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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An agent-based approach to dialogue management in personal assistants

Nguyen, Thi Thuc Anh, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Personal assistants need to allow the user to interact with the system in a flexible and adaptive way such as through spoken language dialogue. This research is aimed at achieving robust and effective dialogue management in such applications. We focus on an application, the Smart Personal Assistant (SPA), in which the user can use a variety of devices to interact with a collection of personal assistants, each specializing in a task domain. The current implementation of the SPA contains an e-mail management agent and a calendar agent that the user can interact with through a spoken dialogue and a graphical interface on PDAs. The user-system interaction is handled by a Dialogue Manager agent. We propose an agent-based approach that makes use of a BDI agent architecture for dialogue modelling and control. The Dialogue Manager agent of the SPA acts as the central point for maintaining coherent user-system interaction and coordinating the activities of the assistants. The dialogue model consists of a set of complex but modular plans for handling communicative goals. The dialogue control flow emerges automatically as the result of the agent???s plan selection by the BDI interpreter. In addition the Dialogue Manager maintains the conversational context, the domainspecific knowledge and the user model in its internal beliefs. We also consider the problem of dialogue adaptation in such agent-based dialogue systems. We present a novel way of integrating learning into a BDI architecture so that the agent can learn to select the most suitable plan among those applicable in the current context. This enables the Dialogue Manager agent to tailor its responses according to the conversational context and the user???s physical context, devices and preferences. Finally, we report the evaluation results, which indicate the robustness and effectiveness of the dialogue model in handling a range of users.

An agent-based approach to dialogue management in personal assistants

Nguyen, Thi Thuc Anh, Computer Science & Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Personal assistants need to allow the user to interact with the system in a flexible and adaptive way such as through spoken language dialogue. This research is aimed at achieving robust and effective dialogue management in such applications. We focus on an application, the Smart Personal Assistant (SPA), in which the user can use a variety of devices to interact with a collection of personal assistants, each specializing in a task domain. The current implementation of the SPA contains an e-mail management agent and a calendar agent that the user can interact with through a spoken dialogue and a graphical interface on PDAs. The user-system interaction is handled by a Dialogue Manager agent. We propose an agent-based approach that makes use of a BDI agent architecture for dialogue modelling and control. The Dialogue Manager agent of the SPA acts as the central point for maintaining coherent user-system interaction and coordinating the activities of the assistants. The dialogue model consists of a set of complex but modular plans for handling communicative goals. The dialogue control flow emerges automatically as the result of the agent???s plan selection by the BDI interpreter. In addition the Dialogue Manager maintains the conversational context, the domainspecific knowledge and the user model in its internal beliefs. We also consider the problem of dialogue adaptation in such agent-based dialogue systems. We present a novel way of integrating learning into a BDI architecture so that the agent can learn to select the most suitable plan among those applicable in the current context. This enables the Dialogue Manager agent to tailor its responses according to the conversational context and the user???s physical context, devices and preferences. Finally, we report the evaluation results, which indicate the robustness and effectiveness of the dialogue model in handling a range of users.

Cicero Platonis aemulus Untersuchungen über die Form von Ciceros Dialogen, besonders von De oratore.

Zoll, Gallus. January 1962 (has links)
Diss.--Fribourg. / Bibliography: p. 155-160.

Η θεωρία των ιδεών και το πρόβλημα της μέθεξης στους πλατωνικούς διαλόγους Φαίδων, Πολιτεία, Παρμενίδης

Παναγιωτακοπούλου, Παναγιώτα 29 July 2011 (has links)
Στόχος της εργασίας είναι να διερευνήσει τη σχέση των αισθητών πραγμάτων με τις Ιδέες εξετάζοντας όχι μόνο το γεγονός της ίδιας της συμμετοχής, αλλά και τον τρόπο που αυτή επιτυγχάνεται, καθώς και τα προβλήματα που ανακύπτουν από την εν λόγω σχέση. Σε κάθε διάλογο χωριστά επιχειρούμε να εξετάσουμε ποια είναι τα προβλήματα εκείνα που οδηγούν τον Πλάτωνα στη θέση της Θεωρίας των Ιδεών, καθώς και το αν επιλύονται και με ποιόν τρόπο. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, στον Φαίδωνα οι Ιδέες παρουσιάζονται για πρώτη φορά με πιο συστηματικό τρόπο, ως εκείνες οι οντότητες οι οποίες είναι υπεύθυνες για το ότι τα επιμέρους αισθητά αντικείμενα έχουν μια συγκριμένη ιδιότητα. Οι Ιδέες εισάγονται στον διάλογο ως ένα ακόμα επιχείρημα για την αθανασία της ψυχής. Ωστόσο, είναι σημαντικό να συγκρατήσουμε ότι και τα επιχειρήματα που προηγούνται αυτού, στηρίζονται στις Ιδέες και μας παρέχουν σημαντικές πληροφορίες τόσο για τις ίδιες όσο και για τη σχέση τους με τα αισθητά. Για αυτόν ακριβώς τον λόγο το κεντρικό ζήτημα της εργασίας εξετάζεται στο σύνολο του διαλόγου, ώστε να γίνει σαφές πώς προκύπτει η Θεωρία των Ιδεών και το πρόβλημα της μέθεξης των αισθητών σε αυτές. Περνώντας στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο της εργασίας, διαπιστώνουμε ότι η πρώτη συζήτηση περί Ιδεών γίνεται στο τέλος του πέμπτου βιβλίου της Πολιτείας και λειτουργεί ως επεξήγηση της θέσης ότι κυβερνήτες της ιδανικής πολιτείας πρέπει να είναι οι φιλόσοφοι, οι οποίοι είναι γνώστες της αλήθειας. Όπως και στον Φαίδωνα, έτσι και εδώ προκύπτει ότι για κάθε σύνολο πραγμάτων υπάρχει και μια Ιδέα (507b, 596a) στην οποία αυτά μετέχουν και αποκτούν την ανάλογη ιδιότητα. Ωστόσο, μια Ιδέα έχει εξέχουσα θέση στον συγκεκριμένο διάλογο και δεν είναι άλλη από την Ιδέα του Αγαθού. Η Ιδέα του Αγαθού, έτσι όπως εξετάζεται στο παρόν κεφάλαιο, δεν μας προσφέρει πολλά αναφορικά με τη μέθεξη των αισθητών στα Είδη, αλλά η σημασία της έγκειται σε ένα διαφορετικό τύπο μέθεξης, αυτόν των Ιδεών στην Ιδέα του Αγαθού. Η μελέτη της σχέσης Ιδεών και αισθητών πραγμάτων, ολοκληρώνεται στο τρίτο και τελευταίο κεφάλαιο της παρούσης εργασίας, μέσα από την εξέταση του Παρμενίδη. Έτσι όπως εξετάζουμε το ζήτημα της μέθεξης στο παρόν κεφάλαιο, το ενδιαφέρον μας επικεντρώνεται τόσο στις λεπτομέρειες αναφορικά με τη Θεωρία των Ιδεών, όσο και στον εντοπισμό και την εξέταση των παραδοχών του Σωκράτη. Επιχειρούμε μια συνολική μελέτη του κεντρικού θέματος, της μέθεξης, όχι μόνον έτσι όπως αυτό παρουσιάζεται στον Παρμενίδη, αλλά και στη σχέση του με τους δύο προηγούμενους διαλόγους. / --

A (In)visibilidade dos trabalhadores de limpeza e conservação da Universidade Federal de Alagoas: imagens reveladas e histórias reinventadas / The (In) visibility of cleaning and conservation at the Federal University of Alagoas: images revealed and stories reinvented

Santos, Reinaldo Batista dos 17 October 2016 (has links)
This dissertation started from the hypothesis that the outsourced workers of cleaning and conservation, developing their professional activities in a public university in the Northeast of Brazil, are invisible as subjects practitioners within the university context. In this sense, the research aims to understand how the academic routine, forged by scientific and cultural practices in their different environments, subjectively affect these subordinate workers. Subjective effects that can reveal, by the traces, the written plot in their memory in which enroll their history of life. From a methodological point of view, we chose initially to address the workers in their daily lives from a casual conversation; and then establish a dialogue having as a theme the images of photographs taken by them, within the said educational institution, at our request. That is, an opening to the revelation - the space of "différance" (Derrida, 2002). The memories, forged in these images could bring us evidence about the experiences (LARROSA, 2002) of these subjects practitioners who (re)invent themselves in their narratives. Moreover, reveal, in the plurality of their knowledge, "the tricks of interests and different desires" (Certeau, 2009), in search, of course, of a social justice and, above all, a "cognitive justice" (SANTOS, 2004). We joined the aforementioned authors to articulate concepts and theoretical foundations that can sustain our discussions and, above all, our demands to want to look at the world from its inside out. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Esta dissertação parte da hipótese de que os trabalhadores terceirizados de limpeza e conservação, que desenvolvem suas atividades laborais numa universidade pública da região nordeste, são invisibilizados, enquanto sujeitos praticantes, dentro do contexto universitário. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa tem como objetivo compreender de que formao cotidiano acadêmico, forjado por praticas cientificas e culturais em seus diferentes espaços, afetam subjetivamente esses trabalhadores subalternizados. Efeitos subjetivos que podem revelar, pelos rastros, a trama tecida em sua(s) memória(s), nas quais se inscrevem sua(s) história(s) de vida. Do ponto de vista metodológico, optamos, inicialmente, por abordar os trabalhadores em seu cotidianoa partir de uma conversa informal; e, posteriormente, estabelecer um diálogo tendo como mote as imagens das fotografias por eles tiradas, dentro da referida instituição de ensino, a nosso pedido. Ou seja, uma abertura à revelação – ao espaço da “différance” (DERRIDA, 2002). As memórias, forjadas nessas imagens puderam nos trazer indícios sobre as experiências (LARROSA, 1996) desses sujeitos praticantes que se (re)inventam em suas narrativas. Mais ainda: revelam, na pluralidade de seus saberes, “as astúcias de interesses e de desejos diferentes” (CERTEAU, 2009), em busca, por certo, de uma justiça social e, sobretudo, de uma “justiça cognitiva” (SANTOS, 2004).Filiamo-nos, assim, aos autores acima citados para articular conceitos e fundamentos teóricos que podem sustentar nossas discussões e, sobretudo, nossas demandas de querer olhar o mundo pelo seu avesso.

Mecanismo de interação entre agentes : construção e avaliação de trocas sociais / Interaction mechanism between agents: construction and evaluation of social exchanges

Franco, Márcia Häfele Islabão January 2008 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta a formalização, construção e validação experimental de um mecanismo de interação entre agentes baseado em valores de troca. Através do mecanismo de interação, os agentes são capazes de estabelecer, avaliar e regular os balanços de troca de suas interações, com o objetivo de alcançar resultados que eles valorizem, i.e., considerem adequados. Na formalização do mecanismo de interação são considerados diversos aspectos abordados nas Ciências Sociais, na Psicologia e em Teorias Utilitaristas. No mecanismo são observados, igualmente, os aspectos sociais e psicológicos que podem influenciar os resultados das interações entre os agentes. Desse modo, o mecanismo leva em consideração que os agentes podem construir suas estratégias levando em consideração as informações relacionadas com o “poder social” e as “atitudes” de interação. No mecanismo de interação recorre-se aos diálogos de argumentação com a finalidade de permitir que os agentes possam influenciar os seus parceiros em relação ao estabelecimento de acordos sobre os serviços e aos valores de troca envolvidos nas interações. Na validação experimental, o cenário utilizado foi o dos “Robôs Coletores de Lixo em Marte”. Através dos resultados obtidos, pode-se observar que o mecanismo de interação considera os valores de troca no processo de formação da cooperação, auxiliando os agentes na escolha de futuros parceiros. / This thesis presents the formalization, construction and validation of an interaction mechanism based on exchange values. Through the interaction mechanism, the agents are capable to establish, to evaluate and to regulate the balances of exchange of their interactions, with the objective of reaching the results that they consider adequate. In the formalization of the mechanism several aspects of Social Sciences, Psychology and Utilitarian Theories are considered. In the mechanism are observed the social and psychological aspects that can influence the results of the interactions between the agents. In this manner, the mechanism considers that the agents can build their strategies considering the information related to the social power and to interaction attitudes. In the mechanism the argument dialogs are used with the purpose to allow the agents to influence their partners in relation to the establishment of agreements about the services and about the exchange values involved in the interactions. In the validation, the scenario used was the “Garbage Collector Robots in Mars”. Through the obtained results, it was possible to observe that the interaction mechanism considers the values of exchange in the process of formation of the cooperation, helping the agents to choose their future partners.

A supremacia judicial e a teoria dos diálogos constitucionais : sobre a implementação de mecanismos de diálogo no panorama constitucional brasileiro

Cristovam, Thaiane Correa January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar ferramentas que fomentem a implementação de uma espécie de controle de constitucionalidade dialógico no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, de forma a mitigar a supremacia judicial ostentada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Para isso, foi organizado em três capítulos. Os dois primeiros dirigem-se a realizar uma abordagem comparada, por meio de um breve apanhado histórico e análise jurisprudencial, entre os sistemas constitucionais dos Estados Unidos, da Colômbia, da Costa Rica e do Brasil e entre os seus respetivos Tribunais imbuídos da função da realização do controle de constitucionalidade. Com isto, busca-se demonstrar o assentamento da supremacia judicial em uma visão mais ampla, bem como em uma realidade latino-americana. O terceiro capítulo, por sua vez, tem o escopo de explorar as diversas vertentes da teoria dos diálogos constitucionais, elaborar um conceito de diálogo substancial e, por fim, elaborar proposições de instrumentos dialógicos ainda não existentes no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, bem como sugerir a reformulação de alguns já existentes. O intuito primordial da parte final da dissertação é a busca da promoção de uma ressignificação do controle de constitucionalidade, de forma a democratiza-lo, mitigando a supremacia judicial, incluindo no debate sobre o significado da Constituição, além do Poder Judiciário, os Poderes Executivo e Legislativo, e a sociedade como um todo. / This master’s dissertation aims do present tools that provide the implementation of a kind of dialogic judicial review in the Brazilian legal framework, so as to mitigate the judicial supremacy displayed by the Supremo Tribunal Federal. In order to do that, it was organized in three chapters. The first two chapters carry out a comparative approach, through a short historical description e and jurisprudential analyses, between the American, the Colombian, the Costa Rican and the Brazilian constitutional systems and its respective Courts that perform judicial review. In that manner, it is the objective to demonstrate the settlement of judicial supremacy in a broad vision, and also in a Latin American reality. The third chapter, by its turn, aims to explore the different aspects of the constitutional dialogue theory, elaborate a concept of substantial dialogue and, in conclusion, elaborate propositions of dialogical instruments not yet existent in the native legal order, and also suggest a reformulation of others that already exist. The paramount intention of dissertation’s final part is the promotion of a resignification of judicial review, so as to democratize it, mitigating judicial supremacy, incorporating in the debate about the significance of the Constitution, other than the Judicial power, the Executive and the Legislative powers, and the society as a hole.

A supremacia judicial e a teoria dos diálogos constitucionais : sobre a implementação de mecanismos de diálogo no panorama constitucional brasileiro

Cristovam, Thaiane Correa January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar ferramentas que fomentem a implementação de uma espécie de controle de constitucionalidade dialógico no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, de forma a mitigar a supremacia judicial ostentada pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal. Para isso, foi organizado em três capítulos. Os dois primeiros dirigem-se a realizar uma abordagem comparada, por meio de um breve apanhado histórico e análise jurisprudencial, entre os sistemas constitucionais dos Estados Unidos, da Colômbia, da Costa Rica e do Brasil e entre os seus respetivos Tribunais imbuídos da função da realização do controle de constitucionalidade. Com isto, busca-se demonstrar o assentamento da supremacia judicial em uma visão mais ampla, bem como em uma realidade latino-americana. O terceiro capítulo, por sua vez, tem o escopo de explorar as diversas vertentes da teoria dos diálogos constitucionais, elaborar um conceito de diálogo substancial e, por fim, elaborar proposições de instrumentos dialógicos ainda não existentes no ordenamento jurídico pátrio, bem como sugerir a reformulação de alguns já existentes. O intuito primordial da parte final da dissertação é a busca da promoção de uma ressignificação do controle de constitucionalidade, de forma a democratiza-lo, mitigando a supremacia judicial, incluindo no debate sobre o significado da Constituição, além do Poder Judiciário, os Poderes Executivo e Legislativo, e a sociedade como um todo. / This master’s dissertation aims do present tools that provide the implementation of a kind of dialogic judicial review in the Brazilian legal framework, so as to mitigate the judicial supremacy displayed by the Supremo Tribunal Federal. In order to do that, it was organized in three chapters. The first two chapters carry out a comparative approach, through a short historical description e and jurisprudential analyses, between the American, the Colombian, the Costa Rican and the Brazilian constitutional systems and its respective Courts that perform judicial review. In that manner, it is the objective to demonstrate the settlement of judicial supremacy in a broad vision, and also in a Latin American reality. The third chapter, by its turn, aims to explore the different aspects of the constitutional dialogue theory, elaborate a concept of substantial dialogue and, in conclusion, elaborate propositions of dialogical instruments not yet existent in the native legal order, and also suggest a reformulation of others that already exist. The paramount intention of dissertation’s final part is the promotion of a resignification of judicial review, so as to democratize it, mitigating judicial supremacy, incorporating in the debate about the significance of the Constitution, other than the Judicial power, the Executive and the Legislative powers, and the society as a hole.

Mecanismo de interação entre agentes : construção e avaliação de trocas sociais / Interaction mechanism between agents: construction and evaluation of social exchanges

Franco, Márcia Häfele Islabão January 2008 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta a formalização, construção e validação experimental de um mecanismo de interação entre agentes baseado em valores de troca. Através do mecanismo de interação, os agentes são capazes de estabelecer, avaliar e regular os balanços de troca de suas interações, com o objetivo de alcançar resultados que eles valorizem, i.e., considerem adequados. Na formalização do mecanismo de interação são considerados diversos aspectos abordados nas Ciências Sociais, na Psicologia e em Teorias Utilitaristas. No mecanismo são observados, igualmente, os aspectos sociais e psicológicos que podem influenciar os resultados das interações entre os agentes. Desse modo, o mecanismo leva em consideração que os agentes podem construir suas estratégias levando em consideração as informações relacionadas com o “poder social” e as “atitudes” de interação. No mecanismo de interação recorre-se aos diálogos de argumentação com a finalidade de permitir que os agentes possam influenciar os seus parceiros em relação ao estabelecimento de acordos sobre os serviços e aos valores de troca envolvidos nas interações. Na validação experimental, o cenário utilizado foi o dos “Robôs Coletores de Lixo em Marte”. Através dos resultados obtidos, pode-se observar que o mecanismo de interação considera os valores de troca no processo de formação da cooperação, auxiliando os agentes na escolha de futuros parceiros. / This thesis presents the formalization, construction and validation of an interaction mechanism based on exchange values. Through the interaction mechanism, the agents are capable to establish, to evaluate and to regulate the balances of exchange of their interactions, with the objective of reaching the results that they consider adequate. In the formalization of the mechanism several aspects of Social Sciences, Psychology and Utilitarian Theories are considered. In the mechanism are observed the social and psychological aspects that can influence the results of the interactions between the agents. In this manner, the mechanism considers that the agents can build their strategies considering the information related to the social power and to interaction attitudes. In the mechanism the argument dialogs are used with the purpose to allow the agents to influence their partners in relation to the establishment of agreements about the services and about the exchange values involved in the interactions. In the validation, the scenario used was the “Garbage Collector Robots in Mars”. Through the obtained results, it was possible to observe that the interaction mechanism considers the values of exchange in the process of formation of the cooperation, helping the agents to choose their future partners.

Dionisio e Apolo : faces de uma reflexão sobre a dança a partir das leis de Platão

Leopardi Bastos, Carolina 22 July 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Alcides Hector Rodriguez Benoit / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-05T01:08:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeopardiBastos_Carolina_M.pdf: 453724 bytes, checksum: f1ea77929da9f974b1f1851adeceecd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Résumé: La dissertation offre um aperçu de la danse et comment elle apparaît dans la littérature philosophique. D'une façon plus precise, elle consiste à présenter le panorama avec lequel le thème est discute dans les Dialogues de Platon. En considérant que le philosophe athénien presente la danse de la période classique de l'Antiquité Grecque dans une pluralité d'aspects, nous discutons : (1) l'éducation de la pólis, (2) le sens réligieux des festivals, (3) le caractère mimique de la danse grecque et (4) la santé et la beauté du corps dans les thérapeutiques qui enveloppent l'usage de la gymnastique et des jeux. Dans la second partie, nous exposons une introduction à la danse d'après la pensée de Nietzsche, em considérant les sens, les mots avec lequels la danse est instance de réversion du platonisme / Resumo: A dissertação oferece uma amostra de como a dança aparece na literatura filosófica. Em termos específicos, consiste em apresentar o panorama com que o tema é discutido nos diálogos de Platão. Considerando-se que o filósofo ateniense apresenta a dança do período clássico da antiguidade grega em uma pluralidade de aspectos, discutimos: (1) a educação da pólis, (2) o sentido religioso dos festivais, (3) o caráter mimético da dança grega e (4) a saúde e a beleza do corpo nas terapias que envolvem o uso da ginástica e dos jogos. Na segunda parte, expomos uma introdução à dança no pensamento de Nietzsche, considerando os sentidos e os termos com os quais a dança é uma instância de reversão do platonismo / Mestrado / Mestre em Filosofia

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