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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La emergente irrupción de la representación paterna en el discurso publicitario de Samsung / The emerging irrupction of parental representation in Samsung's advertising speech

Morales Vivanco, Verónica 19 August 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se enfoca en las representaciones paternas en el discurso narrativo de spots publicitarios de Samsung, específicamente, de Conéctate con lo que más amás a través de un Smart TV y Feliz Día del Padre. Se selecciona que la publicidad está acogiendo las concepciones de la paternidad que están emergiendo en la sociedad a partir de los cambios en la masculinidad del hombre. Aquella irrupción de la nueva figura paterna se debe a condicionamientos internos y externos de la persona, cuyas descripciones nos hace reconocer que existen varias representaciones de la paternidad. El objetivo general de esta investigación es analizar el cambio de las representaciones paternas según las distintas masculinidades en el discurso publicitario de spots de la marca Samsung. Para ello, se buscará alcanzar por medio de la metodología cualitativa para comprender el fenómeno de la representación paterna a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas como técnica de campo, de 15 a 20 padres de familia de 25 a 39 años, pertenecientes al nivel socioconómico B/C de los diferentes distritos de Lima Centro, utilizando como herramienta una guía adaptada de la matriz de Construcción y validación del Cuestionario de Sensibilidad Paterna. / This research focuses on paternal representations in the narrative discourse of Samsung commercials, specifically, of Connect with what you love most through a Smart TV and Happy Father's Day. It is selected that advertising is welcoming the conceptions of fatherhood that are emerging in society from the changes in men's masculinity. That irruption of the new father figure is due to internal and external conditioning of the person, whose descriptions make us recognize that there are several representations of fatherhood. The general objective of this research is to analyze the change in paternal representations according to the different masculinities in the advertising discourse of Samsung brand spots. For this, it will be sought to reach through qualitative methodology to understand the phenomenon of paternal representation through semi-structured interviews as a field technique, from 15 to 20 parents from 25 to 39 years old, belonging to the socio-economic level B / C of the different districts of Central Lima, using as a tool an adapted guide from the Construction and validation matrix of the Paternal Sensitivity Questionnaire.

Aproximación y análisis semiótico del consumo e hiperconsumo en el discurso publicitario / Approximation and semiotic analysis of consumption and hyperconsumption in advertising discourse

Yalán Dongo, Eduardo Enrique 24 April 2019 (has links)
La presente es una investigación y aplicación metodológica que tiene como objetivo general el estudio del discurso publicitario peruano contemporáneo asociado a relaciones sociales de la sociedad de consumo. El tema se encargará de mostrar, exponer y estudiar las diferencias discursivas y narrativas entre los nuevos modos de producción publicitaria (propios del hiperconsumismo) y los modos “tradicionales” publicitarios (propios de la sociedad de consumo) mediante el estudio semiótico de las campañas de Inca Kola (motor y motivo) & BCP (decisiones de la vida) en el Perú del año 2011 como representantes de tales discursos. La investigación considera el estudio de las relaciones discontinuas del consumo como principal factor que determina la significación de la publicidad. Partiendo de esta primera noción y adoptando la tesis de una figura ternaria de la sociedad de consumo (la fase 1 (1880-1945), la fase 2 (1950-1985) y la fase 3 (1985 - ¿?)), es que se relacionará por tanto a la fase 1 y 2 con la llamada “publicidad tradicional” y la fase 3 con la “publicidad no tradicional” o hiperpublicidad. Estos tres tipos de discurso no se eliminan, sino que conviven y funcionan en la comunicación contemporánea adecuándose a los códigos sociales logrando modular su sentido. La investigación sustenta, partiendo de esta discontinuidad o cambio en las prácticas de consumo, que se han suscitado modificaciones en la comunicación publicitaria actual ocasionando que la narrativa y discurso de la publicidad tradicional produzca lecturas y sentidos contrarios o tangenciales respecto a dicha comunicación publicitaria. / This is a research and methodological application that has as a general objective the study of contemporary Peruvian advertising discourse associated with social relations of the consumer society. The theme will be responsible for showing, exposing and studying the discursive and narrative differences between the new modes of advertising production (typical of hyper-consumerism) and the "traditional" advertising modes (typical of the consumer society) through the semiotic study of advertising campaigns Inca Kola (motor and motive) & BCP (life decisions) in Peru in 2011 as representatives of such speeches. The investigation considers the study of the discontinuous relations of consumption as the main factor that determines the significance of advertising. Starting from this first notion and adopting the thesis of a ternary figure of the consumer society, namely phase 1 (1880-1945), phase 2 (1950-1985) and phase 3 (1985 -?). Is which will therefore relate to phase 1 and 2 with the so-called "traditional advertising" and phase 3 with "non-traditional advertising" or hyper-advertising. These three types of discourse are not eliminated, but they coexist and function in contemporary communication, adapting to the codes and social foundations and modulating their meaning. The research is based on this discontinuity or change in consumer practices that have led to changes in the current advertising communication causing the narrative and discourse of traditional advertising to produce readings and contrary or tangential views regarding such advertising communication. / Tesis

Discurso da publicidade: argumentação e retórica

Anholeto, Ester 02 August 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:45:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ester Anholeto.pdf: 3639738 bytes, checksum: 2b02761df1a69150f87d38cd20516f9b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-08-02 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / A partir del principio de que todo discurso tiene algo de argumentativo y que no existe neutralidad en ningún texto, principalmente si el texto pertenece a un género marcadamente persuasivo, el objetivo de este estudio es averiguar las estrategias de la retórica de la persuasión en dos anuncios publicitarios en video que circularon en el medio televisivo. Uno es de la empresa Casas Bahia y otro, del Shopping Pátio Higienópolis. Trataremos de demostrar que tanto el lenguaje verbal como el uso de otros lenguajes, como el visual y el sonoro, contribuyen a que se logre la persuasión: en primer lugar porque el carácter del lenguaje ya es el de una manifestación impregnada de intencionalidad y, en segundo, porque es propio del género elegido ser persuasivo, dado que su objetivo principal es llevar al espectador a comprar el producto. / Partindo do princípio de que todo discurso tem algo de argumentativo e que não existe neutralidade em nenhum texto, ainda mais se esse texto pertence a um gênero marcadamente feito para persuadir, este estudo tem por objetivo verificar as estratégias da retórica da persuasão em dois anúncios publicitários em vídeo que circularam na mídia televisiva, um da empresa Casas Bahia e um do Shopping Pátio Higienópolis. Pretendemos mostrar que não só a linguagem verbal, mas também o uso de outras linguagens, como a visual e a sonora, contribuem para que se chegue à persuasão, primeiramente porque o caráter da linguagem já é o de uma manifestação impregnada de intencionalidade, e também, porque é próprio do gênero escolhido ser persuasivo, visto que sua finalidade maior é a de levar o espectador a comprar.


MARCELO SIQUEIRA MAIA V MOCARZEL 18 December 2017 (has links)
[pt] Nesta tese, partimos de uma suspeita inicial: a Educação Superior privada brasileira passou por importantes transformações, adentrando, a partir dos anos 1990, na lógica da mercantilização, convertendo-se em objeto de consumo. Para tanto, fez uso das representações da juventude enquanto categoria social. A partir de meados dos anos 2000, a lógica de consumo se intensifica e a Educação Superior privada passa por um processo de financeirização, que estamos vivendo na atualidade. A partir da publicidade de instituições de Educação Superior, fazendo uso da Análise de Discurso como método de pesquisa, buscamos comprovar esta hipótese, analisada sob um viés semiótico. Assim, escolhemos a juventude dentre diversos outros objetos possíveis como categoria analítica, uma vez que se trata da faixa etária prioritariamente idealizada como público-alvo pela Educação Superior, seja ele público ou privado. Essa mesma juventude serviu como elemento de distinção para a publicidade. Existe uma publicidade anterior a essa estética hegemônica da juventude e uma publicidade que é consequência desse domínio, que começou na segunda metade do século XX e se estende até os dias de hoje. Acreditamos que foi a publicidade, acompanhando transformações mercadológicas, que começou a estimular a competição entre as instituições, a estabelecer padrões de consumo da educação muito próximos aos padrões de consumo de bens e serviços. Como conclusões, identificamos que quanto maior o processo de financeirização, menos a juventude aparece como personagem das peças. Esse desaparecimento da juventude marca uma passagem simbólica entre dois tipos de Ensino Superior. / [en] We started this thesis from an initial suspicion: Brazilian Private Higher Education has undergone important transformations, entering into the logic of commodification and becoming an object of consumption during the 1990s. In order to do so, it made use of representations of youth as a social category. From the mid-2000s, the logic of consumption intensifies and Private Higher Education goes through a process of financialization, which we are experiencing until today. We seek to prove this hypothesis through the examination of Higher Education institutions advertisements from a semiotic approach, using Discourse Analysis as a research method. Thus, among several possible objects, we have chosen youth as our analytical category, since it is the age group primarily idealized by Higher Education, whether public or private, as its target audience. This very same youth served as an element of distinction for advertising. There is a publicity prior to this hegemonic aesthetic of youth and a publicity that is the consequence of this domination, which began in the second half of the twentieth century and extends to the present day. We believe that it was advertising, following market transformations, that began to stimulate competition among institutions to establish education consumption patterns very similar to the patterns of consumption of goods and services. We have drawn conclusions that identified that the greater the process of financialization, the lesser youth appears as a character in the ads. This disappearance of youth indicates a symbolic passage through two types of Higher Education.

El cambio de percepción en los millennials de Lima Metropolitana tras la inclusión de género en el discurso publicitario en el año 2019: Caso Pilsen Callao, “Amistad sin diferencias“ / The change of perception in millennials of Metropolitan Lima after the inclusion of gender in advertising speech in 2019:  Case Pilsen Callao “Amistad sin diferencias”

Gaspar Pereyra, Mariana 24 November 2020 (has links)
Actualmente, vivimos ante una sociedad sumamente cambiante y junto a ello evoluciona el mercado y la comunicación, ante este cambio, las marcas se ven en la necesidad de buscar nuevas formas de llegar a su consumidor y sobre todo diferenciarse del resto, es por lo cual la marca cervecera Pilsen Callao revolucionó los parámetros establecidos por una industria estereotipada, presentando inclusión de género en sus campaña , desechando la idea que la cerveza es de consumo masculino y al mismo tiempo, desechando las ideas misóginas de la sociedad. La investigación a realizar será de carácter cualitativo, en la cual se estudiará el cambio de la percepción de millenials ante la marca, tras la transformación del discurso publicitario de la misma, se realizarán entrevistas y focus con la finalidad de determinar la nueva percepción de los consumidores ante la marca. / Today, we live with a society extremely changing and along with it the market and the communication evolves, before this change, the brands are in the need to look for new ways to reach their consumer and above all to differentiate themselves from the rest, is why the brewery brand Pilsen Callao revolutionized the parameters established by a stereotyped industry, presenting gender inclusion in its campaign , discarding the idea that beer is for male consumption and at the same time, discarding the misogynistic ideas of society. The research to be carried out will be of qualitative character, in which the change of the perception of millennials before the brand will be studied, after the transformation of the advertising discourse of the same, interviews and focus will be conducted in order to determine consumers' new perception of the brand. / Trabajo de investigación

Coherencia entre los elementos visuales del discurso publicitario y el discurso postfeminista / Coherence between the visual elements of the advertising discourse and the postfeminist discourse

Betancourt Paredes, Olenka Massiel 13 September 2020 (has links)
El rol de la mujer en la sociedad está cambiando paulatinamente, idea que toma fuerza cada vez más en redes sociales como Instagram. Frente a esto, algunas marcas se han visto motivadas a adoptar discursos postfeministas en sus discursos publicitarios, incorporando elementos como el empoderamiento femenino. Para que esta adopción sea coherente, es decir, que no genere ambigüedad en el mensaje ni una imagen incongruente, debe existir una estrecha relación entre los componentes visuales en las ejecuciones comunicacionales y los rasgos de las manifestaciones sociales postfeministas que se quiere incluir en la marca, resultando: esto supone un gran reto para las marcas. El presente trabajo analizará los elementos visuales de los posts de Instagram en el año 2019 aplicados al discurso publicitario de la marca Sicurezza para identificar aquellos que sean coherentes con el discurso postfeminista. Para ello, se utilizará una técnica de análisis semiótico basado en los aportes del semiólogo Landowski. / The role of women in society is gradually changing, an idea that is gaining strength more and more in social networks such as Instagram. Faced with this, some brands have been motivated to adopt post-feminist discourses in their advertising speeches, incorporating elements such as female empowerment. For this adoption to be coherent, that is, it does not generate ambiguity in the message or an incongruous image, there must be a close relationship between the visual components in communicational executions and the features of the post-feminist social manifestations that we want to include in the brand: this results a great challenge for brands. This work will analyze the visual elements of the Instagram posts in 2019 applied to the advertising discourse of Sicurezza to identify those that are consistent with the post-feminist discourse. To do this, a semiotic analysis technique based on the contributions of the semiologist Landowski will be used. / Trabajo de investigación

Efectos del colorismo en la representación de las mujeres de raza no blanca en la publicidad de belleza y cuidado de piel en el público femenino de 20 a 35 años

Montero Granados, Beatriz Ditássia 03 July 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo explora qué genera el colorismo en la publicidad mediante la representación de las mujeres de raza no blanca a partir de la necesidad de crear modelos de belleza difíciles de alcanzar. Este tema se aborda desde los conceptos básicos como de lo que es racismo y colorismo a fin de conocer cómo estas están relacionadas con el ámbito publicitario pues, de esta manera, se reforzaría la importancia de estudiar el colorismo en la publicidad, dado que permite identificar cómo es que a partir de esto las marcas representan a las mujeres. Para ello, se propone la aplicación de la metodología cualitativa y mediante la técnica de entrevistas, y el caso que complementará esta investigación es Fenty Beauty con su campaña de lanzamiento del 2017 mediante el cual se analizará cómo se manifiestan los estándares de belleza en el discurso publicitario y representaciones publicitarias / This work explores what colorism generates in advertising through the representation of non-white women based on the need to create difficult-to-reach models of beauty. This topic is approached from the basic concepts such as what is racism and colorism in order to know how these are related to the advertising field since, in this way, the importance of studying colorism in advertising would be reinforced, due to its allowance to identify how is it that brands represent women from this point of view. To do so, the application of qualitative methodology and the interview technique is proposed, and the case that will complement this research is Fenty Beauty and its 2017 releasing campaign through which will be analyzed how beauty standards are manifested in advertising discourse and advertising representations. / Trabajo de investigación

La persuasión del discurso publicitario en el empaque y etiquetado de productos en un mercado saturado / The persuasion of the advertising discourse in the packaging and labeling of products in a saturated market

García Gallo, Paola Andrea 17 November 2019 (has links)
El uso del empaque y/o etiquetado en estos últimos años se ha convertido en algo más que un objeto que protege el producto, ya que ha pasado de ser una parte importante del marketing del producto a comunicar el discurso publicitario de una marca. Esto se debe a que, así como “protege lo que vende” también “vende lo que protege” (Varela y Alonso, 2016). Sumándole el hecho de que hoy en día, las marcas viven en un contexto de mercado saturado, la cual se define como un espacio en donde conviven productos similares con empaques y precios similares. Cabe resaltar que dichos productos son denominados como “marca blanca”, los cuales están hechos de la misma calidad, pero a menor precio, de modo que no cuentan con alto costo de publicidad, ya que no necesitan de tano estímulo emocional por parte de sus consumidores al ser productos de consumo masivo y de básica necesidad (Bertomeu y Fortín, 2016). Por ende, en muchos casos el empaque se convierte en su única publicidad (Santa María, 2014). Esto hace conveniente determinar qué característica del empaque le permite a la marca sobresalir de su competencia. Debido a ello, es relevante saber de los elementos que la conforman y cuales son lo más identificados por el consumidor a tal punto que motive su compra (Mohebbi, 2014). El objetivo general de este artículo es analizar la jerarquización de los mensajes que se presenta en el empaquetado y etiquetado del producto. Esto se va a determinar a través de un enfoque cualitativo, por medio de entrevistas personales a profesionales del tema y entrevistas grupales a audiencias, a través de un muestreo por conveniencia. Cabe resaltar que el grupo estará conformado por grupos de hombres y mujeres entre el rango de edad 18 a 25 años, de un nivel socioeconómico A y B de la ciudad de Lima. Es importante mencionar que el empaque estudiado será de la categoría de alimentos conservados, específicamente, las latas de atún. Las marcas estudiadas serán: Mass, Compass y Fanny. Estas son marcas de atunes de baja exposición publicitarias y con los mismos precios en el mercado. Cabe resaltar que posee empaques similares distinguidos por su común color rojo. / The use of packaging and / or labeling in recent years has become more than just an object that protects the product, since it has gone from being an important part of product marketing to communicating the advertising discourse of a brand. This is because, just as it “protects what it sells” it also “sells what it protects” (Varela and Alonso, 2016). In addition to the fact that today, brands live in a saturated market context, which is defined as a space where similar products with similar packaging and prices coexist. It should be noted that these products are called "white label", which are made of the same quality, but at a lower price, so that they do not have a high advertising cost, since they do not need so much emotional stimulation from their customers. consumers as they are products of mass consumption and basic necessity (Bertomeu and Fortín, 2016). Therefore, in many cases the packaging becomes their only advertisement (Santa María, 2014). This makes it convenient to determine what characteristic of the packaging allows the brand to stand out from its competition. Due to this, it is relevant to know about the elements that make it up and which ones are most identified by the consumer to the point that it motivates their purchase (Mohebbi, 2014). The general objective of this article is to analyze the hierarchy of the messages that is presented in the packaging and labeling of the product. This will be determined through a qualitative approach, through personal interviews with professionals on the subject and group interviews with audiences, through convenience sampling. It should be noted that the group will be made up of groups of men and women between the age range 18 to 25 years, of a socioeconomic level A and B of the city of Lima. It is important to mention that the packaging studied will be from the category of preserved foods, specifically, tuna cans. The brands studied will be: Mass, Compass and Fanny. These are brands of tuna with low advertising exposure and with the same prices in the market. It should be noted that it has similar packaging distinguished by its common red color. / Trabajo de investigación

Análisis del uso de la nostalgia en el discurso publicitario de marcas peruanas del 2015 al 2019 / The power of the past : Analysis of the use of nostalgia in advertising narrative of Peruvian brands from 2015 to 2019

Medina Rodríguez, María de Fátima 28 November 2019 (has links)
En una sociedad de consumo tan dinámica como la de hoy, el marketing ya no funciona como herramienta, sino como una actividad obligatoria para toda marca. Cada día surgen estrategias y formas nuevas de aplicarlo para conectar con el consumidor. Actualmente, las decisiones de compra se ven más afectadas por facetas emocionales que antes. Por lo que la publicidad emocional se convierte en una de las herramientas más utilizadas en el rubro empresarial para construir relaciones a largo plazo. En este contexto, los distintos discursos publicitarios emocionales toman relevancia como factores de motivación de las decisiones de compra. En este sentido, el uso de la nostalgia como un discurso emocional alternativo que usa los recuerdos para generar significado y conexión toma protagonismo en los últimos años. La presente investigación analizará el uso de la nostalgia en el discurso publicitario de marcas peruanas entre el 2015 y el 2019. Sección obligatoria en la que el autor o los autores exponen en breves líneas lo esencial del trabajo. / In a dynamic consumer society like today, marketing no longer functions as a tool, but as a mandatory activity for any brand. New strategies and new ways of applying it to connect with the consumer arise every day. Currently, purchasing decisions are more affected by emotional facets than before. So emotional advertising becomes one of the most used tools in the business field to build long-term relationships. In this context, the different emotional advertising discourses take relevance as motivating factors for purchasing decisions. In this sense, the use of nostalgia as an alternative emotional discourse that uses memories to generate meaning and connection takes center stage in recent years. This research will analyze the use of nostalgia in the advertising discourse of Peruvian brands between 2017 and 2019. / Tesis


CARMEN DOLORES BRANCO DO REGO BARROS 01 February 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho investiga como os aspectos da cultura subjetiva das sociedades brasileira e americana evidenciam-se nos respectivos discursos publicitários. Os seus objetivos são: (i) verificar as particularidades no modo de ser, agir, pensar e utilizar os códigos linguísticos dos membros dessas duas culturas, selecionando para esse fim três categorias de análise: razão / emoção, individualismo / coletivismo e proximidade /distanciamento; (ii) contribuir para que as diferenças detectadas sejam compreendidas e respeitadas por todos os envolvidos em situações de comunicação intercultural e (iii) enriquecer a área de ensino/aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, mais especificamente a de português como segunda língua para estrangeiros ( PL2E ), com informações sobre os valores culturais que permeiam as duas sociedades em questão. Para atingir esses fins, a autora recorreu a renomados estudiosos das áreas aqui contempladas, os quais forneceram o arcabouço teórico para fundamentar a pesquisa. Com os dados obtidos a partir da análise de anúncios publicitários, verificou-se que, em relação às três dicotomias trabalhadas, na sociedade brasileira predominam emoção, coletivismo e proximidade nas interações, ao passo que na sociedade americana predominam razão, individualismo e distanciamento, confirmando dessa forma as hipóteses iniciais. A pesquisa municia professores na elaboração de novos materiais didáticos e no aperfeiçoamento de metodologias que contribuam para um ensino mais dinâmico e eficaz de PL2E. / [en] This work investigates how the subjective cultural aspects of Brazilian and American societies are evident in the respective advertisement discourse. Its goals are: (i) verify the particularities in the way of being, behaving, thinking and using the linguistic codes in these two cultures and, in order to reach this goal, three categories of analysis were selected: reason / emotion, individualism / collectivism and proximity / distance; (ii) contribute to make possible that the differences found in the data can be understood and respected by all those who are involved in situations of intercultural communication; and (iii) enrich the area of foreign languages learning/teaching, and more specifically, the area of Portuguese as a second language for foreign students ( PL2E ), with pieces of information about the cultural values which permeate the two societies in evidence. In order to reach these goals, the author of this work used the studies of prominent scholars of the areas of knowledge here mentioned, which gave the theories necessary to support this research. With the data obtained through the analysis of advertisements, it was possible to verify that, according to the three categories selected, in Brazilian society there is predominance of emotion, collectivism and proximity, while in American society there is predominance of reason, individualism and distance, confirming the initial hypothesis. The research helps teachers in the task of preparing new didactic material and in the improvement of methodologies which may contribute to a more dynamic and efficient PL2E learning.

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