (8.5/1,000 person-years, 95%CI: 5.3 to 15.3). Impaired fasting glucose in 1998 was associated with a higher risk of progression to diabetes during follow-up (hazard ratio [HR]: 3.17; 95%CI: 2.14-4.68 and HR: 7.42; 95%CI: 4.75-11.57 for a fasting plasma glucose between 100 to 109mg/dl and 110 to 125 mg/dl, respectively). Fasting plasma glucose levels between 110 to 125 mg/dl in 1998 were associated with higher CIMT (beta=+0.028; 95%CI: 0.003 to 0.053) in ELSA-Brasil baseline. Excluding those with incident diabetes, there was a non-significant borderline association between higher CIMT (in mm) and fasting plasma glucose 110 to 125mg/dl (beta=0.030; 95%CI: -0.005 to 0.065). Fasting plasma glucose levels in 1998 were not associated with CACS or the composite variable of a CACS ? 400 or incident cardiovascular events in full-adjusted models. Incident diabetes was associated with higher CIMT (in mm) (beta=0.034; 95%CI: 0.015 to 0.053), CACS >= 400 (OR=2.84; 95%CI: 1.17-6.91) and the combined outcome of a CACS >= 400 or incident cardiovascular event (OR=3.50; 95%CI: 1.60-7.65). Conclusions: Elevated fasting plasma glucose in 1998, especially those near diabetes diagnosis limits were associated with higher diabetes incidence during follow-up and higher CIMT in ELSA-Brasil baseline assessment. Incident diabetes between assessments was associated with higher cardiovascular burden

Avaliação estrutural e funcional da mácula nos pacientes com retinopatia diabética proliferativa submetidos à panfotocoagulação associada a injeções intravítreas de bevacizumabe / Structural and functional assessment of the macula in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy submitted to panretinal photocoagulation associated with intravitreal injections of bevacizumab

Rony Carlos Preti 23 November 2012 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O presente estudo avaliou o tratamento com injeções intravítreas de Bevacizumabe (IVB) associadas à panfotocoagulação (PFC) da retina na retinopatia diabética proliferativa (RDP) de alto risco com ou sem edema macular (EM). MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico randomizado, prospectivo, aberto e mascarado composto por pacientes com Diabetes melitos (DM) tipo 2. A acuidade visual (AV) foi medida com a tabela Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study e a sensibilidade ao contraste (SC) pela da tabela Vistech Consultants Incorporation 6500. Os pacientes foram submetidos a exame de angiofluoresceinografia para observação de neovascularização retiniana e isquemia macular e à tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT), para se obter a espessura foveal (EF) e o volume macular (VM). Após os exames, um dos olhos do mesmo paciente foi randomizado para realizar somente PFC, grupo controle (GC), e o outro para PFC associado a injeções IVB, grupo de estudo (GE). A hemorragia vítrea (HV) e a presença de complicações também foram avaliadas. RESULTADOS: Dos 42 pacientes incluídos, 35 completaram o estudo. A média de idade foi de 56±8 anos, com predominância do gênero masculino 21 (60%). Vinte e seis (74%) pacientes eram portadores de Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica com média de duração de 9±10 anos. A média de duração do DM foi de 18±9 anos sendo 23 (66%) usuários de insulina e 21 (68,5%), fácicos. A AV e a SC não demonstraram diferença entre os grupos no total da amostra. O GE demonstrou melhora em comparação ao GC na EF no 1º mês, e no VM nos 1° e 3º meses de seguimento. Quanto aos 12 pacientes com EM bilateral somente a EF demonstrou redução no GE no 1º mês de seguimento. Ao se avaliar os grupos separadamente, o GC apresentou agravamento da AV e SC durante todo seguimento. Houve também aumento da EF nos 1º e 6º meses e VM nos 1º , 3º e 6º meses de seguimento. O GE demonstrou estabilização da AV, SC, EF e VM. Correlacionado às funções visuais, AV com a SC, toda vez que houve piora da AV esta foi acompanhada pelo agravamento da SC em todos os momentos no GC e GE. Quando correlacionadas as AV e SC com as EF e VM, toda vez que a espessura macular aumentava, havia piora da função visual. Dos sete pacientes excluídos do estudo por apresentarem HV, cinco integravam o GC e dois o GE. Não houve aparecimento de catarata, endoftalmite e/ou aumento significativo da pressão ocular. CONCLUSÃO: Na RDP de alto risco, o uso adjuvante de injeções intravítreas de Bevacizumabe associadas à panfotocoagulação da retina pode estabilizar a AV, SC, EF e VM, diminuir a incidência de HV e reduzir a da espessura macular. Em relação à correlação entre as variáveis, quando houve piora da AV, esta foi acompanhada da piora da SC e o aumento da EF e VM causaram piora da AV e SC / INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the treatment with intravitreal injections of Bevacizumab (IVB) associated with panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) in high-risk proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) with or without diabetic macular edema (DME). METHODS: Prospective, open and masked, randomized clinical trial, composed of patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The visual acuity (VA) was measured with the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study charts and the contrast sensitivity (CS) through the chart of Vistech Consultants Incorporation 6500. Patients were submitted to a fluorescein angiography examination to observe retinal neovascularization and macular ischemia and to an optical coherence tomography (OCT) to obtain the foveal thickness (FT) and macular volume (MV). After the tests, one of the eyes from the same patient was randomized to realize only the PRP, the control group (CG), and the other for PRP associated to IVB injections, the study group (SG). Vitreous hemorrhage (VH) and presence of complications were also evaluated. RESULTS: Thirty-five of the forty-two patients included, completed the study. The mean age was 56±8 years, with a predominance of 21 (60%) males. Twenty-six (74%) patients had systemic hypertension with a mean duration of 9±10 years. The mean duration of DM was 18±9 years, of which 23 (66%) were insulin users and 21 (68.5%) were phakic. The VA and CS showed no difference between groups in the total sample. The SG showed improvement compared to the CG in FT for the 1st month, and in MV for the 1st and 3rd month of follow-up. As for the 12 patients with bilateral ME, only the FT showed a reduction in the SG for the 1st month of follow-up. When evaluating the groups separately, the CG showed worsening of VA and CS at all times. There was also an increase of FT for the 1st and 6th months and of MV for the 1st, 3rd and 6th month follow-up. The SG showed stabilization of VA, CS, FT and MV. When correlated to visual functions, VA and CS, a worsening of the VA was accompanied every time by a worsening of the CS in both the CG and SG. When VA and CS are correlated to FT and MV, there was worsening of visual function whenever macular thickness increased. Of the seven patients excluded from the study by presenting VH, 5 belonged to the CG and the 2 to the SG. There was no incidence of cataracts, endophthalmitis and/or significant increase in intraocular pressure. CONCLUSION: In high-risk PDR, intraocular injections of Bevacizumab as an adjuvant treatment to PRP, can stabilize VA, CS, FT and MV, reduce of the incidence of VH and decrease the macular thickness. Regarding the correlation between variables, when there was a worsening of VA, this was accompanied by a worsening of the CS, and an increase in FT and MV caused the worsening of the VA and CS

Is the Association of Diabetes With Uncontrolled Blood Pressure Stronger in Mexican Americans and Blacks Than in Whites Among Diagnosed Hypertensive Patients?

Liu, Xuefeng, Song, Ping 01 November 2013 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Clinical evidence shows that diabetes may provoke uncontrolled blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive patients. However, racial differences in the associations of diabetes with uncontrolled BP outcomes among diagnosed hypertensive patients have not been evaluated. METHODS: A total of 6,134 diagnosed hypertensive subjects aged ≥ 20 years were collected from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2008 with a stratified multistage design. Odds ratios (ORs) and relative ORs of uncontrolled BP and effect differences in continuous BP for diabetes over race/ethnicity were derived using weighted logistic regression and linear regression models. RESULTS: Compared with participants who did not have diabetes, non-Hispanic black participants with diabetes had a 138% higher chance of having uncontrolled BP, Mexican participants with diabetes had a 60% higher chance of having uncontrolled BP, and non-Hispanic white participants with diabetes had a 161% higher chances of having uncontrolled BP. The association of diabetes with uncontrolled BP was lower in Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic blacks and whites (Mexican Americans vs. non-Hispanic blacks: relative OR = 0.55, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.37-0.82; Mexican Americans vs. non-Hispanic whites: relative OR = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.35-0.80) and the association of diabetes with isolated uncontrolled systolic BP was lower in Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic whites (Mexican Americans vs. non-Hispanic whites: relative OR = 0.62, 95% CI = 0.40-0.96). Mexican Americans have a stronger association of diabetes with decreased systolic BP and diastolic BP than non-Hispanic whites, and a stronger association of diabetes with decreased diastolic BP than non-Hispanic blacks. CONCLUSIONS: The association of diabetes with uncontrolled BP outcomes is lower despite higher prevalence of diabetes in Mexican Americans than in non-Hispanic whites. The stronger association of diabetes with BP outcomes in whites should be of clinical concern, considering they account for the majority of the hypertensive population in the United States.

Faktorer som orsaker ökningen av typ 1-diabetes bland barn och unga ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv : En strukturerad litteraturstudie / Factors that cause increase of type 1 diabetes among children and youth from a public health perspective : A structured literature review

Aråb, Kaydar Sabri January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Diabetes är ett samlingsnamn för en typ av sjukdomar som orsakar förhöjda sockervärden i blodet. Typ 1-diabetes uppkommer vanligen hos barn och ungdomar, men vissa får sjukdomen först i vuxen ålder. Det finns förutom typ 1-diabetes även graviditetsdiabetes och typ 2-diabetes, LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in The Adults), MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes in The Youth) och några mer ovanliga diabetessjukdomar. Syfte: Syftet med examensarbete är att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till den stora ökningen av typ 1-diabetes hos barn som sker i många länder världen över. Metod: Den metod som används i detta arbete är en strukturerad litteraturstudie baserad på vetenskapliga originalartiklar från databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Artiklarnas vetenskapliga kvalitet granskades med hjälp av CASP. Elva artiklar inkluderades i studien och analyserades med hjälp av Fribergs analysmodell. Resultat: I detta arbete söktes svaret på frågan: Vilka faktorer kan förklara den ökande förekomsten av typ 1-diabetes bland barn och unga? Nedan presenteras resultatet uppdelat på fyra huvudteman som framkommit i analysen av materialet. Dessa teman är: immunologiska faktorer, kostens påverkan, livsstil och miljö samt föräldrarnas roll. Slutsats: Flertalet möjliga riskfaktorer utöver genetiska kan ses bidra till ökning av typ 1-diabetes bland barn och unga. Bland dessa kan nämnas tidig tillväxt på grund av felaktig eller överdriven mängd kost, virusinfektioner samt föräldrars utbildningsnivå och sociala status. / Diabetes is a group of diseases that cause elevated blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes typically develops in children and adolescents, but some people may develop the disease later in adulthood. In addition to type 1 diabetes, there is also gestational diabetes, type 2 diabetes, LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults), MODY (Maturity Onset Diabetes in Youth), and a few other rare forms of diabetes. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate thefactors contributing to the significant increase in type 1 diabetes among children in many countries worldwide. Method: The method used in this study is a structured literature review. The literature review only includes scientific original articles with 11 scientific articles being carefully examined. Results : This study aimed to answer the question: What factors can explain the increasing prevalence of type 1 diabetes among children and adolescents? The results are presented below, divided into four main themes that emerged from the analysis of the material. These themes are immunological factors, the influence of diet, lifestyle and environment, and the role of parents. Conclusion: Several possible risk factors in addition to genetics can be seen as contributing to the increase in type 1 diabetes among children and young people. Among these risks are early growth due to incorrect or excessive amount of diet, viral infections and parents level of education and social status.

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