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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise da reconstrução 3D a partir de um par estereoscópico HR-CCD/CBERS-2 usando dois modelos matemáticos /

Galindo, José Roberto Fernandes. January 2008 (has links)
Resumo: Desde o advento dos primeiros satélites de Sensoriamento Remoto, vários são os estudos desenvolvidos com o intuito de utilizar as imagens produzidas por estes sensores para fins cartográficos. Apesar das imagens de baixa e média resolução não possuírem a precisão requerida para aplicações cartográficas em escalas grandes, existem vantagens como: serem imagens multiespectrais, possuírem periodicidade e menores custos para a sua aquisição, quando comparadas com as obtidas através dos tradicionais levantamentos aerofotogramétricos. Uma melhoria presente nos satélites de alta e média resolução é a capacidade de visada off nadir, o que permite à formação de pares estereoscópicos e a reconstrução 3D da cena imageada, a geração de modelos digitais de elevação (MDE) e a produção de imagens ortorretificadas, dentre outros produtos. Com os primeiros pares estereoscópicos adquiridos pelo sensor HR-CCD (High Resolution Charge-Coupled Devices) do CBERS-2 (2004), surgiu a possibilidade de realizar estudos objetivando a geração de produtos cartográficos a partir desses estereopares... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Since the advent of the first Remote Sensing satellites, many studies have been developed with the intention of using the images produced by these sensors for cartographic purpose. Although these images of the average resolution do not possess the accuracy required for cartographic applications in big scales, their advantages include being multispectral, periodic repetition of acquisition, and lower cost when compared to images obtained through traditional aerial photogrammetric surveys. An improvement present in medium and high resolution satellites is their off nadir capacity, which allows 3D reconstruction based on stereoscopy, the generation of digital elevation models (DEM) and the production of orthorectified images, among others products. With the first stereoscopic pairs acquired by the CBERS-2 (2004) HR-CCD (High Resolution Charge-Coupled Device) sensor, the possibility now exists of realizing studies whose goal is generating cartographic products from these stereo pairs. Within this context, this work evaluated the geometric quality of a CBERS-2 HR-CCD stereo pair making use of the DLT (Direct Linear Transformation) mathematical model and Polynomial-Based Pushbroom model, available from the Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS) digital photogrammetry system by Leica Geosystems, classifying them in accordance with the Cartographic Accuracy Standards... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Júlio Kiyoshi Hasegawa / Coorientador: Maurício Galo / Banca: João Fernando Custódio da Silva / Banca: Hideo Araki / Mestre

Medição de vibrações estruturais e de sistemas rotativos utilizando imagens fotográficas subamostradas / Measurement of vibration in structural and rotating systems using sub-sampled photographic images

Marcos Tan Endo 29 November 2013 (has links)
A análise de vibrações nos sistemas estruturais e rotativos permite detectar problemas indesejáveis, como a fadiga estrutural e o desgaste excessivo, que contribuem para a redução da vida útil do sistema e seus componentes. Tradicionalmente, a medição das vibrações é realizada por sensores de contato (acelerômetros e extensômetros), que possuem como inconveniente a adição de sua massa no sistema. Como alternativa, existem os sensores de não contato (LVD e ESPI), que são equipamentos de custo elevado. Este trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um equipamento de baixo custo que realize medições multi-pontos sem contato do comportamento vibratório de estruturas e eixos rotativos. O método proposto utiliza como base os princípios da fotogrametria em conjunto com técnicas de subamostragem, que são utilizadas em estruturas ou máquinas com frequências de vibração conhecidas (e.g máquinas rotativas). A metodologia foi inicialmente aplicada em uma viga engastada-livre, excitada periodicamente por um shaker eletrodinâmico e posteriormente em um sistema rotativo montado em um bancada de testes. A viabilidade em se utilizar o método foi verificada comparando os resultados obtidos com as medições realizadas por um vibrômetro laser Doppler, no caso do sistema estrutural, e por sensores de proximidade indutivo nas vibrações do eixo rotativo. Com base nos comparativos, conclui-se que este método, mesmo apresentando limitações de resolução, pode ser perfeitamente empregado em medições de sistemas estruturais e rotativos assim como na análise modal operacional de estruturas. / The analysis of vibrations in structural and rotating systems allows the detection of undesirable problems, such as the structural fatigue and excessive wear, which contribute to the reduction of the useful life of the systems and their components. Traditionally, the measurement of vibrations is carried out by contacting sensors (accelerometers and strain gauges), which have the inconvenience of adding mass into the system. Alternativelly, there are the non-contacting sensors (LVD and ESPI), which are high cost equipments. This work aims at developing a low cost equipment that carry out multi-point non-contact measurements of the vibratory behavior of structures and rotating shafts. The proposed method uses as a basis the principles of photogrammetry together with sub-sampling techniques, which are used in structure or machines with known vibration frequencies (e.g rotating machines). The methodology was initially applied on a cantilever beam, periodically excited by an electrodynamic shaker and later in a rotating system mounted on a test bench. The feasibility of using the method was verified comparing the results obtained with measurements from a laser Doppler vibrometer, in the case of the structural system, and with inductive proximity sensors in the rotating shaft vibration. Based on the comparison analysis, one observes that this method can be perfectly used in vibration measurements in structural and rotating systems even with limitations in resolution as well as in operational modal analysis of structures.

Photogrammetrische Erfassung der Verformungs- und Rissentwicklung bei baumechanischen Untersuchungen

Hampel, Uwe 21 February 2008 (has links)
Verfahren der digitalen Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie ermöglichen eine dreidimensionale Erfassung von Objekten und stellen damit interessante Lösungsansätze für Messaufgaben im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen dar. Ihr Einsatz bietet bei einer Vielzahl baumechanischer Untersuchungen die Voraussetzung für eine kontinuierliche, zeitsynchrone Objektoberflächenerfassung bei kurz- und langzeitigen Belastungsversuchen im Labor und in situ. Die daraus resultierenden Möglichkeiten der kontinuierlichen Erfassung von Verformungs-, Riss- und Schädigungsentwicklungen an Objektoberflächen stellen für viele experimentelle Untersuchungen im Bauingenieurwesen eine signifikante Qualitätssteigerung dar, die mit klassischen Messtechniken – wie z. B. Dehnmessstreifen oder induktiven Wegaufnehmern – nur bedingt bzw. nicht realisiert werden kann. Um das Potential der digitalen Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie zur kontinuierlichen Erfassung der Verformungs-, Riss- und Schädigungsentwicklung an Objektoberflächen bei baumechanischen Untersuchungen erfassen zu können, wurden – aufbauend auf den bekannten Grundlagen und Lösungsansätzen – systematische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Diese bildeten den Ausgangspunkt für den Einsatz photogrammetrischer Verfahren bei experimentellen Untersuchungen in den verschiedenen Teildisziplinen des Bauingenieurwesens, z. B. im Holz-, Massiv-, Mauerwerks-, Stahl- und Straßenbau. Die photogrammetrisch zu erfassenden Versuchsobjekte – einschließlich ihrer Veränderungen bei den Belastungsversuchen – waren dabei u. a. kleinformatige Prüfkörper und Baukonstruktionen aus den verschiedensten Materialien bzw. Verbundmaterialien. Bei den anwendungsorientierten Untersuchungen musste beachtet werden, dass aufgrund der z. T. sehr heterogenen Anforderungen und der zahlreichen Möglichkeiten, die beim Einsatz photogrammetrischer Verfahren denkbar waren, die Notwendigkeit der Auswahl und ggf. einer Weiter- bzw. Neuentwicklung geeigneter Systeme, effizienter Verfahren und optimaler Auswertealgorithmen der digitalen Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie bestand. In diesem Zusammenhang wurde mit der systematischen Zusammenstellung und Untersuchung relevanter Einflussgrößen begonnen. Diese waren oftmals durch die jeweiligen photogrammetrischen Messprozesse und Messaufgaben beeinflusst. Die Ergebnisse machen deutlich, dass die digitale Nahbereichsphotogrammetrie ein flexibel anwendbares Werkzeug für die Erfassung der Verformungs-, Riss- und Schädigungsentwicklung bei baumechanischen Untersuchungen darstellt. Spezielle Messaufgaben stellen im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen oftmals sehr hohe Anforderungen an die Messgenauigkeit, die Robustheit und das Messvolumen. Sie erfordern optimierte Verfahren und führten im Zusammenhang mit der vorliegenden Arbeit zu einer Reihe von Lösungen, wie beispielsweise der 2.5D-Objekterfassung auf Basis der Dynamischen Projektiven Transformation oder der Objekterfassung mittels Spiegelphotogrammetrie. Im Hinblick auf die Objektsignalisierung wurde eine intensitätsbasierte Messmarke entwickelt. Diese ermöglicht besonders bei sehr hochgenauen Deformations- bzw. Dehnungsmessungen ein großes Genauigkeitspotential im Sub-Pixelbereich, das im 1/100 eines Pixels liegt. In Bezug auf die photogrammetrischen Auswerteprozesse wurden optimierte Bildzuordnungsverfahren implementiert, die beispielsweise eine Punkteinmessung von bis zu 60.000 Punkten pro Sekunde ermöglichen und eine Grundlage für die flächenhafte Rissanalyse darstellen. In Bezug auf die qualitative und quantitative Risserfassung wurden verschiedene Verfahren entwickelt. Diese ermöglichen z. B. die lastabhängige Erfassung der Rissposition und -breite in Messprofilen. In einem Messbereich von 100 mm x 100 mm konnten beispielsweise Verformungen mit einer Genauigkeit bis 1 µm und Rissbreiten ab 3 µm erfasst werden. Im Zusammenhang mit den zahlreichen anwendungsbezogenen Untersuchungen entstanden immer wieder Fragen hinsichtlich der Faktoren, die einen Einfluss auf den photogrammetrischen Messprozess im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen ausüben. Aufgrund der zahlreichen Einflussgrößen, die als Steuer- bzw. Störgrößen eine mögliche Wirkung auf bauspezifische photogrammetrische Messprozesse ausüben können, wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit mit deren systematischer Zusammenstellung relevanter Einflussgrößen begonnen. Die Relevanz einzelner Einflussgrößen konnte durch Untersuchungen bereits bestätigt werden. Um eine ganzheitliche Bewertung aller relevanten Einflussgrößen aufgabenabhängig vornehmen zu können, wurde ein spezieller Versuchsstand entwickelt. Dieser ermöglicht eine vollautomatisierte systematische Untersuchung bauspezifischer photogrammetrischer Messprozesse unter definierten Versuchsbedingungen und dient dem systematischen Einsatz photogrammetrischer Verfahren im Bautechnischen Mess- und Versuchswesen hinsichtlich der Absicherung bestehender Messaufgaben, kann aber auch zu weiteren neuen und optimierten Messprozessen führen. / Methods of digital close range photogrammetry are a useful tool for the measurement of three-dimensional objects in civil engineering material testing. They are generally suitable for automatic measurements with chronological synchronism of object-surfaces during short and long time load tests in laboratories and in situ. The methods provide an opportunity for measuring deformations, cracks and damages at the object-surfaces during load tests in civil engineering material testing. These possibilities can present new results for a lot of applications in civil engineering material testing. Displacement and deformation measurements still rely on wire strain gauges or inductive displacement transducers. However, they are not suitable for a large number of measurement points or the detection of cracks during load tests. First of all, a number of systematic investigations was conducted. This was necessary to identify capable methods of the digital photogrammetry for the measuring of deformations, cracks and damages at object-surfaces during load tests in civil engineering material testing. These investigations laid the foundation for practical measurements during short and long time load tests of samples and constructions from different parts of the civil engineering (e.g. timber construction, solid structure, stell and road construction). The application-oriented research in civil engineering material testing demonstrates the wide range of demands on systems and methods of digital close range photogrammetry have to meet. Often the methods and systems of digital close range photogrammetry had to be modified or developed. In this context the systematic analysis of relevant determining factors was started.The results demonstrate that the methods and systems of digital close range photogrammetry are a suitable and flexible tool for the measurement of deformations, cracks and damages at the object-surfaces in civil engineering material testing. In addition, the special experiments in civil engineering material testing demonstrate the high requirements laid upon methods and systems of the digital closed range photogrammetry, for instance regarding with the measurement resolution/range and robustness processes. This was the motivation to optimize and to develop methods and systems for the special measurement tasks in civil engineering material testing, for instance a 2.5D measurement technique based on the Dynamic Projective Transformation (DPT) or the use of mirrors. Also a special measurement target was developed. This type of measurement target modifies intensities and is ideal for high deformation measurements (1/100 pixel). The large number of points in conjunction with area-based measurements require time-optimized methods for the analysis process. The modified and developed methods/programs enable fast analysis-processes, e.g. in conjunction with point-matching process 60.000 points per second.The developed crack-detection-methods allow area- and profile-based to analyze the load-dependent position and width of cracks, e.g. cracks > 3 µm (100 mm x 100 mm). A main target of this work was to compile all relevant determining factors regarding the application of the digital close range photogrammetry during load tests in civil engineering material testing. To a large extent, this target was reached. However, the compilation of all relevant determining factors requires a special experimental set-up. This experimental set-up was developed. In the future, it may enable the automatic research of all significant determining factors. The results can be used to qualify or optimize the established methods and processes. Also it's possible that the results generates new measurement processes.

Faster Environment Modelling and Integration into Virtual Reality Simulations

Nyman, Jonas January 2021 (has links)
The use of virtual reality in engineering tasks, such as in virtual commissioning, has increased steadily in recent years, where a robot, machine or object of interest can be simulated and visualized. Yet, for a more immerse experience, an environment for the object in question needs to be constructed. However, the process for creatingan accurate environment, for a virtual simulation have remained a costly and a long endeavour. Because of this, many digital simulations are performed, either with no environment at all, or present a very basic and abstract representation of an intended environment.The aim of this thesis is to investigate if technologies such as LiDAR and digital photogrammetry could shorten the environment creation process. Therefore, a demonstrative virtual environment was created and analysed, in which the different technologies was investigated and presented in the form of a comprehensive review of the current state of the technologies with in digital recreation. Lastly, a technique specific evaluation of the time requirement, cost and user difficulty was conducted. As the field of LiDAR and digital photogrammetry is too vast to investigate all forms thereof within one project, this thesis is limited to the investigation of static laser scanners and wide lens camera photogrammetry. A semi industrious locale was chosen for digital replication, which through static laser scans and photographs would generate semi-automated 3D models.The resulting 3D models leave much to be desired, as large holes were present throughout the 3D models, sincecertain surfaces are not suitable for neither replication processes. Transparent and reflective surfaces lead to ripple effects within the 3D models geometry and textures. Moreover, certain surfaces, as blank areas for photogrammetry or black coloration for laser scanners led to missing features and model distortions.Yet despite the abnormalities, the majority of the test environment was successfully re-created. An evaluation of the created environments was performed, which list and illustrate with tables and figures the attributes, strengths and weaknesses of each technique. Moreover, technique specific limitations and a spatial analysis was carried out. With the result, seemingly illustrating that photogrammetry creates more visually accurate 3D models in comparison to the laser scanner, yet the laser scanner produces a more spatially accurate result. As such, a selective combination of the techniques can be suggested.Observations and interviews seem to point towards the full scale application, in which an accurate 3D model is re-created without much effort, to currently not exist. As both photogrammetry and static laser scanning require great effort, skill and time in order to create a seemingly perfect solid model. Yet, utilizing either, or both techniques as a template for 3D object creation could reduce the time to create an environment significantly.Furthermore, methods such as digital 3D sculpting could be used in order to remove imperfections and create what is missing from the digitally constructed 3D models. Thereby achieving an accurate result.

Volymberäkning från punktmoln skapatgenom Structure from Motion medbildunderlag från mobilkamera

Sigurdsson, Andreas, Lehr, Amadeus January 2021 (has links)
Tekniken hos mobiler och utvecklingen av programvaror för digitalafotogrammetriska tjänster har haft en snabb utveckling, vilket har gjort detmöjligt att enkelt kunna skapa 3D-modeller.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det är möjligt att med hjälp avbildunderlag från en mobiltelefon kunna volymberäkna objekt så som t.ex.grushögar och diken. Den teknik som används är en automatiskbildjusteringsalgoritm som heter Structure from Motion (SfM). Från en seriedigitalafoton, som täcker objektet från olika vinklar och djup kan SfMidentifiera gemensamma punkter i fotona och sammanfläta dessa till ettpunkmoln som kan användas för att skapa en 3D-modell. Utifrån 3Dmodellen kan sedan en volymbestämning ske från mjukvaran AgisoftMetashape.Denna studie utför ett flertal olika tester för att utvärdera Structure fromMotion med bildunderlag från mobiltelefon för volymberäkning. Vissa objekthar att filmats med olika typer av telefoner och sedan jämförts mot terresterlaserskanning (TLS) som är en vanlig metod vid insamling av data förvolymberäkning. Volymberäkningarna har gjorts för både positiva ochnegativa volymer. Metoden har enbart använt sig av referensmått frånmåttband ute i fält. Detta gör att ingen avancerad mätutrustning har använts.Ett ljustest genomfördes för att se hur olika ljusförhållanden viddatainsamlandet kan påverka databearbetningen och volymberäkningen.Genom att beräkna skillnader i volym mellan 3D-modellerna kommer ettresultat tas fram.Resultaten från de 3D-modeller som skapats med dataunderlag från SfM gervolymskillnader i jämförelsen mot terrester laserskanning mellan 2,2% och6,8%. Dessa resultat är från en mur och ett dike som användes i studien,skillnaden motsvarar 0,031 m3 och 15,086 m3. Den negativa volym somberäknades, dvs. diket, är det objekt som ger störst avvikelse i volym, delsmellan de olika mobiltelefonerna, dels jämfört med TLS. Metoden ger enindikation på att det finns en stor möjlighet att kunna effektivisera processenför volymbestämning då metoden inte kräver speciella mätverktyg ellersärskilda förkunskaper vilket kan både spara tid och pengar. / The technology of smartphones and the development of software for digitalphotogrammetric services have developed rapidly, which has made it possibleto easily create 3D models.The purpose of this study is to investigate whether it is possible with the helpof image data from a mobile phone to be able to calculate the volume ofobjects such as e.g. gravel piles and ditches. The technology used is anautomatic image adjustment algorithm called Structure from Motion (SfM).From a series of digital photos, which cover the object from different anglesand depths, SfM can identify common points in the photos and intertwinethese into a point cloud that can be used to create a 3D model. Based on the3D model, a volume determination can then be made from the AgisoftMetashape software.This study performed a number of different tests to evaluate Structure fromMotion with image data from a smartphone for volume calculation. Someobjects have been filmed with different types of phones and then compared toterrestrial laser scanning (TLS) which is a common method of collecting datafor volume calculation. The volume calculations have been made for bothpositive and negative volumes. The method has only used referencemeasurements from measuring tapes in the field. This means that no advancedmeasuring equipment has been used. A light test was performed to see howdifferent light conditions during the data collection can affect the dataprocessing and volume calculation. By calculating differences in volumebetween the 3D models, a result will be produced.The results from 3D modeling created with data from SfM give a volumedifferences in the comparison with terrestrial laser scanning between 2.2%and 6.8%. These results are from a small stone wall and a ditch used in thestudy, the difference corresponds to 0.031 m3and 15.086 m3. The negativevolume that was calculated, ie. the ditch, is the object that gives the largestdeviation in volume, partly between the different mobile phones, partlycompared to TLS. The method gives an indication that there is a greatopportunity to be able to streamline the work process for volume calculationas the method does not require special measurement tools or special priorknowledge which can save both time and money.

Beiträge zum Aufbau eines forstlichen Geographischen Informationssystems unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Integration der digitalen Photogrammetrie - dargestellt am Beispiel der Entwicklung von Entscheidungshilfen für einen ökologisch begründeten Waldumbau

Eilermann, Frank 04 March 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Für einen ökologischen Waldumbau sind naturwissenschaftliche und ökonomische Grundlagen erforderlich, um die Entscheidungsträger unterstützen. Die Problematik des Waldumbaus bei heterogenen Bedingungen des Osterzgebirges setzt ein flächenbezogenes Informationsmanagement voraus. Durch Aufbau eines forstökologischen Informationssystems werden naturwissenschaftliche und forstbetriebliche Grunddaten auf räumliche Einheiten übertragen und damit Entscheidungshilfen. Zur Erzielung standortsgerechter, stabiler und leistungsfähiger Mischbestände müssen unter Berücksichtigung waldbaulicher und ertragskundlicher Verhältnisse waldbauliche Strategien aufgezeigt und deren mittelfristige Umsetzung geplant werden. Zur Gestaltung des Planungskonzepts werden ausgehend vom IST-Zustand geeignete Maßnahmen zum Erreichen eines SOLL-Zustands aufgezeigt. Instrumentelle Basis bildet ein Forstökologisches Informationssystem, dessen GIS-Funktionalitäten flächenbezogene Entscheidungshilfen durch vielschichtige Datenanalyse ermöglichen. Die Auswertung von analogen und digitalen Luftbildern mit verschiedenen Stichprobenverfahren werden kombiniert. Mit einem Kalkulationsprogramm werden Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen hinsichtlich zu erwartender Kosten und Erlöse charakterisiert. Durch das Informationssystems lassen sich die naturwissenschaftlichen und forstbetrieblichen Grunddaten auf räumliche Einheiten übertragen. Planungsvorschläge zum Waldumbau in Form von Entscheidungshilfen stehen zur Verfügung. Die Integration auf Intensivmeßflächen gewonnener Daten ins Informationssystem und Übertragung auf flächige Bezugseinheiten gewährleisten die Beachtung vielfältiger Ursache-Wirkungsbeziehungen zur forstbetrieblichen Planung. Für die verschiedenen Höhenstufen werden spezifische waldbauliche Behandlungsvarianten durch Entscheidungsmodelle abgebildet, die eine flächenbezogene Umsetzung ermöglichen.

Utilização das imagens ikonos para a derivação de produtos cartográficos como apoio à gestão de risco a movimento de massa

Parreira, Sinara Fernandes 04 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:55:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sinara.pdf: 7213170 bytes, checksum: 532417886f356ca3ecc311dcfdce19a1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Many cities and rural communities are settled in areas with natural dynamics that represent danger to people, such as floods, landslides, high winds, earthquakes, among others. These dangerous phenomena with high magnitude and / or frequency can lead to accidents and even disasters with many losses and damages, including loss of life. The development of many regions and countries could be affected by the occurrence of such disasters, as economic resources are lost when the event occurs, and also spent on reconstruction, which leads to a vicious circle, since the economic resource is spent on emergencies and reconstruction and not on prevention. The best way to minimize the negative impacts of natural disasters is to create methods of prevention. Mapping is an essential tool for planning, management and monitoring areas considered at risk. For case study, it was chosen the sub-basin of the river Ribeirão Sorocaba located in Luis Alves, Santa Catarina, a region that was highly affected by the rains in November 2008. The methodological approach of the research was to automatically extract the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) through IKONOS stereo pair image ans its metadata files. With DEM it was possible to orthorectify the image and evaluate the cartographic quality of both generated products accordingly to the Cartographic Exactness Standard (PEC, in Portuguese). Evaluation showed that the objective of obtaining a scale better than 1:50.000 was achieved. The products can obtain the scale of 1:10.000 in planimetry and 1:25.000 in altimetry, both in class A of PEC / Muitas cidades e comunidades rurais estão assentadas em sítios naturais sujeitos a fenômenos da dinâmica natural que representam risco para a população, como: inundações, deslizamentos, ventos fortes, terremotos, entre outros. A deflagração desses fenômenos perigosos com alta magnitude e/ou frequência pode provocar desde acidentes até catástrofes com muitas perdas e danos, inclusive com perdas de vidas humanas. O desenvolvimento de muitas regiões e países pode ser prejudicado pela ocorrência dessas catástrofes, pois recursos econômicos são perdidos no momento da ocorrência do evento e também gastos na reconstrução, o que leva a um círculo vicioso, uma vez que o recurso econômico é gasto em emergências e reconstrução e não em prevenção. A melhor forma de minimizar os impactos causados pelos desastres naturais é criar métodos de prevenção. Nesse sentido, essa pesquisa divulga a cartografia como instrumento fundamental para o planejamento, gestão e monitoramento das áreas consideradas de risco. Para estudo de caso foi escolhida a sub-bacia do Ribeirão Sorocaba localizada no município de Luís Alves, em Santa Catarina, região esta que foi muito afetada pelas chuvas de novembro de 2008. A metodologia da pesquisa se resume na extração automática do Modelo Digital de Elevação (MDE) por meio do par estereoscópico da imagem IKONOS e dos seus arquivos de Metadados. Com o MDE foi possível ortorretificar a imagem e avaliar a qualidade cartográfica dos dois produtos gerados segundo o Padrão de Exatidão Cartográfica (PEC). A avaliação mostrou que o objetivo de alcançar uma escala melhor que 1:50.000 foi alcançado. Os produtos podem chegar a escala de 1:10.000 na planimetria e 1:25.000 na altimetria, ambos na classe A do PEC

Beiträge zum Aufbau eines forstlichen Geographischen Informationssystems unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Integration der digitalen Photogrammetrie - dargestellt am Beispiel der Entwicklung von Entscheidungshilfen für einen ökologisch begründeten Waldumbau

Eilermann, Frank 17 October 2002 (has links)
Für einen ökologischen Waldumbau sind naturwissenschaftliche und ökonomische Grundlagen erforderlich, um die Entscheidungsträger unterstützen. Die Problematik des Waldumbaus bei heterogenen Bedingungen des Osterzgebirges setzt ein flächenbezogenes Informationsmanagement voraus. Durch Aufbau eines forstökologischen Informationssystems werden naturwissenschaftliche und forstbetriebliche Grunddaten auf räumliche Einheiten übertragen und damit Entscheidungshilfen. Zur Erzielung standortsgerechter, stabiler und leistungsfähiger Mischbestände müssen unter Berücksichtigung waldbaulicher und ertragskundlicher Verhältnisse waldbauliche Strategien aufgezeigt und deren mittelfristige Umsetzung geplant werden. Zur Gestaltung des Planungskonzepts werden ausgehend vom IST-Zustand geeignete Maßnahmen zum Erreichen eines SOLL-Zustands aufgezeigt. Instrumentelle Basis bildet ein Forstökologisches Informationssystem, dessen GIS-Funktionalitäten flächenbezogene Entscheidungshilfen durch vielschichtige Datenanalyse ermöglichen. Die Auswertung von analogen und digitalen Luftbildern mit verschiedenen Stichprobenverfahren werden kombiniert. Mit einem Kalkulationsprogramm werden Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen hinsichtlich zu erwartender Kosten und Erlöse charakterisiert. Durch das Informationssystems lassen sich die naturwissenschaftlichen und forstbetrieblichen Grunddaten auf räumliche Einheiten übertragen. Planungsvorschläge zum Waldumbau in Form von Entscheidungshilfen stehen zur Verfügung. Die Integration auf Intensivmeßflächen gewonnener Daten ins Informationssystem und Übertragung auf flächige Bezugseinheiten gewährleisten die Beachtung vielfältiger Ursache-Wirkungsbeziehungen zur forstbetrieblichen Planung. Für die verschiedenen Höhenstufen werden spezifische waldbauliche Behandlungsvarianten durch Entscheidungsmodelle abgebildet, die eine flächenbezogene Umsetzung ermöglichen.


Alekhya Bhamidipati (17081896) 04 October 2023 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Accurate 3D point clouds are crucial in various fields, and the advancement of software algorithms has facilitated the reconstruction of 3D models from high-quality images. Notably, both single-camera and multi-camera systems have gained popularity in obtaining these images. While single-camera setups offer simplicity and cost-effectiveness, multi-camera systems provide a broader field of view and improved coverage. However, a crucial gap persists, a lack of direct comparison and comprehensive analysis regarding the quality of point clouds acquired from each system. This thesis aims to bridge this gap by evaluating the point cloud quality obtained from both single-camera and multi-camera systems, considering various factors such as lighting conditions, camera settings, and the stability of multi-camera setup in the 3D reconstruction process. Our research also aims to provide insights into how these factors influence the quality and performance of the reconstructed point clouds. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each system, researchers and professionals can make informed decisions when selecting the most suitable 3D imaging approach for their specific applications. To achieve these objectives, we designed and utilized a custom rig with three vertically stacked cameras, each equipped with a fixed camera lens, and maintained uniform lighting conditions. Additionally, we employed a single-camera system with a zoom lens and non uniform lighting conditions. Through noise analysis, our results revealed several crucial findings. The single-camera system exhibited relatively higher noise levels, likely due to non-uniform lighting and the use of a zoom lens. In contrast, the multi-camera system demonstrated lower noise levels, which can be attributed to well-lit conditions and the use of fixed lenses. However, within the multi-camera system, instances of significant instability led to a substantial increase in noise levels in the reconstructed point cloud compared to more stable conditions. Our noise analysis showed the multi-camera system preformed better compared to the single-camera system in terms of noise quality. However, it is crucial to recognize that noise detection also revealed the influence of factors like lighting conditions, camera calibration and camera stability of multi-camera systems on the reconstruction process.</p>

Integración de sistemas para la documentación, gestión y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico: el parque arqueológico de las tumbas de la Vía Latina en Roma

Rinaldi, Simona 31 October 2022 (has links)
[ES] En la civilización de la antigua Roma, tres de los aspectos más importantes de la vida cotidiana estaban vinculados a la arquitectura: las termas, los acueductos y las tumbas. Esta investigación propone el estudio de la integración de sistemas avanzados para la documentación, gestión y valorización del patrimonio arquitectónico funerario de la Vía Latina y la Vía Appia Antica, en estrecha relación con el tema del Paisaje Cultural. De hecho, el Parque de las Tumbas Latinas alberga uno de los complejos funerarios más importantes, que en la actualidad conserva inalterado el aspecto tradicional del antiguo paisaje romano. A lo largo de una vía empedrada, como todas las vías consulares, la Vía Latina (al igual que la Vía Appia Antica), que, como recuerda Livio, conectaba en su día las ciudades de Roma con Capua, mantiene aún el "congelado" trazado urbano/paisajístico antiguo. El tema de la carretera y el sistema de infraestructuras es, de hecho, una manifestación de una necesidad humana fundamental, la del movimiento, y refleja la historia de toda la humanidad en su evolución. En la actualidad, a lo largo de un tramo de unos 450 metros, hay numerosas tumbas de diversos tipos construidas entre la época republicana y la Alta Edad Media. Este estudio no se centra exclusivamente en el patrimonio arquitectónico de las antiguas tumbas, sino que también pretende realizar un análisis urbanístico de la red de infraestructuras que conecta el yacimiento arqueológico con el centro histórico de Roma y de la relación que se establece entre los restos antiguos y el paisaje tradicional del Lacio en el que se contextualizan: el Ager Romanus. Este aspecto es muy importante para toda la propuesta de investigación, ya que es parte integrante de todo el análisis. De hecho, la sinergia derivada de la relación entre estos componentes, que convergen en su forma esencial, es: "una síntesis de los elementos visuales que insisten en un espacio incluido en un único círculo de horizonte" (Biasutti, 1962). En el caso concreto, el paisaje de la Vía Latina y la Vía Appia Antica es una realidad muy compleja que consiste en la interrelación entre las ruinas (Tumbas), los elementos bióticos, el centro histórico y la red urbana periférica compuesta por las antiguas vías que han de convivir con la continua expansión de los ejes contemporáneos. Por lo tanto, este sistema polifacético del Ager Romanus y del sitio cultural Vía Latina/Appia Antica es comparable a una estructura viva y dinámica y, como tal, debe ser analizada. El último aspecto clave que la investigación quiere abordar es la catalogación. De hecho, los sitios y monumentos históricos no se pueden mantener sólo mediante su uso y utilización pasiva, sino activando todas las operaciones de protección y conservación mediante intervenciones directas (mantenimiento/restauración) e indirectas, como la catalogación constante de las obras históricas y la consiguiente "catalogación dinámica". En el caso de las tumbas de la Vía Latina y de la Vía Appia Antica, este procedimiento está actualmente incompleto: uno de los objetivos de la investigación será la creación de un archivo/base de datos que permita el seguimiento constante de las tumbas antiguas. Para diseñar una herramienta de protección y gestión tan "potente", será necesario utilizar las técnicas de levantamiento arquitectónico más avanzadas que se utilizan actualmente (como el escaneo láser y la fotogrametría, junto con programas informáticos de análisis específicos), acompañadas de un estudio en profundidad de las técnicas de construcción antiguas. / [CA] En la civilització de l'antiga Roma, tres dels aspectes més importants de la vida quotidiana estaven vinculats a l'arquitectura: les termes, els aqüeductes i les tombes. Esta investigació proposa l'estudi de la integració de sistemes avançats per a la documentació, gestió i valoració del patrimoni arquitectònic funerari de la Via Latina i la Via Appia Antica, en estreta relació amb el tema del Paisatge Cultural. De fet, el Parc de les Tombes Latines alberga un dels complexos funeraris més importants, que en l'actualitat conserva inalterat l'aspecte tradicional de l'antic paisatge romà. Al llarg d'una via empedrada, com totes les vies consulars, la Via Latina (igual que la Via Appia Antica), que, com recorda Livio, connectava al seu dia les ciutats de Roma amb Capua, manté encara el congelado traçat urbano/paisajístico antic. El tema de la carretera i el sistema d'infraestructures és, de fet, una manifestació d'una necessitat humana fonamental, la del moviment, i reflectix la història de tota la humanitat en la seua evolució. En l'actualitat, al llarg d'un tram d'uns 450 metres, hi ha nombroses tombes de diversos tipus construïdes entre l'època republicana i l'Alta Edat Mitjana. Este estudi no se centra exclusivament en el patrimoni arquitectònic de les antigues tombes, sinó que també pretén realitzar una anàlisi urbanística de la xarxa d'infraestructures que connecta el jaciment arqueològic amb el centre històric de Roma i de la relació que s'establix entre les restes antigues i el paisatge tradicional del Llis en què es contextualitzen: l'Ager Romanus. Este aspecte és molt important per a tota la proposta d'investigació, ja que és part integrant de tota l'anàlisi. De fet, la sinergia derivada de la relació entre estos components, que convergixen en la seua forma essencial, és "una síntesi dels elements visuals que insistixen en un espai inclòs en un únic cercle d'horizonte" (Biasutti, 1962). En el cas concret, el paisatge de la Via Latina i la Via Appia Antica és una realitat molt complexa que consistix en la interrelació entre les ruïnes (Tombes), els elements biòtics, el centre històric i la xarxa urbana perifèrica composta per les antigues vies que han de conviure amb la contínua expansió dels eixos contemporanis. Per tant, este sistema polifacètic de l'Ager Romanus i del lloc cultural Via Latina/Appia Antica és comparable a una estructura viva i dinàmica i, com a tal, ha de ser analitzada. L'últim aspecte clau que la investigació vol abordar és la catalogació. De fet, els llocs i monuments històrics no es poden mantindre només per mitjà del seu ús i utilització passiva, sinó activant totes les operacions de protecció i conservació per mitjà d'intervencions directes (mantenimiento/restauración) i indirectes, com la catalogació constant de les obres històriques i la consegüent "catalogación dinámica". En el cas de les tombes de la Via Latina i de la Via Appia Antica, este procediment està actualment incomplet: un dels objectius de la investigació serà la creació d'un archivo/base de dades que permeta el seguiment constant de les tombes antigues. Per a dissenyar una ferramenta de protecció i gestió tan "potente" serà necessari utilitzar les tècniques d'alçament arquitectònic més avançades que s'utilitzen actualment (com l'escaneig làser i la fotogrametria, junt amb programes informàtics d'anàlisis específiques), acompanyades d'un estudi en profunditat de les tècniques de construcció antigues. / [EN] In the civilization of ancient Rome, three of the most important aspects of daily life were linked to architecture: the Baths, the Aqueducts and the Tombs. This research proposes the study of the integration of advanced systems for the documentation, management and valorization of the architectural funerary heritage of the Via Latina and Via Appia Antica, in close relation to the theme of Cultural Landscape. In fact, the Park of the Latin Tombs is home to one of the most important funerary complexes, which currently preserves the traditional appearance of the ancient Roman landscape unchanged. Along a cobbled road, like all consular roads, the Via Latina (as well as the Via Appia Antica), which, as recalled by Livio, once connected the cities of Rome with Capua, still maintains the "frozen" ancient urban/landscape layout. The theme of the road and the infrastructure system is, in fact, a manifestation of a fundamental human need, that of movement, and reflects the history of all humanity in its evolution. Today, along a stretch of about 450 meters, there are numerous tombs of various types built between the Republican Age and the early Middle Ages. This study does not focus exclusively on the architectural heritage of the ancient tombs, but also aims at an urban analysis of the infrastructural network connecting the archaeological site to the historical center of Rome and of the relationship established between the ancient remains and the traditional landscape of Lazio in which they are contextualized: the Ager Romanus. This aspect is very important for the entire research proposal, as it is an integral part of the entire analysis. In fact, the synergy derived from the relationship between these components, which converge in their essential form, is: "a synthesis of the visual elements that insist on a space included in a single circle of horizon" (Biasutti, 1962). In the specific case, the landscape of the Via Latina and the Via Appia Antica is a very complex reality that consists in the interrelation between the ruins (Tombs), the biotic elements, the historical center and the peripheral urban network composed by the ancient roads that have to coexist with the continuous expansion of the contemporary axes. Therefore, this multifaceted system of the Ager Romanus and the Via Latina/Appia Antica cultural site is comparable to a living and dynamic structure and, as such, must be analyzed. The last key aspect that the research wants to address is cataloguing. In fact, historical sites and monuments cannot be maintained only by using them and using them passively, but by activating all the operations of protection and conservation through direct interventions (maintenance/restoration) and indirect ones such as the constant cataloguing of historical works and the consequent "dynamic cataloguing". For the Tombs of the Via Latina and the Via Appia Antica this procedure is currently incomplete: one of the objectives of the research will be the creation of a file/database that will allow the constant monitoring of the ancient Tombs. In order to design such a 'powerful' protection and management tool, it will be necessary to use the most advanced architectural survey techniques currently in use (such as laser scanning and photogrammetry, in conjunction with specific analysis software) accompanied by an in-depth study of ancient construction techniques. / Rinaldi, S. (2022). Integración de sistemas para la documentación, gestión y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico: el parque arqueológico de las tumbas de la Vía Latina en Roma [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/188939

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