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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

We're all fucking zombies : En etnografisk studie om hur personliga mobila medier används för att skapa vardaglig trygghet och rumslig mening

Holmqvist, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
This study examines how smartphones, laptops and tablets are used to create a sense of security, place, and time in the everyday lives of their consumers. Mark Deuze (2012) and his take on the modern society as a zombie apocalypse has been an inspiration for my work, there of the title. ”We’re all fucking zombies” is a metaphor for how highly-connected people of today are by living in and through the media, instead of living with it. To implement this I’ve chosen a phenomenological perspective, as it is the media-users’ subjective experiences of their everyday lives that I’m mainly interested in studying. I decided to focus on the mobile use of media since most of the research in this area focus on domestic media use. The theoretical framework that has set the foundation for the study is a combination of the time- space-dimensions of mobility, media as practice, symbolic interactionism, relational artifacts and phenomenological sociology. The purpose of using these theories is to get insight on how the media creates new opportunities for our social life, and to get an overview of how the new technological media leads to entirely new types of practices. The empirical data has been collected through a qualitative focus group interview with four respondents. They were selected to participate as they perceive themselves to be above average in comparison with the statistics of Mediebarometern (2014). The results showed that being connected through mobile media is considered to be of high importance. Although the ”connectedness” is only vital when being present in the locations directly related to the everyday life. Based on Silverstones (1994) explanation of phenomenology, and his studies of how television contributes to the ontological security, I conclude that the personalized mobile media has the same effect on it’s users.

Kulturella uppdateringar i 2010-talets remakes : Användandet av digitala- och sociala medier i Carrie (De Palma, 1976) och Carrie (Peirce, 2013) / Cultural updates in 2010s remakes : The use of digital- and social media in Carrie (De Palma, 1976) and Carrie (Peirce, 2013)

Hedqvist, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka under vilka premisser adaptioner och remakes under 2010-talet använder sig av digitala- och sociala medier inom den diegetiska världen i en historia ursprungligen skapad i en tidsperiod där dessa teknologier inte existerade. Uppsatsen kommer utgå ifrån två huvudsakliga teoretiker inom fälten adaptionsteori och remakestudier; Linda Hutcheon och Constantine Verevis. De teknologiska hjälpmedel som används frekvent i dagens moderna samhälle, i underhållningssyfte såväl som praktiska redskap, är i ständig utveckling. I en diskussion med Hutcheons och Verevis publicerade teorier kommer uppsatsen utöka och uppdatera vad som sägs om kulturella uppdateringar i remakes i dagens filmindustri. Att en filmadaption betraktas som ett verk som bygger på en redan etablerad historia är sedan länge känt. En remake är en film vars historia har en föregångare inom samma konstform; rörlig media. Hutcheon definierar remakes som nära besläktat med adaptioner och därför kombinerar uppsatsen de två etablerade teoretiska perspektiven som är adaption- och remakestudier. Arbetet kommer utgå från redan utformade adaptionsformer och hur de ser på en remake med uppdaterat innehåll och ifall det, enligt dessa teorier, ses som något som är nödvändigt för att locka dagens filmpublik till biograferna. För att styrka dessa teorier på ett så klart och tydligt sätt som möjligt så innehåller uppsatsen en fallstudie; Stephen Kings publicerade roman om Carrie från 1974 som har fått ett flertal filmadaptioner sedan dess. Uppsatsen studerar två av dessa filmer närmare nämligen historiens första filmadaption Carrie (Brian De Palma, 1976) samt den senaste remaken Carrie (Kimberly Peirce, 2013). Båda filmskaparna har lämnat grundhistorien näst intill orörd från Kings roman men vad som skiljer den första filmadaptionen från remaken är hur den senare har uppdaterat de kulturella byggstenar vårt digitala samhälle idag förlitar sig på.


Hedricks, Michael J., Sussex, Jeff, Streich, Ronald G. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2006 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Second Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 23-26, 2006 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / The transition of PCM recording from analog to digital recorders was completed at many test ranges more than a decade ago as marked by delivery of data on S-VHS tape, CD-ROM, DVD, ZIP disc, JAZ disc, 8mm tape and DLT tape for low rate data and D-1 cassettes for high rate data. Data then quickly began distribution via the internet and other networks. Analog recorders have remained a necessary legacy for the long transition to convert from analog to digital (PCM) data transmission from the test vehicles. However, the new digital recorder capabilities have removed this requirement to convert the transmissions from the test vehicle. Analog signal and predetection recording on digital recorders has been successfully demonstrated at costs below the existing analog recorders. Application of new techniques in a methodical transition program to the new digital recorders has proven the many benefits of recording wider bandwidths with excellent repeatability. Repeatability issues are primarily in the very low error sources of the processing system because the major analog error sources of the analog tape recorders, analog time code readers, analog demodulators, etc have been greatly reduced. This paper provides test results of recording higher signal rates and bandwidths of the new programs and describes the techniques and implementation through procedures of the Western Range transition from analog to digital recorders. Surprising results show predetection and analog signal recording costs are nearly the same as PCM recording costs due to the price of deliverable media with respect to mission recording requirements.

The Effect of Digital Media on Emergent Literacy Skills: A Systematic Review

Mills, Ciera B. 01 January 2016 (has links)
This review examines the effectiveness of digital media on emergent literacy skills, specifically alphabet knowledge, print awareness, and phonological awareness, on children birth to four. A systematic search of the literature identified 13 studies that met the pre-determined inclusion criteria. Two independent raters evaluated each study for methodological quality and assigned appropriate levels of evidence based on ASHA levels of evidence. Results found that specific features of digital media can lead to positive effects on emergent literacy skills. A checklist with the highlighted features was created to guide clinicians, parents, and others in making decisions about the true educational quality of various screen media.

Skolsköterskors erfarenheter av barns digitala medieanvändning samt skolsköterskors hälsofrämjande arbete inom området : "Det är så himla vitt och brett och inte är det lätt heller"

Ekdahl, Katrin, Hägerdal, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Digitala medier är en del av de flesta barns vardag idag. Diskussioner om huruvida detta påverkar barns fysiska och mentala hälsa framhävs emellanåt i olika medier. Samtidig som det även diskuteras om positiva effekter. Skolsköterskan träffar alla elever och har en viktig funktion i det hälsofrämjande arbetet. Skolsköterskan kan i samverka med andra professioner och föräldrar förmedla kunskap och stöd till hälsosamma levnadsvanor. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka skolsköterskors erfarenheter av barns digitala medieanvändning och skärmtid, samt hur skolsköterskan arbetar hälsofrämjande inom området. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes med stöd av en intervjuguide för att samla in data. Insamlat material har analyserats genom manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Skolsköterskans erfarenheter och hälsofrämjande arbete resulterade i två domäner med fem kategorier och 16 underkategorier. Skolsköterskor samtalade med barn och föräldrar om digitala medier i hälsosamtalen och de använde sig av standardiserade hälsoverktyg. Skolsköterskor arbetade med att väcka medvetenhet och reflektion hos eleverna. Föräldrar råddes att vara delaktiga i barnens medieanvändning och ha balans och rutiner. Skolsköterskor gav information och råd om fysisk hälsa och sömn samt arbetade med utsatthet på nätet, ofta i samarbete med andra professioner. Skolsköterskor erfor att samhällets utveckling styr, att medievanor hos barn har ändrats på fritiden. Skolsköterskor tyckte att skolor har olika förutsättningar och att digitala medier har blivit en del av lärandet. De hade erfarenhet av att digitala medier ersätter personliga aktiviteter, att det ger gemenskap och vänner, men också utanförskap och konflikter. Skolsköterskor hade också erfarenhet av att barn kan fastna i spel. De hade även erfarenhet av fysiska komplikationer, som att kroppen tar stryk och att sömnen påverkas. Slutsats: Samtliga skolsköterskor lyfte frågan om barn digitala medievanor någon gång under tiden förskola till årskurs sex. Samtliga använde sig också av standardiserade hälsoformulär under hälsosamtalet med elever. Skärmtid ansågs vara ett svårt begrepp och skolsköterskor tyckte det var svårt att ge konkreta råd angående hur länge det är lämpligt för barn att sitta vid en skärm. Skolsköterskor ansåg att deras roll i samtalet var att väcka reflektion och hjälpa elever till insikt om sina vanor. Skolsköterskor arbetade hälsofrämjande på grupp- och individnivå inom området som omfattar barns medievanor, ofta i samarbete med andra professioner. Arbetet mot mobbning på nätet var framträdande i studien. / Background: Digital medias is a part of most childrens everyday life today. Discussions about weather this effects the psysical and mental health of children is emphasized from time to time in various media. At the same time there is an ongoing discussion about the benefits of using digital media. The school nurse meets all students and has an important role in health promotion. In cooperation with other professionals and parents the school nurse can supply knowledge and support students to a healthy lifestyle. Aim: The purpose of this study was to exlore the school nurses´experiences of children´s digital media use and screen time, and also to explore how the school nurse´ health promotiong in the field. Method: The study was conducted with a qualitative design/approach. To collect data, nine semi-structured interviews with school nurses were made. Interviews were conducted with the support of an interview- guide. Collected data were analysed using manifest content analysis. Results The school nurses´ experiences and health promoting work resulted in two domains, with five categories and 16 subcategories. School nurses talked to children and parents about the use of digital medias during health conversations and they also used standardized health tools in conversations. School nurses´worked with helping students reflect on, and create an understanding of their habits. Parents were advised to be involved in their childrens media use and maintain balance and routines. School nurses gave information and advice about physical health and sleep, as well as they worked with childrens vulnerability on the internet, often in collaboration with other professions. School nurses thought that society's development rule and that the media habits of children has changed in their leisure time. School nurses felt that different schools had different conditions and that digital media has become a part of learning. They had experienced that digital media replaces personal activities, it could create solidarity and friends, but also exclusion and conflict. School nurses also experienced that children can get caught in games. They also had the experience of physical complications, such as the body in affected and that sleep is affected . Conclusion All school nurses´raised the issue of childrens digital media habits sometime during the time from kindergarden to the sixth grade. All school nurses´ used standardizied health questioairies during healthconversations with children. Screen time was considered to be a difficult concept, and school nurses found it difficult to give specific advice about how long time is appropriate for children to sit by a screen. School nurses´ felt that their role in the conversation was to help students reflect on, and to create an understanding of their habits. School nurses worked both on an individual level and group level in their health promoting work on the area of digital media habits, often in collaboration with other professions. The work against bullying online was prominent in the study.

Using interactive digital media to engage children on the autistic spectrum

Woolner, A. January 2010 (has links)
The incidence of autism is increasing in the U.K., with as many as 1% of children now thought to be affected by an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). This research explores the potential of emerging interactive digital media to engage children affected by an ASD, and the development of design strategies for future professional work in this field. This is accomplished through a literature and state of the art review, and by working alongside families and professionals involved in the provision of care for children with an ASD. As a a result of this process new artefacts have been created, alongside a design methodology for future work. The research reveals the need for tailorable low arousal sensory environments within mainstream schools to meet the needs of certain members of the pupil population and demonstrates how interactive digital media can be incorporated into such spaces as part of an holistic approach to a child’s school experience. Using digital media modules trained professionals can work with the child, using the media as a point of engagement.

Bilder av text : Digitalisering som remediering / Images of Text : Digitisation as Remediation

Ekman, Johan January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this master's thesis is how digitisation changes the understanding of textual archival matter. Drawing on document theory and media theory, the concept of digitisation is analysed as remediation, the repro - duction of one medium in another. A key theoretical assumption is that digitisation is not a neutral process, and conceptualising digitisation as remediation is a way of analysing the changed charasteristics of archival matter when represented in another medium. A tentative model for analysing remediated archival matter is presented, identifying three aspects or dimensions as crucial in understanding how remediation affects the interpretation of archival matter: the document dimension, the media dimension and the institutional dimension. The source material for this thesis are four instances of digitised archival material, each conceptualised and analysed as a case study. The four case studies are: a digitised archival volume from the archives of Swedish art museum Moderna Museet; the digitised typewritten manuscript of the poem ”De sju dödssynderna” (”The seven deadly sins”) by Swedish author and poet Karin Boye, available on the cultural heritage portal Alvin; a digitised handwritten notebook forming part of the manuscript for the novel To the Lighthouse by English author Virginia Woolf, available on the website Woolf Online; the digitised verdict from Swedish court of justice Kammarrätten (Administrative Court of Appeal) regarding the age rating for the film The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part One. It is argued that the digitised archival material in each case study has the character of a digital facsimile, whose charasteristics are dependent upon choices made in its production as well as mode of presentation. It is further argued that the characteristics of each digital facsimile shape and mediate the understanding of the archi - val matter, and that some kinds of information, e. g. textual information, are more easily represented than others, e. g. material information. In the light of these results, the changing role of the archive and the possibilities of different kinds of rese - arch are discussed. The original value of this master's thesis lies in its further development of the concept of re - mediation as a concept in archival science as well as deepening the understanding of the interpretative fra - meworks surrounding digitised archival matter. This is a two years master's thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Digital watermarking of images towards content protection

Nasir, Ibrahim Alsonosi January 2010 (has links)
With the rapid growth of the internet and digital media techniques over the last decade, multimedia data such as images, video and audio can easily be copied, altered and distributed over the internet without any loss in quality. Therefore, protection of ownership of multimedia data has become a very significant and challenging issue. Three novel image watermarking algorithms have been designed and implemented for copyright protection. The first proposed algorithm is based on embedding multiple watermarks in the blue channel of colour images to achieve more robustness against attacks. The second proposed algorithm aims to achieve better trade-offs between imperceptibility and robustness requirements of a digital watermarking system. It embeds a watermark in adaptive manner via classification of DCT blocks with three levels: smooth, edges and texture, implemented in the DCT domain by analyzing the values of AC coefficients. The third algorithm aims to achieve robustness against geometric attacks, which can desynchronize the location of the watermark and hence cause incorrect watermark detection. It uses geometrically invariant feature points and image normalization to overcome the problem of synchronization errors caused by geometric attacks. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithms are robust and outperform related techniques found in literature.

lol i'm fine

Scearce, Jane 01 January 2015 (has links)
This media studies thesis is a series of digitally-made composites/collages visually inspired by popular text posts from Tumblr. The text posts -- and the images inspired by them -- reflect the ironic and sarcastic humor teens and 20-somethings use to cope with mental health issues.

Digital fluidity : beyond remediation in theory and practice

Sherriff, Benjamin January 2013 (has links)
"What is cinema? The emergent digital era poses this question in a new and interesting way because for the first time in the history of film theory the photographic processes is challenged as the basis of cinematic representation. If the discipline of cinema studies is anchored to a specific material object a real conundrum emerges with the arrival of digital technologies as a dominant aesthetic and social force" (D.N. Rodowick 2007: 9). Over the past twenty-five years or more there has been a paradigm shift occurring in the manner in which moving images are conceived, acquired, produced, disseminated and consumed. This transformation of the modus operandi of production can be attributed to the overwhelming expansion and rapid advance of digital technologies. Through both critical reflection and creative practice this thesis will explore the extent to which there might be a discontinuity between analogue and digital cinematography; whether cinema itself and the basis of photographic representation have been changed, as Rodowick infers. It will draw on debates of realism, the index, and of the medium in relation to the seminal theories of new media. The thesis will introduce the term Digital Fluidity. This is the central concept that has emerged out of my research that describes how technologies utilised in production and post-production function together to enable a fluid process or mode of filmmaking, based on a logic of hybridity and technological convergence. Digital Fluidity engages with two key arguments in new media theory, namely that of ‘re-mediation’ (Bolter and Grusin, 2000), and the ‘computerisation of culture’ (Manovich, 2001). The thesis comprises of a 30 000 word dissertation and a portfolio of practical work of three films. Firstly there are two documentary shorts Grasp the Words Which Sing (2010), and Picnic Pilgrimage (2012), which deal with themes such as the perception of art in the case of the former and the mobility of both the camera and the subject in the latter. In the documentary productions the reflective focus is concentrated on the digital camera as capture device, re-appropriation of technology, and continuity with analogue production techniques. The films are produced on a modified DSLR camera with 35mm lenses and demonstrate a progression in visual style from a static camera in the case of the first film to a necessarily more mobile camera in the second and third. A longer dramatic production Not For Human Consumption (2013) is a tragic love story that explores the emotive social issue of legal high substance misuse. This film uses improvisation and experimental camera systems as well as some conventions that hold their lineage in the silent era, such as the long take and frontal framing. Here the theoretical analysis explores the integration of analogue and digital techniques and equipment by looking at the processes involved and relating these practices with the concept of Digital Fluidity. The improvised narrative was created as the film was in production – a choice that was facilitated largely by the decision to shoot digitally. The three films, although very different, are related by the connection between the processes of filmmaking undergone in each case and the thesis’ core definition of Digital Fluidity. The central research question poised within this thesis will therefore be: ‘Do digital technologies offer the filmmaker enhanced opportunity for creating new cinematic language and a more fluid mode of production than previous forms?

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