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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitalisering av biblioteksmaterial : En kvalitativ undersökning av åtta biblioteksanställdas attitydertill digitalisering

Andersson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
This study aims to examine the views on digitization of eight respondents, all working at different libraryinstitutions in Sweden, and how their views are reflected in their library's digitization strategies. The poll wasconducted on the basis of Ingrid Mason's theory of information standards, their structure and sociopoliticalnature. The informantion standards are divided into three aspects, curatorial, semantic and technical, and theyaffect selection of, intellectual and physical access to the digitized material, which in the end is what constitutes the digital cultural heritage.The background to the study is that the Swedish library institutions in the current situation lacks a nationalstandard or a common strategy for the digitization of cultural heritage, while it is still implemented digitizationprojects at many library institutions. The method used is qualitative, structured interviews with open-ended questions.The study shows that one of the main motives behind the libraries' digitization projects is to make librarymaterials available in a new way, creating greater opportunities for the users to take advantage of the material.The library users are the ones who mainly control what is digitized, although aspects of preservation ismentioned. Furthermore, it appears that the respondents believe that digitization offers improved capabilities tosearch and learn more about the collections, but the actual work of image capture, the addition of metadata,presentation to users and long-term preservation is very complex.Views on what it is to be digitized, how the material should be selected and provided with metadata and howit should be presented to users is what creates the standards that libraries use when they digitize their materials,and digitization of library materials creates new conditions for new users to access and use library material.This is a two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

"Alla har vi varit små" : Om den förändrade relationen mellan oetablerade musikskapare och musikbolag i ett digitaliserat landskap.

Hansson, Mathilda, Hantoft, Simon, Lindfors, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
Med teknologins ständiga framsteg har det uppkommit nya distributions- och produktionsmöjligheter vilket resulterat i en förändring i strukturen inom musikindustrin. Nya inkomstkällor har identifierats, och musikskapare kan agera mer självständigt än tidigare tack vare portabla inspelningsprogram och digitala plattformar såsom Spotify och Soundcloud. Den förändrade strukturen har fått som följd att relationen mellan musikskapare och musikbolag har förändrats.   Syftet med denna studie är att granska hur oetablerade musikskapares relation till musikbolag har förändrats, sett till den teknologiska förändringsprocess som skett. Detta för att skapa en djupare förståelse för fenomenet såväl som det musikindustriella landskapet. För att uppnå detta syfte har vi arbetat utifrån följande forskningsfråga: Hur har oetablerade musikskapares relation till musikbolag förändrats, sett till den teknologiska utveckling som skett? Studien bygger på en induktiv ansats där vi utgår från den insamlade empirin för att bilda oss en uppfattning om det studerade fenomenet och utifrån detta skapa en teoretisk förankring. Empirin består till stor del av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med såväl musikskapare i den inledande fasen av sin karriär som en aktör aktiv inom musikbolag. För att styrka denna empiri har vi valt att komplettera med sekundärdata, både kvalitativ i form av artiklar och akademiska studier, men även kvantitativ i form av statistiskt underlag från branschorganisationer, såsom IFPI och Musiksverige. Denna studies slutsats tyder på ett begynnande mönster kring hur relationen mellan musikskapare och musikbolag har förändrats. Studien ämnar inte att generalisera eller konkretisera fenomenet utan att, genom materialet vi samlat in, diskutera fenomenet utifrån flertalet faktorer. Vi har i arbetet bland annat tagit upp entreprenörskap, ökad individuell kunskap, samt en ökad mängd musikskapare som bidragit till större konkurrens. Den ökade konkurrensen har bidragit till ett svårläst industriellt landskap där det nu finns en mängd verktyg att använda, men det garanterar inte en ökad chans till att ta sig igenom “bruset”. / The constant progress of technology, along with the new distribution and production opportunities that has appeared, has resulted in a structural change in the music industry. New sources of income has been identified to allow music creators to act more independent than before, as a result of portable recording software and digital platforms, such as Spotify and Soundcloud. Thus, the structural changes has led to modifications in the relationship between music creators and music companies. The intention of this study is to examine how music creators relationship to music companies have changed, during the initial phase of the music creators career, in terms of the technological transformation that has occurred. This is to create a deeper understanding of the music industrial landscape. To achieve this purpose, we have been working with the research question stated below: How has music creators relationship to music companies changed, in the initial phase of the music creators career and in terms of the technological transformation that has occurred? The study is based on an inductive approach, as our starting point is in the empirical field, in order to create a perception of the studied phenomenon and establish it theoretically. The empirical data largely consist of seven semi-structured interviews with music creators in the initial phase of their career, as well as an representative of the music companies. To further strengthen the data, we have chosen to complement it with secondary data. These come in the forms of qualitative data, such as articles and academic studies, as well as quantitative data, such as statistics from industry associations as IFPI and Musiksverige. The results of this study indicates an incipient pattern regarding the changed relationship between music creators and music companies. The aim of this study is not to generalize or concretize the phenomenon, but to, through the gathered material, discuss the phenomenon based on a plurality of factors. In the study, we have addressed topics such as entrepreneurship, an increase in individual knowledge as well as an increase in music creators, which has contributed to a growing competitive market. The increase in competition has resulted in a landscape that is more difficult to read, where there’s now an immense amount of tools to use, but no guarantee for breaking through the spectrum.

Från radiofabrik till mediehus : medieförändring och medieproduktion på MTG-radio

Stiernstedt, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a study of how the Swedish media company MTG Radio has developed new strategies and production practices in relation to technological change, new competition and media convergence during the first decade of the 2000s. During this period the media landscape in general has been marked by digitization, the rise of new media platforms and competition from new media companies. The study engages in an ethnographical perspective on media production, but also takes its starting point in political-economic theories on media work (Banks 2007, Hesmondhalgh & Baker 2011, Ryan 1992) in order to raise questions about the relation between technological and organizational changes and relations of power in production. Empirically, the thesis builds on interviews with production staff as well as an analysis of production documents and content produced by MTG Radio. The analysis shows that digital production technologies contribute to anincreased automation and centralization of control over editorial decisions, and hence to “de-skilling” (Braverman 1974/1999, Örnebring 2010). On the other hand, strategies of multiplatform production and the organizational changes taking place contribute to an “upskilling” (Edgell 2012) and give DJs and presenters more autonomy and control within production. This strengthened autonomy involves their possibilities for reflexivity and critical self-evaluation, as well as their control over content and production. Finally, the thesis connects these results to the more overarching question of alienation, arguing that upskilling and increased autonomy do not automatically create better jobs within the media house, or necessarily represent emancipatory possibilities within media work, as has been argued in previous research and theory.

Kundinvolvering vid tjänsteutveckling : En studie om bankers kundinvolvering i dendigitala tjänsteutvecklingen / Customer involvement in service development : A study about banks customer involvement in the digital servicedevelopment

Kettis, Per, Filip, Eriksson January 2017 (has links)
During the 21st century banks have been going through big changes due to both digitization and increase in competition from niche banks. Furthermore, there has been a decrease in customer satisfaction during the last decade. The purpose of this study is therefore to clarify how the banks act in their work to stay competitive by cater their customers’ needs through customer involvement. The objective of this study has been to conduct in-depth interviews with two of the four big banks of Sweden. In-depth interviews were chosen to, in the best way possible, examine the underlying factors, and how they act when involving customers.The results obtained from the in-depth interviews was then analysed starting from the framework of theory found about the subject to create a perception whether the banks’ work corresponds with the contemporary research about the subject of customer involvement and customer focus. The result from the analysis then gave the authors the insights that the banks where, in a much greater extent than was thought, where working with both customer involvement and questions about digitization. This through a clear customer focus and strategic planning of how to assimilate information about their customers. The conclusion of the study is that the banks’ work is in line with what the researchers are advocating in their research about how to cater to customers’ needs through customer involvement. The banks have thereby created a foundation from which they can develop services the in the best way possible cancreate satisfied customers. / Under 2000-talet har bankerna genomgått stora förändringar med utmaningar från såväl digitalisering och ökad konkurrens från mindre nischbanker. Ytterligare har bankernas kundnöjdhet minskat under det senaste decenniet. Den här studien syftar därför till att klargöra hur bankerna arbetar för att vidhålla sin konkurrenskraftighet genom att tillgodose kundens behov med kundinvolvering. Det genom att genomföra djupintervjuer med två av de fyra storbankerna. Djupintervjuer valdes för att på ett så bra sätt som möjligt undersöka de bakomliggande faktorerna samt hur arbetet med deras kundinvolvering faktiskt ser ut. Resultatet som erhölls från djupintervjuerna har sedan analyserats med utgångspunkt från de teoretiska referensramar som sammansatts. Det för att skapa en uppfattning om huruvida bankernas arbete överensstämmer med den moderna forskningen kring kundinvolvering och kundfokus. Resultatet från analysen gav författarna insikten om att bankerna, i en långt vidare utsträckning än vad som uppfattats, arbetar med såväl kundinvolvering som frågor om digitalisering. Det genom tydlig kundfokus och strategiska planer för att tillgodogöra sig av kundens information. Studiens slutsats är att bankerna arbetar i det led forskarna förespråkar i sin forskning kring hur kundens behov till bästa sätt tillgodoses genom kundinvolvering. Bankerna har därmed skapat sig en grund till att utveckla tjänster som på bästa sätt skapar nöjda kunder.

DIGITALISERING INOM BANKSEKTORN : Hur uppfattar svenska storbanker och FinTech bolag de möjligheter och hot som uppkommer i samband med den ökande digitaliseringen? / DIGITIZING IN THE BANKING SECTOR : How do the big Swedish banks and FinTech companies perceive the different opportunities and threats related to the increased digitalization?

Babawi, Sadeer, Güner, Johannes January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: En stor del av den svenska ekonomin vilar på den svenska banksektorn. I och med den ökande digitaliseringen som blivit än mer påtaglig på senare tid har konkurrenssituationen bidragit till ett nytt utgångsläge än tidigare. Idag talas det om nya konkurrenter i banksektorn, som FinTech bolag, internationella banker och andra aktörer som börjar utmana svenska storbanker om fler marknadsandelar. Syfte och problemformulering: Syftet med arbetet är att identifiera, beskriva och förklara hur svenska storbanker och FinTech bolag uppfattar möjligheterna och hoten i samband med den ökande digitaliseringen inom banksektorn. Detta är för att försöka skapa en förståelse för förändringen av banksektorn i samband med digitaliseringen. Hur uppfattar svenska storbanker och FinTech bolag de möjligheter och hot som uppkommer i samband med den ökande digitaliseringen? Teoretisk referensram: De teorier som har använts under studien är isomorfismen med underbegreppen tvingande, imiterande och normativ isomorfism samt Porters strategiteori, femkraftsmodellen. En SWOT analys har använts för att enklare kunna identifiera bankernas styrkor, svagheter, möjligheter och hot i samband med digitaliseringen. Studien har även använt sig av tidigare forskning och tagit hänsyn till strävan efter legitimitet och krav på kostnadseffektivisering. Detta har använts som stöd till det empiriska resultat som samlats in för att enklare kunna analysera och därmed få problemformuleringen besvarad. Metod: Det empiriska materialet har samlats in med en kvalitativ metod. 5 informanter har medverkat i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Författarna till studien har identifierat och beskrivit flera faktorer till hur de uppfattar de möjligheter och de hot som finns i samband med den ökande digitaliseringen. Informanterna belyste både möjligheter och hot, exempelvis att regelverket PSD2 ökar konkurrensen och förbättrar situationen för mindre aktörer att konkurrera mot de större bankerna. Studien har även begränsats till svenska storbanker och FinTech bolag. / Introduction: A big part of the Swedish economy rests on the shoulders of the Swedish bank sector. Because of the increasing digitalization in recent times, the difference in competition has become substantially more evident and it has received a completely new starting point compared to before. The newest and most recent additions to the competition within the banking sector are examples such as FinTech companies, international banks and other parties that are also starting to compete with the big Swedish banks for market shares. Purpose and problem formulation: The purpose of this study is to describe the way the big Swedish banks and FinTech companies perceive the different opportunities and threats related to the increased digitalization that we see today. This will allow us to try and create an understanding of what the future might look like and what has already changed within the banking sector ever since the introduction of digitalization. How do the big Swedish banks and FinTech companies perceive the different opportunities and threats related to the increased digitalization? Theoretical frame of reference: The theories that have been used during the study are isomorphism with the notion of compelling, imitating and normative isomorphism as well as Porter's strategy theory, the five force model. A SWOT analysis has been used to more easily identify the banks' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats during the digitization. The study has also used previous research and taken into account the quest for legitimacy and demands for cost efficiency. This has become a support for the empirical results that have been collected in order to be able to analyze more easily, reach a conclusion and thus get the problem formulation answered. Method: The empirical material has been collected with a qualitative method. 5 informants have participated in semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The authors of the study have identified, described and explained several factors as to how they perceive opportunities and threats during the increasing digitization. The informants shared both opportunities and threats, such as the fact that the PSD2 regulations increase competition and improve the situation for smaller players to compete against the big banks. The study has also been limited to big Swedish banks and FinTech companies.

Digitalisering av byggsektorn / Digitalization of the constructional section

Al Sadi, Sarmad, Hododi, Dylan January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Den digitala utvecklingen inom byggproduktionssektorn ligger efter jämfört med många andra branscher och har fått ryktet om att vara rent av konservativ. Att säga att utvecklingen står stilla stämmer inte då majoriteten av företagen arbetar aktivt för en mer digitaliserad sektor. Trots detta domineras produktionsplatserna av pappersdokument, icke autonoma system och själva arbetet utförs mer eller mindre på samma sätt som det gjort i flera decennier. Trots att flertalet digitala verktyg och implementeringsmodeller finns tillgängliga möter dem inom byggproduktionssektorn en hel del motstånd. Denna rapport granskar de digitala innovationer som är på uppgång och som kan göra betydande nytta inom byggproduktion. Metod: Via sökmotorer på högskolans databas, samt internet gjordes insamling av rådata som sedan skulle analyseras och ligga till grund för kvalitativ insamlingsmetod. Litteraturstudien var grundpelaren som betingade de semistrukturerade intervjuerna, som i sin tur möjliggjorde en jämförelse mellan det teoretiska ramverket och intervjuresultat. Resultat: En klar majoriteten av de intervjuade aktörerna ansåg att 3D-skrivaren någon gång i framtiden kommer att inta byggsektorn. En implementering av 3D-skrivaren skulle medföra kortare produktionstider, reducerade produktionskostnader, eliminering av spill och mindre arbetskostnader. Autonoma systems inträde i byggproduktionssektorn kommer förmodligen inte ske inom en snar framtid då olika byggprojekt skiljer sig åt väldigt mycket. Hade byggandet blivit mer monotont skulle det underlätta väldigt mycket, men i dagsläget är sällan ett projekt det andra likt. Big data är en innovation som skulle kunna revolutionera byggbranschen på flera håll. Respondenterna förstod dock inte begreppets innebörd vilket tyder på att det inte satsas någonting på Big data inom produktionssektorn. Möjligheterna för Big data är många och det kan bland annat användas för effektivare kommunikation, effektivisering av produktionsplatsen, mer detaljerad koll på olika maskiner och mer kontrollerade material leveranser. Konsekvenser: För en allmänt lyckad implementering av 3D-skrivaren krävs det att även de mindre företagen kan införskaffa apparaten. De större företagen riskerar annars att konkurrera ut de mindre företagen. Då betong i allmänhet är ett material med förhållandevis hög miljöpåverkan medför detta konsekvenser för miljön som redan befinner sig i en utsatt position. Då det arbetas väldigt aktivt med att förbättra omvärldens miljöpåverkan är det därför viktigt att lägga fokus på att försöka producera mer miljövänlig betong. Begränsningar: Studien begränsades till ett fåtal svenska byggföretag i göteborgsregionen. I rapporten tas därför endast de fåtal respondenters åsikter med. / Purpose: The digital progress is slow within the constructional sector in comparison to other type of businesses and it has the reputation of being relatively conservative. To say that the progress is standing still would be mistake since the majority of constructional companies are working actively for a more digital construction site. Even though these companies are working hard towards a more digital sector the construction site is dominated by paper documents, non-autonomic systems and the labor is done the same way as it has been done for decades. Even though multiple digital tools and implementation models are available the construction sector is facing a lot of resistance. This report examines those digital innovations that are on the rampaging and can do a significant good within the construction sector. Method: Through search engines at the university's database, as well as the internet, collection of raw data was collected, which would then be analyzed and underlie for qualitative collection methods. The literature study was the foundation of the semistructured interviews, which in turn enabled a comparison between the theoretical framework and interview results. Findings: A vast majority of the interviewed participants believe that the 3D-printer sometime in the future may be used within the construction sector. An implementation of the 3D-printer would induce shorter production times, reduced production costs, elimination of waste and reduced costs for labor. Autonomic systems will probably not be implemented on construction sites within a short future since different construction projects are to diverse. If the construction would become more monotonic it would ease considerably, but today one project is rarely analogous to the other. Big data is an innovation that could revolutionize the construction sector in a lot of different ways. The respondents did not understand the meaning of the term, which interpret that it is not an innovation in focus for the time being. The possibilities of Big data are substantial and it could be used for more effective communication, more efficiency within the construction site, more detailed checkups of machinery and more controlled building material checkups. Implications: For a generally successful implementation of 3D-printers they need to be affordable for the smaller companies. Otherwise the larger firms risk to put the smaller firms out of business. Since concrete is a material with a relatively large impact on the environment this may cause consequences for the environment in the future since its already in an exposed situation. Since it´s globally working actively with improving the environment the focus should be in producing more environmentally acceptable concrete for the 31d-printers. Limitations: The study was limited to a handful of Swedish constructional companies within the Gothenburg region. In the report, only the opinions of a few respondent are taken to consideration.

Journalism in the digital age: Transformation and convergence in China

Li, Yingchao January 2019 (has links)
This study explores how Chinese digital journalism transformation in the context of media convergence. The research asks the following questions: How is the Chinese journalism transforming according to the changes of journalism production and users’ consumption in the digital era? Is there any difference between traditional journalism and digital journalism considering the journalistic quality in China? How does digital journalism influence the work situation of Chinese journalists? The research was conducted by mix qualitative and quantitative design and it is based on 8 in-depth interviews with Chinese journalists and an online questionnaire (n=300) on consumers. By conducting these two different kinds of empirical data, it could present the reaction of digital journalism transformation from both journalists and users. Based on the theoretical framework of media convergence and journalistic quality, the analysis was carried out on three levels: A) Chinese journalism transformation during the media convergence; B) Journalistic quality within the Chinese journalism industry; C) The impact of digital journalism on journalists work situation. The main results showed that digital transformation is under the media convergence trend in China. From Chinese users’ side, the consumption of digital journalism production is accessible and traditional journalism was more trustworthy than digital journalism. From Chinese journalists’ side, the journalistic production in traditional journalism has the journalistic quality which is more accurate and authoritative. In the digital era, the journalists working life were busy and the new media workers were more stressed than journalists in traditional media organizations.

O uso do livro eletrônico no ensino superior sob a ótica dos professores universitários e profissionais de editoras / Ebook usage in universities from the point of view of professors and publishing company professionals

Pinsky, Daniel 15 May 2009 (has links)
A digitalização e a popularização da internet podem fazer o livro impresso, que existe há mais de quinhentos anos, desaparecer em um futuro próximo. Diversos produtos pertencentes à mesma indústria de bens informativos, como a música, vêm atualmente sendo entregues pela indústria e consumidos de maneira bastante diferente de alguns anos atrás. Livros continuam sendo majoritariamente consumidos em seu formato impresso. Por quê? O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar as diferenças de percepção sobre a adoção de livros didáticos eletrônicos entre professores universitários e profissionais da indústria editorial. A pesquisa utiliza o método survey e o instrumento desenvolvido por Moore e Benbasat (1991) sobre adoção de inovações. Foram pesquisadas as percepções de professores universitários e profissionais de editoras sobre a possível utilização de livros eletrônicos didáticos no lugar de impressos. As conclusões indicam que os professores estão mais preparados para a utilização de livros eletrônicos do que imaginam os profissionais de editoras. / The digitization and the spread of the internet may result in the extinction of the printed book, that has existed for more than 500 years. Many products that belongs to the same information industry, like thes the music, are currently being provided by the industry and consumed in radically different manners as compared to just few years ago. Books still have been consumed mainly in the printed format. Why is that? The main objective of this research is to identify the differences in perception about the adoption of electronic didactic books among university professors and publishing professionals. This research uses the Survey as its method and the instrument developed by Moore and Benbasat (1991) about the adoption of innovations. Professors´ and Publishing professionals´ perceptions were investigated in what it concerned the possible use of electronic didactic books replacing the printed. It is concluded that professors are more prepared to make use of electronic books than it is imagined by the publishing professionals.

How Digital Transformation Changes Work Design : A Butterfly Emerging from its Chrysalis?

Janssen, Marike Susan, Merk, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Due to rapid technological development and its increasing impact on our everyday life, the way we work, and the conditions under which we do so, organizations may lose their competitive edge if they do not participate in the digital transformation. Extant literature highlights individually researched areas on how digital transformation changes work design such as virtual teams or communication technologies but rarely examines the phenomenon in more general terms. However, because work design is vital for a range of outcomes including but not limited to employee cognitions and learning, productivity and innovation, job satisfaction and commitment, as well as employee health and well-being providing a broad view on how digital transformation affects work design in today’s organizations is beneficial. Therefore, this Master Thesis provides an overarching picture of the changes in work design owed to digital transformation in contemporary societies, combining previously researched change dimensions with new insights from empirical data in a comprehensive framework. Two different qualitative methods, an online qualitative expert survey conducted with 39 participants followed by three semi-structured expert interviews revealed that changes in work design owed to digital transformation can - in line with the literature reviewed prior to conducting the study though varingly strong discussed - be categorized into the following six domains: Performance measurements, higher job demands and increasing competency requirements, increasing technologization, increased influence, work-life setup, communication and collaboration. Next to that, results suggest performance measurements as another change dimension evolving from digital transformation. Moreover, this Master Thesis suggests a strong relation between changes in work design and changes in leadership owed to digital transformation, wherefore future research may aim to study the interrelations between changes in both subject areas in more depth.

Comando e controle no contexto da digitalização : um estudo com base em modelagem computacional / Command and control in the context of digitization: a study based on computational modeling

Bertol, Frederico Licks January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe uma discussão em torno dos impactos da digitalização sobre sistemas militares de comando e controle. A hipótese central é que o emprego intensivo de tecnologias digitais está associado a um maior risco de sobrecarga informacional nesses sistemas. Isso se aplica em especial às forças militares que adotaram doutrinas de viés tecnocrático, como a guerra centrada em redes. No primeiro capítulo, discutimos o contexto no qual nosso tema de pesquisa se insere, fazendo uma breve retrospectiva do processo de digitalização e também definindo alguns conceitos-chave. No segundo capítulo, em formato de artigo, apresentamos o modelo computacional que foi desenvolvido para simular o funcionamento de um sistema de comando e controle sob a condição de sobrecarga informacional. O artigo também reúne uma revisão crítica das abordagens sobre comando e controle, com ênfase na literatura sobre guerra centrada em redes. O terceiro e último capítulo traz algumas conclusões sobre o emprego da modelagem computacional como metodologia de pesquisa e o estado atual do debate sobre guerra centrada e redes. / This work proposes a discussion on the impacts of digitization over military command and control systems. The central hypothesis is that the intensive deployment of digital technologies is associated to a greater risk of informational overload in those systems. This applies especially to military forces that have adopted doctrines with a technocratic bias, such as the network-centric warfare. In the first chapter, we discuss the context that encompass our research topic, making a brief retrospective of the process of digitization and defining some key concepts. In the second chapter, in form of article, we present the computational model developed for simulating the operation of a command and control system under the condition of informational overload. The article also contains a critical review on the command and control approaches, with emphasis on the literature about network-centric warfare. The third and last chapter brings out some conclusions regarding the use of computational modeling as a research method and the current state of the debate on network-centric warfare.

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