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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modernisering av ett 3D-scanningssystem : Utmaningar och lärdomar av ett projekt / Modernizing a 3D Scanning System : Challenges and Lessons Learned

Haavisto, Felix, Henriksson, Henrik, Hätty, Niklas, Jansson, Johan, Petersen, Fabian, Pop, David, Ringdahl, Viktor, Svensson, Sara January 2016 (has links)
Ett styrsystem för 3D-scanning har moderniserats av en projektgrupp på nio personer. Under utvecklingsarbetet följdes en arbetsprocess som liknade vattenfallsmetoden. Arbetsprocessen fungerade bra, bland annat då projektgruppen utnyttjat både tidigare och nya erfarenheter för att förbättra arbetssättet. Systemet som utvecklades ersätter ett tidigare styrsystem baserat på Matlab, men behåller samma grundläggande uppsättning hårdvara. En avståndskamera, en linjärenhet och ett rotationsbord utgör grunden till systemet. Med hjälp av denna hårdvara möjliggör systemet 3D-scanningar av mindre objekt. Styrsystemet är utvecklat med Python och ROS, Robot Operating System. Valet av ROS ledde till en komplex arkitektur på grund av skillnader i systemkrav hos ROS och hårdvarudrivrutiner. Utan dessa systemkrav tros ROS ha varit ett ypperligt val. Den utvecklade arkitekturen jämförs med en alternativ hypotetisk arkitektur, vilken uppvisade lägre komplexitet och större portabilitet. Den är dock inte lika lättanvänd tillsammans med andra ROS-system. Under utvecklingsarbetet har modularitet, vidareutvecklingsbarhet och robusthet varit i fokus. Även om det fullständiga systemet inte är så robust som önskats så anses de ingående modulerna uppvisa en önskad nivå av robusthet. Systemet uppvisar även en hög grad av modularitet. Den utförligt dokumenterade koden tillsammans med de väl separerade modulerna har lett till att systemet bör vara lätt att vidareutveckla.

Conception, modélisation et commande d’une surface de manipulation sans contact à flux d’air induit / Conception, modeling and control of a contactless induced air flow surface

Delettre, Anne 07 December 2011 (has links)
Ce mémoire décrit la conception, la modélisation et la commande d’un manipulateur pneumatique,fondé sur un principe de traction aérodynamique original. De puissants jets d’air verticauxpermettent de créer un flux d’air horizontal pour manipuler des objets sans contact. Les objetssont maintenus en constante lévitation sur la surface grâce à un coussin d’air, et peuvent positionnés selon trois degrés de libert´ du plan, grâce à la combinaison adéquate et distribuéede jets d’air verticaux. Nous détaillons la conception d’un prototype original de manipulateurexploitant ce principe fluidique. Ce prototype a été intégré dans une plate-forme expérimentaleafin de valider le principe de manipulation : le système permet de déplacer des objets à unevitesse atteignant 180 mm/s. Nous avons modélisé le fonctionnement de la surface selon plusieursméthodes. Un premier modèle comportemental, fond´e sur des données expérimentales, aété établi. Il permet de simuler l’´evolution de la position d’un objet sur la surface, selon un degréde liberté . Deux modèles de connaissance, fond´es sur une étude aérodynamique fondamentale,donnent l’´evolution de la position de l’objet selon respectivement deux et trois degrés de libertédu plan. Chacun des modèles a été validé expérimentalement. Nous avons synthétisé différentscontrˆoleurs afin d’asservir la position de l’objet : un premier, de type PID, et un second, de typerobuste (méthode H1). La commande de un, puis deux degrés de liberté du système, a permisd’atteindre de bonnes performances : temps de réponse d’environ 2 s et dépassement souventinférieur à 5%. Nous avons également étudié un micro-manipulateur pneumatique permettant ded´eplacer des objets de taille millimétrique selon deux directions, grâce à des jets d’air inclinés.Ces objets peuvent atteindre des vitesses de 123 mm/s. La résolution du positionnement estinférieure à 0.4 μm. / This thesis presents the design, the modeling and the control of a pneumatic manipulatorbased on an original aerodynamic traction principle. An horizontal air flow is induced by strongvertical air jets in order to manipulate objects without contact. The objects are maintained inconstant levitation on an air cushion. Three degrees of freedom positioning of the objects canbe realized thanks to the right combination of distributed air jets. The design of an originalmanipulator using this aerodynamic principle is detailed. The device has been integrated in anexperimental setup in order to validate the manipulation principle : objects can reach velocityof 180 mm/s. Several models of the system have been established. A first model, based on experimentaldata, gives the evolution of the 1 DOF-position of an object on the device. Twoother models, based on a fundamental aerodynamic study, respectively give the evolution of the2- and 3-DOF position of the objet. The three models have been validated experimentally. Inorder to control the position of the object, different controllers have been designed : a PID oneand a robust H1 one. The control of one and two degrees of freedom of the device gives goodperformances : settling time of around 2 s and overshoot less than 5% in most of the cases. Wehave also studied a micro-manipulator that is able to position millimetric sized objects, in twodirections, thanks to inclined air jets. Objects can reach velocity of 123 mm/s, and the resolutionof the positioning is less than 0.4 μm.

Distansarbete hemifrån : En studie om distribuerat arbete hemifrån på ett IT-företag iÖstersund

Floresten, Jimmy, Owen, Rasmus Unknown Date (has links)
For each passing year, distributed system development hasbecome more and more frequent and due to COVID-19, it nowrequires work to take place in an environment like our home.Previous research mentions communication and decision-makingrelated problems, and how they have been affected by a situationwhen work must be carried from home. Categories made fromthis are described as the social process, use ofinformationtechnologies, the boundry between home and workand information sharing from home which are now in our interestto research.The purpose of this study is therefore to identify critical factorsaffecting distributed system development projects when carriedout from home and to find if communication, decision-makingand collaboration have been affected. The study follows aqualitative research method by interviewing workers from alarger IT-company in Östersund, Sweden (all with differentpositions) where questions are based on previous studies.Results tell us that there’s quite a lot of critical factors affectingdistributed workers from home. Mostly, the negative factors treatthe social process while the positive is flexibility and focus towork assignments. Communication and decision-making shownext to no changes but are affected mostly by chat. Collaborationhas not been affected as much as one might think because ofprevious experience and the use of informationtechnologieswithin distributed teams are mostly optimized for a situation inwhich we now are present. / Distribuerad systemutveckling har blivit mer aktuellt för varje årsom går och på grund av COVID-19 måste arbete nu ske hemifråndå social distansering är utfärdad på global skala. Tidigareforskning nämner kunskapsluckor inom kommunikation ochbeslutsfattande, samt hur de påverkats av en situation där arbetetvingats ske hemifrån. Hur den sociala processen, användningenav IT-verktyg, gränsen mellan hemma och arbete samtinformationsdelning hemifrån påverkats av denna omställning ärdärför några kategorier utifrån teorin som är intressanta attstudera.Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera kritiska faktorer dåarbete måste ske hemifrån i distribueradesystemutvecklingsprojekt samt att ta reda på hur kommunikation, beslutsfattande och samarbete har påverkats. Detta gjordesgenom en kvalitativ studie som behandlades av intervjuergrundade på tidigare forskning. Studien genomfördes medrespondenter från ett större IT-företag i Östersund där de somintervjuades hade olika roller i verksamheten.Resultatet visar att det finns en hel del kritiska faktorer då arbetemåste ske hemifrån i distribuerade systemutvecklingsprojekt. Demest negativa faktorerna kunde kopplas till den sociala processenoch de mest positiva faktorerna behandlade flexibiliteten ocharbetskoncentration. Kommunikation och beslutsfattande visardäremot inte några större förändringar men påverkas främst avchatt. Samarbete har inte heller sett än större förändring då deIT-verktyg som används inom distribuerade team är optimeradeför en situation som vi nu befinner oss vid och en vana finnssedan tidigare.

Analýza současných cloudových řešení / The analysis of modern cloud solutions

Kis, Matej January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes existing cloud storage systems. Description of the prerequisites of developing cloud and distributed systems are presented. Current storage systems such as Dropbox, iCloud and Google drive are described. Description is mainly focused on the resources of both protocols and derive a conclusion for the use in the cloud storage systems. The practical part of this work is focused on creating two labs, what will be implemented in the teaching syllabus of Projecting, Administration and Security of Computer Networks subject. The first of the labs is focused on the implementation of own cloud services. In the last lab students attention will concentrate on interception of communication secured with SSL protocol.

Návrh distribuovaného systému pro zpracování školní matriky ZŠ, SŠ, VOŠ / Distributed System for School Register of Basic and Secondary Schools

Martiš, Viktor Unknown Date (has links)
One of the software success condition on the software market is permanent development to keep in condition with actual technical tools. That is the reason why SAS software is searching for a way how to fulfil customer's requirements better. The change to the distributed system architecture brings new opportunities and sets up competitive advantage for SAS concurrently. The subject of this thesis is to create the design of movement to the distributed system. The main reason is to make analysis, design and partial implementation meeting functional requirements of the new architecture.

Optimalizace distribuovaného kolektoru síťových toků / Optimization of Distributed Network Flow Collector

Wrona, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the optimization of distributed IP flow information collector. Nowadays, the centralized collector is a frequently used solution but is already reaching its performance limits in large scale and high-speed networks. The implementation of the distributed collector is in its early phase and it is necessary to look for solutions that will use it to its full potential. Therefore this thesis proposes a shared nothing architecture without a single point of failure. Using the above proposed architecture, the distributed collector is tolerant to the failure of at least one node. A distributed flow data analysis software, whose performance scales linearly with the number of nodes, is also part of this thesis.

Virtuální prostředí přístupu k uzlům v PlanetLab / Virtual Access to Nodes in PlanetLab

Fic, Jiří January 2008 (has links)
PlanetLab as a distributed systems testbed offers a unique opportunity for developing and testing new applications useful for future Internet. This work brings up a scheme and a solution of the problem with accessing PlanetLab by a larger group of students e.g. for the purpose of solving their courseworks. A designed system empowers its administrator to create and control virtual user accounts which provide possibility for all its users to connect to selected nodes in the PlanetLab.

Att koordinera distribuerade IT-projekt med stöd av informations- och kommunikationsteknik : En fallstudie på IFS World Operations AB / Coordinating distributed IT-projects using information and communication technology : A case study at IFS World Operations AB

Löfstedt, Truls, Jonsson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
IT-system utvecklas idag ofta i globalt distribuerade organisationer. Detta görs för att möta de krav som ställs från omgivningen samt för att finna specialkompetens. En global organisation kan medföra distribuerat arbete, alltså att utvecklingsgrupper sprids över flera platser. Ett problem med detta kan vara att få alla delar av verksamheten att arbeta mot ett gemensamt mål. Koordination – att hantera beroenden mellan element i komplexa organisationer för att möjliggöra effektivt arbete mot ett gemensamt mål – blir då en viktig aktivitet. Att kommunicera över distans i den takt organisationen kräver är en omöjlighet utan att implementera informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) – digitala verktyg med fokus på kommunikation och spridandet av information. Vi vill i denna uppsats undersöka hur koordination sker i distribuerade IT-projekt, samt vilken roll IKT-stöd har vid koordination av distribuerade IT-projekt. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra med kunskap gällande användandet av IKT-stöd för koordination i distribuerade IT- projekt. Vi genomför denna kvalitativa fallstudie hos IFS World Operations AB – en global affärssystemsleverantör. Data har samlats in genom intervjuer med personer i olika roller inom det undersökta it projektet. Vi har ställt de empiriska resultaten i relation till teorier inom områden som koordination, IT-projekt samt IKT. Våra resultat visar att koordination i agila, distribuerade IT-projekt sker på två nivåer; strategisk samt operationell koordination. Dessa syftar att uppnå mål på olika nivåer. Vi har också kunnat dela in koordinationshandlingar i tre typer utvecklade från teori och observationer; ömsesidig anpassning, framväxande standardisering och organisationsförvaltning. Vi kan även sluta oss till att IKT-stöd främst förhåller sig till koordination på tre sätt i ett distribuerat IT-projekt; möjliggörande, medierande samt begränsande. Med stöd av de ovan presenterade resultaten har vi tagit fram faktorer vi funnit påverka möjligheten att koordinera IT-projekt. Dessa är; gruppdynamik, graden av distribution, fasta utvecklingsgrupper, utveckla teknik tillsammans med organisation samt standardiserade kommunikationskanaler. / Information systems are often developed in globally distributed organizations. Many times the reason for being distributed is to meet requirements and demands from the organizations surrounding and to acquire a specialized set of skills. Global organizations may choose to work distributed, which means that development teams are spread out over multiple locations. This can create problems; how do you make all parts of the organization work together towards a common goal? Thus, coordination – The management of interdependent elements in a complex organization so as to enable them to work together effectively toward a specific goal – becomes important. Long distance communication using information and communication technology (ICT) – digital tools with the purpose of endorsing communication and knowledge – is required to coordinate between locations. In this thesis we examine how coordination is performed in distributed IT-projects. We will also address the role that information and communications technology plays in coordination of these projects. The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge in the area of using ICT tools for coordinating distributed IT-projects. This qualitative case study was conducted in cooperation with IFS World Operations AB – a global provider of an Enterprise Resource Planning system. Our empirical data has been collected using five interviews, all with different types of roles from within IT-projects. The data has then been put in relation to theories concerning coordination, IT-projects and ICT. Our findings show coordination in distributed, agile software development projects is working on two levels; strategic and operational coordination. The difference lies with the motivation to complete goals on different levels of the organization. We can also conclude that there are three different kinds of means to carry out coordination; Mutual Adjustment, Emerging standardization and organizational management. Concerning the role of ICT in the coordination of distributed IT-projects we have found it to be threefold; enabling, mediating and limiting. Based on these findings we conclude this study by presenting five factors that influence the ability to coordinate distributed IT-projects. These are: group dynamics, level of distribution, fixed development teams, parallel development of technology and organization and standardized communication channels.

A Framework for Interoperability on the United States Electric Grid Infrastructure

Laval, Stuart 01 January 2015 (has links)
Historically, the United States (US) electric grid has been a stable one-way power delivery infrastructure that supplies centrally-generated electricity to its predictably consuming demand. However, the US electric grid is now undergoing a huge transformation from a simple and static system to a complex and dynamic network, which is starting to interconnect intermittent distributed energy resources (DERs), portable electric vehicles (EVs), and load-altering home automation devices, that create bidirectional power flow or stochastic load behavior. In order for this grid of the future to effectively embrace the high penetration of these disruptive and fast-responding digital technologies without compromising its safety, reliability, and affordability, plug-and-play interoperability within the field area network must be enabled between operational technology (OT), information technology (IT), and telecommunication assets in order to seamlessly and securely integrate into the electric utility's operations and planning systems in a modular, flexible, and scalable fashion. This research proposes a potential approach to simplifying the translation and contextualization of operational data on the electric grid without being routed to the utility datacenter for a control decision. This methodology integrates modern software technology from other industries, along with utility industry-standard semantic models, to overcome information siloes and enable interoperability. By leveraging industrial engineering tools, a framework is also developed to help devise a reference architecture and use-case application process that is applied and validated at a US electric utility.

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