Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iip"" "subject:"imip""
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Evaluation of alternatives to synthetic fungicides to control citrus postharvest diseasesMontesinos Herrero, Clara Isabel 05 May 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Citrus spp. (Rutaceae) are the most widely produced fruits and they are grown in over a hundred countries. During postharvest, major losses are caused by fungal diseases, that for decades have been controlled by treatments with synthetic fungicides. However, their use is continuously more restricted by distributors and supermarket chains, which lower the Maximum Residue Level (MRL) to one third of the authorized or even ban the use of certain fungicides. This has loss of efficacy of treatments and development of resistant strains of pathogens. Alternatives are necessary to substitute or combine the use of synthetic fungicides. The objective of the present work was to evaluate alternative treatments against green and blue molds, caused by Penicillium digitatum (Pers.: Fr.) Sacc. and Penicillium italicum Wehmer, respectively. Food additives and GRAS substances were tested in in vivo preliminary tests against green and blue molds. Potassium sorbate (PS) (Chapter 2) and sodium benzoate (SB) (Chapter 1) were the most effective. 60-s dips in 3% (w/v) SB above 50°C reduced by 90% green and blue mold incidence on 'Valencia' oranges after 7 days at 20°C. This treatment was also effective on 'Lanelate' oranges, 'Fino' lemons and 'Ortanique' mandarins, but not on 'Clemenules' mandarins. Heated solutions combining SB with low doses of imazalil (IMZ) were synergistic. In semi-commercial trials with 'Marisol' Clementine mandarins, the combination PS+IMZ at 20°C allowed a significant reduction of the IMZ doses still controlling green mold. A new colorimetric method that employed extraction of PS from macerated fruit, followed by reaction with 2-thiobarbituric acid (Chapter 3) showed that in oranges treated with PS and stored at 15°C, residues declined initially rapidly and later more slowly, until residues stopped declining after 6 d. A brief double-dip rinse in tap water, immediately after immersion of lemons in a 2% (w/v) PS, removed more than 90% of PS residue. Exposure at 33ºC with 15 kPa CO2 for 24 h or 30 kPa O2 for 48 h effectively controlled both green and blue molds after 7 days of incubation at 20ºC, but control of both diseases lowered after 15 days (Chapter 4). Combining PS dip treatments with gas exposure showed a synergistic effect, that maintained the efficacy of combined treatments during 15 days. In cold storage, after 14, 28, and 42 days, green mold incidence on 'Clemenules' and 'Ortanique' mandarins treated with PS dips and 30kPa O2 for 48h was reduced by 100, 96 and 68%, and 100, 97 and 79%, respectively. Again, a synergistic effect between treatments was observed (Chapter 5). Postharvest green mold and blue molds were effectively controlled by fumigation of lemons and oranges for 6 h at 22ºC with two applied dosages of 3000 ¿L L-1 of ammonia that was injected initially and again 2 h later (Chapter 6). Ammonia fumigation controlled an IMZ-resistant isolate of P. digitatum. When fruit were first immersed in 10 or 30 mg L-1 IMZ (about 10% of typical commercial rates) before ammonia fumigation, a single fumigation with 1500 ¿L L-1 of ammonia was adequate to control both diseases and the increase in effectiveness was additive or synergistic. All these treatments, at different degrees, could replace synthetic fungicides or augment IMZ performance in citrus postharvest decay management. The development of green and blue molds on the most commercially important citrus species and cultivars was assessed for four consecutive harvest seasons and associated with fruit quality parameters (Chapter 7). Fruit susceptibility of the cultivars to green mold in increasing order was Nova, Sanguinelli, Ortanique, Lanelate, Navelate, Fortune, Clemenules, Valencia, W. Navel, Oronules, Clemenpons, Marisol, Salustiana, Hernandina, and Nadorcott. Peel characteristics were the most influencing quality parameters on the susceptibility of citrus fruit to green and blue molds. / [ES] Los cítricos (Citrus spp. fam. Rutaceae) son la fruta más consumida a nivel mundial y se cultivan en más de un centenar de países. Durante el manejo en poscosecha, la mayor parte de las pérdidas se deben a enfermedades fúngicas, que durante décadas se han controlado mediante tratamientos con fungicidas de síntesis. Sin embargo, su uso está continuamente más restringido por parte de los distribuidores y cadenas de supermercados, que reducen el Límite Máximo de Residuos (LMR) a un tercio del establecido o incluso prohíben el uso de ciertos fungicidas. Esto ha provocado la pérdida de eficacia de los tratamientos y el desarrollo de cepas de patógenos resistentes a los fungicidas. Se necesitan pues alternativas para sustituir o combinar con el uso de fungicidas de síntesis. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar tratamientos alternativos contra las podredumbres verde y azul, causadas por Penicillium digitatum (Pers.: Fr.) Sacc. y Penicillium italicum Wehmer, respectivamente. Aditivos alimentarios y sustancias GRAS se probaron en test in vivo preliminaries contra los mohos verde y azul. El benzoato sódico (BS; Capítulo 1) y el sorbato potásico (SP; Capítulo 2) fueron los más eficaces. Baños de 60 s en 3% (p/v) BS sobre 50°C redujeron en un 90% la incidencia de las podredumbres verde y azul en naranjas 'Valencia Late' tras 7 días a 20°C. Estos tratamientos fueron también efectivos en naranjas 'Lanelate', limones 'Fino' y mandarinas híbridas 'Ortanique', pero no en mandarinas 'Clemenules'. La combinación de baños calientes de BS con dosis bajas de imazalil (IMZ) fueron sinérgicas. Un nuevo método colorimétrico que empleó la extracción del SP de la fruta macerada, seguido de una reacción con ácido 2-tiobabitúrico (Capítulo 3) mostró que en naranjas tratadas con SP almacenadas a 15°C, los residuos descendieron rápidamente al inicio y lentamente más tarde, hasta que dejaron de descender tras 6 días. Un doble aclarado rápido con agua corriente inmediatamente después de la inmersión de limones en SP al 2% (p/v), eliminó más del 90% del residuo de SP. Los choques gaseosos a 33ºC y 15kPa CO2 durante 24 h o 30 kPa O2 durante 48 h controlaron de manera eficaz las podredumbres verde y azul tras 7 días de incubación a 20ºC, pero el control de las dos podredumbres descendió tras 15 días (Capítulo 4). En almacenamiento en frío, tras 14, 28 y 42 días, la incidencia de moho verde en mandarinas 'Clemenules' y 'Ortanique' tratadas con baños con SP y 30kPa O2 durante 48h se redujo en un 100, 96 y 68%, y 100, 97 y 79%, respectivamente. De nuevo, una fuerte sinergia se observó entre los tratamientos (Capítulo 5). Las podredumbres verde y azul se controlaron eficazmente mediante la fumigación de limones y naranjas durante 6 h a 22ºC con dos dosis de 3000 ¿L L-1 amoniaco, inyectadas al inicio del tratamiento y 2 h después (Capítulo 6). El tratamiento con amoniaco controló una cepa de P. digitatum resistente a IMZ. Cuando la fruta se bañó en 10 o 30 mg L-1 IMZ (un 10% de la dosis comercial) antes de la fumigación con amoniaco, una sola aplicación con 1500 ¿L L-1 amoniaco fue suficiente para controlar las dos podredumbres, y el incremento en la eficacia fue aditivo o sinérgico. Todos estos tratamientos, a diferentes niveles, podrían sustituir a los fungicidas de síntesis o aumentar la eficacia de los tratamientos con IMZ en el manejo poscosecha de los cítricos. El desarrollo de las podredumbres verde y azul en las especies y variedades de cítricos más importantes comercialmente se evaluó durante cuatro campañas consecutivas y se relacionó con los parámetros de calidad de la fruta (Capítulo 7). La susceptibilidad de los cultivares en orden creciente fue Nova, Sanguinelli, Ortanique, Lanelate, Navelate, Fortune, Clemenules, Valencia, W. Navel, Oronules, Clemenpons, Marisol, Salustiana, Hernandina, y Nadorcott. Las características de la corteza fueron los parámetros de calidad / [CA] Els cítrics (Citrus spp. fam. Rutaceae) son la fruita més consumida a nivell mundial i es cultiven en un centenar de països. Durant la poscollita, la major part de les pèrdues es deuen a malalties fúngiques, que durant dècades s'han controlat mitjançant tractaments amb fungicides de síntesi. No obstant, l'ús d'aquestes pràctiques està contínuament més restringit per part dels distribuïdors y cadenes de supermercats, que redueixen el Límit Màxim de Residus (LMR) a un terç del permès per la legislació o inclús prohibeixen l'ús d'alguns fungicides. Açò ha provocat la minora de l'eficàcia dels tractaments poscollita i el desenvolupament de soques dels patògens resistents als fungicides. Es necessari per lo tant trobar i implementar alternatives per a substituir o combinar l'ús de fungicides de síntesi. L'objectiu d'aquest treball ha sigut avaluar tractaments alternatius contra les podridures verda i blava, causades per Penicillium digitatum (Pers.: Fr.) Sacc. i Penicillium italicum Wehmer, respectivament. Additius alimentaris i substàncies GRAS es provaren en test in vivo preliminars contra les podridures verda i blava. El benzoat sòdic (BS; Capítol 1) i el sorbat potàsic (SP; Capítol 2) foren els més eficaços. Solucions calentes de BS combinades amb baixes dosis d'imazalil (IMZ) foren sinèrgiques. Esta combinació va reduir l'incidència de les podridures verda i blava en quasi el 100% en taronges 'Valencia Late' després de 8 setmanes a 5°C i 7 dies a 20°C. En assajos semicomercials mandarines 'Marisol', la combinació SP+IMZ a 20°C va permetre una baixada significativa de la dosis de IMZ sense perdre eficàcia contra la podridura verda. Un nou mètode colorimètric que inclou l'extracció del SP de la fruita macerada, seguit d'una reacció amb àcid 2-tiobabitúric (Capítol 3) mostrà que en taronges tractades amb SP conservades a 15°C, els residus descendiren ràpidament al inici i lentament mes tard, fins que deixaren de descendir després de 6 dies. Un doble rentat ràpid amb aigua corrent immediatament després de d'immersió de llimones en SP al 2% (p/v), eliminà més del 90% del residu de SP. Els xocs gasosos a 33ºC i 15kPa CO2 durant 24 h o 30 kPa O2 durant 48 h controlaren de manera eficaç les podridures verda i blava després de 7 dies d'incubació a 20ºC, però el control de les dos podridures descendí després de 15 dies (Capítol 4). La combinació de banys amb SP i xocs gasosos mostrà un efecte sinèrgic, que mantingué l'eficàcia dels tractaments combinats durant 15 dies. En conservacions en fred, després de 14, 28 i 42 dies, d'incidència de podridura verda en mandarines 'Clemenules' i 'Ortanique' tractades en banys amb SP i 30kPa O2 durant 48h es reduí en un 100, 96 i 68%, i 100, 97 i 79%, respectivament. De nou, una forta sinergia s'observà entre els tractaments (Capítol 5). Les podridures verda i blava es controlaren eficaçment mitjançant la fumigació de llimones i taronges durant 6 h a 22ºC amb dos dosis de 3000 ¿L L-1 amoníac, injectades al inici del tractament i 2 h després (Capítol 6). El tractament amb amoníac controlà una soca de P. digitatum amb un alt nivell de resistència a IMZ. Tots estos tractaments, a diferents nivells, podrien substituir als fungicides de síntesis o augmentar l'eficàcia dels tractaments amb IMZ en el maneig poscollita dels cítrics. El desenvolupament de les podridures verda i blava en les especies y varietats de cítrics més importants comercialment s'avaluà durant quatre campanyes consecutives i es relacionà amb els paràmetres de qualitat de la fruita (Capítol 7). La susceptibilitat dels distints cultivars en ordre creixent fon Nova, Sanguinelli, Ortanique, Lanelate, Navelate, Fortune, Clemenules, Valencia, W. Navel, Oronules, Clemenpons, Marisol, Salustiana, Hernandina, i Nadorcott. Les característiques de la pell foren els paràmetres de qualitat més influents en la susceptibilitat dels cítrics a les pod / Montesinos Herrero, CI. (2016). Evaluation of alternatives to synthetic fungicides to control citrus postharvest diseases [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63662 / Compendio
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Fault Box Modeling of Dip Slip Faults: A Framework for Fault Box Design and Future StudiesPressnell, Hailey 01 January 2025 (has links) (PDF)
The behavior of soils during surface fault rupture is a serious concern in the planning and design of infrastructure that may be located within or near a fault zone. Challenges associated with developing mitigation measures for surface fault rupture include the uncertainty of fault rupture and the variability of fault behavior. Current analytical procedures define surface fault rupture according to the type of fault movement (strike slip, normal or reverse), the amount of displacement on the fault, and the mechanics of the material overlying the fault. The purpose of this thesis is to reconfirm analytical solutions and gain a better understanding of the mechanics of dip slip surface fault rupture. Specifically, this study focuses on analyzing the influence of soil density/stiffness and fault angle on rupture propagation and distributed surface displacements. While direct experimental results are not obtained, a constructed fault box and planned trials inform a framework for predicting the outcomes of these trials using existing literature. These prior studies provide a basis for forecasting the surface deformation patterns and propagation behavior that the planned trials would have revealed, offering valuable insights into fault rupture mechanics. The fault box, a 2-meter-long by 0.5-meter-wide fault box filled with 0.45 meters of Monterey #2/16 sand, was designed to examine the factors that influence the rupture propagation of alluvial soils overlying dip slip faults. The faulting apparatus consists of a scissor jack mechanism that replicates basal displacement by moving one half of the box relative to the stationary half at interchangeable fault angles. Planned trials involved using Monterey #2/16 sand prepared configurations of dense, loose, and layered loose-over-dense material to represent different geological conditions. In these planned experiments, ruptures would be driven until a clear shear band developed in the overlying sand and reached the surface. By synthesizing findings from prior studies, this research predicts that dense sands create concentrated shear bands with larger surface displacements and distinct surface ruptures, while loose sands result in more diffuse deformations over broader shear bands with less defined surface expressions. Additionally, shallow fault angles result in broader deformation zones, as the lower angle directs stress over a wider area. In layered soil configurations, density contrasts further influence deformation patterns, with transitions between layers influencing the extent and localization of surface displacements. These findings demonstrate that fault orientation and soil density control the nature of surface fault rupture.
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Intégration et mesures de magnéto-transport de nano-objets magnétiques obtenus par voie chimiqueDugay, Julien 13 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude du transport électronique dans des nano-objets métalliques et magnétiques issus de la chimie est un challenge en spintronique. En particulier, le manque de résultats expérimentaux révèle la difficulté à positionner ces nano-objets entre des électrodes de mesures tout en préservant leurs propriétés (magnétisme, intégrité des barrières tunnel organiques...). Ce travail de thèse vise à contourner ces difficultés et à étudier le magnétotransport dans ces systèmes. Pour cela, nous avons conçu et développé à l'intérieur d'une boîte à gants couplée à un bâti de pulvérisation cathodique des systèmes expérimentaux d'assemblages de nano-objets. Nous avons étudié les mécanismes mis en jeu lors de l'assemblage par la technique de dip coating, et réussi à déposer des monocouches de nanoparticules (NPs) de natures différentes (FeCo, Fe, Co) sur des surfaces d'Au, de SiO2 et de résine fine (40 nm). Ces résultats, couplés à une technique de nanoindentation, ont permis de mesurer quelques - voire une- NP(s). Une autre technique, la diélectrophorèse, s'est révélée simple et efficace pour piéger et orienter des nano-objets de taille, de nature, et de forme différentes entre des électrodes. Grâce à cette technique et au dépôt d'une couche protectrice d'alumine, nous avons étudié les propriétés de magnétotransport de plusieurs types de nano-objets sensibles à l'oxydation ou à la vapeur d'eau: NPs de Fe, de Co, FeCo et [Fe(H-trz)2(trz)](BF4)] (composés à transition de spin). Trois jeux de barrières tunnel organiques greffés sur des NPs de fer ont présenté de la magnétorésistance tunnel jusqu'à température ambiante. De plus, des nano-objets de [Fe(H-trz)2(trz)](BF4)] de facteurs de forme variable, ont montré une variation de la conductance liée à la transition de spin. Enfin, nous avons étudié l'influence de la longueur des ligands sur les propriétés de conductions de NPs de Cobalt, qui a validé nos méthodes d'échange de ligands et ont pu être analysées quantitativement. Nos travaux rendent désormais envisageable l'utilisation de NPs issues de la chimie dans différents domaines de la spintronique.
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Environmental influences on the physiological and behavioural growth responses in salmonids : with reference to the growth-dip phenomenonSprague, Matthew January 2006 (has links)
Photoperiod manipulations are widely used throughout the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farming industry as a means of producing a product of uniform quality all-year round. However, farmers still remain sceptical over their effectiveness to regulate growth and maturation during the on-growing stage. Furthermore, reports of a characteristic growth-dip following light exposure suggest that light may negatively affect the physiological performance of fish in the short-term. Thus, this thesis investigates the effects of light characteristics (spectral quality, intensity and photoperiod) on growth and maturation of salmonid fish and addresses some of the uncertainties surrounding photoperiod use currently reported within the industry. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are seemingly an ideal model species for examining photoperiod effects on growth. Consequently, the application of constant light exposure (LL) at two different intensities (28W and 16W) during two different thermal conditions (summer and winter) was examined on individually tagged fish. Feed intake and growth appeared to be related to the ambient water temperature and did not appear to be affected by intensity or photoperiod, although the onset of constant light did appear to initially affect growth rate. This may indicate that LL has a limiting effect on the growth of trout or that the prevailing water temperature at which light is applied may override the photoperiodic effect. Furthermore, the lack of enhanced growth in trout exposed to LL, unlike that demonstrated for other salmonids, suggest that there may be a species-specific response to environmental variables. Thus, questions regarding photoperiod effects should be limited to the species in question. The main source of variation in results observed under photoperiod manipulations stems from the salmon industry. Atlantic salmon post-smolts were reared in seawater tanks and either maintained under a natural photoperiod (NP) or exposed to a simulated natural photoperiod (SNP), constant light superimposed on the natural light (NPLL) or constant light only (LL). Artificial light onset, irrespective of photoperiod, resulted in an apparent trend for a reduced appetite lasting up to 60 days. Furthermore, the onset of constant light resulted in a significant chronic elevation of plasma cortisol levels and changes to growth and thyroid hormone levels, providing direct evidence that constant light exposure induces stress. In addition, fish exposed to SNP failed to exhibit a stress response despite a low feed intake. However, differences in the plasma melatonin levels during twilight times, as compared to NP, suggest that gradual changes in the natural light intensity throughout the day, particularly around dawn and dusk, may be important for synchronizing daily events. No differences in growth were observed between the NP and NPLL regimes, although fish reared in an enclosed regime (SNP and LL) exhibited a significantly lower weight gain than fish in an open environment (NP and NPLL). This further highlights the impact that the rearing environment has on the growth performances of fish and the need for commercially run trials. Advances in lighting technologies and a greater understanding of how light is transformed through the water column have focussed research on the spectral sensitivity of fish. Therefore the lighting efficiency of novel blue narrow bandwidth LED lighting units through the water column and their effects on growth and maturation performances of salmon reared in commercial production cages were compared against the standard metal halide units currently utilized throughout the industry. LL application, irrespective of intensity or spectrum, reduced the numbers of fish maturing as compared to fish reared under a natural photoperiod. However, this was greatest under the standard metal halide units reflecting a greater light penetration and perception as determined by plasma melatonin levels. The metal halide groups exhibited the greatest relative weight gain over the trial period as compared to control fish. No evidence was observed for a growth-dip under metal halide light, although blue lit treatments exhibited an initial significant reduction in food consumption, suggesting a possible welfare issue. Nevertheless, the prototype blue LED units showed possible potential for commercial application by penetrating the water depth at half the distance of the metal halide units for only one eighth the power and one fifth the brightness. However, further tests of these prototype spectral units are required to examine the potential welfare and physiological growth and reproductive effects. These studies have shown that the efficacy of artificial light regimes is largely dependent upon the effectiveness of the light source through the underwater environment and its perception by fish, providing a sufficient intensity is emitted exceeding the physiological threshold level for the species cultured. Moreover, whilst the onset of artificial light may elicit a stress response and demonstrate a trend for a suppression of appetite for salmon reared in experimental tanks, no compelling evidence for a suppression of appetite or growth was found under normal commercial cage conditions. This suggests that the growth-dip observed within the industry may in part be a combination of a physiological response to the onset of light further exaggerated by the farmer’s perception and altered judgement in feeding. In addition, the results obtained from this study have helped to standardize the use of light regimes within the industry. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to fully elucidate the underlying mechanisms which may govern growth and maturation in fish following the onset of light exposure.
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Uma Abordagem para Detecção Automática de Planos em Modelos Digitais de Afloramentos Baseada em PCAGomes, Róbson Koszeniewski 19 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Nara Lays Domingues Viana Oliveira (naradv) on 2015-07-15T18:16:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2014 / PROCERGS - Companhia de Processamento Dados do Estado Rio Grande Sul / A coleta de dados espaciais tem sido intensamente empregada na área geológica, através da técnica de LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging). Este tipo de sensoriamento digital remoto de alta resolução e precisão, resulta em modelos digitais 3D que permitem uma análise mais detalhada e quantitativa de estruturas heterôgeneas, como afloramentos. Um dos estudos realizados pelos geólogos são análises sobre a geometria da formação de rochas, onde a informação de orientação de um plano inclinado é um indicativo para a compreensão global da estrutura. Este trabalho propõe a utilização da técnica de Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) para calcular e detectar automaticamente todos os planos em uma nuvem de pontos. Uma ferramenta foi construída para implementar a visualização do modelo digital e apurar os melhores planos. Um estudo foi realizado a fim de validar as informações encontradas pelo método proposto e dados medidos em campo. / The use of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) systems for gathering spatial data has been extensively used in geological studies. This type of digital remote sensing delivers high resolution and accuracy, resulting in 3D digital models which allow a more detailed and quantitative analysis of heterogeneous structures, as outcrops. One of the studies is based on analysis of the forming rocks geometry. The orientation of a slope plane is an indication for the overall undestanding of the structure. This work proposes a new method to automatically compute and detect all possible planes in a point cloud, based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) technique. A software tool was constructed to implement the digital model visualization and compute the best planes. A study was conducted to compare and validate the results of the method and the field data collected.
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Textil fotokatalytisk vattenreningsreaktor : Optimering av beredningsparametrar för titandioxidbeläggning på polyestersubstrat ämnad för vattenrening / Textile photocatalytic water purifying system : Optimization of the processing parameters of the titanium dioxide coating on the polyester substrates designed for water purificationHelenius, Emma January 2012 (has links)
I denna kandidatuppsats avlägsnas organiska föroreningar från vatten genom användning av textilier, vars yta belagts med nanopartiklar utav ämnet titandioxid. När titandioxid belyses med UV-strålning sker en fotokatalytisk reaktion, vilket i sin tur bryter ned bland annat bakterier och organiska färgämnen. I hopp om att finna ultimat vidhäftning mot textil passande titandioxid har olika typer av beläggningar studerats; akrylbaserade, sol-gel och slutligen en hybrid. Dessutom har fem olika konstruktioner av textila bindningar jämförts i syfte att undersöka dess påverkan på den fotokatalytiska effekten. Förorenade vatten är ett stort problem, både i utvecklingsländer och i industriella sammanhang. Att använda en textil fr att rena nedsmutsat vatten är en lockande tanke, speciellt attraktivt är förmågan att dra nytta av endast solenergi. En av fördelarna med textilier inom området är möjligheten att tillverka stora tygareor på ett enkelt och kostnadseffektivt vis.Elementär analys visade att TiO2-partikellager på textilierna fastande i olika grad beroende på beläggningsteknik. Avfärgning genom nedbrytning av metylenblått studerades under sollampa. Proverna utvärderades genom att vid bestämda tidpunkter avläsa kromavärdet på färglösningen. För att erhålla mer information om textilernas effekt gjordes även en bakterieanalys, samt bildtagning i ytterlig förstorning med SEM. Resultaten visade goda fotokatalytiska egenskaper för samtliga beläggningar, däribland är akryl- och hybridbeläggningarna mest lovande. Utöver det visade de textila bindningarna på substratens konstruktioner ha en påverkan på den vattenrenande effekten.In this bachelor essay work organic contaminants are removed from water using textiles, whose surface is coated with nanoparticles of titanium dioxide. When titanium dioxide is illuminated with UV radiation a photocatalytic reaction occurs, which in turn degrades substances such as bacteria and organic dyes. In hope of finding the ultimate adhesion for a textile coating suitable with titanium dioxide, various types of coatings are studies; acrylicbased, sol-gel and finally a hybrid coating. In addition, five different structures of textiles are compared in order to examine their different outcome in photocatalytic effect.Contaminated water is a major problem in both developing countries and industrial context. The use of a fabric to purify polluted water is an attractive idea, especially because the ability to exploit only solar energy. One of the benefits with use of fabric is the ability to producelarge areas of fabric, a process which is both simple and costeffective.Elemental analyses showed varying degree of fasten of the particle layer of TiO2 depending on the coating technology used. Decolorization by degradation of methylene blue was studied under a solar energy AM 1,5 lamp. The samples were evaluated by reading the chroma value of the color solution at specified moments. To obtain more information the coated textiles went through bacterial analysis, as well as picture shooting in extreme magnification with SEM. The results showed good photocatalytic properties for all coatings, among them were the acrylic coating and the hybrid most promising. In addition, results showed that depending on textile structures different effects in water purification was achieved. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen
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MARTE based model driven design methodology for targeting dynamically reconfigurable FPGA based SoCsQuadri, Imran Rafiq 20 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse sont effectuées dans le cadre des Systèmes sur puce (SoC, Systemon Chip) et la conception de systèmes embarqués en temps réel, notamment dédiés au domaine de la reconfiguration dynamique, liés à ces systèmes complexes. Dans ce travail, nous présentons un nouveau flot de conception basé sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM/MDE) et le profilMARTE pour la conception conjointe du SoC, la spécification et la mise en oeuvre de ces systèmes sur puce reconfigurables, afin d'élever les niveaux d'abstraction et de réduire la complexité du système. La première contribution relative à cette thèse est l'identification des parties de systèmes sur puce reconfigurable dynamiquement qui peuvent être modélisées au niveau d'abstraction élevé. Cette thèse adapte une approche dirigée par l'application et cible les modèles d'application de haut niveau pour être traités comme des régions dynamiques des SoCs reconfigurables. Nous proposons aussi des modèles de contrôle générique pour la gestion de ces régions au cours de l'exécution en temps réel. Bien que cette sémantique puisse être introduite à différents niveaux d'abstraction d'un environnent pour la conception conjointe du SoC, nous insistons tout particulièrement sur sa fusion au niveau du déploiement, qui relie la propriété intellectuelle avec les éléments modélisés à haut niveau de conception. En outre, ces concepts ont été intégrés dans le méta-modèleMARTE et le profil correspondant afin de fournir une extension adéquate pour exprimer les caractéristiques de reconfiguration à la modélisation de haut niveau. La seconde contribution est la proposition d'un méta-modèle intermédiaire, qui isole les concepts présents au niveau transfert de registre (RTL-Register Transfer Level). Ce méta-modèle intègre les concepts chargés de l'exécution matérielle des applications modélisées, tout en enrichissant la sémantique de contrôle, provoquant la création d'un accélérateur matériel reconfigurable dynamiquement avec plusieurs implémentations disponibles. Enfin, en utilisant les transformations de modèlesMDE et les principes correspondants, nous sommes en mesure de générer des codeHDL équivalents à différentes implémentations de l'accélérateur reconfigurable ainsi que différents codes source en langage C/C++ liés au contrôleur de reconfiguration, qui est finalement responsable de la commutation entre les différentes mplémentations. Enfin, notre flot de conception a été vérifié avec succès dans une étude de cas liée à un système anti-radar de détection de collision. Une composante clé intégrante de ce système a été modélisée en utilisant les spécifications MARTE étendu et le code généré a été utilisé dans la conception et la mise en oeuvre d'un SoC sur un FPGA reconfigurable dynamiquement.
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Seismic-Reflection and Seismic-Refraction Imaging of the South Portuguese Zone Fold-and-Thrust BeltSchmelzbach, Cedric January 2007 (has links)
The South Portuguese Zone (SPZ), which host world-class massive sulphide deposits, forms the southern fold-and-thrust belt of the Iberian Variscan orogeny. This thesis focuses on seismic-reflection and seismic-refraction processing efforts on a subset of the IBERSEIS deep seismic-reflection data set aiming at resolving the SPZ upper crust in high resolution. A comparison of different crooked-line seismic-reflection imaging schemes showed that a processing sequence involving dip-moveout corrections, a common-midpoint projection, and poststack time migration of common-offset gathers provided the most coherent images considering the crooked acquisition geometry. Correlation with surface-geological data allows four units of different reflection character to be identified: the ~0–2 km deep Upper Carboniferous Flysch group, the highly reflective ~2–4 km thick and up to ~5 km deep Volcano-Sedimentary Complex (VSC) group, and two deep Paleozoic metasedimentary units, with the shallower Phyllite-Quartzite group exposed in an antiform. Prominent diffracted energy was enhanced using a modified Kirchhoff imaging routine. High reflectivity and distinct diffractions mark extensive dike bands at 6–12 km depth, possibly related to the intense hydrothermal activity that led to the formation of the ore-bearing VSC group. Source-generated noise obscures potential signals from depths shallower than ~500m depth on the seismic-reflection sections. P- and SV-wave first-arrival traveltimes were inverted for velocity models imaging the shallowest crust. Overall, the velocity models correlate well with surface-geological data marking high (>5.25 km/s) and uniform P-velocities for the Flysch unit in the southern SPZ. A prominent P-wave low-velocity body (~4.5 km/s) is resolved where the Phyllite-Quartzite unit forms the core of an antiform. P-velocities fluctuate the most in the northern SPZ with Flysch group units exhibiting high velocities (>5.25 km/s) and VSC group bodies showing intermediate velocities (~5 km/s). Low VP/VS-ratios (~1.8) computed for the southern profile part are interpreted as less deformed Flysch-group units, whereas high VP/VS-ratios (~1.9) indicate fractured units.
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Optical Characterization and Energy Simulation of Glazing for High-Performance Windows / Optisk karakterisering och energisimulering av smarta fönsterJonsson, Andreas January 2009 (has links)
This thesis focuses on one important component of the energy system - the window. Windows are installed in buildings mainly to create visual contact with the surroundings and to let in daylight, and should also be heat and sound insulating. This thesis covers four important aspects of windows: antireflection and switchable coatings, energy simulations and optical measurements. Energy simulations have been used to compare different windows and also to estimate the performance of smart or switchable windows, whose transmittance can be regulated. The results from this thesis show the potential of the emerging technology of smart windows, not only from a daylight and an energy perspective, but also for comfort and well-being. The importance of a well functioning control system for such windows, is pointed out. To fulfill all requirements of modern windows, they often have two or more panes. Each glass surface leads to reflection of light and therefore less daylight is transmitted. It is therefore of interest to find ways to increase the transmittance. In this thesis antireflection coatings, similar to those found on eye-glasses and LCD screens, have been investigated. For large area applications such as windows, it is necessary to use techniques which can easily be adapted to large scale manufacturing at low cost. Such a technique is dip-coating in a sol-gel of porous silica. Antireflection coatings have been deposited on glass and plastic materials to study both visual and energy performance and it has been shown that antireflection coatings increase the transmittance of windows without negatively affecting the thermal insulation and the energy efficiency. Optical measurements are important for quantifying product properties for comparisons and evaluations. It is important that new measurement routines are simple and applicable to standard commercial instruments. Different systematic error sources for optical measurements of patterned light diffusing samples using spectrophotometers with integrating spheres have been investigated and some suggestions are made for how to avoid such errors.
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Voltage Source Converters with Energy Storage CapabilityXie, Hailian January 2006 (has links)
<p>This project deals with voltage source converters with energy storage capability. The main objective is to study the possible benefits of energy storage to a power system with a VSC as the interface between them.</p><p>First of all, a converter control system is proposed for a two level VSC. In the conventional converter control, the control system usually takes the voltage measured at the point where the converter is connected and calculates the reference voltage for the converter; with a modulation system the converter then produces the required 'average voltage'. In this project, a novel flux modulation scheme, combined with the deadbeat current control strategy, is proposed. The current controller is capable of controlling both positive and negative sequence current components. With flux modulation, the control system measures the bus flux and commands the converter to generate the required flux.</p><p>Based on the proposed control strategies, several application studies have been carried out.</p><p>The first application study investigates the effect of energy storage on the power quality at the point of common coupling when a system is subject to load disturbances. The voltage at PCC in a weak network is very sensitive to load changes. A sudden change in active load will cause both a phase jump and a magnitude fluctuation in the bus voltage, whereas reactive load changes mainly affect the voltage magnitude. With the addition of energy storage to a StatCom, it is possible to compensate for the active power change as well as providing reactive power support. In this thesis, some effective active power compensation schemes are proposed. Simulations and experiments have been performed to verify the compensation schemes. The results show that a StatCom with energy storage can significantly reduce phase jumps and magnitude deviations of the bus voltage.</p><p>pact of the energy storage on the performance of weak systems under fault conditions has been investigated. The investigation was done by studying an example system. The system model was established based on a real system, in which some induction motors driving pumps along a pipeline are fed from a radial transmission line. Studies show that for a weak system with induction motor loads, a StatCom with certain energy storage capacity will effectively improve the system recovery after faults. Although this incurs extra cost for the increasing dc voltage rating and size of the dc side capacitor, the overall rating of the converter can be reduced by utilization of the proposed active power compensation scheme.</p><p>The last case study investigates the possible use of a StatCom with energy storage to improve the power quality at the point of common coupling where a cyclic load is connected. Studies show that by providing both fast reactive and fast active power support to the network, not only the voltage magnitude can be well controlled, but also the voltage phase jump can be reduced significantly.</p>
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