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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nyttorealisering i svenska kommuner: Gapet mellan teori och praktik - en fallstudie

Geronson, Julia, Zander, William January 2020 (has links)
Digitalisering är den mest samhällsomvälvande processen sedan industrialiseringen. Misslyckade it-investeringar präglar alla delar av vårt samhälle. Att utnyttja värdet av en it- investering är avgörande för att uppnå en effektiv digital transformation, särskilt inom den offentliga sektorn. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka den strukturella kontext kommuner befinner sig i som påverkar processen för nyttorealisering vid it-investeringar. Tidigare forskning belyser ett teoretiskt kunskapsgap för hur framarbetade modeller ska användas i praktiken. E-delegationen presenterar en modell för nyttorealisering som ett konkret exempel på hur nyttorealisering kan tillämpas. Studien har genomförts med fallstudie som forskningsstrategi där sex semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Utifrån detta har tre faktorer som begränsar nyttorealisering i kommuner identifierats. Studien visar att det är kommunernas egna ansvar att hantera dessa och implementera nyttorealisering. Därmed resulterar studien i att det tidigare kunskapsgapet bör omformuleras eftersom arbete med nyttorealisering inte påverkas av ett teoretiskt gap utan snarare ett praktiskt. Baserat på de olika perspektiv som presentera bör fokus snarare hamna på förändringsledning givet den strukturella kontext som kommunerna befinner sig i. / Digitalization is the most socially revolving process since industrialization. Failed IT investments characterizes every part of our society. Utilizing the benefits of an IT investment is fundamental for achieving an effective digital transformation, particularly in the public sector. This study aims to investigate the municipalities' structural context and how this affects the process for realization of benefits. Previous research highlights a theoretical knowledge gap regarding how existing models should be used in practice. The E-delegation presents a concrete model for how the realization of benefits can be applied. The study has been carried through as a case study in which 6 semi-structured interviews were implemented. Three factors have been identified that limit the development of methods for benefits realization. The study proves that it is the municipalities own responsibility to handle these and establish methods for realizing benefits. The study results in a conclusion which proves that the previous knowledge gap should be reformulated, since benefits realization is rather influenced by practical factors. Based on the presented perspective, benefits realization should rather focus on change management given the existing structural context.

Att digitalisera regional offentlig fastighetsförvaltning

Benteke, Simon, Eklöf, John January 2020 (has links)
Den svenska regeringen har tagit beslut om en digitaliseringsstrategi, som syftar till hur Sverige kan bli bäst i världen på att dra nytta av digitaliseringens möjligheter. Genom inrättandet av Myndigheten för digital förvaltning (DIGG) ska digitaliseringsstrategin förverkligas och stödja den digitala transformation som kännetecknar svenska myndigheters övergång från e-förvaltning till digital förvaltning. Digitalisering av fastighetsinformation är en del av denna transformation och ett viktigt verktyg för att uppnå effektivare fastighetsförvaltning. Sveriges regioner är en av landets största fastighetsägare och förvaltar miljontals kvadratmeter, trots detta är användningen av digitaliserade fastighetssystem ovanligt låg inom offentlig sektor. Mycket visar på att offentlig sektor lider av en låg digital mognad och har svårigheter att ta till vara på digitaliseringens möjligheter och lyckas med sina projekt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka utmaningar som går att identifiera vid implementering av ett IWMS-system inom offentlig fastighetsförvaltning, samt vilken roll systemet har som plattform har vid en sådan implementering. Studien utgörs av en fallstudie med fem semistrukturerade intervjuer som studerar en specifik region på djupet. Utifrån detta har nio kategorier av utmaningar identifierats och analyserats utefter fyra bestämda teman. Studiens resultat påvisar vikten av att förstå innebörden av standardiserade system som plattformar och vilka konsekvenser som det kan innebära. Men även att vikten av att säkerställa fastighetsdata är central vid implementeringen av standardiserade fastighetssystem. / The Swedish government has decided on a digitalization strategy, which aims to how Sweden can be the best in the world to take advantage of the possibilities of digitalization. Through the establishment of Myndigheten för digital förvaltning (DIGG), the digitalization strategy will be realized and support the digital transformation that characterizes the Swedish authorities' transition from e-government to digital management. Digitalization of real estate information is part of this transformation and an important tool for achieving more efficient property management. Sweden's political regions are one of the country's largest property owners and manage millions of square meters, yet the use of digitized real estate systems is unusually low in the public sector. Much indicates that the public sector suffers from a low digital maturity and has difficulties in taking advantage of the possibilities of digitalization and succeed in its projects. The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges that can be identified in the implementation of an IWMS system in public property management, and what role the system has as a platform in such implementation. The study consists of a case study with five semi-structured interviews that study a specific region in depth. Based on this, nine categories of challenges have been identified and analyzed along four specific themes. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of understanding the meaning of standardized platforms and the consequences it may have. But also, the importance of securing data is central to the implementation of standardized property systems.

A Leadership Approach to Successful Digital Transformation Using Enterprise Architecture

Weisman, Robert 20 December 2019 (has links)
Digital transformation has been a focus of public and private sectors to both improve and sustain business value by leveraging rapidly evolving technology. Digital technology is ubiquitous and inter-connected, changing the face of business, government and society through the creation of new industries, with automation replacing two thirds of existing jobs. The challenge is that most digital transformation efforts fail, mainly due to inadequate leadership and management as well as failure to accept that it is a multi-disciplinary problem. Another challenge is to distinguish between digital transformation (DT) and digitization where the former is based on a customer-centric value proposition and the latter focuses on cost-cutting and operational excellence. This difference also highlights the business/technology divide where the former is mainly DT and the latter is mainly digitization. The challenge addressed in this thesis is how to obtain management acceptance that digital transformation is multi-disciplinary and to make recommendations with respect to how best to achieve DT goals. The research methods followed is a blend of participatory action research (PAR), case study analysis and literature analysis. The principal research findings are that there is no single, management methodology that can increase the chances of DT success but that a modified form of enterprise architecture (EA) that collaboratively interacts with the other management frameworks can likely provide a solid foundation to effectively achieve DT. The thesis consists of an assessment of the current methodologies, four articles that each discuss an area to support effective DT, followed by a request for change (RFC) to up-date the TOGAF 9 EA framework standard. TOGAF was selected due to its pervasive usage globally (80% of Fortune 50 and 60% of Fortune 500). The RFC accommodated both the concepts raised in the articles and other innovations highlighted in the literature review and assessment. The thesis concludes that enterprise architecture is a key business technique that al-lows the sharing of core decision support information across the enterprise, enabling all management frameworks, especially those on the technology-management divide, to collaboratively realize digital transformation.

Mesure de la maturité numérique des acteurs du secteur bancaire, dans une perspective de transformation digitale / Assessment of the digital maturity of the players in the banking area in a digital transformation perspective

Fayon, David 27 November 2018 (has links)
La banque est un secteur en première ligne de la transformation digitale et se classe en 4e position des secteurs les plus transformés numériquement derrière les technologies de l’information et de la communication, les médias et les services professionnels (Gandhi & al, 2016). En outre, l’explosion des données et le besoin de traitement en temps réel est un défi pour les acteurs pour répondre ou anticiper les besoins des clients. En ce sens, la transformation digitale des banques est emblématique des opportunités et des risques de notre société numérique.Les études tendent à prouver que la performance digitale reflète la performance économique de l’entreprise (Accenture, 2016b). Il devient dès lors d’autant plus important d’effectuer sa transformation digitale pour rester ou devenir une banque performante d’autant plus que la mortalité moyenne des multinationales n’est que de 40 ans (Schatt, 2014).Le préalable à l’analyse peut résider dans la connaissance, par les banques, de leur maturité numérique actuelle.Le modèle développé dans cette thèse s’inscrit dans cette perspective et vise à souligner les forces d’un acteur bancaire et ses points perfectibles pour, dans une perspective opératoire, alimenter la stratégie de transformation des entreprises du secteur. Le point de départ en est une méthode de mesure de maturité numérique de toute organisation (Fayon, Tartar, 2014) qui a été approfondie dans le cadre de ce travail de thèse. La réflexion a été conduite relativement aux tendances structurantes de la transformation digitale, et à un centrage sur le cas du secteur bancaire. Elle s’est nourrie des travaux académiques relatifs au changement de paradigme porté par les technologies numériques et à ceux relatifs au design organisationnel entre autres. Deux enquêtes (l’une sur la banque du futur ; l’autre sur les attentes des générations en matière de service bancaire) et un PoC réalisé dans le cadre du paiement sans contact sur smartphone à La Poste, ont nourri la réflexion pour enrichir notre modèle initial de mesure de la maturité numérique.Pour bâtir le modèle, nous avons fait le choix de nous baser principalement sur les travaux existants dans les deux domaines au cœur de la transformation digitale, d’une part les systèmes d’information où de nombreux outils méthodologiques ont été développés (CMMI, ITIL, CobiT, etc.) et d’autre part le marketing. Chacun des indicateurs du modèle initial a été challengé en s’appuyant sur la littérature dans le domaine ainsi que sur un corpus de données élaboré pour ce travail de thèse.La portée de cette mesure est de deux ordres. Le résultat peut permettre, pour les décideurs qui s’en saisissent – typiquement les acteurs de la transformation digitale (Comex, CDO, Directeur du SI, Directeur marketing) –, d’alimenter la stratégie de transformation digitale de l’acteur considéré (grâce au calcul de la maturité des leviers identifiés et globalement de la banque pour mettre en exergue ses forces et ses faiblesses). Mais cette mesure peut avoir également une portée performative. Elle peut permettre en effet, comme pour tous dispositifs de mesure, de donner un état « objectivé » mais également « objectivant » du niveau atteint par chacun des indicateurs et accompagner dès lors un processus réflexif de transformation digitale.Un certain nombre de limites sont inhérentes à ce travail de thèse, dans sa dimension instrumentale notamment. La cohérence interne du modèle, bien que mise à l’épreuve de différentes démarches analytiques et tests, n’est pas exempte, par construction, d’une part d’arbitraire. La pertinence du modèle, si elle a pu être testée partiellement à l’aune de cas d’entreprise, reste soumise à l’épreuve de la généralisation. Par ailleurs, le caractère évolutif des technologies numériques et des changements sociétaux associés, pourront faire perdre de l’acuité à certains indicateurs. Mais la dimension intrinsèquement performative du modèle pourrait demeurer. / The bank is a front-line sector of digital transformation and ranks 4th in the most digitally-transformed sectors behind IT, media and professional services (Gandhi & al, 2016). In addition, the burst of data and the need for real-time processing is a challenge for the players to meet or anticipate the needs of customers. In this way, the digital transformation of banks is emblematic of the opportunities and risks of our digital society.Studies tend to demonstrate that digital performance reflects the company's economic performance (Accenture, 2016b). It is therefore all the more important to carry out its digital transformation in order to remain or become a performing bank, especially since the average mortality of multinationals is only 40 years (Schatt, 2014).The question is where are the banks going to be in the value chain: continuing vertical integration or horizontal integration to diversify, buy or make partnerships with technological players or fintech?The prerequisite may lie in the knowledge of their current digital maturity. The model developed in this thesis makes it possible to highlight the strengths of a banking player and its perfectible points likely to feed the transformation strategy for its leaders and the related priorities. The starting point is the methodology of measuring digital maturity of any kind of organization (Fayon, Tartar, 2014) that has been challenged as part of this thesis work. Its axes, which define digital maturity, have evolved and are there to number six: Organization, Technology and Innovation, People, Offer, Environment, Strategy.The reflection has been focused on the structuring trends of digital transformation, and a focus on the case of the banking sector. She has been nourished by academic work related to the paradigm shift brought by digital technologies and those related to organizational design among others. Two surveys (one on the bank of the future, the other on the expectations of the generations in terms of banking service) and a PoC realized as part of the contactless payment on smartphone at La Poste french company have fueled the reflection to enrich our initial model of measuring digital maturity.To build the model, we have chosen to rely primarily on existing work in both areas at the heart of digital transformation, on the one hand information systems where many methodological tools have been developed (CMMI, ITIL, CobiT, etc.) and secondly marketing. Each of the indicators of the initial model was challenged by relying on the literature in the field as well as on a body of data developed for this thesis work.The scope of this measure is of two kinds. The result can make it possible for the decision makers who seize it - typically the actors of the digital transformation (Executive Committee, CDO, CTO, CMO) – feed the digital transformation strategy of the considered actor (thanks to the calculation of the maturity of the 6 levers and globally of the bank to highlight its strengths and its weaknesses, it is then necessary to exploit them in the service of its strategy). But this measure can also have a performative scope. It allows, as for all devices measuring tools, to give an "objectivized" but also "objectifying" level reached by each of the indicators and therefore accompany a reflexive process of digital transformation.A number of limitations are inherent to this thesis work in its instrumental dimension in particular. The internal coherence of the model, although tested by different analytical approaches and tests, is not exempt, by construction, from an arbitrary part. The relevance of the model, even if it has been tested partly with some business cases, remains subject to the test of generalization. In addition, the evolving nature of digital technologies and associated societal changes may make some indicators less relevant. But the performative dimension of the model could then remain.

Strategic Service Innovation: A Human-Centered Mixed-Methods Approach

Krüger, Nicolai 12 January 2022 (has links)
Increasing socio-technological complexity and ongoing environmental and social changes make it difficult to choose suitable approaches in today's innovation endeavors. Explorative and agile methods are increasingly used to reach out for disruptive innovations under uncertainty. However, feasibility of pioneering projects in business-critical contexts faces limitations in regulated branches. This doctoral thesis aims at contributing to service innovation research using a mixed-methods approach, being applied to several domains. Strategic Service Innovation (SSI) aspires to create novel digital service concepts ranging from radical technical innovations to business model pivoting.

Exploring the process of Information Technology adoption, employee adaptation and the role of management in this transition.

Polyhos, Máté, Baciu-David, Yuki January 2023 (has links)
Abstract Background: The fast development of technological systems has caused variouschallenges in the business management world, both from an employee and organizationalperspective. Despite the potential for exponential growth in information technology, thereis limited research in IT implementation literature. Adaptability in the workplace has beengreatly affected as humans are resistant to change. From an organizational perspective, theadoption/implementation of technological systems can be affected by the cost ofinvestment, resistance to change and the difficulties of integrating new technologies withexisting systems and processes. Purpose: The establishment of a framework that explains the process of IT adoption.Moreover, an investigation of how organizations and managers can efficiently manage theprocess of successful technology adoption and employee adaptation in an organization. Method: The qualitative study is grounded in an epistemological interpretivism paradigm.Through the usage of semi structured interviews and the Gioia coding analysis method, anexpert interview study was conducted. Conclusion: The research culminates in the creation of a loop model that explains the stepsof a successful IT adoption. The study identifies major challenges related to technologicalchange such as employee resistance and communication. It also highlights the importanceof managers and their respective characteristics required to address such challenges, which2are communication skills, expertise in the field and effective leadership. The studydevelops on the value creation opportunities of IT adoption.

Artificial Intelligence: From Data to Insights : Artificial Intelligence in Digital Transformation Strategies in the Semiconductor Industry

Bergh, Mikael, Strugholz, Sophie January 2023 (has links)
Emerging technologies are reshaping the digital landscape and competitive environment of highly technological companies with the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI). Firms are reacting by implementing digital transformation (DT) strategies aligning the organizational and technological factors towards leveraging AI-generated information. This thesis sheds new light on the topics of knowledge management (KM), DT, and AI in organizational practices with an emphasis on AI-enhanced software-as-a-service (SaaS). The research results in a conceptual framework, designed from the literature on AI, DT, KM, and dynamic capability view (DCV) uncovering three overarching concepts (internal capabilities, absorptive capacity, and technological competitiveness). This conceptual framework was then complemented by empirical data featuring primary data gathered from a single case study and secondary data from an internet-mediated data collection. The interviews in the case study were focused on managers with extensive experience in the semiconductor industry and operators working with the AI-enhanced SaaS tool. The analysis concludes in an updated conceptual framework, highlighting the interplay of a firm’s internal capabilities and an AI-enhanced absorptive capacity indicating three pathways toward achieving technological competitiveness in a highly technological environment. Additionally, a proposed solution is presented featuring an AI-enhanced tool operator as a new role, responsible for supporting organization-wide activities with AI-generated information.

'Zooming' in on Strategic Knowledge : A qualitative study exploring how Remote-Hybrid Work Structures influence Strategic Knowledge Management

Kyller, Hannah, Andersson, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced companies to undergo a rapid digital transformation, including a shift towards remote-hybrid work structures. This has disrupted traditional ways of working, including strategic knowledge management (SKM). Effective SKM is crucial for organizations to succeed under remote-hybrid working arrangements and requires modernization of knowledge management strategies. Despite significant research on SKM and remote-hybrid work separately, there is a lack of understanding of how remote- hybrid work structures affect SKM, and the development of effective strategies to manage strategic knowledge in this new digital environment. Purpose: This thesis aims to investigate how remote-hybrid work structures influence the management of strategic knowledge in organizations. It aims to bridge the fields of SKM and hybrid organizations by exploring how organizations can design their infrastructures and processes to succeed with SKM under a remote-hybrid work structure. Method: This study adopts a critical realism research philosophy, an abductive research approach, and an exploratory single case study design to explore SKM in the context of remote- hybrid work structures. Data was collected through seven semi-structured interviews with CEOs and partners at different offices of the case company, as well as four observation sessions. The analysis of data was conducted in three steps, namely empirical analysis, abstraction, and retroduction. Conclusion: This study offers a unique perspective on the relationship between remote-hybrid work structures and SKM processes in organizations. By highlighting the importance of digital infrastructure and knowledge-sharing culture, the study identifies key factors for successfully managing strategic knowledge in this new work context. The study also provides a new conceptual framework that bridges the fields of remote-hybrid work and SKM, emphasizing the interlinks between infrastructures, organizational culture, and SKM processes. These insights provide a valuable contribution to both SKM research and practical implications for managers seeking to design effective SKM infrastructures and processes that provide a strategic advantage.

Establishing a Holistic Framework for Configurator Success : Guidelines for Product Configuration System investment decision-making

Högberg, Filip, Lundkvist, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
Product configuration systems (PCS) have the ability to significantly streamline the internal sales process within engineering-to-order (ETO) companies due to its ability to e.g. automate design and quotation processes. This is made possible through the accumulation of product specific knowledge put into a software which is used to create customer adaptable products at lower costs. PCS development is regarded resource heavy endeavors, and many projects have thus a hard time achieving an overall profitability. Recent studies have tried to establish frameworks that supports companies in achieving successful implementation processes. However, these studies mainly focus on technical implications and monetary benefits while lacking to establish and consider a comprehensive picture for the likelihood of PCS success. Thereby, this case study establishes a holistic framework for executives of ETO companies to consider when deciding on whether to invest in a PCS. The findings show that PCS provides benefits to its adopting organization by reducing engineering time and lead time during the sales process, increasing product specification quality, improving knowledge facilitation, contributing to the development of a streamlining mindset among its employees and provide the organization with an increased digital agility. For the organization to reap these benefits, it is highly dependent on its current setting (e.g. available resources, competences, organizational identity etc.), which should be evaluated thoroughly before deciding for investment. The study show that PCS investment should, in addition to streamlining sales process, be seen as a strategic investment. In a society influenced by digital solutions, PCS investment can be regarded a catalyst for organizations to become malleable, which have been suggested as a prerequisite for organizations in order to adopt to a digitally driven business environment. Additionally, implementing a PCS showed to contribute to the three pillars of sustainability by streamlining both the sales process as well as the, to some extent, assembly and production processes.

Which leadership competencies are required in the 21st century? : A cross-industry case study in service-providing departments in Germany on leadership competencies

Stärk, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
This paper investigates which leadership competencies are required in the 21st century. It further aims to set up a competency model for leaders based on the competency model of Erpenbeck, von Rosenstiel, and Heyse.To answer the research question seven leaders were interviewed as experts in the context of a cross-industry case study in service-providing departments in organizations in Germany. The case study is embedded in a critical realist environment. As research design, the realist evaluation cycle by Pawson and Tilley was used to identify context, trigger mechanisms, and outcomes.Further, four hypotheses were drawn up to approach the above-mentioned research problem. Each hypothesis covers one of the four identified research fields that are impacted by digital transformation concerning our working environment.The results showed that there cannot be set up an individual competency model for each research field. That is why a general competency model for leaders in the 21st century, the so-called cross-cutting leadership competency model, was developed. This competency model consists of four competency groups and twelve key competencies. The competency group “Personal Competency” includes the competencies “Openness toward Change” and “Employee/Staff Promotion”. The competency group "Activity and Action Competency" includes the competencies of “Capacity to make decisions”, “Energy/drive”, “Innovation Propensity” and “Goal-oriented Management”. “Ability to be on a team”, “Ability to Communicate”, “Relation Management”, and “Willingness to Understand” belong to the competency group “Socio-Communicative Competency”. “Ability to Teach” and “Specialized Knowledge” represent the group of “Methods and Professional Competency.

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