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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo diacrônico do gerúndio em língua portuguesa / Diachronic Study of the Gerund in Portuguese Language

Cardoso, Rogério Augusto Monteiro 05 February 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetiva descrever diacronicamente o gerúndio, desde o latim até o português arcaico, a fim de apontar como e quando suas funções foram ampliadas à custa do particípio presente. Para levar a pesquisa a cabo, recorreu-se a dois difundidos métodos da Linguística Diacrônica: o método de análise documental indutiva e o método histórico-comparativo. O primeiro consiste em analisar traços e fenômenos linguísticos diretamente nos textos antigos para, ao cabo, sistematizar e interpretar os dados analisados. O segundo, mais teórico e mais abstrato, consiste em reconstruir traços de uma língua ancestral por meio da comparação indutiva de traços das línguas descendentes. Esta pesquisa consta de cinco corpora três de textos latinos e dois de textos portugueses medievais , nos quais se analisam não só o gerúndio, como também o particípio presente. Os corpora são estes: 1) Antología del Latín Vulgar, de Díaz e Díaz (1962); 2) Glosas Emilianenses, Glosas Silenses e documentos privados ibéricos, coligidos em Pidal (1950); 3) Os documentos do Tombo de Toxos Outos, de Pérez Rodríguez (2004); 4) 150 cantigas portuguesas de escárnio e maldizer; 5) Um Flos Sanctorum Trecentista, de Machado Filho (2009). Para a aplicação do método histórico-comparativo, recorre-se ao português e às outras quatro línguas neolatinas majoritárias: francês, italiano, castelhano e romeno. Os resultados mostram que a disputa entre o gerúndio e o particípio presente já ocorria desde os primeiros momentos da literatura latina, até que, por volta do século II d.C., antes de a relativa unidade do latim se romper, o gerúndio o sobrepujasse no latim popular. / This dissertation aims to describe diacronically the gerund, from Latin to Old Portuguese, in order to point out how and when its functions were enlarged at the expense of the present participle. In order to conduct this research, two diffused methods of Diachronic Linguistics were used: the method of inductive documental analysis and the historical-comparative method. The first consists in analyzing linguistic features and phenomena directly in the old texts in order to systematize and interpret the analyzed data. The second, more theoretical and more abstract, consists in reconstructing features of an ancestral language by the inductive comparison of features of the descendant languages. This research consists of five corpora three of Latin texts and two of Portuguese medieval texts , in which the gerund, as well as the present participle, are analyzed. The corpora are these: 1) Antología del Latín Vulgar, by Díaz y Díaz (1962); 2) Glosas Emilianenses, Glosas Silenses and private Iberian documents, collected in Pidal (1950); 3) Os documentos do Tombo de Toxos Outos, of Pérez Rodríguez (2004); 4) 150 Portuguese derision and cursing poems; 5) Um Flos Sanctorum Trecentista, by Machado Filho (2009). For the application of the historical-comparative method, the Portuguese and the other four Neo-Latin languages are used: French, Italian, Castilian and Romanian. The results show that the dispute between the gerund and the present participle had already taken place from the earliest moments of Latin literature, until, by the second century AD, before the relative unity of Latin broke, the gerund had surpassed it in popular Latin.

La palatalizacion incompleta de los grupos /pl-/, /fl-/ y /kl-/ en español un análisis del papel de la frecuencia /

Quintana Muñoz, Sonia. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, 2007. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-43).


Quintana Muñoz, Sonia 30 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The synchrony and diachrony of New Western Iranian nominal morphosyntax

Karim, Shuan Osman January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Étude contrastive des tournures concessives en français et en chinois / Contrastive studies on concessive markers in French and in Chinese

Huang, Ming 10 July 2019 (has links)
La concession est une relation logique « secondaire » complexe qui se nourrit de plusieurs notions de base : l’hypothèse, la temporalité, la causalité, la négation, l’intensité, la subjectivité, etc. En reliant toutes ces notions, nous traitons les quatre locutions concessives les plus utilisées ainsi que leurs homologues dérivés de la même série en chinois : ji shi « bien que » « même si », sui ran « bien que » « malgré » (et zong ran « bien que » « même si »), na pa « bien que » « même si », jiu shi « même si » (et jiu suan « bien que » « même si »). L’objectif de notre travail est d’explorer le mécanisme concessif dans ces deux langues typologiquement distantes et différentes. En nous inscrivant en principe dans la même ligne que A. Meillet (1912), R. Martin (1982 et 1987) et O. Soutet (1987, 1990 et 1992), etc., nos recherches démontrent non seulement l’évolution diachronique de ce marqueur concessif étudié, mais mettent également en évidence ses rapprochements avec certains connecteurs analogues français (tels que cependant, alors, si, ja, nonobstant, etc.) pendant leur processus de grammaticalisation d’une manière à la fois sémantico-logique et syntaxico-discursive. Notre étude comprend divers corpus allant du chinois archaïque au chinois moderne, ainsi que des méthodologies linguistiques pour classer et traduire les exemples choisis. Nous constatons une ressemblance frappante entre la combinaison des notions de base au cours de la formation du mécanisme concessif dans les deux langues étudiées. / The concession is a “secondary” or “composed” linguistic concept since it combines many fundamental linguistic notions: hypothesis, temporality, causality, negation, intensity, subjectivity, etc. By relating all these crucial notions, our research examines the four most used concessive markers as well as their homologues derived from the same series in Chinese: ji shi "although" "even if", sui ran "although" "despite" (and zong ran "although" "even if"), na pa "although" "even if", jiu shi "even if" (and jiu suan "although" "even if"), as well as their equivalents in French based on previous theories and analyses in the two languages. The aim of the work is to explore the concessive mechanism in these two languages that are typologically distant and different. In the same line as A. Meillet (1912), R. Martin (1982 and 1987) and O. Soutet (1987, 1990 and 1992), etc., our research not only demonstrates the historical evolution of the studied concessive markers, but also highlights its rapprochements with certain French concessive connectors (such as cependant, alors, bien, si, ja, nonobstant, etc.) during their grammaticalization processes from semantic-logical and syntactic-discursive points of view. Our study involves various corpuses from archaic to contemporary Chinese and French, as well as technical linguistic methodologies to categorize and translate the extracted examples. The results of our present research show surprising similarities in terms of the concessive evolution despite the enormous etymological and cultural divergences of the two studied languages.

23. JungslavistInnen-Treffen vom 18. bis 20. September 2014 am Institut für Slavistik der TU Dresden

Scharlaj, Marina 20 July 2020 (has links)
Vom 18. bis 20. September 2014 kam die Gruppe der JungslavistInnen zu ihrem 23. Treffen in Dresden zusammen. Die Tagung, die am Institut für Slavistik an der TU Dresden stattfand, beinhaltete ein breites Spektrum an Beiträgen aus der synchronen und diachronen Linguistik, Semantik und Pragmatik, Kontaktlinguistik und Kleinsprachenforschung. Präsentiert wurden außerdem Arbeitsergebnisse aus den Bereichen der Schriftlinguistik, genderorientierten Sprachwissenschaft sowie kulturwissenschaftlichen Linguistik. Die ausgewählten Aspekte und Problematiken der linguistischen Forschung wurden an zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Ost-, West- und Südslavia illustriert.

Language, Identity, and Sexuality: Swahili Linguistic Practices Among Self-Identified Gay Men in Dar es Salaam

Straface, Vincenzo 02 December 2024 (has links)
This study examines linguistic practices, etymology, and evolving lexicon trends related to self-identification among Swahili speaking gay men and same-sex relationships. Based on personal interviews conducted between October and November 2022 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the research explores how language adapts and innovates when discussing taboo subjects. It emphasizes language’s crucial role in reflecting and shaping identities in urban Sub-Saharan Africa, offering insights into how marginalized communities creatively use language to articulate their experiences amidst societal norms and pressures. This preliminary study highlights the need for further research in the field of Lavender Linguistics, especially with regard to Swahili and other Sub Saharan African languages.

Verum a fontibus haurire. A Variationist Analysis of Subjunctive Variability Across Space and Time: from Contemporary Italian back to Latin

Digesto, Salvatore 12 July 2019 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the use of the subjunctive in completive clauses governed by verbs in Italian, both synchronically and diachronically, and in Vulgar Latin. By making use of the tools provided by the Variationist Sociolinguistic framework (Labov 1972, 1994), the current study sheds light on the underlying conditioning on variability using actual usage and speech-surrogate data. Contemporary actual speech data comes from LIP (De Mauro et al. 1993) and C-ORAL-ROM (Cresti & Moneglia 2005) corpora, providing spontaneous discourse in casual and careful speech as well as sub-sample divisions representative of geographical variation. In order to measure any changes in the underlying conditioning on subjunctive selection, a diachronic benchmark is established: a corpus of speech-like surrogates of 16th to 20th century Italian, COHI (Corpus of Historical Italian), and a corpus of Vulgar Latin (Cena Trimalchionis, from the Satyricon by Petronius). The subjunctives were extracted in adherence to the principle of accountability (Labov 1972), using the method developed by Poplack (1992): every complement clause governed by a matrix verb (governor) that triggered the subjunctive at least once was included. This method enables us to circumvent the issue of the lack of consensus in the literature on exactly which contexts, i.e. verbs and/or meanings, should trigger the subjunctive in discourse. This issue surfaces as well from the meta-linguistic analysis of a compendium of 58 Italian grammars and treaties (CSGI, Collezione Storica di Grammatiche Italiane), constructed for the purpose of this research. A series of linguistic and extra-linguistic factors proposed by formal and prescriptive literature are operationalized and tested against the corpora of both Italian and Vulgar Latin, in order to ascertain the nature of variability in discourse: i.e. whether the use of the subjunctive is semantically motivated, productive in speech or undergoing desemanticization and lexicalization. Despite widespread assumption of a change that occurred after the political and the subsequent linguistic unification of Italy, i.e. that the subjunctive has lost ground in favour of the indicative when it was supposedly used categorically in the past, quantitative and statistical evidence shows that subjunctive selection is largely determined by lexical identity of the governor as well as embedded suppletive forms of essere, and that this pattern has been operative at least since the 16th century. On a more socio-linguistic aspect, this study confirms the linguistic prestige that the subjunctive has acquired in contemporary speech, being selected with a wider range of infrequent and singleton governors by highly educated speakers. Also, the highly lexicalized pattern on variability was found to be largely shared amongst the four main urban centres of Florence, Milan, Rome, and Naples, thus countering the assumption of divergent linguistic behaviour between northern and southern varieties of Italian. The study also shows that despite the significant time span targeted, no evidence of desemanticization has been found. Likewise, the variationist analysis on the Vulgar Latin subjunctive shows that subjunctive choice was already largely determined by, and restricted, to a few governors, identified as ‘volitive’ and ‘emotive’ matrices. These governors remained strong predictors for the selection of the subjunctive in Italian as well, suggesting that this lexical pattern has been transferred and consistently retained in the daughter language.

La négation simple et la négation composée en français préclassique / Simple negation and compound negation in pre-classical French

Lafond-Zine, Claire 22 November 2014 (has links)
La question du système des morphèmes de la négation simple ou composée en français suscite depuis toujours l’intérêt de la linguistique mais reste traitée de manière fluctuante par la linguistique diachronique qui l’étudie de façon inégale selon les périodes de l’histoire du français. En effet, concernant la période préclassique (1550-1630), si cette question est régulièrement abordée, aucune étude approfondie et détaillée du système de la négation n’existe à ce jour. Ainsi, ce travail s’inscrit au croisement d’une double visée de la recherche en linguistique : d’une part, celle d’un éclairage nouveau sur la question des marques grammaticales de la négation en français ; d’autre part, celle d’une réactualisation des questionnements sur la langue préclassique qui, longtemps négligée, jouit depuis une vingtaine d’années d’un regain d’intérêt croissant. La finalité de cette étude est de proposer une description précise de l’organisation et du fonctionnement du système des signes grammaticaux de la négation simple et de la négation composée (non, ne, ne…pas, ne…point, ne…jamais, etc.) à travers leurs divers emplois et leurs jeux de concurrence, tels qu’ils apparaissent dans un vaste corpus de textes de la période préclassique (1550-1630). Les méthodes de la morphosyntaxe et de la sémantique se sont avérées ici tout à fait adéquates, tout comme le cadre théorique de la psychomécanique du langage dont les postulats permettent de traiter en profondeur les enjeux et les subtilités impliqués par cette recherche. / The issue of simple and compound negation morphemes system in French language has always attracted a lot of interest. However, diachronic linguistics tackles this question in an uneven way according to different periods of French language’s history. Thus, although it is regularly mentioned, no detailed study about system of negation in pre-Classical French (1550-1630) exists so far.Therefore, this work has dual benefits for linguistics research: on the one hand it sheds a new light on the question of grammatical markers of negation in French; on the other hand it renews questions on the pre-Classical French language, which has been a topic of growing interest over the last two decades.The goal of this research is first to offer a detailed description of the organisation and operation of the system of simple and compound negation grammatical markers (non, ne, ne…pas, ne…point, ne…jamais, etc.) according to their different usages as they appear in a large text corpus of pre-Classical period (1550-1630). Their competition is also investigated. Morphosyntax and semantic methods turned out to be very efficient, as well as the theoretical framework of language psychomecanics whose postulates allow an in depth analysis of the issues and intricacies involved in this research.

Modality on trek : diachronic changes in written South African English across text and context / G.P. Wasserman

Wasserman, Gertruida Petronella January 2014 (has links)
This study describes the diachronic development of modality in South African English (henceforth SAfE) from the early 19th century up to its contemporary state (1820s to 1990s) in the registers of letters, news, fiction/narrative and non-fiction, on the basis of the theoretical framework of socio historical linguistics and the empirical approach of corpus linguistics. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses are conducted for modal and quasi-modal verbs, by means of the newly compiled historical corpus of SAfE and ICE-SA (with the addition of Afrikaans corpora for comparison). The study explores general frequency changes, register-internal changes and macro- and micro semantic changes, with the focus of the main semantic analysis more strongly on the obligation and necessity cluster1. A set of parameters is compiled for analysing the strength of obligation in the modals must and should, and the quasi-modal HAVE to, and is applied in the micro semantic analyses. The findings are compared with the trends for modality in other native English’s, such as American, British and Australian English (cf. e.g. Mair & Leech, 2006; Collins, 2009a; Leech, 2011), in an attempt to present a complete and comprehensive description of SAfE modality, as opposed to the traditional approach of focusing on peculiar features. It is reported that the trends of modality in SAfE correspond to those of other native varieties in some cases, but do not correspond in others. The modals of SAfE for example have declined more and the quasi-modals have increased less over the 20th century than in other native varieties of English. One particular case, in which SAfE is reported to be unique among other varieties, is the quantitative and qualitative trends for must, which has some implications for the manifestation of the democratisation process. Must in SAfE has not declined significantly over the 20th century (as it has in other native varieties) and has become less face threatening, since uses with a median (weaker) degree of force are just as frequent as those with a higher degree of force by the 1990s (unlike in other native varieties, where must has become restricted to high-degree obligative contexts). Based on socio historical, as well as linguistic evidence (on both quantitative and qualitative levels), language contact with Afrikaans is posited as the main influence for the increased use of must in contexts that are not face threatening. Extrapolating from the semantic findings, some new insights are offered regarding the phase in which SAfE finds itself within Schneider’s (2003) model of the evolution of New English’s, and some support is offered for Bekker’s (2012:143) argument that “SAfE is ...the youngest of the colonial varieties of English”, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. Ultimately, this thesis offers a piece in the larger puzzle that is SAfE, both in terms of linguistic (textual) and socio historical (contextual) aspects. / PhD (English), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2014

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