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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Znalosti žáků ZŠ z oblasti evoluční biologie - tvorba didaktického testu. / Knowledge of elementary school pupils from the field of evolutionary biology - creation of a standardized test

ZAHRADNÍKOVÁ, Milena January 2019 (has links)
The main objective of my diploma thesis was to create a didactic test dealing with the knowledge of grade 9 primary school pupils about the area of evolution. The literary review is focused on the term of evolution and its main principles. A part of the review is also formed by the framework education programme, mainly by the expected outputs in evolution biology. Subsequently, the theoretical part carries out an analysis of qualification works dealing with the issue of evolution biology. In the conclusion, information about didactic tests, their types and aspects is collected. To find out about the measure of knowlede from the area of evolution, a didactic test was constructed, and distributed among 252 respondents within the region of South Bohemia. All the data was subsequently evaluated and discussed.

A aula de laboratório no ensino superior de química / The laboratory classes at higher education in Chemistry

Matheus de Sousa Sato 09 December 2011 (has links)
A reforma curricular, no ensino superior de Química é um tema que vêm sendo muito debatido no meio acadêmico, não só por pesquisadores da área, mas também por alunos que sentem a necessidade de modificações nas grades curriculares. O currículo conteudista, que apenas disponibiliza um grande volume de informações formando profissionais despreparados deve ser substituído por um currículo que promova uma formação mais abrangente, formando profissionais que além de atender as necessidades do mercado, sejam conscientes das relações existentes entre sua área de atuação e a comunidade no âmbito cultural, social e político (formação mais humanística). Esta nova formação deve procurar formar cidadãos críticos, que questionem as interações da Química com a sociedade, que busquem respostas para problemas individuais e coletivos, e proponham soluções criativas para problemas atuais. Um espírito investigativo deve, necessariamente, ser desenvolvido no formando. Dentre vários aspectos importantes as abordagens do laboratório didático podem auxiliar esta formação designada pelo currículo, sendo algumas dessas muito divulgadas e defendidas na literatura. A didática laboratorial se bem aplicada pode contribuir para a melhor formação do aluno, tornando-o um profissional de Química ciente das suas funções, capacidades e habilidades. Sabendo das necessidades de reestruturação do currículo e da contribuição que as aulas laboratoriais podem ter na formação do profissional da Química; um dos pontos cruciais a ser considerado neste estudo é as aulas prático-experimentais que podem contribuir ou dificultar as adaptações das instituições de ensino superior às novas necessidades. Assim, busca-se neste trabalho analisar a didática aplicada nas aulas prático-experimentais, por meio de um questionário formulado com base em ferramentas de classificação da abordagem do laboratório didático. Tal questionário foi aplicado aos alunos do curso de bacharelado em Química de uma universidade pública para avaliar a contribuição das disciplinas experimentais para a aprendizagem significativa dos mesmos. Foram analisados seis diferentes laboratórios do primeiro ao terceiro ano do curso. Através do questionário observou-se que todos os laboratórios didáticos não apresentam experimentos de alto caráter investigativo. Alguns alunos têm uma concepção errada da relação entre teoria e prática, principalmente os de primeiro ano, o que pode estar diretamente envolvido com o tipo de abordagem utilizada. / The curriculum reform of the higher education in Chemistry is a matter that has been discussed at the academic by researchers and also by students. In particular, the students understand the need for changes in the curricular structure. The curriculum that emphasizes the specific aspects of Chemistry (\"content approach\") only provides a great amount of information should be replaced by a curriculum that promotes a more comprehensive learning and thus graduating professionals that besides attending the market needs are conscious of the relationship between their practice and the society at the cultural, social and politic scope (a humanistic graduation). This new graduation must search for graduated critical citizens, which question the interactions between Chemistry and society, looking for answers to individual and public problems and proposing creative solutions for current problems. An investigative approach must be developed during the instruction period. Among many important characteristics the approaches adopted in the laboratory classes should help the investigative activities in support to the curriculum according, as reported in several papers already published. If well applied, the teaching laboratorial activities can contribute for a better learning at the graduation making the chemical professionals aware of their functions, capabilities and abilities. Accepting the need for curriculum changes and the contribution that laboratory classes can promote at the graduation of Chemistry\'s professional one of the crucial points to be consider are the role of the teaching laboratory. The approaches adopted in these experimental activities are decisive in the promotion of the expected changes by the higher education institutes. Thus, this work aims to analyze the approach applied at experimental classes of the bachelor\'s program in Chemistry of a public university. To access these characteristics it was applied a questionnaire based on classification tools of laboratory didactics\' approaches. This questionnaire was applied to six different laboratory classes from 1st to 3rd year of the course to evaluate the contribution of experimental activities to their significative learning. By the questionnaire, it was observed that all the didactic laboratories do not present experiments with a high investigative level. Some students, in particular from the 1st year, have a misconception of the relationship between theory and practice and this assumption can be associated with the approach adopted in the laboratory work.

A complementaridade entre análise e síntese nos processos de ensino e de aprendizagem da matemática / The complementarily between analysis and synthesis of the math teaching and learning processes

Duarte, Samuel Gomes 05 December 2014 (has links)
O objetivo central do presente trabalho é analisar e discutir a presença e relação entre análise e síntese, no contexto do ensino de matemática e os possíveis desdobramentos em relação à aprendizagem dos alunos. Como o par análise e síntese pode estar presente nas aulas de Matemática e como esses elementos se relacionam com os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem dessa disciplina? Uma revisão bibliográfica centrada em elementos da didática da Matemática, da história da educação brasileira e do desenvolvimento do conhecimento matemático, e da noção de competências, e um estudo de documentos curriculares oficiais foram necessários para fundamentar e desenvolver a análise e discussão de duas situações-problema ilustrativas do ensino de Matemática da Educação Básica. Para cada uma das situações propostas, são apresentadas e analisadas quatro resoluções possíveis, a partir das quais são feitas a discussão e sistematização de noções matemáticas mobilizadas, e uma reflexão sobre as dimensões e implicações do par análise e síntese nessas resoluções. / The main objective of this study is to analyze and discuss the relationship and presence between analysis and synthesis in the context of mathematics education and the possible consequences in relation to students learning. How the pair analysis and synthesis may be present in math class? How these elements relate to processes of teaching and learning that discipline? A literature review focused on didactics of mathematics elements and the Brazilian education history and the study of official curriculum documents were necessary to support and develop the analysis and discussion of two illustrative situations on teaching mathematics in basic education. For each of the proposed conditions are presented and analyzed four possible resolutions to discussion and systematization of mathematical notions mobilized are made and reflect on the dimensions and implications of the pair analysis and synthesis in the resolutions.

Modélisation et diagnostic des conceptions d'élèves de niveau seconde sur l'information génétique, lors de l'élaboration d'expérience à l'aide de LabBrook / Modelisation and diagnosis of 16 years old students'conceptions on the modification of genetics information, during experience's elaboration thanks to LabBook software

Chapel, Gwenda-Ella 21 June 2011 (has links)
Les objectifs de ce travail (la modélisation et le diagnostic) sont réalisés grâce à la création et la mise en place d'une situation d'élaboration d'expérience où les élèves répondent au problème suivant : Comment modifier l'information génétique ? La situation de recueil des productions fait intervenir le site internet LabBook, comprenant plusieurs éditeurs dont COPEX, qui étaye l'activité d'élaboration de protocole expérimental. Cette situation permet de proposer un environnement de travail sur les neuf niveaux biologiques auxquels les élèves peuvent placer l'information génétique : Milieu, Organisme, Organe, Cellule, Noyau, Caryotype, Chromosome, Gène et ADN. Ces niveaux ont été déterminés à partir de l'étude de travaux sur les difficultés des élèves en génétique et d'une analyse épistémologique du savoir. La situation a été proposée à la suite d'une analyse a priori effectuée dans le cadre de la TSD de Brousseau (1998) et du modèle cK¢ de Balacheff (1995). L'analyse des productions d'élèves nous apporte des informations sur le niveau biologique auquel ils souhaitent réaliser leur expérience, sur l'objet biologique du niveau choisi, ainsi que le mode de modification de l'information génétique. Nous retrouvons un plus grand nombre de réponses aux niveaux Chromosome, Gène et ADN. Concernant les objets biologiques, ce sont ceux donnant leur nom aux niveaux qui sont les plus utilisés et la modification principale est un échange, une substitution. Le modèle cK¢ a aussi servi à formaliser les conceptions dégagées des productions des élèves. Nous avons pu modéliser neuf conceptions rassemblant la moitié des élèves et correspondant à la modification de l'information génétique. / The aims of this work (modelisation and diagnostic) are realised thanks to the design and the experimentation of a didactical situation with the design of an experiment that have the following problem to solve: How can we modify the genetics information? The situation designed to obtain the students' productions is on the web site LabBook and it is organised in some tools, including COPEX, which scaffold the activity of experimental procedure's design. This situation proposes an environment with the nine biological levels where students can place the genetics information: Environment, Organism, Organ, Cell, Nucleus, Caryotype, Chromosome, Gene and DNA. Those levels were determined thanks to the study of researches on the students' difficulties in genetics and thanks to the epistemological analysis of the reference knowledge. The situation was proposed after an a priori analysis in the theoretical framework of TSD of Brousseau (1998) and the cK¢ model of Balacheff (1995). The students' productions analysis give us results about the biological level where they realise their experiment, about the biological object used in this level and the method of genetics information's modification. We find more answers at levels Chromosome, Gene and DNA. About biological objects, the most used are those, which give their name to the level, and the method of modification is exchange, substitution. The cK¢ model is used too formalise conceptions obtained from the students productions. We modelised nine conceptions, which represent the conceptions of the genetics information modification for 50 percents of students.

Entre textos e imagens: o compêndio de história do Brasil de Borges Hermida (1962-1975) / Between texts and images: the compêndio de história do Brasil by Borges Hermida (1962-1975)

Juliana Ricarte Ferraro 18 October 2013 (has links)
A presente tese visa analisar e compreender as relações entre os textos e as imagens contidas no livro didático de autoria de Antonio José Borges Hermida Compêndio de História do Brasil, editado pela Companhia Editora Nacional entre os anos de 1962 e 1975, sendo estas relações reveladoras de um discurso de determinado conhecimento histórico. Para este trabalho foi realizado estudo bibliográfico sobre a história da disciplina de História, a cultura escolar e o contexto político para a sustentação das análises de produção, editoração e circulação do livro, em todas as suas 60 edições, como suporte mercadológico, ideológico e cultural. O Compêndio de História do Brasil, de Borges Hermida, foi aqui analisado como um produto industrial e em sua condição de fonte a ser estudada para a compreensão de parte de uma História da Educação e da História do Ensino de História, assim como para entendimento e estudo de uma História do Livro (didático). O livro, como produto de uma indústria cultural, é fruto da intervenção de diversos sujeitos e autores e um elemento material de conceito complexo, devendo ser também concebido como corpo documental histórico; o nome de seu autor, embora este não se faça presente em todas as suas etapas de formação e produção, deve servir como atrativo comercial em uma perspectiva de maiores vendagens. O discurso historiográfico do autor, expresso pelo texto escrito, é ponto crucial da análise, assim como as imagens utilizadas nos diversos contextos. Além do conteúdo histórico divulgado através dos textos e das imagens, também foram objeto de análise as suas características formais representadas pela forma de sua organização, tipografia e editoração, entendidas como partes integrantes do discurso histórico e didático estabelecido pela obra. As análises dos elementos editoriais e historiográficos possibilitaram uma melhor compreensão da constituição dos diálogos entre o texto e as imagens divulgadas pelo livro como um produto material. O Compêndio, por largo período de tempo, foi o difusor de um conhecimento e de determinado discurso histórico expresso em suas páginas através do trabalho de diversos profissionais da área editorial, das imagens que reproduzem o trabalho de dezenas de pintores e desenhistas e, principalmente, através das palavras de seu autor, Antônio José Borges Hermida. / This thesis aims to make an analysis and understanding the relations between texts and the images contained in didactic book written by Antonio Jose Borges Hermida, Compêndio de História do Brasil, published by Companhia Editora Nacional between 1962 and 1975, considering these relations, indicative of a determinate discourse of historic knowledge. To this study a bibliographic study was carried, approaching the ways of History as a school discipline, the school culture and the political context that gives support to the production analysis, publication and circulation of the book, in all these 60 editions, as merchandising, ideological and cultural support. The Compêndio de História do Brasil, by Borges Hermida was analyzed as an industrial product an in his condition of source to be studied to the comprehension of a part of the history of education and of the history of teaching History, as well as to understanding and study of a didactic book study. The book, as an industrial cultural product is fruit from the intervention of several individuals and authors and a material element of complex elements, bringing the necessity to be conceived as an historical documental body; the authors name, although it doesnt appear in all the stages of formation and production, should serve as a commercial appeal in larger sales. The authors historiographical discourse, expressed by the written text, is a crucial point of the analysis, as well the images used in the various contexts. Besides the historical content publicized through the texts and images, also were object of analysis, their formal characteristics represented by their lay out organization, typography and editing, seen as integrant parts of the historical and didactical discourse established by the project. The analysis of editorial and historiographical elements allowed a better comprehension of the establishment of dialogues between the text and the images that were publicized by the book as a material product. The Compendio, for a long time, was a diffuser of knowledge and of a determinate historical discourse expressed in his pages through the work of several professionals of the editorial area, of the images that reproduce the art of dozen of painters and draftsmen and, mainly, through the words of his author, Antonio José Borges Hermida.

Entre textos e imagens: o compêndio de história do Brasil de Borges Hermida (1962-1975) / Between texts and images: the compêndio de história do Brasil by Borges Hermida (1962-1975)

Ferraro, Juliana Ricarte 18 October 2013 (has links)
A presente tese visa analisar e compreender as relações entre os textos e as imagens contidas no livro didático de autoria de Antonio José Borges Hermida Compêndio de História do Brasil, editado pela Companhia Editora Nacional entre os anos de 1962 e 1975, sendo estas relações reveladoras de um discurso de determinado conhecimento histórico. Para este trabalho foi realizado estudo bibliográfico sobre a história da disciplina de História, a cultura escolar e o contexto político para a sustentação das análises de produção, editoração e circulação do livro, em todas as suas 60 edições, como suporte mercadológico, ideológico e cultural. O Compêndio de História do Brasil, de Borges Hermida, foi aqui analisado como um produto industrial e em sua condição de fonte a ser estudada para a compreensão de parte de uma História da Educação e da História do Ensino de História, assim como para entendimento e estudo de uma História do Livro (didático). O livro, como produto de uma indústria cultural, é fruto da intervenção de diversos sujeitos e autores e um elemento material de conceito complexo, devendo ser também concebido como corpo documental histórico; o nome de seu autor, embora este não se faça presente em todas as suas etapas de formação e produção, deve servir como atrativo comercial em uma perspectiva de maiores vendagens. O discurso historiográfico do autor, expresso pelo texto escrito, é ponto crucial da análise, assim como as imagens utilizadas nos diversos contextos. Além do conteúdo histórico divulgado através dos textos e das imagens, também foram objeto de análise as suas características formais representadas pela forma de sua organização, tipografia e editoração, entendidas como partes integrantes do discurso histórico e didático estabelecido pela obra. As análises dos elementos editoriais e historiográficos possibilitaram uma melhor compreensão da constituição dos diálogos entre o texto e as imagens divulgadas pelo livro como um produto material. O Compêndio, por largo período de tempo, foi o difusor de um conhecimento e de determinado discurso histórico expresso em suas páginas através do trabalho de diversos profissionais da área editorial, das imagens que reproduzem o trabalho de dezenas de pintores e desenhistas e, principalmente, através das palavras de seu autor, Antônio José Borges Hermida. / This thesis aims to make an analysis and understanding the relations between texts and the images contained in didactic book written by Antonio Jose Borges Hermida, Compêndio de História do Brasil, published by Companhia Editora Nacional between 1962 and 1975, considering these relations, indicative of a determinate discourse of historic knowledge. To this study a bibliographic study was carried, approaching the ways of History as a school discipline, the school culture and the political context that gives support to the production analysis, publication and circulation of the book, in all these 60 editions, as merchandising, ideological and cultural support. The Compêndio de História do Brasil, by Borges Hermida was analyzed as an industrial product an in his condition of source to be studied to the comprehension of a part of the history of education and of the history of teaching History, as well as to understanding and study of a didactic book study. The book, as an industrial cultural product is fruit from the intervention of several individuals and authors and a material element of complex elements, bringing the necessity to be conceived as an historical documental body; the authors name, although it doesnt appear in all the stages of formation and production, should serve as a commercial appeal in larger sales. The authors historiographical discourse, expressed by the written text, is a crucial point of the analysis, as well the images used in the various contexts. Besides the historical content publicized through the texts and images, also were object of analysis, their formal characteristics represented by their lay out organization, typography and editing, seen as integrant parts of the historical and didactical discourse established by the project. The analysis of editorial and historiographical elements allowed a better comprehension of the establishment of dialogues between the text and the images that were publicized by the book as a material product. The Compendio, for a long time, was a diffuser of knowledge and of a determinate historical discourse expressed in his pages through the work of several professionals of the editorial area, of the images that reproduce the art of dozen of painters and draftsmen and, mainly, through the words of his author, Antonio José Borges Hermida.

Evaluation of Breastfeeding Curricula in Didactic Programs in Dietetics and Dietetic Internships Across the United States

Swiss, Maria Diane 01 December 2015 (has links)
Background: Breastfeeding is known to have many benefits for both mothers and infants. With the Surgeon General's Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding, health professionals have increased their attention on breastfeeding competency. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate breastfeeding curricula that are currently being covered in didactic programs in dietetics (DPDs) and dietetic internships (DIs) across the United States. Methods: Two-part surveys were sent to all directors of DPDs and DIs (n=475) with instructions to forward the second portion of the survey to instructors of classes that taught about breastfeeding. Qualtrics software was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics were used to illustrate what was currently being done to educate students about breastfeeding. Two independent researchers used qualitative analysis to categorize course names that were provided as a free response. Results: Over 80% of DPDs taught the topics of other components of human milk and breastfeeding and health for infants most thoroughly. The topic of breastfeeding and health for infants was taught most completely in DIs (65%). Course instructors had an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant teach part of the breastfeeding material about a fourth of the time (DPDs=26.8%; DIs=21.9%). Interns participated in breastfeeding counseling the most during WIC rotations (DIs=90%). Course instructors usually taught about breastfeeding themselves (DPDs=91%; DIs=44%) and used lectures in their instruction (DPDs=93%; DIs=75%). Conclusion: This research provides background in the current status of breastfeeding curricula in DPDs and DIs across the United States. This knowledge could be used to determine standards for breastfeeding curricula, implement improvements to breastfeeding curricula, and set precedence for further evaluations in DPDs and DIs.

The Effects of Didactic Instruction on the Rate of Preservice Teachers' Low-and High-Level Questions

Lewis, Monica 01 May 2016 (has links)
Questioning is an instructional strategy that serves many purposes for teachers and students. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the questioning sequence of moving from low- to high-level questions to support students’ reading text-based comprehension.After engaging in didactic instruction and practice in the TeachLivE™ Lab, teacher participants implemented low- and high-level question sequences during reading instruction with elementary students. Teacher performance was measured as a rate of question sequences in a multiple baseline design across two participants. Students’ verbal responses were assessed based on how they related a personal experience back to the text.Based on the findings, teachers effectively improved the use of questioning sequences.This instructional practice made a significant impact on low performing students. Overall students increased the quantity of c-units and accuracy.

Programmed Interpersonal Relations Training for High School Students

Winger, Leland J., Jr. 01 May 1976 (has links)
Th e purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the Basic Interpersonal Relations program as a facilitator of interpersonal relations for high school students. Three intact classes of high school introductory psychology students were used to contrast the effectiveness of the Basic Interpersonal Relations program as shown by the experimental group with a treatment-control group receiving didactic instruction, and with a no-treatment control group. All subjects were pretested with the following instruments: Attitude Toward Others Scale (MMPI), Attitude Toward Self Scale (MMPI), Rotter's Internal- External Control Scale, and an achievement test based on the content of the Basic Interpersonal Relations program. Following pretesting the experimental group began training using the Basic Interpersonal Relations program. While the experimental group received training using the Basic Interpersonal Relations program, the treatment-control group received an equal amount and distribution of time in interpersonal relations training based on the Effectiveness Training principles of Dr. Thomas Gordon. The no-treatment control group participated in their regularly scheduled psychology class. At the conclusion of training, all subjects were posttested using the same measures used for pretesting. In addition, a student opinion survey was administered to the experimental and treatment-control groups subjects, and a parent questionnaire was mailed to the parents of all subjects. The results of the study were not conclusive. Some support was indicated for the effectiveness of the Basic Interpersonal Relations program as a facilitator of interpersonal relations of high school students by the results of the parent questionnaire, the student opinion survey, and the Basic Interpersonal Relations program achievement test. No significance was obtained using the Attitude Toward Self Scale, Attitude Toward Others Scale, and the Internal-External Control Scale. Further research is needed to clarify the effectiveness of the Basic Interpersonal Relations program for use with high school students.

Elevprestationer och lärstilar : En intervju- och observationsstudie i matematik med lärare i år 4-6

Rhawi, Nursel January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study investigates the teaching strategies of four teachers, and determines which teaching strategies give better results in mathematics at the middle school level? Result here means the knowledge level of the students. The result has been measured through leave out a mathematical test, which I leave out designed. Teaching strategies have been assessed through interviews with teachers and observations of their lessons.</p><p>My study shows that to go through the lessons thoroughly in the traditional way, and open discussions with the whole class are best for students achievements.</p><p>The information available, however, is too limited to draw some general conclusions, but my study can be seen more like a counter-example to the general praxis that is short lectures and individual assessment with one to one communication when teaching mathematics.</p>

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