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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dielektrická relaxační spektroskopie kompozitních soustav / Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy of Composite Systems

Holcman, Vladimír January 2008 (has links)
The subject of this doctoral thesis is the study of dielectric properties of a binary composite made up of a polymer matrix and metallic filler. Properties of such composites have been extensively examined in the past and they turned out to depend on temperature, frequency and in particular on filler concentration. The objective of this work was first to experimentally establish and second to describe quantitatively the effect of the size of metallic particles on the properties of the composite concerned, yet at the same filler concentration. This study was carried out on the model system ethylene-vinylacetate copolymer – nickel. The acquisition of experimental results required extensive measurements in a wide frequency and temperature interval, as well as a manufacture and preparation of a large set of samples with different concentrations and Ni filler sizes. Measurements were in part carried out at the Centre for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, Institute of Experimental Physics V of the University of Augsburg (Germany) and, after the installation of a new cryogenic system, at the Department of Physics at FEEC, BUT Brno. Measurements were performed on a number of meters (Alpha-Analyzer of Novocontrol, HP4284A and HP4285A of Hewlett Packard and E4991A of Agilent) in the frequency range 1 Hz – 1 MHz and in the temperature interval 10 K – 300 K. The nickel concentration in systems studied varied from 0 % to 75 % and nickel particles were of a spherical shape with diameters between 35 and 115 m. The measurement results have shown that in the above frequency and temperature window just a single relaxation and a single conductivity mechanism occur. It was also proved that the frequency dependence of complex permittivity is for different Ni particle sizes at the same concentration different. These results have been quantified and a simple mathematical formula based on the Lichtenecker mixture rule has been proposed for their description. The physical origin of the effect of particle size at the same total nickel concentration is sought in different surface areas of internal interfaces between nickel and polymer in the composite

Untersuchung des Anwendungspotenzials der Hochfrequenzwirbelstrommesstechnik zur Charakterisierung dielektrischer Eigenschaften von Epoxidharzen und Faserverbundmaterialien

Gäbler, Simone 08 June 2017 (has links)
Die dielektrischen Eigenschaften, also die Interaktion mit elektrischen Feldern, sind ein wichtiger Qualitätsparameter der Matrix in Faserverbundmaterialien und allgemein in Harzen. Sie werden bisher mit Hilfe von kapazitiven Verfahren oder Hochfrequenzverfahren wie z. B. der Mikrowellentechnik gemessen. Allerdings können beide Verfahren nicht an elektrisch leitfähigen Materialien wie Kohlenstofffaserverstärkten Kunststoffen (CFK) eingesetzt werden und auch bei der Anwendung der Methoden an Kunststoffen oder elektrisch isolierenden Faserverbundmaterialien gibt es Nachteile. So benötigt die kapazitive Messtechnik meist eine spezielle Probenpräparation für quantitative Messungen und erreicht eine vergleichsweise schlechte Ortsauflösung beim Permittivitätsmapping. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich daher der Untersuchung einer alternativen, in diesem Kontext neuen Methode zur Charakterisierung dielektrischer Eigenschaften: Die Hochfrequenzwirbelstrommesstechnik, welche bisher zur Messung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit und magnetischen Permeabilität genutzt wird, wird theoretisch und praktisch hinsichtlich ihres Anwendungspotentials zur Permittivitätsmessung an Epoxidharzen und Faserverbundwerkstoffen diskutiert. Dabei werden zuerst Grundlagen wie Anwendungsfelder für die Nutzung dielektrischer Eigenschaften von Harzen und Verbundwerkstoffen zur Qualitätssicherung bzw. gängige Messverfahren erläutert. Anschließend wird theoretisch gezeigt, warum dielektrische Eigenschaften auf das Hochfrequenzwirbelstrom (HFWS)-Signal wirken. Dabei werden sowohl die Maxwell-Gleichungen genutzt, als auch Finite Elemente (FE)-Simulationen. Der Schwerpunkt der Forschungsarbeit liegt dann auf der experimentellen Untersuchung der Permittivitätsmessung mittels HFWS. Es werden verschiedene Anwendungsfälle betrachtet: von zeitlich kontinuierlichen Permittitivitätsänderungen (am Beispiel der Aushärtung von Epoxidharzen), über lokale Permittivitätsabweichungen (in Folge von Defekten, Textureigenschaften oder thermischen Überlasten) bis hin zu quantitativen Permittivitätsmessungen (zur Materialcharakterisierung bzw. Alterungsuntersuchung). Dabei kann gezeigt werden, dass es möglich ist, die Permittivität von Faserverbundwerkstoffen und Epoxidharzen mittels HFWS zu charakterisieren, selbst wenn das zu prüfende Material elektrisch nicht leitfähig ist.

Evaluation of biomedical microwave sensors : Microwave sensors as muscle quality discriminators in laboratory and pilot clinical trial settings

Mattsson, Viktor January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis the primary focus is on the evaluation of biomedical microwave sensor to be used in the muscle analyzer system. Lower muscle quality is one indicator that a patient can have sarcopenia. Therefore the muscle analyzer system can be a tool used in screening for sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is a progressive skeletal muscle disorder that typically affects elderly people. It is characterized by several different things, one of them is that there is an infiltration of fat into the muscle. At microwave frequencies the dielectric properties of fat are vastly different than the muscles. So, this fat infiltration creates a dielectric contrast compared to muscle without this fat infiltration that the sensors aim to detect. The muscle analyzer system is proposed to be a portable device that can be employed in clinics to assess muscle quality. The sensors are evaluated on their ability to distinguish between normal muscle tissue and muscle of lower quality. This is achieved via electromagnetic simulations, clinical trials, where the system is compared against established techniques, and phantom experiments, where artificial tissue emulating materials is used in a laboratory setting to mimick the properties of human tissues. In a initial clinical pilot study the split ring resonator sensor was used, but the results raised concerns over the penetration depth of the sensor. Therefore, three new alternative sensors were designed and evaluated via simulations. Two of the new sensors showed encouraging results, one of which has been fabricated. This sensor was used in a another clinical study.This study only had data from 4 patients, 8 measurements in total, meaning it was hard to draw any conclusions from it. The sensors used in the clinical setting as well as another were evaluated in the phantom experiments. Those experiments were exploratory because a wider frequency range was used, although some problems in the experiments were found. A secondary approach in this thesis is devoted to a data-driven approach, where a microwave sensor is simulated. The data from it is simulated and used to train a neural network to predict the dielectric properties of materials. The network predicts these properties with relatively high accuracy. However, this approach is currently limited to simulations only. Several ideas on how to improve this approach and extend it to measurements is given.

Étude théorique et expérimentale des effets de la polarisation interfaciale dans les spectres diélectrique des matériaux composites multiphasiques / Theoretical and experimantal analysis of interfacial polarisation effects in dielectric spectra of multiphases materials

Samet, Mariem 30 September 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse se situe dans le concept général de contrôler, améliorer et optimiser la performance électrique des matériaux composites par l'analyse systématique de la réponse diélectrique globale des matériaux composites pour différentes morphologies. Pour mener à des informations complètes, une corrélation entre trois approches indépendants a été réalisée: des simulations numériques, des calculs analytiques et des mesures diélectriques (spectromètre diélectrique de type Novo-contrôle). D'abord on a établie des lois d'échelles et la contribution originale de cette thèse est de réussir à mettre des lois d'échelle universelle pour la réponse diélectrique globales des matériaux composites qui sont censés de servir à la base pour les actuelles et futures études sur les propriétés électriques et diélectriques des matériaux composites. Comme application, ces lois d'échelles que nous avons dérivées nous ont permis de développer des applications, tel que la conception des matériaux multicouches à haute permittivité et faible pertes diélectriques au service des applications dans des domaines de stockage d'énergie, en ajustant les valeurs de conductivité et les fractions de volume des phases constituantes. Cet approche a été menée sur des composites en structure bicouches constitués d'une superposition de couches de polymères ayant des conductivités différentes. Et en plus, ces lois d'échelles ont été à la base pour la découverte pour la première fois, d'un critère de discrimination entre deux types différent de polarisation électriques: la polarisation interfaciale de type MWS et la polarisation d'électrode. Aussi, on a dérivé une nouvelle formule qui est valable à la fois pour la polarisation d'électrode et les effets de la polarisation interfaciale. Elle permet non seulement d'estimer l'épaisseur des couches interfaciales formées à l'électrode en raison des effets de polarisation mais aussi à développer une nouvelle méthode de mesure de la conductivité des matériaux sans contact direct qui a servi pour des mesures couplées diélectrique – mécanique / This research is significant in that it not only develops a generalized approach for modeling the electrical properties of multiphase composite materials but also introduces novel experimental applications in the domain of dielectric properties of composite materials. In order to get complete information: numerical simulations, analytical calculations and dielectric measurements by means of Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy (BDS) were carried out in this study. First, we derived the scaling laws through a systematically study of global dielectric response of composite materials with different morphology and the original contribution of this thesis is to succeed to derive a universal scaling laws for the global dielectric response of composite materials. Based on these scaling laws three achievements are taken place: designing layered polymer materials with high values of permittivity and low dielectric losses, by adjusting the values of conductivity and the volume fraction of the constituent phases. Also, we discover a new discrimination criterion for electrical polarizations at external and internal interfaces: electrode polarization vs. (MWS) interfacial polarization effects in dielectric spectra of materials. This work opens the general perspective of finding discrimination criteria for different types of electrical polarization, which will represent a useful tool in disseminating the nature of different contributions appearing in the dielectric spectra of materials. Based on our analysis, we derive a new formula. This formula is valid for both electrode polarization and interfacial polarization effects. It allows one to determine the conductivity value from the frequency position of the Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars peak. Measurements of the conductivity values of samples without a direct contact are done. An excellent agreement between experiment and calculations is obtained. This results offer the opportunity to develop a new coupled electrical-mechanical approach, by electrical measurements performed during mechanical stretching

Wideband Electromagnetic Body Phantoms for the Evaluation of Wireless Communications in the Microwave Spectrum

Castelló Palacios, Sergio 02 December 2019 (has links)
[ES] La constante evolución de la tecnología y la búsqueda de nuevas aplicaciones que mejoren la vida de las personas ha llevado a la incorporación de estas tecnologías en el organismo. Las redes inalámbricas de área corporal (WBAN) son un buen ejemplo de esto, que consisten en redes de comunicaciones ubicadas en el propio cuerpo, tanto en la superficie como implantadas en su interior mediante el uso de dispositivos inalámbricos. Estas redes utilizan el cuerpo humano como medio de transmisión, por lo que debe evaluarse la influencia del mismo sobre la propagación. Además, las nuevas generaciones de comunicaciones móviles se están moviendo hacia el uso de frecuencias cada vez más altas, como las ondas milimétricas, que son más sensibles a la presencia de cualquier objeto en el entorno, incluidos los humanos. La investigación y el diseño de antenas y dispositivos que tengan en cuenta el cuerpo humano requiere pruebas en el entorno donde se supone que deben usarse. Los fantomas se convierten en una herramienta para evaluar la transmisión de señales electromagnéticas en un medio equivalente al cuerpo para evitar la experimentación en humanos o animales. Además de eso, se puede estudiar la influencia de estas ondas electromagnéticas sobre los propios tejidos en cuanto a la tasa de absorción específica (SAR). / [CA] L'evolució constant de la tecnologia i la recerca de noves aplicacions que milloren la vida de les persones ha portat a la incorporació d'aquestes tecnologies en l'organisme. Les xarxes sense fils d'àrea corporal (WBAN) són un bon exemple d'açò, que consisteixen en xarxes de comunicacions ubicades al propi cos, tant en la superfície com implantades en el seu interior mitjançant l'ús de dispositius sense fils. Aquestes xarxes empren el cos humà com a medi de transmissió, per la qual cosa se n'ha d'avaluar la influència sobre la propagació. A més, les noves generacions de comunicacions mòbils s'estan movent cap a l'ús de freqüències cada vegada més altes, com les ones mil·limètriques, que són més sensibles a la presència de qualsevol objecte en l'entorn, incloent-hi els humans. La investigació i el disseny d'antenes i dispositius que tinguen en compte el cos humà requereix proves en l'entorn on se suposa que han d'usar-se. Els fantomes esdevenen una eina per a avaluar la transmissió de senyals electromagnètics en un medi equivalent al cos per tal d'evitar l'experimentació en humans o animals. A més d'això, es pot estudiar la influència d'aquestes ones electromagnètiques sobre els teixits mateixos en relació amb la taxa d'absorció específica (SAR). / [EN] The constant evolution of technology and the search for new applications that improve people's lives has led to the arrival of the incorporation of these technologies in the organism. Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are a good example of this, consisting of communications networks located in the body itself, both on the surface and implanted inside it through the use of wireless devices. These networks use the human body as the transmitting medium, so its influence over the propagation has to be assessed. Besides, new generations of mobile communications are moving towards the use of higher frequencies, as the millimetre waves, which are more sensitive to the presence of any object in the environment, including humans. The research and design of antennas and devices that take into account the human body requires testing in the environment where these are supposed to be used. Phantoms become a tool for evaluating the transmission of electromagnetic signals in a body-equivalent medium in order to avoid experimentation on humans or animals. In addition to that, the influence of these electromagnetic waves over the tissues themselves can be studied with regard to the specific absorption rate (SAR). / This thesis has been possible thanks to the funding contribution of the Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia through the PAID-01-16 programme. This work was also supported by the UPV-IIS La Fe programme (STUDER, 2016 and EMOTE, 2017). The research stay was supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ funding programme under a traineeship grant. / Castelló Palacios, S. (2019). Wideband Electromagnetic Body Phantoms for the Evaluation of Wireless Communications in the Microwave Spectrum [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/132182

Structural, Optical And Electrical Studies On Aurivillius Oxide Thin Films

Kumari, Neelam 07 1900 (has links)
The present research work mainly focuses on the fabrication and characterization of single and multilayer thin films based on Bismuth Vanadate (BVO) and Bismuth Titanate (BTO). The multi-target laser ablation technique was used to fabricate single layer thin films of BVO, BVN and BTO; and multilayers composed of BVO and BTO in different structures. The fabricated thin films exhibited dense microstructure and a sharp interface with the substrate. The lattice strain, surface roughness and grain size could be varied as functions of composition and individual layer thickness in different structure fabricated. The optical properties were studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical transmission spectra. The various models that were used for ellipsometric data analysis gave an excellent fitting to the experimental data. The optical constants were determined through multilayer analyses of the films. The band gap of these films was studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical transmission. The optical studies carried out on BVO-BTO bilayer indicated the presence of an interfacial layer in between the BVO and BTO layer, whose refractive index was different from that of the individual layers and is attributed to different nature of the interfacial layer. The ferroelectric nature of BVO films was confirmed by P-E hysteresis loop studies under different applied fields and at various probing frequencies. The same was corroborated via the C-V measurements of these BVO films which exhibited butterfly shaped C-V characteristics. Fatigue studies in these films indicated that the switchable polarization is essentially constant through 105 cycles, after which it starts increasing probably due to the ionic conduction in BVO thin films. The dielectric response of undoped and Nb doped BVO as well as BVBT ML thin films were studied over a wide range of temperatures. The BVO films exhibited remarkable dielectric dispersion at low frequencies especially in the high temperature regime. Further, the frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric, impedance, modulus and conductivity spectra of these films were investigated in detail. The ac conductivity was found to obey well the double power law in case of ML, indicating the different contributions to the conductivity, the low frequency conductivity being due to the short range translational hopping and the high frequency conductivity is due to the localized or reorientational hopping motion. DC leakage conduction in BVO, BVN and BVBT ML thin films was studied over a wide range of temperatures and applied electric fields. The experimental data were analyzed in light of different models to investigate the dc conduction mechanism in these films which were broadly classified into electrode limited and bulk limited conduction processes. In the case of BVO thin films the dc leakage current exhibited an ohmic nature at low electric fields followed by an onset of the space charge limited conduction (>1). Further in case of BVN films, three distinct regions were observed in I-V characteristics signifying different types of conduction processes in these films. In case of BVBT ML thin films, bulk limited PF mechanism was found to determine the conduction behavior at moderate electric fields. At higher electric fields, a trap filled region was observed which was followed by SCL conduction at higher fields. Therefore the present observation indicates the presence of more than one bulk limited conduction process in BVBT ML thin films. BVO thin films exhibiting good structure and dense morphology were successfully prepared on p-type Si by chemical solution decomposition technique. The C-V characteristics were evaluated for Au/BVO/Si MFS structure which showed a typical high frequency feature of a conventional MFIS structure.

Cristallogenèse et caractérisations du diphosphate Na2ZnP2O7 pur et dopé et de la solution solide de type pérovskite Na(1x)BaxNb(1x)TixO3

Gacem, Lakhdar 07 February 2010 (has links)
Les propriétés physiques d’un matériau sont intimement liées à sa structure cristalline et dans le cas d’ions dopants aux sites qu’ils occupent. La première partie de ce travail est dédiée au matériau diphosphate de sodium et de zinc Na2ZnP2O7, cristallisé out vitreux et ceci pour les ions dopants Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+ et Eu3+. Les phases cristallisées ont été obtenues par la méthode Czochralski, les verres par trempe à partir de l’état fondu. Un ensemble de caractéristiques physiques ont été mises en jeu (Raman, infrarouge, RPE, absorption optique, luminescence) pour déterminer les sites occupés par les ions dopants et l’influence sur les propriétés optiques. La deuxième partie de cet travail consiste à une meilleure connaissance des matériaux diélectriques sans plomb appartenant à la famille pérovskite et plus particulièrement à la solution solide NaNbO3-BaTiO3. Des monocistaux ont été obtenus par la méthode des flux et caractérisés en utilisant plusieurs techniques : diffraction X, microanalyse, évolution thermique des domaines ferroélectriques-ferroélastiques, mesures diélectriques, piézoélectriques et pyroélectriques. / Abstract The physical properties of a material are intimately related to its crystalline structure and in the case of doped ions they are dependent on to the sites they occupy. The first part of this work is dedicated to the diphosphate material of sodium and zinc Na2ZnP2O7, glassy and crystallized for doped ions of Co2+, Ni2+, Mn2+ and Eu3+. The crystallized phases were obtained by the Czochralski method whereas the glasses were obtained by quenching from the molten state. A set of physical characteristics were studied (Raman, infrared, EPR, optical absorption, luminescence) to determine the sites occupied by the doped ions and its influence on the optical properties. The second part of this work consists of a better knowledge of lead-free dielectric materials belonging to the family of Perovskite, more particularly to NaNbO3-BaTiO3 solid solution. Single crystals were obtained by the flux method and were characterized using several techniques: X-rays diffraction, microanalysis, thermal evolution of ferroelectric and ferroelastic domains; dielectric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric measurements.

Caracterização ótica não-linear em cerâmicas ferroelétricas transparentes (CFT s) de PLZT: TR (TR = nd,Ho, Er, Tm e Yb)

Milton, Flávio Paulo 02 October 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:16:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5339.pdf: 3033412 bytes, checksum: 3e684081236853aacfacccef70bd4635 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-10-02 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Lead titanate zirconate modified with lanthanum, or PLZT, is one the most ferroelectric compounds utilized in electronic devices, due to its versatility and low production costs in comparison with single-crystalline materials. When adequately prepared, this system presents good optical (high optical transmission) properties, in the visible and near infrared range, and can be electro-optically characterized. Recently, in the end of 90 s, it was verified its high potential as host of photoluminescent ions, as the lanthanide (rare-earth) family. The possibility to use its electro-optic properties (due to its ferroelectric characteristics) and its photoluminescent properties (achieved by the doping process) together ,enlarges the range of application of this system. In this way, the electro-optical characterization of doped PLZT ceramics becomes essential, besides the photonic characterization. In this work, the Senarmont compensator method for electro-optical characterization, or dynamic method, was instrumented, and the values of the induced (due to the quadratic electrooptic effect, Kerr) and permanent (due to the linear electro-optic effect, Pockels) birefringence were determined as a function of the temperature, wave-length and electric-field frequency, of the rare-earth (Nd2O3, Ho2O3, Er2O3, Tm2O3 e Yb2O3) doped PLZT, with La/Zr/Ti=9/65/35, ceramics. The results shown a relationship between of the electro-optic (electro-optic coefficients, or birefringence values) and the dielectric, ferroelectric and structural properties (studied in others works) of the ceramics, that were related with the site occupancy and the structural defects due to the aliovalent dopant. It also can be identified two distinct birefringence dependence as a function of the electric field, for the same electro-optic effect (Kerr, or Pockels), identified as a function of the doping process. In the case of electro-optical characterizations in function of the variable frequency, was observed an agreement with the characterization ferroelectric results made in other works in GCFerr, being evidenced the reduction of electro-optical properties with increasing frequency, where if it observed the occurrence of anomalies in the Pockels response with direct influence on the response Kerr. The characterization as a function of wavelength showed the occurrence of two types of behavior depending on the dopant ion used, being one of them the reduction of the values of birefringence with increasing wavelength (the samples pure and doped ions neodymium (Nd) and ytterbium (Yb)), with a tendency to expected behavior in the literature, however, in the second was seen irregular increase birefringence with increase wavelength (for samples doped with ions holmio ( Ho), erbium (Er) and thulium (Tm),not existing relation with to the theoretical models adopted. In relation the characterization as a function of temperature, this was carried through in a temperature interval that understood the characteristic temperatures of systems relaxores (freezing temperature (TF), the maximum dielectric permittivity (TM (e)) and Burns (TB)), except for the sample doped with neodymium ions, whose freezing temperature is below interval worked. By the curve of birefringence (Δn) as a function of temperature was possible to determine the temperature of maximum birefringence for each of the samples, correlated them with each other. Through the curve (d Δn / dt) vs. T was possible to identify a relationship between the maximum variations, positive and negative birefringence with the temperature characteristics TF and TB. / Entre os sistemas ferroelétricos, o sistema titanato zirconato de chumbo modificado com lantânio (PLZT) é um dos mais amplamente utilizados em dispositivos eletrônicos, dada sua versatilidade em aplicações e relação de custo quando comparado aos materiais monocristalinos utilizados nessa mesma área. Quando preparado pelo devido método de síntese, apresenta excelentes propriedades óticas (altos valores de transmissão ótica) desde a região do visível ao infravermelho próximo, possibilitando uma adequada caracterização de suas propriedades óticas e eletro-óticas. Recentemente, a partir do final da década de 90, foi verificada sua alta potencialidade como matriz hospedeira para íons fotoluminescentes, como os da família dos lantanídeos (ou terras-raras). A possibilidade do uso conjunto das propriedades eletro-óticas (dado seu caráter ferroelétrico) e de suas propriedades luminescentes (devido à incorporação de dopantes laser-ativos) aumentou ainda mais a possibilidade de aplicação desses materiais. Desse modo, a caracterização eletro-ótica das cerâmicas de PLZT dopado torna-se indispensável, além de sua caracterização fotônica. Sendo assim, neste trabalho foi instrumentado um sistema de caracterização eletro-ótica, utilizando o método do compensador Senarmont, também conhecido como método dinâmico, para determinar os valores da birrefringência induzida (devido ao efeito eletro-ótico quadrático, Kerr) e a permanente (devido ao efeito eletro-ótico linear, Pockels) em função da temperatura, comprimento de onda e frequência do campo elétrico de prova para composições cerâmicas de PLZT na razão La/Zr/Ti=9/65/35, dopadas com os óxidos terras-raras Nd2O3, Ho2O3, Er2O3, Tm2O3 e Yb2O3, na quantidade de 1,0% em peso. Os resultados mostraram que há uma relação entre as propriedades eletro-óticas encontradas (seja na forma de valores dos coeficientes eletro-óticos, ou na variação da birrefringência) com as propriedades dielétricas, ferroelétricas e estruturais (já observadas em outros trabalhos do grupo de pesquisa no qual esta dissertação foi realizada) das cerâmicas que, por sua vez, foram relacionadas com o tipo de ocupação e de defeitos gerados devido à incorporação dos dopantes. Além disso, foi possível observar que para uma mesma composição pode ocorrer a presença dos dois tipos de efeitos eletro-óticos - Kerr e Pockels - com proporções distintas em função do tipo de dopante. Através desse método, para esse conjunto de amostras, também foi possível identificar dois tipos distintos de variações da birrefringência em função do campo elétrico para um mesmo efeito eletro-ótico (Kerr, ou Pockels), que também puderam ser associados com o tipo de ocupação dos dopantes. Em se tratando das caracterizações eletro-óticas em função da variável frequência, foi observada uma concordância com os resultados da caracterização ferroelétrica, realizada em outros trabalhos no GCFErr, sendo evidenciada a redução das propriedades eletro-óticas com o aumento da frequência, em que se observou a ocorrência de anomalias na resposta Pockels com influência direta na resposta Kerr. A caracterização como uma função do comprimento de onda mostrou a ocorrência de dois tipos de comportamentos, dependendo do íon dopante utilizado, sendo um deles a redução dos valores da birrefringência com o aumento do comprimento de onda (caso das amostras pura e dopadas com os íons neodímio (Nd) e itérbio (Yb)), havendo certa tendência ao comportamento previsto em literatura, no entanto, no segundo caso foi constatado o aumento irregular da birrefringência com o aumento do comprimento de onda (caso das amostras dopadas com os íons holmio (Ho), érbio (Er) e túlio (Tm), não havendo relação com os modelos teóricos adotados. Quanto à caracterização em função da temperatura, esta foi realizada em um range de que compreendeu as temperaturas características de sistemas relaxores (de freezing (TF(e)), máxima permissividade dielétrica (TM(e)) e Burns (TB(e))), exceto para a amostra dopada com o íon neodímio, cuja TF(e) estava abaixo do intervalo considerado. Através da curva de birrefringência (Δn) em função da temperatura foi possível determinar a temperatura de máxima birrefringência para cada uma das amostras, correlacionado-as entre si. Através da curva de (dΔn/dt) vs. T, foi possível constatar uma relação entre as máximas variações, positiva e negativa, da birrefringência com as temperaturas características TF e TB.

Optimisation et contrôle de la transition dynamique de percolation au sein de matériaux nonostructurés : expérience et modélisation / Optimization and control of dynamic percolation transition in nanostructured materials : experiment and modeling

Badard, Mathieu 11 December 2014 (has links)
L'émergence des nanotubes de carbone a ouvert de nouveaux champs d'application dans le domaine des matériaux polymères. L'ajout de ces charges carbonées au sein de polymères permet la mise en œuvre de composites aux propriétés électriques optimisées. La conductivité de ces matériaux dépend en grande partie de l'organisation des charges dans la matrice, notamment de la présence de réseaux percolants. L'objectif du présent travail de thèse est de comprendre les mécanismes de structuration des nanotubes de carbone au sein de différents milieux. L'architecture de ces réseaux de charges a principalement été révélée par le biais de mesures électriques et diélectriques. L'originalité de nos travaux réside dans l'utilisation de matrices liquides, notamment des huiles de silicone, afin de s'affranchir des contraintes présentes dans les plastiques d'une part, et de simplifier les processus de mise en œuvre d'autre part. Le manuscrit de thèse est articulé autour de six chapitres. Une première partie bibliographique aborde les propriétés des nanotubes de carbone ainsi que les phénomènes que sont la percolation et la percolation dynamique. Le second chapitre, matériel & méthode, présente les matériaux employés ainsi que les différentes techniques de caractérisation utilisées au cours de la thèse. Le troisième chapitre de la thèse aborde, à travers des mesures de conductivité, la percolation dynamique des nanotubes de carbone sein d'huiles de silicone. Le chapitre 4 propose une modification la loi de puissance de Kirkpatrick, afin de décrire la conductivité en fonction du temps et du taux de charge. L'exposant critique de percolation, caractérisant la transition isolant conducteur, se révèle être un indicateur de l'état de dispersion des nanotubes à travers la matrice. Le chapitre 5 démontre la possibilité de contrôler l'organisation des charges par l'application d'un champ électrique. L'application d'un champ élevé permet une augmentation de plusieurs ordres de grandeur de la conductivité ainsi qu'une diminution des charges nécessaire à la formation d'un réseau percolant. Nous avons notamment déterminé des seuils de percolation de l'ordre de 0.005% massique en nanotube de carbone. Enfin, l'influence des propriétés intrinsèques de la matrice, telles la viscosité et la tension de surface, est étudié dans le chapitre 6. La dispersion des nanotubes de carbone s'avère être favorisée au sein de liquides ayant des tensions de surface proches de celle des tubes. Au contraire, une agrégation de charge est rapidement observée dans le cas ou la différence de tension de surface charge-matrice est importante. Nous avons également observé que la percolation des nanotubes est défavorisée au sein de milieux visqueux. / The rise of carbon nanotube has open possibility for composites polymers. Mixing this carbonaceous filler with polymer medias leads to an optimization of the electrical properties. Then, conductivity mainly depends of the filler architecture, especially the presence of percolating networks. The objective of this work is to understand the percolation mechanisms of the carbon nanotubes in different media. During this study, filler network has been revealed by the mean of electrical and dielectrical measurements. The originality of our work lies in the use of liquid matrices, such as silicone oils, in order to overcome the stresses in the plastic on the one hand, and to simplify the processing in other hand. This thesis is organized around six chapters. The first bibliographic part discusses the carbon nanotubes properties as well as percolation and dynamic percolation phenomena. The second chapter, matériel & méthode, presents the materials used and the different characterization techniques employed. The third chapter of the thesis talks about dynamic percolation of carbon nanotubes in silicone oil, probed by conductivity measurements. Chapter 4 provides a change of the power law Kirkpatrick to describe the conductivity as a function of time and filler content. The critical exponent of percolation is proving to be an indicator of the dispersion state of nanotubes throughout the matrix. In the Chapter 5, electric field is depicted as a tool to control the organization of fillers. The application of a high field increases the conductivity of several orders of magnitude and decreases the percolation threshold. Percolation thresholds close to 0.005 wt % have been determined. At last, the influence of the intrinsic properties of the matrix, such as viscosity and surface tension, is discussed in Chapter 6. Carbon nanotubes dispersion appears to be favored if the difference of surface tension between filler and liquid is low. In contrast, a filler aggregation is rapidly observed in the case where the difference in surface tension is important. We also observed that the percolation of the nanotubes is favored in viscous media.

Investigations into the Structural and Physical Properties of Li2O-M2O-2B2O3 (M=Li, Na & K), BaO-TiO2-B2O3 and 2Bi2O3-B2O3 Glass Systems

Paramesh, Gadige January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Borate glasses and glass-nano/microcrystal composite fabrication and investigations into their physical properties, have been interesting from their multifunctionalities view point. Certain borate structural units possess high hyperpolarizabilities and give rise to high nonlinear optical effects. High refractive index materials are important for photonic applications. Heavy metal oxide (Bi2O3) containing compounds have high refractive indices. Glasses embedded with wide band-gap semiconducting oxide crystals such as TiO2 received much attention due to their easy processing, stability and promising physical properties. Though TiO2 is used as nucleating agent to fabricate glass-ceramics of various phases, crystallization of TiO2 in glass matrices is difficult and the data are scarce in the literature. Therefore it was worth attempting to find glass compositions in which one can obtain TiO2 crystallization in large volume fractions. Towards this TiO2 crystallization was accomplished in BaO-TiO2-B2O3 glass matrix over wide composition ranges by tuning the concentration of BaO-TiO2 content in B2O3 network. The physical properties of these glasses of various compositions and glass-nanocrystal composites of TiO2 phase (anatase) were investigated. Interestingly BaO-TiO2-B2O3 glasses found to be hydrophobic in nature. The results obtained in the present research work are classified into five chapters apart from the Introduction, Materials and Methods chapters. Chapter 1 constitutes preface to oxide glasses, principles of glass formation and structural criteria followed by crystallization kinetics. In addition, principles of dielectric, optical and mechanical phenomena in glasses are discussed, since the present thesis focuses on the aforesaid physical properties. This chapter concludes with scope of the present thesis. Chapter 2 includes the detailed description concerning the fabrication techniques of materials under study and various characterization methods that have been employed at various stages of the present research work. The principles and experimental tools adopted for the structural and microstructural studies of materials were illustrated. Measurement techniques and experimental setup used to study physical parameters such as dielectric, optical, mechanical etc. were elaborated. Chapter 3 comprises structural, dielectric, electrical transport characteristics and optical studies of mixed alkali borate glasses in the 0.5Li2O-0.5M2O-2B2O3 (M=Li, Na and K) system. Transparent glasses in the Li2O-2B2O3 (LBO), 0.5Li2O-0.5Na2O-2B2O3 (LNBO) and 0.5Li2O-0.5K2O-2B2O3 (LKBO) were fabricated via the conventional melt quenching technique. Amorphous and glassy nature of the samples was confirmed via the X-ray powder diffraction and the differential scanning calorimetry, respectively. LKBO glass was found to have high thermal stability than that of LBO and LNBO. The frequency and temperature dependent characteristics of the dielectric relaxation and the electrical conductivity were investigated in the 100 Hz - 10 MHz frequency range. The relaxation and conductivity were rationalized using impedance and modulus formalism. Imaginary part of the electric modulus spectra was modelled using an approximate solution of Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts relation. The stretching exponent, β, was found to be temperature independent for LNBO glasses. Activation energies for conduction and relaxation process were calculated using the Arrhenius relation. The activation energy was found to be higher (1.25eV) for LKBO glasses than that of the other glass systems under study. This is attributed to the mixed cation effect. It has wide optical transmission window and optical band gap. Urbach energies were calculated for all these glasses. LBO, LNBO and LKBO glass compositions were found to crystallize in Li2B4O7, LiNaB4O7 and LiKB4O7 phases respectively upon heat treatment at appropriate temperatures. Transparent glass-micro crystal composites of LiKB4O7 were fabricated from LKBO glasses and found to be SHG active. BaO-TiO2-B2O3 Chapter 4 delineates the evolution of nanocrystalline TiO2 phase (Anatase) in BaO-TiO2-B2O3 (BTBO) glasses. Transparent colourless glasses in the ternary system were fabricated via conventional melt-quenching technique. The glasses with certain molar concentrations of BaO and TiO2 upon heat treatment at appropriate temperatures yielded nanocrystalline phase of TiO2 associated with the crystallite size in the 5-15 nm range. Nanocrystallized glasses exhibited high refractive index (no=2.15) at λ=543nm. These glasses were found to be hydrophobic in nature associated with the contact angle of 90o. These high index glass nanocrystal composites would be of potential interest for optical device applications. Crystallization kinetics of anatase phase in BTBO glasses were studied using non-isothermal Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) at three different heating rates (10, 20 & 30 K/min). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) carried out on heat treated (at 920 K) glasses confirmed bulk nucleation and three-dimensional growth. Johnson-Mehl-Avrami model could not be applied for this system suggesting considerable overlap of the nucleation and growth involving complex transformation process. However, modified Kissinger and Ozawa models were used to calculate the effective activation energy associated with anatase crystallization. The kinetic exponent n was found to be temperature dependent indicating the change in the crystallization mechanism. This is attributed to the high entropy fusion of anatase phase, fast crystallization rate and nano dimension of the anatase phase. Chapter 5 illustrates structural changes that occur in the x(BaO-TiO2)-B2O3 (x=0.25, 0.5, 0.75 &1 mol.) system on increasing the x apart from the details concerning some physical property correlations. Thermal stability and glass forming ability as determined by Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) were found to increase with increasing BaO-TiO2 (BT) content. However, there was no noticeable change in the glass transition temperature (Tg). This was attributed to the active participation of TiO2 in the network formation especially at higher BT contents via the conversion of the TiO6 structural units into TiO4 units which increased the connectivity and resulted in an increase in crystallization temperature. Dielectric and optical properties at room temperature were studied for all the glasses under investigation. Interestingly, these glasses were found to be hydrophobic. The results obtained were correlated with different structural units present in the glass and their connectivity. These glasses exhibited low loss (tan δ≈0.002), frequency (10 kHz- 10 MHz) and temperature independent (or very weak temperature response) flat-dielectric response. Crossover temperature was encountered between flat response and Jonscher’s universal response. The cross-over temperature and cross-over energy barrier from flat dielectric response to Jonscher’s response was deduced for all the glasses in the present investigation. Electric modulus formalism was invoked to rationalize the relaxation phenomena. The observed dielectric response and conduction process in these glasses were attributed to the local vibration and switching of non-bridging oxygen ions in their potential cage and hopping over distributed energy barriers above the crossover temperature. Chapter 6 depicts the dielectric and mechanical properties of glasses embedded with TiO2 nanocrystals. BaO-TiO2-B2O3 glasses on subjecting to appropriate heat treatment temperature yielded TiO2 nano crystalline anatase phase. NMR studies carried out on the as-quenched glasses facilitated the estimation of fraction of tetrahedral and trigonal borate units. Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus were evaluated through theoretical expressions proposed by Makishima and Mackenzie. Nano-indentation and micro-indentation studies were carried out on the as-quenched glasses and glass-nanocrystal composites to examine mechanical characteristics. Estimated and indentation Young’s modulus of glasses were found to be in reasonable agreement. Hardness and Young’s modulus increased with increasing fraction of nano crystallites whereas fracture toughness was found to depend strongly on surface conditions. The results were corroborated by the structural units and particulates present in these glasses. Dielectric constant increased with increasing volume fraction of the nanocrystals which was rationalized via mixture rule. Chapter 7 describes the dielectric properties, electrical conduction and electric relaxation phenomena in 2Bi2O3-B2O3 (BBO) glasses followed by thier linear and nonlinear optical characteristics. Glasses in BBO system were obtained via melt-quenching technique. X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry were used to study the structural characteristics. Dielectric studies carried out on these glasses revealed near constant loss (NCL) response in the 1 kHz to 1 MHz frequency range at moderately high temperatures (300-450 K) accompanied by relatively low loss (tan δ=0.006, at 1 kHz & 300 K) and high dielectric constant (ε' =37, at 1 kHz & 300 K). The variation in AC conductivity with temperature at different frequencies showed a cross over from NCL response characterized by local ion vibration within the potential well to universal Jonscher’s power law dependence triggered by ion hopping between potential wells or cages. Thermal activation energy for single potential well was found to be 0.48±0.05 eV from cross over points. Ionic conduction and relaxation processes were rationalized by modulus formalism. The promising dielectric properties (relatively high ε' and low tan δ) of the BBO glasses were attributed to high density (93 % of its crystalline counterpart), high polarizability and low mobility associated with heavy metal cations, Bi3+. Optical band gap obtained for BBO glasses was found to be 2.6 eV. The refractive index measured for these glasses was 2.25±0.05 at λ=543 nm. Nonlinear refraction and absorption studies were carried out on BBO glasses using z-scan technique at λ=532 nm of 10 ns pulse width. The nonlinear refractive index obtained was n2=12.1x10-14 cm2/W and two-photon absorption coefficient was β=15.2 cm/GW. The n2 and β values of the BBO glasses were higher than that reported for high index bismuth based oxide glass systems in the literature. These were attributed to the high density, high linear refractive index, low band gap and two-photon absorption associated with these glasses. The electronic origin of large nonlinearities was discussed based on bond-orbital theory. Thesis ends with summary and conclusions followed by prospective views, though each chapter comprises conclusions associated with complete list of references. Patent, publications and conference proceedings that are listed below are largely based on the studies conducted as a part of the research work reported in the present thesis.

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