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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo diacrônico do gerúndio em língua portuguesa / Diachronic Study of the Gerund in Portuguese Language

Cardoso, Rogério Augusto Monteiro 05 February 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetiva descrever diacronicamente o gerúndio, desde o latim até o português arcaico, a fim de apontar como e quando suas funções foram ampliadas à custa do particípio presente. Para levar a pesquisa a cabo, recorreu-se a dois difundidos métodos da Linguística Diacrônica: o método de análise documental indutiva e o método histórico-comparativo. O primeiro consiste em analisar traços e fenômenos linguísticos diretamente nos textos antigos para, ao cabo, sistematizar e interpretar os dados analisados. O segundo, mais teórico e mais abstrato, consiste em reconstruir traços de uma língua ancestral por meio da comparação indutiva de traços das línguas descendentes. Esta pesquisa consta de cinco corpora três de textos latinos e dois de textos portugueses medievais , nos quais se analisam não só o gerúndio, como também o particípio presente. Os corpora são estes: 1) Antología del Latín Vulgar, de Díaz e Díaz (1962); 2) Glosas Emilianenses, Glosas Silenses e documentos privados ibéricos, coligidos em Pidal (1950); 3) Os documentos do Tombo de Toxos Outos, de Pérez Rodríguez (2004); 4) 150 cantigas portuguesas de escárnio e maldizer; 5) Um Flos Sanctorum Trecentista, de Machado Filho (2009). Para a aplicação do método histórico-comparativo, recorre-se ao português e às outras quatro línguas neolatinas majoritárias: francês, italiano, castelhano e romeno. Os resultados mostram que a disputa entre o gerúndio e o particípio presente já ocorria desde os primeiros momentos da literatura latina, até que, por volta do século II d.C., antes de a relativa unidade do latim se romper, o gerúndio o sobrepujasse no latim popular. / This dissertation aims to describe diacronically the gerund, from Latin to Old Portuguese, in order to point out how and when its functions were enlarged at the expense of the present participle. In order to conduct this research, two diffused methods of Diachronic Linguistics were used: the method of inductive documental analysis and the historical-comparative method. The first consists in analyzing linguistic features and phenomena directly in the old texts in order to systematize and interpret the analyzed data. The second, more theoretical and more abstract, consists in reconstructing features of an ancestral language by the inductive comparison of features of the descendant languages. This research consists of five corpora three of Latin texts and two of Portuguese medieval texts , in which the gerund, as well as the present participle, are analyzed. The corpora are these: 1) Antología del Latín Vulgar, by Díaz y Díaz (1962); 2) Glosas Emilianenses, Glosas Silenses and private Iberian documents, collected in Pidal (1950); 3) Os documentos do Tombo de Toxos Outos, of Pérez Rodríguez (2004); 4) 150 Portuguese derision and cursing poems; 5) Um Flos Sanctorum Trecentista, by Machado Filho (2009). For the application of the historical-comparative method, the Portuguese and the other four Neo-Latin languages are used: French, Italian, Castilian and Romanian. The results show that the dispute between the gerund and the present participle had already taken place from the earliest moments of Latin literature, until, by the second century AD, before the relative unity of Latin broke, the gerund had surpassed it in popular Latin.

O particípio presente nas comédias plautinas: uma abordagem funcional

Souza, Douglas Gonçalves de 19 April 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-04-18T13:54:28Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Douglas - Dissertação Definitiva.pdf: 2129571 bytes, checksum: 45b5485f16834386c97f47885b688640 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Geisa Drumond (gmdrumond@vm.uff.br) on 2017-04-19T14:43:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Douglas - Dissertação Definitiva.pdf: 2129571 bytes, checksum: 45b5485f16834386c97f47885b688640 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-19T14:43:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Douglas - Dissertação Definitiva.pdf: 2129571 bytes, checksum: 45b5485f16834386c97f47885b688640 (MD5) / Nesta pesquisa, procuramos descrever os diversos usos do particípio presente nas comédias de Plauto (séc. II a. C.), à luz de alguns postulados da Linguística Funcional, em sua vertente norte-americana. Propomos uma associação entre noções linguísticas explicitadas nos textos dos autores latinos e conceitos próprios de nosso suporte teórico: as concepções de uso, variação e mudança discutidas pelas correntes teóricas modernas já estavam presentes nos manuais de retórica e de gramática antigos. Constatamos que o particípio era interpretado, de acordo com pensamento antigo, como uma classe de palavras distinta das demais, por participar ao mesmo tempo da natureza do verbo e do adjetivo. Antes mesmo da análise dos dados, indicamos diversos apontamentos acerca do emprego do particípio presente, pautados em compêndios gramaticais modernos, com o objetivo de contrastar tais informações com usos encontrados no texto do comediógrafo. Em um recorte sincrônico, observamos os particípios sempre levando em consideração o seu contexto de uso. Coletamos os exemplos nas 20 comédias, e com base neles, propomos quatro padrões funcionais: a) particípio presente com função verbal: b) particípio presente com função própria; c) particípio presente com função adjetiva; e) particípio presente com função circunstancial. Com base nesses padrões, comprovamos a nossas hipóteses iniciais de que o particípio possui níveis escalares de significação de acordo com o seu contexto de aparição e de que tais níveis escalares partem da categoria do verbo para a categoria do adjetivo / In this research, we intend to describe various uses of the present participle in the comedies of Plautus (centuries. III-II. B.C.), under the view of some postulates of Functional Linguistics in its North American line. We propose an association between linguistic concepts explained in the texts of Latin authors and concepts of our theoretical support: the concepts of use, variation and change discussed by modern scholars were already present in the ancient manuals of rhetoric and grammar. We note that the participle was interpreted, according to ancient thought, as a word class distinct of the others, participating at the same time the nature of the verb and adjective. Even before the data analysis, we indicated several notes about the use of the present participle, guided by modern grammatical textbooks, in order to contrast the information with uses found in the comedy writer text. In a synchronic cut, we observe the participles always taking into account their context of use. We collect the samples in the 21 comedies, and based on them, we propose four functional standards: a) present participle with verbal function: b) present participle having individual functions; c) present participle with adjectival function; e) present participle with circumstantial function. Based on these patterns, we proved to our initial hypothesis that the participle has scalar levels of meaning, according to their appearance of context, and that such scalar levels range from the category of the verb for the category of adjective

Polovětné konstrukce (l'infinitif, le gérondif, le participe présent) a mluvený projev / Non-finite clauses (infinitive, gerund, present participle) and speech

Černá, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis "Non-finite clauses (infinitive, gerund, present participle) and speech" is to describe the occurence and the use of the non-finite clauses in spoken French. The situation of the non-finite clauses in speech is established by means of the analysis of the essay "Usage du gérondif et du participe présent en francais parlé et écrit : étude comparée basée sur corpus" and the inquiry. Another aim is to suggest various expressions that could replace the non-finite clauses. These expressions result from the inquiry that was made with only natives speakers responding. We also try to consider the influence of different aspects such as age, profession, nationality on the usage of the the non-finite clauses. The conclusions that we come to in the thesis should enlighten the situation of the non-finite clauses infinitive, gerund, present participle in spontaneous speech and they could also serve as a tool for French teachers in the form of a review of the present state of the issue in spoken French. KEYWORDS non-finite clause, infinitive, gerund, present participle, speech

Finitní a participiální postmodifikace v mluveném akademickém diskurzu: přírodní a společenské vědy / Finite and participial postmodifiers in spoken academic discourse: natural and social sciences

Škodová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the present study is a comparison of two postmodifying constructions in noun phrases - finite relative adnominal clauses with the subject gap and nonfinite participial clauses - in spoken academic discourse: natural and social science. The comparison is based on the fact that both constructions realize the same clause element, i.e. a postmodifier in a noun phrase. The aim of the present study is thus to present major characteristics and functions of finite relative clauses and their reduced counterparts with respect to their distribution across the two subregisters of spoken academic discourse. The study is divided into three main parts: the theoretical background (Chapter 2) which defines the major characteristics and functions of the two postmodifying constructions and their mutual relationship, as are presented in the literature; the main part (Chapters 3 and 4) which provides the analysis of finite relative clauses and participial postmodifiers; and conclusion in Chapter 5.

Etudes des constructions participiales en -ing de l'anglais contemporain / A study of –ing participle constructions in contemporary English

Dubois-Aumercier, Marie 28 June 2014 (has links)
La présente recherche traite des constructions participiales en –ing de l’anglais contemporain. Elle s’appuie sur un corpus de plus de 1700 occurrences de participiales issues de romans et d’articles de journaux, ainsi que sur le British National Corpus et le Corpus of Contemporary American English. Les participiales ont pour caractéristique majeure ne pas expliciter les liens syntaxiques et sémantiques qui les unissent à la proposition dont elles dépendent. Pour expliquer les fondements linguistiques de cette propriété, la recherche établit une typologie détaillée des participiales, étudie les relations qu’elles entretiennent avec leur sujet, ainsi que la nature de l’incidence et de la prédication qui les caractérisent, et détaille les interprétations sémantiques qu’elles peuvent recevoir. Elle montre que la valeur sémantique basique des participiales est la circonstance concomitante, soit un simple lien établi entre deux procès qui forment une unité dans l’esprit de l’énonciateur. Ce sont les traits spécifiques du co- et du contexte qui peuvent modifier cette valeur basique pour déboucher sur l’interprétation finale, adverbiale ou adjectivale, de la participiale. La recherche propose, dans le cadre de la psychosystématique de Gustave Guillaume, des hypothèses susceptibles d’expliquer le comportement syntaxique et sémantique des participiales ; elle montre qu’il est directement lié au sens du participe présent, dont il est postulé que l’incidence est interne et qu’il code la simultanéité et l’imperfectif dans tous ses emplois. / This research deals with –ing participle clauses in contemporary English. It is based on a corpus totalling over 1,700 participle clauses collected from novels and newspaper articles, and it also relies on data from electronic corpora – the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English. The main characteristic of –ing participle clauses is that they lack an explicit syntactic and semantic link to their superordinate clause: to shed light on the linguistic phenomena accounting for this specificity, the research establishes a detailed typology of –ing clauses, studies their relationship to their subjects, investigates the specific nature of their incidence and predication, and provides a detailed analysis of their semantic indeterminacy. It shows that their basic semantic value is one of attendant circumstance – a mere link between two events or states that form a unit in the speaker’s mind. The characteristics of the co- and context may alter this basic value to give the clause its final (adjectival or adverbial) meaning. The research puts forward hypotheses to account for the syntactic and semantic characteristics of –ing participle clauses within the framework of Gustave Guillaume’s psychosystematic theory: it shows the syntactic and semantic behaviour of –ing clauses can be directly traced back to the meaning of the –ing participle, which, it is hypothesised, has an internal incidence and expresses simultaneity and imperfectivity in all of its uses.

Les stratégies de traduction dans trois articles d’un journal : Une étude sur la traduction des participes présents et passés du français vers le suédois / Translation Strategies in Three News Articles : A Study of the Translation of Present and Past Participle Phrases from French into Swedish

Kilander, Ulrika January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study was to analyze the translation of verb constructions with participles from French into Swedish of three news articles from the French magazine Le Point (2021). The articles were published in a special issue dedicated to climate change. The analysis focused on the translation of present and past participle phrases and the strategies involved in the translation process. Gerunds were excluded from the study as well as participles functioning as an adjective in order to limit the study. The present study was based on Eriksson’s model and his definitions of transpositions (Eriksson 1997), which are translation shifts taking place during the translation process. The results showed that most present and past participle phrases were being replaced by relative clauses or by main clauses in Swedish. Many participle phrases were also replaced by other types of phrases or clauses.               Some transpositions were considered as being necessary. They seemed to have been imposed on the text by the inherent grammar structures of the target language, while other translation shifts appeared to be optional. In the latter case, they seemed to have been chosen rather for stylistic reasons, and/or motivated by the personal choice of the translator when several options were available.

Traduire un article de recherche français en suédois : Les challenges du style elliptique du français / Translating a french scientific article into swedish : The challenges of the french elliptical style

Johansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate the translation stategies chosen by the translator when translating present and past participles in contracted sentences in a French scientific article into Swedish. Previous research shows that the French language has a predilection for an elliptical sentences structure, whereas the Swedish language prefers complete clauses. This difference could eventually cause problems during the translation process when translating the French present and past participles in contracted sentences into Swedish. The source text has been translated into Swedish. The translation of the participles has then been categorized according to the strategy chosen by the translator and then analyzed according to the theoretical models by Eriksson (1997, 2015) and Ingo (2007). Our study shows that the majority of the present and past participles in contracted sentences in the source text has been translated into complete causes in the target text. The relative clause seems to be the most common choice by the translator. However, other strategies have sometimes been chosen, often as a consequence of an already complicated sentence structure in the target text or due to stylistic choices.

La traduction du français en suédois d’un texte sur le vin : Une étude sur la phrase participiale, le complément circonstanciel et le contexte culturel / A French text about wine translated into Swedish : A study of participles, adverbs and cultural context

Bergqvist, Maria January 2021 (has links)
The present study deals with the use of participle constructions, adverbs as well as the formal style of a French text about winemaking. The study aims to discuss my translation choices as well as studying participle constructions and adverbs while taking the cultural context in consideration. The results show that the use of present participle, gerund and past participle without auxiliary verbs as well as the use of adverbs in the beginning of a sentence, have a formal effect of the French text. However, the use of past participles with auxiliary verbs do not have such an effect. The cultural context is shown in the formal style due to grammatical choices and is also shown in the variety of the French wine vocabulary, much richer than the Swedish. To be adequate for the Swedish reader, the target text had to be less formal, to correspond to the Swedish tradition of writing clearly.

Die deelwoord in Afrikaans : perspektiewe vanuit ʼn kognitiewe gebruiksgebaseerde beskrywingsraamwerk / Anna Petronella Butler

Butler, Anna Petronella January 2014 (has links)
During an annotation project of 60 000 Afrikaans tokens by CTexT (North-West University), the developers had to answer difficult questions with regard to the annotation of the participle specifically. One of the main reasons for this difficulty is that the different sources that offer descriptions of the participle in Afrikaans are conflicting in such descriptions and, depending on which source is consulted, would provide different annotations. In order to clarify the uncertainty of how the participle in Afrikaans should be annotated, the available literature was surveyed to determine the exact nature of the participle in Afrikaans. The descriptions of the participle in Afrikaans were further situated in the context of how participles are described in English and Dutch. The conclusion that was reached is that the participle form of the verb in Afrikaans should be distinguished from the periphrastic construction form of the verb that appears in the past and the passive constructions. Furthermore, this study determined to what extent a cognitive usage-based descriptive framework could contribute towards a better understanding of the participle in Afrikaans. The first conclusion that was reached is that a characterisation of the participle within this framework enables one to make conceptual sense of the morphological structure of the participle. The study shows how the morphological structure of the participle is responsible for the fact that the verbal character of the participle stays intact while the participle functions as another word class. Another conclusion that was reached regarding the characterisation of the past and passive constructions from a cognitive usage-based descriptive framework is that the framework makes it possible to distinguish conceptually between the periphrastic form of the verb and the participle form of the verb. Lastly, the study determined to what extent new insights into the participle in Afrikaans could lead to alternative lemmatisation and part-of-speech-tagging of participles in the NCHLT-corpus. The conclusion that was reached is that participles are primarily lemmatised satisfactorily. Proposals that are made in order to improve the lemmatisation protocol, include: (i) distinguishing in the protocol between periphrastic forms of the verb and the participle form of the verb; (ii) repeating the guideline for the lemmatisation of compound verbs that was provided for verb lemmatisation under the lemmatisation guidelines for participles; (iii) adding more lexicalised adjectives to the existing list in the protocol; and (iv) suggesting a guideline that would allow one to consistently distinguish between participles that could function as adverbs as well as participles that could function as prepositions. The conclusion that was reached after the analysis of the part-of-speech protocol is that the part-of-speech tag set in Afrikaans does not allow for the specific attributes and values of participles to be taken into account. Participles in the Afrikaans tag set are tagged strictly according to the function of the word. Although such an approach is very practical, it results in a linguistically poorer part-of-speech tag that ignores the verbal character of the participle. An alternative strategy is therefore suggested for the part-of-speech tagging of participles in which the attributes and values of the verb tag are adapted. / MA (Linguistics and Literary Theory), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Die deelwoord in Afrikaans : perspektiewe vanuit ʼn kognitiewe gebruiksgebaseerde beskrywingsraamwerk / Anna Petronella Butler

Butler, Anna Petronella January 2014 (has links)
During an annotation project of 60 000 Afrikaans tokens by CTexT (North-West University), the developers had to answer difficult questions with regard to the annotation of the participle specifically. One of the main reasons for this difficulty is that the different sources that offer descriptions of the participle in Afrikaans are conflicting in such descriptions and, depending on which source is consulted, would provide different annotations. In order to clarify the uncertainty of how the participle in Afrikaans should be annotated, the available literature was surveyed to determine the exact nature of the participle in Afrikaans. The descriptions of the participle in Afrikaans were further situated in the context of how participles are described in English and Dutch. The conclusion that was reached is that the participle form of the verb in Afrikaans should be distinguished from the periphrastic construction form of the verb that appears in the past and the passive constructions. Furthermore, this study determined to what extent a cognitive usage-based descriptive framework could contribute towards a better understanding of the participle in Afrikaans. The first conclusion that was reached is that a characterisation of the participle within this framework enables one to make conceptual sense of the morphological structure of the participle. The study shows how the morphological structure of the participle is responsible for the fact that the verbal character of the participle stays intact while the participle functions as another word class. Another conclusion that was reached regarding the characterisation of the past and passive constructions from a cognitive usage-based descriptive framework is that the framework makes it possible to distinguish conceptually between the periphrastic form of the verb and the participle form of the verb. Lastly, the study determined to what extent new insights into the participle in Afrikaans could lead to alternative lemmatisation and part-of-speech-tagging of participles in the NCHLT-corpus. The conclusion that was reached is that participles are primarily lemmatised satisfactorily. Proposals that are made in order to improve the lemmatisation protocol, include: (i) distinguishing in the protocol between periphrastic forms of the verb and the participle form of the verb; (ii) repeating the guideline for the lemmatisation of compound verbs that was provided for verb lemmatisation under the lemmatisation guidelines for participles; (iii) adding more lexicalised adjectives to the existing list in the protocol; and (iv) suggesting a guideline that would allow one to consistently distinguish between participles that could function as adverbs as well as participles that could function as prepositions. The conclusion that was reached after the analysis of the part-of-speech protocol is that the part-of-speech tag set in Afrikaans does not allow for the specific attributes and values of participles to be taken into account. Participles in the Afrikaans tag set are tagged strictly according to the function of the word. Although such an approach is very practical, it results in a linguistically poorer part-of-speech tag that ignores the verbal character of the participle. An alternative strategy is therefore suggested for the part-of-speech tagging of participles in which the attributes and values of the verb tag are adapted. / MA (Linguistics and Literary Theory), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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